+ closest_match step between branch_and_bound and random_draw coin selections, + Transaction.create() single method instead of .pay()/.liquidate() also its more powerful
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 232 additions and 87 deletions
@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ class BasicTransactionTests(IntegrationTestCase):
address2 = await d2f(account2.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address())
hash2 = self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address2)
tx = await d2f(self.ledger.transaction_class.pay(
tx = await d2f(self.ledger.transaction_class.create(
[self.ledger.transaction_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(2*COIN, hash2)],
[account1], account1
@ -42,8 +43,10 @@ class BasicTransactionTests(IntegrationTestCase):
self.assertEqual(round(await self.get_balance(account2)/COIN, 1), 2.0)
utxos = await d2f(self.account.get_unspent_outputs())
tx = await d2f(self.ledger.transaction_class.liquidate(
[utxos[0]], [account1], account1
tx = await d2f(self.ledger.transaction_class.create(
[account1], account1
await self.broadcast(tx)
await self.on_transaction(tx) # mempool
@ -66,6 +66,18 @@ class TestCoinSelectionTests(BaseSelectionTestCase):
self.assertEqual([2 * CENT], [c.txo.amount for c in match])
def test_pick(self):
utxo_pool = self.estimates(
selector = CoinSelector(utxo_pool, 3*CENT, 0)
match = selector.select()
self.assertEqual([5*CENT], [c.txo.amount for c in match])
class TestOfficialBitcoinCoinSelectionTests(BaseSelectionTestCase):
@ -108,7 +120,7 @@ class TestOfficialBitcoinCoinSelectionTests(BaseSelectionTestCase):
self.assertEqual([3 * CENT, 2 * CENT], search(utxo_pool, 5 * CENT, 0.5 * CENT))
# Select 11 Cent, not possible
self.assertEqual(search(utxo_pool, 11 * CENT, 0.5 * CENT), [])
self.assertEqual([], search(utxo_pool, 11 * CENT, 0.5 * CENT))
# Select 10 Cent
utxo_pool += self.estimates(utxo(5 * CENT))
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from itertools import cycle
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import defer
@ -17,8 +18,8 @@ def get_output(amount=CENT, pubkey_hash=NULL_HASH):
def get_input():
return ledger_class.transaction_class.input_class.spend(get_output())
def get_input(amount=CENT, pubkey_hash=NULL_HASH):
return ledger_class.transaction_class.input_class.spend(get_output(amount, pubkey_hash))
def get_transaction(txo=None):
@ -31,27 +32,22 @@ class TestSizeAndFeeEstimation(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.ledger = ledger_class({'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:')})
return self.ledger.db.start()
def io_fee(self, io):
return self.ledger.get_input_output_fee(io)
def test_output_size_and_fee(self):
txo = get_output()
self.assertEqual(txo.size, 46)
self.assertEqual(self.io_fee(txo), 46 * FEE_PER_BYTE)
self.assertEqual(txo.get_fee(self.ledger), 46 * FEE_PER_BYTE)
def test_input_size_and_fee(self):
txi = get_input()
self.assertEqual(txi.size, 148)
self.assertEqual(self.io_fee(txi), 148 * FEE_PER_BYTE)
self.assertEqual(txi.get_fee(self.ledger), 148 * FEE_PER_BYTE)
def test_transaction_size_and_fee(self):
tx = get_transaction()
base_size = tx.size - 1 - tx.inputs[0].size
self.assertEqual(tx.size, 204)
self.assertEqual(tx.base_size, base_size)
self.assertEqual(self.ledger.get_transaction_base_fee(tx), FEE_PER_BYTE * base_size)
self.assertEqual(tx.base_size, tx.size - tx.inputs[0].size - tx.outputs[0].size)
self.assertEqual(tx.get_base_fee(self.ledger), FEE_PER_BYTE * tx.base_size)
class TestTransactionSerialization(unittest.TestCase):
@ -169,3 +165,121 @@ class TestTransactionSigning(unittest.TestCase):
class TransactionIOBalancing(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.ledger = ledger_class({'db': ledger_class.database_class(':memory:')})
yield self.ledger.db.start()
self.account = self.ledger.account_class.from_seed(
u"carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toast envelope bottom stomach ab"
u"sent", u"torba", {}
addresses = yield self.account.ensure_address_gap()
self.pubkey_hash = [self.ledger.address_to_hash160(a) for a in addresses]
self.hash_cycler = cycle(self.pubkey_hash)
def txo(self, amount, address=None):
return get_output(int(amount*COIN), address or next(self.hash_cycler))
def txi(self, txo):
return ledger_class.transaction_class.input_class.spend(txo)
def tx(self, inputs, outputs):
return ledger_class.transaction_class.create(inputs, outputs, [self.account], self.account)
def create_utxos(self, amounts):
utxos = [self.txo(amount) for amount in amounts]
self.funding_tx = ledger_class.transaction_class() \
.add_inputs([self.txi(self.txo(sum(amounts)+0.1))]) \
save_tx = 'insert'
for utxo in utxos:
yield self.ledger.db.save_transaction_io(
save_tx, self.funding_tx, 1, True,
utxo.script.values['pubkey_hash'], ''
save_tx = 'update'
def inputs(tx):
return [round(i.amount/COIN, 2) for i in tx.inputs]
def outputs(tx):
return [round(o.amount/COIN, 2) for o in tx.outputs]
def test_basic_use_cases(self):
self.ledger.fee_per_byte = int(.01*CENT)
# available UTXOs for filling missing inputs
utxos = yield self.create_utxos([
1, 1, 3, 5, 10
# pay 3 coins (3.02 w/ fees)
tx = yield self.tx(
[], # inputs
[self.txo(3)] # outputs
# best UTXO match is 5 (as UTXO 3 will be short 0.02 to cover fees)
self.assertEqual(self.inputs(tx), [5])
# a change of 1.98 is added to reach balance
self.assertEqual(self.outputs(tx), [3, 1.98])
yield self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)
# pay 2.98 coins (3.00 w/ fees)
tx = yield self.tx(
[], # inputs
[self.txo(2.98)] # outputs
# best UTXO match is 3 and no change is needed
self.assertEqual(self.inputs(tx), [3])
self.assertEqual(self.outputs(tx), [2.98])
yield self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)
# supplied input and output, but input is not enough to cover output
tx = yield self.tx(
[self.txi(self.txo(10))], # inputs
[self.txo(11)] # outputs
# additional input is chosen (UTXO 3)
self.assertEqual([10, 3], self.inputs(tx))
# change is now needed to consume extra input
self.assertEqual([11, 1.96], self.outputs(tx))
yield self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)
# liquidating a UTXO
tx = yield self.tx(
[self.txi(self.txo(10))], # inputs
[] # outputs
self.assertEqual([10], self.inputs(tx))
# missing change added to consume the amount
self.assertEqual([9.98], self.outputs(tx))
yield self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)
# liquidating at a loss, requires adding extra inputs
tx = yield self.tx(
[self.txi(self.txo(0.01))], # inputs
[] # outputs
# UTXO 1 is added to cover some of the fee
self.assertEqual([0.01, 1], self.inputs(tx))
# change is now needed to consume extra input
self.assertEqual([0.97], self.outputs(tx))
@ -117,14 +117,6 @@ class BaseLedger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
def path(self):
return os.path.join(self.config['data_path'], self.get_id())
def get_input_output_fee(self, io: basetransaction.InputOutput) -> int:
""" Fee based on size of the input / output. """
return self.fee_per_byte * io.size
def get_transaction_base_fee(self, tx):
""" Fee for the transaction header and all outputs; without inputs. """
return self.fee_per_byte * tx.base_size
def add_account(self, account: baseaccount.BaseAccount) -> defer.Deferred:
@ -161,9 +153,7 @@ class BaseLedger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
txos = yield self.get_effective_amount_estimators(funding_accounts)
selector = CoinSelector(
txos, amount,
self.transaction_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(COIN, NULL_HASH32)
self.transaction_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(COIN, NULL_HASH32).get_fee(self)
spendables = selector.select()
if spendables:
@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ class InputOutput:
return len(stream.get_bytes())
def get_fee(self, ledger):
return self.size * ledger.fee_per_byte
def serialize_to(self, stream, alternate_script=None):
raise NotImplementedError
@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ class BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator:
def __init__(self, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', txo: 'BaseOutput') -> None:
self.txo = txo
self.txi = ledger.transaction_class.input_class.spend(txo)
self.fee: int = ledger.get_input_output_fee(self.txi)
self.fee: int = self.txi.get_fee(ledger)
self.effective_amount: int = txo.amount - self.fee
def __lt__(self, other):
@ -268,11 +271,6 @@ class BaseTransaction:
def add_outputs(self, outputs: Iterable[BaseOutput]) -> 'BaseTransaction':
return self._add(outputs, self._outputs)
def fee(self) -> int:
""" Fee that will actually be paid."""
return self.input_sum - self.output_sum
def size(self) -> int:
""" Size in bytes of the entire transaction. """
@ -280,8 +278,32 @@ class BaseTransaction:
def base_size(self) -> int:
""" Size in bytes of transaction meta data and all outputs; without inputs. """
return len(self._serialize(with_inputs=False))
""" Size of transaction without inputs or outputs in bytes. """
return (
- sum(txi.size for txi in self._inputs)
- sum(txo.size for txo in self._outputs)
def input_sum(self):
return sum(i.amount for i in self.inputs)
def output_sum(self):
return sum(o.amount for o in self.outputs)
def get_base_fee(self, ledger):
""" Fee for base tx excluding inputs and outputs. """
return self.base_size * ledger.fee_per_byte
def get_effective_input_sum(self, ledger):
""" Sum of input values *minus* the cost involved to spend them. """
return sum(txi.amount - txi.get_fee(ledger) for txi in self._inputs)
def get_total_output_sum(self, ledger):
""" Sum of output values *plus* the cost involved to spend them. """
return sum(txo.amount + txo.get_fee(ledger) for txo in self._outputs)
def _serialize(self, with_inputs: bool = True) -> bytes:
stream = BCDataStream()
@ -346,62 +368,56 @@ class BaseTransaction:
def pay(cls, outputs: Iterable[BaseOutput], funding_accounts: Iterable[BaseAccount],
change_account: BaseAccount):
""" Efficiently spend utxos from funding_accounts to cover the new outputs. """
def create(cls, inputs: Iterable[BaseInput], outputs: Iterable[BaseOutput],
funding_accounts: Iterable[BaseAccount], change_account: BaseAccount):
""" Find optimal set of inputs when only outputs are provided; add change
outputs if only inputs are provided or if inputs are greater than outputs. """
tx = cls() \
.add_inputs(inputs) \
tx = cls().add_outputs(outputs)
ledger = cls.ensure_all_have_same_ledger(funding_accounts, change_account)
amount = tx.output_sum + ledger.get_transaction_base_fee(tx)
spendables = yield ledger.get_spendable_utxos(amount, funding_accounts)
if not spendables:
raise ValueError('Not enough funds to cover this transaction.')
# value of the outputs plus associated fees
cost = (
tx.get_base_fee(ledger) +
# value of the inputs less the cost to spend those inputs
payment = tx.get_effective_input_sum(ledger)
spent_sum = sum(s.effective_amount for s in spendables)
if spent_sum > amount:
change_address = yield change_account.change.get_or_create_usable_address()
change_hash160 = change_account.ledger.address_to_hash160(change_address)
change_amount = spent_sum - amount
tx.add_outputs([cls.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(change_amount, change_hash160)])
tx.add_inputs(s.txi for s in spendables)
if payment < cost:
deficit = cost - payment
spendables = yield ledger.get_spendable_utxos(deficit, funding_accounts)
if not spendables:
raise ValueError('Not enough funds to cover this transaction.')
payment += sum(s.effective_amount for s in spendables)
tx.add_inputs(s.txi for s in spendables)
if payment > cost:
cost_of_change = (
tx.get_base_fee(ledger) +
cls.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(COIN, NULL_HASH32).get_fee(ledger)
change = payment - cost
if change > cost_of_change:
change_address = yield change_account.change.get_or_create_usable_address()
change_hash160 = change_account.ledger.address_to_hash160(change_address)
change_amount = change - cost_of_change
tx.add_outputs([cls.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(change_amount, change_hash160)])
yield tx.sign(funding_accounts)
except Exception as e:
log.exception('Failed to synchronize transaction:')
yield ledger.release_outputs(s.txo for s in spendables)
yield ledger.release_outputs(tx.outputs)
raise e
def liquidate(cls, assets, funding_accounts, change_account):
""" Spend assets (utxos) supplementing with funding_accounts if fee is higher than asset value. """
tx = cls().add_inputs([
cls.input_class.spend(utxo) for utxo in assets
ledger = cls.ensure_all_have_same_ledger(funding_accounts, change_account)
yield ledger.reserve_outputs(assets)
cost_of_change = (
ledger.get_transaction_base_fee(tx) +
ledger.get_input_output_fee(cls.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(COIN, NULL_HASH32))
liquidated_total = sum(utxo.amount for utxo in assets)
if liquidated_total > cost_of_change:
change_address = yield change_account.change.get_or_create_usable_address()
change_hash160 = change_account.ledger.address_to_hash160(change_address)
change_amount = liquidated_total - cost_of_change
tx.add_outputs([cls.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(change_amount, change_hash160)])
yield tx.sign(funding_accounts)
except Exception:
yield ledger.release_outputs(assets)
def signature_hash_type(hash_type):
return hash_type
@ -425,14 +441,6 @@ class BaseTransaction:
raise NotImplementedError("Don't know how to spend this output.")
def input_sum(self):
return sum(i.amount for i in self.inputs)
def output_sum(self):
return sum(o.amount for o in self.outputs)
def get_my_addresses(self, ledger):
addresses = set()
@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ class CoinSelector:
return []
if self.target > self.available:
return []
return self.branch_and_bound() or self.single_random_draw()
return (
self.branch_and_bound() or
self.closest_match() or
def branch_and_bound(self) -> List[basetransaction.BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator]:
# see bitcoin implementation for more info:
@ -85,13 +89,27 @@ class CoinSelector:
return []
def single_random_draw(self) -> List[basetransaction.BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator]:
def closest_match(self) -> List[basetransaction.BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator]:
""" Pick one UTXOs that is larger than the target but with the smallest change. """
target = self.target + self.cost_of_change
smallest_change = None
best_match = None
for txo in self.txos:
if txo.effective_amount >= target:
change = txo.effective_amount - target
if smallest_change is None or change < smallest_change:
smallest_change, best_match = change, txo
return [best_match] if best_match else []
def random_draw(self) -> List[basetransaction.BaseOutputEffectiveAmountEstimator]:
""" Accumulate UTXOs at random until there is enough to cover the target. """
target = self.target + self.cost_of_change
self.random.shuffle(self.txos, self.random.random)
selection = []
amount = 0
for coin in self.txos:
amount += coin.effective_amount
if amount >= self.target+self.cost_of_change:
if amount >= target:
return selection
return []
Add table
Reference in a new issue