remove leveldb, use sqlite and unqlite. create migrator tool
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 1108 additions and 440 deletions
@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
import logging
import os
import leveldb
import time
import json
import sqlite3
from twisted.internet import threads, defer, reactor, task
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
from lbrynet.core.HashBlob import BlobFile, TempBlob, BlobFileCreator, TempBlobCreator
from lbrynet.core.server.DHTHashAnnouncer import DHTHashSupplier
from lbrynet.core.utils import is_valid_blobhash
from lbrynet.core.cryptoutils import get_lbry_hash_obj
from lbrynet.core.Error import NoSuchBlobError
from lbrynet.core.sqlite_helpers import rerun_if_locked
class BlobManager(DHTHashSupplier):
@ -68,8 +70,8 @@ class DiskBlobManager(BlobManager):
def __init__(self, hash_announcer, blob_dir, db_dir):
BlobManager.__init__(self, hash_announcer)
self.blob_dir = blob_dir
self.db_dir = db_dir
self.db = None
self.db_file = os.path.join(db_dir, "blobs.db")
self.db_conn = None
self.blob_type = BlobFile
self.blob_creator_type = BlobFileCreator
self.blobs = {}
@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ class DiskBlobManager(BlobManager):
self._next_manage_call = None
def setup(self):
d = threads.deferToThread(self._open_db)
d = self._open_db()
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._manage())
return d
@ -85,7 +87,8 @@ class DiskBlobManager(BlobManager):
if self._next_manage_call is not None and
self._next_manage_call = None
self.db = None
#d = self.db_conn.close()
self.db_conn = None
return defer.succeed(True)
def get_blob(self, blob_hash, upload_allowed, length=None):
@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ class DiskBlobManager(BlobManager):
def _make_new_blob(self, blob_hash, upload_allowed, length=None):
blob = self.blob_type(self.blob_dir, blob_hash, upload_allowed, length)
self.blobs[blob_hash] = blob
d = threads.deferToThread(self._completed_blobs, [blob_hash])
d = self._completed_blobs([blob_hash])
def check_completed(completed_blobs):
@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ class DiskBlobManager(BlobManager):
if len(completed_blobs) == 1 and completed_blobs[0] == blob_hash:
blob.verified = True
inner_d = threads.deferToThread(self._get_blob_length, blob_hash)
inner_d = self._get_blob_length(blob_hash)
inner_d.addCallback(lambda _: blob)
@ -123,15 +126,15 @@ class DiskBlobManager(BlobManager):
def blob_completed(self, blob, next_announce_time=None):
if next_announce_time is None:
next_announce_time = time.time()
return threads.deferToThread(self._add_completed_blob, blob.blob_hash, blob.length,
time.time(), next_announce_time)
return self._add_completed_blob(blob.blob_hash, blob.length,
time.time(), next_announce_time)
def completed_blobs(self, blobs_to_check):
return threads.deferToThread(self._completed_blobs, blobs_to_check)
return self._completed_blobs(blobs_to_check)
def hashes_to_announce(self):
next_announce_time = time.time() + self.hash_reannounce_time
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_blobs_to_announce, next_announce_time)
return self._get_blobs_to_announce(next_announce_time)
def creator_finished(self, blob_creator):
logging.debug("blob_creator.blob_hash: %s", blob_creator.blob_hash)
@ -155,18 +158,18 @@ class DiskBlobManager(BlobManager):
self.blob_hashes_to_delete[blob_hash] = False
def update_all_last_verified_dates(self, timestamp):
return threads.deferToThread(self._update_all_last_verified_dates, timestamp)
return self._update_all_last_verified_dates(timestamp)
def immediate_announce_all_blobs(self):
d = threads.deferToThread(self._get_all_verified_blob_hashes)
d = self._get_all_verified_blob_hashes()
return d
def get_blob_length(self, blob_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_blob_length, blob_hash)
return self._get_blob_length(blob_hash)
def check_consistency(self):
return threads.deferToThread(self._check_consistency)
return self._check_consistency()
def _manage(self):
from twisted.internet import reactor
@ -192,7 +195,7 @@ class DiskBlobManager(BlobManager):
def delete_from_db(result):
b_hs = [r[1] for r in result if r[0] is True]
if b_hs:
d = threads.deferToThread(self._delete_blobs_from_db, b_hs)
d = self._delete_blobs_from_db(b_hs)
d = defer.succeed(True)
@ -221,72 +224,127 @@ class DiskBlobManager(BlobManager):
######### database calls #########
def _open_db(self):
self.db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "blobs.db"))
# check_same_thread=False is solely to quiet a spurious error that appears to be due
# to a bug in twisted, where the connection is closed by a different thread than the
# one that opened it. The individual connections in the pool are not used in multiple
# threads.
self.db_conn = adbapi.ConnectionPool('sqlite3', self.db_file, check_same_thread=False)
return self.db_conn.runQuery("create table if not exists blobs (" +
" blob_hash text primary key, " +
" blob_length integer, " +
" last_verified_time real, " +
" next_announce_time real"
def _add_completed_blob(self, blob_hash, length, timestamp, next_announce_time=None):
logging.debug("Adding a completed blob. blob_hash=%s, length=%s", blob_hash, str(length))
if next_announce_time is None:
next_announce_time = timestamp
self.db.Put(blob_hash, json.dumps((length, timestamp, next_announce_time)), sync=True)
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("insert into blobs values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(blob_hash, length, timestamp, next_announce_time))
d.addErrback(lambda err: err.trap(sqlite3.IntegrityError))
return d
def _completed_blobs(self, blobs_to_check):
blobs = []
for b in blobs_to_check:
if is_valid_blobhash(b):
length, verified_time, next_announce_time = json.loads(self.db.Get(b))
except KeyError:
blobs_to_check = filter(is_valid_blobhash, blobs_to_check)
def get_blobs_in_db(db_transaction):
blobs_in_db = [] # [(blob_hash, last_verified_time)]
for b in blobs_to_check:
result = db_transaction.execute("select last_verified_time from blobs where blob_hash = ?",
row = result.fetchone()
if row is not None:
blobs_in_db.append((b, row[0]))
return blobs_in_db
def get_valid_blobs(blobs_in_db):
def check_blob_verified_date(b, verified_time):
file_path = os.path.join(self.blob_dir, b)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
if verified_time > os.path.getctime(file_path):
return blobs
return True
return False
def return_valid_blobs(results):
valid_blobs = []
for (b, verified_date), (success, result) in zip(blobs_in_db, results):
if success is True and result is True:
return valid_blobs
ds = []
for b, verified_date in blobs_in_db:
ds.append(threads.deferToThread(check_blob_verified_date, b, verified_date))
dl = defer.DeferredList(ds)
return dl
d = self.db_conn.runInteraction(get_blobs_in_db)
return d
def _get_blob_length(self, blob):
length, verified_time, next_announce_time = json.loads(self.db.Get(blob))
return length
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select blob_length from blobs where blob_hash = ?", (blob,))
d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0] if len(r) else Failure(NoSuchBlobError(blob)))
return d
#length, verified_time, next_announce_time = json.loads(self.db.Get(blob))
#return length
def _update_blob_verified_timestamp(self, blob, timestamp):
length, old_verified_time, next_announce_time = json.loads(self.db.Get(blob))
self.db.Put(blob, json.dumps((length, timestamp, next_announce_time)), sync=True)
return self.db_conn.runQuery("update blobs set last_verified_time = ? where blob_hash = ?",
(blob, timestamp))
def _get_blobs_to_announce(self, next_announce_time):
# TODO: See if the following would be better for handling announce times:
# TODO: Have a separate db for them, and read the whole thing into memory
# TODO: on startup, and then write changes to db when they happen
blobs = []
batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
current_time = time.time()
for blob_hash, blob_info in self.db.RangeIter():
length, verified_time, announce_time = json.loads(blob_info)
if announce_time < current_time:
batch.Put(blob_hash, json.dumps((length, verified_time, next_announce_time)))
self.db.Write(batch, sync=True)
return blobs
def get_and_update(transaction):
timestamp = time.time()
r = transaction.execute("select blob_hash from blobs " +
"where next_announce_time < ? and blob_hash is not null",
blobs = [b for b, in r.fetchall()]
transaction.execute("update blobs set next_announce_time = ? where next_announce_time < ?",
(next_announce_time, timestamp))
return blobs
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(get_and_update)
def _update_all_last_verified_dates(self, timestamp):
batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for blob_hash, blob_info in self.db.RangeIter():
length, verified_time, announce_time = json.loads(blob_info)
batch.Put(blob_hash, json.dumps((length, timestamp, announce_time)))
self.db.Write(batch, sync=True)
return self.db_conn.runQuery("update blobs set last_verified_date = ?", (timestamp,))
def _delete_blobs_from_db(self, blob_hashes):
batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for blob_hash in blob_hashes:
self.db.Write(batch, sync=True)
def delete_blobs(transaction):
for b in blob_hashes:
transaction.execute("delete from blobs where blob_hash = ?", (b,))
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(delete_blobs)
def _check_consistency(self):
batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
current_time = time.time()
for blob_hash, blob_info in self.db.RangeIter():
length, verified_time, announce_time = json.loads(blob_info)
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select blob_hash, blob_length, last_verified_time from blobs")
def check_blob(blob_hash, blob_length, verified_time):
file_path = os.path.join(self.blob_dir, blob_hash)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
if verified_time < os.path.getctime(file_path):
if verified_time >= os.path.getctime(file_path):
h = get_lbry_hash_obj()
len_so_far = 0
f = open(file_path)
@ -296,19 +354,63 @@ class DiskBlobManager(BlobManager):
len_so_far += len(data)
if len_so_far == length and h.hexdigest() == blob_hash:
batch.Put(blob_hash, json.dumps((length, current_time, announce_time)))
self.db.Write(batch, sync=True)
if len_so_far == blob_length and h.hexdigest() == blob_hash:
return INVALID
def do_check(blobs):
already_verified = []
newly_verified = []
invalid = []
for blob_hash, blob_length, verified_time in blobs:
status = check_blob(blob_hash, blob_length, verified_time)
if status == ALREADY_VERIFIED:
elif status == NEWLY_VERIFIED:
return already_verified, newly_verified, invalid
def update_newly_verified(transaction, blobs):
for b in blobs:
transaction.execute("update blobs set last_verified_time = ? where blob_hash = ?",
(current_time, b))
def check_blobs(blobs):
def update_and_return(status_lists):
already_verified, newly_verified, invalid = status_lists
d = self.db_conn.runInteraction(update_newly_verified, newly_verified)
d.addCallback(lambda _: status_lists)
return d
d = threads.deferToThread(do_check, blobs)
return d
return d
def _get_all_verified_blob_hashes(self):
blob_hashes = []
for blob_hash, blob_info in self.db.RangeIter():
length, verified_time, announce_time = json.loads(blob_info)
file_path = os.path.join(self.blob_dir, blob_hash)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
if verified_time > os.path.getctime(file_path):
return blob_hashes
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select blob_hash, last_verified_time from blobs")
def get_verified_blobs(blobs):
verified_blobs = []
for blob_hash, verified_time in blobs:
file_path = os.path.join(self.blob_dir, blob_hash)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
if verified_time > os.path.getctime(file_path):
return verified_blobs
d.addCallback(lambda blobs: threads.deferToThread(get_verified_blobs, blobs))
return d
class TempBlobManager(BlobManager):
@ -389,7 +491,7 @@ class TempBlobManager(BlobManager):
if blob_hash in self.blobs:
if self.blobs[blob_hash].length is not None:
return defer.succeed(self.blobs[blob_hash].length)
return"No such blob hash is known"))
def immediate_announce_all_blobs(self):
return self.hash_announcer.immediate_announce(self.blobs.iterkeys())
@ -432,7 +534,7 @@ class TempBlobManager(BlobManager):
d ="No such blob known")))
d =
logging.warning("Blob %s cannot be deleted because it is unknown")
return defer.DeferredList(ds)
@ -63,4 +63,12 @@ class NoResponseError(MisbehavingPeerError):
class InvalidResponseError(MisbehavingPeerError):
class NoSuchBlobError(Exception):
class NoSuchStreamHashError(Exception):
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import leveldb
import os
import unqlite
import time
from Crypto.Hash import SHA512
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class PTCWallet(object):
def save_key(success, private_key):
if success is True:
threads.deferToThread(self.save_private_key, private_key.exportKey())
return True
return False
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ class PTCWallet(object):
def start_manage():
return True
d = threads.deferToThread(self._open_db)
d.addCallback(lambda _: threads.deferToThread(self.get_wallet_private_key))
d = self._open_db()
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._get_wallet_private_key())
d.addCallback(lambda _: start_manage())
return d
@ -211,16 +211,21 @@ class PTCWallet(object):
str(peer), self.peer_pub_keys[peer], str(min_expected_balance), str(received_balance))
def _open_db(self):
self.db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "ptcwallet.db"))
def open_db():
self.db = unqlite.UnQLite(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "ptcwallet.db"))
return threads.deferToThread(open_db)
def save_private_key(self, private_key):
self.db.Put("private_key", private_key)
def _save_private_key(self, private_key):
def save_key():
self.db['private_key'] = private_key
return threads.deferToThread(save_key)
def get_wallet_private_key(self):
return self.db.Get("private_key")
except KeyError:
def _get_wallet_private_key(self):
def get_key():
if 'private_key' in self.db:
return self.db['private_key']
return None
return threads.deferToThread(get_key)
class PointTraderKeyExchanger(object):
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import sqlite3
from twisted.internet import task, reactor
import logging
def rerun_if_locked(f):
def rerun(err, *args, **kwargs):
if err.check(sqlite3.OperationalError) and err.value.message == "database is locked":
logging.warning("database was locked. rerunning %s with args %s, kwargs %s",
str(f), str(args), str(kwargs))
return task.deferLater(reactor, 0, wrapper, *args, **kwargs)
return err
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
d = f(*args, **kwargs)
d.addErrback(rerun, *args, **kwargs)
return d
return wrapper
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
def migrate_db(db_dir, start, end):
current = start
old_dirs = []
while current < end:
if current == 0:
from lbrynet.db_migrator.migrate0to1 import do_migration
current += 1
return old_dirs
def run_migration_script():
import sys
migrate_db(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
import sqlite3
import unqlite
import leveldb
import shutil
import os
import logging
import json
known_dbs = ['lbryfile_desc.db', 'lbryfiles.db', 'valuable_blobs.db', 'blobs.db',
'lbryfile_blob.db', 'lbryfile_info.db', 'settings.db', 'blind_settings.db',
'blind_peers.db', 'blind_info.db', 'lbryfile_info.db', 'lbryfile_manager.db',
'live_stream.db', 'stream_info.db', 'stream_blob.db', 'stream_desc.db']
def do_move(from_dir, to_dir):
for known_db in known_dbs:
known_db_path = os.path.join(from_dir, known_db)
if os.path.exists(known_db_path):
logging.debug("Moving %s to %s",
os.path.abspath(os.path.join(to_dir, known_db)))
shutil.move(known_db_path, os.path.join(to_dir, known_db))
logging.debug("Did not find %s", os.path.abspath(known_db_path))
def do_migration(db_dir):
old_dir = os.path.join(db_dir, "_0_to_1_old")
new_dir = os.path.join(db_dir, "_0_to_1_new")
||||"Moving dbs from the real directory to %s", os.path.abspath(old_dir))
do_move(db_dir, old_dir)
logging.error("An error occurred moving the old db files.")
||||"Creating the new directory in %s", os.path.abspath(new_dir))
logging.error("An error occurred creating the new directory.")
||||"Doing the migration")
migrate_blob_db(old_dir, new_dir)
migrate_lbryfile_db(old_dir, new_dir)
migrate_livestream_db(old_dir, new_dir)
migrate_ptc_db(old_dir, new_dir)
migrate_lbryfile_manager_db(old_dir, new_dir)
migrate_settings_db(old_dir, new_dir)
migrate_repeater_db(old_dir, new_dir)
||||"Migration succeeded")
logging.error("An error occurred during the migration. Restoring.")
do_move(old_dir, db_dir)
||||"Moving dbs in the new directory to the real directory")
do_move(new_dir, db_dir)
db_revision = open(os.path.join(db_dir, 'db_revision'), mode='w+')
logging.error("An error occurred moving the new db files.")
return old_dir
def migrate_blob_db(old_db_dir, new_db_dir):
old_blob_db_path = os.path.join(old_db_dir, "blobs.db")
if not os.path.exists(old_blob_db_path):
return True
old_db = leveldb.LevelDB(old_blob_db_path)
new_db_conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(new_db_dir, "blobs.db"))
c = new_db_conn.cursor()
c.execute("create table if not exists blobs (" +
" blob_hash text primary key, " +
" blob_length integer, " +
" last_verified_time real, " +
" next_announce_time real"
c = new_db_conn.cursor()
for blob_hash, blob_info in old_db.RangeIter():
blob_length, verified_time, announce_time = json.loads(blob_info)
c.execute("insert into blobs values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(blob_hash, blob_length, verified_time, announce_time))
def migrate_lbryfile_db(old_db_dir, new_db_dir):
old_lbryfile_db_path = os.path.join(old_db_dir, "lbryfiles.db")
if not os.path.exists(old_lbryfile_db_path):
return True
stream_info_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(old_db_dir, "lbryfile_info.db"))
stream_blob_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(old_db_dir, "lbryfile_blob.db"))
stream_desc_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(old_db_dir, "lbryfile_desc.db"))
db_conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(new_db_dir, "lbryfile_info.db"))
c = db_conn.cursor()
c.execute("create table if not exists lbry_files (" +
" stream_hash text primary key, " +
" key text, " +
" stream_name text, " +
" suggested_file_name text" +
c.execute("create table if not exists lbry_file_blobs (" +
" blob_hash text, " +
" stream_hash text, " +
" position integer, " +
" iv text, " +
" length integer, " +
" foreign key(stream_hash) references lbry_files(stream_hash)" +
c.execute("create table if not exists lbry_file_descriptors (" +
" sd_blob_hash TEXT PRIMARY KEY, " +
" stream_hash TEXT, " +
" foreign key(stream_hash) references lbry_files(stream_hash)" +
c = db_conn.cursor()
for stream_hash, stream_info in stream_info_db.RangeIter():
key, name, suggested_file_name = json.loads(stream_info)
c.execute("insert into lbry_files values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(stream_hash, key, name, suggested_file_name))
c = db_conn.cursor()
for blob_hash_stream_hash, blob_info in stream_blob_db.RangeIter():
b_h, s_h = json.loads(blob_hash_stream_hash)
position, iv, length = json.loads(blob_info)
c.execute("insert into lbry_file_blobs values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(b_h, s_h, position, iv, length))
c = db_conn.cursor()
for sd_blob_hash, stream_hash in stream_desc_db.RangeIter():
c.execute("insert into lbry_file_descriptors values (?, ?)",
(sd_blob_hash, stream_hash))
def migrate_livestream_db(old_db_dir, new_db_dir):
old_db_path = os.path.join(old_db_dir, "stream_info.db")
if not os.path.exists(old_db_path):
return True
stream_info_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(old_db_dir, "stream_info.db"))
stream_blob_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(old_db_dir, "stream_blob.db"))
stream_desc_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(old_db_dir, "stream_desc.db"))
db_conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(new_db_dir, "live_stream.db"))
c = db_conn.cursor()
c.execute("create table if not exists live_streams (" +
" stream_hash text primary key, " +
" public_key text, " +
" key text, " +
" stream_name text, " +
" next_announce_time real" +
c.execute("create table if not exists live_stream_blobs (" +
" blob_hash text, " +
" stream_hash text, " +
" position integer, " +
" revision integer, " +
" iv text, " +
" length integer, " +
" signature text, " +
" foreign key(stream_hash) references live_streams(stream_hash)" +
c.execute("create table if not exists live_stream_descriptors (" +
" sd_blob_hash TEXT PRIMARY KEY, " +
" stream_hash TEXT, " +
" foreign key(stream_hash) references live_streams(stream_hash)" +
c = db_conn.cursor()
for stream_hash, stream_info in stream_info_db.RangeIter():
public_key, key, name, next_announce_time = json.loads(stream_info)
c.execute("insert into live_streams values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(stream_hash, public_key, key, name, next_announce_time))
c = db_conn.cursor()
for blob_hash_stream_hash, blob_info in stream_blob_db.RangeIter():
b_h, s_h = json.loads(blob_hash_stream_hash)
position, revision, iv, length, signature = json.loads(blob_info)
c.execute("insert into live_stream_blobs values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(b_h, s_h, position, revision, iv, length, signature))
c = db_conn.cursor()
for sd_blob_hash, stream_hash in stream_desc_db.RangeIter():
c.execute("insert into live_stream_descriptors values (?, ?)",
(sd_blob_hash, stream_hash))
def migrate_ptc_db(old_db_dir, new_db_dir):
old_db_path = os.path.join(old_db_dir, "ptcwallet.db")
if not os.path.exists(old_db_path):
return True
old_db = leveldb.LevelDB(old_db_path)
p_key = old_db.Get("private_key")
new_db = unqlite.UnQLite(os.path.join(new_db_dir, "ptcwallet.db"))
new_db['private_key'] = p_key
except KeyError:
def migrate_lbryfile_manager_db(old_db_dir, new_db_dir):
old_db_path = os.path.join(old_db_dir, "lbryfiles.db")
if not os.path.exists(old_db_path):
return True
old_db = leveldb.LevelDB(old_db_path)
new_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(new_db_dir, "lbryfile_info.db"))
c = new_db.cursor()
c.execute("create table if not exists lbry_file_options (" +
" blob_data_rate real, " +
" status text," +
" stream_hash text,"
" foreign key(stream_hash) references lbry_files(stream_hash)" +
c = new_db.cursor()
for k, v in old_db.RangeIter():
key_type, stream_hash = json.loads(k)
if key_type == LBRYFILE_STATUS:
rate = json.loads(old_db.Get(json.dumps((LBRYFILE_OPTIONS, stream_hash))))[0]
except KeyError:
rate = None
c.execute("insert into lbry_file_options values (?, ?, ?)",
(rate, v, stream_hash))
def migrate_settings_db(old_db_dir, new_db_dir):
old_settings_db_path = os.path.join(old_db_dir, "settings.db")
if not os.path.exists(old_settings_db_path):
return True
old_db = leveldb.LevelDB(old_settings_db_path)
new_db = unqlite.UnQLite(os.path.join(new_db_dir, "settings.db"))
for k, v in old_db.RangeIter():
new_db[k] = v
def migrate_repeater_db(old_db_dir, new_db_dir):
old_repeater_db_path = os.path.join(old_db_dir, "valuable_blobs.db")
if not os.path.exists(old_repeater_db_path):
return True
old_db = leveldb.LevelDB(old_repeater_db_path)
info_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(new_db_dir, "blind_info.db"))
peer_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(new_db_dir, "blind_peers.db"))
unql_db = unqlite.UnQLite(os.path.join(new_db_dir, "blind_settings.db"))
info_c = info_db.cursor()
info_c.execute("create table if not exists valuable_blobs (" +
" blob_hash text primary key, " +
" blob_length integer, " +
" reference text, " +
" peer_host text, " +
" peer_port integer, " +
" peer_score text" +
peer_c = peer_db.cursor()
peer_c.execute("create table if not exists approved_peers (" +
" ip_address text, " +
" port integer" +
info_c = info_db.cursor()
peer_c = peer_db.cursor()
for k, v in old_db.RangeIter():
key_type, key_rest = json.loads(k)
if key_type == PEER_TYPE:
host, port = key_rest
peer_c.execute("insert into approved_peers values (?, ?)",
(host, port))
elif key_type == SETTING_TYPE:
unql_db[key_rest] = v
elif key_type == BLOB_INFO_TYPE:
blob_hash = key_rest
length, reference, peer_host, peer_port, peer_score = json.loads(v)
info_c.execute("insert into valuable_blobs values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(blob_hash, length, reference, peer_host, peer_port, peer_score))
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
import logging
import leveldb
import json
import sqlite3
import os
from twisted.internet import threads, defer
from lbrynet.core.Error import DuplicateStreamHashError
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
from lbrynet.core.Error import DuplicateStreamHashError, NoSuchStreamHashError
from lbrynet.core.sqlite_helpers import rerun_if_locked
class DBLBRYFileMetadataManager(object):
@ -16,163 +18,217 @@ class DBLBRYFileMetadataManager(object):
self.stream_desc_db = None
def setup(self):
return threads.deferToThread(self._open_db)
return self._open_db()
def stop(self):
self.stream_info_db = None
self.stream_blob_db = None
self.stream_desc_db = None
self.db_conn = None
return defer.succeed(True)
def get_all_streams(self):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_all_streams)
return self._get_all_streams()
def save_stream(self, stream_hash, file_name, key, suggested_file_name, blobs):
d = threads.deferToThread(self._store_stream, stream_hash, file_name, key, suggested_file_name)
d = self._store_stream(stream_hash, file_name, key, suggested_file_name)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.add_blobs_to_stream(stream_hash, blobs))
return d
def get_stream_info(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_stream_info, stream_hash)
return self._get_stream_info(stream_hash)
def check_if_stream_exists(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._check_if_stream_exists, stream_hash)
return self._check_if_stream_exists(stream_hash)
def delete_stream(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._delete_stream, stream_hash)
return self._delete_stream(stream_hash)
def add_blobs_to_stream(self, stream_hash, blobs):
def add_blobs():
self._add_blobs_to_stream(stream_hash, blobs, ignore_duplicate_error=True)
return threads.deferToThread(add_blobs)
return self._add_blobs_to_stream(stream_hash, blobs, ignore_duplicate_error=True)
def get_blobs_for_stream(self, stream_hash, start_blob=None, end_blob=None, count=None, reverse=False):
||||"Getting blobs for a stream. Count is %s", str(count))
def get_positions_of_start_and_end():
if start_blob is not None:
start_num = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, start_blob)
d1 = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, start_blob)
start_num = None
d1 = defer.succeed(None)
if end_blob is not None:
end_num = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, end_blob)
d2 = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, end_blob)
d2 = defer.succeed(None)
dl = defer.DeferredList([d1, d2])
def get_positions(results):
start_num = None
end_num = None
return start_num, end_num
if results[0][0] is True:
start_num = results[0][1]
if results[1][0] is True:
end_num = results[1][1]
return start_num, end_num
return dl
def get_blob_infos(nums):
start_num, end_num = nums
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_further_blob_infos, stream_hash, start_num, end_num,
count, reverse)
return self._get_further_blob_infos(stream_hash, start_num, end_num,
count, reverse)
d = threads.deferToThread(get_positions_of_start_and_end)
d = get_positions_of_start_and_end()
return d
def get_stream_of_blob(self, blob_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_stream_of_blobhash, blob_hash)
return self._get_stream_of_blobhash(blob_hash)
def save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream(self, stream_hash, sd_blob_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream, stream_hash, sd_blob_hash)
return self._save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream(stream_hash, sd_blob_hash)
def get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream, stream_hash)
return self._get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(stream_hash)
def _open_db(self):
self.stream_info_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "lbryfile_info.db"))
self.stream_blob_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "lbryfile_blob.db"))
self.stream_desc_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "lbryfile_desc.db"))
# check_same_thread=False is solely to quiet a spurious error that appears to be due
# to a bug in twisted, where the connection is closed by a different thread than the
# one that opened it. The individual connections in the pool are not used in multiple
# threads.
self.db_conn = adbapi.ConnectionPool("sqlite3", (os.path.join(self.db_dir, "lbryfile_info.db")),
def create_tables(transaction):
transaction.execute("create table if not exists lbry_files (" +
" stream_hash text primary key, " +
" key text, " +
" stream_name text, " +
" suggested_file_name text" +
transaction.execute("create table if not exists lbry_file_blobs (" +
" blob_hash text, " +
" stream_hash text, " +
" position integer, " +
" iv text, " +
" length integer, " +
" foreign key(stream_hash) references lbry_files(stream_hash)" +
transaction.execute("create table if not exists lbry_file_descriptors (" +
" sd_blob_hash TEXT PRIMARY KEY, " +
" stream_hash TEXT, " +
" foreign key(stream_hash) references lbry_files(stream_hash)" +
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(create_tables)
def _delete_stream(self, stream_hash):
desc_batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for sd_blob_hash, s_h in self.stream_desc_db.RangeIter():
if stream_hash == s_h:
self.stream_desc_db.Write(desc_batch, sync=True)
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from lbry_files where stream_hash = ?", (stream_hash,))
d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0][0] if len(result) else Failure(NoSuchStreamHashError(stream_hash)))
blob_batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for blob_hash_stream_hash, blob_info in self.stream_blob_db.RangeIter():
b_h, s_h = json.loads(blob_hash_stream_hash)
if stream_hash == s_h:
self.stream_blob_db.Write(blob_batch, sync=True)
def do_delete(transaction, s_h):
transaction.execute("delete from lbry_files where stream_hash = ?", (s_h,))
transaction.execute("delete from lbry_file_blobs where stream_hash = ?", (s_h,))
transaction.execute("delete from lbry_file_descriptors where stream_hash = ?", (s_h,))
stream_batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for s_h, stream_info in self.stream_info_db.RangeIter():
if stream_hash == s_h:
self.stream_info_db.Write(stream_batch, sync=True)
d.addCallback(lambda s_h: self.db_conn.runInteraction(do_delete, s_h))
return d
def _store_stream(self, stream_hash, name, key, suggested_file_name):
raise DuplicateStreamHashError("Stream hash %s already exists" % stream_hash)
except KeyError:
self.stream_info_db.Put(stream_hash, json.dumps((key, name, suggested_file_name)), sync=True)
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("insert into lbry_files values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(stream_hash, key, name, suggested_file_name))
def check_duplicate(err):
if err.check(sqlite3.IntegrityError):
raise DuplicateStreamHashError(stream_hash)
return err
return d
def _get_all_streams(self):
return [stream_hash for stream_hash, stream_info in self.stream_info_db.RangeIter()]
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from lbry_files")
d.addCallback(lambda results: [r[0] for r in results])
return d
def _get_stream_info(self, stream_hash):
return json.loads(self.stream_info_db.Get(stream_hash))[:3]
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select key, stream_name, suggested_file_name from lbry_files where stream_hash = ?",
d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0] if len(result) else Failure(NoSuchStreamHashError(stream_hash)))
return d
def _check_if_stream_exists(self, stream_hash):
return True
except KeyError:
return False
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from lbry_files where stream_hash = ?", (stream_hash,))
d.addCallback(lambda r: True if len(r) else False)
return d
def _get_blob_num_by_hash(self, stream_hash, blob_hash):
blob_hash_stream_hash = json.dumps((blob_hash, stream_hash))
return json.loads(self.stream_blob_db.Get(blob_hash_stream_hash))[0]
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select position from lbry_file_blobs where stream_hash = ? and blob_hash = ?",
(stream_hash, blob_hash))
d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0][0] if len(r) else None)
return d
def _get_further_blob_infos(self, stream_hash, start_num, end_num, count=None, reverse=False):
blob_infos = []
for blob_hash_stream_hash, blob_info in self.stream_blob_db.RangeIter():
b_h, s_h = json.loads(blob_hash_stream_hash)
if stream_hash == s_h:
position, iv, length = json.loads(blob_info)
if (start_num is None) or (position > start_num):
if (end_num is None) or (position < end_num):
blob_infos.append((b_h, position, iv, length))
blob_infos.sort(key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=reverse)
params = []
q_string = "select * from ("
q_string += " select blob_hash, position, iv, length from lbry_file_blobs "
q_string += " where stream_hash = ? "
if start_num is not None:
q_string += " and position > ? "
if end_num is not None:
q_string += " and position < ? "
q_string += " order by position "
if reverse is True:
q_string += " DESC "
if count is not None:
blob_infos = blob_infos[:count]
return blob_infos
q_string += " limit ? "
q_string += ") order by position"
# Order by position is done twice so that it always returns them from lowest position to
# greatest, but the limit by clause can select the 'count' greatest or 'count' least
return self.db_conn.runQuery(q_string, tuple(params))
def _add_blobs_to_stream(self, stream_hash, blob_infos, ignore_duplicate_error=False):
batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for blob_info in blob_infos:
blob_hash_stream_hash = json.dumps((blob_info.blob_hash, stream_hash))
if ignore_duplicate_error is False:
raise KeyError() # TODO: change this to DuplicateStreamBlobError?
except KeyError:
self.stream_blob_db.Write(batch, sync=True)
def add_blobs(transaction):
for blob_info in blob_infos:
transaction.execute("insert into lbry_file_blobs values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(blob_info.blob_hash, stream_hash, blob_info.blob_num,
blob_info.iv, blob_info.length))
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
if ignore_duplicate_error is False:
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(add_blobs)
def _get_stream_of_blobhash(self, blob_hash):
for blob_hash_stream_hash, blob_info in self.stream_blob_db.RangeIter():
b_h, s_h = json.loads(blob_hash_stream_hash)
if blob_hash == b_h:
return s_h
return None
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from lbry_file_blobs where blob_hash = ?",
d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0][0] if len(r) else None)
return d
def _save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream(self, stream_hash, sd_blob_hash):
self.stream_desc_db.Put(sd_blob_hash, stream_hash)
return self.db_conn.runQuery("insert into lbry_file_descriptors values (?, ?)",
(sd_blob_hash, stream_hash))
def _get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(self, stream_hash):
return [sd_blob_hash for sd_blob_hash, s_h in self.stream_desc_db.RangeIter() if stream_hash == s_h]
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select sd_blob_hash from lbry_file_descriptors where stream_hash = ?",
d.addCallback(lambda results: [r[0] for r in results])
return d
class TempLBRYFileMetadataManager(object):
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Keep track of which LBRY Files are downloading and store their LBRY File specifi
import logging
import json
import leveldb
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
import os
from lbrynet.lbryfilemanager.LBRYFileDownloader import ManagedLBRYFileDownloader
@ -15,32 +15,30 @@ from lbrynet.core.PaymentRateManager import PaymentRateManager
from twisted.internet import threads, defer, task, reactor
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from lbrynet.cryptstream.client.CryptStreamDownloader import AlreadyStoppedError, CurrentlyStoppingError
from lbrynet.core.sqlite_helpers import rerun_if_locked
class LBRYFileManager(object):
Keeps track of currently opened LBRY Files, their options, and their LBRY File specific metadata.
def __init__(self, session, stream_info_manager, sd_identifier):
self.session = session
self.stream_info_manager = stream_info_manager
self.sd_identifier = sd_identifier
self.lbry_files = []
self.db = None
self.sql_db = None
self.download_directory = os.getcwd()
def setup(self):
d = threads.deferToThread(self._open_db)
d = self._open_db()
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._add_to_sd_identifier())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._start_lbry_files())
return d
def get_all_lbry_file_stream_hashes_and_options(self):
d = threads.deferToThread(self._get_all_lbry_file_stream_hashes)
d = self._get_all_lbry_file_stream_hashes()
def get_options(stream_hashes):
ds = []
@ -60,26 +58,20 @@ class LBRYFileManager(object):
return d
def get_lbry_file_status(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_lbry_file_status, stream_hash)
def save_lbry_file_options(self, stream_hash, blob_data_rate):
return threads.deferToThread(self._save_lbry_file_options, stream_hash, blob_data_rate)
return self._get_lbry_file_status(stream_hash)
def get_lbry_file_options(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_lbry_file_options, stream_hash)
return self._get_lbry_file_options(stream_hash)
def delete_lbry_file_options(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._delete_lbry_file_options, stream_hash)
return self._delete_lbry_file_options(stream_hash)
def set_lbry_file_data_payment_rate(self, stream_hash, new_rate):
return threads.deferToThread(self._set_lbry_file_payment_rate, stream_hash, new_rate)
return self._set_lbry_file_payment_rate(stream_hash, new_rate)
def change_lbry_file_status(self, stream_hash, status):
logging.debug("Changing status of %s to %s", stream_hash, status)
return threads.deferToThread(self._change_file_status, stream_hash, status)
def delete_lbry_file_status(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._delete_lbry_file_status, stream_hash)
return self._change_file_status(stream_hash, status)
def get_lbry_file_status_reports(self):
ds = []
@ -129,7 +121,7 @@ class LBRYFileManager(object):
d = self.save_lbry_file_options(stream_hash, blob_data_rate)
d = self.set_lbry_file_data_payment_rate(stream_hash, blob_data_rate)
d.addCallback(lambda _: lbry_file_downloader.set_stream_info())
d.addCallback(lambda _: lbry_file_downloader)
return d
@ -161,7 +153,6 @@ class LBRYFileManager(object):
d.addCallback(lambda _: remove_from_list())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.delete_lbry_file_options(stream_hash))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.delete_lbry_file_status(stream_hash))
return d
def toggle_lbry_file_running(self, stream_hash):
@ -207,47 +198,52 @@ class LBRYFileManager(object):
######### database calls #########
def _open_db(self):
self.db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(self.session.db_dir, "lbryfiles.db"))
# check_same_thread=False is solely to quiet a spurious error that appears to be due
# to a bug in twisted, where the connection is closed by a different thread than the
# one that opened it. The individual connections in the pool are not used in multiple
# threads.
self.sql_db = adbapi.ConnectionPool("sqlite3", os.path.join(self.session.db_dir, "lbryfile_info.db"),
#self.unql_db = unqlite.UnQLite(os.path.join(self.session.db_dir, "lbryfile_manager.db"))
def _save_payment_rate(self, rate_type, rate):
if rate is not None:
self.db.Put(json.dumps((self.SETTING, rate_type)), json.dumps(rate), sync=True)
self.db.Delete(json.dumps((self.SETTING, rate_type)), sync=True)
def _save_lbry_file_options(self, stream_hash, blob_data_rate):
self.db.Put(json.dumps((self.LBRYFILE_OPTIONS, stream_hash)), json.dumps((blob_data_rate,)),
return self.sql_db.runQuery("create table if not exists lbry_file_options (" +
" blob_data_rate real, " +
" status text," +
" stream_hash text,"
" foreign key(stream_hash) references lbry_files(stream_hash)" +
def _get_lbry_file_options(self, stream_hash):
return json.loads(self.db.Get(json.dumps((self.LBRYFILE_OPTIONS, stream_hash))))
except KeyError:
return None, None
d = self.sql_db.runQuery("select blob_data_rate from lbry_file_options where stream_hash = ?",
d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0] if len(result) else (None, ))
return d
def _delete_lbry_file_options(self, stream_hash):
self.db.Delete(json.dumps((self.LBRYFILE_OPTIONS, stream_hash)), sync=True)
return self.sql_db.runQuery("delete from lbry_file_options where stream_hash = ?",
def _set_lbry_file_payment_rate(self, stream_hash, new_rate):
return self.sql_db.runQuery("update lbry_file_options set blob_data_rate = ? where stream_hash = ?",
(new_rate, stream_hash))
self.db.Put(json.dumps((self.LBRYFILE_OPTIONS, stream_hash)), json.dumps((new_rate, )), sync=True)
def _get_all_lbry_file_stream_hashes(self):
hashes = []
for k, v in self.db.RangeIter():
key_type, stream_hash = json.loads(k)
if key_type == self.LBRYFILE_STATUS:
return hashes
d = self.sql_db.runQuery("select stream_hash from lbry_file_options")
d.addCallback(lambda results: [r[0] for r in results])
return d
def _change_file_status(self, stream_hash, new_status):
self.db.Put(json.dumps((self.LBRYFILE_STATUS, stream_hash)), new_status, sync=True)
return self.sql_db.runQuery("update lbry_file_options set status = ? where stream_hash = ?",
(new_status, stream_hash))
def _get_lbry_file_status(self, stream_hash):
return self.db.Get(json.dumps((self.LBRYFILE_STATUS, stream_hash)))
except KeyError:
return ManagedLBRYFileDownloader.STATUS_STOPPED
def _delete_lbry_file_status(self, stream_hash):
self.db.Delete(json.dumps((self.LBRYFILE_STATUS, stream_hash)), sync=True)
d = self.sql_db.runQuery("select status from lbry_file_options where stream_hash = ?",
d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0][0] if len(r) else ManagedLBRYFileDownloader.STATUS_STOPPED)
return d
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
import time
import logging
import leveldb
import json
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
import os
import sqlite3
from twisted.internet import threads, defer
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from lbrynet.core.server.DHTHashAnnouncer import DHTHashSupplier
from lbrynet.core.Error import DuplicateStreamHashError
from lbrynet.core.Error import DuplicateStreamHashError, NoSuchStreamHashError
from lbrynet.core.sqlite_helpers import rerun_if_locked
class DBLiveStreamMetadataManager(DHTHashSupplier):
@ -14,26 +16,22 @@ class DBLiveStreamMetadataManager(DHTHashSupplier):
def __init__(self, db_dir, hash_announcer):
DHTHashSupplier.__init__(self, hash_announcer)
self.db_dir = db_dir
self.stream_info_db = None
self.stream_blob_db = None
self.stream_desc_db = None
self.db_conn = None
def setup(self):
return threads.deferToThread(self._open_db)
return self._open_db()
def stop(self):
self.stream_info_db = None
self.stream_blob_db = None
self.stream_desc_db = None
self.db_conn = None
return defer.succeed(True)
def get_all_streams(self):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_all_streams)
return self._get_all_streams()
def save_stream(self, stream_hash, pub_key, file_name, key, blobs):
next_announce_time = time.time() + self.hash_reannounce_time
d = threads.deferToThread(self._store_stream, stream_hash, pub_key, file_name, key,
d = self._store_stream(stream_hash, pub_key, file_name, key,
def save_blobs():
return self.add_blobs_to_stream(stream_hash, blobs)
@ -48,169 +46,229 @@ class DBLiveStreamMetadataManager(DHTHashSupplier):
return d
def get_stream_info(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_stream_info, stream_hash)
return self._get_stream_info(stream_hash)
def check_if_stream_exists(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._check_if_stream_exists, stream_hash)
return self._check_if_stream_exists(stream_hash)
def delete_stream(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._delete_stream, stream_hash)
return self._delete_stream(stream_hash)
def add_blobs_to_stream(self, stream_hash, blobs):
def add_blobs():
self._add_blobs_to_stream(stream_hash, blobs, ignore_duplicate_error=True)
return threads.deferToThread(add_blobs)
return self._add_blobs_to_stream(stream_hash, blobs, ignore_duplicate_error=True)
def get_blobs_for_stream(self, stream_hash, start_blob=None, end_blob=None, count=None, reverse=False):
||||"Getting blobs for a stream. Count is %s", str(count))
def get_positions_of_start_and_end():
if start_blob is not None:
start_num = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, start_blob)
d1 = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, start_blob)
start_num = None
d1 = defer.succeed(None)
if end_blob is not None:
end_num = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, end_blob)
d2 = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, end_blob)
d2 = defer.succeed(None)
dl = defer.DeferredList([d1, d2])
def get_positions(results):
start_num = None
end_num = None
return start_num, end_num
if results[0][0] is True:
start_num = results[0][1]
if results[1][0] is True:
end_num = results[1][1]
return start_num, end_num
return dl
def get_blob_infos(nums):
start_num, end_num = nums
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_further_blob_infos, stream_hash, start_num, end_num,
count, reverse)
return self._get_further_blob_infos(stream_hash, start_num, end_num,
count, reverse)
d = threads.deferToThread(get_positions_of_start_and_end)
d = get_positions_of_start_and_end()
return d
def get_stream_of_blob(self, blob_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_stream_of_blobhash, blob_hash)
return self._get_stream_of_blobhash(blob_hash)
def save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream(self, stream_hash, sd_blob_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream, stream_hash, sd_blob_hash)
return self._save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream(stream_hash, sd_blob_hash)
def get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(self, stream_hash):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream, stream_hash)
return self._get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(stream_hash)
def hashes_to_announce(self):
next_announce_time = time.time() + self.hash_reannounce_time
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_streams_to_announce, next_announce_time)
return self._get_streams_to_announce(next_announce_time)
######### database calls #########
def _open_db(self):
self.stream_info_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "stream_info.db"))
self.stream_blob_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "stream_blob.db"))
self.stream_desc_db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "stream_desc.db"))
# check_same_thread=False is solely to quiet a spurious error that appears to be due
# to a bug in twisted, where the connection is closed by a different thread than the
# one that opened it. The individual connections in the pool are not used in multiple
# threads.
self.db_conn = adbapi.ConnectionPool('sqlite3', os.path.join(self.db_dir, "live_stream.db"),
def create_tables(transaction):
transaction.execute("create table if not exists live_streams (" +
" stream_hash text primary key, " +
" public_key text, " +
" key text, " +
" stream_name text, " +
" next_announce_time real" +
transaction.execute("create table if not exists live_stream_blobs (" +
" blob_hash text, " +
" stream_hash text, " +
" position integer, " +
" revision integer, " +
" iv text, " +
" length integer, " +
" signature text, " +
" foreign key(stream_hash) references live_streams(stream_hash)" +
transaction.execute("create table if not exists live_stream_descriptors (" +
" sd_blob_hash TEXT PRIMARY KEY, " +
" stream_hash TEXT, " +
" foreign key(stream_hash) references live_streams(stream_hash)" +
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(create_tables)
def _delete_stream(self, stream_hash):
desc_batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for sd_blob_hash, s_h in self.stream_desc_db.RangeIter():
if stream_hash == s_h:
self.stream_desc_db.Write(desc_batch, sync=True)
blob_batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for blob_hash_stream_hash, blob_info in self.stream_blob_db.RangeIter():
b_h, s_h = json.loads(blob_hash_stream_hash)
if stream_hash == s_h:
self.stream_blob_db.Write(blob_batch, sync=True)
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from live_streams where stream_hash = ?", (stream_hash,))
d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0][0] if len(result) else Failure(NoSuchStreamHashError(stream_hash)))
stream_batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for s_h, stream_info in self.stream_info_db.RangeIter():
if stream_hash == s_h:
self.stream_info_db.Write(stream_batch, sync=True)
def do_delete(transaction, s_h):
transaction.execute("delete from live_streams where stream_hash = ?", (s_h,))
transaction.execute("delete from live_stream_blobs where stream_hash = ?", (s_h,))
transaction.execute("delete from live_stream_descriptors where stream_hash = ?", (s_h,))
d.addCallback(lambda s_h: self.db_conn.runInteraction(do_delete, s_h))
return d
def _store_stream(self, stream_hash, public_key, name, key, next_announce_time=None):
raise DuplicateStreamHashError("Stream hash %s already exists" % stream_hash)
except KeyError:
self.stream_info_db.Put(stream_hash, json.dumps((public_key, key, name, next_announce_time)), sync=True)
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("insert into live_streams values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(stream_hash, public_key, key, name, next_announce_time))
def check_duplicate(err):
if err.check(sqlite3.IntegrityError):
raise DuplicateStreamHashError(stream_hash)
return err
return d
def _get_all_streams(self):
return [stream_hash for stream_hash, stream_info in self.stream_info_db.RangeIter()]
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from live_streams")
d.addCallback(lambda results: [r[0] for r in results])
return d
def _get_stream_info(self, stream_hash):
return json.loads(self.stream_info_db.Get(stream_hash))[:3]
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select public_key, key, stream_name from live_streams where stream_hash = ?",
d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0] if len(result) else Failure(NoSuchStreamHashError(stream_hash)))
return d
def _check_if_stream_exists(self, stream_hash):
return True
except KeyError:
return False
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from live_streams where stream_hash = ?", (stream_hash,))
d.addCallback(lambda r: True if len(r) else False)
return d
def _get_streams_to_announce(self, next_announce_time):
# TODO: See if the following would be better for handling announce times:
# TODO: Have a separate db for them, and read the whole thing into memory
# TODO: on startup, and then write changes to db when they happen
stream_hashes = []
batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
current_time = time.time()
for stream_hash, stream_info in self.stream_info_db.RangeIter():
public_key, key, name, announce_time = json.loads(stream_info)
if announce_time < current_time:
batch.Put(stream_hash, json.dumps((public_key, key, name, next_announce_time)))
self.stream_info_db.Write(batch, sync=True)
return stream_hashes
def get_and_update(transaction):
timestamp = time.time()
r = transaction.execute("select stream_hash from live_streams where" +
" (next_announce_time is null or next_announce_time < ?) " +
" and stream_hash is not null", (timestamp, ))
s_hs = [s_h for s_h, in r.fetchall()]
transaction.execute("update live_streams set next_announce_time = ? where " +
" (next_announce_time is null or next_announce_time < ?)",
(next_announce_time, timestamp))
return s_hs
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(get_and_update)
def _get_blob_num_by_hash(self, stream_hash, blob_hash):
blob_hash_stream_hash = json.dumps((blob_hash, stream_hash))
return json.loads(self.stream_blob_db.Get(blob_hash_stream_hash))[0]
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select position from live_stream_blobs where stream_hash = ? and blob_hash = ?",
(stream_hash, blob_hash))
d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0][0] if len(r) else None)
return d
def _get_further_blob_infos(self, stream_hash, start_num, end_num, count=None, reverse=False):
blob_infos = []
for blob_hash_stream_hash, blob_info in self.stream_blob_db.RangeIter():
b_h, s_h = json.loads(blob_hash_stream_hash)
if stream_hash == s_h:
position, revision, iv, length, signature = json.loads(blob_info)
if (start_num is None) or (position > start_num):
if (end_num is None) or (position < end_num):
blob_infos.append((b_h, position, revision, iv, length, signature))
blob_infos.sort(key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=reverse)
params = []
q_string = "select * from ("
q_string += " select blob_hash, position, revision, iv, length, signature from live_stream_blobs "
q_string += " where stream_hash = ? "
if start_num is not None:
q_string += " and position > ? "
if end_num is not None:
q_string += " and position < ? "
q_string += " order by position "
if reverse is True:
q_string += " DESC "
if count is not None:
blob_infos = blob_infos[:count]
return blob_infos
q_string += " limit ? "
q_string += ") order by position"
# Order by position is done twice so that it always returns them from lowest position to
# greatest, but the limit by clause can select the 'count' greatest or 'count' least
return self.db_conn.runQuery(q_string, tuple(params))
def _add_blobs_to_stream(self, stream_hash, blob_infos, ignore_duplicate_error=False):
batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for blob_info in blob_infos:
blob_hash_stream_hash = json.dumps((blob_info.blob_hash, stream_hash))
if ignore_duplicate_error is False:
raise KeyError() # TODO: change this to DuplicateStreamBlobError?
except KeyError:
self.stream_blob_db.Write(batch, sync=True)
def add_blobs(transaction):
for blob_info in blob_infos:
transaction.execute("insert into live_stream_blobs values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(blob_info.blob_hash, stream_hash, blob_info.blob_num,
blob_info.revision, blob_info.iv, blob_info.length,
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
if ignore_duplicate_error is False:
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(add_blobs)
def _get_stream_of_blobhash(self, blob_hash):
for blob_hash_stream_hash, blob_info in self.stream_blob_db.RangeIter():
b_h, s_h = json.loads(blob_hash_stream_hash)
if blob_hash == b_h:
return s_h
return None
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from live_stream_blobs where blob_hash = ?",
d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0][0] if len(r) else None)
return d
def _save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream(self, stream_hash, sd_blob_hash):
self.stream_desc_db.Put(sd_blob_hash, stream_hash)
return self.db_conn.runQuery("insert into live_stream_descriptors values (?, ?)",
(sd_blob_hash, stream_hash))
def _get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(self, stream_hash):
return [sd_blob_hash for sd_blob_hash, s_h in self.stream_desc_db.RangeIter() if stream_hash == s_h]
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select sd_blob_hash from live_stream_descriptors where stream_hash = ?",
d.addCallback(lambda results: [r[0] for r in results])
return d
class TempLiveStreamMetadataManager(DHTHashSupplier):
@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ class LBRYConsole():
self.lbry_file_metadata_manager = None
self.lbry_file_manager = None
self.conf_dir = conf_dir
self.created_db_dir = False
self.current_db_revision = 1
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.plugin_manager = PluginManager()
@ -72,10 +74,13 @@ class LBRYConsole():
self.blob_request_payment_rate_manager = None
self.lbryid = None
self.sd_identifier = StreamDescriptorIdentifier()
self.plugin_objects = []
self.db_migration_revisions = None
def start(self):
"""Initialize the session and restore everything to its saved state"""
d = threads.deferToThread(self._create_directory)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._check_db_migration())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._get_settings())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._get_session())
d.addCallback(lambda _: add_lbry_file_to_sd_identifier(self.sd_identifier))
@ -95,7 +100,10 @@ class LBRYConsole():
def shut_down(self):
"""Stop the session, all currently running streams, and stop the server"""
d = self.session.shut_down()
if self.session is not None:
d = self.session.shut_down()
d = defer.succeed(True)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._shut_down())
return d
@ -121,11 +129,38 @@ class LBRYConsole():
def _create_directory(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.conf_dir):
db_revision = open(os.path.join(self.conf_dir, "db_revision"), mode='w')
logging.debug("Created the configuration directory: %s", str(self.conf_dir))
if not os.path.exists(self.data_dir):
logging.debug("Created the data directory: %s", str(self.data_dir))
def _check_db_migration(self):
old_revision = 0
db_revision_file = os.path.join(self.conf_dir, "db_revision")
if os.path.exists(db_revision_file):
old_revision = int(open(db_revision_file).read().strip())
if old_revision < self.current_db_revision:
from lbrynet.db_migrator import dbmigrator
print "Upgrading your databases..."
d = threads.deferToThread(dbmigrator.migrate_db, self.conf_dir, old_revision, self.current_db_revision)
def print_success(old_dirs):
success_string = "Finished upgrading the databases. It is now safe to delete the"
success_string += " following directories, if you feel like it. It won't make any"
success_string += " difference.\nAnyway here they are: "
for i, old_dir in enumerate(old_dirs):
success_string += old_dir
if i + 1 < len(old_dir):
success_string += ", "
print success_string
return d
return defer.succeed(True)
def _get_settings(self):
d = self.settings.start()
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.settings.get_lbryid())
@ -312,12 +347,19 @@ class LBRYConsole():
def setup_plugins():
ds = []
for plugin in self.plugin_manager.getAllPlugins():
return defer.DeferredList(ds)
d.addCallback(lambda _: setup_plugins())
return d
def _stop_plugins(self):
ds = []
for plugin_object in self.plugin_objects:
return defer.DeferredList(ds)
def _setup_server(self):
def restore_running_status(running):
@ -359,6 +401,7 @@ class LBRYConsole():
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.lbry_file_manager.stop())
dl = defer.DeferredList(ds)
return dl
@ -7,4 +7,7 @@ class LBRYPlugin(IPlugin):
def setup(self, lbry_console):
raise NotImplementedError
def stop(self):
raise NotImplementedError
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import binascii
import json
import leveldb
import unqlite
import logging
import os
from twisted.internet import threads, defer
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class LBRYSettings(object):
self.db = None
def start(self):
return threads.deferToThread(self._open_db)
return self._open_db()
def stop(self):
self.db = None
@ -20,21 +20,22 @@ class LBRYSettings(object):
def _open_db(self):
logging.debug("Opening %s as the settings database", str(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "settings.db")))
self.db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "settings.db"))
self.db = unqlite.UnQLite(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "settings.db"))
return defer.succeed(True)
def save_lbryid(self, lbryid):
def save_lbryid():
self.db.Put("lbryid", binascii.hexlify(lbryid), sync=True)
self.db['lbryid'] = binascii.hexlify(lbryid)
return threads.deferToThread(save_lbryid)
def get_lbryid(self):
def get_lbryid():
return binascii.unhexlify(self.db.Get("lbryid"))
except KeyError:
if 'lbryid' in self.db:
return binascii.unhexlify(self.db['lbryid'])
return None
return threads.deferToThread(get_lbryid)
@ -42,9 +43,9 @@ class LBRYSettings(object):
def get_server_running_status(self):
def get_status():
return json.loads(self.db.Get("server_running"))
except KeyError:
if 'server_running' in self.db:
return json.loads(self.db['server_running'])
return True
return threads.deferToThread(get_status)
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ class LBRYSettings(object):
def save_server_running_status(self, running):
def save_status():
self.db.Put("server_running", json.dumps(running), sync=True)
self.db['server_running'] = json.dumps(running)
return threads.deferToThread(save_status)
@ -77,9 +78,9 @@ class LBRYSettings(object):
def _get_payment_rate(self, rate_type):
def get_rate():
return json.loads(self.db.Get(rate_type))
except KeyError:
if rate_type in self.db:
return json.loads(self.db['rate_type'])
return None
return threads.deferToThread(get_rate)
@ -88,18 +89,18 @@ class LBRYSettings(object):
def save_rate():
if rate is not None:
self.db.Put(rate_type, json.dumps(rate), sync=True)
self.db.Delete(rate_type, sync=True)
self.db[rate_type] = json.dumps(rate)
elif rate_type in self.db:
del self.db[rate_type]
return threads.deferToThread(save_rate)
def get_query_handler_status(self, query_identifier):
def get_status():
return json.loads(self.db.Get(json.dumps(('q_h', query_identifier))))
except KeyError:
if json.dumps(('q_h', query_identifier)) in self.db:
return json.loads(self.db[(json.dumps(('q_h', query_identifier)))])
return True
return threads.deferToThread(get_status)
@ -112,5 +113,5 @@ class LBRYSettings(object):
def _set_query_handler_status(self, query_identifier, status):
def set_status():
self.db.Put(json.dumps(('q_h', query_identifier)), json.dumps(status), sync=True)
self.db[json.dumps(('q_h', query_identifier))] = json.dumps(status)
return threads.deferToThread(set_status)
@ -1,25 +1,43 @@
from twisted.internet import threads, defer
from twisted.internet import defer
from ValuableBlobInfo import ValuableBlobInfo
from db_keys import BLOB_INFO_TYPE
import json
import leveldb
import os
import sqlite3
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
from lbrynet.core.sqlite_helpers import rerun_if_locked
class BlindInfoManager(object):
def __init__(self, db, peer_manager):
self.db = db
def __init__(self, db_dir, peer_manager):
self.db_dir = db_dir
self.db_conn = None
self.peer_manager = peer_manager
def setup(self):
return defer.succeed(True)
# check_same_thread=False is solely to quiet a spurious error that appears to be due
# to a bug in twisted, where the connection is closed by a different thread than the
# one that opened it. The individual connections in the pool are not used in multiple
# threads.
self.db_conn = adbapi.ConnectionPool('sqlite3', os.path.join(self.db_dir, "blind_info.db"),
def set_up_table(transaction):
transaction.execute("create table if not exists valuable_blobs (" +
" blob_hash text primary key, " +
" blob_length integer, " +
" reference text, " +
" peer_host text, " +
" peer_port integer, " +
" peer_score text" +
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(set_up_table)
def stop(self):
self.db = None
return defer.succeed(True)
def get_all_blob_infos(self):
d = threads.deferToThread(self._get_all_blob_infos)
d = self._get_all_blob_infos()
def make_blob_infos(blob_data):
blob_infos = []
@ -42,21 +60,19 @@ class BlindInfoManager(object):
peer_port = blob_info.peer.port
peer_score = blob_info.peer_score
blobs.append((blob_hash, length, reference, peer_host, peer_port, peer_score))
return threads.deferToThread(self._save_blob_infos, blobs)
return self._save_blob_infos(blobs)
def _get_all_blob_infos(self):
blob_infos = []
for key, blob_info in self.db.RangeIter():
key_type, blob_hash = json.loads(key)
if key_type == BLOB_INFO_TYPE:
blob_infos.append([blob_hash] + json.loads(blob_info))
return blob_infos
return self.db_conn.runQuery("select * from valuable_blobs")
def _save_blob_infos(self, blobs):
batch = leveldb.WriteBatch()
for blob in blobs:
self.db.Get(json.dumps((BLOB_INFO_TYPE, blob[0])))
except KeyError:
batch.Put(json.dumps((BLOB_INFO_TYPE, blob[0])), json.dumps(blob[1:]))
self.db.Write(batch, sync=True)
def save_infos(transaction):
for blob in blobs:
transaction.execute("insert into valuable_blobs values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(save_infos)
@ -1,67 +1,79 @@
from db_keys import SETTING_TYPE, PEER_TYPE
from twisted.internet import threads
from twisted.internet import threads, defer
import json
import unqlite
import os
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
from lbrynet.core.sqlite_helpers import rerun_if_locked
class BlindRepeaterSettings(object):
def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
def __init__(self, db_dir):
self.db_dir = db_dir
self.unq_db = None
self.sql_db = None
def setup(self):
self.unq_db = unqlite.UnQLite(os.path.join(self.db_dir, "blind_settings.db"))
# check_same_thread=False is solely to quiet a spurious error that appears to be due
# to a bug in twisted, where the connection is closed by a different thread than the
# one that opened it. The individual connections in the pool are not used in multiple
# threads.
self.sql_db = adbapi.ConnectionPool('sqlite3', os.path.join(self.db_dir, "blind_peers.db"),
return self.sql_db.runQuery("create table if not exists approved_peers (" +
" ip_address text, " +
" port integer" +
def stop(self):
self.unq_db = None
self.sql_db = None
return defer.succeed(True)
def save_repeater_status(self, running):
def save_status():
self.db.Put(json.dumps((SETTING_TYPE, "running")), json.dumps(running), sync=True)
self.unq_db["running"] = json.dumps(running)
return threads.deferToThread(save_status)
def get_repeater_saved_status(self):
def get_status():
return json.loads(self.db.Get(json.dumps((SETTING_TYPE, "running"))))
except KeyError:
if "running" in self.unq_db:
return json.loads(self.unq_db['running'])
return False
return threads.deferToThread(get_status)
def save_max_space(self, max_space):
def save_space():
self.db.Put(json.dumps((SETTING_TYPE, "max_space")), str(max_space), sync=True)
self.unq_db['max_space'] = json.dumps(max_space)
return threads.deferToThread(save_space)
def get_saved_max_space(self):
def get_space():
return int(self.db.Get(json.dumps((SETTING_TYPE, "max_space"))))
except KeyError:
if 'max_space' in self.unq_db:
return json.loads(self.unq_db['max_space'])
return 0
return threads.deferToThread(get_space)
def save_approved_peer(self, host, port):
def add_peer():
peer_string = json.dumps((PEER_TYPE, (host, port)))
self.db.Put(peer_string, "", sync=True)
return threads.deferToThread(add_peer)
return self.sql_db.runQuery("insert into approved_peers values (?, ?)",
(host, port))
def remove_approved_peer(self, host, port):
def remove_peer():
peer_string = json.dumps((PEER_TYPE, (host, port)))
self.db.Delete(peer_string, sync=True)
return threads.deferToThread(remove_peer)
return self.sql_db.runQuery("delete from approved_peers where ip_address = ? and port = ?",
(host, port))
def get_approved_peers(self):
def get_peers():
peers = []
for k, v in self.db.RangeIter():
key_type, peer_info = json.loads(k)
if key_type == PEER_TYPE:
return peers
return threads.deferToThread(get_peers)
return self.sql_db.runQuery("select * from approved_peers")
def get_data_payment_rate(self):
return threads.deferToThread(self._get_rate, "data_payment_rate")
@ -82,13 +94,13 @@ class BlindRepeaterSettings(object):
return threads.deferToThread(self._save_rate, "valuable_hash_rate", rate)
def _get_rate(self, rate_type):
return json.loads(self.db.Get(json.dumps((SETTING_TYPE, rate_type))))
except KeyError:
if rate_type in self.unq_db:
return json.loads(self.unq_db[rate_type])
return None
def _save_rate(self, rate_type, rate):
if rate is not None:
self.db.Put(json.dumps((SETTING_TYPE, rate_type)), json.dumps(rate), sync=True)
self.db.Delete(json.dumps((SETTING_TYPE, rate_type)), sync=True)
self.unq_db[rate_type] = json.dumps(rate)
elif rate_type in self.unq_db:
del self.unq_db[rate_type]
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
import leveldb
import os
from lbrynet.lbrynet_console import LBRYPlugin
from twisted.internet import defer, threads
from twisted.internet import defer
from BlindRepeater import BlindRepeater
from BlindInfoManager import BlindInfoManager
@ -26,14 +24,12 @@ class BlindRepeaterPlugin(LBRYPlugin.LBRYPlugin):
self.control_handlers = None
self.payment_rate_manager = None
self.settings = None
self.db = None
def setup(self, lbry_console):
lbry_session = lbry_console.session
d = threads.deferToThread(self._setup_db, lbry_session.db_dir)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._setup_settings())
d = self._setup_settings(lbry_session.db_dir)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._get_payment_rate_manager(lbry_session.base_payment_rate_manager))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._setup_blind_info_manager(lbry_session.peer_manager))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._setup_blind_info_manager(lbry_session.peer_manager, lbry_session.db_dir))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._setup_blind_repeater(lbry_session))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._setup_valuable_blob_query_handler(lbry_session))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._create_control_handlers(lbry_session))
@ -41,11 +37,12 @@ class BlindRepeaterPlugin(LBRYPlugin.LBRYPlugin):
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._add_to_lbry_console(lbry_console))
return d
def _setup_db(self, db_dir):
self.db = leveldb.LevelDB(os.path.join(db_dir, "valuable_blobs.db"))
def stop(self):
return self.settings.stop()
def _setup_settings(self):
self.settings = BlindRepeaterSettings(self.db)
def _setup_settings(self, db_dir):
self.settings = BlindRepeaterSettings(db_dir)
return self.settings.setup()
def _get_payment_rate_manager(self, default_payment_rate_manager):
d1 = self.settings.get_data_payment_rate()
@ -67,8 +64,8 @@ class BlindRepeaterPlugin(LBRYPlugin.LBRYPlugin):
return dl
def _setup_blind_info_manager(self, peer_manager):
self.blind_info_manager = BlindInfoManager(self.db, peer_manager)
def _setup_blind_info_manager(self, peer_manager, db_dir):
self.blind_info_manager = BlindInfoManager(db_dir, peer_manager)
return self.blind_info_manager.setup()
def _setup_valuable_blob_query_handler(self, lbry_session):
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class LBRYDownloader(object):
self.dht_node_port = 4444
self.run_server = True
self.first_run = False
self.current_db_revision = 1
if == "nt":
from lbrynet.winhelpers.knownpaths import get_path, FOLDERID, UserHandle
self.download_directory = get_path(FOLDERID.Downloads, UserHandle.current)
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ class LBRYDownloader(object):
def start(self):
d = self._load_configuration_file()
d.addCallback(lambda _: threads.deferToThread(self._create_directory))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._check_db_migration())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._get_session())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._setup_stream_info_manager())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._setup_stream_identifier())
@ -72,6 +74,37 @@ class LBRYDownloader(object):
def get_new_address(self):
return self.session.wallet.get_new_address()
def _check_db_migration(self):
old_revision = 0
db_revision_file = os.path.join(self.conf_dir, "db_revision")
if os.path.exists(db_revision_file):
old_revision = int(open(db_revision_file).read().strip())
if old_revision < self.current_db_revision:
if == "nt":
import subprocess
import sys
def run_migrator():
migrator_exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])),
"dmigrator", "migrator.exe")
print "trying to find the migrator at", migrator_exe
si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO
si.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
si.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE
print "trying to run the migrator"
migrator_proc = subprocess.Popen([migrator_exe, self.conf_dir, old_revision,
self.current_db_revision], startupinfo=si)
print "started the migrator"
print "migrator has returned"
return threads.deferToThread(run_migrator)
from lbrynet.db_migrator import dbmigrator
return threads.deferToThread(dbmigrator.migrate_db, self.conf_dir, old_revision,
return defer.succeed(True)
def _load_configuration_file(self):
def get_configuration():
@ -194,6 +227,9 @@ class LBRYDownloader(object):
def _create_directory(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.conf_dir):
db_revision = open(os.path.join(self.conf_dir, "db_revision"), mode='w')
logging.debug("Created the configuration directory: %s", str(self.conf_dir))
if not os.path.exists(self.data_dir):
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from setuptools import setup, find_packages
install_requires=['pycrypto', 'twisted', 'miniupnpc', 'yapsy', 'seccure', 'python-bitcoinrpc', 'leveldb', 'txJSON-RPC', 'requests'],
install_requires=['pycrypto', 'twisted', 'miniupnpc', 'yapsy', 'seccure', 'python-bitcoinrpc', 'txJSON-RPC', 'requests', 'unqlite', 'leveldb'],
'console_scripts': [
'lbrynet-console = lbrynet.lbrynet_console.LBRYConsole:launch_lbry_console',
Add table
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