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2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
import logging
import os
import time
import sqlite3
import traceback
from decimal import Decimal
from twisted.internet import defer, task, threads
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
from lbryschema.claim import ClaimDict
from lbryschema.decode import smart_decode
from lbrynet import conf
from lbrynet.cryptstream.CryptBlob import CryptBlobInfo
from lbryum.constants import COIN
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_next_available_file_name(download_directory, file_name):
base_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
i = 0
while os.path.isfile(os.path.join(download_directory, file_name)):
i += 1
file_name = "%s_%i%s" % (base_name, i, ext)
return os.path.join(download_directory, file_name)
def _open_file_for_writing(download_directory, suggested_file_name):
file_path = _get_next_available_file_name(download_directory, suggested_file_name)
file_handle = open(file_path, 'wb')
except IOError:
raise ValueError(
"Failed to open %s. Make sure you have permission to save files to that location." % file_path
return os.path.basename(file_path)
def open_file_for_writing(download_directory, suggested_file_name):
Used to touch the path of a file to be downloaded
:param download_directory: (str)
:param suggested_file_name: (str)
:return: (str) basename
return threads.deferToThread(_open_file_for_writing, download_directory, suggested_file_name)
def get_next_announce_time(hash_announcer, num_hashes_to_announce=1, min_reannounce_time=60*60,
Hash reannounce time is set to current time + MIN_HASH_REANNOUNCE_TIME,
unless we are announcing a lot of hashes at once which could cause the
the announce queue to pile up. To prevent pile up, reannounce
only after a conservative estimate of when it will finish
to announce all the hashes.
num_hashes_to_announce: number of hashes that will be added to the queue
timestamp for next announce time
queue_size = hash_announcer.hash_queue_size() + num_hashes_to_announce
reannounce = max(min_reannounce_time,
queue_size * single_announce_duration)
return time.time() + reannounce
def rerun_if_locked(f):
max_attempts = 3
def rerun(err, rerun_count, *args, **kwargs):
connection = args[0]
reactor = connection.reactor
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
log.debug("Failed to execute (%s): %s", err, args)
if err.check(sqlite3.OperationalError) and err.value.message == "database is locked":
log.warning("database was locked. rerunning %s with args %s, kwargs %s",
str(f), str(args), str(kwargs))
if rerun_count < max_attempts:
delay = 2**rerun_count
return task.deferLater(reactor, delay, inner_wrapper, rerun_count + 1, *args, **kwargs)
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
raise err
def check_needed_rerun(result, rerun_count):
if rerun_count:"successfully reran database query")
return result
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
def inner_wrapper(rerun_count, *args, **kwargs):
d = f(*args, **kwargs)
d.addCallback(check_needed_rerun, rerun_count)
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
d.addErrback(rerun, rerun_count, *args, **kwargs)
return d
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return inner_wrapper(0, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
class SqliteConnection(adbapi.ConnectionPool):
def __init__(self, db_path):
adbapi.ConnectionPool.__init__(self, 'sqlite3', db_path, check_same_thread=False)
def runInteraction(self, interaction, *args, **kw):
return adbapi.ConnectionPool.runInteraction(self, interaction, *args, **kw)
def set_reactor(cls, reactor):
cls.reactor = reactor
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
class SQLiteStorage(object):
pragma foreign_keys=on;
pragma journal_mode=WAL;
create table if not exists blob (
blob_hash char(96) primary key not null,
blob_length integer not null,
next_announce_time integer not null,
should_announce integer not null default 0,
status text not null
create table if not exists stream (
stream_hash char(96) not null primary key,
2018-02-12 15:10:06 -05:00
sd_hash char(96) not null references blob,
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
stream_key text not null,
stream_name text not null,
2018-02-12 15:10:06 -05:00
suggested_filename text not null
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
create table if not exists stream_blob (
2018-02-12 15:10:06 -05:00
stream_hash char(96) not null references stream,
blob_hash char(96) references blob,
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
position integer not null,
iv char(32) not null,
2018-02-12 15:10:06 -05:00
primary key (stream_hash, blob_hash)
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
create table if not exists claim (
claim_outpoint text not null primary key,
claim_id char(40) not null,
claim_name text not null,
amount integer not null,
height integer not null,
serialized_metadata blob not null,
channel_claim_id text,
address text not null,
claim_sequence integer not null
create table if not exists file (
2018-02-12 15:10:06 -05:00
stream_hash text primary key not null references stream,
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
file_name text not null,
download_directory text not null,
blob_data_rate real not null,
2018-02-12 15:10:06 -05:00
status text not null
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
create table if not exists content_claim (
2018-02-12 15:10:06 -05:00
stream_hash text unique not null references file,
claim_outpoint text not null references claim,
primary key (stream_hash, claim_outpoint)
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
create table if not exists support (
support_outpoint text not null primary key,
claim_id text not null,
amount integer not null,
address text not null
def __init__(self, db_dir, reactor=None):
if not reactor:
from twisted.internet import reactor
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
self.db_dir = db_dir
self._db_path = os.path.join(db_dir, "lbrynet.sqlite")"connecting to database: %s", self._db_path)
self.db = SqliteConnection(self._db_path)
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
# used to refresh the claim attributes on a ManagedEncryptedFileDownloader when a
# change to the associated content claim occurs. these are added by the file manager
# when it loads each file
self.content_claim_callbacks = {} # {<stream_hash>: <callable returning a deferred>}
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
def setup(self):
def _create_tables(transaction):
return self.db.runInteraction(_create_tables)
def run_and_return_one_or_none(self, query, *args):
result = yield self.db.runQuery(query, args)
if result:
def run_and_return_list(self, query, *args):
result = yield self.db.runQuery(query, args)
if result:
defer.returnValue([i[0] for i in result])
def stop(self):
return defer.succeed(True)
# # # # # # # # # blob functions # # # # # # # # #
def add_completed_blob(self, blob_hash, length, next_announce_time, should_announce):
log.debug("Adding a completed blob. blob_hash=%s, length=%i", blob_hash, length)
yield self.add_known_blob(blob_hash, length)
yield self.set_blob_status(blob_hash, "finished")
yield self.set_should_announce(blob_hash, next_announce_time, should_announce)
yield self.db.runOperation(
"update blob set blob_length=? where blob_hash=?", (length, blob_hash)
def set_should_announce(self, blob_hash, next_announce_time, should_announce):
should_announce = 1 if should_announce else 0
return self.db.runOperation(
"update blob set next_announce_time=?, should_announce=? where blob_hash=?",
(next_announce_time, should_announce, blob_hash)
def set_blob_status(self, blob_hash, status):
return self.db.runOperation(
"update blob set status=? where blob_hash=?", (status, blob_hash)
def get_blob_status(self, blob_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select status from blob where blob_hash=?", blob_hash
def add_known_blob(self, blob_hash, length):
status = yield self.get_blob_status(blob_hash)
if status is None:
status = "pending"
yield self.db.runOperation("insert into blob values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(blob_hash, length, 0, 0, status))
def should_announce(self, blob_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select should_announce from blob where blob_hash=?", blob_hash
def count_should_announce_blobs(self):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
2018-03-08 16:46:39 -05:00
"select count(*) from blob where should_announce=1 and status='finished'"
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
def get_all_should_announce_blobs(self):
return self.run_and_return_list(
2018-03-08 16:46:39 -05:00
"select blob_hash from blob where should_announce=1 and status='finished'"
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
def get_blobs_to_announce(self, hash_announcer):
def get_and_update(transaction):
timestamp = time.time()
if conf.settings['announce_head_blobs_only']:
r = transaction.execute(
"select blob_hash from blob "
2018-03-08 16:46:39 -05:00
"where blob_hash is not null and should_announce=1 and next_announce_time<? and status='finished'",
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
r = transaction.execute(
2018-03-08 16:46:39 -05:00
"select blob_hash from blob where blob_hash is not null "
"and next_announce_time<? and status='finished'", (timestamp,)
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
blobs = [b for b, in r.fetchall()]
next_announce_time = get_next_announce_time(hash_announcer, len(blobs))
"update blob set next_announce_time=? where next_announce_time<?", (next_announce_time, timestamp)
log.debug("Got %s blobs to announce, next announce time is in %s seconds", len(blobs),
return blobs
return self.db.runInteraction(get_and_update)
def delete_blobs_from_db(self, blob_hashes):
def delete_blobs(transaction):
for blob_hash in blob_hashes:
transaction.execute("delete from blob where blob_hash=?;", (blob_hash,))
return self.db.runInteraction(delete_blobs)
def get_all_blob_hashes(self):
return self.run_and_return_list("select blob_hash from blob")
# # # # # # # # # stream blob functions # # # # # # # # #
def add_blobs_to_stream(self, stream_hash, blob_infos):
def _add_stream_blobs(transaction):
for blob_info in blob_infos:
transaction.execute("insert into stream_blob values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(stream_hash, blob_info.get('blob_hash', None),
blob_info['blob_num'], blob_info['iv']))
return self.db.runInteraction(_add_stream_blobs)
def add_known_blobs(self, blob_infos):
for blob_info in blob_infos:
if blob_info.get('blob_hash') and blob_info['length']:
yield self.add_known_blob(blob_info['blob_hash'], blob_info['length'])
2018-03-08 16:46:39 -05:00
def verify_will_announce_head_and_sd_blobs(self, stream_hash):
# fix should_announce for imported head and sd blobs
return self.db.runOperation(
"update blob set should_announce=1 "
"where should_announce=0 and "
"blob.blob_hash in "
" (select b.blob_hash from blob b inner join stream s on b.blob_hash=s.sd_hash and s.stream_hash=?) "
"or blob.blob_hash in "
" (select b.blob_hash from blob b "
" inner join stream_blob s2 on b.blob_hash=s2.blob_hash and s2.position=0 and s2.stream_hash=?)",
(stream_hash, stream_hash)
def verify_will_announce_all_head_and_sd_blobs(self):
return self.db.runOperation(
"update blob set should_announce=1 "
"where should_announce=0 and "
"blob.blob_hash in "
" (select b.blob_hash from blob b inner join stream s on b.blob_hash=s.sd_hash) "
"or blob.blob_hash in "
" (select b.blob_hash from blob b "
" inner join stream_blob s2 on b.blob_hash=s2.blob_hash and s2.position=0)"
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
# # # # # # # # # stream functions # # # # # # # # #
def store_stream(self, stream_hash, sd_hash, stream_name, stream_key, suggested_file_name,
Add a stream to the stream table
:param stream_hash: hash of the assembled stream
:param sd_hash: hash of the sd blob
:param stream_key: blob decryption key
:param stream_name: the name of the file the stream was generated from
:param suggested_file_name: (str) suggested file name for stream
:param stream_blob_infos: (list) of blob info dictionaries
:return: (defer.Deferred)
def _store_stream(transaction):
transaction.execute("insert into stream values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);",
(stream_hash, sd_hash, stream_key, stream_name,
for blob_info in stream_blob_infos:
transaction.execute("insert into stream_blob values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(stream_hash, blob_info.get('blob_hash', None),
blob_info['blob_num'], blob_info['iv']))
return self.db.runInteraction(_store_stream)
def delete_stream(self, stream_hash):
sd_hash = yield self.get_sd_blob_hash_for_stream(stream_hash)
stream_blobs = yield self.get_blobs_for_stream(stream_hash)
blob_hashes = [b.blob_hash for b in stream_blobs]
def _delete_stream(transaction):
transaction.execute("delete from content_claim where stream_hash=? ", (stream_hash,))
transaction.execute("delete from file where stream_hash=? ", (stream_hash, ))
transaction.execute("delete from stream_blob where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, ))
transaction.execute("delete from stream where stream_hash=? ", (stream_hash, ))
transaction.execute("delete from blob where blob_hash=?", (sd_hash, ))
for blob_hash in blob_hashes:
transaction.execute("delete from blob where blob_hash=?;", (blob_hash, ))
yield self.db.runInteraction(_delete_stream)
def get_all_streams(self):
return self.run_and_return_list("select stream_hash from stream")
def get_stream_info(self, stream_hash):
d = self.db.runQuery("select stream_name, stream_key, suggested_filename, sd_hash from stream "
"where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, ))
d.addCallback(lambda r: None if not r else r[0])
return d
def check_if_stream_exists(self, stream_hash):
d = self.db.runQuery("select stream_hash from stream where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, ))
d.addCallback(lambda r: True if len(r) else False)
return d
def get_blob_num_by_hash(self, stream_hash, blob_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select position from stream_blob where stream_hash=? and blob_hash=?",
stream_hash, blob_hash
def get_stream_blob_by_position(self, stream_hash, blob_num):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select blob_hash from stream_blob where stream_hash=? and position=?",
stream_hash, blob_num
2018-03-01 16:42:52 -05:00
def get_blobs_for_stream(self, stream_hash, only_completed=False):
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
def _get_blobs_for_stream(transaction):
crypt_blob_infos = []
2018-03-08 16:46:39 -05:00
stream_blobs = transaction.execute(
"select blob_hash, position, iv from stream_blob where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, )
2018-03-01 16:42:52 -05:00
if only_completed:
2018-03-08 16:46:39 -05:00
lengths = transaction.execute(
"select b.blob_hash, b.blob_length from blob b "
"inner join stream_blob s ON b.blob_hash=s.blob_hash and b.status='finished'"
2018-03-01 16:42:52 -05:00
2018-03-08 16:46:39 -05:00
lengths = transaction.execute(
"select b.blob_hash, b.blob_length from blob b "
"inner join stream_blob s ON b.blob_hash=s.blob_hash"
blob_length_dict = {}
for blob_hash, length in lengths:
blob_length_dict[blob_hash] = length
for blob_hash, position, iv in stream_blobs:
blob_length = blob_length_dict.get(blob_hash, 0)
crypt_blob_infos.append(CryptBlobInfo(blob_hash, position, blob_length, iv))
crypt_blob_infos = sorted(crypt_blob_infos, key=lambda info: info.blob_num)
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
return crypt_blob_infos
return self.db.runInteraction(_get_blobs_for_stream)
2018-03-08 16:46:39 -05:00
def get_pending_blobs_for_stream(self, stream_hash):
return self.run_and_return_list(
2018-03-09 14:07:26 -05:00
"select s.blob_hash from stream_blob s "
"inner join blob b on b.blob_hash=s.blob_hash and b.status='pending' "
"where stream_hash=?",
2018-03-08 16:46:39 -05:00
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
def get_stream_of_blob(self, blob_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select stream_hash from stream_blob where blob_hash=?", blob_hash
def get_sd_blob_hash_for_stream(self, stream_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select sd_hash from stream where stream_hash=?", stream_hash
def get_stream_hash_for_sd_hash(self, sd_blob_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select stream_hash from stream where sd_hash = ?", sd_blob_hash
# # # # # # # # # file stuff # # # # # # # # #
def save_downloaded_file(self, stream_hash, file_name, download_directory, data_payment_rate):
# touch the closest available file to the file name
file_name = yield open_file_for_writing(download_directory.decode('hex'), file_name.decode('hex'))
result = yield self.save_published_file(
stream_hash, file_name.encode('hex'), download_directory, data_payment_rate
def save_published_file(self, stream_hash, file_name, download_directory, data_payment_rate, status="stopped"):
def do_save(db_transaction):
"insert into file values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(stream_hash, file_name, download_directory, data_payment_rate, status)
file_rowid = db_transaction.lastrowid
return file_rowid
return self.db.runInteraction(do_save)
def get_filename_for_rowid(self, rowid):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none("select file_name from file where rowid=?", rowid)
def get_all_lbry_files(self):
def _lbry_file_dict(rowid, stream_hash, file_name, download_dir, data_rate, status, _, sd_hash, stream_key,
stream_name, suggested_file_name):
return {
"row_id": rowid,
"stream_hash": stream_hash,
"file_name": file_name,
"download_directory": download_dir,
"blob_data_rate": data_rate,
"status": status,
"sd_hash": sd_hash,
"key": stream_key,
"stream_name": stream_name,
"suggested_file_name": suggested_file_name
def _get_all_files(transaction):
return [
_lbry_file_dict(*file_info) for file_info in transaction.execute(
"select file.rowid, file.*, stream.* "
"from file inner join stream on file.stream_hash=stream.stream_hash"
d = self.db.runInteraction(_get_all_files)
return d
def change_file_status(self, rowid, new_status):
d = self.db.runQuery("update file set status=? where rowid=?", (new_status, rowid))
d.addCallback(lambda _: new_status)
return d
def get_lbry_file_status(self, rowid):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select status from file where rowid = ?", rowid
def get_rowid_for_stream_hash(self, stream_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select rowid from file where stream_hash=?", stream_hash
# # # # # # # # # support functions # # # # # # # # #
def save_supports(self, claim_id, supports):
# TODO: add 'address' to support items returned for a claim from lbrycrdd and lbryum-server
def _save_support(transaction):
transaction.execute("delete from support where claim_id=?", (claim_id, ))
for support in supports:
"insert into support values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
("%s:%i" % (support['txid'], support['nout']), claim_id, int(support['amount'] * COIN),
support.get('address', ""))
return self.db.runInteraction(_save_support)
def get_supports(self, claim_id):
def _format_support(outpoint, supported_id, amount, address):
return {
"txid": outpoint.split(":")[0],
"nout": int(outpoint.split(":")[1]),
"claim_id": supported_id,
"amount": float(Decimal(amount) / Decimal(COIN)),
"address": address,
def _get_supports(transaction):
return [
for support_info in transaction.execute(
"select * from support where claim_id=?", (claim_id, )
return self.db.runInteraction(_get_supports)
# # # # # # # # # claim functions # # # # # # # # #
def save_claim(self, claim_info, claim_dict=None):
outpoint = "%s:%i" % (claim_info['txid'], claim_info['nout'])
claim_id = claim_info['claim_id']
name = claim_info['name']
amount = int(COIN * claim_info['amount'])
height = claim_info['height']
address = claim_info['address']
sequence = claim_info['claim_sequence']
claim_dict = claim_dict or smart_decode(claim_info['value'])
serialized = claim_dict.serialized.encode('hex')
def _save_claim(transaction):
"insert or replace into claim values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(outpoint, claim_id, name, amount, height, serialized, claim_dict.certificate_id, address, sequence)
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
yield self.db.runInteraction(_save_claim)
if 'supports' in claim_info: # if this response doesn't have support info don't overwrite the existing
# support info
yield self.save_supports(claim_id, claim_info['supports'])
# check for content claim updates
if claim_dict.source_hash:
existing_file_stream_hash = yield self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select file.stream_hash from stream "
"inner join file on file.stream_hash=stream.stream_hash "
"where sd_hash=?", claim_dict.source_hash
if existing_file_stream_hash:
known_outpoint = yield self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select claim_outpoint from content_claim where stream_hash=?", existing_file_stream_hash
known_claim_id = yield self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select claim_id from claim "
"inner join content_claim c3 ON claim.claim_outpoint=c3.claim_outpoint "
"where c3.stream_hash=?", existing_file_stream_hash
2018-02-28 14:49:17 -05:00
if not known_claim_id: # this is a claim matching one of our files that has
# no associated claim yet"discovered content claim %s for stream %s", claim_id, existing_file_stream_hash)
yield self.save_content_claim(existing_file_stream_hash, outpoint)
elif known_claim_id and known_claim_id == claim_id:
2018-02-28 14:49:17 -05:00
if known_outpoint != outpoint: # this is an update for one of our files"updating content claim %s for stream %s", claim_id, existing_file_stream_hash)
yield self.save_content_claim(existing_file_stream_hash, outpoint)
2018-02-28 14:49:17 -05:00
else: # we're up to date already
else: # this is a claim containing a clone of a file that we have
log.warning("claim %s contains the same stream as the one already downloaded from claim %s",
claim_id, known_claim_id)
2018-02-28 14:59:12 -05:00
def get_old_stream_hashes_for_claim_id(self, claim_id, new_stream_hash):
2018-02-27 16:21:37 -05:00
return self.run_and_return_list(
"select f.stream_hash from file f "
"inner join content_claim cc on f.stream_hash=cc.stream_hash "
2018-02-28 14:59:12 -05:00
"inner join claim c on c.claim_outpoint=cc.claim_outpoint and c.claim_id=? "
"where f.stream_hash!=?", claim_id, new_stream_hash
2018-02-27 16:21:37 -05:00
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
def save_content_claim(self, stream_hash, claim_outpoint):
def _save_content_claim(transaction):
# get the claim id and serialized metadata
claim_info = transaction.execute(
"select claim_id, serialized_metadata from claim where claim_outpoint=?", (claim_outpoint, )
if not claim_info:
raise Exception("claim not found")
new_claim_id, claim = claim_info[0], ClaimDict.deserialize(claim_info[1].decode('hex'))
# certificate claims should not be in the content_claim table
if not claim.is_stream:
raise Exception("claim does not contain a stream")
# get the known sd hash for this stream
known_sd_hash = transaction.execute(
"select sd_hash from stream where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, )
if not known_sd_hash:
raise Exception("stream not found")
# check the claim contains the same sd hash
if known_sd_hash[0] != claim.source_hash:
raise Exception("stream mismatch")
# if there is a current claim associated to the file, check that the new claim is an update to it
current_associated_content = transaction.execute(
"select claim_outpoint from content_claim where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, )
if current_associated_content:
current_associated_claim_id = transaction.execute(
"select claim_id from claim where claim_outpoint=?", current_associated_content
if current_associated_claim_id != new_claim_id:
raise Exception("invalid stream update")
# update the claim associated to the file
transaction.execute("insert or replace into content_claim values (?, ?)", (stream_hash, claim_outpoint))
yield self.db.runInteraction(_save_content_claim)
# update corresponding ManagedEncryptedFileDownloader object
if stream_hash in self.content_claim_callbacks:
file_callback = self.content_claim_callbacks[stream_hash]
yield file_callback()
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
def get_content_claim(self, stream_hash, include_supports=True):
def _get_content_claim(transaction):
claim_id = transaction.execute(
2018-03-02 18:25:53 -05:00
"select claim.claim_outpoint from content_claim "
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
"inner join claim on claim.claim_outpoint=content_claim.claim_outpoint and content_claim.stream_hash=? "
"order by claim.rowid desc", (stream_hash, )
if not claim_id:
return None
return claim_id[0]
2018-03-02 18:25:53 -05:00
content_claim_outpoint = yield self.db.runInteraction(_get_content_claim)
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
result = None
2018-03-02 18:25:53 -05:00
if content_claim_outpoint:
result = yield self.get_claim(content_claim_outpoint, include_supports)
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
2018-03-02 18:25:53 -05:00
def get_claim(self, claim_outpoint, include_supports=True):
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
def _claim_response(outpoint, claim_id, name, amount, height, serialized, channel_id, address, claim_sequence):
r = {
"name": name,
"claim_id": claim_id,
"address": address,
"claim_sequence": claim_sequence,
"value": ClaimDict.deserialize(serialized.decode('hex')).claim_dict,
"height": height,
"amount": float(Decimal(amount) / Decimal(COIN)),
"nout": int(outpoint.split(":")[1]),
"txid": outpoint.split(":")[0],
"channel_claim_id": channel_id,
"channel_name": None
return r
def _get_claim(transaction):
claim_info = transaction.execute(
2018-03-02 18:25:53 -05:00
"select * from claim where claim_outpoint=?", (claim_outpoint, )
2018-02-12 13:36:35 -05:00
result = _claim_response(*claim_info)
if result['channel_claim_id']:
channel_name_result = transaction.execute(
"select claim_name from claim where claim_id=?", (result['channel_claim_id'], )
if channel_name_result:
result['channel_name'] = channel_name_result[0]
return result
result = yield self.db.runInteraction(_get_claim)
if include_supports:
supports = yield self.get_supports(result['claim_id'])
result['supports'] = supports
result['effective_amount'] = float(
sum([support['amount'] for support in supports]) + result['amount']
def get_unknown_certificate_ids(self):
def _get_unknown_certificate_claim_ids(transaction):
return [
claim_id for (claim_id,) in transaction.execute(
"select distinct c1.channel_claim_id from claim as c1 "
"where c1.channel_claim_id!='' "
"and c1.channel_claim_id not in "
"(select c2.claim_id from claim as c2)"
return self.db.runInteraction(_get_unknown_certificate_claim_ids)
2018-02-28 14:59:12 -05:00
def get_pending_claim_outpoints(self):
claim_outpoints = yield self.run_and_return_list("select claim_outpoint from claim where height=-1")
results = {} # {txid: [nout, ...]}
for outpoint_str in claim_outpoints:
txid, nout = outpoint_str.split(":")
outputs = results.get(txid, [])
results[txid] = outputs
if results:
log.debug("missing transaction heights for %i claims", len(results))
def save_claim_tx_heights(self, claim_tx_heights):
def _save_claim_heights(transaction):
for outpoint, height in claim_tx_heights.iteritems():
"update claim set height=? where claim_outpoint=? and height=-1",
(height, outpoint)
return self.db.runInteraction(_save_claim_heights)