# ## Get a test case to see if this is the first run or a repeat run
# ## If it's a first run you need to do a full index including all transactions
# ## tx index creates an index of every single transaction in the block history if
# ## not specified it will only create an index for transactions that are related to the wallet or have unspent outputs.
# ## This is specific to chainquery.
# ## Ensure perms are correct prior to running main binary
# chown -R 1000:1000 /data
# chmod -R 755 /data
# chown -R 1000:1000 /etc/lbrycrdd
# chmod -R 755 /etc/lbrycrdd
# rm -f /var/run/lbrycrdd.pid
# ## For now keeping this simple. Potentially eventually add all command args as envvars for the Dockerfile or use safe way to add args via docker-compose.yml
## For now keeping this simple. Potentially eventually add all command args as envvars for the Dockerfile or use safe way to add args via docker-compose.yml