1272 lines
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1272 lines
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from collections import defaultdict, deque
import datetime
import logging
from decimal import Decimal
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import threads, reactor, defer, task
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from lbryum import wallet as lbryum_wallet
from lbryum.network import Network
from lbryum.simple_config import SimpleConfig
from lbryum.constants import COIN
from lbryum.commands import Commands
from lbryum.errors import InvalidPassword
from lbryschema.uri import parse_lbry_uri
from lbryschema.claim import ClaimDict
from lbryschema.error import DecodeError
from lbryschema.decode import smart_decode
from lbrynet.interfaces import IRequestCreator, IQueryHandlerFactory, IQueryHandler, IWallet
from lbrynet.core.client.ClientRequest import ClientRequest
from lbrynet.core.Error import InsufficientFundsError, UnknownNameError
from lbrynet.core.Error import UnknownClaimID, UnknownURI, NegativeFundsError, UnknownOutpoint
from lbrynet.core.Error import DownloadCanceledError, RequestCanceledError
from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionAborted
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ReservedPoints(object):
def __init__(self, identifier, amount):
self.identifier = identifier
self.amount = amount
class ClaimOutpoint(dict):
def __init__(self, txid, nout):
if len(txid) != 64:
raise TypeError('{} is not a txid'.format(txid))
self['txid'] = txid
self['nout'] = nout
def __repr__(self):
return "{}:{}".format(self['txid'], self['nout'])
def __eq__(self, compare):
if isinstance(compare, dict):
# TODO: lbryum returns nout's in dicts as "nOut" , need to fix this
if 'nOut' in compare:
return (self['txid'], self['nout']) == (compare['txid'], compare['nOut'])
elif 'nout' in compare:
return (self['txid'], self['nout']) == (compare['txid'], compare['nout'])
elif isinstance(compare, (str, unicode)):
return compare == self.__repr__()
raise TypeError('cannot compare {}'.format(type(compare)))
def __ne__(self, compare):
return not self.__eq__(compare)
class Wallet(object):
"""This class implements the Wallet interface for the LBRYcrd payment system"""
def __init__(self, storage):
self.storage = storage
self.next_manage_call = None
self.wallet_balance = Decimal(0.0)
self.total_reserved_points = Decimal(0.0)
self.peer_addresses = {} # {Peer: string}
self.queued_payments = defaultdict(Decimal) # {address(string): amount(Decimal)}
self.expected_balances = defaultdict(Decimal) # {address(string): amount(Decimal)}
self.current_address_given_to_peer = {} # {Peer: address(string)}
# (Peer, address(string), amount(Decimal), time(datetime), count(int),
# incremental_amount(float))
self.expected_balance_at_time = deque()
self.max_expected_payment_time = datetime.timedelta(minutes=3)
self.stopped = True
self.manage_running = False
self._manage_count = 0
self._balance_refresh_time = 3
self._batch_count = 20
def start(self):
log.info("Starting wallet.")
def start_manage():
self.stopped = False
return True
d = self._start()
d.addCallback(lambda _: start_manage())
return d
def log_stop_error(err):
log.error("An error occurred stopping the wallet: %s", err.getTraceback())
def stop(self):
log.info("Stopping wallet.")
self.stopped = True
# If self.next_manage_call is None, then manage is currently running or else
# start has not been called, so set stopped and do nothing else.
if self.next_manage_call is not None:
self.next_manage_call = None
d = self.manage(do_full=True)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._stop())
return d
def manage(self, do_full=False):
self.next_manage_call = None
have_set_manage_running = [False]
self._manage_count += 1
if self._manage_count % self._batch_count == 0:
self._manage_count = 0
do_full = True
def check_if_manage_running():
d = defer.Deferred()
def fire_if_not_running():
if self.manage_running is False:
self.manage_running = True
have_set_manage_running[0] = True
elif do_full is False:
task.deferLater(reactor, 1, fire_if_not_running)
return d
d = check_if_manage_running()
def do_manage():
if do_full:
d = self._check_expected_balances()
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._send_payments())
d = defer.succeed(True)
def log_error(err):
if isinstance(err, AttributeError):
log.warning("Failed to get an updated balance")
log.warning("Last balance update: %s", str(self.wallet_balance))
d.addCallbacks(lambda _: self.update_balance(), log_error)
return d
d.addCallback(lambda should_run: do_manage() if should_run else None)
def set_next_manage_call():
if not self.stopped:
self.next_manage_call = reactor.callLater(self._balance_refresh_time, self.manage)
d.addCallback(lambda _: set_next_manage_call())
def log_error(err):
log.error("Something went wrong during manage. Error message: %s",
return err
def set_manage_not_running(arg):
if have_set_manage_running[0] is True:
self.manage_running = False
return arg
return d
def update_balance(self):
""" obtain balance from lbryum wallet and set self.wallet_balance
balance = yield self._update_balance()
if self.wallet_balance != balance:
log.debug("Got a new balance: %s", balance)
self.wallet_balance = balance
def get_info_exchanger(self):
return LBRYcrdAddressRequester(self)
def get_wallet_info_query_handler_factory(self):
return LBRYcrdAddressQueryHandlerFactory(self)
def reserve_points(self, identifier, amount):
"""Ensure a certain amount of points are available to be sent as
payment, before the service is rendered
@param identifier: The peer to which the payment will ultimately be sent
@param amount: The amount of points to reserve
@return: A ReservedPoints object which is given to send_points
once the service has been rendered
rounded_amount = Decimal(str(round(amount, 8)))
if rounded_amount < 0:
raise NegativeFundsError(rounded_amount)
if self.get_balance() >= rounded_amount:
self.total_reserved_points += rounded_amount
return ReservedPoints(identifier, rounded_amount)
return None
def cancel_point_reservation(self, reserved_points):
Return all of the points that were reserved previously for some ReservedPoints object
@param reserved_points: ReservedPoints previously returned by reserve_points
@return: None
self.total_reserved_points -= reserved_points.amount
def send_points(self, reserved_points, amount):
Schedule a payment to be sent to a peer
@param reserved_points: ReservedPoints object previously returned by reserve_points
@param amount: amount of points to actually send, must be less than or equal to the
amount reserved in reserved_points
@return: Deferred which fires when the payment has been scheduled
rounded_amount = Decimal(str(round(amount, 8)))
peer = reserved_points.identifier
assert rounded_amount <= reserved_points.amount
assert peer in self.peer_addresses
self.queued_payments[self.peer_addresses[peer]] += rounded_amount
# make any unused points available
self.total_reserved_points -= (reserved_points.amount - rounded_amount)
log.debug("ordering that %s points be sent to %s", str(rounded_amount),
peer.update_stats('points_sent', amount)
return defer.succeed(True)
def send_points_to_address(self, reserved_points, amount):
Schedule a payment to be sent to an address
@param reserved_points: ReservedPoints object previously returned by reserve_points
@param amount: amount of points to actually send. must be less than or equal to the
amount reserved in reserved_points
@return: Deferred which fires when the payment has been scheduled
rounded_amount = Decimal(str(round(amount, 8)))
address = reserved_points.identifier
assert rounded_amount <= reserved_points.amount
self.queued_payments[address] += rounded_amount
self.total_reserved_points -= (reserved_points.amount - rounded_amount)
log.debug("Ordering that %s points be sent to %s", str(rounded_amount),
return defer.succeed(True)
def add_expected_payment(self, peer, amount):
"""Increase the number of points expected to be paid by a peer"""
rounded_amount = Decimal(str(round(amount, 8)))
assert peer in self.current_address_given_to_peer
address = self.current_address_given_to_peer[peer]
log.debug("expecting a payment at address %s in the amount of %s",
str(address), str(rounded_amount))
self.expected_balances[address] += rounded_amount
expected_balance = self.expected_balances[address]
expected_time = datetime.datetime.now() + self.max_expected_payment_time
(peer, address, expected_balance, expected_time, 0, amount))
peer.update_stats('expected_points', amount)
def update_peer_address(self, peer, address):
self.peer_addresses[peer] = address
def get_unused_address_for_peer(self, peer):
def set_address_for_peer(address):
self.current_address_given_to_peer[peer] = address
return address
d = self.get_least_used_address()
return d
def _send_payments(self):
payments_to_send = {}
for address, points in self.queued_payments.items():
if points > 0:
log.debug("Should be sending %s points to %s", str(points), str(address))
payments_to_send[address] = points
self.total_reserved_points -= points
log.info("Skipping dust")
del self.queued_payments[address]
if payments_to_send:
log.debug("Creating a transaction with outputs %s", str(payments_to_send))
d = self._do_send_many(payments_to_send)
d.addCallback(lambda txid: log.debug("Sent transaction %s", txid))
return d
log.debug("There were no payments to send")
return defer.succeed(True)
def get_claim_by_claim_id(self, claim_id, check_expire=True):
claim = yield self._get_claim_by_claimid(claim_id)
result = self._handle_claim_result(claim)
except (UnknownNameError, UnknownClaimID, UnknownURI) as err:
result = {'error': err.message}
def get_my_claim(self, name):
my_claims = yield self.get_name_claims()
my_claim = False
for claim in my_claims:
if claim['name'] == name:
claim['value'] = ClaimDict.load_dict(claim['value'])
my_claim = claim
def _decode_claim_result(self, claim):
if 'has_signature' in claim and claim['has_signature']:
if not claim['signature_is_valid']:
log.warning("lbry://%s#%s has an invalid signature",
claim['name'], claim['claim_id'])
decoded = smart_decode(claim['value'])
claim_dict = decoded.claim_dict
claim['value'] = claim_dict
claim['hex'] = decoded.serialized.encode('hex')
except DecodeError:
claim['hex'] = claim['value']
claim['value'] = None
claim['error'] = "Failed to decode value"
return claim
def _handle_claim_result(self, results):
if not results:
#TODO: cannot determine what name we searched for here
# we should fix lbryum commands that return None
raise UnknownNameError("")
if 'error' in results:
if results['error'] in ['name is not claimed', 'claim not found']:
if 'claim_id' in results:
raise UnknownClaimID(results['claim_id'])
elif 'name' in results:
raise UnknownNameError(results['name'])
elif 'uri' in results:
raise UnknownURI(results['uri'])
elif 'outpoint' in results:
raise UnknownOutpoint(results['outpoint'])
raise Exception(results['error'])
# case where return value is {'certificate':{'txid', 'value',...},...}
if 'certificate' in results:
results['certificate'] = self._decode_claim_result(results['certificate'])
# case where return value is {'claim':{'txid','value',...},...}
if 'claim' in results:
results['claim'] = self._decode_claim_result(results['claim'])
# case where return value is {'txid','value',...}
# returned by queries that are not name resolve related
# (getclaimbyoutpoint, getclaimbyid, getclaimsfromtx)
elif 'value' in results:
results = self._decode_claim_result(results)
# case where there is no 'certificate', 'value', or 'claim' key
elif 'certificate' not in results:
msg = 'result in unexpected format:{}'.format(results)
assert False, msg
return results
def save_claim(self, claim_info):
if 'value' in claim_info:
yield self.storage.save_claim(claim_info)
if 'certificate' in claim_info:
yield self.storage.save_claim(claim_info['certificate'])
if 'claim' in claim_info:
yield self.storage.save_claim(claim_info['claim'])
def resolve(self, *uris, **kwargs):
page = kwargs.get('page', 0)
page_size = kwargs.get('page_size', 10)
result = {}
batch_results = yield self._get_values_for_uris(page, page_size, *uris)
for uri, resolve_results in batch_results.iteritems():
claim_id = None
if resolve_results and 'claim' in resolve_results:
claim_id = resolve_results['claim']['claim_id']
certificate_id = None
if resolve_results and 'certificate' in resolve_results:
certificate_id = resolve_results['certificate']['claim_id']
result[uri] = self._handle_claim_result(resolve_results)
yield self.save_claim(result[uri])
except (UnknownNameError, UnknownClaimID, UnknownURI) as err:
result[uri] = {'error': err.message}
def get_claims_by_ids(self, *claim_ids):
claims = yield self._get_claims_by_claimids(*claim_ids)
for claim in claims.itervalues():
yield self.save_claim(claim)
def get_claim_by_outpoint(self, claim_outpoint, check_expire=True):
txid, nout = claim_outpoint.split(":")
nout = int(nout)
claim = yield self._get_claim_by_outpoint(txid, nout)
result = self._handle_claim_result(claim)
yield self.save_claim(result)
except (UnknownOutpoint) as err:
result = {'error': err.message}
def get_claim_by_name(self, name):
get_name_result = yield self._get_value_for_name(name)
result = self._handle_claim_result(get_name_result)
yield self.save_claim(result)
def get_claims_for_name(self, name):
result = yield self._get_claims_for_name(name)
claims = result['claims']
claims_for_return = []
for claim in claims:
decoded = smart_decode(claim['value'])
claim['value'] = decoded.claim_dict
claim['hex'] = decoded.serialized.encode('hex')
yield self.save_claim(claim)
except DecodeError:
claim['hex'] = claim['value']
claim['value'] = None
claim['error'] = "Failed to decode"
log.warning("Failed to decode claim value for lbry://%s#%s", claim['name'],
result['claims'] = claims_for_return
def _process_claim_out(self, claim_out):
claim_out['fee'] = float(claim_out['fee'])
return claim_out
def claim_new_channel(self, channel_name, amount):
parsed_channel_name = parse_lbry_uri(channel_name)
if not parsed_channel_name.is_channel:
raise Exception("Invalid channel name")
elif (parsed_channel_name.path or parsed_channel_name.claim_id or
parsed_channel_name.bid_position or parsed_channel_name.claim_sequence):
raise Exception("New channel claim should have no fields other than name")
log.info("Preparing to make certificate claim for %s", channel_name)
channel_claim = yield self._claim_certificate(parsed_channel_name.name, amount)
yield self.save_claim(self._get_temp_claim_info(channel_claim, channel_name, amount))
def channel_list(self):
certificates = yield self.get_certificates_for_signing()
results = []
for claim in certificates:
formatted = self._handle_claim_result(claim)
def _get_temp_claim_info(self, claim_result, name, bid):
# save the claim information with a height and sequence of 0, this will be reset upon next resolve
return {
"claim_id": claim_result['claim_id'],
"name": name,
"amount": bid,
"address": claim_result['claim_address'],
"txid": claim_result['txid'],
"nout": claim_result['nout'],
"value": claim_result['value'],
"height": -1,
"claim_sequence": -1,
def claim_name(self, name, bid, metadata, certificate_id=None, claim_address=None,
Claim a name, or update if name already claimed by user
@param name: str, name to claim
@param bid: float, bid amount
@param metadata: ClaimDict compliant dict
@param certificate_id: str (optional), claim id of channel certificate
@param claim_address: str (optional), address to send claim to
@param change_address: str (optional), address to send change
@return: Deferred which returns a dict containing below items
txid - txid of the resulting transaction
nout - nout of the resulting claim
fee - transaction fee paid to make claim
claim_id - claim id of the claim
decoded = ClaimDict.load_dict(metadata)
serialized = decoded.serialized
if self.get_balance() < Decimal(bid):
raise InsufficientFundsError()
claim = yield self._send_name_claim(name, serialized.encode('hex'),
bid, certificate_id, claim_address, change_address)
if not claim['success']:
msg = 'Claim to name {} failed: {}'.format(name, claim['reason'])
raise Exception(msg)
claim = self._process_claim_out(claim)
yield self.storage.save_claim(self._get_temp_claim_info(claim, name, bid), smart_decode(claim['value']))
def abandon_claim(self, claim_id, txid, nout):
claim_out = yield self._abandon_claim(claim_id, txid, nout)
if not claim_out['success']:
msg = 'Abandon of {}/{}:{} failed: {}'.format(
claim_id, txid, nout, claim_out['reason'])
raise Exception(msg)
claim_out = self._process_claim_out(claim_out)
def support_claim(self, name, claim_id, amount):
def _parse_support_claim_out(claim_out):
if not claim_out['success']:
msg = 'Support of {}:{} failed: {}'.format(name, claim_id, claim_out['reason'])
raise Exception(msg)
claim_out = self._process_claim_out(claim_out)
return defer.succeed(claim_out)
if self.get_balance() < amount:
raise InsufficientFundsError()
d = self._support_claim(name, claim_id, amount)
d.addCallback(lambda claim_out: _parse_support_claim_out(claim_out))
return d
def tip_claim(self, claim_id, amount):
claim_out = yield self._tip_claim(claim_id, amount)
if claim_out:
result = self._process_claim_out(claim_out)
raise Exception("failed to send tip of %f to claim id %s" % (amount, claim_id))
def get_block_info(self, height):
d = self._get_blockhash(height)
return d
def get_history(self):
d = self._get_history()
return d
def address_is_mine(self, address):
d = self._address_is_mine(address)
return d
def get_transaction(self, txid):
d = self._get_transaction(txid)
return d
def get_balance(self):
return self.wallet_balance - self.total_reserved_points - sum(self.queued_payments.values())
def _check_expected_balances(self):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
balances_to_check = []
while self.expected_balance_at_time[0][3] < now:
except IndexError:
ds = []
for balance_to_check in balances_to_check:
log.debug("Checking balance of address %s", str(balance_to_check[1]))
d = self._get_balance_for_address(balance_to_check[1])
d.addCallback(lambda bal: bal >= balance_to_check[2])
dl = defer.DeferredList(ds)
def handle_checks(results):
for balance, (success, result) in zip(balances_to_check, results):
peer = balance[0]
if success is True:
if result is False:
if balance[4] <= 1: # first or second strike, give them another chance
new_expected_balance = (
datetime.datetime.now() + self.max_expected_payment_time,
balance[4] + 1,
if balance[4] == 0:
peer.update_stats('points_received', balance[5])
log.warning("Something went wrong checking a balance. Peer: %s, account: %s,"
"expected balance: %s, expected time: %s, count: %s, error: %s",
str(balance[0]), str(balance[1]), str(balance[2]), str(balance[3]),
str(balance[4]), str(result.getErrorMessage()))
return dl
# ======== Must be overridden ======== #
def _get_blockhash(self, height):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _get_transaction(self, txid):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _update_balance(self):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def get_new_address(self):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def get_address_balance(self, address):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def get_block(self, blockhash):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def get_most_recent_blocktime(self):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def get_best_blockhash(self):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def get_name_claims(self):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _get_claims_for_name(self, name):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _claim_certificate(self, name, amount):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _send_name_claim(self, name, val, amount, certificate_id=None, claim_address=None,
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _abandon_claim(self, claim_id, txid, nout):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _support_claim(self, name, claim_id, amount):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _tip_claim(self, claim_id, amount):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _do_send_many(self, payments_to_send):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _get_value_for_name(self, name):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def get_claims_from_tx(self, txid):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _get_balance_for_address(self, address):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _get_history(self):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _address_is_mine(self, address):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _get_value_for_uri(self, uri):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _get_certificate_claims(self):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _get_claim_by_outpoint(self, txid, nout):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _get_claim_by_claimid(self, claim_id):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _get_claims_by_claimids(self, *claim_ids):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _get_values_for_uris(self, page, page_size, *uris):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def claim_renew_all_before_expiration(self, height):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def claim_renew(self, txid, nout):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def send_claim_to_address(self, claim_id, destination, amount):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def import_certificate_info(self, serialized_certificate_info):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def export_certificate_info(self, certificate_claim_id):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def get_certificates_for_signing(self):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def get_unused_address(self):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def get_least_used_address(self, account=None, for_change=False, max_count=100):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def decrypt_wallet(self):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def encrypt_wallet(self, new_password, update_keyring=False):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _start(self):
return defer.fail(NotImplementedError())
def _stop(self):
class LBRYumWallet(Wallet):
def __init__(self, storage, config=None):
Wallet.__init__(self, storage)
self._config = config
self.config = make_config(self._config)
self.network = None
self.wallet = None
self._cmd_runner = None
self.wallet_unlocked_d = defer.Deferred()
self.is_first_run = False
self.printed_retrieving_headers = False
self._start_check = None
self._catch_up_check = None
self._caught_up_counter = 0
self._lag_counter = 0
self.blocks_behind = 0
self.catchup_progress = 0
# fired when the wallet actually unlocks (wallet_unlocked_d can be called multiple times)
self.wallet_unlock_success = defer.Deferred()
def _is_first_run(self):
return (not self.printed_retrieving_headers and
def get_cmd_runner(self):
if self._cmd_runner is None:
self._cmd_runner = Commands(self.config, self.wallet, self.network)
return self._cmd_runner
def check_locked(self):
if not self.wallet.use_encryption:
log.info("Wallet is not encrypted")
elif not self._cmd_runner:
raise Exception("Command runner hasn't been initialized yet")
elif self._cmd_runner.locked:
log.info("Waiting for wallet password")
return self.wallet_unlock_success
def unlock(self, password):
if self._cmd_runner and self._cmd_runner.locked:
log.info("Unlocked the wallet!")
except InvalidPassword:
log.warning("Incorrect password, try again")
self.wallet_unlocked_d = defer.Deferred()
return defer.succeed(False)
return defer.succeed(True)
def _start(self):
network_start_d = defer.Deferred()
def setup_network():
self.network = Network(self.config)
log.info("Loading the wallet")
return defer.succeed(self.network.start())
def check_started():
if self.network.is_connecting():
if self._is_first_run():
log.info("Running the wallet for the first time. This may take a moment.")
self.printed_retrieving_headers = True
return False
self._start_check = None
if self.network.is_connected():
network_start_d.errback(ValueError("Failed to connect to network."))
self._start_check = task.LoopingCall(check_started)
d = setup_network()
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._load_wallet())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._start_check.start(.1))
d.addCallback(lambda _: network_start_d)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._load_blockchain())
d.addCallback(lambda _: log.info("Subscribing to addresses"))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.wallet.wait_until_synchronized(lambda _: None))
d.addCallback(lambda _: log.info("Synchronized wallet"))
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.get_cmd_runner())
d.addCallbacks(lambda _: log.info("Set up lbryum command runner"))
return d
def _stop(self):
if self._start_check is not None:
self._start_check = None
if self._catch_up_check is not None:
if self._catch_up_check.running:
self._catch_up_check = None
d = defer.Deferred()
def check_stopped():
if self.network:
if self.network.is_connected():
return False
self.network = None
if self.wallet:
log.info("Stopped wallet")
if self.network:
log.info("Stopped connection to lbryum server")
stop_check = task.LoopingCall(check_stopped)
return d
def _load_wallet(self):
path = self.config.get_wallet_path()
storage = lbryum_wallet.WalletStorage(path)
wallet = lbryum_wallet.Wallet(storage)
if not storage.file_exists:
self.is_first_run = True
seed = wallet.make_seed()
wallet.add_seed(seed, None)
self.wallet = wallet
return defer.succeed(True)
def _check_large_wallet(self):
addr_count = len(self.wallet.addresses(include_change=False))
if addr_count > 1000:
log.warning("Your wallet is excessively large (%i addresses), "
"please follow instructions here: "
"https://github.com/lbryio/lbry/issues/437 to reduce your wallet size",
log.info("Wallet has %i addresses", addr_count)
def _load_blockchain(self):
blockchain_caught_d = defer.Deferred()
def on_update_callback(event, *args):
# This callback is called by lbryum when something chain
# related has happened
local_height = self.network.get_local_height()
remote_height = self.network.get_server_height()
updated_blocks_behind = self.network.get_blocks_behind()
'Local Height: %s, remote height: %s, behind: %s',
local_height, remote_height, updated_blocks_behind)
self.blocks_behind = updated_blocks_behind
if local_height != remote_height:
assert self.blocks_behind == 0
log.info("Wallet Loaded")
reactor.callFromThread(blockchain_caught_d.callback, True)
self.network.register_callback(on_update_callback, ['updated'])
d = defer.succeed(self.wallet.start_threads(self.network))
d.addCallback(lambda _: blockchain_caught_d)
return d
# run commands as a defer.succeed,
# lbryum commands should be run this way , unless if the command
# only makes a lbrum server query, use _run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread()
def _run_cmd_as_defer_succeed(self, command_name, *args, **kwargs):
cmd_runner = self.get_cmd_runner()
cmd = Commands.known_commands[command_name]
func = getattr(cmd_runner, cmd.name)
return defer.succeed(func(*args, **kwargs))
# run commands as a deferToThread, lbryum commands that only make
# queries to lbryum server should be run this way
# TODO: keep track of running threads and cancel them on `stop`
# otherwise the application will hang, waiting for threads to complete
def _run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread(self, command_name, *args, **kwargs):
cmd_runner = self.get_cmd_runner()
cmd = Commands.known_commands[command_name]
func = getattr(cmd_runner, cmd.name)
return threads.deferToThread(func, *args, **kwargs)
def _update_balance(self):
accounts = None
exclude_claimtrietx = True
d = self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('getbalance', accounts, exclude_claimtrietx)
lambda result: Decimal(result['confirmed']) + Decimal(result.get('unconfirmed', 0.0)))
return d
# Always create and return a brand new address
def get_new_address(self, for_change=False, account=None):
return defer.succeed(self.wallet.create_new_address(account=account,
# Get the balance of a given address.
def get_address_balance(self, address, include_balance=False):
c, u, x = self.wallet.get_addr_balance(address)
if include_balance is False:
return Decimal(float(c) / COIN)
return Decimal((float(c) + float(u) + float(x)) / COIN)
def create_addresses_with_balance(self, num_addresses, amount, broadcast=True):
addresses = self.wallet.get_unused_addresses(account=None)
if len(addresses) > num_addresses:
addresses = addresses[:num_addresses]
elif len(addresses) < num_addresses:
for i in range(len(addresses), num_addresses):
address = self.wallet.create_new_address(account=None)
outputs = [[address, amount] for address in addresses]
tx = yield self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('payto', outputs, broadcast=broadcast)
# Return an address with no balance in it, if
# there is none, create a brand new address
def get_unused_address(self):
addr = self.wallet.get_unused_address(account=None)
if addr is None:
addr = yield self.get_new_address()
def get_least_used_address(self, account=None, for_change=False, max_count=100):
return defer.succeed(self.wallet.get_least_used_address(account, for_change, max_count))
def get_block(self, blockhash):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread('getblock', blockhash)
def get_most_recent_blocktime(self):
height = self.network.get_local_height()
if height < 0:
return defer.succeed(None)
header = self.network.get_header(self.network.get_local_height())
return defer.succeed(header['timestamp'])
def get_best_blockhash(self):
height = self.network.get_local_height()
if height < 0:
return defer.succeed(None)
header = self.network.blockchain.read_header(height)
return defer.succeed(self.network.blockchain.hash_header(header))
def _get_blockhash(self, height):
header = self.network.blockchain.read_header(height)
return defer.succeed(self.network.blockchain.hash_header(header))
def _get_transaction(self, txid):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread("gettransaction", txid)
def get_name_claims(self):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('getnameclaims')
def _get_claims_for_name(self, name):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread('getclaimsforname', name)
def _send_name_claim(self, name, value, amount,
certificate_id=None, claim_address=None, change_address=None):
log.info("Send claim: %s for %s: %s ", name, amount, value)
claim_out = yield self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('claim', name, value, amount,
def _abandon_claim(self, claim_id, txid, nout):
log.debug("Abandon %s" % claim_id)
tx_out = yield self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('abandon', claim_id, txid, nout)
def _support_claim(self, name, claim_id, amount):
log.debug("Support %s %s %f" % (name, claim_id, amount))
claim_out = yield self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('support', name, claim_id, amount)
def _tip_claim(self, claim_id, amount):
log.debug("Tip %s %f", claim_id, amount)
claim_out = yield self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('sendwithsupport', claim_id, amount)
def _do_send_many(self, payments_to_send):
def handle_payto_out(payto_out):
if not payto_out['success']:
raise Exception("Failed payto, reason:{}".format(payto_out['reason']))
return payto_out['txid']
log.debug("Doing send many. payments to send: %s", str(payments_to_send))
d = self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('payto', payments_to_send.iteritems())
d.addCallback(lambda out: handle_payto_out(out))
return d
def _get_value_for_name(self, name):
if not name:
raise Exception("No name given")
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread('getvalueforname', name)
def _get_value_for_uri(self, uri):
if not uri:
raise Exception("No uri given")
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread('getvalueforuri', uri)
def _get_values_for_uris(self, page, page_size, *uris):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread('getvaluesforuris', False, page, page_size,
def _claim_certificate(self, name, amount):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('claimcertificate', name, amount)
def _get_certificate_claims(self):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('getcertificateclaims')
def get_claims_from_tx(self, txid):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread('getclaimsfromtx', txid)
def _get_claim_by_outpoint(self, txid, nout):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread('getclaimbyoutpoint', txid, nout)
def _get_claim_by_claimid(self, claim_id):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread('getclaimbyid', claim_id)
def _get_claims_by_claimids(self, *claim_ids):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread('getclaimsbyids', claim_ids)
def _get_balance_for_address(self, address):
return defer.succeed(Decimal(self.wallet.get_addr_received(address)) / COIN)
def get_nametrie(self):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_to_thread('getclaimtrie')
def _get_history(self):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('claimhistory')
def _address_is_mine(self, address):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('ismine', address)
# returns a list of public keys associated with address
# (could be multiple public keys if a multisig address)
def get_pub_keys(self, address):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('getpubkeys', address)
def list_addresses(self):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('listaddresses')
def list_unspent(self):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('listunspent')
def send_claim_to_address(self, claim_id, destination, amount):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('sendclaimtoaddress', claim_id, destination, amount)
def import_certificate_info(self, serialized_certificate_info):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('importcertificateinfo', serialized_certificate_info)
def export_certificate_info(self, certificate_claim_id):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('exportcertificateinfo', certificate_claim_id)
def get_certificates_for_signing(self):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('getcertificatesforsigning')
def claim_renew_all_before_expiration(self, height):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('renewclaimsbeforeexpiration', height)
def claim_renew(self, txid, nout):
return self._run_cmd_as_defer_succeed('renewclaim', txid, nout)
def decrypt_wallet(self):
if not self.wallet.use_encryption:
return False
if not self._cmd_runner:
return False
if self._cmd_runner.locked:
return False
return not self.wallet.use_encryption
def encrypt_wallet(self, new_password, update_keyring=False):
if not self._cmd_runner:
return False
if self._cmd_runner.locked:
return False
self._cmd_runner.update_password(new_password, update_keyring)
return not self.wallet.use_encryption
class LBRYcrdAddressRequester(object):
def __init__(self, wallet):
self.wallet = wallet
self._protocols = []
# ======== IRequestCreator ======== #
def send_next_request(self, peer, protocol):
if not protocol in self._protocols:
r = ClientRequest({'lbrycrd_address': True}, 'lbrycrd_address')
d = protocol.add_request(r)
d.addCallback(self._handle_address_response, peer, r, protocol)
d.addErrback(self._request_failed, peer)
return defer.succeed(True)
return defer.succeed(False)
# ======== internal calls ======== #
def _handle_address_response(self, response_dict, peer, request, protocol):
if request.response_identifier not in response_dict:
raise ValueError(
"Expected {} in response but did not get it".format(request.response_identifier))
assert protocol in self._protocols, "Responding protocol is not in our list of protocols"
address = response_dict[request.response_identifier]
self.wallet.update_peer_address(peer, address)
def _request_failed(self, err, peer):
if not err.check(DownloadCanceledError, RequestCanceledError, ConnectionAborted):
log.warning("A peer failed to send a valid public key response. Error: %s, peer: %s",
err.getErrorMessage(), str(peer))
return err
class LBRYcrdAddressQueryHandlerFactory(object):
def __init__(self, wallet):
self.wallet = wallet
# ======== IQueryHandlerFactory ======== #
def build_query_handler(self):
q_h = LBRYcrdAddressQueryHandler(self.wallet)
return q_h
def get_primary_query_identifier(self):
return 'lbrycrd_address'
def get_description(self):
return "LBRYcrd Address - an address for receiving payments via LBRYcrd"
class LBRYcrdAddressQueryHandler(object):
def __init__(self, wallet):
self.wallet = wallet
self.query_identifiers = ['lbrycrd_address']
self.address = None
self.peer = None
# ======== IQueryHandler ======== #
def register_with_request_handler(self, request_handler, peer):
self.peer = peer
request_handler.register_query_handler(self, self.query_identifiers)
def handle_queries(self, queries):
def create_response(address):
self.address = address
fields = {'lbrycrd_address': address}
return fields
if self.query_identifiers[0] in queries:
d = self.wallet.get_unused_address_for_peer(self.peer)
return d
if self.address is None:
log.warning("Expected a request for an address, but did not receive one")
return defer.fail(
Failure(ValueError("Expected but did not receive an address request")))
return defer.succeed({})
def make_config(config=None):
if config is None:
config = {}
return SimpleConfig(config) if isinstance(config, dict) else config