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2017-11-16 14:34:48 -05:00
import hashlib
2017-04-04 15:00:48 -04:00
import unittest
2017-11-16 14:34:48 -05:00
#from lbrynet.dht import contact, routingtable, constants
import lbrynet.dht.constants
import lbrynet.dht.routingtable
import lbrynet.dht.node
class FakeRPCProtocol(object):
""" Fake RPC protocol; allows objects to "send" RPCs """
def sendRPC(self, *args, **kwargs):
return FakeDeferred()
class FakeDeferred(object):
""" Fake Twisted Deferred object; allows the routing table to add callbacks that do nothing """
def addCallback(self, *args, **kwargs):
def addErrback(self, *args, **kwargs):
def addCallbacks(self, *args, **kwargs):
class TreeRoutingTableTest(unittest.TestCase):
""" Test case for the RoutingTable class """
def setUp(self):
h = hashlib.sha384()
self.nodeID = h.digest()
self.protocol = FakeRPCProtocol()
self.routingTable = lbrynet.dht.routingtable.TreeRoutingTable(self.nodeID)
def testDistance(self):
""" Test to see if distance method returns correct result"""
# testList holds a couple 3-tuple (variable1, variable2, result)
basicTestList = [('123456789', '123456789', 0L), ('12345', '98765', 34527773184L)]
for test in basicTestList:
result = lbrynet.dht.node.Distance(test[0])(test[1])
self.failIf(result != test[2], 'Result of _distance() should be %s but %s returned' %
(test[2], result))
baseIp = ''
ipTestList = ['', '']
distanceOne = lbrynet.dht.node.Distance(baseIp)(ipTestList[0])
distanceTwo = lbrynet.dht.node.Distance(baseIp)(ipTestList[1])
self.failIf(distanceOne > distanceTwo, '%s should be closer to the base ip %s than %s' %
(ipTestList[0], baseIp, ipTestList[1]))
def testAddContact(self):
""" Tests if a contact can be added and retrieved correctly """
# Create the contact
h = hashlib.sha384()
contactID = h.digest()
contact =, '', 91824, self.protocol)
# Now add it...
# ...and request the closest nodes to it (will retrieve it)
closestNodes = self.routingTable.findCloseNodes(contactID, lbrynet.dht.constants.k)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(closestNodes), 1, 'Wrong amount of contacts returned; expected 1,'
' got %d' % len(closestNodes))
self.failUnless(contact in closestNodes, 'Added contact not found by issueing '
def testGetContact(self):
""" Tests if a specific existing contact can be retrieved correctly """
h = hashlib.sha384()
contactID = h.digest()
contact =, '', 91824, self.protocol)
# Now add it...
# ...and get it again
sameContact = self.routingTable.getContact(contactID)
self.failUnlessEqual(contact, sameContact, 'getContact() should return the same contact')
def testAddParentNodeAsContact(self):
Tests the routing table's behaviour when attempting to add its parent node as a contact
# Create a contact with the same ID as the local node's ID
contact =, '', 91824, self.protocol)
# Now try to add it
# ...and request the closest nodes to it using FIND_NODE
closestNodes = self.routingTable.findCloseNodes(self.nodeID, lbrynet.dht.constants.k)
self.failIf(contact in closestNodes, 'Node added itself as a contact')
def testRemoveContact(self):
""" Tests contact removal """
# Create the contact
h = hashlib.sha384()
contactID = h.digest()
contact =, '', 91824, self.protocol)
# Now add it...
# Verify addition
self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.routingTable._buckets[0]), 1, 'Contact not added properly')
# Now remove it
self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.routingTable._buckets[0]), 0, 'Contact not removed properly')
def testSplitBucket(self):
""" Tests if the the routing table correctly dynamically splits k-buckets """
self.failUnlessEqual(self.routingTable._buckets[0].rangeMax, 2**384,
'Initial k-bucket range should be 0 <= range < 2**384')
# Add k contacts
for i in range(lbrynet.dht.constants.k):
h = hashlib.sha384()
h.update('remote node %d' % i)
nodeID = h.digest()
contact =, '', 91824, self.protocol)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.routingTable._buckets), 1,
'Only k nodes have been added; the first k-bucket should now '
'be full, but should not yet be split')
# Now add 1 more contact
h = hashlib.sha384()
h.update('yet another remote node')
nodeID = h.digest()
contact =, '', 91824, self.protocol)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.routingTable._buckets), 2,
'k+1 nodes have been added; the first k-bucket should have been '
'split into two new buckets')
self.failIfEqual(self.routingTable._buckets[0].rangeMax, 2**384,
'K-bucket was split, but its range was not properly adjusted')
self.failUnlessEqual(self.routingTable._buckets[1].rangeMax, 2**384,
'K-bucket was split, but the second (new) bucket\'s '
'max range was not set properly')
'K-bucket was split, but the min/max ranges were '
'not divided properly')
def testFullBucketNoSplit(self):
Test that a bucket is not split if it full, but does not cover the range
containing the parent node's ID
self.routingTable._parentNodeID = 49 * 'a'
# more than 384 bits; this will not be in the range of _any_ k-bucket
# Add k contacts
for i in range(lbrynet.dht.constants.k):
h = hashlib.sha384()
h.update('remote node %d' % i)
nodeID = h.digest()
contact =, '', 91824, self.protocol)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.routingTable._buckets), 1, 'Only k nodes have been added; '
'the first k-bucket should now be '
'full, and there should not be '
'more than 1 bucket')
self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.routingTable._buckets[0]._contacts), lbrynet.dht.constants.k,
'Bucket should have k contacts; expected %d got %d' %
# Now add 1 more contact
h = hashlib.sha384()
h.update('yet another remote node')
nodeID = h.digest()
contact =, '', 91824, self.protocol)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(self.routingTable._buckets), 1,
'There should not be more than 1 bucket, since the bucket '
'should not have been split (parent node ID not in range)')
lbrynet.dht.constants.k, 'Bucket should have k contacts; '
'expected %d got %d' %
self.failIf(contact in self.routingTable._buckets[0]._contacts,
'New contact should have been discarded (since RPC is faked in this test)')
2017-04-04 15:00:48 -04:00
class KeyErrorFixedTest(unittest.TestCase):
""" Basic tests case for boolean operators on the Contact class """
def setUp(self):
2017-11-16 14:34:48 -05:00
own_id = (2 ** lbrynet.dht.constants.key_bits) - 1
2017-04-04 15:00:48 -04:00
# carefully chosen own_id. here's the logic
# we want a bunch of buckets (k+1, to be exact), and we want to make sure own_id
# is not in bucket 0. so we put own_id at the end so we can keep splitting by adding to the
# end
2017-11-16 14:34:48 -05:00
self.table = lbrynet.dht.routingtable.OptimizedTreeRoutingTable(own_id)
2017-04-04 15:00:48 -04:00
def fill_bucket(self, bucket_min):
2017-11-16 14:34:48 -05:00
bucket_size = lbrynet.dht.constants.k
2017-04-04 15:00:48 -04:00
for i in range(bucket_min, bucket_min + bucket_size):
2017-11-16 14:34:48 -05:00
self.table.addContact(, '', 9999, None))
2017-04-04 15:00:48 -04:00
def overflow_bucket(self, bucket_min):
2017-11-16 14:34:48 -05:00
bucket_size = lbrynet.dht.constants.k
2017-04-04 15:00:48 -04:00
2017-11-16 14:34:48 -05:00 + bucket_size + 1),
'', 9999, None))
2017-04-04 15:00:48 -04:00
def testKeyError(self):
# find middle, so we know where bucket will split
bucket_middle = self.table._buckets[0].rangeMax / 2
# fill last bucket
2017-11-16 14:34:48 -05:00
self.fill_bucket(self.table._buckets[0].rangeMax - lbrynet.dht.constants.k - 1)
2017-04-04 15:00:48 -04:00
# -1 in previous line because own_id is in last bucket
# fill/overflow 7 more buckets
bucket_start = 0
2017-11-16 14:34:48 -05:00
for i in range(0, lbrynet.dht.constants.k):
2017-04-04 15:00:48 -04:00
bucket_start += bucket_middle / (2 ** i)
# replacement cache now has k-1 entries.
# adding one more contact to bucket 0 used to cause a KeyError, but it should work
2017-11-16 14:34:48 -05:00
self.table.addContact( + 2), '', 9999, None))
2017-04-04 15:00:48 -04:00
# import math
# print ""
# for i, bucket in enumerate(self.table._buckets):
# print "Bucket " + str(i) + " (2 ** " + str(
# math.log(bucket.rangeMin, 2) if bucket.rangeMin > 0 else 0) + " <= x < 2 ** "+str(
# math.log(bucket.rangeMax, 2)) + ")"
# for c in bucket.getContacts():
# print " contact " + str(
# for key, bucket in self.table._replacementCache.iteritems():
# print "Replacement Cache for Bucket " + str(key)
# for c in bucket:
# print " contact " + str(