Collections #383
@ -3824,8 +3824,6 @@ function doResolveUris(uris, returnCachedClaims = false, resolveReposts = true)
if (collectionIds.length) {
dispatch(doFetchItemsInCollections({ collectionIds: collectionIds, pageSize: 5 }));
// now collection claims are added, get their stuff
// if collections: doResolveCollections(claimIds)
return result;
@ -4242,7 +4240,6 @@ function doFetchCollectionListMine(page = 1, pageSize = 99999) {
collectionIds: => claim.claim_id),
page_size: 5
// update or fetch collections?
const failure = error => {
@ -4287,7 +4284,6 @@ function doClaimSearch(options = {
pageSize: options.page_size
// was return true
return resolveInfo;
@ -4373,6 +4369,10 @@ function doCollectionPublish(options, localId) {
params['tags'] = =>;
if (options.channel_id) {
params['channel_id'] = options.channel_id;
return new Promise(resolve => {
@ -4657,8 +4657,6 @@ const doFetchItemsInCollections = (resolveItemsOptions, resolveStartedCallback)
var _ref = _asyncToGenerator$2(function* (dispatch, getState) {
let fetchItemsForCollectionClaim = (() => {
var _ref2 = _asyncToGenerator$2(function* (claim, pageSize) {
// take [ {}, {} ], return {}
// only need items [ url... ] and total_items
const totalItems = &&;
const claimId = claim.claim_id;
const itemOrder =;
@ -4690,21 +4688,8 @@ const doFetchItemsInCollections = (resolveItemsOptions, resolveStartedCallback)
try {
// sdk had a strange bug that would only return so many, so this had to be batched.
// otherwise large lists of, ~500 channels for a homepage category failed
const batchSize = pageSize || FETCH_BATCH_SIZE;
const batches = [];
// this was `collection_resolve` which returns claims for collection in order
// however, this fails when a claim is pending. :/
for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(totalItems / batchSize); i++) {
batches[i] = Lbry.collection_resolve({
claim_id: claimId,
page: i + 1,
page_size: batchSize,
for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(totalItems / batchSize); i++) {
batches[i] = lbryProxy.claim_search({
@ -4826,7 +4811,6 @@ const doFetchItemsInCollections = (resolveItemsOptions, resolveStartedCallback)
if (collectionItems) {
collectionItems.forEach(function (collectionItem) {
// here's where we would just items.push(collectionItem.permanent_url
if (collectionItem.value.stream_type) {
@ -6053,7 +6037,7 @@ function handleClaimAction(state, action) {
} else {
byId[channel.claim_id] = channel;
// Also add the permanent_url here until lighthouse returns canonical_url for search results
byUri[channel.permanent_url] = channel.claim_id;
byUri[channel.canonical_url] = channel.claim_id;
@ -6067,11 +6051,7 @@ function handleClaimAction(state, action) {
byId[collection.claim_id] = collection;
byUri[url] = collection.claim_id;
// If url isn't a canonical_url, make sure that is added too
byUri[collection.canonical_url] = collection.claim_id;
// Also add the permanent_url here until lighthouse returns canonical_url for search results
byUri[collection.permanent_url] = collection.claim_id;
@ -6234,7 +6214,6 @@ reducers[FETCH_COLLECTION_LIST_COMPLETED] = (state, action) => {
myCollectionClaimsSet = new Set(state.myCollectionClaims);
claims.forEach(claim => {
const { canonical_url: canonicalUrl, permanent_url: permanentUrl, claim_id: claimId } = claim;
// maybe add info about items in collection
byUri[canonicalUrl] = claimId;
byUri[permanentUrl] = claimId;
@ -6523,8 +6502,6 @@ reducers[COLLECTION_PUBLISH_UPDATE_FAILED] = (state, action) => {
reducers[IMPORT_CHANNEL_STARTED] = state => Object.assign({}, state, { pendingChannelImports: true });
reducers[IMPORT_CHANNEL_COMPLETED] = state => Object.assign({}, state, { pendingChannelImports: false });
@ -7640,7 +7617,6 @@ const collectionsReducer = handleActions({
const newUnpublishedList = Object.assign({}, unpublishedList);
const newPendingList = Object.assign({}, pendingList);
const isEdit = editList[claimId];
if (localId) {
// new publish
newPendingList[claimId] = Object.assign({}, newUnpublishedList[localId] || {});
@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
typo? typo?
declare type CollectionUpdateParams = {
typo? typo?
remove?: boolean,
typo? typo?
claims?: Array<Claim>,
typo? typo?
name?: string,
typo? typo?
order?: { from: number, to: number },
typo? typo?
typo? typo?
typo? typo?
declare type Collection = {
id: string,
items: Array<?string>,
typo? typo?
typo? typo?
@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
declare type CollectionUpdateParams = {
remove?: boolean,
claims?: Array<Claim>,
name?: string,
order?: { from: number, to: number },
declare type Collection = {
id: string,
items: Array<?string>,
@ -151,8 +151,6 @@ export function doResolveUris(
if (collectionIds.length) {
dispatch(doFetchItemsInCollections({ collectionIds: collectionIds, pageSize: 5 }));
// now collection claims are added, get their stuff
// if collections: doResolveCollections(claimIds)
return result;
@ -618,7 +616,6 @@ export function doFetchCollectionListMine(page: number = 1, pageSize: number = 9
page_size: 5,
// update or fetch collections?
const failure = error => {
@ -680,7 +677,6 @@ export function doClaimSearch(
pageSize: options.page_size,
// was return true
return resolveInfo;
@ -762,6 +758,7 @@ export function doCollectionPublish(
const params: {
name: string,
bid: string,
channel_id?: string,
blocking?: true,
title?: string,
thumbnail_url?: string,
@ -786,6 +783,10 @@ export function doCollectionPublish(
params['tags'] = =>;
if (options.channel_id) {
params['channel_id'] = options.channel_id;
return new Promise(resolve => {
@ -120,8 +120,6 @@ export const doFetchItemsInCollections = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const stateAfterClaimSearch = getState();
async function fetchItemsForCollectionClaim(claim: CollectionClaim, pageSize?: number) {
// take [ {}, {} ], return {}
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// only need items [ url... ] and total_items
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const totalItems = &&;
const claimId = claim.claim_id;
const itemOrder =;
@ -154,21 +152,8 @@ export const doFetchItemsInCollections = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
try {
// sdk had a strange bug that would only return so many, so this had to be batched.
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// otherwise large lists of, ~500 channels for a homepage category failed
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
const batchSize = pageSize || FETCH_BATCH_SIZE;
const batches: Array<Promise<any>> = [];
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// this was `collection_resolve` which returns claims for collection in order
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
// however, this fails when a claim is pending. :/
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(totalItems / batchSize); i++) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
batches[i] = Lbry.collection_resolve({
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
claim_id: claimId,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
page: i + 1,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
page_size: batchSize,
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(totalItems / batchSize); i++) {
batches[i] = Lbry.claim_search({
@ -264,7 +249,6 @@ export const doFetchItemsInCollections = (
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (collectionItems) {
collectionItems.forEach(collectionItem => {
// here's where we would just items.push(collectionItem.permanent_url
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
if (collectionItem.value.stream_type) {
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array } > Array/< { claimId: string, items: ?Array<GenericClaim> } >
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ function handleClaimAction(state: State, action: any): State {
} else {
byId[channel.claim_id] = channel;
// Also add the permanent_url here until lighthouse returns canonical_url for search results
byUri[channel.permanent_url] = channel.claim_id;
byUri[channel.canonical_url] = channel.claim_id;
@ -176,11 +176,7 @@ function handleClaimAction(state: State, action: any): State {
byId[collection.claim_id] = collection;
byUri[url] = collection.claim_id;
// If url isn't a canonical_url, make sure that is added too
byUri[collection.canonical_url] = collection.claim_id;
// Also add the permanent_url here until lighthouse returns canonical_url for search results
byUri[collection.permanent_url] = collection.claim_id;
@ -350,7 +346,6 @@ reducers[ACTIONS.FETCH_COLLECTION_LIST_COMPLETED] = (state: State, action: any):
claims.forEach(claim => {
const { meta } = claim;
const { canonical_url: canonicalUrl, permanent_url: permanentUrl, claim_id: claimId } = claim;
// maybe add info about items in collection
byUri[canonicalUrl] = claimId;
byUri[permanentUrl] = claimId;
@ -651,8 +646,6 @@ reducers[ACTIONS.COLLECTION_PUBLISH_UPDATE_FAILED] = (state: State, action: any)
reducers[ACTIONS.IMPORT_CHANNEL_STARTED] = (state: State): State =>
Object.assign({}, state, { pendingChannelImports: true });
@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ const collectionsReducer = handleActions(
const newUnpublishedList = Object.assign({}, unpublishedList);
const newPendingList = Object.assign({}, pendingList);
const isEdit = editList[claimId];
if (localId) {
// new publish
newPendingList[claimId] = Object.assign({}, newUnpublishedList[localId] || {});