consolidate leveldb block advance/reorg
-move methods from History to LevelDB
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 403 additions and 298 deletions
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ class BlockProcessor:
one_MB = 1000*1000
utxo_cache_size = len(self.utxo_cache) * 205
db_deletes_size = len(self.db_deletes) * 57
hist_cache_size = self.db.history.unflushed_memsize()
hist_cache_size = len(self.db.history.unflushed) * 180 + self.db.history.unflushed_count * 4
# Roughly ntxs * 32 + nblocks * 42
tx_hash_size = ((self.tx_count - self.db.fs_tx_count) * 32
+ (self.height - self.db.fs_height) * 42)
@ -475,7 +475,16 @@ class BlockProcessor:
tx_num += 1
self.db.history.add_unflushed(hashXs_by_tx, self.tx_count)
# self.db.add_unflushed(hashXs_by_tx, self.tx_count)
first_tx_num = self.tx_count
_unflushed = self.db.history.unflushed
_count = 0
for _tx_num, _hashXs in enumerate(hashXs_by_tx, start=first_tx_num):
for _hashX in set(_hashXs):
_count += len(_hashXs)
self.db.history.unflushed_count += _count
self.tx_count = tx_num
@ -34,150 +34,122 @@ class History:
self.max_hist_row_entries = 12500
self.unflushed = defaultdict(partial(array.array, 'I'))
self.unflushed_count = 0
self.db = None
self.flush_count = 0
self.comp_flush_count = -1
self.comp_cursor = -1
# self.db = None
def open_db(self, db, for_sync, utxo_flush_count, compacting):
self.db = db #db_class('hist', for_sync)
# An incomplete compaction needs to be cancelled otherwise
# restarting it will corrupt the history
if not compacting:
return self.flush_count
# def close_db(self):
# if self.db:
# # self.db.close()
# self.db = None
def close_db(self):
if self.db:
# self.db.close()
self.db = None
# def read_state(self):
# state = self.db.get(HIST_STATE)
# if state:
# state = ast.literal_eval(state.decode())
# if not isinstance(state, dict):
# raise RuntimeError('failed reading state from history DB')
# self.flush_count = state['flush_count']
# self.comp_flush_count = state.get('comp_flush_count', -1)
# self.comp_cursor = state.get('comp_cursor', -1)
# self.db_version = state.get('db_version', 0)
# else:
# self.flush_count = 0
# self.comp_flush_count = -1
# self.comp_cursor = -1
# self.db_version = max(self.DB_VERSIONS)
#'history DB version: {self.db_version}')
# if self.db_version not in self.DB_VERSIONS:
# msg = f'this software only handles DB versions {self.DB_VERSIONS}'
# self.logger.error(msg)
# raise RuntimeError(msg)
#'flush count: {self.flush_count:,d}')
def read_state(self):
state = self.db.get(HIST_STATE)
if state:
state = ast.literal_eval(state.decode())
if not isinstance(state, dict):
raise RuntimeError('failed reading state from history DB')
self.flush_count = state['flush_count']
self.comp_flush_count = state.get('comp_flush_count', -1)
self.comp_cursor = state.get('comp_cursor', -1)
self.db_version = state.get('db_version', 0)
self.flush_count = 0
self.comp_flush_count = -1
self.comp_cursor = -1
self.db_version = max(self.DB_VERSIONS)
# def clear_excess(self, utxo_flush_count):
# # < might happen at end of compaction as both DBs cannot be
# # updated atomically
# if self.flush_count <= utxo_flush_count:
# return
#'DB shut down uncleanly. Scanning for '
# 'excess history flushes...')
# keys = []
# for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX):
# k = key[1:]
# flush_id, = unpack_be_uint16_from(k[-2:])
# if flush_id > utxo_flush_count:
# keys.append(k)
#'deleting {len(keys):,d} history entries')
# self.flush_count = utxo_flush_count
# with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
# for key in keys:
# batch.delete(HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + key)
# self.write_state(batch)
#'deleted excess history entries')
# def write_state(self, batch):
# """Write state to the history DB."""
# state = {
# 'flush_count': self.flush_count,
# 'comp_flush_count': self.comp_flush_count,
# 'comp_cursor': self.comp_cursor,
# 'db_version': self.db_version,
# }
# # History entries are not prefixed; the suffix \0\0 ensures we
# # look similar to other entries and aren't interfered with
# batch.put(HIST_STATE, repr(state).encode())
||||'history DB version: {self.db_version}')
if self.db_version not in self.DB_VERSIONS:
msg = f'this software only handles DB versions {self.DB_VERSIONS}'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
||||'flush count: {self.flush_count:,d}')
# def add_unflushed(self, hashXs_by_tx, first_tx_num):
# unflushed = self.unflushed
# count = 0
# for tx_num, hashXs in enumerate(hashXs_by_tx, start=first_tx_num):
# hashXs = set(hashXs)
# for hashX in hashXs:
# unflushed[hashX].append(tx_num)
# count += len(hashXs)
# self.unflushed_count += count
def clear_excess(self, utxo_flush_count):
# < might happen at end of compaction as both DBs cannot be
# updated atomically
if self.flush_count <= utxo_flush_count:
# def unflushed_memsize(self):
# return len(self.unflushed) * 180 + self.unflushed_count * 4
||||'DB shut down uncleanly. Scanning for '
'excess history flushes...')
# def assert_flushed(self):
# assert not self.unflushed
keys = []
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX):
k = key[1:]
flush_id, = unpack_be_uint16_from(k[-2:])
if flush_id > utxo_flush_count:
||||'deleting {len(keys):,d} history entries')
self.flush_count = utxo_flush_count
with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
for key in keys:
batch.delete(HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + key)
||||'deleted excess history entries')
def write_state(self, batch):
"""Write state to the history DB."""
state = {
'flush_count': self.flush_count,
'comp_flush_count': self.comp_flush_count,
'comp_cursor': self.comp_cursor,
'db_version': self.db_version,
# History entries are not prefixed; the suffix \0\0 ensures we
# look similar to other entries and aren't interfered with
batch.put(HIST_STATE, repr(state).encode())
def add_unflushed(self, hashXs_by_tx, first_tx_num):
unflushed = self.unflushed
count = 0
for tx_num, hashXs in enumerate(hashXs_by_tx, start=first_tx_num):
hashXs = set(hashXs)
for hashX in hashXs:
count += len(hashXs)
self.unflushed_count += count
def unflushed_memsize(self):
return len(self.unflushed) * 180 + self.unflushed_count * 4
def assert_flushed(self):
assert not self.unflushed
def flush(self):
start_time = time.time()
self.flush_count += 1
flush_id = pack_be_uint16(self.flush_count)
unflushed = self.unflushed
with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
for hashX in sorted(unflushed):
key = hashX + flush_id
batch.put(HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + key, unflushed[hashX].tobytes())
count = len(unflushed)
self.unflushed_count = 0
if self.db.for_sync:
elapsed = time.time() - start_time
||||'flushed history in {elapsed:.1f}s '
f'for {count:,d} addrs')
def backup(self, hashXs, tx_count):
# Not certain this is needed, but it doesn't hurt
self.flush_count += 1
nremoves = 0
bisect_left = bisect.bisect_left
with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
for hashX in sorted(hashXs):
deletes = []
puts = {}
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + hashX, reverse=True):
k = key[1:]
a = array.array('I')
# Remove all history entries >= tx_count
idx = bisect_left(a, tx_count)
nremoves += len(a) - idx
if idx > 0:
puts[k] = a[:idx].tobytes()
for key in deletes:
for key, value in puts.items():
batch.put(key, value)
||||'backing up removed {nremoves:,d} history entries')
# def backup(self, hashXs, tx_count):
# # Not certain this is needed, but it doesn't hurt
# self.flush_count += 1
# nremoves = 0
# bisect_left = bisect.bisect_left
# with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
# for hashX in sorted(hashXs):
# deletes = []
# puts = {}
# for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + hashX, reverse=True):
# k = key[1:]
# a = array.array('I')
# a.frombytes(hist)
# # Remove all history entries >= tx_count
# idx = bisect_left(a, tx_count)
# nremoves += len(a) - idx
# if idx > 0:
# puts[k] = a[:idx].tobytes()
# break
# deletes.append(k)
# for key in deletes:
# batch.delete(key)
# for key, value in puts.items():
# batch.put(key, value)
# self.write_state(batch)
#'backing up removed {nremoves:,d} history entries')
# def get_txnums(self, hashX, limit=1000):
# """Generator that returns an unpruned, sorted list of tx_nums in the
@ -213,119 +185,120 @@ class History:
# When compaction is complete and the final flush takes place,
# flush_count is reset to comp_flush_count, and comp_flush_count to -1
def _flush_compaction(self, cursor, write_items, keys_to_delete):
"""Flush a single compaction pass as a batch."""
# Update compaction state
if cursor == 65536:
self.flush_count = self.comp_flush_count
self.comp_cursor = -1
self.comp_flush_count = -1
self.comp_cursor = cursor
# def _flush_compaction(self, cursor, write_items, keys_to_delete):
# """Flush a single compaction pass as a batch."""
# # Update compaction state
# if cursor == 65536:
# self.flush_count = self.comp_flush_count
# self.comp_cursor = -1
# self.comp_flush_count = -1
# else:
# self.comp_cursor = cursor
# # History DB. Flush compacted history and updated state
# with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
# # Important: delete first! The keyspace may overlap.
# for key in keys_to_delete:
# batch.delete(HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + key)
# for key, value in write_items:
# batch.put(HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + key, value)
# self.write_state(batch)
# History DB. Flush compacted history and updated state
with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
# Important: delete first! The keyspace may overlap.
for key in keys_to_delete:
batch.delete(HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + key)
for key, value in write_items:
batch.put(HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + key, value)
# def _compact_hashX(self, hashX, hist_map, hist_list,
# write_items, keys_to_delete):
# """Compress history for a hashX. hist_list is an ordered list of
# the histories to be compressed."""
# # History entries (tx numbers) are 4 bytes each. Distribute
# # over rows of up to 50KB in size. A fixed row size means
# # future compactions will not need to update the first N - 1
# # rows.
# max_row_size = self.max_hist_row_entries * 4
# full_hist = b''.join(hist_list)
# nrows = (len(full_hist) + max_row_size - 1) // max_row_size
# if nrows > 4:
#'hashX {} is large: {:,d} entries across '
# '{:,d} rows'
# .format(hash_to_hex_str(hashX),
# len(full_hist) // 4, nrows))
# # Find what history needs to be written, and what keys need to
# # be deleted. Start by assuming all keys are to be deleted,
# # and then remove those that are the same on-disk as when
# # compacted.
# write_size = 0
# keys_to_delete.update(hist_map)
# for n, chunk in enumerate(util.chunks(full_hist, max_row_size)):
# key = hashX + pack_be_uint16(n)
# if hist_map.get(key) == chunk:
# keys_to_delete.remove(key)
# else:
# write_items.append((key, chunk))
# write_size += len(chunk)
# assert n + 1 == nrows
# self.comp_flush_count = max(self.comp_flush_count, n)
# return write_size
def _compact_hashX(self, hashX, hist_map, hist_list,
write_items, keys_to_delete):
"""Compress history for a hashX. hist_list is an ordered list of
the histories to be compressed."""
# History entries (tx numbers) are 4 bytes each. Distribute
# over rows of up to 50KB in size. A fixed row size means
# future compactions will not need to update the first N - 1
# rows.
max_row_size = self.max_hist_row_entries * 4
full_hist = b''.join(hist_list)
nrows = (len(full_hist) + max_row_size - 1) // max_row_size
if nrows > 4:
||||'hashX {} is large: {:,d} entries across '
'{:,d} rows'
len(full_hist) // 4, nrows))
# def _compact_prefix(self, prefix, write_items, keys_to_delete):
# """Compact all history entries for hashXs beginning with the
# given prefix. Update keys_to_delete and write."""
# prior_hashX = None
# hist_map = {}
# hist_list = []
# key_len = HASHX_LEN + 2
# write_size = 0
# for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + prefix):
# k = key[1:]
# # Ignore non-history entries
# if len(k) != key_len:
# continue
# hashX = k[:-2]
# if hashX != prior_hashX and prior_hashX:
# write_size += self._compact_hashX(prior_hashX, hist_map,
# hist_list, write_items,
# keys_to_delete)
# hist_map.clear()
# hist_list.clear()
# prior_hashX = hashX
# hist_map[k] = hist
# hist_list.append(hist)
# if prior_hashX:
# write_size += self._compact_hashX(prior_hashX, hist_map, hist_list,
# write_items, keys_to_delete)
# return write_size
# Find what history needs to be written, and what keys need to
# be deleted. Start by assuming all keys are to be deleted,
# and then remove those that are the same on-disk as when
# compacted.
write_size = 0
for n, chunk in enumerate(util.chunks(full_hist, max_row_size)):
key = hashX + pack_be_uint16(n)
if hist_map.get(key) == chunk:
write_items.append((key, chunk))
write_size += len(chunk)
# def _compact_history(self, limit):
# """Inner loop of history compaction. Loops until limit bytes have
# been processed.
# """
# fnord
# keys_to_delete = set()
# write_items = [] # A list of (key, value) pairs
# write_size = 0
# # Loop over 2-byte prefixes
# cursor = self.comp_cursor
# while write_size < limit and cursor < 65536:
# prefix = pack_be_uint16(cursor)
# write_size += self._compact_prefix(prefix, write_items,
# keys_to_delete)
# cursor += 1
# max_rows = self.comp_flush_count + 1
# self._flush_compaction(cursor, write_items, keys_to_delete)
#'history compaction: wrote {:,d} rows ({:.1f} MB), '
# 'removed {:,d} rows, largest: {:,d}, {:.1f}% complete'
# .format(len(write_items), write_size / 1000000,
# len(keys_to_delete), max_rows,
# 100 * cursor / 65536))
# return write_size
assert n + 1 == nrows
self.comp_flush_count = max(self.comp_flush_count, n)
return write_size
def _compact_prefix(self, prefix, write_items, keys_to_delete):
"""Compact all history entries for hashXs beginning with the
given prefix. Update keys_to_delete and write."""
prior_hashX = None
hist_map = {}
hist_list = []
key_len = HASHX_LEN + 2
write_size = 0
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + prefix):
k = key[1:]
# Ignore non-history entries
if len(k) != key_len:
hashX = k[:-2]
if hashX != prior_hashX and prior_hashX:
write_size += self._compact_hashX(prior_hashX, hist_map,
hist_list, write_items,
prior_hashX = hashX
hist_map[k] = hist
if prior_hashX:
write_size += self._compact_hashX(prior_hashX, hist_map, hist_list,
write_items, keys_to_delete)
return write_size
def _compact_history(self, limit):
"""Inner loop of history compaction. Loops until limit bytes have
been processed.
keys_to_delete = set()
write_items = [] # A list of (key, value) pairs
write_size = 0
# Loop over 2-byte prefixes
cursor = self.comp_cursor
while write_size < limit and cursor < 65536:
prefix = pack_be_uint16(cursor)
write_size += self._compact_prefix(prefix, write_items,
cursor += 1
max_rows = self.comp_flush_count + 1
self._flush_compaction(cursor, write_items, keys_to_delete)
||||'history compaction: wrote {:,d} rows ({:.1f} MB), '
'removed {:,d} rows, largest: {:,d}, {:.1f}% complete'
.format(len(write_items), write_size / 1000000,
len(keys_to_delete), max_rows,
100 * cursor / 65536))
return write_size
def _cancel_compaction(self):
if self.comp_cursor != -1:
self.logger.warning('cancelling in-progress history compaction')
self.comp_flush_count = -1
self.comp_cursor = -1
# def _cancel_compaction(self):
# if self.comp_cursor != -1:
# self.logger.warning('cancelling in-progress history compaction')
# self.comp_flush_count = -1
# self.comp_cursor = -1
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import zlib
import typing
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Iterable
from asyncio import sleep
from bisect import bisect_right
from bisect import bisect_right, bisect_left
from collections import namedtuple
from glob import glob
from struct import pack, unpack
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from lbry.utils import LRUCacheWithMetrics
from lbry.wallet.server import util
from lbry.wallet.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str, HASHX_LEN
from lbry.wallet.server.merkle import Merkle, MerkleCache
from lbry.wallet.server.util import formatted_time, pack_be_uint16
from lbry.wallet.server.util import formatted_time, pack_be_uint16, unpack_be_uint16_from
from import db_class
from lbry.wallet.server.history import History
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ BLOCK_HASH_PREFIX = b'C'
@ -50,9 +51,6 @@ UTXO_PREFIX = b'u'
class FlushData:
height = attr.ib()
@ -107,6 +105,19 @@ class LevelDB:
self._tx_and_merkle_cache = LRUCacheWithMetrics(2 ** 17, metric_name='tx_and_merkle', namespace="wallet_server")
self.total_transactions = None
# def add_unflushed(self, hashXs_by_tx, first_tx_num):
# unflushed = self.history.unflushed
# count = 0
# for tx_num, hashXs in enumerate(hashXs_by_tx, start=first_tx_num):
# hashXs = set(hashXs)
# for hashX in hashXs:
# unflushed[hashX].append(tx_num)
# count += len(hashXs)
# self.history.unflushed_count += count
# def unflushed_memsize(self):
# return len(self.history.unflushed) * 180 + self.history.unflushed_count * 4
async def _read_tx_counts(self):
if self.tx_counts is not None:
@ -172,10 +183,88 @@ class LevelDB:
# Then history DB
self.utxo_flush_count = self.history.open_db(
self.db, for_sync, self.utxo_flush_count, compacting
state = self.db.get(HIST_STATE)
if state:
state = ast.literal_eval(state.decode())
if not isinstance(state, dict):
raise RuntimeError('failed reading state from history DB')
self.history.flush_count = state['flush_count']
self.history.comp_flush_count = state.get('comp_flush_count', -1)
self.history.comp_cursor = state.get('comp_cursor', -1)
self.history.db_version = state.get('db_version', 0)
self.history.flush_count = 0
self.history.comp_flush_count = -1
self.history.comp_cursor = -1
self.history.db_version = max(self.DB_VERSIONS)
||||'history DB version: {self.history.db_version}')
if self.history.db_version not in self.DB_VERSIONS:
msg = f'this software only handles DB versions {self.DB_VERSIONS}'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
||||'flush count: {self.history.flush_count:,d}')
# self.history.clear_excess(self.utxo_flush_count)
# < might happen at end of compaction as both DBs cannot be
# updated atomically
if self.history.flush_count > self.utxo_flush_count:
||||'DB shut down uncleanly. Scanning for '
'excess history flushes...')
keys = []
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX):
k = key[1:]
flush_id, = unpack_be_uint16_from(k[-2:])
if flush_id > self.utxo_flush_count:
||||'deleting {len(keys):,d} history entries')
self.history.flush_count = self.utxo_flush_count
with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
for key in keys:
batch.delete(HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + key)
state = {
'flush_count': self.history.flush_count,
'comp_flush_count': self.history.comp_flush_count,
'comp_cursor': self.history.comp_cursor,
'db_version': self.history.db_version,
# History entries are not prefixed; the suffix \0\0 ensures we
# look similar to other entries and aren't interfered with
batch.put(HIST_STATE, repr(state).encode())
||||'deleted excess history entries')
self.utxo_flush_count = self.history.flush_count
min_height = self.min_undo_height(self.db_height)
keys = []
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=UNDO_PREFIX):
height, = unpack('>I', key[-4:])
if height >= min_height:
if keys:
with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
for key in keys:
||||'deleted {len(keys):,d} stale undo entries')
# delete old block files
prefix = self.raw_block_prefix()
paths = [path for path in glob(f'{prefix}[0-9]*')
if len(path) > len(prefix)
and int(path[len(prefix):]) < min_height]
if paths:
for path in paths:
except FileNotFoundError:
||||'deleted {len(paths):,d} stale block files')
# Read TX counts (requires meta directory)
await self._read_tx_counts()
@ -185,7 +274,6 @@ class LevelDB:
def close(self):
self.executor = None
@ -240,7 +328,7 @@ class LevelDB:
assert not flush_data.adds
assert not flush_data.deletes
assert not flush_data.undo_infos
assert not self.history.unflushed
def flush_utxo_db(self, batch, flush_data):
"""Flush the cached DB writes and UTXO set to the batch."""
@ -263,12 +351,13 @@ class LevelDB:
# suffix = tx_idx + tx_num
hashX = value[:-12]
suffix = key[-2:] + value[-12:-8]
batch_put(b'h' + key[:4] + suffix, hashX)
batch_put(b'u' + hashX + suffix, value[-8:])
batch_put(HASHX_UTXO_PREFIX + key[:4] + suffix, hashX)
batch_put(UTXO_PREFIX + hashX + suffix, value[-8:])
# New undo information
self.flush_undo_infos(batch_put, flush_data.undo_infos)
for undo_info, height in flush_data.undo_infos:
batch_put(self.undo_key(height), b''.join(undo_info))
if self.db.for_sync:
@ -285,6 +374,17 @@ class LevelDB:
self.db_tx_count = flush_data.tx_count
self.db_tip = flush_data.tip
def write_history_state(self, batch):
state = {
'flush_count': self.history.flush_count,
'comp_flush_count': self.history.comp_flush_count,
'comp_cursor': self.history.comp_cursor,
'db_version': self.db_version,
# History entries are not prefixed; the suffix \0\0 ensures we
# look similar to other entries and aren't interfered with
batch.put(HIST_STATE, repr(state).encode())
def flush_dbs(self, flush_data, flush_utxos, estimate_txs_remaining):
"""Flush out cached state. History is always flushed; UTXOs are
flushed if flush_utxos."""
@ -351,7 +451,7 @@ class LevelDB:
for hashX in sorted(unflushed):
key = hashX + flush_id
batch_put(HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + key, unflushed[hashX].tobytes())
self.history.unflushed_count = 0
@ -396,45 +496,74 @@ class LevelDB:
|||'sync time: {formatted_time(self.wall_time)} '
f'ETA: {formatted_time(eta)}')
def flush_state(self, batch):
"""Flush chain state to the batch."""
now = time.time()
self.wall_time += now - self.last_flush
self.last_flush = now
self.last_flush_tx_count = self.fs_tx_count
# def flush_state(self, batch):
# """Flush chain state to the batch."""
# now = time.time()
# self.wall_time += now - self.last_flush
# self.last_flush = now
# self.last_flush_tx_count = self.fs_tx_count
# self.write_utxo_state(batch)
def flush_backup(self, flush_data, touched):
"""Like flush_dbs() but when backing up. All UTXOs are flushed."""
assert not flush_data.headers
assert not flush_data.block_txs
assert flush_data.height < self.db_height
assert not self.history.unflushed
start_time = time.time()
tx_delta = flush_data.tx_count - self.last_flush_tx_count
while self.fs_height > flush_data.height:
self.fs_height -= 1
self.fs_tx_count = flush_data.tx_count
# Truncate header_mc: header count is 1 more than the height.
self.header_mc.truncate(flush_data.height + 1)
# Not certain this is needed, but it doesn't hurt
self.history.flush_count += 1
nremoves = 0
self.backup_fs(flush_data.height, flush_data.tx_count)
self.history.backup(touched, flush_data.tx_count)
with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
tx_count = flush_data.tx_count
for hashX in sorted(touched):
deletes = []
puts = {}
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + hashX, reverse=True):
k = key[1:]
a = array.array('I')
# Remove all history entries >= tx_count
idx = bisect_left(a, tx_count)
nremoves += len(a) - idx
if idx > 0:
puts[k] = a[:idx].tobytes()
for key in deletes:
for key, value in puts.items():
batch.put(key, value)
self.flush_utxo_db(batch, flush_data)
# Flush state last as it reads the wall time.
now = time.time()
self.wall_time += now - self.last_flush
self.last_flush = now
self.last_flush_tx_count = self.fs_tx_count
||||'backing up removed {nremoves:,d} history entries')
elapsed = self.last_flush - start_time
||||'backup flush #{self.history.flush_count:,d} took '
f'{elapsed:.1f}s. Height {flush_data.height:,d} '
f'txs: {flush_data.tx_count:,d} ({tx_delta:+,d})')
def backup_fs(self, height, tx_count):
"""Back up during a reorg. This just updates our pointers."""
while self.fs_height > height:
self.fs_height -= 1
self.fs_tx_count = tx_count
# Truncate header_mc: header count is 1 more than the height.
self.header_mc.truncate(height + 1)
def raw_header(self, height):
"""Return the binary header at the given height."""
header, n = self.read_headers(height, 1)
@ -555,7 +684,7 @@ class LevelDB:
cnt = 0
txs = []
for hist in self.history.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + hashX, include_key=False):
for hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + hashX, include_key=False):
a = array.array('I')
for tx_num in a:
@ -586,17 +715,12 @@ class LevelDB:
def undo_key(self, height):
"""DB key for undo information at the given height."""
return b'U' + pack('>I', height)
return UNDO_PREFIX + pack('>I', height)
def read_undo_info(self, height):
"""Read undo information from a file for the current height."""
return self.db.get(self.undo_key(height))
def flush_undo_infos(self, batch_put, undo_infos):
"""undo_infos is a list of (undo_info, height) pairs."""
for undo_info, height in undo_infos:
batch_put(self.undo_key(height), b''.join(undo_info))
def raw_block_prefix(self):
return 'block'
@ -626,10 +750,9 @@ class LevelDB:
def clear_excess_undo_info(self):
"""Clear excess undo info. Only most recent N are kept."""
prefix = b'U'
min_height = self.min_undo_height(self.db_height)
keys = []
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=UNDO_PREFIX):
height, = unpack('>I', key[-4:])
if height >= min_height:
@ -733,7 +856,7 @@ class LevelDB:
fs_tx_hash = self.fs_tx_hash
# Key: b'u' + address_hashX + tx_idx + tx_num
# Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
prefix = b'u' + hashX
prefix = UTXO_PREFIX + hashX
for db_key, db_value in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
tx_pos, tx_num = s_unpack('<HI', db_key[-6:])
value, = unpack('<Q', db_value)
@ -764,7 +887,7 @@ class LevelDB:
# Key: b'h' + compressed_tx_hash + tx_idx + tx_num
# Value: hashX
prefix = b'h' + tx_hash[:4] + idx_packed
prefix = HASHX_UTXO_PREFIX + tx_hash[:4] + idx_packed
# Find which entry, if any, the TX_HASH matches.
for db_key, hashX in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
@ -785,7 +908,7 @@ class LevelDB:
return None
# Key: b'u' + address_hashX + tx_idx + tx_num
# Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
key = b'u' + hashX + suffix
key = UTXO_PREFIX + hashX + suffix
db_value = self.db.get(key)
if not db_value:
# This can happen if the DB was updated between
Add table
Reference in a new issue