tons of small changes squashed together
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 159 additions and 183 deletions
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import typing
import random
import hashlib
import tracemalloc
from decimal import Decimal
from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote
from typing import Callable, Optional, List
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ from import ensure_request_allowed
from lbry.file_analysis import VideoFileAnalyzer
from lbry.schema.claim import Claim
from lbry.schema.url import URL
from lbry.wallet.orchstr8.node import fix_kwargs_for_hub
from lbry.wallet.server.db.elasticsearch.constants import RANGE_FIELDS
MY_RANGE_FIELDS = RANGE_FIELDS - {"limit_claims_per_channel"}
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from lbry.blob.blob_manager import BlobManager
@ -169,6 +171,118 @@ def paginate_list(items: List, page: Optional[int], page_size: Optional[int]):
def fix_kwargs_for_hub(**kwargs):
repeated_fields = {"name", "claim_name", "normalized", "reposted_claim_id", "_id", "public_key_hash",
"public_key_bytes", "signature_digest", "signature", "tx_id", "channel_id",
"fee_currency", "media_type", "stream_type", "claim_type", "description", "author", "title",
"canonical_url", "short_url", "claim_id"}
value_fields = {"offset", "limit", "has_channel_signature", "has_source", "has_no_source",
"limit_claims_per_channel", "tx_nout", "remove_duplicates",
"signature_valid", "is_controlling", "amount_order", "no_totals"}
ops = {'<=': 'lte', '>=': 'gte', '<': 'lt', '>': 'gt'}
for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
value = kwargs[key]
if key == "txid":
kwargs["tx_id"] = kwargs.pop("txid")
key = "tx_id"
if key == "nout":
kwargs["tx_nout"] = kwargs.pop("nout")
key = "tx_nout"
if key == "valid_channel_signature":
kwargs["signature_valid"] = kwargs.pop("valid_channel_signature")
if key == "invalid_channel_signature":
kwargs["signature_valid"] = not kwargs.pop("invalid_channel_signature")
if key in {"valid_channel_signature", "invalid_channel_signature"}:
key = "signature_valid"
value = kwargs[key]
if key == "has_no_source":
kwargs["has_source"] = not kwargs.pop("has_no_source")
key = "has_source"
value = kwargs[key]
if key in value_fields:
kwargs[key] = {"value": value} if not isinstance(value, dict) else value
if key in repeated_fields and isinstance(value, str):
kwargs[key] = [value]
if key == "claim_id":
kwargs["claim_id"] = {
"invert": False,
"value": kwargs["claim_id"]
if key == "not_claim_id":
kwargs["claim_id"] = {
"invert": True,
"value": kwargs.pop("not_claim_id")
if key == "claim_ids":
kwargs["claim_id"] = {
"invert": False,
"value": kwargs.pop("claim_ids")
if key == "not_claim_ids":
kwargs["claim_id"] = {
"invert": True,
"value": kwargs["not_claim_ids"]
del kwargs["not_claim_ids"]
if key == "channel_id":
kwargs["channel_id"] = {
"invert": False,
"value": kwargs["channel_id"]
if key == "channel":
kwargs["channel_id"] = {
"invert": False,
"value": kwargs.pop("channel")
if key == "not_channel_id":
kwargs["channel_id"] = {
"invert": True,
"value": kwargs.pop("not_channel_id")
if key == "channel_ids":
kwargs["channel_ids"] = {
"invert": False,
"value": kwargs["channel_ids"]
if key == "not_channel_ids":
kwargs["channel_ids"] = {
"invert": True,
"value": kwargs.pop("not_channel_ids")
if key in MY_RANGE_FIELDS and isinstance(value, str) and value[0] in ops:
operator_length = 2 if value[:2] in ops else 1
operator, value = value[:operator_length], value[operator_length:]
op = 0
if operator == '=':
op = 0
if operator in ('<=', 'lte'):
op = 1
if operator in ('>=', 'gte'):
op = 2
if operator in ('<', 'lt'):
op = 3
if operator in ('>', 'gt'):
op = 4
kwargs[key] = {"op": op, "value": [str(value)]}
elif key in MY_RANGE_FIELDS:
kwargs[key] = {"op": 0, "value": [str(value)]}
if key == 'fee_amount':
value = kwargs['fee_amount']
value.update({"value": [str(Decimal(value['value'][0]) * 1000)]})
kwargs['fee_amount'] = value
if key == 'stream_types':
kwargs['stream_type'] = kwargs.pop('stream_types')
if key == 'media_types':
kwargs['media_type'] = kwargs.pop('media_types')
return kwargs
DHT_HAS_CONTACTS = "dht_has_contacts"
@ -2496,7 +2610,18 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
Returns: {Paginated[Output]}
if os.environ.get("GO_HUB") and os.environ.get("GO_HUB") == "true":
kwargs['new_sdk_server'] = "localhost:50051"
log.warning("### Using go hub! ###")
host = os.environ.get("HUB_HOST", "localhost")
port = os.environ.get("HUB_PORT", "50051")
kwargs['new_sdk_server'] = f"{host}:{port}"
if kwargs.get("channel"):
channel = kwargs.pop("channel")
channel_obj = (await self.jsonrpc_resolve(channel))[channel]
if isinstance(channel_obj, dict):
# This happens when the channel doesn't exist
kwargs["channel_id"] = ""
kwargs["channel_id"] = channel_obj.claim_id
kwargs = fix_kwargs_for_hub(**kwargs)
# Don't do this if using the hub server, it screws everything up
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ from lbry.conf import Config
from lbry.wallet.util import satoshis_to_coins
from lbry.wallet.orchstr8 import Conductor
from lbry.wallet.orchstr8.node import BlockchainNode, WalletNode, HubNode
from lbry.wallet.orchstr8.node import fix_kwargs_for_hub
from lbry.extras.daemon.daemon import Daemon, jsonrpc_dumps_pretty
from lbry.extras.daemon.components import Component, WalletComponent
@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ class Ledger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
claim_search(**kwargs), accounts,
hub_server=True if new_sdk_server else False
hub_server=new_sdk_server is not None
async def get_claim_by_claim_id(self, accounts, claim_id, **kwargs) -> Output:
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import logging
import asyncio
import json
import os
import socket
import random
from time import perf_counter
@ -479,21 +478,14 @@ class Network:
return result['result']
async def new_claim_search(self, server, **kwargs):
if os.environ.get("GO_HUB") and os.environ.get("GO_HUB") == "true":
if "offset" in kwargs and type(kwargs["offset"]) == int:
kwargs["offset"] = {"value": kwargs["offset"]}
if "limit" in kwargs and type(kwargs["limit"]) == int:
kwargs["limit"] = {"value": kwargs["limit"]}
async with grpc.aio.insecure_channel(server) as channel:
stub = hub_pb2_grpc.HubStub(channel)
response = await stub.Search(SearchRequest(**kwargs))
return response
kwargs['protobuf'] = True
message = {"method": "claim_search", "params": kwargs}
async with, json=message) as r:
result = await r.json()
return result['result']
if "offset" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["offset"], int):
kwargs["offset"] = {"value": kwargs["offset"]}
if "limit" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["limit"], int):
kwargs["limit"] = {"value": kwargs["limit"]}
async with grpc.aio.insecure_channel(server) as channel:
stub = hub_pb2_grpc.HubStub(channel)
response = await stub.Search(SearchRequest(**kwargs))
return response
async def sum_supports(self, server, **kwargs):
message = {"method": "support_sum", "params": kwargs}
@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
__hub_url__ = (
from .node import Conductor
from .service import ConductorService
@ -18,11 +18,8 @@ from lbry.wallet.server.server import Server
from lbry.wallet.server.env import Env
from lbry.wallet import Wallet, Ledger, RegTestLedger, WalletManager, Account, BlockHeightEvent
from lbry.conf import KnownHubsList, Config
from lbry.wallet.orchstr8 import __hub_url__
from decimal import Decimal
from lbry.wallet.server.db.elasticsearch.constants import INDEX_DEFAULT_SETTINGS, REPLACEMENTS, FIELDS, TEXT_FIELDS, \
MY_RANGE_FIELDS = RANGE_FIELDS - {"limit_claims_per_channel"}
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -51,7 +48,7 @@ class Conductor:
self.wallet_node = WalletNode(
self.manager_module, RegTestLedger, default_seed=seed
self.hub_node = HubNode("asdf", "hub", "hub")
self.hub_node = HubNode(__hub_url__, "hub", "hub")
self.blockchain_started = False
self.spv_started = False
@ -482,139 +479,17 @@ class HubProcess(asyncio.SubprocessProtocol):
raise SystemError(data.decode())
if b'listening on' in data:
def process_exited(self):
def fix_kwargs_for_hub(**kwargs):
# page_num, page_size = abs(kwargs.pop('page', 1)), min(abs(kwargs.pop('page_size', DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)), 50)
# kwargs.update({'offset': page_size * (page_num - 1), 'limit': page_size})
repeated_fields = {"name", "claim_name", "normalized", "reposted_claim_id", "_id", "public_key_hash",
"public_key_bytes", "signature_digest", "signature", "tx_id", "channel_id",
"fee_currency", "media_type", "stream_type", "claim_type", "description", "author", "title",
"canonical_url", "short_url", "claim_id"}
value_fields = {"offset", "limit", "has_channel_signature", "has_source", "has_no_source",
"limit_claims_per_channel", "tx_nout", "remove_duplicates",
"signature_valid", "is_controlling", "amount_order"}
ops = {'<=': 'lte', '>=': 'gte', '<': 'lt', '>': 'gt'}
for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
value = kwargs[key]
if "txid" == key:
kwargs["tx_id"] = kwargs.pop("txid")
key = "tx_id"
if "nout" == key:
kwargs["tx_nout"] = kwargs.pop("nout")
key = "tx_nout"
if "valid_channel_signature" == key:
kwargs["signature_valid"] = kwargs.pop("valid_channel_signature")
if "invalid_channel_signature" == key:
kwargs["signature_valid"] = not kwargs.pop("invalid_channel_signature")
if key in {"valid_channel_signature", "invalid_channel_signature"}:
key = "signature_valid"
value = kwargs[key]
if "has_no_source" == key:
kwargs["has_source"] = not kwargs.pop("has_no_source")
key = "has_source"
value = kwargs[key]
if key in value_fields:
kwargs[key] = {"value": value} if type(value) != dict else value
if key in repeated_fields:
kwargs[key] = [value]
if "claim_id" == key:
kwargs["claim_id"] = {
"invert": False,
"value": kwargs["claim_id"]
if "not_claim_id" == key:
kwargs["claim_id"] = {
"invert": True,
"value": kwargs["not_claim_id"]
del kwargs["not_claim_id"]
if "claim_ids" == key:
kwargs["claim_id"] = {
"invert": False,
"value": kwargs["claim_ids"]
del kwargs["claim_ids"]
if "not_claim_ids" == key:
kwargs["claim_id"] = {
"invert": True,
"value": kwargs["not_claim_ids"]
del kwargs["not_claim_ids"]
if "channel_id" == key:
kwargs["channel_id"] = {
"invert": False,
"value": kwargs["channel_id"]
if "channel" == key:
kwargs["channel_id"] = {
"invert": False,
"value": kwargs["channel"]
del kwargs["channel"]
if "not_channel_id" == key:
kwargs["channel_id"] = {
"invert": True,
"value": kwargs["not_channel_id"]
del kwargs["not_channel_id"]
if "channel_ids" == key:
kwargs["channel_ids"] = {
"invert": False,
"value": kwargs["channel_ids"]
if "not_channel_ids" == key:
kwargs["channel_ids"] = {
"invert": True,
"value": kwargs["not_channel_ids"]
del kwargs["not_channel_ids"]
if key in MY_RANGE_FIELDS and isinstance(value, str) and value[0] in ops:
operator_length = 2 if value[:2] in ops else 1
operator, value = value[:operator_length], value[operator_length:]
op = 0
if operator == '=':
op = 0
if operator == '<=' or operator == 'lte':
op = 1
if operator == '>=' or operator == 'gte':
op = 2
if operator == '<' or operator == 'lt':
op = 3
if operator == '>' or operator == 'gt':
op = 4
kwargs[key] = {"op": op, "value": [str(value)]}
elif key in MY_RANGE_FIELDS:
kwargs[key] = {"op": 0, "value": [str(value)]}
if 'fee_amount' == key:
value = kwargs['fee_amount']
value.update({"value": [str(Decimal(value['value'][0]) * 1000)]})
kwargs['fee_amount'] = value
if 'stream_types' == key:
kwargs['stream_type'] = kwargs.pop('stream_types')
if 'media_types' == key:
kwargs['media_type'] = kwargs.pop('media_types')
return kwargs
class HubNode:
def __init__(self, url, daemon, cli):
self.debug = True
self.debug = False
self.latest_release_url = url
self.project_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
@ -622,24 +497,15 @@ class HubNode:
self.daemon_bin = os.path.join(self.bin_dir, daemon)
self.cli_bin = os.path.join(self.bin_dir, daemon)
self.log = log.getChild('hub')
self.data_path = None
self.protocol = None
self.transport = None
self.block_expected = 0
self.protocol = None
self.hostname = 'localhost'
# self.peerport = 9246 + 13 # avoid conflict with default peer port
self.rpcport = 50051 # avoid conflict with default rpc port
self.rpcuser = 'rpcuser'
self.rpcpassword = 'rpcpassword'
self.rpcport = 50051 # avoid conflict with default rpc port
self.stopped = False
self.restart_ready = asyncio.Event()
self.running = asyncio.Event()
def rpc_url(self):
return f'http://{self.rpcuser}:{self.rpcpassword}@{self.hostname}:{self.rpcport}/'
def exists(self):
return (
@ -675,6 +541,8 @@ class HubNode:
with as tar:
os.chmod(self.daemon_bin, 0o755)
return self.exists
def ensure(self):
@ -682,11 +550,10 @@ class HubNode:
async def start(self):
assert self.ensure()
self.data_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
command = [
self.daemon_bin, 'serve',
self.daemon_bin, 'serve', '--dev'
||||' '.join(command))
while not self.stopped:
@ -720,19 +587,8 @@ class HubNode:
if cleanup:
async def clear_mempool(self):
await self.protocol.stopped.wait()
# os.remove(os.path.join(self.data_path, 'regtest', 'mempool.dat'))
await self.running.wait()
def cleanup(self):
#shutil.rmtree(self.data_path, ignore_errors=True)
async def _cli_cmnd(self, *args):
cmnd_args = [
@ -135,8 +135,6 @@ class ClaimSearchCommand(ClaimTestCase):
# three streams in channel, zero streams in abandoned channel
claims = [three, two, signed]
await self.assertFindsClaims(claims, channel_ids=[self.channel_id])
# channel param doesn't work yet because we need to implement resolve url from search first
cid = await self.daemon.jsonrpc_resolve(f"@abc#{self.channel_id}")
await self.assertFindsClaims(claims, channel_id=cid[f"@abc#{self.channel_id}"].claim_id)
cid = await self.daemon.jsonrpc_resolve(f"@inexistent")
@ -168,9 +166,10 @@ class ClaimSearchCommand(ClaimTestCase):
# print(valid_claims)
# Something happens in inflation I think and this gets switch from valid to not
# self.assertTrue(all([c['is_channel_signature_valid'] for c in valid_claims]))
# And signing channel only has id? 'signing_channel': {'channel_id': '6f4513e9bbd63d7b7f13dbf4fd2ef28c560ac89b'}
# self.assertEqual('@abc', valid_claims[0]['signing_channel']['name'])
self.assertTrue(all([c['is_channel_signature_valid'] for c in valid_claims]))
# import json
# print(json.dumps(valid_claims, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
self.assertEqual('@abc', valid_claims[0]['signing_channel']['name'])
# abandoned stream won't show up for streams in channel search
await self.stream_abandon(txid=signed2['txid'], nout=0)
@ -397,6 +396,7 @@ class ClaimSearchCommand(ClaimTestCase):
limit_claims_per_channel=3, claim_type='stream'
# @skip("okay")
async def test_no_duplicates(self):
await self.generate(10)
match = self.assertFindsClaims
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ class ClaimSearchCommand(ClaimTestCase):
await self.assertFindsClaims([], duration='>100')
await self.assertFindsClaims([], duration='<14')
# @skip("okay")
# # @skip("okay")
async def test_search_by_text(self):
chan1_id = self.get_claim_id(await self.channel_create('@SatoshiNakamoto'))
chan2_id = self.get_claim_id(await self.channel_create('@Bitcoin'))
@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ class TestLanguages(TestCase):
def test_language_error_parsing(self):
stream = Stream()
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Language has no value defined for name zz'):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Enum Language has no value defined for name 'zz'"):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Script has no value defined for name Zabc'):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Enum Script has no value defined for name 'Zabc'"):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Country has no value defined for name ZZ'):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Enum Country has no value defined for name 'ZZ'"):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, 'Failed to parse language tag: en-Zzz-US'):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, "Failed to parse language tag: en-Zzz-US"):
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ changedir = {toxinidir}/tests
setenv =
commands =
orchstr8 download
blockchain: coverage run -p --source={envsitepackagesdir}/lbry -m unittest discover -vv integration.blockchain {posargs}
Add table
Reference in a new issue