417 lines
15 KiB
417 lines
15 KiB
import os
import logging
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from typing import Dict, Type, Iterable
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import namedtuple
from twisted.internet import defer
from torba import baseaccount
from torba import basenetwork
from torba import basetransaction
from torba.basedatabase import BaseDatabase
from torba.baseheader import BaseHeaders
from torba.coinselection import CoinSelector
from torba.constants import COIN, NULL_HASH32
from torba.stream import StreamController
from torba.hash import hash160, double_sha256, sha256, Base58
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LedgerType = Type['BaseLedger']
class LedgerRegistry(type):
ledgers: Dict[str, LedgerType] = {}
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
cls: LedgerType = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
if not (name == 'BaseLedger' and not bases):
ledger_id = cls.get_id()
assert ledger_id not in mcs.ledgers,\
'Ledger with id "{}" already registered.'.format(ledger_id)
mcs.ledgers[ledger_id] = cls
return cls
def get_ledger_class(mcs, ledger_id: str) -> LedgerType:
return mcs.ledgers[ledger_id]
class TransactionEvent(namedtuple('TransactionEvent', ('address', 'tx'))):
class BlockHeightEvent(namedtuple('BlockHeightEvent', ('height', 'change'))):
class BaseLedger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
name: str
symbol: str
network_name: str
database_class = BaseDatabase
account_class = baseaccount.BaseAccount
network_class = basenetwork.BaseNetwork
transaction_class = basetransaction.BaseTransaction
headers_class: Type[BaseHeaders]
pubkey_address_prefix: bytes
script_address_prefix: bytes
extended_public_key_prefix: bytes
extended_private_key_prefix: bytes
default_fee_per_byte = 10
def __init__(self, config=None):
self.config = config or {}
self.db: BaseDatabase = self.config.get('db') or self.database_class(
os.path.join(self.path, "blockchain.db")
self.db.ledger = self
self.headers: BaseHeaders = self.config.get('headers') or self.headers_class(
os.path.join(self.path, "headers")
self.network = self.config.get('network') or self.network_class(self)
self.accounts = []
self.fee_per_byte: int = self.config.get('fee_per_byte', self.default_fee_per_byte)
self._on_transaction_controller = StreamController()
self.on_transaction = self._on_transaction_controller.stream
lambda e: log.info(
'(%s) on_transaction: address=%s, height=%s, is_verified=%s, tx.id=%s',
self.get_id(), e.address, e.tx.height, e.tx.is_verified, e.tx.id
self._on_header_controller = StreamController()
self.on_header = self._on_header_controller.stream
lambda change: log.info(
'%s: added %s header blocks, final height %s',
self.get_id(), change, self.headers.height
self._transaction_processing_locks = {}
self._utxo_reservation_lock = defer.DeferredLock()
self._header_processing_lock = defer.DeferredLock()
def get_id(cls):
return '{}_{}'.format(cls.symbol.lower(), cls.network_name.lower())
def hash160_to_address(cls, h160):
raw_address = cls.pubkey_address_prefix + h160
return Base58.encode(bytearray(raw_address + double_sha256(raw_address)[0:4]))
def address_to_hash160(address):
return Base58.decode(address)[1:21]
def public_key_to_address(cls, public_key):
return cls.hash160_to_address(hash160(public_key))
def private_key_to_wif(private_key):
return b'\x1c' + private_key + b'\x01'
def path(self):
return os.path.join(self.config['data_path'], self.get_id())
def add_account(self, account: baseaccount.BaseAccount):
def get_transaction(self, txhash):
return self.db.get_transaction(txhash)
def get_private_key_for_address(self, address):
match = yield self.db.get_address(address)
if match:
for account in self.accounts:
if match['account'] == account.public_key.address:
return account.get_private_key(match['chain'], match['position'])
def get_effective_amount_estimators(self, funding_accounts: Iterable[baseaccount.BaseAccount]):
estimators = []
for account in funding_accounts:
utxos = yield account.get_utxos()
for utxo in utxos:
return estimators
def get_spendable_utxos(self, amount: int, funding_accounts):
yield self._utxo_reservation_lock.acquire()
txos = yield self.get_effective_amount_estimators(funding_accounts)
selector = CoinSelector(
txos, amount,
self.transaction_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(COIN, NULL_HASH32).get_fee(self)
spendables = selector.select()
if spendables:
yield self.reserve_outputs(s.txo for s in spendables)
except Exception:
log.exception('Failed to get spendable utxos:')
return spendables
def reserve_outputs(self, txos):
return self.db.reserve_outputs(txos)
def release_outputs(self, txos):
return self.db.release_outputs(txos)
def get_local_status(self, address):
address_details = yield self.db.get_address(address)
history = address_details['history'] or ''
h = sha256(history.encode())
return hexlify(h)
def get_local_history(self, address):
address_details = yield self.db.get_address(address)
history = address_details['history'] or ''
parts = history.split(':')[:-1]
return list(zip(parts[0::2], map(int, parts[1::2])))
def get_root_of_merkle_tree(branches, branch_positions, working_branch):
for i, branch in enumerate(branches):
other_branch = unhexlify(branch)[::-1]
other_branch_on_left = bool((branch_positions >> i) & 1)
if other_branch_on_left:
combined = other_branch + working_branch
combined = working_branch + other_branch
working_branch = double_sha256(combined)
return hexlify(working_branch[::-1])
def validate_transaction_and_set_position(self, tx, height):
if not height <= len(self.headers):
return False
merkle = yield self.network.get_merkle(tx.id, height)
merkle_root = self.get_root_of_merkle_tree(merkle['merkle'], merkle['pos'], tx.hash)
header = self.headers[height]
tx.position = merkle['pos']
tx.is_verified = merkle_root == header['merkle_root']
def start(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
yield defer.gatherResults([
first_connection = self.network.on_connected.first
yield first_connection
yield self.update_headers()
yield self.network.subscribe_headers()
yield self.update_accounts()
def stop(self):
yield self.network.stop()
yield self.db.close()
yield self.headers.close()
def update_headers(self, height=None, headers=None, subscription_update=False):
rewound = 0
while True:
if height is None or height > len(self.headers):
# sometimes header subscription updates are for a header in the future
# which can't be connected, so we do a normal header sync instead
height = len(self.headers)
headers = None
subscription_update = False
if not headers:
header_response = yield self.network.get_headers(height, 2001)
headers = header_response['hex']
if not headers:
# Nothing to do, network thinks we're already at the latest height.
added = yield self.headers.connect(height, unhexlify(headers))
if added > 0:
height += added
BlockHeightEvent(self.headers.height, added))
if rewound > 0:
# we started rewinding blocks and apparently found
# a new chain
rewound = 0
yield self.db.rewind_blockchain(height)
if subscription_update:
# subscription updates are for latest header already
# so we don't need to check if there are newer / more
# on another loop of update_headers(), just return instead
elif added == 0:
# we had headers to connect but none got connected, probably a reorganization
height -= 1
rewound += 1
"Blockchain Reorganization: attempting rewind to height %s from starting height %s",
height, height+rewound
raise IndexError("headers.connect() returned negative number ({})".format(added))
if height < 0:
raise IndexError(
"Blockchain reorganization rewound all the way back to genesis hash. "
"Something is very wrong. Maybe you are on the wrong blockchain?"
if rewound >= 100:
raise IndexError(
"Blockchain reorganization dropped {} headers. This is highly unusual. "
"Will not continue to attempt reorganizing. Please, delete the ledger "
"synchronization directory inside your wallet directory (folder: '{}') and "
"restart the program to synchronize from scratch."
.format(rewound, self.get_id())
headers = None # ready to download some more headers
# if we made it this far and this was a subscription_update
# it means something went wrong and now we're doing a more
# robust sync, turn off subscription update shortcut
subscription_update = False
def receive_header(self, response):
yield self._header_processing_lock.acquire()
header = response[0]
yield self.update_headers(
height=header['height'], headers=header['hex'], subscription_update=True
def update_accounts(self):
return defer.DeferredList([
self.update_account(a) for a in self.accounts
def update_account(self, account): # type: (baseaccount.BaseAccount) -> defer.Defferred
# Before subscribing, download history for any addresses that don't have any,
# this avoids situation where we're getting status updates to addresses we know
# need to update anyways. Continue to get history and create more addresses until
# all missing addresses are created and history for them is fully restored.
yield account.ensure_address_gap()
addresses = yield account.get_addresses(used_times=0)
while addresses:
yield defer.DeferredList([
self.update_history(a) for a in addresses
addresses = yield account.ensure_address_gap()
# By this point all of the addresses should be restored and we
# can now subscribe all of them to receive updates.
all_addresses = yield account.get_addresses()
yield defer.DeferredList(
list(map(self.subscribe_history, all_addresses))
def update_history(self, address):
remote_history = yield self.network.get_history(address)
local_history = yield self.get_local_history(address)
synced_history = []
for i, (hex_id, remote_height) in enumerate(map(itemgetter('tx_hash', 'height'), remote_history)):
synced_history.append((hex_id, remote_height))
if i < len(local_history) and local_history[i] == (hex_id, remote_height):
lock = self._transaction_processing_locks.setdefault(hex_id, defer.DeferredLock())
yield lock.acquire()
# see if we have a local copy of transaction, otherwise fetch it from server
tx = yield self.db.get_transaction(txid=hex_id)
save_tx = None
if tx is None:
_raw = yield self.network.get_transaction(hex_id)
tx = self.transaction_class(unhexlify(_raw))
save_tx = 'insert'
tx.height = remote_height
if remote_height > 0 and (not tx.is_verified or tx.position == -1):
yield self.validate_transaction_and_set_position(tx, remote_height)
if save_tx is None:
save_tx = 'update'
yield self.db.save_transaction_io(
save_tx, tx, address, self.address_to_hash160(address),
''.join('{}:{}:'.format(tx_id, tx_height) for tx_id, tx_height in synced_history)
"%s: sync'ed tx %s for address: %s, height: %s, verified: %s",
self.get_id(), hex_id, address, tx.height, tx.is_verified
self._on_transaction_controller.add(TransactionEvent(address, tx))
except Exception:
log.exception('Failed to synchronize transaction:')
if not lock.locked and hex_id in self._transaction_processing_locks:
del self._transaction_processing_locks[hex_id]
def subscribe_history(self, address):
remote_status = yield self.network.subscribe_address(address)
local_status = yield self.get_local_status(address)
if local_status != remote_status:
yield self.update_history(address)
def receive_status(self, response):
address, remote_status = response
local_status = yield self.get_local_status(address)
if local_status != remote_status:
yield self.update_history(address)
def broadcast(self, tx):
return self.network.broadcast(hexlify(tx.raw).decode())