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2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This library is free software, distributed under the terms of
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3, or any later version.
# See the COPYING file included in this archive
# The docstrings in this module contain epytext markup; API documentation
# may be created by processing this file with epydoc:
import UserDict
import time
import constants
class DataStore(UserDict.DictMixin):
""" Interface for classes implementing physical storage (for data
published via the "STORE" RPC) for the Kademlia DHT
@note: This provides an interface for a dict-like object
def keys(self):
""" Return a list of the keys in this data store """
# def lastPublished(self, key):
# """ Get the time the C{(key, value)} pair identified by C{key}
# was last published """
# def originalPublisherID(self, key):
# """ Get the original publisher of the data's node ID
# @param key: The key that identifies the stored data
# @type key: str
# @return: Return the node ID of the original publisher of the
# C{(key, value)} pair identified by C{key}.
# """
# def originalPublishTime(self, key):
# """ Get the time the C{(key, value)} pair identified by C{key}
# was originally published """
# def setItem(self, key, value, lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID):
# """ Set the value of the (key, value) pair identified by C{key};
# this should set the "last published" value for the (key, value)
# pair to the current time
# """
def addPeerToBlob(self, key, value, lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID):
# def __getitem__(self, key):
# """ Get the value identified by C{key} """
# def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# """ Convenience wrapper to C{setItem}; this accepts a tuple in the
# format: (value, lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID) """
# self.setItem(key, *value)
# def __delitem__(self, key):
# """ Delete the specified key (and its value) """
class DictDataStore(DataStore):
""" A datastore using an in-memory Python dictionary """
def __init__(self):
# Dictionary format:
# { <key>: (<value>, <lastPublished>, <originallyPublished> <originalPublisherID>) }
self._dict = {}
def keys(self):
""" Return a list of the keys in this data store """
return self._dict.keys()
# def lastPublished(self, key):
# """ Get the time the C{(key, value)} pair identified by C{key}
# was last published """
# return self._dict[key][1]
# def originalPublisherID(self, key):
# """ Get the original publisher of the data's node ID
# @param key: The key that identifies the stored data
# @type key: str
# @return: Return the node ID of the original publisher of the
# C{(key, value)} pair identified by C{key}.
# """
# return self._dict[key][3]
# def originalPublishTime(self, key):
# """ Get the time the C{(key, value)} pair identified by C{key}
# was originally published """
# return self._dict[key][2]
def removeExpiredPeers(self):
now = int(time.time())
def notExpired(peer):
if (now - peer[2]) > constants.dataExpireTimeout:
return False
return True
for key in self._dict.keys():
unexpired_peers = filter(notExpired, self._dict[key])
self._dict[key] = unexpired_peers
def hasPeersForBlob(self, key):
if key in self._dict and len(self._dict[key]) > 0:
return True
return False
def addPeerToBlob(self, key, value, lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID):
if key in self._dict:
self._dict[key].append((value, lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID))
self._dict[key] = [(value, lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID)]
def getPeersForBlob(self, key):
if key in self._dict:
return [val[0] for val in self._dict[key]]
# def setItem(self, key, value, lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID):
# """ Set the value of the (key, value) pair identified by C{key};
# this should set the "last published" value for the (key, value)
# pair to the current time
# """
# self._dict[key] = (value, lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID)
# def __getitem__(self, key):
# """ Get the value identified by C{key} """
# return self._dict[key][0]
# def __delitem__(self, key):
# """ Delete the specified key (and its value) """
# del self._dict[key]
#class SQLiteDataStore(DataStore):
# """ Example of a SQLite database-based datastore
# """
# def __init__(self, dbFile=':memory:'):
# """
# @param dbFile: The name of the file containing the SQLite database; if
# unspecified, an in-memory database is used.
# @type dbFile: str
# """
# createDB = not os.path.exists(dbFile)
# self._db = sqlite3.connect(dbFile)
# self._db.isolation_level = None
# self._db.text_factory = str
# if createDB:
# self._db.execute('CREATE TABLE data(key, value, lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID)')
# self._cursor = self._db.cursor()
# def keys(self):
# """ Return a list of the keys in this data store """
# keys = []
# try:
# self._cursor.execute("SELECT key FROM data")
# for row in self._cursor:
# keys.append(row[0].decode('hex'))
# finally:
# return keys
# def lastPublished(self, key):
# """ Get the time the C{(key, value)} pair identified by C{key}
# was last published """
# return int(self._dbQuery(key, 'lastPublished'))
# def originalPublisherID(self, key):
# """ Get the original publisher of the data's node ID
# @param key: The key that identifies the stored data
# @type key: str
# @return: Return the node ID of the original publisher of the
# C{(key, value)} pair identified by C{key}.
# """
# return self._dbQuery(key, 'originalPublisherID')
# def originalPublishTime(self, key):
# """ Get the time the C{(key, value)} pair identified by C{key}
# was originally published """
# return int(self._dbQuery(key, 'originallyPublished'))
# def setItem(self, key, value, lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID):
# # Encode the key so that it doesn't corrupt the database
# encodedKey = key.encode('hex')
# self._cursor.execute("select key from data where key=:reqKey", {'reqKey': encodedKey})
# if self._cursor.fetchone() == None:
# self._cursor.execute('INSERT INTO data(key, value, lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (encodedKey, buffer(pickle.dumps(value, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)), lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID))
# else:
# self._cursor.execute('UPDATE data SET value=?, lastPublished=?, originallyPublished=?, originalPublisherID=? WHERE key=?', (buffer(pickle.dumps(value, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)), lastPublished, originallyPublished, originalPublisherID, encodedKey))
# def _dbQuery(self, key, columnName, unpickle=False):
# try:
# self._cursor.execute("SELECT %s FROM data WHERE key=:reqKey" % columnName, {'reqKey': key.encode('hex')})
# row = self._cursor.fetchone()
# value = str(row[0])
# except TypeError:
# raise KeyError, key
# else:
# if unpickle:
# return pickle.loads(value)
# else:
# return value
# def __getitem__(self, key):
# return self._dbQuery(key, 'value', unpickle=True)
# def __delitem__(self, key):
# self._cursor.execute("DELETE FROM data WHERE key=:reqKey", {'reqKey': key.encode('hex')})