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2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
import binascii
import logging
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from lbrynet import conf
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
from lbrynet.core.BlobInfo import BlobInfo
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
class CryptBlobInfo(BlobInfo):
def __init__(self, blob_hash, blob_num, length, iv):
BlobInfo.__init__(self, blob_hash, blob_num, length)
self.iv = iv
class StreamBlobDecryptor(object):
def __init__(self, blob, key, iv, length):
This class decrypts blob
blob - object which implements read() function.
key = encryption_key
iv = initialization vector
blob_num = blob number (has no effect on encryption)
length = length in bytes of blob
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
self.blob = blob
self.key = key
self.iv = iv
self.length = length
self.buff = b''
self.len_read = 0
self.cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, self.iv)
def decrypt(self, write_func):
Decrypt blob and write its content useing write_func
write_func - function that takes decrypted string as
arugment and writes it somewhere
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def remove_padding(data):
pad_len = ord(data[-1])
data, padding = data[:-1 * pad_len], data[-1 * pad_len:]
for c in padding:
assert ord(c) == pad_len
return data
def write_bytes():
if self.len_read < self.length:
2016-11-30 14:20:45 -06:00
num_bytes_to_decrypt = greatest_multiple(len(self.buff), self.cipher.block_size)
data_to_decrypt, self.buff = split(self.buff, num_bytes_to_decrypt)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def finish_decrypt():
assert len(self.buff) % self.cipher.block_size == 0
data_to_decrypt, self.buff = self.buff, b''
def decrypt_bytes(data):
self.buff += data
self.len_read += len(data)
d =
d.addCallback(lambda _: finish_decrypt())
return d
class CryptStreamBlobMaker(object):
def __init__(self, key, iv, blob_num, blob):
This class encrypts data and writes it to a new blob
key = encryption_key
iv = initialization vector
blob_num = blob number (has no effect on encryption)
blob = object which implements write(), close() function , close() function must
be a deferred. (Will generally be of HashBlobCreator type)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
self.key = key
self.iv = iv
self.blob_num = blob_num
self.blob = blob
self.cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, self.iv)
self.buff = b''
self.length = 0
def write(self, data):
encrypt and write string data
tuple (done, num_bytes_to_write) where done is True if
max bytes are written. num_bytes_to_write is the number
of bytes that will be written from data in this call
2017-01-16 22:23:20 -05:00
max_bytes_to_write = conf.settings['BLOB_SIZE'] - self.length - 1
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
done = False
if max_bytes_to_write <= len(data):
num_bytes_to_write = max_bytes_to_write
done = True
num_bytes_to_write = len(data)
self.length += num_bytes_to_write
data_to_write = data[:num_bytes_to_write]
self.buff += data_to_write
return done, num_bytes_to_write
def close(self):
log.debug("closing blob %s with plaintext len %s", str(self.blob_num), str(self.length))
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
if self.length != 0:
d = self.blob.close()
log.debug("called the finished_callback from CryptStreamBlobMaker.close")
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
return d
def _write_buffer(self):
num_bytes_to_encrypt = (len(self.buff) // AES.block_size) * AES.block_size
2016-11-04 15:09:40 -05:00
data_to_encrypt, self.buff = split(self.buff, num_bytes_to_encrypt)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
encrypted_data = self.cipher.encrypt(data_to_encrypt)
def _close_buffer(self):
data_to_encrypt, self.buff = self.buff, b''
assert len(data_to_encrypt) < AES.block_size
pad_len = AES.block_size - len(data_to_encrypt)
padded_data = data_to_encrypt + chr(pad_len) * pad_len
self.length += pad_len
assert len(padded_data) == AES.block_size
encrypted_data = self.cipher.encrypt(padded_data)
def _return_info(self, blob_hash):
2016-11-04 15:09:40 -05:00
return CryptBlobInfo(blob_hash, self.blob_num, self.length, binascii.hexlify(self.iv))
2016-11-30 14:20:45 -06:00
def greatest_multiple(a, b):
"""return the largest value `c`, that is a multiple of `b` and is <= `a`"""
return (a // b) * b
2016-11-04 15:09:40 -05:00
def split(buff, cutoff):
return buff[:cutoff], buff[cutoff:]