Merge pull request #528 from lbryio/api_doc_consis
Make api docstrings consistent
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 506 additions and 453 deletions
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Announce all blobs to the DHT
(str) Success/fail message
## blob_delete
@ -16,9 +17,9 @@ Returns:
Delete a blob
'blob_hash': (str) hash of blob to get
Success/fail message
(str) Success/fail message
## blob_get
@ -27,34 +28,34 @@ Returns:
Download and return a blob
timeout (optional)
encoding (optional): by default no attempt at decoding is made
'blob_hash': (str) blob hash of blob to get
'timeout'(optional): (int) timeout in number of seconds
'encoding'(optional): (str) by default no attempt at decoding is made,
can be set to one of the following decoders:
payment_rate_manager (optional): if not given the default payment rate manager
'payment_rate_manager'(optional): if not given the default payment rate manager
will be used. supported alternative rate managers:
Success/Fail message or decoded data
(str) Success/Fail message or (dict) decoded data
## blob_list
Returns blob hashes, if not given filters returns all blobs known by the blob manager
Returns blob hashes. If not given filters, returns all blobs known by the blob manager
uri (str, optional): filter by blobs in stream for winning claim
stream_hash (str, optional): filter by blobs in given stream hash
sd_hash (str, optional): filter by blobs in given sd hash
needed (bool, optional): only return needed blobs
finished (bool, optional): only return finished blobs
page_size (int, optional): limit number of results returned
page (int, optional): filter to page x of [page_size] results
'uri' (optional): (str) filter by blobs in stream for winning claim
'stream_hash' (optional): (str) filter by blobs in given stream hash
'sd_hash' (optional): (str) filter by blobs in given sd hash
'needed' (optional): (bool) only return needed blobs
'finished' (optional): (bool) only return finished blobs
'page_size' (optional): (int) limit number of results returned
'page' (optional): (int) filter to page x of [page_size] results
list of blob hashes
(list) List of blob hashes
## blob_reflect_all
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ Reflects all saved blobs
(bool) true if successful
## block_show
@ -74,9 +75,9 @@ Returns:
Get contents of a block
blockhash: hash of the block to look up
'blockhash': (str) hash of the block to look up
requested block
(dict) Requested block
## claim_abandon
@ -85,11 +86,14 @@ Returns:
Abandon a name and reclaim credits from the claim
'txid': txid of claim, string
'nout': nout of claim, integer
'txid': (str) txid of claim
'nout': (int) nout of claim
txid : txid of resulting transaction if succesful
fee : fee paid for the transaction if succesful
(dict) Dictionary containing result of the claim
txid : (str) txid of resulting transaction
fee : (float) fee paid for the transaction
## claim_list
@ -98,24 +102,26 @@ Return:
Get claims for a name
name: search for claims on this name
'name': (str) search for claims on this name
(dict) State of claims assigned for the name
'claims': list of claims for the name
'claims': (list) list of claims for the name
'amount': amount assigned to the claim, not including supports
'effective_amount': total amount assigned to the claim, including supports
'claim_id': claim ID of the claim
'height': height of block containing the claim
'txid': txid of the claim
'nout': nout of the claim
'supports': a list of supports attached to the claim
'value': the value of the claim
'amount': (float) amount assigned to the claim
'effective_amount': (float) total amount assigned to the claim,
including supports
'claim_id': (str) claim ID of the claim
'height': (int) height of block containing the claim
'txid': (str) txid of the claim
'nout': (int) nout of the claim
'supports': (list) a list of supports attached to the claim
'value': (str) the value of the claim
'supports_without_claims': list of supports without any claims attached to them
'last_takeover_height': the height when the last takeover for the name happened
'supports_without_claims': (list) supports without any claims attached to them
'last_takeover_height': (int) the height of last takeover for the name
@ -127,23 +133,23 @@ List my name claims
list of name claims owned by user
(list) List of name claims owned by user
'address': address that owns the claim
'amount': amount assigned to the claim
'blocks_to_expiration': number of blocks until it expires
'category': "claim", "update" , or "support"
'claim_id': claim ID of the claim
'confirmations': number of blocks of confirmations for the claim
'expiration_height': the block height which the claim will expire
'expired': True if expired, False otherwise
'height': height of the block containing the claim
'is_spent': True if claim is abandoned, False otherwise
'name': name of the claim
'txid': txid of the cliam
'nout': nout of the claim
'value': value of the claim
'address': (str) address that owns the claim
'amount': (float) amount assigned to the claim
'blocks_to_expiration': (int) number of blocks until it expires
'category': (str) "claim", "update" , or "support"
'claim_id': (str) claim ID of the claim
'confirmations': (int) number of blocks of confirmations for the claim
'expiration_height': (int) the block height which the claim will expire
'expired': (bool) true if expired, false otherwise
'height': (int) height of the block containing the claim
'is_spent': (bool) true if claim is abandoned, false otherwise
'name': (str) name of the claim
'txid': (str) txid of the cliam
'nout': (int) nout of the claim
'value': (str) value of the claim
@ -154,13 +160,16 @@ Returns
Support a name claim
'name': name
'claim_id': claim id of claim to support
'amount': amount to support by
'name': (str) name
'claim_id': (str) claim ID of claim to support
'amount': (float) amount to support by
txid : txid of resulting transaction if succesful
nout : nout of the resulting support claim if succesful
fee : fee paid for the transaction if succesful
(dict) Dictionary containing result of the claim
txid : (str) txid of resulting support claim
nout : (int) nout of the resulting support claim
fee : (float) fee paid for the transaction
## claim_show
@ -169,20 +178,22 @@ Return:
Resolve claim info from a LBRY name
'name': name to look up, string, do not include lbry:// prefix
'txid': optional, if specified, look for claim with this txid
'nout': optional, if specified, look for claim with this nout
'name': (str) name to look up, do not include lbry:// prefix
'txid'(optional): (str) if specified, look for claim with this txid
'nout'(optional): (int) if specified, look for claim with this nout
false if name is not claimed , else return dictionary containing
(dict) Dictionary contaning claim info, (bool) false if claim is not
'txid': txid of claim
'nout': nout of claim
'amount': amount of claim
'value': value of claim
'height' : height of claim
'claim_id': claim ID of claim
'supports': supports associated with claim
'txid': (str) txid of claim
'nout': (int) nout of claim
'amount': (float) amount of claim
'value': (str) value of claim
'height' : (int) height of claim takeover
'claim_id': (str) claim ID of claim
'supports': (list) list of supports associated with claim
## commands
@ -191,7 +202,7 @@ Returns:
Return a list of available commands
(list) list of available commands
## daemon_stop
@ -200,7 +211,7 @@ Returns:
Stop lbrynet-daemon
shutdown message
(string) Shutdown message
## descriptor_get
@ -209,14 +220,14 @@ Returns:
Download and return a sd blob
timeout (optional)
payment_rate_manager (optional): if not given the default payment rate manager
'sd_hash': (str) hash of sd blob
'timeout'(optional): (int) timeout in number of seconds
'payment_rate_manager'(optional): (str) if not given the default payment rate manager
will be used. supported alternative rate managers:
Success/Fail message or decoded data
(str) Success/Fail message or (dict) decoded data
## file_delete
@ -225,17 +236,18 @@ Returns
Delete a lbry file
'name' (optional): delete files by lbry name,
'sd_hash' (optional): delete files by sd hash,
'file_name' (optional): delete files by the name in the downloads folder,
'stream_hash' (optional): delete files by stream hash,
'claim_id' (optional): delete files by claim id,
'outpoint' (optional): delete files by claim outpoint,
'rowid': (optional): delete file by rowid in the file manager
'delete_target_file' (optional): delete file from downloads folder, defaults to True
if False only the blobs and db entries will be deleted
'name' (optional): (str) delete file by lbry name,
'sd_hash' (optional): (str) delete file by sd hash,
'file_name' (optional): (str) delete file by the name in the downloads folder,
'stream_hash' (optional): (str) delete file by stream hash,
'claim_id' (optional): (str) delete file by claim ID,
'outpoint' (optional): (str) delete file by claim outpoint,
'rowid': (optional): (int) delete file by rowid in the file manager
'delete_target_file' (optional): (bool) delete file from downloads folder,
defaults to true if false only the blobs and
db entries will be deleted
True if deletion was successful, otherwise False
(bool) true if deletion was successful
## file_list
@ -244,38 +256,40 @@ Returns:
List files limited by optional filters
'name' (optional): filter files by lbry name,
'sd_hash' (optional): filter files by sd hash,
'file_name' (optional): filter files by the name in the downloads folder,
'stream_hash' (optional): filter files by stream hash,
'claim_id' (optional): filter files by claim id,
'outpoint' (optional): filter files by claim outpoint,
'rowid' (optional): filter files by internal row id,
'full_status': (optional): bool, if true populate the 'message' and 'size' fields
'name' (optional): (str) filter files by lbry name,
'sd_hash' (optional): (str) filter files by sd hash,
'file_name' (optional): (str) filter files by the name in the downloads folder,
'stream_hash' (optional): (str) filter files by stream hash,
'claim_id' (optional): (str) filter files by claim id,
'outpoint' (optional): (str) filter files by claim outpoint,
'rowid' (optional): (int) filter files by internal row id,
'full_status': (optional): (bool) if true populate the 'message' and 'size' fields
(list) List of files
'completed': bool,
'file_name': str,
'download_directory': str,
'points_paid': float,
'stopped': bool,
'stream_hash': str (hex),
'stream_name': str,
'suggested_file_name': str,
'sd_hash': str (hex),
'name': str,
'outpoint': str, (txid:nout)
'claim_id': str (hex),
'download_path': str,
'mime_type': str,
'key': str (hex),
'total_bytes': int, None if full_status is False
'written_bytes': int,
'message': str, None if full_status is False
'metadata': Metadata dict
'completed': (bool) true if download is completed,
'file_name': (str) name of file,
'download_directory': (str) download directory,
'points_paid': (float) credit paid to download file,
'stopped': (bool) true if download is stopped,
'stream_hash': (str) stream hash of file,
'stream_name': (str) stream name ,
'suggested_file_name': (str) suggested file name,
'sd_hash': (str) sd hash of file,
'name': (str) name claim attached to file
'outpoint': (str) claim outpoint attached to file
'claim_id': (str) claim ID attached to file,
'download_path': (str) download path of file,
'mime_type': (str) mime type of file,
'key': (str) key attached to file,
'total_bytes': (int) file size in bytes, None if full_status is false
'written_bytes': (int) written size in bytes
'message': (str), None if full_status is false
'metadata': (dict) Metadata dictionary
@ -285,12 +299,12 @@ Returns:
Start or stop seeding a file
'status': "start" or "stop"
'name': start file by lbry name,
'sd_hash': start file by the hash in the name claim,
'file_name': start file by its name in the downloads folder,
'status': (str) "start" or "stop"
'name' (optional): (str) start file by lbry name,
'sd_hash' (optional): (str) start file by the hash in the name claim,
'file_name' (optional): (str) start file by its name in the downloads folder,
confirmation message
(str) Confirmation message
## get
@ -299,34 +313,36 @@ Returns:
Download stream from a LBRY name.
'name': name to download, string
'file_name': optional, a user specified name for the downloaded file
'stream_info': optional, specified stream info overrides name
'timeout': optional
'download_directory': optional, path to directory where file will be saved, string
'wait_for_write': optional, defaults to True. When set, waits for the file to
'name': (str) name to download
'file_name'(optional): (str) a user specified name for the downloaded file
'stream_info'(optional): (str) specified stream info overrides name
'timeout'(optional): (int) download timeout in number of seconds
'download_directory'(optional): (str) path to directory where file will be saved
'wait_for_write'(optional): (bool) defaults to True. When set, waits for the file to
only start to be written before returning any results.
(dict) Dictionary contaning information about the stream
'completed': bool,
'file_name': str,
'download_directory': str,
'points_paid': float,
'stopped': bool,
'stream_hash': str (hex),
'stream_name': str,
'suggested_file_name': str,
'sd_hash': str (hex),
'name': str,
'outpoint': str, (txid:nout)
'claim_id': str (hex),
'download_path': str,
'mime_type': str,
'key': str (hex),
'total_bytes': int
'written_bytes': int,
'message': str
'metadata': Metadata dict
'completed': (bool) true if download is completed,
'file_name': (str) name of file,
'download_directory': (str) download directory,
'points_paid': (float) credit paid to download file,
'stopped': (bool) true if download is stopped,
'stream_hash': (str) stream hash of file,
'stream_name': (str) stream name ,
'suggested_file_name': (str) suggested file name,
'sd_hash': (str) sd hash of file,
'name': (str) name claim attached to file
'outpoint': (str) claim outpoint attached to file
'claim_id': (str) claim ID attached to file,
'download_path': (str) download path of file,
'mime_type': (str) mime type of file,
'key': (str) key attached to file,
'total_bytes': (int) file size in bytes, None if full_status is false
'written_bytes': (int) written size in bytes
'message': (str), None if full_status is false
'metadata': (dict) Metadata dictionary
@ -335,13 +351,13 @@ Returns:
Get stream availability for a winning claim
name (str): lbry name
sd_timeout (int, optional): sd blob download timeout
peer_timeout (int, optional): how long to look for peers
'name' : (str) lbry name
'sd_timeout' (optional): (int) sd blob download timeout
'peer_timeout' (optional): (int) how long to look for peers
peers per blob / total blobs
(float) Peers per blob / total blobs
## help
@ -350,9 +366,9 @@ Returns:
Return a useful message for an API command
'command': optional, command to retrieve documentation for
'command'(optional): (str) command to retrieve documentation for
if given a command, returns documentation about that command
(str) if given a command, returns documentation about that command
otherwise returns general help message
@ -362,10 +378,10 @@ Returns:
Get peers for blob hash
'blob_hash': blob hash
'timeout' (int, optional): peer search timeout
'blob_hash': (str) blob hash
'timeout'(optional): (int) peer search timeout in seconds
List of contacts
(list) List of contacts
## publish
@ -374,18 +390,21 @@ Returns:
Make a new name claim and publish associated data to lbrynet
'name': str, name to be claimed, string
'bid': float, amount of credits to commit in this claim,
'metadata': dict, Metadata compliant (can be missing sources if a file is provided)
'file_path' (optional): str, path to file to be associated with name, if not given
'name': (str) name to be claimed, string
'bid': (float) amount of credits to commit in this claim,
'metadata': (dict) Metadata compliant (can be missing sources if a file is provided)
'file_path' (optional): (str) path to file to be associated with name, if not given
the stream from your existing claim for the name will be used
'fee' (optional): dict, FeeValidator compliant
'fee' (optional): (dict) FeeValidator compliant (i.e. {'LBC':{'amount':10}} )
'tx' : hex encoded transaction
'txid' : txid of resulting transaction
'nout' : nout of the resulting support claim
'fee' : fee paid for the claim transaction
'claim_id' : claim id of the resulting transaction
(dict) Dictionary containing result of the claim
'tx' : (str) hex encoded transaction
'txid' : (str) txid of resulting claim
'nout' : (int) nout of the resulting claim
'fee' : (float) fee paid for the claim transaction
'claim_id' : (str) claim ID of the resulting claim
## reflect
@ -394,9 +413,9 @@ Returns:
Reflect a stream
sd_hash: sd_hash of lbry file
'sd_hash': (str) sd_hash of lbry file
True or traceback
(bool) true if successful
## report_bug
@ -405,9 +424,9 @@ Returns:
Report a bug to slack
'message': string, message to send
'message': (str) message to send
True if successful
(bool) true if successful
## resolve_name
@ -416,9 +435,10 @@ Returns:
Resolve stream info from a LBRY name
'name': name to look up, string, do not include lbry:// prefix
'name': (str) name to look up, do not include lbry:// prefix
metadata dictionary from name claim or None if the name is not known
(dict) Metadata dictionary from name claim, None if the name is not
## send_amount_to_address
@ -427,10 +447,10 @@ Returns:
Send credits to an address
amount: the amount to send
address: the address of the recipient
'amount': (float) the amount to send
'address': (str) the address of the recipient in base58
True if payment successfully scheduled
(bool) true if payment successfully scheduled
## settings_get
@ -438,21 +458,25 @@ Returns:
Get daemon settings
'run_on_startup': bool,
'data_rate': float,
'max_key_fee': float,
'download_directory': string,
'max_upload': float, 0.0 for unlimited
'max_download': float, 0.0 for unlimited
'search_timeout': float,
'download_timeout': int
'max_search_results': int,
'wallet_type': string,
'delete_blobs_on_remove': bool,
'peer_port': int,
'dht_node_port': int,
'use_upnp': bool,
(dict) Dictionary of daemon settings
'run_on_startup': (bool) currently not supported
'data_rate': (float) data rate
'max_key_fee': (float) maximum key fee
'download_directory': (str) path of where files are downloaded
'max_upload': (float), currently not supported
'max_download': (float), currently not supported
'download_timeout': (int) download timeout in seconds
'max_search_results': (int) max search results
'wallet_type': (str) wallet type
'delete_blobs_on_remove': (bool) delete blobs on removal
'peer_port': (int) peer port
'dht_node_port': (int) dht node port
'use_upnp': (bool) use upnp if true
## settings_set
@ -461,15 +485,15 @@ Returns:
Set daemon settings
'run_on_startup': bool,
'data_rate': float,
'max_key_fee': float,
'download_directory': string,
'max_upload': float, 0.0 for unlimited
'max_download': float, 0.0 for unlimited
'download_timeout': int
'run_on_startup': (bool) currently not supported
'data_rate': (float) data rate,
'max_key_fee': (float) maximum key fee,
'download_directory': (str) path of where files are downloaded,
'max_upload': (float), currently not supported
'max_download': (float), currently not supported
'download_timeout': (int) download timeout in seconds
settings dict
(dict) settings dict
## status
@ -478,9 +502,10 @@ Returns:
Return daemon status
session_status: bool
'session_status' (optional): (bool) true to return session status,
default is false
daemon status
(dict) Daemon status dictionary
## stream_cost_estimate
@ -489,21 +514,22 @@ Returns:
Get estimated cost for a lbry stream
'name': lbry name
'size': stream size, in bytes. if provided an sd blob won't be downloaded.
'name': (str) lbry name
'size' (optional): (int) stream size, in bytes. if provided an sd blob
won't be downloaded.
estimated cost
(float) Estimated cost in lbry credits
## transaction_list
List transactions
List transactions belonging to wallet
list of transactions
(list) List of transactions
## transaction_show
@ -512,9 +538,9 @@ Returns:
Get a decoded transaction from a txid
txid: txid hex string
'txid': (str) txid of transaction
JSON formatted transaction
(dict) JSON formatted transaction
## version
@ -525,14 +551,17 @@ Get lbry version information
"platform": platform string
"os_release": os release string
"os_system": os name
"lbrynet_version: ": lbrynet_version,
"lbryum_version: ": lbryum_version,
"ui_version": commit hash of ui version being used
"remote_lbrynet": most recent lbrynet version available from github
"remote_lbryum": most recent lbryum version available from github
(dict) Dictionary of lbry version information
'platform': (str) platform string
'os_release': (str) os release string
'os_system': (str) os name
'lbrynet_version': (str) lbrynet_version,
'lbryum_version': (str) lbryum_version,
'ui_version': (str) commit hash of ui version being used
'remote_lbrynet': (str) most recent lbrynet version available from github
'remote_lbryum': (str) most recent lbryum version available from github
## wallet_balance
@ -541,7 +570,7 @@ Returns:
Return the balance of the wallet
balance, float
(float) amount of lbry credits in wallet
## wallet_is_address_mine
@ -550,9 +579,9 @@ Returns:
Checks if an address is associated with the current wallet.
address: string
'address': (str) address to check in base58
is_mine: bool
(bool) true, if address is associated with current wallet
## wallet_new_address
@ -563,7 +592,7 @@ Generate a new wallet address
new wallet address, base 58 string
(str) New wallet address in base58
## wallet_public_key
@ -572,8 +601,8 @@ Returns:
Get public key from wallet address
wallet: wallet address, base58
'wallet': (str) wallet address in base58
public key
(str) Public key in hex encoding
@ -1083,9 +1083,10 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Return daemon status
session_status: bool
'session_status' (optional): (bool) true to return session status,
default is false
daemon status
(dict) Daemon status dictionary
# on startup, the wallet or network won't be available but we still need this call to work
has_wallet = self.session and self.session.wallet and
@ -1213,14 +1214,17 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
"platform": platform string
"os_release": os release string
"os_system": os name
"lbrynet_version: ": lbrynet_version,
"lbryum_version: ": lbryum_version,
"ui_version": commit hash of ui version being used
"remote_lbrynet": most recent lbrynet version available from github
"remote_lbryum": most recent lbryum version available from github
(dict) Dictionary of lbry version information
'platform': (str) platform string
'os_release': (str) os release string
'os_system': (str) os name
'lbrynet_version': (str) lbrynet_version,
'lbryum_version': (str) lbryum_version,
'ui_version': (str) commit hash of ui version being used
'remote_lbrynet': (str) most recent lbrynet version available from github
'remote_lbryum': (str) most recent lbryum version available from github
platform_info = self._get_platform()
@ -1243,9 +1247,9 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Report a bug to slack
'message': string, message to send
'message': (str) message to send
True if successful
(bool) true if successful
platform_name = self._get_platform()['platform']
@ -1267,21 +1271,25 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Get daemon settings
'run_on_startup': bool,
'data_rate': float,
'max_key_fee': float,
'download_directory': string,
'max_upload': float, 0.0 for unlimited
'max_download': float, 0.0 for unlimited
'search_timeout': float,
'download_timeout': int
'max_search_results': int,
'wallet_type': string,
'delete_blobs_on_remove': bool,
'peer_port': int,
'dht_node_port': int,
'use_upnp': bool,
(dict) Dictionary of daemon settings
'run_on_startup': (bool) currently not supported
'data_rate': (float) data rate
'max_key_fee': (float) maximum key fee
'download_directory': (str) path of where files are downloaded
'max_upload': (float), currently not supported
'max_download': (float), currently not supported
'download_timeout': (int) download timeout in seconds
'max_search_results': (int) max search results
'wallet_type': (str) wallet type
'delete_blobs_on_remove': (bool) delete blobs on removal
'peer_port': (int) peer port
'dht_node_port': (int) dht node port
'use_upnp': (bool) use upnp if true
||||"Get daemon settings")
@ -1300,15 +1308,15 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Set daemon settings
'run_on_startup': bool,
'data_rate': float,
'max_key_fee': float,
'download_directory': string,
'max_upload': float, 0.0 for unlimited
'max_download': float, 0.0 for unlimited
'download_timeout': int
'run_on_startup': (bool) currently not supported
'data_rate': (float) data rate,
'max_key_fee': (float) maximum key fee,
'download_directory': (str) path of where files are downloaded,
'max_upload': (float), currently not supported
'max_download': (float), currently not supported
'download_timeout': (int) download timeout in seconds
settings dict
(dict) settings dict
def _log_settings_change():
@ -1329,9 +1337,9 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Return a useful message for an API command
'command': optional, command to retrieve documentation for
'command'(optional): (str) command to retrieve documentation for
if given a command, returns documentation about that command
(str) if given a command, returns documentation about that command
otherwise returns general help message
@ -1359,7 +1367,7 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Return a list of available commands
(list) list of available commands
return self._render_response(sorted(
[command for command in self.callable_methods.keys()
@ -1377,7 +1385,7 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Return the balance of the wallet
balance, float
(float) amount of lbry credits in wallet
return self._render_response(float(self.session.wallet.get_balance()))
@ -1392,7 +1400,7 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Stop lbrynet-daemon
shutdown message
(string) Shutdown message
def _display_shutdown_message():
@ -1409,38 +1417,40 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
List files limited by optional filters
'name' (optional): filter files by lbry name,
'sd_hash' (optional): filter files by sd hash,
'file_name' (optional): filter files by the name in the downloads folder,
'stream_hash' (optional): filter files by stream hash,
'claim_id' (optional): filter files by claim id,
'outpoint' (optional): filter files by claim outpoint,
'rowid' (optional): filter files by internal row id,
'full_status': (optional): bool, if true populate the 'message' and 'size' fields
'name' (optional): (str) filter files by lbry name,
'sd_hash' (optional): (str) filter files by sd hash,
'file_name' (optional): (str) filter files by the name in the downloads folder,
'stream_hash' (optional): (str) filter files by stream hash,
'claim_id' (optional): (str) filter files by claim id,
'outpoint' (optional): (str) filter files by claim outpoint,
'rowid' (optional): (int) filter files by internal row id,
'full_status': (optional): (bool) if true populate the 'message' and 'size' fields
(list) List of files
'completed': bool,
'file_name': str,
'download_directory': str,
'points_paid': float,
'stopped': bool,
'stream_hash': str (hex),
'stream_name': str,
'suggested_file_name': str,
'sd_hash': str (hex),
'name': str,
'outpoint': str, (txid:nout)
'claim_id': str (hex),
'download_path': str,
'mime_type': str,
'key': str (hex),
'total_bytes': int, None if full_status is False
'written_bytes': int,
'message': str, None if full_status is False
'metadata': Metadata dict
'completed': (bool) true if download is completed,
'file_name': (str) name of file,
'download_directory': (str) download directory,
'points_paid': (float) credit paid to download file,
'stopped': (bool) true if download is stopped,
'stream_hash': (str) stream hash of file,
'stream_name': (str) stream name ,
'suggested_file_name': (str) suggested file name,
'sd_hash': (str) sd hash of file,
'name': (str) name claim attached to file
'outpoint': (str) claim outpoint attached to file
'claim_id': (str) claim ID attached to file,
'download_path': (str) download path of file,
'mime_type': (str) mime type of file,
'key': (str) key attached to file,
'total_bytes': (int) file size in bytes, None if full_status is false
'written_bytes': (int) written size in bytes
'message': (str), None if full_status is false
'metadata': (dict) Metadata dictionary
@ -1454,9 +1464,10 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Resolve stream info from a LBRY name
'name': name to look up, string, do not include lbry:// prefix
'name': (str) name to look up, do not include lbry:// prefix
metadata dictionary from name claim or None if the name is not known
(dict) Metadata dictionary from name claim, None if the name is not
if not name:
@ -1480,23 +1491,25 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
def jsonrpc_claim_show(self, name, txid=None, nout=None):
Resolve claim info from a LBRY name
Resolve claim info from a LBRY name
'name': name to look up, string, do not include lbry:// prefix
'txid': optional, if specified, look for claim with this txid
'nout': optional, if specified, look for claim with this nout
'name': (str) name to look up, do not include lbry:// prefix
'txid'(optional): (str) if specified, look for claim with this txid
'nout'(optional): (int) if specified, look for claim with this nout
(dict) Dictionary contaning claim info, (bool) false if claim is not
false if name is not claimed , else return dictionary containing
'txid': txid of claim
'nout': nout of claim
'amount': amount of claim
'value': value of claim
'height' : height of claim
'claim_id': claim ID of claim
'supports': supports associated with claim
'txid': (str) txid of claim
'nout': (int) nout of claim
'amount': (float) amount of claim
'value': (str) value of claim
'height' : (int) height of claim takeover
'claim_id': (str) claim ID of claim
'supports': (list) list of supports associated with claim
d = self.session.wallet.get_claim_info(name, txid, nout)
@ -1513,35 +1526,38 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Download stream from a LBRY name.
'name': name to download, string
'file_name': optional, a user specified name for the downloaded file
'stream_info': optional, specified stream info overrides name
'timeout': optional
'download_directory': optional, path to directory where file will be saved, string
'wait_for_write': optional, defaults to True. When set, waits for the file to
'name': (str) name to download
'file_name'(optional): (str) a user specified name for the downloaded file
'stream_info'(optional): (str) specified stream info overrides name
'timeout'(optional): (int) download timeout in number of seconds
'download_directory'(optional): (str) path to directory where file will be saved
'wait_for_write'(optional): (bool) defaults to True. When set, waits for the file to
only start to be written before returning any results.
(dict) Dictionary contaning information about the stream
'completed': bool,
'file_name': str,
'download_directory': str,
'points_paid': float,
'stopped': bool,
'stream_hash': str (hex),
'stream_name': str,
'suggested_file_name': str,
'sd_hash': str (hex),
'name': str,
'outpoint': str, (txid:nout)
'claim_id': str (hex),
'download_path': str,
'mime_type': str,
'key': str (hex),
'total_bytes': int
'written_bytes': int,
'message': str
'metadata': Metadata dict
'completed': (bool) true if download is completed,
'file_name': (str) name of file,
'download_directory': (str) download directory,
'points_paid': (float) credit paid to download file,
'stopped': (bool) true if download is stopped,
'stream_hash': (str) stream hash of file,
'stream_name': (str) stream name ,
'suggested_file_name': (str) suggested file name,
'sd_hash': (str) sd hash of file,
'name': (str) name claim attached to file
'outpoint': (str) claim outpoint attached to file
'claim_id': (str) claim ID attached to file,
'download_path': (str) download path of file,
'mime_type': (str) mime type of file,
'key': (str) key attached to file,
'total_bytes': (int) file size in bytes, None if full_status is false
'written_bytes': (int) written size in bytes
'message': (str), None if full_status is false
'metadata': (dict) Metadata dictionary
timeout = timeout if timeout is not None else self.download_timeout
@ -1603,12 +1619,12 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Start or stop seeding a file
'status': "start" or "stop"
'name': start file by lbry name,
'sd_hash': start file by the hash in the name claim,
'file_name': start file by its name in the downloads folder,
'status': (str) "start" or "stop"
'name' (optional): (str) start file by lbry name,
'sd_hash' (optional): (str) start file by the hash in the name claim,
'file_name' (optional): (str) start file by its name in the downloads folder,
confirmation message
(str) Confirmation message
if status not in ['start', 'stop']:
@ -1636,17 +1652,18 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Delete a lbry file
'name' (optional): delete files by lbry name,
'sd_hash' (optional): delete files by sd hash,
'file_name' (optional): delete files by the name in the downloads folder,
'stream_hash' (optional): delete files by stream hash,
'claim_id' (optional): delete files by claim id,
'outpoint' (optional): delete files by claim outpoint,
'rowid': (optional): delete file by rowid in the file manager
'delete_target_file' (optional): delete file from downloads folder, defaults to True
if False only the blobs and db entries will be deleted
'name' (optional): (str) delete file by lbry name,
'sd_hash' (optional): (str) delete file by sd hash,
'file_name' (optional): (str) delete file by the name in the downloads folder,
'stream_hash' (optional): (str) delete file by stream hash,
'claim_id' (optional): (str) delete file by claim ID,
'outpoint' (optional): (str) delete file by claim outpoint,
'rowid': (optional): (int) delete file by rowid in the file manager
'delete_target_file' (optional): (bool) delete file from downloads folder,
defaults to true if false only the blobs and
db entries will be deleted
True if deletion was successful, otherwise False
(bool) true if deletion was successful
lbry_files = yield self._get_lbry_files(return_json=False, **kwargs)
@ -1681,10 +1698,11 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Get estimated cost for a lbry stream
'name': lbry name
'size': stream size, in bytes. if provided an sd blob won't be downloaded.
'name': (str) lbry name
'size' (optional): (int) stream size, in bytes. if provided an sd blob
won't be downloaded.
estimated cost
(float) Estimated cost in lbry credits
cost = yield self.get_est_cost(name, size)
@ -1695,18 +1713,21 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Make a new name claim and publish associated data to lbrynet
'name': str, name to be claimed, string
'bid': float, amount of credits to commit in this claim,
'metadata': dict, Metadata compliant (can be missing sources if a file is provided)
'file_path' (optional): str, path to file to be associated with name, if not given
'name': (str) name to be claimed, string
'bid': (float) amount of credits to commit in this claim,
'metadata': (dict) Metadata compliant (can be missing sources if a file is provided)
'file_path' (optional): (str) path to file to be associated with name, if not given
the stream from your existing claim for the name will be used
'fee' (optional): dict, FeeValidator compliant (i.e. {'LBC':{'amount':10}} )
'fee' (optional): (dict) FeeValidator compliant (i.e. {'LBC':{'amount':10}} )
'tx' : hex encoded transaction
'txid' : txid of resulting transaction
'nout' : nout of the resulting support claim
'fee' : fee paid for the claim transaction
'claim_id' : claim id of the resulting transaction
(dict) Dictionary containing result of the claim
'tx' : (str) hex encoded transaction
'txid' : (str) txid of resulting claim
'nout' : (int) nout of the resulting claim
'fee' : (float) fee paid for the claim transaction
'claim_id' : (str) claim ID of the resulting claim
||||"Publish: %s", {
@ -1735,11 +1756,14 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Abandon a name and reclaim credits from the claim
'txid': txid of claim, string
'nout': nout of claim, integer
'txid': (str) txid of claim
'nout': (int) nout of claim
txid : txid of resulting transaction if succesful
fee : fee paid for the transaction if succesful
(dict) Dictionary containing result of the claim
txid : (str) txid of resulting transaction
fee : (float) fee paid for the transaction
@ -1754,11 +1778,6 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
def jsonrpc_abandon_name(self, **kwargs):
DEPRECATED, use abandon_claim
'txid': txid of claim, string
return self.jsonrpc_abandon_claim(**kwargs)
@ -1776,13 +1795,16 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Support a name claim
'name': name
'claim_id': claim id of claim to support
'amount': amount to support by
'name': (str) name
'claim_id': (str) claim ID of claim to support
'amount': (float) amount to support by
txid : txid of resulting transaction if succesful
nout : nout of the resulting support claim if succesful
fee : fee paid for the transaction if succesful
(dict) Dictionary containing result of the claim
txid : (str) txid of resulting support claim
nout : (int) nout of the resulting support claim
fee : (float) fee paid for the transaction
d = self.session.wallet.support_claim(name, claim_id, amount)
@ -1800,7 +1822,7 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
'name': name to look up
claim info, False if no such claim exists
claim info, false if no such claim exists
d = self.session.wallet.get_my_claim(name)
@ -1823,23 +1845,23 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
list of name claims owned by user
(list) List of name claims owned by user
'address': address that owns the claim
'amount': amount assigned to the claim
'blocks_to_expiration': number of blocks until it expires
'category': "claim", "update" , or "support"
'claim_id': claim ID of the claim
'confirmations': number of blocks of confirmations for the claim
'expiration_height': the block height which the claim will expire
'expired': True if expired, False otherwise
'height': height of the block containing the claim
'is_spent': True if claim is abandoned, False otherwise
'name': name of the claim
'txid': txid of the cliam
'nout': nout of the claim
'value': value of the claim
'address': (str) address that owns the claim
'amount': (float) amount assigned to the claim
'blocks_to_expiration': (int) number of blocks until it expires
'category': (str) "claim", "update" , or "support"
'claim_id': (str) claim ID of the claim
'confirmations': (int) number of blocks of confirmations for the claim
'expiration_height': (int) the block height which the claim will expire
'expired': (bool) true if expired, false otherwise
'height': (int) height of the block containing the claim
'is_spent': (bool) true if claim is abandoned, false otherwise
'name': (str) name of the claim
'txid': (str) txid of the cliam
'nout': (int) nout of the claim
'value': (str) value of the claim
@ -1866,24 +1888,26 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Get claims for a name
name: search for claims on this name
'name': (str) search for claims on this name
(dict) State of claims assigned for the name
'claims': list of claims for the name
'claims': (list) list of claims for the name
'amount': amount assigned to the claim, not including supports
'effective_amount': total amount assigned to the claim, including supports
'claim_id': claim ID of the claim
'height': height of block containing the claim
'txid': txid of the claim
'nout': nout of the claim
'supports': a list of supports attached to the claim
'value': the value of the claim
'amount': (float) amount assigned to the claim
'effective_amount': (float) total amount assigned to the claim,
including supports
'claim_id': (str) claim ID of the claim
'height': (int) height of block containing the claim
'txid': (str) txid of the claim
'nout': (int) nout of the claim
'supports': (list) a list of supports attached to the claim
'value': (str) the value of the claim
'supports_without_claims': list of supports without any claims attached to them
'last_takeover_height': the height when the last takeover for the name happened
'supports_without_claims': (list) supports without any claims attached to them
'last_takeover_height': (int) the height of last takeover for the name
@ -1902,12 +1926,12 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
def jsonrpc_transaction_list(self):
List transactions
List transactions belonging to wallet
list of transactions
(list) List of transactions
d = self.session.wallet.get_history()
@ -1925,9 +1949,9 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Get a decoded transaction from a txid
txid: txid hex string
'txid': (str) txid of transaction
JSON formatted transaction
(dict) JSON formatted transaction
d = self.session.wallet.get_transaction(txid)
@ -1947,9 +1971,9 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Checks if an address is associated with the current wallet.
address: string
'address': (str) address to check in base58
is_mine: bool
(bool) true, if address is associated with current wallet
d = self.session.wallet.address_is_mine(address)
@ -1969,9 +1993,9 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Get public key from wallet address
wallet: wallet address, base58
'wallet': (str) wallet address in base58
public key
(str) Public key in hex encoding
d = self.session.wallet.get_pub_keys(wallet)
@ -1992,7 +2016,7 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
new wallet address, base 58 string
(str) New wallet address in base58
def _disp(address):
@ -2007,13 +2031,13 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
def jsonrpc_send_amount_to_address(self, amount, address):
Send credits to an address
Send credits to an address
amount: the amount to send
address: the address of the recipient
True if payment successfully scheduled
'amount': (float) the amount to send
'address': (str) the address of the recipient in base58
(bool) true if payment successfully scheduled
reserved_points = self.session.wallet.reserve_points(address, amount)
@ -2031,12 +2055,12 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
def jsonrpc_block_show(self, blockhash=None, height=None):
Get contents of a block
Get contents of a block
blockhash: hash of the block to look up
requested block
'blockhash': (str) hash of the block to look up
(dict) Requested block
if blockhash is not None:
@ -2065,14 +2089,14 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Download and return a sd blob
timeout (optional)
payment_rate_manager (optional): if not given the default payment rate manager
'sd_hash': (str) hash of sd blob
'timeout'(optional): (int) timeout in number of seconds
'payment_rate_manager'(optional): (str) if not given the default payment rate manager
will be used. supported alternative rate managers:
Success/Fail message or decoded data
(str) Success/Fail message or (dict) decoded data
payment_rate_manager = get_blob_payment_rate_manager(self.session, payment_rate_manager)
@ -2088,17 +2112,17 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Download and return a blob
timeout (optional)
encoding (optional): by default no attempt at decoding is made
'blob_hash': (str) blob hash of blob to get
'timeout'(optional): (int) timeout in number of seconds
'encoding'(optional): (str) by default no attempt at decoding is made,
can be set to one of the following decoders:
payment_rate_manager (optional): if not given the default payment rate manager
'payment_rate_manager'(optional): if not given the default payment rate manager
will be used. supported alternative rate managers:
Success/Fail message or decoded data
(str) Success/Fail message or (dict) decoded data
decoders = {
@ -2126,9 +2150,9 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Delete a blob
'blob_hash': (str) hash of blob to get
Success/fail message
(str) Success/fail message
if blob_hash not in self.session.blob_manager.blobs:
@ -2154,10 +2178,10 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Get peers for blob hash
'blob_hash': blob hash
'timeout' (int, optional): peer search timeout
'blob_hash': (str) blob hash
'timeout'(optional): (int) peer search timeout in seconds
List of contacts
(list) List of contacts
timeout = timeout or conf.settings['peer_search_timeout']
@ -2180,7 +2204,7 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
(str) Success/fail message
d = self.session.blob_manager.immediate_announce_all_blobs()
@ -2192,9 +2216,9 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Reflect a stream
sd_hash: sd_hash of lbry file
'sd_hash': (str) sd_hash of lbry file
True or traceback
(bool) true if successful
d = self._get_lbry_file(FileID.SD_HASH, sd_hash, return_json=False)
@ -2214,18 +2238,18 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
def jsonrpc_blob_list(self, uri=None, stream_hash=None, sd_hash=None, needed=None,
finished=None, page_size=None, page=None):
Returns blob hashes, if not given filters returns all blobs known by the blob manager
Returns blob hashes. If not given filters, returns all blobs known by the blob manager
uri (str, optional): filter by blobs in stream for winning claim
stream_hash (str, optional): filter by blobs in given stream hash
sd_hash (str, optional): filter by blobs in given sd hash
needed (bool, optional): only return needed blobs
finished (bool, optional): only return finished blobs
page_size (int, optional): limit number of results returned
page (int, optional): filter to page x of [page_size] results
'uri' (optional): (str) filter by blobs in stream for winning claim
'stream_hash' (optional): (str) filter by blobs in given stream hash
'sd_hash' (optional): (str) filter by blobs in given sd hash
'needed' (optional): (bool) only return needed blobs
'finished' (optional): (bool) only return finished blobs
'page_size' (optional): (int) limit number of results returned
'page' (optional): (int) filter to page x of [page_size] results
list of blob hashes
(list) List of blob hashes
if uri:
@ -2272,7 +2296,7 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
(bool) true if successful
d = self.session.blob_manager.get_all_verified_blobs()
@ -2285,13 +2309,13 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Get stream availability for a winning claim
name (str): lbry name
sd_timeout (int, optional): sd blob download timeout
peer_timeout (int, optional): how long to look for peers
'name' : (str) lbry name
'sd_timeout' (optional): (int) sd blob download timeout
'peer_timeout' (optional): (int) how long to look for peers
peers per blob / total blobs
(float) Peers per blob / total blobs
def _get_mean(blob_availabilities):
@ -2349,7 +2373,7 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
Startup message, such as first run notification
(str) Startup message, such as first run notification
def _get_startup_message(status):
Add table
Reference in a new issue