"returns":" {\n \"streaming_url\": \"(str) url to stream the file using range requests\",\n \"completed\": \"(bool) true if download is completed\",\n \"file_name\": \"(str) name of file\",\n \"download_directory\": \"(str) download directory\",\n \"points_paid\": \"(float) credit paid to download file\",\n \"stopped\": \"(bool) true if download is stopped\",\n \"stream_hash\": \"(str) stream hash of file\",\n \"stream_name\": \"(str) stream name\",\n \"suggested_file_name\": \"(str) suggested file name\",\n \"sd_hash\": \"(str) sd hash of file\",\n \"download_path\": \"(str) download path of file\",\n \"mime_type\": \"(str) mime type of file\",\n \"key\": \"(str) key attached to file\",\n \"total_bytes_lower_bound\": \"(int) lower bound file size in bytes\",\n \"total_bytes\": \"(int) file upper bound size in bytes\",\n \"written_bytes\": \"(int) written size in bytes\",\n \"blobs_completed\": \"(int) number of fully downloaded blobs\",\n \"blobs_in_stream\": \"(int) total blobs on stream\",\n \"blobs_remaining\": \"(int) total blobs remaining to download\",\n \"status\": \"(str) downloader status\",\n \"claim_id\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the claim id\",\n \"txid\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the transaction id\",\n \"nout\": \"(int) None if claim is not found else the transaction output index\",\n \"outpoint\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the tx and output\",\n \"metadata\": \"(dict) None if claim is not found else the claim metadata\",\n \"channel_claim_id\": \"(str) None if claim is not found or not signed\",\n \"channel_name\": \"(str) None if claim is not found or not signed\",\n \"claim_name\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the claim name\",\n \"reflector_progress\": \"(int) reflector upload progress, 0 to 100\",\n \"uploading_to_reflector\": \"(bool) set to True when currently uploading to reflector\"\n }",
"description":"validate that the video container and encodings match common web browser support or that optimization succeeds if specified. FFmpeg is required",
"description":"transcode the video & audio if necessary to ensure common web browser support. FFmpeg is required",
"description":"address where to send fee payments, will use value from --claim_address if not provided",
"description":"title of the publication",
"description":"description of the publication",
"description":"author of the publication. The usage for this field is not the same as for channels. The author field is used to credit an author who is not the publisher and is not represented by the channel. For example, a pdf file of 'The Odyssey' has an author of 'Homer' but may by published to a channel such as '@classics', or to no channel at all",
"description":"add content tags",
"description":"languages used by the channel, using RFC 5646 format, eg: for English `--languages=en` for Spanish (Spain) `--languages=es-ES` for Spanish (Mexican) `--languages=es-MX` for Chinese (Simplified) `--languages=zh-Hans` for Chinese (Traditional) `--languages=zh-Hant`",
"description":"locations relevant to the stream, consisting of 2 letter `country` code and a `state`, `city` and a postal `code` along with a `latitude` and `longitude`. for JSON RPC: pass a dictionary with aforementioned attributes as keys, eg: ... \"locations\": [{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}] ... for command line: pass a colon delimited list with values in the following order: \"COUNTRY:STATE:CITY:CODE:LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\" making sure to include colon for blank values, for example to provide only the city: ... --locations=\"::Manchester\" with all values set: ... --locations=\"US:NH:Manchester:03101:42.990605:-71.460989\" optionally, you can just pass the \"LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\": ... --locations=\"42.990605:-71.460989\" finally, you can also pass JSON string of dictionary on the command line as you would via JSON RPC ... --locations=\"{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}\"",
"description":"publication license",
"description":"publication license url",
"description":"thumbnail url",
"description":"original public release of content, seconds since UNIX epoch",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"returns":"Dictionary of results, keyed by url\n '<url>': {\n If a resolution error occurs:\n 'error': Error message\n\n If the url resolves to a channel or a claim in a channel:\n 'certificate': {\n 'address': (str) claim address,\n 'amount': (float) claim amount,\n 'effective_amount': (float) claim amount including supports,\n 'claim_id': (str) claim id,\n 'claim_sequence': (int) claim sequence number (or -1 if unknown),\n 'decoded_claim': (bool) whether or not the claim value was decoded,\n 'height': (int) claim height,\n 'confirmations': (int) claim depth,\n 'timestamp': (int) timestamp of the block that included this claim tx,\n 'has_signature': (bool) included if decoded_claim\n 'name': (str) claim name,\n 'permanent_url': (str) permanent url of the certificate claim,\n 'supports: (list) list of supports [{'txid': (str) txid,\n 'nout': (int) nout,\n 'amount': (float) amount}],\n 'txid': (str) claim txid,\n 'nout': (str) claim nout,\n 'signature_is_valid': (bool), included if has_signature,\n 'value': ClaimDict if decoded, otherwise hex string\n }\n\n If the url resolves to a channel:\n 'claims_in_channel': (int) number of claims in the channel,\n\n If the url resolves to a claim:\n 'claim': {\n 'address': (str) claim address,\n 'amount': (float) claim amount,\n 'effective_amount': (float) claim amount including supports,\n 'claim_id': (str) claim id,\n 'claim_sequence': (int) claim sequence number (or -1 if unknown),\n 'decoded_claim': (bool) whether or not the claim value was decoded,\n 'height': (int) claim height,\n 'depth': (int) claim depth,\n 'has_signature': (bool) included if decoded_claim\n 'name': (str) claim name,\n 'permanent_url': (str) permanent url of the claim,\n 'channel_name': (str) channel name if claim is in a channel\n 'supports: (list) list of supports [{'txid': (str) txid,\n 'nout': (int) nout,\n 'amount': (float) amount}]\n 'txid': (str) claim txid,\n 'nout': (str) claim nout,\n 'signature_is_valid': (bool), included if has_signature,\n 'value': ClaimDict if decoded, otherwise hex string\n }\n }",
"returns":"(dict) lbrynet-daemon status\n {\n 'installation_id': (str) installation id - base58,\n 'is_running': (bool),\n 'skipped_components': (list) [names of skipped components (str)],\n 'startup_status': { Does not include components which have been skipped\n 'blob_manager': (bool),\n 'blockchain_headers': (bool),\n 'database': (bool),\n 'dht': (bool),\n 'exchange_rate_manager': (bool),\n 'hash_announcer': (bool),\n 'peer_protocol_server': (bool),\n 'file_manager': (bool),\n 'libtorrent_component': (bool),\n 'upnp': (bool),\n 'wallet': (bool),\n },\n 'connection_status': {\n 'code': (str) connection status code,\n 'message': (str) connection status message\n },\n 'blockchain_headers': {\n 'downloading_headers': (bool),\n 'download_progress': (float) 0-100.0\n },\n 'wallet': {\n 'connected': (str) host and port of the connected spv server,\n 'blocks': (int) local blockchain height,\n 'blocks_behind': (int) remote_height - local_height,\n 'best_blockhash': (str) block hash of most recent block,\n 'is_encrypted': (bool),\n 'is_locked': (bool),\n 'connected_servers': (list) [\n {\n 'host': (str) server hostname,\n 'port': (int) server port,\n 'latency': (int) milliseconds\n }\n ],\n },\n 'libtorrent_component': {\n 'running': (bool) libtorrent was detected and started successfully,\n },\n 'dht': {\n 'node_id': (str) lbry dht node id - hex encoded,\n 'peers_in_routing_table': (int) the number of peers in the routing table,\n },\n 'blob_manager': {\n 'finished_blobs': (int) number of finished blobs in the blob manager,\n 'connections': {\n 'incoming_bps': {\n <source ip and tcp port>: (int) bytes per second received,\n },\n 'outgoing_bps': {\n <destination ip and tcp port>: (int) bytes per second sent,\n },\n 'total_outgoing_mps': (float) megabytes per second sent,\n 'total_incoming_mps': (float) megabytes per second received,\n 'max_outgoing_mbs': (float) maximum bandwidth (megabytes per second) sent, since the\n daemon was started\n 'max_incoming_mbs': (float) maximum bandwidth (megabytes per second) received, since the\n daemon was started\n 'total_sent' : (int) total number of bytes sent since the daemon was started\n 'total_received' : (int) total number of bytes received since the daemon was started\n }\n },\n 'hash_announcer': {\n 'announce_queue_size': (int) number of blobs currently queued to be announced\n },\n 'file_manager': {\n 'managed_files': (int) count of files in the stream manager,\n },\n 'upnp': {\n 'aioupnp_version': (str),\n 'redirects': {\n <TCP | UDP>: (int) external_port,\n },\n 'gateway': (str) manufacturer and model,\n 'dht_redirect_set': (bool),\n 'peer_redirect_set': (bool),\n 'external_ip': (str) external ip address,\n }\n }",
"doc":"Create, modify and inspect wallet accounts.",
"description":"Add a previously created account from a seed, private key or public key (read-only).\nSpecify --single_key for single address or vanity address accounts.",
"description":"name of the account to add",
"description":"seed to generate new account from",
"description":"private key for new account",
"description":"public key for new account",
"description":"create single key account, default is multi-key",
"returns":" {\n \"id\": \"account_id\",\n \"is_default\": \"this account is used by default\",\n \"ledger\": \"name of crypto currency and network\",\n \"name\": \"optional account name\",\n \"seed\": \"human friendly words from which account can be recreated\",\n \"encrypted\": \"if account is encrypted\",\n \"private_key\": \"extended private key\",\n \"public_key\": \"extended public key\",\n \"address_generator\": \"settings for generating addresses\",\n \"modified_on\": \"date of last modification to account settings\"\n }",
"returns":" {\n \"id\": \"account_id\",\n \"is_default\": \"this account is used by default\",\n \"ledger\": \"name of crypto currency and network\",\n \"name\": \"optional account name\",\n \"seed\": \"human friendly words from which account can be recreated\",\n \"encrypted\": \"if account is encrypted\",\n \"private_key\": \"extended private key\",\n \"public_key\": \"extended public key\",\n \"address_generator\": \"settings for generating addresses\",\n \"modified_on\": \"date of last modification to account settings\"\n }",
"description":"Transfer some amount (or --everything) to an account from another\naccount (can be the same account). Amounts are interpreted as LBC.\nYou can also spread the transfer across a number of --outputs (cannot\nbe used together with --everything).",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"id\": \"account_id\",\n \"is_default\": \"this account is used by default\",\n \"ledger\": \"name of crypto currency and network\",\n \"name\": \"optional account name\",\n \"seed\": \"human friendly words from which account can be recreated\",\n \"encrypted\": \"if account is encrypted\",\n \"private_key\": \"extended private key\",\n \"public_key\": \"extended public key\",\n \"address_generator\": \"settings for generating addresses\",\n \"modified_on\": \"date of last modification to account settings\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"description":"Finds ranges of consecutive addresses that are unused and returns the length\nof the longest such range: for change and receiving address chains. This is\nuseful to figure out ideal values to set for 'receiving_gap' and 'change_gap'\naccount settings.",
"description":"account for which to get max gaps",
"returns":" {\n \"id\": \"account_id\",\n \"is_default\": \"this account is used by default\",\n \"ledger\": \"name of crypto currency and network\",\n \"name\": \"optional account name\",\n \"seed\": \"human friendly words from which account can be recreated\",\n \"encrypted\": \"if account is encrypted\",\n \"private_key\": \"extended private key\",\n \"public_key\": \"extended public key\",\n \"address_generator\": \"settings for generating addresses\",\n \"modified_on\": \"date of last modification to account settings\"\n }",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"description":"set the gap for receiving addresses",
"description":"set the maximum number of times to use a receiving address",
"description":"set the gap for change addresses",
"description":"set the maximum number of times to use a change address",
"returns":" {\n \"id\": \"account_id\",\n \"is_default\": \"this account is used by default\",\n \"ledger\": \"name of crypto currency and network\",\n \"name\": \"optional account name\",\n \"seed\": \"human friendly words from which account can be recreated\",\n \"encrypted\": \"if account is encrypted\",\n \"private_key\": \"extended private key\",\n \"public_key\": \"extended public key\",\n \"address_generator\": \"settings for generating addresses\",\n \"modified_on\": \"date of last modification to account settings\"\n }",
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n \"an address in base58\"\n ]\n }",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"description":"languages used by the channel, using RFC 5646 format, eg: for English `--languages=en` for Spanish (Spain) `--languages=es-ES` for Spanish (Mexican) `--languages=es-MX` for Chinese (Simplified) `--languages=zh-Hans` for Chinese (Traditional) `--languages=zh-Hant`",
"description":"locations of the channel, consisting of 2 letter `country` code and a `state`, `city` and a postal `code` along with a `latitude` and `longitude`. for JSON RPC: pass a dictionary with aforementioned attributes as keys, eg: ... \"locations\": [{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}] ... for command line: pass a colon delimited list with values in the following order: \"COUNTRY:STATE:CITY:CODE:LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\" making sure to include colon for blank values, for example to provide only the city: ... --locations=\"::Manchester\" with all values set: ... --locations=\"US:NH:Manchester:03101:42.990605:-71.460989\" optionally, you can just pass the \"LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\": ... --locations=\"42.990605:-71.460989\" finally, you can also pass JSON string of dictionary on the command line as you would via JSON RPC ... --locations=\"{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}\"",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"description":"Signs data using the specified channel signing key.",
"description":"name of channel used to sign (or use channel id)",
"description":"claim id of channel used to sign (or use channel name)",
"description":"data to sign, encoded as hexadecimal",
"description":"one or more account ids for accounts to look in for channel certificates, defaults to all accounts.",
"description":"restrict operation to specific wallet",
"returns":"(dict) Signature if successfully made, (None) or an error otherwise\n {\n \"signature\": (str) The signature of the comment,\n \"signing_ts\": (str) The timestamp used to sign the comment,\n }",
"description":"languages used by the channel, using RFC 5646 format, eg: for English `--languages=en` for Spanish (Spain) `--languages=es-ES` for Spanish (Mexican) `--languages=es-MX` for Chinese (Simplified) `--languages=zh-Hans` for Chinese (Traditional) `--languages=zh-Hant`",
"description":"locations of the channel, consisting of 2 letter `country` code and a `state`, `city` and a postal `code` along with a `latitude` and `longitude`. for JSON RPC: pass a dictionary with aforementioned attributes as keys, eg: ... \"locations\": [{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}] ... for command line: pass a colon delimited list with values in the following order: \"COUNTRY:STATE:CITY:CODE:LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\" making sure to include colon for blank values, for example to provide only the city: ... --locations=\"::Manchester\" with all values set: ... --locations=\"US:NH:Manchester:03101:42.990605:-71.460989\" optionally, you can just pass the \"LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\": ... --locations=\"42.990605:-71.460989\" finally, you can also pass JSON string of dictionary on the command line as you would via JSON RPC ... --locations=\"{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}\"",
"description":"instead of modifying specific values on the channel, this will clear all existing values and only save passed in values, useful for form submissions where all values are always set",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"description":"Search for stream and channel claims on the blockchain.\n\nArguments marked with \"supports equality constraints\" allow prepending the\nvalue with an equality constraint such as '>', '>=', '<' and '<='\neg. --height=\">400000\" would limit results to only claims above 400k block height.",
"description":"claims signed by this channel (argument is a URL which automatically gets resolved), see --channel_ids if you need to filter by multiple channels at the same time, includes claims with invalid signatures, use in conjunction with --valid_channel_signature",
"description":"claims signed by any of these channels (arguments must be claim ids of the channels), includes claims with invalid signatures, implies --has_channel_signature, use in conjunction with --valid_channel_signature",
"description":"exclude claims signed by any of these channels (arguments must be claim ids of the channels)",
"description":"claims with a channel signature (valid or invalid)",
"description":"claims with a valid channel signature or no signature, use in conjunction with --has_channel_signature to only get claims with valid signatures",
"description":"claims with invalid channel signature or no signature, use in conjunction with --has_channel_signature to only get claims with invalid signatures",
"description":"winning claims of their respective name",
"description":"only return channels having this public key id, this is the same key as used in the wallet file to map channel certificate private keys: {'public_key_id': 'private key'}",
"description":"created at block height (supports equality constraints)",
"description":"created at timestamp (supports equality constraints)",
"description":"height at which claim starts competing for name (supports equality constraints)",
"description":"height at which claim will expire (supports equality constraints)",
"description":"limit to claims self-described as having been released to the public on or after this UTC timestamp, when claim does not provide a release time the publish time is used instead (supports equality constraints)",
"description":"limit by claim value (supports equality constraints)",
"description":"limit by total value (initial claim value plus all tips and supports received), this amount is blank until claim has reached activation height (supports equality constraints)",
"description":"field to order by, default is descending order, to do an ascending order prepend ^ to the field name, eg. '^amount' available fields: 'name', 'height', 'release_time', 'publish_time', 'amount', 'effective_amount', 'support_amount', 'trending_group', 'trending_mixed', 'trending_local', 'trending_global', 'activation_height'",
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"description":"languages used by the collection, using RFC 5646 format, eg: for English `--languages=en` for Spanish (Spain) `--languages=es-ES` for Spanish (Mexican) `--languages=es-MX` for Chinese (Simplified) `--languages=zh-Hans` for Chinese (Traditional) `--languages=zh-Hant`",
"description":"locations of the collection, consisting of 2 letter `country` code and a `state`, `city` and a postal `code` along with a `latitude` and `longitude`. for JSON RPC: pass a dictionary with aforementioned attributes as keys, eg: ... \"locations\": [{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}] ... for command line: pass a colon delimited list with values in the following order: \"COUNTRY:STATE:CITY:CODE:LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\" making sure to include colon for blank values, for example to provide only the city: ... --locations=\"::Manchester\" with all values set: ... --locations=\"US:NH:Manchester:03101:42.990605:-71.460989\" optionally, you can just pass the \"LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\": ... --locations=\"42.990605:-71.460989\" finally, you can also pass JSON string of dictionary on the command line as you would via JSON RPC ... --locations=\"{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}\"",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"description":"Update an existing collection claim.",
"description":"claim_id of the collection to update",
"description":"amount to back the claim",
"description":"claim ids",
"description":"clear existing claim references (prior to adding new ones)",
"description":"title of the collection",
"description":"description of the collection",
"description":"add content tags",
"description":"clear existing tags (prior to adding new ones)",
"description":"languages used by the collection, using RFC 5646 format, eg: for English `--languages=en` for Spanish (Spain) `--languages=es-ES` for Spanish (Mexican) `--languages=es-MX` for Chinese (Simplified) `--languages=zh-Hans` for Chinese (Traditional) `--languages=zh-Hant`",
"description":"clear existing languages (prior to adding new ones)",
"description":"locations of the collection, consisting of 2 letter `country` code and a `state`, `city` and a postal `code` along with a `latitude` and `longitude`. for JSON RPC: pass a dictionary with aforementioned attributes as keys, eg: ... \"locations\": [{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}] ... for command line: pass a colon delimited list with values in the following order: \"COUNTRY:STATE:CITY:CODE:LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\" making sure to include colon for blank values, for example to provide only the city: ... --locations=\"::Manchester\" with all values set: ... --locations=\"US:NH:Manchester:03101:42.990605:-71.460989\" optionally, you can just pass the \"LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\": ... --locations=\"42.990605:-71.460989\" finally, you can also pass JSON string of dictionary on the command line as you would via JSON RPC ... --locations=\"{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}\"",
"description":"clear existing locations (prior to adding new ones)",
"description":"thumbnail url",
"description":"account in which to look for collection (default: all)",
"description":"restrict operation to specific wallet",
"description":"ids of accounts to fund this transaction",
"description":"address where the collection is sent",
"description":"do not broadcast the transaction",
"description":"wait until transaction is in mempool",
"description":"instead of modifying specific values on the collection, this will clear all existing values and only save passed in values, useful for form submissions where all values are always set",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"streaming_url\": \"(str) url to stream the file using range requests\",\n \"completed\": \"(bool) true if download is completed\",\n \"file_name\": \"(str) name of file\",\n \"download_directory\": \"(str) download directory\",\n \"points_paid\": \"(float) credit paid to download file\",\n \"stopped\": \"(bool) true if download is stopped\",\n \"stream_hash\": \"(str) stream hash of file\",\n \"stream_name\": \"(str) stream name\",\n \"suggested_file_name\": \"(str) suggested file name\",\n \"sd_hash\": \"(str) sd hash of file\",\n \"download_path\": \"(str) download path of file\",\n \"mime_type\": \"(str) mime type of file\",\n \"key\": \"(str) key attached to file\",\n \"total_bytes_lower_bound\": \"(int) lower bound file size in bytes\",\n \"total_bytes\": \"(int) file upper bound size in bytes\",\n \"written_bytes\": \"(int) written size in bytes\",\n \"blobs_completed\": \"(int) number of fully downloaded blobs\",\n \"blobs_in_stream\": \"(int) total blobs on stream\",\n \"blobs_remaining\": \"(int) total blobs remaining to download\",\n \"status\": \"(str) downloader status\",\n \"claim_id\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the claim id\",\n \"txid\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the transaction id\",\n \"nout\": \"(int) None if claim is not found else the transaction output index\",\n \"outpoint\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the tx and output\",\n \"metadata\": \"(dict) None if claim is not found else the claim metadata\",\n \"channel_claim_id\": \"(str) None if claim is not found or not signed\",\n \"channel_name\": \"(str) None if claim is not found or not signed\",\n \"claim_name\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the claim name\",\n \"reflector_progress\": \"(int) reflector upload progress, 0 to 100\",\n \"uploading_to_reflector\": \"(bool) set to True when currently uploading to reflector\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"returns":"{\n\"streaming_url\": \"(str) url to stream the file using range requests\",\n \"completed\": \"(bool) true if download is completed\",\n \"file_name\": \"(str) name of file\",\n \"download_directory\": \"(str) download directory\",\n \"points_paid\": \"(float) credit paid to download file\",\n \"stopped\": \"(bool) true if download is stopped\",\n \"stream_hash\": \"(str) stream hash of file\",\n \"stream_name\": \"(str) stream name\",\n \"suggested_file_name\": \"(str) suggested file name\",\n \"sd_hash\": \"(str) sd hash of file\",\n \"download_path\": \"(str) download path of file\",\n \"mime_type\": \"(str) mime type of file\",\n \"key\": \"(str) key attached to file\",\n \"total_bytes_lower_bound\": \"(int) lower bound file size in bytes\",\n \"total_bytes\": \"(int) file upper bound size in bytes\",\n \"written_bytes\": \"(int) written size in bytes\",\n \"blobs_completed\": \"(int) number of fully downloaded blobs\",\n \"blobs_in_stream\": \"(int) total blobs on stream\",\n \"blobs_remaining\": \"(int) total blobs remaining to download\",\n \"status\": \"(str) downloader status\",\n \"claim_id\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the claim id\",\n \"txid\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the transaction id\",\n \"nout\": \"(int) None if claim is not found else the transaction output index\",\n \"outpoint\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the tx and output\",\n \"metadata\": \"(dict) None if claim is not found else the claim metadata\",\n \"channel_claim_id\": \"(str) None if claim is not found or not signed\",\n \"channel_name\": \"(str) None if claim is not found or not signed\",\n \"claim_name\": \"(str) None if claim is not found else the claim name\",\n \"reflector_progress\": \"(int) reflector upload progress, 0 to 100\",\n \"uploading_to_reflector\": \"(bool) set to True when currently uploading to reflector\"\n }",
"returns":"(list) List of contact dictionaries {'address': <peer ip>, 'udp_port': <dht port>, 'tcp_port': <peer port>,\n 'node_id': <peer node id>}",
"description":"Send a kademlia ping to the specified peer. If address and port are provided the peer is directly pinged,\nif not provided the peer is located first.",
"returns":"(str) pong, or {'error': <error message>} if an error is encountered",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"description":"validate that the video container and encodings match common web browser support or that optimization succeeds if specified. FFmpeg is required",
"description":"transcode the video & audio if necessary to ensure common web browser support. FFmpeg is required",
"description":"address where to send fee payments, will use value from --claim_address if not provided",
"description":"title of the publication",
"description":"description of the publication",
"description":"author of the publication. The usage for this field is not the same as for channels. The author field is used to credit an author who is not the publisher and is not represented by the channel. For example, a pdf file of 'The Odyssey' has an author of 'Homer' but may by published to a channel such as '@classics', or to no channel at all",
"description":"add content tags",
"description":"languages used by the channel, using RFC 5646 format, eg: for English `--languages=en` for Spanish (Spain) `--languages=es-ES` for Spanish (Mexican) `--languages=es-MX` for Chinese (Simplified) `--languages=zh-Hans` for Chinese (Traditional) `--languages=zh-Hant`",
"description":"locations relevant to the stream, consisting of 2 letter `country` code and a `state`, `city` and a postal `code` along with a `latitude` and `longitude`. for JSON RPC: pass a dictionary with aforementioned attributes as keys, eg: ... \"locations\": [{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}] ... for command line: pass a colon delimited list with values in the following order: \"COUNTRY:STATE:CITY:CODE:LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\" making sure to include colon for blank values, for example to provide only the city: ... --locations=\"::Manchester\" with all values set: ... --locations=\"US:NH:Manchester:03101:42.990605:-71.460989\" optionally, you can just pass the \"LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\": ... --locations=\"42.990605:-71.460989\" finally, you can also pass JSON string of dictionary on the command line as you would via JSON RPC ... --locations=\"{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}\"",
"description":"publication license",
"description":"publication license url",
"description":"thumbnail url",
"description":"original public release of content, seconds since UNIX epoch",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"description":"validate that the video container and encodings match common web browser support or that optimization succeeds if specified. FFmpeg is required and file_path must be specified.",
"description":"transcode the video & audio if necessary to ensure common web browser support. FFmpeg is required and file_path must be specified.",
"description":"author of the publication. The usage for this field is not the same as for channels. The author field is used to credit an author who is not the publisher and is not represented by the channel. For example, a pdf file of 'The Odyssey' has an author of 'Homer' but may by published to a channel such as '@classics', or to no channel at all",
"description":"languages used by the channel, using RFC 5646 format, eg: for English `--languages=en` for Spanish (Spain) `--languages=es-ES` for Spanish (Mexican) `--languages=es-MX` for Chinese (Simplified) `--languages=zh-Hans` for Chinese (Traditional) `--languages=zh-Hant`",
"description":"locations relevant to the stream, consisting of 2 letter `country` code and a `state`, `city` and a postal `code` along with a `latitude` and `longitude`. for JSON RPC: pass a dictionary with aforementioned attributes as keys, eg: ... \"locations\": [{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}] ... for command line: pass a colon delimited list with values in the following order: \"COUNTRY:STATE:CITY:CODE:LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\" making sure to include colon for blank values, for example to provide only the city: ... --locations=\"::Manchester\" with all values set: ... --locations=\"US:NH:Manchester:03101:42.990605:-71.460989\" optionally, you can just pass the \"LATITUDE:LONGITUDE\": ... --locations=\"42.990605:-71.460989\" finally, you can also pass JSON string of dictionary on the command line as you would via JSON RPC ... --locations=\"{'country': 'US', 'state': 'NH'}\"",
"description":"instead of modifying specific values on the stream, this will clear all existing values and only save passed in values, useful for form submissions where all values are always set",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"description":"List total staked supports for a claim, grouped by the channel that signed the support.\n\nIf claim_id is a channel claim, you can use --include_channel_content to also include supports for\ncontent claims in the channel.\n\n!!!! NOTE: PAGINATION DOES NOT DO ANYTHING AT THE MOMENT !!!!!",
"description":"URL of the new SDK server (EXPERIMENTAL)",
"description":"if claim_id is for a channel, include supports for claims in that channel",
"description":"page to return during paginating",
"description":"number of items on page during pagination",
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n \"glorious data in dictionary\"\n ]\n }",
"description":"Apply incoming synchronization data, if provided, and return a sync hash and update wallet data.\n\nWallet must be unlocked to perform this operation.\n\nIf \"encrypt-on-disk\" preference is True and supplied password is different from local password,\nor there is no local password (because local wallet was not encrypted), then the supplied password\nwill be used for local encryption (overwriting previous local encryption password).",
"description":"Show most common objects, the place that created them and their size.",
"description":"maximum items to return, from the most common",
"returns":"(dict) dictionary containing most common objects in memory\n {\n \"line\": (str) filename and line number where it was created,\n \"code\": (str) code that created it,\n \"size\": (int) size in bytes, for each \"memory block\",\n \"count\" (int) number of memory blocks\n }",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot
"description":"txos which have your inputs or your outputs, if using this flag the other related flags are ignored (--is_my_output, --is_my_input, etc)",
"description":"show outputs controlled by you",
"description":"show outputs not controlled by you",
"description":"show outputs created by you",
"description":"show outputs not created by you",
"description":"excludes any outputs that are exactly this combination: \"--is_my_input --is_my_output --type=other\" this allows to exclude \"change\" payments, this flag can be used in combination with any of the other flags",
"description":"restrict results to specific wallet",
"description":"page to return during paginating",
"description":"number of items on page during pagination",
"description":"resolves each claim to provide additional metadata",
"description":"field to order by: 'name', 'height', 'amount' and 'none'",
"description":"do not calculate the total number of pages and items in result set (significant performance boost)",
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"description":"txos which have your inputs or your outputs, if using this flag the other related flags are ignored (--is_my_output, --is_my_input, etc)",
"description":"show outputs controlled by you",
"description":"show outputs not controlled by you",
"description":"show outputs created by you",
"description":"show outputs not created by you",
"description":"excludes any outputs that are exactly this combination: \"--is_my_input --is_my_output --type=other\" this allows to exclude \"change\" payments, this flag can be used in combination with any of the other flags",
"description":"id of the account to query",
"description":"restrict results to specific wallet",
"description":"number of days back from today (not compatible with --start_day, --days_after, --end_day)",
"description":"start on specific date (YYYY-MM-DD) (instead of --days_back)",
"description":"end number of days after --start_day (instead of --end_day)",
"description":"end on specific date (YYYY-MM-DD) (instead of --days_after)",
"description":"Spend transaction outputs, batching into multiple transactions as necessary.",
"description":"excludes any outputs that are exactly this combination: \"--is_my_input --is_my_output --type=other\" this allows to exclude \"change\" payments, this flag can be used in combination with any of the other flags",
"description":"id of the account to query",
"description":"restrict results to specific wallet",
"description":"do not broadcast the transaction",
"description":"wait until abandon is in mempool",
"description":"number of txos to spend per transactions",
"description":"include entire tx in output and not just the txid",
"returns":" [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"whentypeis'claim'or'support'withpayload,thisisthe
"description":"txos which have your inputs or your outputs, if using this flag the other related flags are ignored (--is_my_output, --is_my_input, etc)",
"description":"show outputs controlled by you",
"description":"show outputs not controlled by you",
"description":"show outputs created by you",
"description":"show outputs not created by you",
"description":"excludes any outputs that are exactly this combination: \"--is_my_input --is_my_output --type=other\" this allows to exclude \"change\" payments, this flag can be used in combination with any of the other flags",
"description":"id of the account to query",
"description":"restrict results to specific wallet",
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"description":"When spending a UTXO it is locally locked to prevent double spends;\noccasionally this can result in a UTXO being locked which ultimately\ndid not get spent (failed to broadcast, spend transaction was not\naccepted by blockchain node, etc). This command releases the lock\non all UTXOs in your account.",
"returns":" {\n \"page\": \"Page number of the current items.\",\n \"page_size\": \"Number of items to show on a page.\",\n \"total_pages\": \"Total number of pages.\",\n \"total_items\": \"Total number of items.\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"id\": \"wallet_id\",\n \"name\": \"optional wallet name\"\n }\n ]\n }",
"description":"Send the same number of credits to multiple addresses using all accounts in wallet to\nfund the transaction and the default account to receive any change.",
"description":"restrict operation to specific wallet",
"returns":" {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"inputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hex encoded raw protobuf version of 'value' field\",\n \"permanent_url\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the long permanent claim URL\",\n \"claim\": \"for purchase outputs only, metadata of purchased claim\",\n \"reposted_claim\": \"for repost claims only, metadata of claim being reposted\",\n \"signing_channel\": \"for signed claims only, metadata of signing channel\",\n \"is_channel_signature_valid\": \"for signed claims only, whether signature is valid\",\n \"purchase_receipt\": \"metadata for the purchase transaction associated with this claim\"\n }\n ],\n \"outputs\": [\n {\n \"txid\": \"hash of transaction in hex\",\n \"nout\": \"position in the transaction\",\n \"height\": \"block where transaction was recorded\",\n \"amount\": \"value of the txo as a decimal\",\n \"address\": \"address of who can spend the txo\",\n \"confirmations\": \"number of confirmed blocks\",\n \"is_change\": \"payment to change address, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"is_received\": \"true if txo was sent from external account to this account\",\n \"is_spent\": \"true if txo is spent\",\n \"is_mine\": \"payment to one of your accounts, only available when it can be determined\",\n \"type\": \"one of 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase'\",\n \"name\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support', this is the claim name\",\n \"claim_id\": \"when type is 'claim', 'support' or 'purchase', this is the claim id\",\n \"claim_op\": \"when type is 'claim', this determines if it is 'create' or 'update'\",\n \"value\": \"when type is 'claim' or 'support' with payload, this is the decoded protobuf payload\",\n \"value_type\": \"determines the type of the 'value' field: 'channel', 'stream', etc\",\n \"protobuf\": \"hexencodedrawprot