show lbry:// name of downloaded files if applicable as well as the status of the claim
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 99 additions and 17 deletions
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
from lbrynet.interfaces import IRequestCreator, IQueryHandlerFactory, IQueryHandler, ILBRYWallet
from lbrynet.core.client.ClientRequest import ClientRequest
from lbrynet.core.Error import UnknownNameError, InvalidStreamInfoError, RequestCanceledError
from lbrynet.core.sqlite_helpers import rerun_if_locked
from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
from twisted.internet import threads, reactor, defer, task
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from zope.interface import implements
from decimal import Decimal
@ -15,7 +17,6 @@ import socket
import time
import os
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
alert = logging.getLogger("lbryalert." + __name__)
@ -40,8 +41,10 @@ class LBRYcrdWallet(object):
"""This class implements the LBRYWallet interface for the LBRYcrd payment system"""
def __init__(self, rpc_user, rpc_pass, rpc_url, rpc_port, wallet_dir=None, wallet_conf=None,
def __init__(self, db_dir, rpc_user, rpc_pass, rpc_url, rpc_port, wallet_dir=None, wallet_conf=None,
self.db_dir = db_dir
self.db = None
self.rpc_conn_string = "http://%s:%s@%s:%s" % (rpc_user, rpc_pass, rpc_url, str(rpc_port))
self.next_manage_call = None
self.wallet_balance = Decimal(0.0)
@ -76,7 +79,8 @@ class LBRYcrdWallet(object):
return True
d = threads.deferToThread(make_connection)
d = self._open_db()
d.addCallback(lambda _: threads.deferToThread(make_connection))
d.addCallback(lambda _: start_manage())
return d
@ -269,7 +273,12 @@ class LBRYcrdWallet(object):
for field in known_fields:
if field in value_dict:
r_dict[field] = value_dict[field]
return r_dict
if 'stream_hash' in r_dict and 'txid' in result:
d = self._save_name_metadata(name, r_dict['stream_hash'], str(result['txid']))
d = defer.succeed(True)
d.addCallback(lambda _: r_dict)
return d
return Failure(UnknownNameError(name))
d = threads.deferToThread(self._get_value_for_name, name)
@ -286,6 +295,18 @@ class LBRYcrdWallet(object):
if key_fee_address is not None:
value['key_fee_address'] = key_fee_address
d = threads.deferToThread(self._claim_name, name, json.dumps(value), amount)
def _save_metadata(txid):
d = self._save_name_metadata(name, sd_hash, txid)
d.addCallback(lambda _: txid)
return d
return d
def get_name_and_validity_for_sd_hash(self, sd_hash):
d = self._get_claim_metadata_for_sd_hash(sd_hash)
d.addCallback(lambda name_txid: self._get_status_of_claim(name_txid[1], name_txid[0], sd_hash) if name_txid is not None else None)
return d
def get_available_balance(self):
@ -446,6 +467,28 @@ class LBRYcrdWallet(object):
rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn()
return str(rpc_conn.claimname(name, value, amount))
def _get_status_of_claim(self, txhash, name, sd_hash):
rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn()
claims = rpc_conn.getclaimsfortx(txhash)
for claim in claims:
if 'in claim trie' in claim:
if 'name' in claim and str(claim['name']) == name and 'value' in claim:
value_dict = json.loads(claim['value'])
except ValueError:
return None
if 'stream_hash' in value_dict and str(value_dict['stream_hash']) == sd_hash:
if 'is controlling' in claim and claim['is controlling']:
return name, "valid"
if claim['in claim trie']:
return name, "invalid"
if 'in queue' in claim and claim['in queue']:
return name, "pending"
return name, "unconfirmed"
return None
def _rpc_stop(self):
# check if our lbrycrdd is actually running, or if we connected to one that was already
@ -455,6 +498,24 @@ class LBRYcrdWallet(object):
def _open_db(self):
self.db = adbapi.ConnectionPool('sqlite3', os.path.join(self.db_dir, "blockchainname.db"),
return self.db.runQuery("create table if not exists name_metadata (" +
" name text, " +
" txid text, " +
" sd_hash text)")
def _save_name_metadata(self, name, sd_hash, txid):
d = self.db.runQuery("insert into name_metadata values (?, ?, ?)",
(name, txid, sd_hash))
return d
def _get_claim_metadata_for_sd_hash(self, sd_hash):
d = self.db.runQuery("select name, txid from name_metadata where sd_hash=?", (sd_hash,))
d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0] if len(r) else None)
return d
class LBRYcrdAddressRequester(object):
@ -2219,14 +2219,15 @@ class LBRYFileStatusModifier(CommandHandler):
class Status(CommandHandler):
lbry_file_status_format = "[%d] %s - %s bytes - %s%% - %s"
lbry_file_status_format = "[%d] %s - %s bytes - %s - %s - %s%% - %s"
def __init__(self, console, lbry_service, rate_limiter, lbry_file_manager, blob_manager):
def __init__(self, console, lbry_service, rate_limiter, lbry_file_manager, blob_manager, wallet=None):
CommandHandler.__init__(self, console)
self.lbry_service = lbry_service
self.rate_limiter = rate_limiter
self.lbry_file_manager = lbry_file_manager
self.blob_manager = blob_manager
self.wallet = wallet
self.chosen_lbry_file = None
self.current_handler = None
@ -2279,6 +2280,13 @@ class Status(CommandHandler):
#self.console.sendLine("Server port: %s" % str(self.lbry_service.peer_port))
return defer.succeed(True)
def _get_name_and_validity_for_lbry_file(self, lbry_file):
if self.wallet is None:
return defer.succeed(None)
d = self.lbry_file_manager.stream_info_manager.get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(lbry_file.stream_hash)
d.addCallback(lambda sd_blob_hashes: self.wallet.get_name_and_validity_for_sd_hash(sd_blob_hashes[0]) if len(sd_blob_hashes) else None)
return d
def _show_lbry_file_status(self):
self.lbry_files = self.lbry_file_manager.lbry_files
status_ds = map(lambda lbry_file: lbry_file.status(), self.lbry_files)
@ -2287,14 +2295,27 @@ class Status(CommandHandler):
size_ds = map(lambda lbry_file: lbry_file.get_total_bytes(), self.lbry_files)
size_dl = defer.DeferredList(size_ds)
dl = defer.DeferredList([status_dl, size_dl])
name_validity_ds = map(self._get_name_and_validity_for_lbry_file, self.lbry_files)
name_validity_dl = defer.DeferredList(name_validity_ds)
dl = defer.DeferredList([status_dl, size_dl, name_validity_dl])
def show_statuses(statuses):
status_reports = statuses[0][1]
sizes = statuses[1][1]
for i, (lbry_file, (succ1, status), (succ2, size)) in enumerate(zip(self.lbry_files, status_reports, sizes)):
name_validities = statuses[2][1]
for i, (lbry_file, (succ1, status), (succ2, size), (succ3, name_validity)) in enumerate(zip(self.lbry_files, status_reports, sizes, name_validities)):
percent_done = "unknown"
name = lbry_file.file_name
claimed_name = ""
claimed_name_valid = ""
if succ3 and name_validity:
validity = name_validity[1]
if validity == "valid":
claimed_name_valid = ""
claimed_name_valid = "(" + validity + ")"
claimed_name = name_validity[0]
total_bytes = "unknown"
running_status = "unknown"
if succ1:
@ -2305,10 +2326,10 @@ class Status(CommandHandler):
running_status = status.running_status
if succ2:
total_bytes = "%d" % size
self.console.sendLine(self.lbry_file_status_format % (i, str(name),
self.console.sendLine(self.lbry_file_status_format % (i, str(name), total_bytes,
percent_done, str(running_status)))
return dl
@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ class LBRYConsole():
lbrycrdd_path = self.lbrycrdd_path
if not lbrycrdd_path:
lbrycrdd_path = self.default_lbrycrdd_path
return LBRYcrdWallet(lbrycrd_options['username'], lbrycrd_options['password'], "",
lbrycrd_options['rpc_port'], wallet_dir=self.lbrycrd_dir,
return LBRYcrdWallet(self.db_dir, lbrycrd_options['username'], lbrycrd_options['password'],
"", lbrycrd_options['rpc_port'], wallet_dir=self.lbrycrd_dir,
wallet_conf=self.lbrycrd_conf, lbrycrdd_path=lbrycrdd_path)
def get_wallet():
@ -331,13 +331,13 @@ class LBRYConsole():
AddStreamFromHashFactory(self.sd_identifier, self.session),
StatusFactory(self, self.session.rate_limiter, self.lbry_file_manager,
self.session.blob_manager, self.session.wallet if self.wallet_type == 'lbrycrd' else None)
if self.wallet_type == 'lbrycrd':
lbrycrd_handlers = [
AddStreamFromLBRYcrdNameFactory(self.sd_identifier, self.session,
ClaimNameFactory(self.session. wallet, self.lbry_file_manager,
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class LBRYDownloader(object):
lbrycrdd_path = None
if self.start_lbrycrdd is True:
lbrycrdd_path = self.lbrycrdd_path
wallet = LBRYcrdWallet(self.wallet_user, self.wallet_password, "",
wallet = LBRYcrdWallet(self.db_dir, self.wallet_user, self.wallet_password, "",
self.wallet_rpc_port, wallet_dir=self.wallet_dir,
wallet_conf=self.wallet_conf, lbrycrdd_path=lbrycrdd_path)
peer_port = None
Add table
Reference in a new issue