432 lines
18 KiB
432 lines
18 KiB
import asyncio
import logging
from io import StringIO
from functools import partial
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from typing import List, Optional, DefaultDict, NamedTuple
import pylru
from lbry.crypto.hash import double_sha256, sha256
from lbry.service.api import Client
from lbry.tasks import TaskGroup
from lbry.blockchain.transaction import Transaction
from lbry.blockchain.ledger import Ledger
from lbry.blockchain.block import get_block_filter
from lbry.db import Database
from lbry.event import EventController
from lbry.service.base import Service, Sync
from .account import Account, AddressManager
class TransactionEvent(NamedTuple):
address: str
tx: Transaction
class AddressesGeneratedEvent(NamedTuple):
address_manager: AddressManager
addresses: List[str]
class TransactionCacheItem:
__slots__ = '_tx', 'lock', 'has_tx', 'pending_verifications'
def __init__(self, tx: Optional[Transaction] = None, lock: Optional[asyncio.Lock] = None):
self.has_tx = asyncio.Event()
self.lock = lock or asyncio.Lock()
self._tx = self.tx = tx
self.pending_verifications = 0
def tx(self) -> Optional[Transaction]:
return self._tx
def tx(self, tx: Transaction):
self._tx = tx
if tx is not None:
class SPVSync(Sync):
def __init__(self, service: Service):
self.headers = headers
self.network: Network = self.config.get('network') or Network(self)
self.accounts = []
self.on_address = self.ledger.on_address
self._on_header_controller = EventController()
self.on_header = self._on_header_controller.stream
lambda change: log.info(
'%s: added %s header blocks, final height %s',
self.ledger.get_id(), change, self.headers.height
self._download_height = 0
self._on_ready_controller = EventController()
self.on_ready = self._on_ready_controller.stream
self._tx_cache = pylru.lrucache(100000)
self._update_tasks = TaskGroup()
self._other_tasks = TaskGroup() # that we dont need to start
self._header_processing_lock = asyncio.Lock()
self._address_update_locks: DefaultDict[str, asyncio.Lock] = defaultdict(asyncio.Lock)
self._known_addresses_out_of_sync = set()
async def advance(self):
address_array = [
for a in await self.service.db.get_all_addresses()
block_filters = await self.service.get_block_address_filters()
for block_hash, block_filter in block_filters.items():
bf = get_block_filter(block_filter)
if bf.MatchAny(address_array):
print(f'match: {block_hash} - {block_filter}')
tx_filters = await self.service.get_transaction_address_filters(block_hash=block_hash)
for txid, tx_filter in tx_filters.items():
tf = get_block_filter(tx_filter)
if tf.MatchAny(address_array):
print(f' match: {txid} - {tx_filter}')
txs = await self.service.search_transactions([txid])
tx = Transaction(unhexlify(txs[txid]))
await self.service.db.insert_transaction(tx)
async def get_local_status_and_history(self, address, history=None):
if not history:
address_details = await self.db.get_address(address=address)
history = (address_details['history'] if address_details else '') or ''
parts = history.split(':')[:-1]
return (
hexlify(sha256(history.encode())).decode() if history else None,
list(zip(parts[0::2], map(int, parts[1::2])))
def get_root_of_merkle_tree(branches, branch_positions, working_branch):
for i, branch in enumerate(branches):
other_branch = unhexlify(branch)[::-1]
other_branch_on_left = bool((branch_positions >> i) & 1)
if other_branch_on_left:
combined = other_branch + working_branch
combined = working_branch + other_branch
working_branch = double_sha256(combined)
return hexlify(working_branch[::-1])
async def start(self):
await self.headers.open()
fully_synced = self.on_ready.first
await self.network.on_connected.first
async with self._header_processing_lock:
await self._update_tasks.add(self.initial_headers_sync())
await fully_synced
async def join_network(self, *_):
log.info("Subscribing and updating accounts.")
await self._update_tasks.add(self.subscribe_accounts())
await self._update_tasks.done.wait()
async def stop(self):
await self._update_tasks.done.wait()
await self._other_tasks.done.wait()
await self.network.stop()
await self.headers.close()
def local_height_including_downloaded_height(self):
return max(self.headers.height, self._download_height)
async def initial_headers_sync(self):
get_chunk = partial(self.network.retriable_call, self.network.get_headers, count=1000, b64=True)
self.headers.chunk_getter = get_chunk
async def doit():
for height in reversed(sorted(self.headers.known_missing_checkpointed_chunks)):
async with self._header_processing_lock:
await self.headers.ensure_chunk_at(height)
await self.update_headers()
async def update_headers(self, height=None, headers=None, subscription_update=False):
rewound = 0
while True:
if height is None or height > len(self.headers):
# sometimes header subscription updates are for a header in the future
# which can't be connected, so we do a normal header sync instead
height = len(self.headers)
headers = None
subscription_update = False
if not headers:
header_response = await self.network.retriable_call(self.network.get_headers, height, 2001)
headers = header_response['hex']
if not headers:
# Nothing to do, network thinks we're already at the latest height.
added = await self.headers.connect(height, unhexlify(headers))
if added > 0:
height += added
BlockHeightEvent(self.headers.height, added))
if rewound > 0:
# we started rewinding blocks and apparently found
# a new chain
rewound = 0
await self.db.rewind_blockchain(height)
if subscription_update:
# subscription updates are for latest header already
# so we don't need to check if there are newer / more
# on another loop of update_headers(), just return instead
elif added == 0:
# we had headers to connect but none got connected, probably a reorganization
height -= 1
rewound += 1
"Blockchain Reorganization: attempting rewind to height %s from starting height %s",
height, height+rewound
raise IndexError(f"headers.connect() returned negative number ({added})")
if height < 0:
raise IndexError(
"Blockchain reorganization rewound all the way back to genesis hash. "
"Something is very wrong. Maybe you are on the wrong blockchain?"
if rewound >= 100:
raise IndexError(
"Blockchain reorganization dropped {} headers. This is highly unusual. "
"Will not continue to attempt reorganizing. Please, delete the ledger "
"synchronization directory inside your wallet directory (folder: '{}') and "
"restart the program to synchronize from scratch."
.format(rewound, self.ledger.get_id())
headers = None # ready to download some more headers
# if we made it this far and this was a subscription_update
# it means something went wrong and now we're doing a more
# robust sync, turn off subscription update shortcut
subscription_update = False
async def receive_header(self, response):
async with self._header_processing_lock:
header = response[0]
await self.update_headers(
height=header['height'], headers=header['hex'], subscription_update=True
async def subscribe_accounts(self):
if self.network.is_connected and self.accounts:
log.info("Subscribe to %i accounts", len(self.accounts))
await asyncio.wait([
self.subscribe_account(a) for a in self.accounts
async def subscribe_account(self, account: Account):
for address_manager in account.address_managers.values():
await self.subscribe_addresses(address_manager, await address_manager.get_addresses())
await account.ensure_address_gap()
async def unsubscribe_account(self, account: Account):
for address in await account.get_addresses():
await self.network.unsubscribe_address(address)
async def subscribe_addresses(self, address_manager: AddressManager, addresses: List[str], batch_size: int = 1000):
if self.network.is_connected and addresses:
addresses_remaining = list(addresses)
while addresses_remaining:
batch = addresses_remaining[:batch_size]
results = await self.network.subscribe_address(*batch)
for address, remote_status in zip(batch, results):
self._update_tasks.add(self.update_history(address, remote_status, address_manager))
addresses_remaining = addresses_remaining[batch_size:]
log.info("subscribed to %i/%i addresses on %s:%i", len(addresses) - len(addresses_remaining),
len(addresses), *self.network.client.server_address_and_port)
"finished subscribing to %i addresses on %s:%i", len(addresses),
def process_status_update(self, update):
address, remote_status = update
self._update_tasks.add(self.update_history(address, remote_status))
async def update_history(self, address, remote_status, address_manager: AddressManager = None):
async with self._address_update_locks[address]:
local_status, local_history = await self.get_local_status_and_history(address)
if local_status == remote_status:
return True
remote_history = await self.network.retriable_call(self.network.get_history, address)
remote_history = list(map(itemgetter('tx_hash', 'height'), remote_history))
we_need = set(remote_history) - set(local_history)
if not we_need:
return True
cache_tasks: List[asyncio.Task[Transaction]] = []
synced_history = StringIO()
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
for i, (txid, remote_height) in enumerate(remote_history):
if i < len(local_history) and local_history[i] == (txid, remote_height) and not cache_tasks:
check_local = (txid, remote_height) not in we_need
self.cache_transaction(unhexlify(txid)[::-1], remote_height, check_local=check_local)
synced_txs = []
for task in cache_tasks:
tx = await task
check_db_for_txos = []
for txi in tx.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(txi.txo_ref.tx_ref.hash)
if cache_item is not None:
if cache_item.tx is None:
await cache_item.has_tx.wait()
assert cache_item.tx is not None
txi.txo_ref = cache_item.tx.outputs[txi.txo_ref.position].ref
referenced_txos = {} if not check_db_for_txos else {
txo.id: txo for txo in await self.db.get_txos(
txo_hash__in=check_db_for_txos, order_by='txo.txo_hash', no_tx=True
for txi in tx.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
referenced_txo = referenced_txos.get(txi.txo_ref.id)
if referenced_txo is not None:
txi.txo_ref = referenced_txo.ref
await self.db.save_transaction_io_batch(
synced_txs, address, self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address), synced_history.getvalue()
await asyncio.wait([
self.ledger._on_transaction_controller.add(TransactionEvent(address, tx))
for tx in synced_txs
if address_manager is None:
address_manager = await self.get_address_manager_for_address(address)
if address_manager is not None:
await address_manager.ensure_address_gap()
local_status, local_history = \
await self.get_local_status_and_history(address, synced_history.getvalue())
if local_status != remote_status:
if local_history == remote_history:
return True
"Wallet is out of sync after syncing. Remote: %s with %d items, local: %s with %d items",
remote_status, len(remote_history), local_status, len(local_history)
log.warning("local: %s", local_history)
log.warning("remote: %s", remote_history)
return False
return True
async def cache_transaction(self, tx_hash, remote_height, check_local=True):
cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(tx_hash)
if cache_item is None:
cache_item = self._tx_cache[tx_hash] = TransactionCacheItem()
elif cache_item.tx is not None and \
cache_item.tx.height >= remote_height and \
(cache_item.tx.is_verified or remote_height < 1):
return cache_item.tx # cached tx is already up-to-date
cache_item.pending_verifications += 1
return await self._update_cache_item(cache_item, tx_hash, remote_height, check_local)
cache_item.pending_verifications -= 1
async def _update_cache_item(self, cache_item, tx_hash, remote_height, check_local=True):
async with cache_item.lock:
tx = cache_item.tx
if tx is None and check_local:
# check local db
tx = cache_item.tx = await self.db.get_transaction(tx_hash=tx_hash)
merkle = None
if tx is None:
# fetch from network
_raw, merkle = await self.network.retriable_call(
self.network.get_transaction_and_merkle, tx_hash, remote_height
tx = Transaction(unhexlify(_raw), height=merkle.get('block_height'))
cache_item.tx = tx # make sure it's saved before caching it
await self.maybe_verify_transaction(tx, remote_height, merkle)
return tx
async def maybe_verify_transaction(self, tx, remote_height, merkle=None):
tx.height = remote_height
cached = self._tx_cache.get(tx.hash)
if not cached:
# cache txs looked up by transaction_show too
cached = TransactionCacheItem()
cached.tx = tx
self._tx_cache[tx.hash] = cached
if 0 < remote_height < len(self.headers) and cached.pending_verifications <= 1:
# can't be tx.pending_verifications == 1 because we have to handle the transaction_show case
if not merkle:
merkle = await self.network.retriable_call(self.network.get_merkle, tx.hash, remote_height)
merkle_root = self.get_root_of_merkle_tree(merkle['merkle'], merkle['pos'], tx.hash)
header = await self.headers.get(remote_height)
tx.position = merkle['pos']
tx.is_verified = merkle_root == header['merkle_root']
async def get_address_manager_for_address(self, address) -> Optional[AddressManager]:
details = await self.db.get_address(address=address)
for account in self.accounts:
if account.id == details['account']:
return account.address_managers[details['chain']]
return None