88 lines
3.7 KiB
88 lines
3.7 KiB
import hashlib
import struct
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import defer
from lbrynet.dht.node import Node
from lbrynet.dht import constants
from lbrynet.core.utils import generate_id
class NodeIDTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.node = Node()
def test_new_node_has_auto_created_id(self):
self.assertEqual(type(self.node.node_id), bytes)
self.assertEqual(len(self.node.node_id), 48)
def test_uniqueness_and_length_of_generated_ids(self):
previous_ids = []
for i in range(100):
new_id = self.node._generateID()
self.assertNotIn(new_id, previous_ids, f'id at index {i} not unique')
self.assertEqual(len(new_id), 48, 'id at index {} wrong length: {}'.format(i, len(new_id)))
class NodeDataTest(unittest.TestCase):
""" Test case for the Node class's data-related functions """
def setUp(self):
h = hashlib.sha384()
self.node = Node()
self.contact = self.node.contact_manager.make_contact(
h.digest(), '', 12345, self.node._protocol)
self.token = self.node.make_token(self.contact.compact_ip())
self.cases = []
for i in range(5):
self.cases.append((h.digest(), 5000+2*i))
self.cases.append((h.digest(), 5001+2*i))
def test_store(self):
""" Tests if the node can store (and privately retrieve) some data """
for key, port in self.cases:
yield self.node.store(
self.contact, key, self.token, port, self.contact.id, 0
for key, value in self.cases:
expected_result = self.contact.compact_ip() + struct.pack('>H', value) + self.contact.id
"Stored key not found in node's DataStore: '%s'" % key)
self.assertTrue(expected_result in self.node._dataStore.getPeersForBlob(key),
"Stored val not found in node's DataStore: key:'%s' port:'%s' %s"
% (key, value, self.node._dataStore.getPeersForBlob(key)))
class NodeContactTest(unittest.TestCase):
""" Test case for the Node class's contact management-related functions """
def setUp(self):
self.node = Node()
def test_add_contact(self):
""" Tests if a contact can be added and retrieved correctly """
# Create the contact
contact_id = generate_id(b'node1')
contact = self.node.contact_manager.make_contact(contact_id, '', 9182, self.node._protocol)
# Now add it...
yield self.node.addContact(contact)
# ...and request the closest nodes to it using FIND_NODE
closest_nodes = self.node._routingTable.findCloseNodes(contact_id, constants.k)
self.assertEqual(len(closest_nodes), 1)
self.assertIn(contact, closest_nodes)
def test_add_self_as_contact(self):
""" Tests the node's behaviour when attempting to add itself as a contact """
# Create a contact with the same ID as the local node's ID
contact = self.node.contact_manager.make_contact(self.node.node_id, '', 9182, None)
# Now try to add it
yield self.node.addContact(contact)
# ...and request the closest nodes to it using FIND_NODE
closest_nodes = self.node._routingTable.findCloseNodes(self.node.node_id, constants.k)
self.assertNotIn(contact, closest_nodes, 'Node added itself as a contact.')