Collections #383
@ -4580,7 +4580,8 @@ const getTimestamp = () => {
return Math.floor( / 1000);
// maybe take items param
const FETCH_BATCH_SIZE = 10;
const doLocalCollectionCreate = (name, collectionItems, type, sourceId) => dispatch => {
return dispatch({
@ -4633,11 +4634,26 @@ const doCollectionDelete = (id, colKey = undefined) => dispatch => {
const doFetchItemsInCollections = (resolveItemsOptions, resolveStartedCallback) => (() => {
var _ref = _asyncToGenerator$2(function* (dispatch, getState) {
let resolveCollectionItems = (() => {
var _ref2 = _asyncToGenerator$2(function* (claimId, totalItems, pageSize) {
let fetchItemsForCollectionClaim = (() => {
var _ref2 = _asyncToGenerator$2(function* (claim, pageSize) {
// take [ {}, {} ], return {}
// only need items [ Claim... ] and total_items
const mergeResults = function (arrayOfResults) {
// only need items [ url... ] and total_items
const totalItems = &&;
const claimId = claim.claim_id;
const itemOrder =;
const sortResults = function (results, claimList) {
const newResults = [];
claimList.forEach(function (id) {
const item = results.pop(function (i) {
return i.claim_id === id;
if (item) newResults.push(item);
return newResults;
const mergeBatches = function (arrayOfResults, claimList) {
const mergedResults = {
items: [],
total_items: 0
@ -4646,35 +4662,42 @@ const doFetchItemsInCollections = (resolveItemsOptions, resolveStartedCallback)
mergedResults.items = mergedResults.items.concat(result.items);
mergedResults.total_items = result.total_items;
mergedResults.items = sortResults(mergedResults.items, claimList);
return mergedResults;
try {
const BATCH_SIZE = 10; // up batch size when sdk bug fixed
// sdk had a strange bug that would only return so many, so this had to be batched.
// otherwise large lists of, ~500 channels for a homepage category failed
const batchSize = pageSize || FETCH_BATCH_SIZE;
const batches = [];
let fetchResult;
if (!pageSize) {
// batch all
for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(totalItems / BATCH_SIZE); i++) {
batches[i] = lbryProxy.collection_resolve({
// this was `collection_resolve` which returns claims for collection in order
// however, this fails when a claim is pending. :/
for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(totalItems / batchSize); i++) {
batches[i] = Lbry.collection_resolve({
claim_id: claimId,
page: i + 1,
page_size: BATCH_SIZE
page_size: batchSize,
const resultArray = yield Promise.all(batches);
fetchResult = mergeResults(resultArray);
} else {
fetchResult = yield lbryProxy.collection_resolve({
claim_id: claimId,
page: 1,
page_size: pageSize
for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(totalItems / batchSize); i++) {
batches[i] = lbryProxy.claim_search({
page: i + 1,
page_size: batchSize
const itemsInBatches = yield Promise.all(batches);
const result = mergeBatches(itemsInBatches, itemOrder);
// $FlowFixMe
const itemsById = { claimId: claimId };
if (fetchResult.items) {
itemsById.items = fetchResult.items;
if (result.items) {
itemsById.items = result.items;
} else {
itemsById.items = null;
@ -4687,15 +4710,19 @@ const doFetchItemsInCollections = (resolveItemsOptions, resolveStartedCallback)
return function resolveCollectionItems(_x3, _x4, _x5) {
return function fetchItemsForCollectionClaim(_x3, _x4) {
return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);
1) make sure all the collection claims are loaded into claims reducer, search/resolve if necessary.
2) get the item claims for each
3) format and make sure they're in the order as in the claim
4) Build the collection objects and update collections reducer
5) Update redux claims reducer
let state = getState();
// for each collection id,
// make sure the collection is resolved, the items are resolved, and build the collection objects
const { collectionIds, pageSize } = resolveItemsOptions;
@ -4708,33 +4735,15 @@ const doFetchItemsInCollections = (resolveItemsOptions, resolveStartedCallback)
const collectionIdsToSearch = collectionIds.filter(function (claimId) {
return ![claimId];
if (collectionIdsToSearch.length) {
let claimSearchOptions = { claim_ids: collectionIdsToSearch, page: 1, page_size: 9999 };
yield dispatch(doClaimSearch(claimSearchOptions));
yield dispatch(doClaimSearch({ claim_ids: collectionIdsToSearch, page: 1, page_size: 9999 }));
const invalidCollectionIds = [];
const stateAfterClaimSearch = getState();
const promises = [];
collectionIds.forEach(function (collectionId) {
const claim = makeSelectClaimForClaimId(collectionId)(stateAfterClaimSearch);
if (!claim) {
} else {
const claimCount = &&;
if (pageSize) {
promises.push(resolveCollectionItems(collectionId, claimCount, pageSize));
} else {
promises.push(resolveCollectionItems(collectionId, claimCount));
// $FlowFixMe
const resolvedCollectionItemsById = yield Promise.all(promises);
function processClaims(resultClaimsByUri) {
const processedClaims = {};
function formatForClaimActions(resultClaimsByUri) {
const formattedClaims = {};
Object.entries(resultClaimsByUri).forEach(([uri, uriResolveInfo]) => {
// Flow has terrible Object.entries support
@ -4745,6 +4754,8 @@ const doFetchItemsInCollections = (resolveItemsOptions, resolveStartedCallback)
// $FlowFixMe
result.claimsInChannel = uriResolveInfo.meta.claims_in_channel;
} else if (uriResolveInfo.value_type === 'collection') {
result.collection = uriResolveInfo;
} else {
|||| = uriResolveInfo;
if (uriResolveInfo.signing_channel) {
@ -4753,15 +4764,29 @@ const doFetchItemsInCollections = (resolveItemsOptions, resolveStartedCallback)
// $FlowFixMe
processedClaims[uri] = result;
formattedClaims[uri] = result;
return processedClaims;
return formattedClaims;
const newCollectionItemsById = {};
const flatResolvedCollectionItems = {};
resolvedCollectionItemsById.forEach(function (entry) {
const invalidCollectionIds = [];
const promisedCollectionItemFetches = [];
collectionIds.forEach(function (collectionId) {
const claim = makeSelectClaimForClaimId(collectionId)(stateAfterClaimSearch);
if (!claim) {
} else {
promisedCollectionItemFetches.push(fetchItemsForCollectionClaim(claim, pageSize));
// $FlowFixMe
const collectionItemsById = yield Promise.all(promisedCollectionItemFetches);
const newCollectionObjectsById = {};
const resolvedItemsByUrl = {};
collectionItemsById.forEach(function (entry) {
// $FlowFixMe
const collectionItems = entry.items;
const collectionId = entry.claimId;
@ -4774,27 +4799,31 @@ const doFetchItemsInCollections = (resolveItemsOptions, resolveStartedCallback)
const valueTypes = new Set();
const streamTypes = new Set();
let items = [];
let newItems = [];
let isPlaylist;
if (collectionItems) {
collectionItems.forEach(function (collectionItem) {
// here's where we would just items.push(collectionItem.permanent_url
if (collectionItem.value.stream_type) {
flatResolvedCollectionItems[collectionItem.canonical_url] = collectionItem;
resolvedItemsByUrl[collectionItem.canonical_url] = collectionItem;
const isPlaylist = valueTypes.size === 1 && valueTypes.has('stream') && (streamTypes.size === 1 && (streamTypes.has('audio') || streamTypes.has('video')) || streamTypes.size === 2 && streamTypes.has('audio') && streamTypes.has('video'));
isPlaylist = valueTypes.size === 1 && valueTypes.has('stream') && (streamTypes.size === 1 && (streamTypes.has('audio') || streamTypes.has('video')) || streamTypes.size === 2 && streamTypes.has('audio') && streamTypes.has('video'));
newCollectionItemsById[collectionId] = {
newCollectionObjectsById[collectionId] = {
items: newItems,
id: collectionId,
name: title || name,
type: isPlaylist ? 'playlist' : 'collection',
updatedAt: timestamp
// clear any stale edits
if (editedCollection && timestamp > editedCollection['updatedAt']) {
@ -4804,19 +4833,21 @@ const doFetchItemsInCollections = (resolveItemsOptions, resolveStartedCallback)
} else {
const processedClaimsByUri = processClaims(flatResolvedCollectionItems);
const formattedClaimsByUri = formatForClaimActions(collectionItemsById);
data: { resolveInfo: processedClaimsByUri }
data: { resolveInfo: formattedClaimsByUri }
data: {
resolvedCollections: newCollectionItemsById,
resolvedCollections: newCollectionObjectsById,
failedCollectionIds: invalidCollectionIds
@ -4924,10 +4955,8 @@ const doCollectionEdit = (collectionId, params) => (() => {
// console.log('p&e', publishedCollection.items, newItems, publishedCollection.items.join(','), newItems.join(','))
if (editedCollection) {
if (publishedCollection.items.join(',') === newItems.join(',')) {
// print these
// delete edited if newItems are the same as publishedItems
if (publishedCollection.items.join(',') === newItems.join(',')) {
data: {
@ -5000,7 +5029,7 @@ const doCollectionEdit = (collectionId, params) => (() => {
return true;
return function (_x6, _x7) {
return function (_x5, _x6) {
return _ref3.apply(this, arguments);
@ -7586,7 +7615,7 @@ const collectionsReducer = handleActions({
const newUnpublishedList = Object.assign({}, unpublishedList);
const newPendingList = Object.assign({}, pendingList);
const isEdit = editList[localId];
const isEdit = editList[localId || claimId];
if (localId) {
// pending from unpublished -> published
// delete from local
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ const getTimestamp = () => {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
return Math.floor( / 1000);
// maybe take items param
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const FETCH_BATCH_SIZE = 10;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
export const doLocalCollectionCreate = (
name: string,
collectionItems: Array<string>,
@ -83,10 +84,14 @@ export const doFetchItemsInCollections = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
resolveStartedCallback?: () => void
) => async(dispatch: Dispatch, getState: GetState) => {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
1) make sure all the collection claims are loaded into claims reducer, search/resolve if necessary.
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
2) get the item claims for each
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
3) format and make sure they're in the order as in the claim
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
4) Build the collection objects and update collections reducer
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
5) Update redux claims reducer
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
let state = getState();
// for each collection id,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// make sure the collection is resolved, the items are resolved, and build the collection objects
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const { collectionIds, pageSize } = resolveItemsOptions;
@ -97,18 +102,35 @@ export const doFetchItemsInCollections = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (resolveStartedCallback) resolveStartedCallback();
const collectionIdsToSearch = collectionIds.filter(claimId => ![claimId]);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (collectionIdsToSearch.length) {
let claimSearchOptions = { claim_ids: collectionIdsToSearch, page: 1, page_size: 9999 };
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
await dispatch(doClaimSearch(claimSearchOptions));
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
await dispatch(doClaimSearch({ claim_ids: collectionIdsToSearch, page: 1, page_size: 9999 }));
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const invalidCollectionIds = [];
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const stateAfterClaimSearch = getState();
async function resolveCollectionItems(claimId, totalItems, pageSize) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
async function fetchItemsForCollectionClaim(claim: CollectionClaim, pageSize?: number) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// take [ {}, {} ], return {}
// only need items [ Claim... ] and total_items
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const mergeResults = (arrayOfResults: Array<{ items: any, total_items: number }>) => {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const mergedResults: { items: Array<?Claim>, total_items: number } = {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// only need items [ url... ] and total_items
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const totalItems = &&;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const claimId = claim.claim_id;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const itemOrder =;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const sortResults = (results: Array<Claim>, claimList) => {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const newResults: Array<Claim> = [];
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
claimList.forEach(id => {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const index = results.findIndex(i => i.claim_id === id);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const item = results.splice(index, 1);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (item) newResults.push(item[0]);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
return newResults;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const mergeBatches = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
arrayOfResults: Array<{ items: Array<Claim>, total_items: number }>,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
claimList: Array<string>
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
) => {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const mergedResults: { items: Array<Claim>, total_items: number } = {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
items: [],
total_items: 0,
@ -116,35 +138,42 @@ export const doFetchItemsInCollections = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
mergedResults.items = mergedResults.items.concat(result.items);
mergedResults.total_items = result.total_items;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
mergedResults.items = sortResults(mergedResults.items, claimList);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
return mergedResults;
try {
const BATCH_SIZE = 10; // up batch size when sdk bug fixed
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const batches = [];
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
let fetchResult;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (!pageSize) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// batch all
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(totalItems / BATCH_SIZE); i++) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// sdk had a strange bug that would only return so many, so this had to be batched.
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// otherwise large lists of, ~500 channels for a homepage category failed
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const batchSize = pageSize || FETCH_BATCH_SIZE;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const batches: Array<Promise<any>> = [];
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// this was `collection_resolve` which returns claims for collection in order
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// however, this fails when a claim is pending. :/
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(totalItems / batchSize); i++) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
batches[i] = Lbry.collection_resolve({
claim_id: claimId,
page: i + 1,
page_size: BATCH_SIZE,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
page_size: batchSize,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const resultArray = await Promise.all(batches);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
fetchResult = mergeResults(resultArray);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
} else {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
fetchResult = await Lbry.collection_resolve({
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
claim_id: claimId,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
page: 1,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
page_size: pageSize,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(totalItems / batchSize); i++) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
batches[i] = Lbry.claim_search({
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
page: i + 1,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
page_size: batchSize,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const itemsInBatches = await Promise.all(batches);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const result = mergeBatches(itemsInBatches, itemOrder);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// $FlowFixMe
const itemsById: { claimId: string, items?: ?Array<GenericClaim> } = { claimId: claimId };
if (fetchResult.items) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
itemsById.items = fetchResult.items;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (result.items) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
itemsById.items = result.items;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
} else {
itemsById.items = null;
@ -157,29 +186,8 @@ export const doFetchItemsInCollections = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const promises = [];
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
collectionIds.forEach(collectionId => {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const claim = makeSelectClaimForClaimId(collectionId)(stateAfterClaimSearch);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (!claim) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
} else {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const claimCount = &&;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (pageSize) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
promises.push(resolveCollectionItems(collectionId, claimCount, pageSize));
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
} else {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
promises.push(resolveCollectionItems(collectionId, claimCount));
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// $FlowFixMe
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const resolvedCollectionItemsById: Array<{
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
claimId: string,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
items: ?Array<GenericClaim>,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
}> = await Promise.all(promises);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
function processClaims(resultClaimsByUri) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const processedClaims = {};
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
function formatForClaimActions(resultClaimsByUri) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const formattedClaims = {};
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Object.entries(resultClaimsByUri).forEach(([uri, uriResolveInfo]) => {
// Flow has terrible Object.entries support
@ -190,6 +198,8 @@ export const doFetchItemsInCollections = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// $FlowFixMe
result.claimsInChannel = uriResolveInfo.meta.claims_in_channel;
} else if (uriResolveInfo.value_type === 'collection') {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
result.collection = uriResolveInfo;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
} else {
|||| = uriResolveInfo;
if (uriResolveInfo.signing_channel) {
@ -201,15 +211,32 @@ export const doFetchItemsInCollections = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// $FlowFixMe
processedClaims[uri] = result;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
formattedClaims[uri] = result;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
return processedClaims;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
return formattedClaims;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const newCollectionItemsById = {};
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const flatResolvedCollectionItems = {};
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
resolvedCollectionItemsById.forEach(entry => {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const invalidCollectionIds = [];
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const promisedCollectionItemFetches = [];
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
collectionIds.forEach(collectionId => {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const claim = makeSelectClaimForClaimId(collectionId)(stateAfterClaimSearch);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (!claim) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
} else {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
promisedCollectionItemFetches.push(fetchItemsForCollectionClaim(claim, pageSize));
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// $FlowFixMe
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const collectionItemsById: Array<{
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
claimId: string,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
items: ?Array<GenericClaim>,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
}> = await Promise.all(promisedCollectionItemFetches);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const newCollectionObjectsById = {};
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const resolvedItemsByUrl = {};
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
collectionItemsById.forEach(entry => {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// $FlowFixMe
const collectionItems: Array<any> = entry.items;
const collectionId = entry.claimId;
@ -222,31 +249,35 @@ export const doFetchItemsInCollections = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const valueTypes = new Set();
const streamTypes = new Set();
let items = [];
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
let newItems = [];
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
let isPlaylist;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (collectionItems) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
collectionItems.forEach(collectionItem => {
// here's where we would just items.push(collectionItem.permanent_url
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (collectionItem.value.stream_type) {
flatResolvedCollectionItems[collectionItem.canonical_url] = collectionItem;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
resolvedItemsByUrl[collectionItem.canonical_url] = collectionItem;
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const isPlaylist =
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
isPlaylist =
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
valueTypes.size === 1 &&
valueTypes.has('stream') &&
((streamTypes.size === 1 && (streamTypes.has('audio') || streamTypes.has('video'))) ||
(streamTypes.size === 2 && (streamTypes.has('audio') && streamTypes.has('video'))));
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
newCollectionItemsById[collectionId] = {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
newCollectionObjectsById[collectionId] = {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
items: newItems,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
id: collectionId,
name: title || name,
type: isPlaylist ? 'playlist' : 'collection',
updatedAt: timestamp,
// clear any stale edits
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (editedCollection && timestamp > editedCollection['updatedAt']) {
@ -257,20 +288,20 @@ export const doFetchItemsInCollections = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
} else {
// no collection items? probably in pending.
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const processedClaimsByUri = processClaims(flatResolvedCollectionItems);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const formattedClaimsByUri = formatForClaimActions(collectionItemsById);
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
data: { resolveInfo: processedClaimsByUri },
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
data: { resolveInfo: formattedClaimsByUri },
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
data: {
resolvedCollections: newCollectionItemsById,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
resolvedCollections: newCollectionObjectsById,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
failedCollectionIds: invalidCollectionIds,
@ -389,10 +420,8 @@ export const doCollectionEdit = (collectionId: string, params: CollectionEditPar
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// console.log('p&e', publishedCollection.items, newItems, publishedCollection.items.join(','), newItems.join(','))
if (editedCollection) {
if (publishedCollection.items.join(',') === newItems.join(',')) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// print these
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// delete edited if newItems are the same as publishedItems
if (publishedCollection.items.join(',') === newItems.join(',')) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
data: {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ const collectionsReducer = handleActions(
const newUnpublishedList = Object.assign({}, unpublishedList);
const newPendingList = Object.assign({}, pendingList);
const isEdit = editList[localId];
const isEdit = editList[localId || claimId];
if (localId) {
// pending from unpublished -> published
// delete from local
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } >