
151 lines
7.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-01-06 12:41:41 -05:00
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Iterable
from lbry.error import TooManyClaimSearchParametersError
from lbry.schema.tags import clean_tags
from lbry.schema.url import normalize_name
from lbry.wallet.server.db.common import CLAIM_TYPES, STREAM_TYPES
from lbry.wallet.server.db.elasticsearch.constants import REPLACEMENTS, FIELDS, TEXT_FIELDS, RANGE_FIELDS
def expand_query(**kwargs):
if "amount_order" in kwargs:
kwargs["limit"] = 1
kwargs["order_by"] = "effective_amount"
kwargs["offset"] = int(kwargs["amount_order"]) - 1
if 'name' in kwargs:
kwargs['name'] = normalize_name(kwargs.pop('name'))
if kwargs.get('is_controlling') is False:
query = {'must': [], 'must_not': []}
collapse = None
if 'fee_currency' in kwargs and kwargs['fee_currency'] is not None:
kwargs['fee_currency'] = kwargs['fee_currency'].upper()
for key, value in kwargs.items():
key = key.replace('claim.', '')
many = key.endswith('__in') or isinstance(value, list)
if many and len(value) > 2048:
raise TooManyClaimSearchParametersError(key, 2048)
if many:
key = key.replace('__in', '')
value = list(filter(None, value))
if value is None or isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 0:
key = REPLACEMENTS.get(key, key)
if key in FIELDS:
partial_id = False
if key == 'claim_type':
if isinstance(value, str):
value = CLAIM_TYPES[value]
value = [CLAIM_TYPES[claim_type] for claim_type in value]
elif key == 'stream_type':
value = [STREAM_TYPES[value]] if isinstance(value, str) else list(map(STREAM_TYPES.get, value))
if key == '_id':
if isinstance(value, Iterable):
value = [item[::-1].hex() for item in value]
value = value[::-1].hex()
if not many and key in ('_id', 'claim_id') and len(value) < 20:
partial_id = True
if key in ('signature_valid', 'has_source'):
continue # handled later
if key in TEXT_FIELDS:
key += '.keyword'
ops = {'<=': 'lte', '>=': 'gte', '<': 'lt', '>': 'gt'}
if partial_id:
query['must'].append({"prefix": {"claim_id": value}})
elif key in RANGE_FIELDS and isinstance(value, str) and value[0] in ops:
operator_length = 2 if value[:2] in ops else 1
operator, value = value[:operator_length], value[operator_length:]
if key == 'fee_amount':
value = str(Decimal(value)*1000)
query['must'].append({"range": {key: {ops[operator]: value}}})
elif many:
query['must'].append({"terms": {key: value}})
if key == 'fee_amount':
value = str(Decimal(value)*1000)
query['must'].append({"term": {key: {"value": value}}})
elif key == 'not_channel_ids':
for channel_id in value:
query['must_not'].append({"term": {'channel_id.keyword': channel_id}})
query['must_not'].append({"term": {'_id': channel_id}})
elif key == 'channel_ids':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'channel_id.keyword': value}})
elif key == 'claim_ids':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'claim_id.keyword': value}})
elif key == 'media_types':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'media_type.keyword': value}})
elif key == 'any_languages':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'languages': clean_tags(value)}})
elif key == 'any_languages':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'languages': value}})
elif key == 'all_languages':
query['must'].extend([{"term": {'languages': tag}} for tag in value])
elif key == 'any_tags':
query['must'].append({"terms": {'tags.keyword': clean_tags(value)}})
elif key == 'all_tags':
query['must'].extend([{"term": {'tags.keyword': tag}} for tag in clean_tags(value)])
elif key == 'not_tags':
query['must_not'].extend([{"term": {'tags.keyword': tag}} for tag in clean_tags(value)])
elif key == 'not_claim_id':
query['must_not'].extend([{"term": {'claim_id.keyword': cid}} for cid in value])
elif key == 'limit_claims_per_channel':
collapse = ('channel_id.keyword', value)
if kwargs.get('has_channel_signature'):
query['must'].append({"exists": {"field": "signature"}})
if 'signature_valid' in kwargs:
query['must'].append({"term": {"is_signature_valid": bool(kwargs["signature_valid"])}})
elif 'signature_valid' in kwargs:
query.setdefault('should', [])
query["minimum_should_match"] = 1
query['should'].append({"bool": {"must_not": {"exists": {"field": "signature"}}}})
query['should'].append({"term": {"is_signature_valid": bool(kwargs["signature_valid"])}})
if 'has_source' in kwargs:
query.setdefault('should', [])
query["minimum_should_match"] = 1
is_stream_or_repost = {"terms": {"claim_type": [CLAIM_TYPES['stream'], CLAIM_TYPES['repost']]}}
{"bool": {"must": [{"match": {"has_source": kwargs['has_source']}}, is_stream_or_repost]}})
query['should'].append({"bool": {"must_not": [is_stream_or_repost]}})
query['should'].append({"bool": {"must": [{"term": {"reposted_claim_type": CLAIM_TYPES['channel']}}]}})
if kwargs.get('text'):
{"query": kwargs["text"], "fields": [
"claim_name^4", "channel_name^8", "title^1", "description^.5", "author^1", "tags^.5"
query = {
"_source": {"excludes": ["description", "title"]},
'query': {'bool': query},
"sort": [],
if "limit" in kwargs:
query["size"] = kwargs["limit"]
if 'offset' in kwargs:
query["from"] = kwargs["offset"]
if 'order_by' in kwargs:
if isinstance(kwargs["order_by"], str):
kwargs["order_by"] = [kwargs["order_by"]]
for value in kwargs['order_by']:
if 'trending_group' in value:
# fixme: trending_mixed is 0 for all records on variable decay, making sort slow.
is_asc = value.startswith('^')
value = value[1:] if is_asc else value
value = REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value)
if value in TEXT_FIELDS:
value += '.keyword'
query['sort'].append({value: "asc" if is_asc else "desc"})
if collapse:
query["collapse"] = {
"field": collapse[0],
"inner_hits": {
"name": collapse[0],
"size": collapse[1],
"sort": query["sort"]
return query