268 lines
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268 lines
13 KiB
import asyncio
import logging
import typing
from typing import Optional
from aiohttp.web import Request
from lbry.error import ResolveError, DownloadSDTimeoutError, InsufficientFundsError
from lbry.error import ResolveTimeoutError, DownloadDataTimeoutError, KeyFeeAboveMaxAllowedError
from lbry.stream.managed_stream import ManagedStream
from lbry.torrent.torrent_manager import TorrentSource
from lbry.utils import cache_concurrent
from lbry.schema.url import URL
from lbry.wallet.dewies import dewies_to_lbc
from lbry.file.source_manager import SourceManager
from lbry.file.source import ManagedDownloadSource
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from lbry.conf import Config
from lbry.extras.daemon.analytics import AnalyticsManager
from lbry.extras.daemon.storage import SQLiteStorage
from lbry.wallet import WalletManager
from lbry.extras.daemon.exchange_rate_manager import ExchangeRateManager
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FileManager:
def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, config: 'Config', wallet_manager: 'WalletManager',
storage: 'SQLiteStorage', analytics_manager: Optional['AnalyticsManager'] = None):
self.loop = loop
self.config = config
self.wallet_manager = wallet_manager
self.storage = storage
self.analytics_manager = analytics_manager
self.source_managers: typing.Dict[str, SourceManager] = {}
self.started = asyncio.Event()
def streams(self):
return self.source_managers['stream']._sources
async def create_stream(self, file_path: str, key: Optional[bytes] = None, **kwargs) -> ManagedDownloadSource:
if 'stream' in self.source_managers:
return await self.source_managers['stream'].create(file_path, key, **kwargs)
raise NotImplementedError
async def start(self):
await asyncio.gather(*(source_manager.start() for source_manager in self.source_managers.values()))
for manager in self.source_managers.values():
await manager.started.wait()
def stop(self):
for manager in self.source_managers.values():
# fixme: pop or not?
async def download_from_uri(self, uri, exchange_rate_manager: 'ExchangeRateManager',
timeout: Optional[float] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None,
download_directory: Optional[str] = None,
save_file: Optional[bool] = None, resolve_timeout: float = 3.0,
wallet: Optional['Wallet'] = None) -> ManagedDownloadSource:
wallet = wallet or self.wallet_manager.default_wallet
timeout = timeout or self.config.download_timeout
start_time = self.loop.time()
resolved_time = None
stream = None
error = None
outpoint = None
if save_file is None:
save_file = self.config.save_files
if file_name and not save_file:
save_file = True
if save_file:
download_directory = download_directory or self.config.download_dir
download_directory = None
payment = None
# resolve the claim
if not URL.parse(uri).has_stream:
raise ResolveError("cannot download a channel claim, specify a /path")
resolved_result = await asyncio.wait_for(
self.wallet_manager.ledger.resolve(wallet.accounts, [uri]),
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise ResolveTimeoutError(uri)
except Exception as err:
if isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError):
log.exception("Unexpected error resolving stream:")
raise ResolveError(f"Unexpected error resolving stream: {str(err)}")
if 'error' in resolved_result:
raise ResolveError(f"Unexpected error resolving uri for download: {resolved_result['error']}")
if not resolved_result or uri not in resolved_result:
raise ResolveError(f"Failed to resolve stream at '{uri}'")
txo = resolved_result[uri]
if isinstance(txo, dict):
raise ResolveError(f"Failed to resolve stream at '{uri}': {txo}")
claim = txo.claim
outpoint = f"{txo.tx_ref.id}:{txo.position}"
resolved_time = self.loop.time() - start_time
await self.storage.save_claim_from_output(self.wallet_manager.ledger, txo)
# update or replace
if claim.stream.source.bt_infohash:
source_manager = self.source_managers['torrent']
existing = source_manager.get_filtered(bt_infohash=claim.stream.source.bt_infohash)
source_manager = self.source_managers['stream']
existing = source_manager.get_filtered(sd_hash=claim.stream.source.sd_hash)
# resume or update an existing stream, if the stream changed: download it and delete the old one after
to_replace, updated_stream = None, None
if existing and existing[0].claim_id != txo.claim_id:
raise ResolveError(f"stream for {existing[0].claim_id} collides with existing download {txo.claim_id}")
if existing:
log.info("claim contains a metadata only update to a stream we have")
await self.storage.save_content_claim(
existing[0].stream_hash, outpoint
await source_manager._update_content_claim(existing[0])
updated_stream = existing[0]
existing_for_claim_id = self.get_filtered(claim_id=txo.claim_id)
if existing_for_claim_id:
log.info("claim contains an update to a stream we have, downloading it")
if save_file and existing_for_claim_id[0].output_file_exists:
save_file = False
await existing_for_claim_id[0].start(timeout=timeout, save_now=save_file)
if not existing_for_claim_id[0].output_file_exists and (
save_file or file_name or download_directory):
await existing_for_claim_id[0].save_file(
file_name=file_name, download_directory=download_directory
to_replace = existing_for_claim_id[0]
# resume or update an existing stream, if the stream changed: download it and delete the old one after
if updated_stream:
log.info("already have stream for %s", uri)
if save_file and updated_stream.output_file_exists:
save_file = False
await updated_stream.start(timeout=timeout, save_now=save_file)
if not updated_stream.output_file_exists and (save_file or file_name or download_directory):
await updated_stream.save_file(
file_name=file_name, download_directory=download_directory
return updated_stream
# pay fee
if not to_replace and txo.has_price and not txo.purchase_receipt:
payment = await self.wallet_manager.create_purchase_transaction(
wallet.accounts, txo, exchange_rate_manager
# make downloader and wait for start
if not claim.stream.source.bt_infohash:
# fixme: this shouldnt be here
stream = ManagedStream(
self.loop, self.config, source_manager.blob_manager, claim.stream.source.sd_hash,
download_directory, file_name, ManagedStream.STATUS_RUNNING, content_fee=payment,
stream.downloader.node = source_manager.node
stream = TorrentSource(
self.loop, self.config, self.storage, identifier=claim.stream.source.bt_infohash,
file_name=file_name, download_directory=download_directory or self.config.download_dir,
log.info("starting download for %s", uri)
before_download = self.loop.time()
await stream.start(timeout, save_file)
# success case: delete to_replace if applicable, broadcast fee payment
if to_replace: # delete old stream now that the replacement has started downloading
await source_manager.delete(to_replace)
if payment is not None:
await self.wallet_manager.broadcast_or_release(payment)
payment = None # to avoid releasing in `finally` later
log.info("paid fee of %s for %s", dewies_to_lbc(stream.content_fee.outputs[0].amount), uri)
await self.storage.save_content_fee(stream.stream_hash, stream.content_fee)
await self.storage.save_content_claim(stream.stream_hash, outpoint)
if save_file:
await asyncio.wait_for(stream.save_file(), timeout - (self.loop.time() - before_download),
return stream
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
error = DownloadDataTimeoutError(stream.sd_hash)
raise error
except Exception as err: # forgive data timeout, don't delete stream
expected = (DownloadSDTimeoutError, DownloadDataTimeoutError, InsufficientFundsError,
if isinstance(err, expected):
log.warning("Failed to download %s: %s", uri, str(err))
elif isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError):
log.exception("Unexpected error downloading stream:")
error = err
if payment is not None:
# payment is set to None after broadcasting, if we're here an exception probably happened
await self.wallet_manager.ledger.release_tx(payment)
if self.analytics_manager and (error or (stream and (stream.downloader.time_to_descriptor or
server = self.wallet_manager.ledger.network.client.server
resolved_time, self.loop.time() - start_time, None if not stream else stream.download_id,
uri, outpoint,
None if not stream else len(stream.downloader.blob_downloader.active_connections),
None if not stream else len(stream.downloader.blob_downloader.scores),
None if not stream else len(stream.downloader.blob_downloader.connection_failures),
False if not stream else stream.downloader.added_fixed_peers,
self.config.fixed_peer_delay if not stream else stream.downloader.fixed_peers_delay,
None if not stream else stream.sd_hash,
None if not stream else stream.downloader.time_to_descriptor,
None if not (stream and stream.descriptor) else stream.descriptor.blobs[0].blob_hash,
None if not (stream and stream.descriptor) else stream.descriptor.blobs[0].length,
None if not stream else stream.downloader.time_to_first_bytes,
None if not error else error.__class__.__name__,
None if not error else str(error),
None if not server else f"{server[0]}:{server[1]}"
async def stream_partial_content(self, request: Request, sd_hash: str):
return await self.source_managers['stream'].stream_partial_content(request, sd_hash)
def get_filtered(self, *args, **kwargs) -> typing.List[ManagedDownloadSource]:
Get a list of filtered and sorted ManagedStream objects
:param sort_by: field to sort by
:param reverse: reverse sorting
:param comparison: comparison operator used for filtering
:param search_by: fields and values to filter by
return sum((manager.get_filtered(*args, **kwargs) for manager in self.source_managers.values()), [])
async def delete(self, source: ManagedDownloadSource, delete_file=False):
for manager in self.source_managers.values():
return await manager.delete(source, delete_file)