This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 277 additions and 289 deletions
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ lbry.egg-info
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
from lbry.wallet.database import constraints_to_sql
create virtual table if not exists search using fts5(
claim_name, channel_name, title, description, author, tags,
content=claim, tokenize=porter
FTS_ORDER_BY = "bm25(search, 4.0, 8.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5)"
def fts_action_sql(claims=None, action='insert'):
select = {
'rowid': "claim.rowid",
'claim_name': "claim.normalized",
'channel_name': "channel.normalized",
'title': "claim.title",
'description': "claim.description",
'author': "claim.author",
'tags': "(select group_concat(tag, ' ') from tag where tag.claim_hash=claim.claim_hash)"
if action == 'delete':
select['search'] = '"delete"'
where, values = "", {}
if claims:
where, values = constraints_to_sql({'claim.claim_hash__in': claims})
where = 'WHERE '+where
return f"""
INSERT INTO search ({','.join(select.keys())})
SELECT {','.join(select.values())} FROM claim
LEFT JOIN claim as channel ON (claim.channel_hash=channel.claim_hash) {where}
""", values
def update_full_text_search(action, outputs, db, is_first_sync):
if is_first_sync:
if not outputs:
if action in ("before-delete", "before-update"):
db.execute(*fts_action_sql(outputs, 'delete'))
elif action in ("after-insert", "after-update"):
db.execute(*fts_action_sql(outputs, 'insert'))
raise ValueError(f"Invalid action for updating full text search: '{action}'")
def first_sync_finished(db):
@ -191,16 +191,16 @@ def select_claims(cols: List = None, for_count=False, **constraints) -> Select:
if 'public_key_id' in constraints:
constraints['public_key_hash'] = (
if 'channel_hash' in constraints:
constraints['channel_hash'] = constraints.pop('channel_hash')
if 'channel_ids' in constraints:
channel_ids = constraints.pop('channel_ids')
if channel_ids:
if 'channel_id' in constraints:
channel_id = constraints.pop('channel_id')
if channel_id:
if isinstance(channel_id, str):
channel_id = [channel_id]
constraints['channel_hash__in'] = {
unhexlify(cid)[::-1] for cid in channel_ids
unhexlify(cid)[::-1] for cid in channel_id
if 'not_channel_ids' in constraints:
not_channel_ids = constraints.pop('not_channel_ids')
if 'not_channel_id' in constraints:
not_channel_ids = constraints.pop('not_channel_id')
if not_channel_ids:
not_channel_ids_binary = {
unhexlify(ncid)[::-1] for ncid in not_channel_ids
@ -213,17 +213,18 @@ def select_claims(cols: List = None, for_count=False, **constraints) -> Select:
'signature_valid__is_null': True,
'channel_hash__not_in': not_channel_ids_binary
if 'signature_valid' in constraints:
if 'is_signature_valid' in constraints:
has_channel_signature = constraints.pop('has_channel_signature', False)
is_signature_valid = constraints.pop('is_signature_valid')
if has_channel_signature:
constraints['signature_valid'] = constraints.pop('signature_valid')
constraints['is_signature_valid'] = is_signature_valid
constraints['null_or_signature__or'] = {
'signature_valid__is_null': True,
'signature_valid': constraints.pop('signature_valid')
'is_signature_valid__is_null': True,
'is_signature_valid': is_signature_valid
elif constraints.pop('has_channel_signature', False):
constraints['signature_valid__is_not_null'] = True
constraints['is_signature_valid__is_not_null'] = True
if 'txid' in constraints:
tx_hash = unhexlify(constraints.pop('txid'))[::-1]
@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ def select_claims(cols: List = None, for_count=False, **constraints) -> Select:
constraints["search"] = constraints.pop("text")
return query(
[Claim, TXO],
@ -276,18 +277,47 @@ def protobuf_search_claims(**constraints) -> str:
def search_claims(**constraints) -> Tuple[List[Output], Optional[int], Optional[Censor]]:
ctx = context()
search_censor = ctx.get_search_censor()
total = None
if constraints.pop('include_total', False):
total = search_claim_count(**constraints)
constraints['offset'] = abs(constraints.get('offset', 0))
constraints['limit'] = min(abs(constraints.get('limit', 10)), 50)
ctx = context()
search_censor = ctx.get_search_censor()
rows = context().fetchall(select_claims(**constraints))
channel_url = constraints.pop('channel', None)
if channel_url:
from .resolve import resolve_url
channel = resolve_url(channel_url)
if isinstance(channel, Output):
constraints['channel_hash'] = channel.claim_hash
return [], total, search_censor
rows = ctx.fetchall(select_claims(**constraints))
txos = rows_to_txos(rows, include_tx=False)
return txos, total, search_censor
def annotate_with_channels(txos):
channel_hashes = set()
for txo in txos:
if txo.can_decode_claim and txo.claim.is_signed:
if channel_hashes:
rows = context().fetchall(select_claims(claim_hash__in=channel_hashes))
channels = {
txo.claim_hash: txo for txo in
rows_to_txos(rows, include_tx=False)
for txo in txos:
if txo.can_decode_claim and txo.claim.is_signed:
txo.channel = channels.get(txo.claim.signing_channel_hash, None)
def search_claim_count(**constraints) -> int:
constraints.pop('offset', None)
constraints.pop('limit', None)
@ -305,9 +335,9 @@ END
def _apply_constraints_for_array_attributes(constraints, attr, cleaner, for_count=False):
any_items = set(cleaner(constraints.pop(f'any_{attr}s', []))[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH])
all_items = set(cleaner(constraints.pop(f'all_{attr}s', []))[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH])
not_items = set(cleaner(constraints.pop(f'not_{attr}s', []))[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH])
any_items = set(cleaner(constraints.pop(f'any_{attr}', []))[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH])
all_items = set(cleaner(constraints.pop(f'all_{attr}', []))[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH])
not_items = set(cleaner(constraints.pop(f'not_{attr}', []))[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH])
all_items = {item for item in all_items if item not in not_items}
any_items = {item for item in any_items if item not in not_items}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import logging
from datetime import date
from typing import Tuple, List, Optional, Union
from sqlalchemy import union, func, text, between, distinct, case
from sqlalchemy import union, func, text, between, distinct, case, false
from sqlalchemy.future import select, Select
from ...blockchain.transaction import (
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ def select_txos(
joins = TXO.join(TX)
if constraints.pop('is_spent', None) is False:
s = s.where((TXO.c.spent_height == 0) & (TXO.c.is_reserved == False))
s = s.where((TXO.c.spent_height == 0) & (TXO.c.is_reserved == false()))
if include_is_my_input:
joins = joins.join(TXI, (TXI.c.position == 0) & (TXI.c.tx_hash == TXO.c.tx_hash), isouter=True)
if claim_id_not_in_claim_table:
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ def get_balance(account_ids):
txo_address_check = TXO.c.address.in_(my_addresses)
txi_address_check = TXI.c.address.in_(my_addresses)
query = (
s: Select = (
func.coalesce(func.sum(TXO.c.amount), 0).label("total"),
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ def get_balance(account_ids):
TXO.join(TXI, (TXI.c.position == 0) & (TXI.c.tx_hash == TXO.c.tx_hash), isouter=True)
result = ctx.fetchone(query)
result = ctx.fetchone(s)
return {
"total": result["total"],
"available": result["total"] - result["reserved"],
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from itertools import islice
from typing import List, Union
from sqlalchemy import text, and_
from sqlalchemy import text, and_, or_
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Select, FunctionElement
from sqlalchemy.types import Numeric
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
@ -98,9 +98,7 @@ def query(table, s: Select, **constraints) -> Select:
s = s.where(in_account_ids(account_ids))
if constraints:
s = s.where(
constraints_to_clause(table, constraints)
s = s.where(and_(*constraints_to_clause(table, constraints)))
return s
@ -148,6 +146,9 @@ def constraints_to_clause(tables, constraints):
raise ValueError(f"{col} requires a list, set or string as constraint value.")
elif key.endswith('__or'):
clause.append(or_(*constraints_to_clause(tables, constraint)))
col, op = key, '__eq__'
attr = None
@ -170,4 +171,4 @@ def constraints_to_clause(tables, constraints):
if attr is None:
raise ValueError(f"Attribute '{col}' not found on tables: {', '.join([t.name for t in tables])}.")
clause.append(getattr(attr, op)(constraint))
return and_(*clause)
return clause
@ -1098,8 +1098,9 @@ class API:
raise ValueError("--outputs must be an integer.")
if everything and outputs > 1:
raise ValueError("Using --everything along with --outputs is not supported.")
return await from_account.fund(
to_account=to_account, amount=amount, everything=everything,
return await wallet.fund(
from_account=from_account, to_account=to_account,
amount=amount, everything=everything,
outputs=outputs, broadcast=broadcast
@ -1518,7 +1519,7 @@ class API:
claim_type: str = None, # claim type: channel, stream, repost, collection
include_purchase_receipt=False, # lookup and include a receipt if this wallet has purchased the claim
include_is_my_output=False, # lookup and include a boolean indicating if claim being resolved is yours
is_controlling=False, # winning claims of their respective name
is_controlling: bool = None, # winning claims of their respective name
activation_height: int = None, # height at which claim starts competing for name
# (supports equality constraints)
expiration_height: int = None, # height at which claim will expire (supports equality constraints)
@ -1578,16 +1579,23 @@ class API:
claim_filter_dict, kwargs = pop_kwargs('claim_filter', extract_claim_filter(
stream_filter_dict, kwargs = pop_kwargs('stream_filter', extract_stream_filter(**kwargs))
pagination, kwargs = pop_kwargs('pagination', extract_pagination(**kwargs))
wallet = self.wallets.get_or_default(wallet_id)
# if {'claim_id', 'claim_ids'}.issubset(kwargs):
# raise ValueError("Only 'claim_id' or 'claim_ids' is allowed, not both.")
# if kwargs.pop('valid_channel_signature', False):
# kwargs['signature_valid'] = 1
# if kwargs.pop('invalid_channel_signature', False):
# kwargs['signature_valid'] = 0
if stream_filter_dict.pop('valid_channel_signature', False):
stream_filter_dict['is_signature_valid'] = True
if stream_filter_dict.pop('invalid_channel_signature', False):
stream_filter_dict['is_signature_valid'] = False
if is_controlling is not None:
claim_filter_dict["is_controlling"] = is_controlling
if public_key_id is not None:
claim_filter_dict["public_key_id"] = public_key_id
page_num = abs(pagination['page'] or 1)
page_size = min(abs(pagination['page_size'] or DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE), 50)
'offset': page_size * (page_num - 1), 'limit': page_size,
'include_total': pagination['include_total'],
@ -1701,31 +1709,18 @@ class API:
wallet = self.wallets.get_or_default(wallet_id)
assert not wallet.is_locked, "Cannot spend funds with locked wallet, unlock first."
if account_id:
account = wallet.get_account_or_error(account_id)
accounts = [account]
account = wallet.default_account
accounts = wallet.accounts
if txid is not None and nout is not None:
claims = await self.ledger.get_claims(
wallet=wallet, accounts=accounts, tx_hash=unhexlify(txid)[::-1], position=nout
elif claim_id is not None:
claims = await self.ledger.get_claims(
wallet=wallet, accounts=accounts, claim_id=claim_id
raise Exception('Must specify claim_id, or txid and nout')
if not claims:
raise Exception('No claim found for the specified claim_id or txid:nout')
tx = await Transaction.create(
[Input.spend(txo) for txo in claims], [], [account], account
abandon_dict, kwargs = pop_kwargs('abandon', extract_abandon(**abandon_and_tx_kwargs))
tx_dict, kwargs = pop_kwargs('tx', extract_tx(**kwargs))
wallet = self.wallets.get_or_default_for_spending(tx_dict.pop('wallet_id'))
funding_accounts = wallet.accounts.get_or_all(tx_dict.pop('fund_account_id'))
change_account = wallet.accounts.get_or_default(tx_dict.pop('change_account_id'))
tx = await wallet.channels.delete(
await self.service.maybe_broadcast_or_release(tx, **tx_dict)
return tx
@ -2078,34 +2073,20 @@ class API:
wallet = self.wallets.get_or_default(wallet_id)
assert not wallet.is_locked, "Cannot spend funds with locked wallet, unlock first."
if account_id:
account = wallet.get_account_or_error(account_id)
accounts = [account]
account = wallet.default_account
accounts = wallet.accounts
if txid is not None and nout is not None:
claims = await self.ledger.get_claims(
wallet=wallet, accounts=accounts, tx_hash=unhexlify(txid)[::-1], position=nout
elif claim_id is not None:
claims = await self.ledger.get_claims(
wallet=wallet, accounts=accounts, claim_id=claim_id
raise Exception('Must specify claim_id, or txid and nout')
if not claims:
raise Exception('No claim found for the specified claim_id or txid:nout')
tx = await Transaction.create(
[Input.spend(txo) for txo in claims], [], accounts, account
abandon_dict, kwargs = pop_kwargs('abandon', extract_abandon(**abandon_and_tx_kwargs))
tx_dict, kwargs = pop_kwargs('tx', extract_tx(**kwargs))
wallet = self.wallets.get_or_default_for_spending(tx_dict.pop('wallet_id'))
funding_accounts = wallet.accounts.get_or_all(tx_dict.pop('fund_account_id'))
change_account = wallet.accounts.get_or_default(tx_dict.pop('change_account_id'))
tx = await wallet.streams.delete(
await self.service.maybe_broadcast_or_release(tx, tx_dict)
await self.service.maybe_broadcast_or_release(tx, **tx_dict)
return tx
async def stream_list(
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
import os
import asyncio
import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, NamedTuple, Dict
from typing import List, Optional, NamedTuple, Dict
from lbry.db import Database, Result
from lbry.db.constants import TXO_TYPES
from lbry.schema.result import Censor
from lbry.blockchain.transaction import Transaction, Output
from lbry.blockchain.ledger import Ledger
from lbry.wallet import WalletManager
@ -177,7 +177,8 @@ class Daemon:
subscribers = self.app["subscriptions"][event_name]["subscribers"]
def broadcast_event(self, event_name, subscribers, payload):
def broadcast_event(event_name, subscribers, payload):
for web_socket in subscribers:
'event': event_name, 'payload': payload
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
import logging
from typing import Optional, List, Dict
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from lbry.blockchain.lbrycrd import Lbrycrd
from lbry.blockchain.sync import BlockchainSync
from lbry.blockchain.ledger import Ledger
from lbry.blockchain.transaction import Transaction
from lbry.blockchain import Ledger, Transaction
from lbry.event import BroadcastSubscription
from .base import Service, Sync
from .api import Client as APIClient
@ -24,27 +23,17 @@ class NoSync(Sync):
self.on_mempool = client.get_event_stream('blockchain.mempool')
self.on_mempool_subscription: Optional[BroadcastSubscription] = None
async def wait_for_client_ready(self):
await self.client.connect()
async def start(self):
await self.wait_for_client_ready()
self.advance_loop_task = asyncio.create_task(self.advance())
await self.advance_loop_task
await self.client.subscribe()
self.advance_loop_task = asyncio.create_task(self.advance_loop())
self.on_block_subscription = self.on_block.listen(
lambda e: self.on_block_event.set()
self.on_mempool_subscription = self.on_mempool.listen(
lambda e: self.on_mempool_event.set()
await self.download_filters()
await self.download_headers()
async def stop(self):
await self.client.disconnect()
async def get_block_headers(self, start_height: int, end_height: int = None):
return await self.db.get_block_headers(start_height, end_height)
async def get_best_block_height(self) -> int:
return await self.db.get_best_block_height()
class FullEndpoint(Service):
@ -59,3 +48,36 @@ class FullEndpoint(Service):
self.sync = NoSync(self, self.client)
async def get_block_headers(self, first, last=None):
return await self.db.get_block_headers(first, last)
async def get_address_filters(self, start_height: int, end_height: int = None, granularity: int = 0):
return await self.db.get_filters(
start_height=start_height, end_height=end_height, granularity=granularity
async def search_transactions(self, txids):
tx_hashes = [unhexlify(txid)[::-1] for txid in txids]
return {
hexlify(tx['tx_hash'][::-1]).decode(): hexlify(tx['raw']).decode()
for tx in await self.db.get_transactions(tx_hashes=tx_hashes)
async def broadcast(self, tx):
async def wait(self, tx: Transaction, height=-1, timeout=1):
async def resolve(self, urls, **kwargs):
async def search_claims(self, accounts, **kwargs):
async def search_supports(self, accounts, **kwargs):
async def sum_supports(self, claim_hash: bytes, include_channel_content=False) -> List[Dict]:
return await self.db.sum_supports(claim_hash, include_channel_content)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class FullNode(Service):
return 'everything is wonderful'
async def get_block_headers(self, first, last=None):
return await self.db.get_blocks(first, last)
return await self.db.get_block_headers(first, last)
async def get_address_filters(self, start_height: int, end_height: int = None, granularity: int = 0):
return await self.db.get_filters(
@ -300,13 +300,19 @@ class JSONResponseEncoder(JSONEncoder):
output['purchase_receipt'] = self.encode_output(txo.purchase_receipt)
if txo.claim.is_channel:
output['has_signing_key'] = txo.has_private_key
if check_signature and txo.claim.is_signed:
if check_signature and txo.claim.is_signed and 'is_signature_valid' in txo.meta:
if txo.channel is not None:
output['signing_channel'] = self.encode_output(txo.channel)
output['is_channel_signature_valid'] = txo.is_signed_by(txo.channel, self.service.ledger)
output['signing_channel'] = {'channel_id': txo.claim.signing_channel_id}
output['is_channel_signature_valid'] = False
output['is_channel_signature_valid'] = txo.meta.get('is_signature_valid', False)
# if check_signature and txo.claim.is_signed:
# if txo.channel is not None:
# output['signing_channel'] = self.encode_output(txo.channel)
# output['is_channel_signature_valid'] = txo.is_signed_by(txo.channel, self.service.ledger)
# else:
# output['signing_channel'] = {'channel_id': txo.claim.signing_channel_id}
# output['is_channel_signature_valid'] = txo.meta.get('is_signature_valid', False)
except DecodeError:
return output
@ -1,19 +1,11 @@
import asyncio
import logging
from typing import List, Dict
#from io import StringIO
#from functools import partial
#from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict
#from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from typing import List, Optional, DefaultDict, NamedTuple
from typing import Dict
from typing import List, Optional, NamedTuple
from binascii import unhexlify
#from lbry.crypto.hash import double_sha256, sha256
from lbry.tasks import TaskGroup
from lbry.blockchain import Transaction
from lbry.blockchain.block import Block, get_address_filter
from lbry.event import BroadcastSubscription, EventController
from lbry.event import BroadcastSubscription
from lbry.wallet.account import AddressManager
from lbry.blockchain import Ledger, Transaction
from lbry.db import Database
@ -119,30 +111,31 @@ class FilterManager:
async def download(self):
filters_response = await self.client.get_address_filters(0, 500)
filters = await filters_response.first
address = None
address_array = [bytearray(self.client.ledger.address_to_hash160(address))]
for filter in filters:
filter = get_address_filter(unhexlify(filter['filter']))
for address_filter in filters:
address_filter = get_address_filter(unhexlify(address_filter['filter']))
address_array = [
for a in await self.service.db.get_all_addresses()
block_filters = await self.service.get_block_address_filters()
for block_hash, block_filter in block_filters.items():
bf = get_address_filter(block_filter)
if bf.MatchAny(address_array):
print(f'match: {block_hash} - {block_filter}')
tx_filters = await self.service.get_transaction_address_filters(block_hash=block_hash)
for txid, tx_filter in tx_filters.items():
tf = get_address_filter(tx_filter)
if tf.MatchAny(address_array):
print(f' match: {txid} - {tx_filter}')
txs = await self.service.search_transactions([txid])
tx = Transaction(unhexlify(txs[txid]))
await self.service.db.insert_transaction(tx)
# address_array = [
# bytearray(a['address'].encode())
# for a in await self.service.db.get_all_addresses()
# ]
# block_filters = await self.service.get_block_address_filters()
# for block_hash, block_filter in block_filters.items():
# bf = get_address_filter(block_filter)
# if bf.MatchAny(address_array):
# print(f'match: {block_hash} - {block_filter}')
# tx_filters = await self.service.get_transaction_address_filters(block_hash=block_hash)
# for txid, tx_filter in tx_filters.items():
# tf = get_address_filter(tx_filter)
# if tf.MatchAny(address_array):
# print(f' match: {txid} - {tx_filter}')
# txs = await self.service.search_transactions([txid])
# tx = Transaction(unhexlify(txs[txid]))
# await self.service.db.insert_transaction(tx)
async def get_filters(self, start_height, end_height, granularity):
return await self.client.address_filter(
@ -537,4 +530,4 @@ class FastSync(Sync):
# for account in self.accounts:
# if account.id == details['account']:
# return account.address_managers[details['chain']]
# return None
# return None
@ -515,6 +515,9 @@ class IntegrationTestCase(AsyncioTestCase):
lambda e: e.tx.hash == tx_hash
async def on_transaction_dict(self, tx):
await self.service.wait(Transaction(unhexlify(tx['hex'])))
def on_address_update(self, address):
return self.ledger.on_transaction.where(
lambda e: e.address == address
@ -605,9 +608,6 @@ class CommandTestCase(IntegrationTestCase):
await self.on_transaction_id(txid, ledger)
return txid
async def on_transaction_dict(self, tx):
await self.ledger.wait(Transaction(unhexlify(tx['hex'])))
def get_all_addresses(tx):
addresses = set()
@ -672,9 +672,6 @@ class CommandTestCase(IntegrationTestCase):
async def account_remove(self, *args, **kwargs):
return await self.out(self.api.account_remove(*args, **kwargs))
async def account_send(self, *args, **kwargs):
return await self.out(self.api.account_send(*args, **kwargs))
async def account_balance(self, *args, **kwargs):
return await self.out(self.api.account_balance(*args, **kwargs))
@ -716,8 +713,6 @@ class CommandTestCase(IntegrationTestCase):
async def stream_abandon(self, *args, confirm=True, **kwargs):
if 'blocking' not in kwargs:
kwargs['blocking'] = False
return await self.confirm_and_render(
self.api.stream_abandon(*args, **kwargs), confirm
@ -743,8 +738,6 @@ class CommandTestCase(IntegrationTestCase):
async def channel_abandon(self, *args, confirm=True, **kwargs):
if 'blocking' not in kwargs:
kwargs['blocking'] = False
return await self.confirm_and_render(
self.api.channel_abandon(*args, **kwargs), confirm
@ -762,8 +755,6 @@ class CommandTestCase(IntegrationTestCase):
async def collection_abandon(self, *args, confirm=True, **kwargs):
if 'blocking' not in kwargs:
kwargs['blocking'] = False
return await self.confirm_and_render(
self.api.stream_abandon(*args, **kwargs), confirm
@ -783,11 +774,6 @@ class CommandTestCase(IntegrationTestCase):
self.api.account_fund(*args, **kwargs), confirm
async def account_send(self, *args, confirm=True, **kwargs):
return await self.confirm_and_render(
self.api.account_send(*args, **kwargs), confirm
async def wallet_send(self, *args, confirm=True, **kwargs):
return await self.confirm_and_render(
self.api.wallet_send(*args, **kwargs), confirm
@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ import json
import logging
import asyncio
import random
from functools import partial
from hashlib import sha256
from typing import Type, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Any, List
import ecdsa
from lbry.constants import COIN
from lbry.db import Database, CLAIM_TYPE_CODES, TXO_TYPES
from lbry.db import Database
from lbry.db.tables import AccountAddress
from lbry.blockchain import Ledger
from lbry.error import InvalidPasswordError
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import logging
from typing import Optional, Dict
from lbry.db import Database
from lbry.blockchain.dewies import dict_values_to_lbc
from .wallet import Wallet
from .account import SingleKey, HierarchicalDeterministic
@ -106,21 +107,22 @@ class WalletManager:
async def _report_state(self):
for account in self.accounts:
balance = dewies_to_lbc(await account.get_balance(include_claims=True))
_, channel_count = await account.get_channels(limit=1)
claim_count = await account.get_claim_count()
if isinstance(account.receiving, SingleKey):
log.info("Loaded single key account %s with %s LBC. "
"%d channels, %d certificates and %d claims",
account.id, balance, channel_count, len(account.channel_keys), claim_count)
total_receiving = len(await account.receiving.get_addresses())
total_change = len(await account.change.get_addresses())
log.info("Loaded account %s with %s LBC, %d receiving addresses (gap: %d), "
"%d change addresses (gap: %d), %d channels, %d certificates and %d claims. ",
account.id, balance, total_receiving, account.receiving.gap, total_change,
account.change.gap, channel_count, len(account.channel_keys), claim_count)
for wallet in self.wallets.values():
for account in wallet.accounts:
balance = dict_values_to_lbc(await account.get_balance(include_claims=True))
_, channel_count = await account.get_channels(limit=1)
claim_count = await account.get_claim_count()
if isinstance(account.receiving, SingleKey):
log.info("Loaded single key account %s with %s LBC. "
"%d channels, %d certificates and %d claims",
account.id, balance, channel_count, len(account.channel_keys), claim_count)
total_receiving = len(await account.receiving.get_addresses())
total_change = len(await account.change.get_addresses())
log.info("Loaded account %s with %s LBC, %d receiving addresses (gap: %d), "
"%d change addresses (gap: %d), %d channels, %d certificates and %d claims. ",
account.id, balance, total_receiving, account.receiving.gap, total_change,
account.change.gap, channel_count, len(account.channel_keys), claim_count)
except Exception as err:
if isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError): # TODO: remove when updated to 3.8
@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ class WalletStorage:
async def prepare(self):
raise NotImplementedError
async def exists(self, walllet_id: str) -> bool:
async def exists(self, wallet_id: str) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get(self, wallet_id: str) -> Wallet:
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from typing import Awaitable, Callable, List, Tuple, Optional, Iterable, Union
from hashlib import sha256
from operator import attrgetter
from decimal import Decimal
from binascii import unhexlify
from lbry.db import Database, SPENDABLE_TYPE_CODES, Result
from lbry.event import EventController
@ -518,9 +519,10 @@ class ClaimListManager(BaseListManager):
return tx
async def update(
self, previous_claim: Output, claim: Claim, amount: int, holding_address: str,
funding_accounts: List[Account], change_account: Account,
signing_channel: Output = None) -> Transaction:
self, previous_claim: Output, claim: Claim, amount: int, holding_address: str,
funding_accounts: List[Account], change_account: Account,
signing_channel: Output = None
) -> Transaction:
updated_claim = Output.pay_update_claim_pubkey_hash(
amount, previous_claim.claim_name, previous_claim.claim_id,
claim, self.wallet.ledger.address_to_hash160(holding_address)
@ -533,18 +535,27 @@ class ClaimListManager(BaseListManager):
[Input.spend(previous_claim)], [updated_claim], funding_accounts, change_account
async def delete(self, claim_id=None, txid=None, nout=None):
async def delete(
self, claim_id=None, txid=None, nout=None,
funding_accounts: List[Account] = None, change_account: Account = None
claim = await self.get(claim_id=claim_id, txid=txid, nout=nout)
return await self.wallet.create_transaction(
[Input.spend(claim)], [], self.wallet._accounts, self.wallet._accounts[0]
tx = await self.wallet.create_transaction(
[Input.spend(claim)], [],
funding_accounts or self.wallet._accounts,
change_account or self.wallet._accounts[0]
await self.wallet.sign(tx)
return tx
async def list(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
return await self.wallet.db.get_claims(wallet=self.wallet, **constraints)
async def get(self, claim_id=None, claim_name=None, txid=None, nout=None) -> Output:
if txid is not None and nout is not None:
key, value, constraints = 'txid:nout', f'{txid}:{nout}', {'tx_hash': '', 'position': nout}
key, value, constraints = 'txid:nout', f'{txid}:{nout}', {
'tx_hash': unhexlify(txid)[::-1], 'position': nout
elif claim_id is not None:
key, value, constraints = 'id', claim_id, {'claim_id': claim_id}
elif claim_name is not None:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import os.path
import tempfile
import logging
import asyncio
from unittest import skip
from binascii import unhexlify
from urllib.request import urlopen
@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ class ClaimSearchCommand(ClaimTestCase):
(result['txid'], result['claim_id'])
async def test_disconnect_on_memory_error(self):
claim_ids = [
@ -116,9 +118,9 @@ class ClaimSearchCommand(ClaimTestCase):
# finding claims with and without a channel
await self.assertFindsClaims([signed2, signed], name='on-channel-claim')
await self.assertFindsClaims([signed2, signed], channel_ids=[self.channel_id, channel_id2])
await self.assertFindsClaim(signed, name='on-channel-claim', channel_ids=[self.channel_id])
await self.assertFindsClaim(signed2, name='on-channel-claim', channel_ids=[channel_id2])
await self.assertFindsClaims([signed2, signed], channel_id=[self.channel_id, channel_id2])
await self.assertFindsClaim(signed, name='on-channel-claim', channel_id=[self.channel_id])
await self.assertFindsClaim(signed2, name='on-channel-claim', channel_id=[channel_id2])
await self.assertFindsClaim(unsigned, name='unsigned')
await self.assertFindsClaim(unsigned, txid=unsigned['txid'], nout=0)
await self.assertFindsClaim(unsigned, claim_id=self.get_claim_id(unsigned))
@ -128,37 +130,44 @@ class ClaimSearchCommand(ClaimTestCase):
# three streams in channel, zero streams in abandoned channel
claims = [three, two, signed]
await self.assertFindsClaims(claims, channel_ids=[self.channel_id])
await self.assertFindsClaims(claims, channel_id=[self.channel_id])
await self.assertFindsClaims(claims, channel=f"@abc#{self.channel_id}")
await self.assertFindsClaims([three, two, signed2, signed], channel_ids=[channel_id2, self.channel_id])
await self.assertFindsClaims([three, two, signed2, signed], channel_id=[channel_id2, self.channel_id])
await self.channel_abandon(claim_id=self.channel_id)
await self.assertFindsClaims([], channel=f"@abc#{self.channel_id}", valid_channel_signature=True)
await self.assertFindsClaims([], channel_ids=[self.channel_id], valid_channel_signature=True)
await self.assertFindsClaims([signed2], channel_ids=[channel_id2], valid_channel_signature=True)
await self.assertFindsClaims([signed2], channel_id=[channel_id2], valid_channel_signature=True)
# pass `invalid_channel_signature=False` to catch a bug in argument processing
await self.assertFindsClaims([signed2], channel_ids=[channel_id2, self.channel_id],
await self.assertFindsClaims([signed2], channel_id=[channel_id2],
valid_channel_signature=True, invalid_channel_signature=False)
# in old SDK abandoned channels caused content to have invalid signature,
# in new SDK this is not the case
# TODO: create situation where streams legitimately have invalid signature, harder in new SDK
# await self.assertFindsClaims([], channel_id=[self.channel_id], valid_channel_signature=True)
# invalid signature still returns channel_id
invalid_claims = await self.claim_search(invalid_channel_signature=True, has_channel_signature=True)
self.assertEqual(3, len(invalid_claims))
self.assertTrue(all([not c['is_channel_signature_valid'] for c in invalid_claims]))
self.assertEqual({'channel_id': self.channel_id}, invalid_claims[0]['signing_channel'])
#invalid_claims = await self.claim_search(invalid_channel_signature=True, has_channel_signature=True)
#self.assertEqual(3, len(invalid_claims))
#self.assertTrue(all([not c['is_channel_signature_valid'] for c in invalid_claims]))
#self.assertEqual({'channel_id': self.channel_id}, invalid_claims[0]['signing_channel'])
0, len(await self.claim_search(invalid_channel_signature=True, has_channel_signature=True))
valid_claims = await self.claim_search(valid_channel_signature=True, has_channel_signature=True)
self.assertEqual(1, len(valid_claims))
self.assertEqual(4, len(valid_claims))
self.assertTrue(all([c['is_channel_signature_valid'] for c in valid_claims]))
self.assertEqual('@abc', valid_claims[0]['signing_channel']['name'])
self.assertEqual('@abc', valid_claims[1]['signing_channel']['name'])
# abandoned stream won't show up for streams in channel search
await self.stream_abandon(txid=signed2['txid'], nout=0)
await self.assertFindsClaims([], channel_ids=[channel_id2])
await self.assertFindsClaims([], channel_id=[channel_id2])
async def test_pagination(self):
await self.create_channel()
await self.create_lots_of_streams()
# with and without totals
results = await self.api.claim_search(include_totals=True)
results = await self.api.claim_search(include_total=True)
self.assertEqual(results['total_pages'], 2)
self.assertEqual(results['total_items'], 25)
results = await self.api.claim_search()
@ -194,40 +203,40 @@ class ClaimSearchCommand(ClaimTestCase):
self.assertEqual(out_of_bounds, [])
async def test_tag_search(self):
claim1 = await self.stream_create('claim1', tags=['aBc'])
claim2 = await self.stream_create('claim2', tags=['#abc', 'def'])
claim3 = await self.stream_create('claim3', tags=['abc', 'ghi', 'jkl'])
claim4 = await self.stream_create('claim4', tags=['abc\t', 'ghi', 'mno'])
claim5 = await self.stream_create('claim5', tags=['pqr'])
claim1 = await self.stream_create('claim1', tag=['aBc'])
claim2 = await self.stream_create('claim2', tag=['#abc', 'def'])
claim3 = await self.stream_create('claim3', tag=['abc', 'ghi', 'jkl'])
claim4 = await self.stream_create('claim4', tag=['abc\t', 'ghi', 'mno'])
claim5 = await self.stream_create('claim5', tag=['pqr'])
# any_tags
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5, claim4, claim3, claim2, claim1], any_tags=['\tabc', 'pqr'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3, claim2, claim1], any_tags=['abc'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3, claim2, claim1], any_tags=['abc', 'ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3], any_tags=['ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3], any_tags=['ghi', 'xyz'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([], any_tags=['xyz'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5, claim4, claim3, claim2, claim1], any_tag=['\tabc', 'pqr'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3, claim2, claim1], any_tag=['abc'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3, claim2, claim1], any_tag=['abc', 'ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3], any_tag=['ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3], any_tag=['ghi', 'xyz'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([], any_tag=['xyz'])
# all_tags
await self.assertFindsClaims([], all_tags=['abc', 'pqr'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3, claim2, claim1], all_tags=['ABC'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3], all_tags=['abc', 'ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3], all_tags=['ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([], all_tags=['ghi', 'xyz'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([], all_tags=['xyz'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([], all_tag=['abc', 'pqr'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3, claim2, claim1], all_tag=['ABC'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3], all_tag=['abc', 'ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3], all_tag=['ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([], all_tag=['ghi', 'xyz'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([], all_tag=['xyz'])
# not_tags
await self.assertFindsClaims([], not_tags=['abc', 'pqr'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5], not_tags=['abC'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5], not_tags=['abc', 'ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5, claim2, claim1], not_tags=['ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5, claim2, claim1], not_tags=['ghi', 'xyz'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5, claim4, claim3, claim2, claim1], not_tags=['xyz'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([], not_tag=['abc', 'pqr'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5], not_tag=['abC'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5], not_tag=['abc', 'ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5, claim2, claim1], not_tag=['ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5, claim2, claim1], not_tag=['ghi', 'xyz'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim5, claim4, claim3, claim2, claim1], not_tag=['xyz'])
# combinations
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim3], all_tags=['abc', 'ghi'], not_tags=['mno'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim3], all_tags=['abc', 'ghi'], any_tags=['jkl'], not_tags=['mno'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3, claim2], all_tags=['abc'], any_tags=['def', 'ghi'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim3], all_tag=['abc', 'ghi'], not_tag=['mno'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim3], all_tag=['abc', 'ghi'], any_tag=['jkl'], not_tag=['mno'])
await self.assertFindsClaims([claim4, claim3, claim2], all_tags=['abc'], any_tag=['def', 'ghi'])
async def test_order_by(self):
height = self.ledger.sync.network.remote_height
@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ class WalletCommands(CommandTestCase):
class WalletEncryptionAndSynchronization(CommandTestCase):
SEED = (
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