393 lines
13 KiB
393 lines
13 KiB
import datetime
import inspect
import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
import os
import platform
import sys
import traceback
import requests
from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession
import lbrynet
from lbrynet import analytics
from lbrynet import conf
from lbrynet.core import utils
# This code is copied from logging/__init__.py in the python source code
# _srcfile is used when walking the stack to check when we've got the first
# caller stack frame.
if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): #support for py2exe
_srcfile = "logging%s__init__%s" % (os.sep, __file__[-4:])
elif __file__[-4:].lower() in ['.pyc', '.pyo']:
_srcfile = __file__[:-4] + '.py'
_srcfile = __file__
_srcfile = os.path.normcase(_srcfile)
session = FuturesSession()
def bg_cb(sess, resp):
""" Don't do anything with the response """
class HTTPSHandler(logging.Handler):
def __init__(self, url, fqdn=False, localname=None, facility=None):
self.url = url
self.fqdn = fqdn
self.localname = localname
self.facility = facility
def get_full_message(self, record):
if record.exc_info:
return '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*record.exc_info))
return record.getMessage()
def emit(self, record):
payload = self.format(record)
session.post(self.url, data=payload, background_callback=bg_cb)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
DEFAULT_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s"
LOGGLY_URL = "https://logs-01.loggly.com/inputs/{token}/tag/{tag}"
def remove_handlers(log, handler_name):
for handler in log.handlers:
if handler.name == handler_name:
def _log_decorator(fn):
"""Configure a logging handler.
`fn` is a function that returns a logging handler. The returned
handler has its log-level set and is attached to the specified
logger or the root logger.
def helper(*args, **kwargs):
log = kwargs.pop('log', logging.getLogger())
level = kwargs.pop('level', logging.INFO)
if not isinstance(level, int):
# despite the name, getLevelName returns
# the numeric level when passed a text level
level = logging.getLevelName(level)
handler = fn(*args, **kwargs)
configure_handler(handler, log, level)
return handler
return helper
def configure_handler(handler, log, level):
if handler.name:
remove_handlers(log, handler.name)
# need to reduce the logger's level down to the
# handler's level or else the handler won't
# get those messages
if log.level > level:
return handler
def disable_third_party_loggers():
def configure_console(**kwargs):
"""Convenience function to configure a log-handler that outputs to stdout"""
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
handler.name = 'console'
return handler
def configure_file_handler(file_name, **kwargs):
"""Convenience function to configure a log-handler that writes to `file_name`"""
handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(file_name, maxBytes=2097152, backupCount=5)
handler.name = 'file'
return handler
def configure_analytics_handler(analytics_manager):
handler = analytics.Handler(analytics_manager)
handler.name = 'analytics'
return configure_handler(handler, logging.getLogger(), logging.ERROR)
def get_loggly_url(token=None, version=None):
token = token or utils.deobfuscate(conf.settings.LOGGLY_TOKEN)
version = version or lbrynet.__version__
return LOGGLY_URL.format(token=token, tag='lbrynet-' + version)
def configure_loggly_handler(url=None, **kwargs):
url = url or get_loggly_url()
formatter = JsonFormatter(**kwargs)
handler = HTTPSHandler(url)
handler.name = 'loggly'
return handler
class JsonFormatter(logging.Formatter):
"""Format log records using json serialization"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.attributes = kwargs
def format(self, record):
data = {
'loggerName': record.name,
'asciTime': self.formatTime(record),
'fileName': record.filename,
'functionName': record.funcName,
'levelNo': record.levelno,
'lineNo': record.lineno,
'levelName': record.levelname,
'message': record.getMessage(),
if record.exc_info:
data['exc_info'] = self.formatException(record.exc_info)
return json.dumps(data)
# This code is copied from logging/__init__.py in the python source code
def findCaller(srcfile=None):
"""Returns the filename, line number and function name of the caller"""
srcfile = srcfile or _srcfile
f = inspect.currentframe()
#On some versions of IronPython, currentframe() returns None if
#IronPython isn't run with -X:Frames.
if f is not None:
f = f.f_back
rv = "(unknown file)", 0, "(unknown function)"
while hasattr(f, "f_code"):
co = f.f_code
filename = os.path.normcase(co.co_filename)
# ignore any function calls that are in this file
if filename == srcfile:
f = f.f_back
rv = (filename, f.f_lineno, co.co_name)
return rv
def failure(failure, log, msg, *args):
"""Log a failure message from a deferred.
failure: twisted.python.failure.Failure
log: a python logger instance
msg: the message to log. Can use normal logging string interpolation.
the last argument will be set to the error message from the failure.
args: values to substitute into `msg`
args += (failure.getErrorMessage(),)
exc_info = (failure.type, failure.value, failure.getTracebackObject())
log.error(msg, *args, exc_info=exc_info)
def convert_verbose(verbose):
"""Convert the results of the --verbose flag into a list of logger names
if --verbose is not provided, args.verbose will be None and logging
should be at the info level.
if --verbose is provided, but not followed by any arguments, then
args.verbose = [] and debug logging should be enabled for all of lbrynet
along with info logging on lbryum.
if --verbose is provided and followed by arguments, those arguments
will be in a list
if verbose is None:
return []
if verbose == []:
return ['lbrynet', 'lbryum']
return verbose
def configure_logging(file_name, console, verbose=None):
"""Apply the default logging configuration.
Enables two log-handlers at the INFO level: a file logger and a loggly logger.
Optionally turns on a console logger that defaults to the INFO level, with
specified loggers being set to the DEBUG level.
file_name: the file to which logs should be saved
console: If true, enable a console logger
verbose: a list of loggers to set to debug level.
See `convert_verbose` for more details.
verbose = convert_verbose(verbose)
if console:
# if there are some loggers at the debug level, we need
# to enable the console to allow debug. Otherwise, only
# allow info.
level = 'DEBUG' if verbose else 'INFO'
handler = configure_console(level=level)
if 'lbryum' in verbose:
# TODO: this enables lbryum logging on the other handlers
# too which isn't consistent with how verbose logging
# happens with other loggers. Should change the configuration
# so that its only logging at the INFO level for the console.
if verbose:
class LoggerNameFilter(object):
"""Filter a log record based on its name.
Allows all info level and higher records to pass thru.
Debug records pass if the log record name (or a parent) match
the input list of logger names.
def __init__(self, logger_names):
self.logger_names = logger_names
def filter(self, record):
if record.levelno >= logging.INFO:
return True
name = record.name
while name:
if name in self.logger_names:
return True
name = get_parent(name)
return False
def get_parent(logger_name):
names = logger_name.split('.')
if len(names) == 1:
return ''
names = names[:-1]
return '.'.join(names)
class LogUploader(object):
def __init__(self, log_name, log_file, log_size):
self.log_name = log_name
self.log_file = log_file
self.log_size = log_size
def upload(self, exclude_previous, id_hash, log_type):
if not os.path.isfile(self.log_file):
log_contents = self.log_contents(exclude_previous)
params = {
'date': datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'),
'hash': id_hash,
'sys': platform.system(),
'type': self.get_type(log_type),
'log': log_contents
requests.post(conf.settings.LOG_POST_URL, params)
def log_contents(self, exclude_previous):
with open(self.log_file) as f:
if exclude_previous:
log_contents = f.read()
log_contents = f.read()
return log_contents
def get_type(self, log_type):
if log_type:
return "%s-%s" % (self.log_name, log_type)
return self.log_name
def load(cls, log_name, log_file):
if os.path.isfile(log_file):
with open(log_file, 'r') as f:
log_size = len(f.read())
log_size = 0
return cls(log_name, log_file, log_size)
class Logger(logging.Logger):
"""A logger that has an extra `fail` method useful for handling twisted failures."""
def fail(self, callback=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""Returns a function to log a failure from an errback.
The returned function appends the error message and extracts
the traceback from `err`.
Example usage:
d.addErrback(log.fail(), 'This is an error message')
Although odd, making the method call is necessary to extract
out useful filename and line number information; otherwise the
reported values are from inside twisted's deferred handling
callback: callable to call after making the log. The first argument
will be the `err` from the deferred
args: extra arguments to pass into `callback`
Returns: a function that takes the following arguments:
err: twisted.python.failure.Failure
msg: the message to log, using normal logging string iterpolation.
msg_args: the values to subtitute into `msg`
msg_kwargs: set `level` to change from the default ERROR severity. Other
keywoards are treated as normal log kwargs.
fn, lno, func = findCaller()
def _fail(err, msg, *msg_args, **msg_kwargs):
level = msg_kwargs.pop('level', logging.ERROR)
msg += ": %s"
msg_args += (err.getErrorMessage(),)
exc_info = (err.type, err.value, err.getTracebackObject())
record = self.makeRecord(
self.name, level, fn, lno, msg, msg_args, exc_info, func, msg_kwargs)
if callback:
return callback(err, *args, **kwargs)
return _fail
def trace(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
if self.isEnabledFor(TRACE):
self._log(TRACE, msg, args, **kwargs)
logging.addLevelName(TRACE, 'TRACE')