use nOut in addition with txid to identify claims

This commit is contained in:
Jack 2016-10-14 02:13:37 -04:00 committed by Kay Kurokawa
parent a314c530bc
commit bfcd84a568
9 changed files with 350 additions and 233 deletions

View file

@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ class ApplicationSettings(Settings):
self.DB_REVISION_FILE_NAME = 'db_revision'
@ -278,6 +279,9 @@ class Config(DefaultSettings):
return os.path.join(self.ensure_data_dir(), self.LOG_FILE_NAME)
def get_db_revision_filename(self):
return os.path.join(self.ensure_data_dir(), self.DB_REVISION_FILE_NAME)
def get_conf_filename(self):
return get_settings_file_ext(self.ensure_data_dir())

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from lbrynet.interfaces import IRequestCreator, IQueryHandlerFactory, IQueryHand
from lbrynet.core.client.ClientRequest import ClientRequest
from lbrynet.core.Error import UnknownNameError, InvalidStreamInfoError, RequestCanceledError
from lbrynet.core.Error import InsufficientFundsError
from lbrynet.db_migrator.migrate1to2 import UNSET_NOUT
from lbrynet.metadata.Metadata import Metadata
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -38,6 +39,29 @@ class ReservedPoints(object):
self.amount = amount
class ClaimOutpoint(dict):
def __init__(self, txid, nout):
if len(txid) != 64:
raise TypeError('{} is not a txid'.format(txid))
self['txid'] = txid
self['nout'] = nout
def __repr__(self):
return "{}:{}".format(txid,nout)
def __eq__(self, compare):
if isinstance(compare,dict):
# TODO: lbryum returns nout's in dicts as "nOut" , need to fix this
if 'nOut' in compare:
return (self['txid'],self['nout']) == (compare['txid'],compare['nOut'])
elif 'nout' in compare:
return (self['txid'],self['nout']) == (compare['txid'],compare['nout'])
raise TypeError('cannot compare {}'.format(type(compare)))
def __ne__(self, compare):
return not self.__eq__(compare)
def _catch_connection_error(f):
def w(*args):
@ -312,12 +336,13 @@ class Wallet(object):
d.addCallback(lambda r: None if 'txid' not in r else r['txid'])
return d
def get_stream_info_from_txid(self, name, txid):
d = self.get_claims_from_tx(txid)
def get_stream_info_from_claim_outpoint(self, name, txid, nout):
claim_outpoint = ClaimOutpoint(txid, nout)
d = self.get_claims_from_tx(claim_outpoint['txid'])
def get_claim_for_name(claims):
for claim in claims:
if claim['name'] == name:
if claim_outpoint == claim:
claim['txid'] = txid
return claim
return Failure(UnknownNameError(name))
@ -342,10 +367,10 @@ class Wallet(object):
metadata = Metadata(json.loads(result['value']))
except (TypeError, ValueError, ValidationError):
return Failure(InvalidStreamInfoError(name, result['value']))
txid = result['txid']
sd_hash = metadata['sources']['lbry_sd_hash']
d = self._save_name_metadata(name, txid, sd_hash)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.get_claimid(name, txid))
claim_outpoint = ClaimOutpoint(result['txid'], result['n'])
d = self._save_name_metadata(name, claim_outpoint, sd_hash)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.get_claimid(name, result['txid'],result['n']))
d.addCallback(lambda cid: _log_success(cid))
d.addCallback(lambda _: metadata)
return d
@ -355,17 +380,17 @@ class Wallet(object):
d.addCallback(lambda claims: next(claim for claim in claims['claims'] if claim['claimId'] == claim_id))
return d
def get_claimid(self, name, txid):
def get_claimid(self, name, txid, nout):
def _get_id_for_return(claim_id):
if claim_id:
return defer.succeed(claim_id)
d = self.get_claims_from_tx(txid)
d.addCallback(lambda claims: next(c['claimId'] for c in claims if c['name'] == name))
d.addCallback(lambda cid: self._update_claimid(cid, name, txid))
d.addCallback(lambda claims: next(c for c in claims if c['name'] == name and c['nOut'] == claim_outpoint['nout']))
d.addCallback(lambda claim: self._update_claimid(claim['claimId'], name, ClaimOutpoint(txid, claim['nOut'])))
return d
d = self._get_claimid_for_tx(name, txid)
claim_outpoint = ClaimOutpoint(txid, nout)
d = self._get_claimid_for_tx(name, claim_outpoint)
return d
@ -376,6 +401,7 @@ class Wallet(object):
claim['value'] = json.loads(claim['value'])
return claim
def _get_my_unspent_claim(claims):
for claim in claims:
if claim['name'] == name and not claim['is spent'] and not claim.get('supported_claimid', False):
@ -387,46 +413,49 @@ class Wallet(object):
return d
def get_claim_info(self, name, txid=None):
if not txid:
def get_claim_info(self, name, txid=None, nout=None):
if txid is None or nout is None:
d = self._get_value_for_name(name)
d.addCallback(lambda r: self._get_claim_info(name, r['txid']))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self._get_claim_info(name, ClaimOutpoint(r['txid'],r['n'])))
d = self._get_claim_info(name, txid)
d = self._get_claim_info(name, ClaimOutpoint(txid,nout))
d.addErrback(lambda _: False)
return d
def _format_claim_for_return(self, name, claim, txid, metadata=None, meta_version=None):
def _format_claim_for_return(self, name, claim, metadata=None, meta_version=None):
result = {}
result['claim_id'] = claim['claimId']
result['amount'] = claim['nEffectiveAmount']
result['height'] = claim['nHeight']
result['name'] = name
result['txid'] = txid
result['txid'] = claim['txid']
result['nout'] = claim['n']
result['value'] = metadata if metadata else json.loads(claim['value'])
result['supports'] = [{'txid': support['txid'], 'n': support['n']} for support in claim['supports']]
result['meta_version'] = meta_version if meta_version else result['value'].get('ver', '0.0.1')
return result
def _get_claim_info(self, name, txid):
def _get_claim_info(self, name, claim_outpoint):
def _build_response(claim):
metadata = Metadata(json.loads(claim['value']))
meta_ver = metadata.version
sd_hash = metadata['sources']['lbry_sd_hash']
d = self._save_name_metadata(name, txid, sd_hash)
d = self._save_name_metadata(name, claim_outpoint, sd_hash)
except (TypeError, ValueError, ValidationError):
metadata = claim['value']
meta_ver = "Non-compliant"
d = defer.succeed(None)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._format_claim_for_return(name, claim, txid,
metadata=metadata, meta_version=meta_ver))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._format_claim_for_return(name,
meta_version=meta_ver))"get claim info lbry://%s metadata: %s, claimid: %s", name, meta_ver, claim['claimId'])
return d
d = self.get_claimid(name, txid)
d = self.get_claimid(name, claim_outpoint['txid'], claim_outpoint['nout'])
d.addCallback(lambda claim_id: self.get_claim(name, claim_id))
return d
@ -442,10 +471,14 @@ class Wallet(object):
return defer.succeed(Metadata(meta_for_return))
def claim_name(self, name, bid, m):
def _save_metadata(txid, metadata):"Saving metadata for claim %s" % txid)
d = self._save_name_metadata(name, txid, metadata['sources']['lbry_sd_hash'])
d.addCallback(lambda _: txid)
def _save_metadata(claim_out, metadata):
if not claim_out['success']:
msg = 'Claim to name {} failed: {}'.format(name,claim_out['reason'])
claim_outpoint = ClaimOutpoint(claim_out['txid'],claim_out['nout'])"Saving metadata for claim %s %d" % (claim_outpoint['txid'], claim_outpoint['nout']))
d = self._save_name_metadata(name, claim_outpoint, metadata['sources']['lbry_sd_hash'])
d.addCallback(lambda _: claim_out)
return d
def _claim_or_update(claim, metadata, _bid):
@ -455,47 +488,21 @@ class Wallet(object):
else:"Updating over own claim")
d = self.update_metadata(metadata, claim['value'])
d.addCallback(lambda new_metadata: self._send_name_claim_update(name, claim['claim_id'], claim['txid'], new_metadata, _bid))
claim_outpoint = ClaimOutpoint(claim['txid'],claim['nOut'])
d.addCallback(lambda new_metadata: self._send_name_claim_update(name, claim['claim_id'],
new_metadata, _bid))
return d
meta = Metadata(m)
d = self.get_my_claim(name)
d.addCallback(lambda claim: _claim_or_update(claim, meta, bid))
d.addCallback(lambda txid: _save_metadata(txid, meta))
d.addCallback(lambda claim_out: _save_metadata(claim_out, meta))
return d
def abandon_name(self, txid):
d1 = self.get_new_address()
d2 = self.get_claims_from_tx(txid)
def get_txout_of_claim(claims):
for claim in claims:
if 'name' in claim and 'nOut' in claim:
return claim['nOut']
return"No claims in tx"))
def get_value_of_txout(nOut):
d = self._get_raw_tx(txid)
d.addCallback(lambda tx: tx['vout'][nOut]['value'])
return d
dl = defer.DeferredList([d1, d2], consumeErrors=True)
def abandon(results):
if results[0][0] and results[1][0]:
address = results[0][1]
amount = float(results[1][1])
return self._send_abandon(txid, address, amount)
elif results[0][0] is False:
return"Couldn't get a new address")))
return results[1][1]
return dl
def abandon_claim(self, txid, nout):
claim_outpoint = ClaimOutpoint(txid, nout)
return self._abandon_claim(claim_outpoint)
def support_claim(self, name, claim_id, amount):
return self._support_claim(name, claim_id, amount)
@ -517,35 +524,24 @@ class Wallet(object):
d = self._address_is_mine(address)
return d
def get_tx_json(self, txid):
def _decode(raw_tx):
tx = Transaction(raw_tx).deserialize()
decoded_tx = {}
for txkey in tx.keys():
if isinstance(tx[txkey], list):
decoded_tx[txkey] = []
for i in tx[txkey]:
tmp = {}
for k in i.keys():
if isinstance(i[k], Decimal):
tmp[k] = float(i[k] / 1e8)
tmp[k] = i[k]
decoded_tx[txkey] = tx[txkey]
return decoded_tx
d = self._get_raw_tx(txid)
def get_transaction(self, txid):
d = self._get_transaction(txid)
return d
def get_claim_metadata_for_sd_hash(self, sd_hash):
return self._get_claim_metadata_for_sd_hash(sd_hash)
def get_name_and_validity_for_sd_hash(self, sd_hash):
def _get_status_of_claim(name_txid, sd_hash):
if name_txid:
claim_outpoint = ClaimOutpoint(name_txid[1],name_txid[2])
name = name_txid[0]
return self._get_status_of_claim(claim_outpoint, name, sd_hash)
return None
d = self._get_claim_metadata_for_sd_hash(sd_hash)
d.addCallback(lambda name_txid: self._get_status_of_claim(name_txid[1], name_txid[0], sd_hash) if name_txid is not None else None)
d.addCallback(lambda name_txid: _get_status_of_claim(name_txid, sd_hash))
return d
def get_available_balance(self):
@ -565,15 +561,17 @@ class Wallet(object):
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._first_run == self._FIRST_RUN_YES)
return d
def _get_status_of_claim(self, txid, name, sd_hash):
d = self.get_claims_from_tx(txid)
def _get_status_of_claim(self, claim_outpoint, name, sd_hash):
d = self.get_claims_from_tx(claim_outpoint['txid'])
def get_status(claims):
if claims is None:
claims = []
for claim in claims:
if 'in claim trie' in claim:
if 'name' in claim and str(claim['name']) == name and 'value' in claim:
name_is_equal = 'name' in claim and str(claim['name']) == name
nout_is_equal = 'nOut' in claim and claim['nOut'] == claim_outpoint['nout']
if name_is_equal and nout_is_equal and 'value' in claim:
value_dict = json.loads(claim['value'])
except (ValueError, TypeError):
@ -650,11 +648,13 @@ class Wallet(object):
transaction.execute("create table if not exists name_metadata (" +
" name text, " +
" txid text, " +
" n integer, " +
" sd_hash text)")
transaction.execute("create table if not exists claim_ids (" +
" claimId text, " +
" name text, " +
" txid text)")
" txid text, " +
" n integer)")
return self.db.runInteraction(create_tables)
@ -662,27 +662,37 @@ class Wallet(object):
d = self.db.runQuery("delete from name_metadata where length(txid) > 64 or txid is null")
return d
def _save_name_metadata(self, name, txid, sd_hash):
assert len(txid) == 64, "That's not a txid: %s" % str(txid)
d = self.db.runQuery("delete from name_metadata where name=? and txid=? and sd_hash=?", (name, txid, sd_hash))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.db.runQuery("insert into name_metadata values (?, ?, ?)", (name, txid, sd_hash)))
def _save_name_metadata(self, name, claim_outpoint, sd_hash):
d = self.db.runQuery("delete from name_metadata where name=? and txid=? and n=? and sd_hash=?",
(name, claim_outpoint['txid'], claim_outpoint['nout'], sd_hash))
lambda _: self.db.runQuery("delete from name_metadata where name=? and txid=? and n=? and sd_hash=?",
(name, claim_outpoint['txid'], UNSET_NOUT, sd_hash)))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.db.runQuery("insert into name_metadata values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(name, claim_outpoint['txid'], claim_outpoint['nout'], sd_hash)))
return d
def _get_claim_metadata_for_sd_hash(self, sd_hash):
d = self.db.runQuery("select name, txid from name_metadata where sd_hash=?", (sd_hash,))
d = self.db.runQuery("select name, txid, n from name_metadata where sd_hash=?", (sd_hash,))
d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0] if r else None)
return d
def _update_claimid(self, claim_id, name, txid):
assert len(txid) == 64, "That's not a txid: %s" % str(txid)
d = self.db.runQuery("delete from claim_ids where claimId=? and name=? and txid=?", (claim_id, name, txid))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.db.runQuery("insert into claim_ids values (?, ?, ?)", (claim_id, name, txid)))
def _update_claimid(self, claim_id, name, claim_outpoint):
d = self.db.runQuery("delete from claim_ids where claimId=? and name=? and txid=? and n=?",
(claim_id, name, claim_outpoint['txid'], claim_outpoint['nout']))
lambda _: self.db.runQuery("delete from claim_ids where claimId=? and name=? and txid=? and n=?",
(claim_id, name, claim_outpoint['txid'], UNSET_NOUT)))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self.db.runQuery("insert into claim_ids values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(claim_id, name, claim_outpoint['txid'], claim_outpoint['nout'])))
d.addCallback(lambda _: claim_id)
return d
def _get_claimid_for_tx(self, name, txid):
assert len(txid) == 64, "That's not a txid: %s" % str(txid)
d = self.db.runQuery("select claimId from claim_ids where name=? and txid=?", (name, txid))
def _get_claimid_for_tx(self, name, claim_outpoint):
d = self.db.runQuery("select claimId from claim_ids where name=? and txid=? and n=?", (name, claim_outpoint['txid'], claim_outpoint['nout']))
d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0][0] if r else None)
return d
@ -721,10 +731,10 @@ class Wallet(object):
def _get_decoded_tx(self, raw_tx):
def _send_abandon(self, txid, address, amount):
def _abandon_claim(self, claim_outpoint):
def _send_name_claim_update(self, name, claim_id, txid, value, amount):
def _send_name_claim_update(self, name, claim_id, claim_outpoint, value, amount):
def _support_claim(self, name, claim_id, amount):
@ -748,6 +758,9 @@ class Wallet(object):
def _address_is_mine(self, address):
def _get_transaction(self, txid):
def _start(self):
@ -865,11 +878,14 @@ class LBRYcrdWallet(Wallet):
def _get_decoded_tx(self, raw_tx):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_decoded_tx_rpc, raw_tx)
def _get_transaction(self, txid):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_raw_tx_rpc, txid, 1)
def _send_abandon(self, txid, address, amount):
return threads.deferToThread(self._send_abandon_rpc, txid, address, amount)
def _send_name_claim_update(self, name, claim_id, txid, value, amount):
return threads.deferToThread(self._update_name_rpc, txid, value, amount)
def _send_name_claim_update(self, name, claim_id, claim_outpoint, value, amount):
return threads.deferToThread(self._update_name_rpc, claim_outpoint, value, amount)
def _support_claim(self, name, claim_id, amount):
return threads.deferToThread(self._support_claim_rpc, name, claim_id, amount)
@ -991,9 +1007,9 @@ class LBRYcrdWallet(Wallet):
return rpc_conn.setgenerate(b)
def _get_raw_tx_rpc(self, txid):
def _get_raw_tx_rpc(self, txid, raw=0):
rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn()
return rpc_conn.getrawtransaction(txid)
return rpc_conn.getrawtransaction(txid, raw)
def _get_decoded_tx_rpc(self, raw):
@ -1051,9 +1067,10 @@ class LBRYcrdWallet(Wallet):
return rpc_conn.getvalueforname(name)
def _update_name_rpc(self, txid, value, amount):
def _update_name_rpc(self, claim_outpoint, value, amount):
# TODO use nout in updateclaim once lbrycrdd uses it
rpc_conn = self._get_rpc_conn()
return rpc_conn.updateclaim(txid, json.dumps(value), amount)
return rpc_conn.updateclaim(claim_outpoint['txid'], json.dumps(value), amount)
def _send_name_claim_rpc(self, name, value, amount):
@ -1295,34 +1312,34 @@ class LBRYumWallet(Wallet):
func = getattr(self.cmd_runner,
return threads.deferToThread(func, txid)
def _send_name_claim(self, name, val, amount):
def send_claim(address):
cmd = known_commands['claimname']
func = getattr(self.cmd_runner,
return threads.deferToThread(func, address, amount, name, json.dumps(val))
d = self.get_new_address()
def _get_transaction(self, txid):
def _add_confirms(tx):
tx['confirmations'] = self.wallet.get_confirmations(txid)
return tx
d = self._get_raw_tx(txid)
return d
def _send_name_claim(self, name, val, amount):
cmd = known_commands['claim']
func = getattr(self.cmd_runner,
return threads.deferToThread(func, name, json.dumps(val), amount)
def _get_claims_for_name(self, name):
cmd = known_commands['getclaimsforname']
func = getattr(self.cmd_runner,
return threads.deferToThread(func, name)
def _send_name_claim_update(self, name, claim_id, txid, value, amount):
def send_claim_update(address):
decoded_claim_id = claim_id.decode('hex')[::-1]
def _send_name_claim_update(self, name, claim_id, claim_outpoint, value, amount):
metadata = json.dumps(value)"updateclaim %s %s %f %s %s '%s'", txid, address, amount, name, decoded_claim_id.encode('hex'), metadata)
cmd = known_commands['updateclaim']"updateclaim %s %d %f %s %s '%s'", claim_outpoint['txid'], claim_outpoint['nout'],
amount, name, claim_id, metadata)
cmd = known_commands['update']
func = getattr(self.cmd_runner,
return threads.deferToThread(func, txid, address, amount, name, decoded_claim_id, metadata)
return threads.deferToThread(func, claim_outpoint['txid'], claim_outpoint['nout'], name, claim_id, metadata, amount)
d = self.get_new_address()
return d
def _get_decoded_tx(self, raw_tx):
tx = Transaction(raw_tx)
@ -1334,23 +1351,18 @@ class LBRYumWallet(Wallet):
return decoded_tx
def _send_abandon(self, txid, address, amount):"Abandon %s %s %f" % (txid, address, amount))
cmd = known_commands['abandonclaim']
def _abandon_claim(self, claim_outpoint):"Abandon %s %s" % (claim_outpoint['txid'],claim_outpoint['nout']))
cmd = known_commands['abandon']
func = getattr(self.cmd_runner,
d = threads.deferToThread(func, txid, address, amount)
d = threads.deferToThread(func, claim_outpoint['txid'], claim_outpoint['nout'])
return d
def _support_claim(self, name, claim_id, amount):
def _send_support(d, a, n, c):
cmd = known_commands['supportclaim']"Support %s %s %f" % (name, claim_id, amount))
cmd = known_commands['support']
func = getattr(self.cmd_runner,
d = threads.deferToThread(func, d, a, n, c)
return d
d = self.get_new_address()
d.addCallback(lambda address: _send_support(address, amount, name, claim_id))
d = threads.deferToThread(func, name, claim_id, amount)
return d
def _broadcast_transaction(self, raw_tx):

View file

@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
import logging
# import os
def migrate_db(db_dir, start, end):
current = start
old_dirs = []
# if == "nt":
# return old_dirs
# while current < end:
# if current == 0:
# from lbrynet.db_migrator.migrate0to1 import do_migration
# old_dirs.append(do_migration(db_dir))
# current += 1
return old_dirs
while current < end:
if current == 1:
from lbrynet.db_migrator.migrate1to2 import do_migration
raise Exception("DB migration of version {} to {} is not available".format(current,current+1))
current += 1
return None
def run_migration_script():

View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import sqlite3
import os
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def do_migration(db_dir):"Doing the migration")
migrate_blockchainname_db(db_dir)"Migration succeeded")
def migrate_blockchainname_db(db_dir):
blockchainname_db = os.path.join(db_dir,"blockchainname.db")
# skip migration on fresh installs
if not os.path.isfile(blockchainname_db):
temp_db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
db_file = sqlite3.connect(blockchainname_db)
file_cursor = db_file.cursor()
mem_cursor = temp_db.cursor()
mem_cursor.execute("create table if not exists name_metadata ("
" name text, "
" txid text, "
" n integer, "
" sd_hash text)")
mem_cursor.execute("create table if not exists claim_ids ("
" claimId text, "
" name text, "
" txid text, "
" n integer)")
name_metadata = file_cursor.execute("select * from name_metadata").fetchall()
claim_metadata = file_cursor.execute("select * from claim_ids").fetchall()
# fill n as V1_UNSET_NOUT, will be responsible for filling in correct n
for name, txid, sd_hash in name_metadata:
mem_cursor.execute("insert into name_metadata values (?, ?, ?, ?) ", (name, txid, UNSET_NOUT, sd_hash))
for claim_id, name, txid in claim_metadata:
mem_cursor.execute("insert into claim_ids values (?, ?, ?, ?)", (claim_id, name, txid, UNSET_NOUT))
new_name_metadata = mem_cursor.execute("select * from name_metadata").fetchall()
new_claim_metadata = mem_cursor.execute("select * from claim_ids").fetchall()
file_cursor.execute("drop table name_metadata")
file_cursor.execute("create table name_metadata ("
" name text, "
" txid text, "
" n integer, "
" sd_hash text)")
for name, txid, n, sd_hash in new_name_metadata:
file_cursor.execute("insert into name_metadata values (?, ?, ?, ?) ", (name, txid, n, sd_hash))
file_cursor.execute("drop table claim_ids")
file_cursor.execute("create table claim_ids ("
" claimId text, "
" name text, "
" txid text, "
" n integer)")
for claim_id, name, txid, n in new_claim_metadata:
file_cursor.execute("insert into claim_ids values (?, ?, ?, ?)", (claim_id, name, txid, n))

View file

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ManagedEncryptedFileDownloader(EncryptedFileSaver):
STATUS_RUNNING = "running"
STATUS_STOPPED = "stopped"
STATUS_FINISHED = "finished"
@ -33,6 +32,7 @@ class ManagedEncryptedFileDownloader(EncryptedFileSaver):
upload_allowed, file_name)
self.sd_hash = None
self.txid = None
self.nout = None
self.uri = None
self.claim_id = None
self.rowid = rowid
@ -42,35 +42,36 @@ class ManagedEncryptedFileDownloader(EncryptedFileSaver):
def restore(self):
d = self.stream_info_manager._get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(self.stream_hash)
def _save_sd_hash(sd_hash):
if len(sd_hash):
def _save_stream_info(sd_hash):
if sd_hash:
self.sd_hash = sd_hash[0]
d = self.wallet.get_claim_metadata_for_sd_hash(self.sd_hash)
d = defer.succeed(None)
d.addCallback(lambda r: _save_claim(r[0], r[1], r[2]))
return d
return None
def _save_claim_id(claim_id):
self.claim_id = claim_id
return defer.succeed(None)
def _notify_bad_claim(name, txid):
log.error("Error loading name claim for lbry file: lbry://%s, tx %s does not contain a valid claim", name, txid)
log.warning("lbry file for lbry://%s, tx %s has no claim, deleting it", name, txid)
def _notify_bad_claim(name, txid, nout):
err_msg = "Error loading name claim for lbry file: \
lbry://%s, tx %s output %i does not contain a valid claim, deleting it"
log.error(err_msg, name, txid, nout)
return self.lbry_file_manager.delete_lbry_file(self)
def _save_claim(name, txid):
def _save_claim(name, txid, nout):
self.uri = name
self.txid = txid
d = self.wallet.get_claimid(name, txid)
d.addCallbacks(_save_claim_id, lambda err: _notify_bad_claim(name, txid))
self.nout = nout
d = self.wallet.get_claimid(name, txid, nout)
d.addCallbacks(_save_claim_id, lambda err: _notify_bad_claim(name, txid, nout))
return d
reflector_server = random.choice(settings.reflector_servers)
d.addCallback(lambda r: _save_claim(r[0], r[1]) if r else None)
d.addCallback(lambda _: reupload.check_and_restore_availability(self, reflector_server))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.lbry_file_manager.get_lbry_file_status(self))
@ -91,7 +92,8 @@ class ManagedEncryptedFileDownloader(EncryptedFileSaver):
def set_saving_status_done():
self.saving_status = False
d = EncryptedFileDownloader.stop(self, err=err) # EncryptedFileSaver deletes metadata when it's stopped. We don't want that here.
# EncryptedFileSaver deletes metadata when it's stopped. We don't want that here.
d = EncryptedFileDownloader.stop(self, err=err)
if change_status is True:
self.saving_status = True
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._save_status())
@ -140,13 +142,14 @@ class ManagedEncryptedFileDownloader(EncryptedFileSaver):
return d
def _save_claim(name, txid):
def _save_claim(name, txid, nout):
self.uri = name
self.txid = txid
self.nout = nout
return defer.succeed(None)
d.addCallback(lambda r: _save_claim(r[0], r[1]) if r else None)
d.addCallback(lambda r: _save_claim(r[0], r[1], r[2]) if r else None)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._save_status())
return d

View file

@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@ class CreatePlainStreamDescriptor(CommandHandler):
self.overwrite_old = True
file_name = self.lbry_file.file_name
file_name = file_name + ".cryptsd"
file_name += ".cryptsd"
return defer.succeed(file_name)

View file

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ from lbrynet.core.Wallet import LBRYcrdWallet, LBRYumWallet
from lbrynet.core.looping_call_manager import LoopingCallManager
from lbrynet.core.server.BlobRequestHandler import BlobRequestHandlerFactory
from lbrynet.core.server.ServerProtocol import ServerProtocolFactory
from lbrynet.core.Error import InsufficientFundsError, InvalidNameError
from lbrynet.core.Error import InsufficientFundsError, InvalidNameError, UnknownNameError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -253,7 +253,8 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
self.platform = None
self.first_run = None
self.log_file = conf.settings.get_log_filename()
self.current_db_revision = 1
self.current_db_revision = 2
self.db_revision_file = conf.settings.get_db_revision_filename()
self.session = None
self.uploaded_temp_files = []
self._session_id = base58.b58encode(utils.generate_id())
@ -436,10 +437,13 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
if not self.connected_to_internet:
self.connection_problem = CONNECTION_PROBLEM_CODES[1]
def _add_to_pending_claims(self, name, txid):"Adding lbry://%s to pending claims, txid %s" % (name, txid))
self.pending_claims[name] = txid
return txid
# claim_out is dictionary containing 'txid' and 'nout'
def _add_to_pending_claims(self, name, claim_out):
txid = claim_out['txid']
nout = claim_out['nout']"Adding lbry://%s to pending claims, txid %s nout %d" % (name, txid, nout))
self.pending_claims[name] = (txid,nout)
return claim_out
def _check_pending_claims(self):
# TODO: this was blatantly copied from jsonrpc_start_lbry_file. Be DRY.
@ -453,15 +457,17 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
d.addCallback(lambda l: _start_file(l) if l.stopped else "LBRY file was already running")
def re_add_to_pending_claims(name):
txid = self.pending_claims.pop(name)
self._add_to_pending_claims(name, txid)
log.warning("Re-add %s to pending claims", name)
txid, nout = self.pending_claims.pop(name)
claim_out = {'txid':txid,'nout':nout}
self._add_to_pending_claims(name, claim_out)
def _process_lbry_file(name, lbry_file):
# lbry_file is an instance of ManagedEncryptedFileDownloader or None
# TODO: check for sd_hash in addition to txid
ready_to_start = (
lbry_file and
self.pending_claims[name] == lbry_file.txid
self.pending_claims[name] == (lbry_file.txid,lbry_file.nout)
if ready_to_start:
@ -673,41 +679,41 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
return defer.succeed(True)
def _write_db_revision_file(self,version_num):
with open(self.db_revision_file, mode='w') as db_revision:
def _setup_data_directory(self):
old_revision = 1
self.startup_status = STARTUP_STAGES[1]"Loading databases...")
if self.created_data_dir:
db_revision_path = os.path.join(self.db_dir, "db_revision")
with open(db_revision_path, mode='w') as db_revision:
log.debug("Created the db revision file: %s", db_revision_path)
log.debug("Created the db revision file: %s", self.db_revision_file)
if not os.path.exists(self.blobfile_dir):
log.debug("Created the blobfile directory: %s", str(self.blobfile_dir))
if not os.path.exists(self.db_revision_file):
log.warning("db_revision file not found. Creating it")
def _check_db_migration(self):
old_revision = 1
db_revision_file = os.path.join(self.db_dir, "db_revision")
if os.path.exists(db_revision_file):
old_revision = int(open(db_revision_file).read().strip())
if os.path.exists(self.db_revision_file):
old_revision = int(open(self.db_revision_file).read().strip())
if old_revision > self.current_db_revision:
return'This version of lbrynet is not compatible with the database'))
def update_version_file_and_print_success():
self._write_db_revision_file(self.current_db_revision)"Finished upgrading the databases.")
if old_revision < self.current_db_revision:
from lbrynet.db_migrator import dbmigrator"Upgrading your databases...")
d = threads.deferToThread(dbmigrator.migrate_db, self.db_dir, old_revision, self.current_db_revision)
def print_success(old_dirs):
success_string = "Finished upgrading the databases. It is now safe to delete the"
success_string += " following directories, if you feel like it. It won't make any"
success_string += " difference.\nAnyway here they are: "
for i, old_dir in enumerate(old_dirs):
success_string += old_dir
if i + 1 < len(old_dir):
success_string += ", "
d.addCallback(lambda _: update_version_file_and_print_success())
return d
return defer.succeed(True)
@ -970,7 +976,6 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
if l.sd_hash == sd:
return defer.succeed(l)
return defer.succeed(None)
d = self._resolve_name(name)
@ -1082,7 +1087,7 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
elif self.startup_status[0] == LOADING_wallet_CODE:
if self.wallet_type == LBRYUM_WALLET:
if self.session.wallet.blocks_behind_alert != 0:
r['message'] = r['message'] % (str(self.session.wallet.blocks_behind_alert) + " blocks behind")
r['message'] %= str(self.session.wallet.blocks_behind_alert) + " blocks behind"
r['progress'] = self.session.wallet.catchup_progress
r['message'] = "Catching up with the blockchain"
@ -1390,6 +1395,9 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
'name': name to look up, string, do not include lbry:// prefix
'txid': optional, if specified, look for claim with this txid
'nout': optional, if specified, look for claim with this nout
txid, amount, value, n, height
@ -1403,7 +1411,8 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
name = p[FileID.NAME]
txid = p.get('txid', None)
d = self.session.wallet.get_claim_info(name, txid)
nout = p.get('nout', None)
d = self.session.wallet.get_claim_info(name, txid, nout)
d.addCallback(lambda r: self._render_response(r, OK_CODE))
return d
@ -1585,7 +1594,12 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
'metadata': metadata dictionary
optional 'fee'
Claim txid
'success' : True if claim was succesful , False otherwise
'reason' : if not succesful, give reason
'txid' : txid of resulting transaction if succesful
'nout' : nout of the resulting support claim if succesful
'fee' : fee paid for the claim transaction if succesful
'claimid' : claimid of the resulting transaction
def _set_address(address, currency, m):
@ -1593,10 +1607,10 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
m['fee'][currency]['address'] = address
return m
def _reflect_if_possible(sd_hash, txid):
def _reflect_if_possible(sd_hash, claim_out):
d = self._get_lbry_file(FileID.SD_HASH, sd_hash, return_json=False)
d.addCallback(lambda _: txid)
d.addCallback(lambda _: claim_out)
return d
name = p[FileID.NAME]
@ -1647,9 +1661,9 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
d.addCallback(lambda meta: self.session.wallet.claim_name(name, bid, meta))
if sd_hash:
d.addCallback(lambda txid: _reflect_if_possible(sd_hash, txid))
d.addCallback(lambda claim_out: _reflect_if_possible(sd_hash, claim_out))
d.addCallback(lambda txid: self._add_to_pending_claims(name, txid))
d.addCallback(lambda claim_out: self._add_to_pending_claims(name, claim_out))
d.addCallback(lambda r: self._render_response(r, OK_CODE))
return d
@ -1658,15 +1672,18 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
def jsonrpc_abandon_claim(self, p):
Abandon a name and reclaim credits from the claim
'txid': txid of claim, string
'nout': nout of claim, integer
success : True if succesful , False otherwise
reason : if not succesful, give reason
txid : txid of resulting transaction if succesful
fee : fee paid for the transaction if succesful
if 'txid' in p.keys():
if 'txid' in p.keys() and 'nout' in p.keys():
txid = p['txid']
nout = p['nout']
return server.failure
@ -1675,7 +1692,7 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
return self._render_response(x, OK_CODE)
d = defer.Deferred()
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.session.wallet.abandon_name(txid))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.session.wallet.abandon_claim(txid,nout))
@ -1704,7 +1721,12 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
'claim_id': claim id of claim to support
'amount': amount to support by
success : True if succesful , False otherwise
reason : if not succesful, give reason
txid : txid of resulting transaction if succesful
nout : nout of the resulting support claim if succesful
fee : fee paid for the transaction if succesful
name = p[FileID.NAME]
@ -1780,7 +1802,7 @@ class Daemon(AuthJSONRPCServer):
txid = p['txid']
d = self.session.wallet.get_tx_json(txid)
d = self.session.wallet.get_transaction(txid)
d.addCallback(lambda r: self._render_response(r, OK_CODE))
return d
@ -2289,6 +2311,7 @@ def get_darwin_lbrycrdd_path():
default = "./lbrycrdd"
import Foundation
# TODO: require pyobjc and pyobjc-core on os x
except ImportError:
log.warning('Foundation module not installed, falling back to default lbrycrdd path')
return default

View file

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class Publisher(object):
self.verified = False
self.lbry_file = None
self.txid = None
self.nout = None
self.stream_hash = None
# TODO: this needs to be passed into the constructor
reflector_server = random.choice(settings.reflector_servers)
@ -39,10 +40,12 @@ class Publisher(object):
def start(self, name, file_path, bid, metadata):'Starting publish for %s', name)
def _show_result():
"Success! Published %s --> lbry://%s txid: %s",
self.file_name, self.publish_name, self.txid)
return defer.succeed(self.txid)"Success! Published %s --> lbry://%s txid: %s nout: %d",
self.file_name, self.publish_name, self.txid, self.nout)
out = {}
out['nout'] = self.nout
out['txid'] = self.txid
return defer.succeed(out)
self.publish_name = name
self.file_path = file_path
@ -128,12 +131,18 @@ class Publisher(object):
m = Metadata(self.metadata)
def set_tx_hash(txid):
log.debug('Name claimed using txid: %s', txid)
def set_txid_nout(claim_out):
if not claim_out['success']:
msg = 'Failed to claim name:{}'.format(claim_out['reason'])
txid = claim_out['txid']
nout = claim_out['nout']
log.debug('Name claimed using txid: %s, nout: %d', txid, nout)
self.txid = txid
self.nout = nout
d = self.wallet.claim_name(self.publish_name, self.bid_amount, m)
return d
def _update_metadata(self):

View file

@ -132,13 +132,14 @@ class NodeContactTest(unittest.TestCase):
""" Some scaffolding for the NodeLookupTest class. Allows isolated node testing by simulating remote node responses"""
from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, selectreactor
from lbrynet.dht.msgtypes import ResponseMessage
class FakeRPCProtocol(protocol.DatagramProtocol):
def __init__(self):
self.reactor = selectreactor.SelectReactor()
self.testResponse = None = None
def createNetwork(self, contactNetwork):
""" set up a list of contacts together with their closest contacts
@param contactNetwork: a sequence of tuples, each containing a contact together with its closest
@ -199,11 +200,6 @@ class FakeRPCProtocol(protocol.DatagramProtocol):
df.callback((message,(contact.address, contact.port)))
return df
print "findValue"
def _send(self, data, rpcID, address):
""" fake sending data """
@ -243,7 +239,6 @@ class NodeLookupTest(unittest.TestCase):
# create the testNodeIDs in ascending order, away from the actual node ID, with regards to the distance metric
self.testNodeIDs.append(idNum + i + 1)
# generate contacts
self.contacts = []
for i in range(self.contactsAmount):