Merge branch 'master' of
Starting on a .travis.yml but may be unnecessary
Renamed and lbrynet-daemon to reflect their upstream repos.
Disabled Adminer
Started debug for chainquery container.
Get latest release tagged url from github API
remove maybe?
debugging curl
explicit unzip
Adding -o for unzip
simplified, removed debug and fixed curl
reverted to original unzip function
Pull chainquery from prep container
passing alternative config path
Aligned config path location with linux spec
updated config location
maybe don't be as explicit
adding debug for chainqueryconfig.toml
Fixes magicless chainquery and starts on bootstrap
added chainquery/.gitignore to ignore large blobs.
fixed Dockerfile up to use staged prep and production
removed as we have needed modification to pull config from the right location in the linux FS
Added chainquery/.dockerignore to prevent extremely long build times in the future
Removed fancy bash vars in chainquery/.env
Started work on getting ready for release.
Switch to lbrynet network
Switched network name to lbrynet
Merge branch 'leopere' of into leopere
Remove debugging access port bind
Expose chainquery to the internet
Merge branch 'leopere' of into leopere
Removed now unnecessary run command
Cleanup and commenting on environment variables
Start getting ready for adding chainquery magic
Quick update
The idea here is when the container runs it will check the /app/
directory for anything and only copy things that aren't there already.
I might utilize rsync for this process as it'd apply more reliable magic
than I want to code or maintain.