Merge pull request #2995 from lbryio/batch-sync
Batched sync for wallet transactions
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 253 additions and 102 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import copy
import time
import asyncio
import logging
from io import StringIO
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
from operator import itemgetter
@ -164,6 +163,7 @@ class Ledger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
self._utxo_reservation_lock = asyncio.Lock()
self._header_processing_lock = asyncio.Lock()
self._address_update_locks: DefaultDict[str, asyncio.Lock] = defaultdict(asyncio.Lock)
self._history_lock = asyncio.Lock()
self.coin_selection_strategy = None
self._known_addresses_out_of_sync = set()
@ -489,10 +489,10 @@ class Ledger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
address, remote_status = update
self._update_tasks.add(self.update_history(address, remote_status))
async def update_history(self, address, remote_status, address_manager: AddressManager = None):
async def update_history(self, address, remote_status, address_manager: AddressManager = None,
reattempt_update: bool = True):
async with self._address_update_locks[address]:
local_status, local_history = await self.get_local_status_and_history(address)
if local_status == remote_status:
@ -502,60 +502,94 @@ class Ledger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
remote_history = list(map(itemgetter('tx_hash', 'height'), remote_history))
we_need = set(remote_history) - set(local_history)
if not we_need:
remote_missing = set(local_history) - set(remote_history)
if remote_missing:
"%i transactions we have for %s are not in the remote address history",
len(remote_missing), address
return True
cache_tasks: List[asyncio.Task[Transaction]] = []
synced_history = StringIO()
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
for i, (txid, remote_height) in enumerate(remote_history):
if i < len(local_history) and local_history[i] == (txid, remote_height) and not cache_tasks:
check_local = (txid, remote_height) not in we_need
self.cache_transaction(txid, remote_height, check_local=check_local)
acquire_lock_tasks = []
synced_txs = []
for task in cache_tasks:
tx = await task
to_request = {}
pending_synced_history = {}
updated_cached_items = {}
already_synced = set()
check_db_for_txos = []
for txi in tx.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(
if cache_item is not None:
if cache_item.tx is None:
await cache_item.has_tx.wait()
assert cache_item.tx is not None
txi.txo_ref = cache_item.tx.outputs[txi.txo_ref.position].ref
already_synced_offset = 0
for i, (txid, remote_height) in enumerate(remote_history):
if i == already_synced_offset and i < len(local_history) and local_history[i] == (txid, remote_height):
pending_synced_history[i] = f'{txid}:{remote_height}:'
already_synced.add((txid, remote_height))
already_synced_offset += 1
cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(txid)
if cache_item is None:
cache_item = TransactionCacheItem()
self._tx_cache[txid] = cache_item
referenced_txos = {} if not check_db_for_txos else {
|||| txo for txo in await self.db.get_txos(
txoid__in=check_db_for_txos, order_by='txo.txoid', no_tx=True
for txid, remote_height in remote_history[already_synced_offset:]:
cache_item = self._tx_cache[txid]
for txi in tx.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
referenced_txo = referenced_txos.get(
if referenced_txo is not None:
txi.txo_ref = referenced_txo.ref
if acquire_lock_tasks:
await asyncio.wait(acquire_lock_tasks)
tx_indexes = {}
for i, (txid, remote_height) in enumerate(remote_history):
tx_indexes[txid] = i
if (txid, remote_height) in already_synced:
cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(txid)
cache_item.pending_verifications += 1
updated_cached_items[txid] = cache_item
assert cache_item is not None, 'cache item is none'
assert cache_item.lock.locked(), 'cache lock is not held?'
# tx = cache_item.tx
# if cache_item.tx is not None and \
# cache_item.tx.height >= remote_height and \
# (cache_item.tx.is_verified or remote_height < 1):
# synced_txs.append(cache_item.tx) # cached tx is already up-to-date
# pending_synced_history[i] = f'{}:{tx.height}:'
# continue
to_request[i] = (txid, remote_height)
"request %i transactions, %i/%i for %s are already synced", len(to_request), len(synced_txs),
len(remote_history), address
requested_txes = await self._request_transaction_batch(to_request, len(remote_history), address)
for tx in requested_txes:
pending_synced_history[tx_indexes[]] = f"{}:{tx.height}:"
assert len(pending_synced_history) == len(remote_history), \
f"{len(pending_synced_history)} vs {len(remote_history)}"
synced_history = ""
for remote_i, i in zip(range(len(remote_history)), sorted(pending_synced_history.keys())):
assert i == remote_i, f"{i} vs {remote_i}"
txid, height = remote_history[remote_i]
if f"{txid}:{height}:" != pending_synced_history[i]:
log.warning("history mismatch: %s vs %s", remote_history[remote_i], pending_synced_history[i])
synced_history += pending_synced_history[i]
cache_size = self.config.get("tx_cache_size", 100_000)
for txid, cache_item in updated_cached_items.items():
cache_item.pending_verifications -= 1
if cache_item.pending_verifications < 0:
log.warning("config value tx cache size %i needs to be increased", cache_size)
cache_item.pending_verifications = 0
except RuntimeError:
log.warning("lock was already released?")
await self.db.save_transaction_io_batch(
synced_txs, address, self.address_to_hash160(address), synced_history.getvalue()
[], address, self.address_to_hash160(address), synced_history
await asyncio.wait([
self._on_transaction_controller.add(TransactionEvent(address, tx))
for tx in synced_txs
if address_manager is None:
address_manager = await self.get_address_manager_for_address(address)
@ -563,8 +597,16 @@ class Ledger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
if address_manager is not None:
await address_manager.ensure_address_gap()
for txid, cache_item in updated_cached_items.items():
if self._tx_cache.get(txid) is not cache_item:
log.warning("tx cache corrupted while syncing %s, reattempt sync=%s", address, reattempt_update)
if reattempt_update:
return await self.update_history(address, remote_status, address_manager, False)
return False
local_status, local_history = \
await self.get_local_status_and_history(address, synced_history.getvalue())
await self.get_local_status_and_history(address, synced_history)
if local_status != remote_status:
if local_history == remote_history:
@ -590,6 +632,7 @@ class Ledger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
return False
log.debug("finished syncing transaction history for %s, %i known txs", address, len(local_history))
return True
async def cache_transaction(self, txid, remote_height, check_local=True):
@ -601,41 +644,39 @@ class Ledger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
(cache_item.tx.is_verified or remote_height < 1):
return cache_item.tx # cached tx is already up-to-date
cache_item.pending_verifications += 1
cache_item.pending_verifications += 1
return await self._update_cache_item(cache_item, txid, remote_height, check_local)
async with cache_item.lock:
tx = cache_item.tx
if tx is None and check_local:
# check local db
tx = cache_item.tx = await self.db.get_transaction(txid=txid)
merkle = None
if tx is None:
# fetch from network
_raw, merkle = await
||||, txid, remote_height
tx = Transaction(unhexlify(_raw), height=merkle['block_height'])
cache_item.tx = tx # make sure it's saved before caching it
tx.height = remote_height
if merkle and 0 < remote_height < len(self.headers):
merkle_root = self.get_root_of_merkle_tree(merkle['merkle'], merkle['pos'], tx.hash)
header = await self.headers.get(remote_height)
tx.position = merkle['pos']
tx.is_verified = merkle_root == header['merkle_root']
return tx
cache_item.pending_verifications -= 1
async def _update_cache_item(self, cache_item, txid, remote_height, check_local=True):
async with cache_item.lock:
tx = cache_item.tx
if tx is None and check_local:
# check local db
tx = cache_item.tx = await self.db.get_transaction(txid=txid)
merkle = None
if tx is None:
# fetch from network
_raw, merkle = await
||||, txid, remote_height
tx = Transaction(unhexlify(_raw), height=merkle.get('block_height'))
cache_item.tx = tx # make sure it's saved before caching it
await self.maybe_verify_transaction(tx, remote_height, merkle)
return tx
async def maybe_verify_transaction(self, tx, remote_height, merkle=None):
tx.height = remote_height
cached = self._tx_cache.get(
if not cached:
# cache txs looked up by transaction_show too
cached = TransactionCacheItem()
cached.tx = tx
self._tx_cache[] = cached
cached.tx = tx
if 0 < remote_height < len(self.headers) and cached.pending_verifications <= 1:
# can't be tx.pending_verifications == 1 because we have to handle the transaction_show case
if not merkle:
@ -645,6 +686,100 @@ class Ledger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
tx.position = merkle['pos']
tx.is_verified = merkle_root == header['merkle_root']
async def _request_transaction_batch(self, to_request, remote_history_size, address):
header_cache = {}
batches = [[]]
remote_heights = {}
synced_txs = []
heights_in_batch = 0
last_height = 0
for idx in sorted(to_request):
txid = to_request[idx][0]
height = to_request[idx][1]
remote_heights[txid] = height
if height != last_height:
heights_in_batch += 1
last_height = height
if len(batches[-1]) == 100 or heights_in_batch == 20:
heights_in_batch = 1
if not batches[-1]:
last_showed_synced_count = 0
async def _single_batch(batch):
this_batch_synced = []
batch_result = await, batch)
for txid, (raw, merkle) in batch_result.items():
remote_height = remote_heights[txid]
merkle_height = merkle['block_height']
cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(txid)
if cache_item is None:
cache_item = TransactionCacheItem()
self._tx_cache[txid] = cache_item
tx = cache_item.tx or Transaction(unhexlify(raw), height=remote_height)
tx.height = remote_height
cache_item.tx = tx
if 'merkle' in merkle and remote_heights[txid] > 0:
merkle_root = self.get_root_of_merkle_tree(merkle['merkle'], merkle['pos'], tx.hash)
header = header_cache.get(remote_heights[txid]) or (await self.headers.get(merkle_height))
except IndexError:
log.warning("failed to verify %s at height %i",, merkle_height)
header_cache[remote_heights[txid]] = header
tx.position = merkle['pos']
tx.is_verified = merkle_root == header['merkle_root']
check_db_for_txos = []
for txi in tx.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(
if cache_item is not None:
if cache_item.tx is not None:
txi.txo_ref = cache_item.tx.outputs[txi.txo_ref.position].ref
referenced_txos = {} if not check_db_for_txos else {
|||| txo for txo in await self.db.get_txos(
txoid__in=check_db_for_txos, order_by='txo.txoid', no_tx=True
for txi in tx.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
referenced_txo = referenced_txos.get(
if referenced_txo is not None:
txi.txo_ref = referenced_txo.ref
cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(
if cache_item is None:
cache_item = self._tx_cache[] = TransactionCacheItem()
if cache_item.tx is not None:
txi.txo_ref = cache_item.tx.ref
await self.db.save_transaction_io_batch(
this_batch_synced, address, self.address_to_hash160(address), ""
await asyncio.wait([
self._on_transaction_controller.add(TransactionEvent(address, tx))
for tx in this_batch_synced
nonlocal last_showed_synced_count
if last_showed_synced_count + 100 < len(synced_txs):
||||"synced %i/%i transactions for %s", len(synced_txs), remote_history_size, address)
last_showed_synced_count = len(synced_txs)
for batch in batches:
await _single_batch(batch)
return synced_txs
async def get_address_manager_for_address(self, address) -> Optional[AddressManager]:
details = await self.db.get_address(address=address)
for account in self.accounts:
@ -697,7 +832,7 @@ class Ledger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
local_height, height
return False
"local history does not contain %s, requested height %i",, height
return False
@ -255,6 +255,10 @@ class Network:
restricted = known_height in (None, -1, 0) or 0 > known_height > self.remote_height - 10
return self.rpc('blockchain.transaction.get', [tx_hash], restricted)
def get_transaction_batch(self, txids):
# use any server if its old, otherwise restrict to who gave us the history
return self.rpc('blockchain.transaction.get_batch', txids, True)
def get_transaction_and_merkle(self, tx_hash, known_height=None):
# use any server if its old, otherwise restrict to who gave us the history
restricted = known_height in (None, -1, 0) or 0 > known_height > self.remote_height - 10
@ -389,3 +389,17 @@ class MemPool:
if hX == hashX:
utxos.append(UTXO(-1, pos, tx_hash, 0, value))
return utxos
def get_mempool_height(self, tx_hash):
# Height Progression
# -2: not broadcast
# -1: in mempool but has unconfirmed inputs
# 0: in mempool and all inputs confirmed
# +num: confirmed in a specific block (height)
if tx_hash not in self.txs:
return -2
tx = self.txs[tx_hash]
unspent_inputs = sum(1 if hash in self.txs else 0 for hash, idx in tx.prevouts)
if unspent_inputs:
return -1
return 0
@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@ class LBRYElectrumX(SessionBase):
block_hash = tx_info.get('blockhash')
if not block_hash:
return raw_tx, {'block_height': -1}
merkle_height = (await self.daemon_request('deserialised_block', block_hash))['height']
merkle_height = (await self.daemon.deserialised_block(block_hash))['height']
merkle = await self.transaction_merkle(tx_hash, merkle_height)
return raw_tx, merkle
@ -1539,35 +1539,25 @@ class LBRYElectrumX(SessionBase):
for tx_hash in tx_hashes:
batch_result = {}
height = None
block_hash = None
block = None
for tx_hash in tx_hashes:
tx_info = await self.daemon_request('getrawtransaction', tx_hash, True)
raw_tx = tx_info['hex']
if height is None:
if 'blockhash' in tx_info:
block_hash = tx_info['blockhash']
block = await self.daemon_request('deserialised_block', block_hash)
height = block['height']
height = -1
if block_hash != tx_info.get('blockhash'):
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'request contains a mix of transaction heights')
block_hash = tx_info.get('blockhash')
merkle = {}
if block_hash:
block = await self.daemon.deserialised_block(block_hash)
height = block['height']
pos = block['tx'].index(tx_hash)
except ValueError:
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'tx hash {tx_hash} not in '
f'block {block_hash} at height {height:,d}')
merkle["merkle"] = self._get_merkle_branch(block['tx'], pos)
merkle["pos"] = pos
if not block_hash:
merkle = {'block_height': -1}
pos = block['tx'].index(tx_hash)
except ValueError:
raise RPCError(BAD_REQUEST, f'tx hash {tx_hash} not in '
f'block {block_hash} at height {height:,d}')
merkle = {
"merkle": self._get_merkle_branch(block['tx'], pos),
"pos": pos
batch_result[tx_hash] = [raw_tx, merkle]
height = -1
merkle['block_height'] = height
batch_result[tx_hash] = [raw_tx, merkle]
return batch_result
async def transaction_get(self, tx_hash, verbose=False):
@ -1592,7 +1582,7 @@ class LBRYElectrumX(SessionBase):
height = non_negative_integer(height)
hex_hashes = await self.daemon_request('block_hex_hashes', height, 1)
block_hash = hex_hashes[0]
block = await self.daemon_request('deserialised_block', block_hash)
block = await self.daemon.deserialised_block(block_hash)
return block_hash, block['tx']
def _get_merkle_branch(self, tx_hashes, tx_pos):
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ disable=
@ -35,11 +35,17 @@ class MockNetwork:
async def get_transaction_and_merkle(self, tx_hash, known_height=None):
tx = await self.get_transaction(tx_hash)
merkle = {}
merkle = {'block_height': -1}
if known_height:
merkle = await self.get_merkle(tx_hash, known_height)
return tx, merkle
async def get_transaction_batch(self, txids):
return {
txid: await self.get_transaction_and_merkle(txid)
for txid in txids
class LedgerTestCase(AsyncioTestCase):
@ -120,8 +126,9 @@ class TestSynchronization(LedgerTestCase):
|||| = []
|||| = []
for cache_item in self.ledger._tx_cache.values():
cache_item.tx.is_verified = True
await self.ledger.update_history(address, '')
self.assertListEqual(, [address])
self.assertListEqual(, [])
Add table
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