253 lines
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253 lines
9.1 KiB
import os
import stat
import json
import asyncio
import logging
from typing import Optional, Dict
from lbry.db import Database
from lbry.blockchain.dewies import dict_values_to_lbc
from lbry.event import EventController
from .wallet import Wallet
from .account import SingleKey, HierarchicalDeterministic
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WalletManager:
def __init__(self, db: Database):
self.db = db
self.ledger = db.ledger
self._on_change_controller = EventController()
self.on_change = self._on_change_controller.stream
self.wallets: Dict[str, Wallet] = {}
if self.ledger.conf.wallet_storage == "file":
self.storage = FileWallet(self.db, self.ledger.conf.wallet_dir)
elif self.ledger.conf.wallet_storage == "database":
self.storage = DatabaseWallet(self.db)
raise Exception(f"Unknown wallet storage format: {self.ledger.conf.wallet_storage}")
def __len__(self):
return self.wallets.__len__()
def __iter__(self):
return self.wallets.values().__iter__()
def __getitem__(self, wallet_id: str) -> Wallet:
return self.wallets[wallet_id]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"Couldn't find wallet: {wallet_id}.")
async def generate_addresses(self):
for wallet in self.wallets.values():
await wallet.generate_addresses()
def default(self) -> Optional[Wallet]:
for wallet in self.wallets.values():
return wallet
def get_or_default(self, wallet_id: Optional[str]) -> Wallet:
if wallet_id:
return self[wallet_id]
wallet = self.default
if not wallet:
raise ValueError("No wallets available.")
return wallet
def get_or_default_for_spending(self, wallet_id: Optional[str]) -> Wallet:
wallet = self.get_or_default(wallet_id)
if wallet.is_locked:
raise ValueError("Cannot spend funds with locked wallet, unlock first.")
return wallet
async def open(self):
await self.storage.prepare()
await self.initialize()
async def close(self):
async def initialize(self):
for wallet_id in self.ledger.conf.wallets:
if wallet_id in self.wallets:
log.warning("Ignoring duplicate wallet_id in config: %s", wallet_id)
await self.load(wallet_id)
default_wallet = self.default
if default_wallet is None:
if self.ledger.conf.create_default_wallet:
assert self.ledger.conf.wallets[0] == "default_wallet", (
"Requesting to generate the default wallet but the 'wallets' "
"config setting does not include 'default_wallet' as the first wallet."
await self.create(
self.ledger.conf.wallets[0], 'Wallet',
elif not default_wallet.has_accounts and self.ledger.conf.create_default_account:
await default_wallet.accounts.generate()
async def load(self, wallet_id: str) -> Optional[Wallet]:
wallet = await self.storage.get(wallet_id)
if wallet is not None:
return self.add(wallet)
async def create(
self, wallet_id: str, name: str = "",
create_account=False, language="en", single_key=False
) -> Wallet:
if wallet_id in self.wallets:
raise Exception(f"Wallet with id '{wallet_id}' is already loaded and cannot be created.")
if await self.storage.exists(wallet_id):
raise Exception(f"Wallet '{wallet_id}' already exists, use 'wallet_add' to load wallet.")
wallet = Wallet(wallet_id, self.db, name)
if create_account:
await wallet.accounts.generate(language=language, address_generator={
'name': SingleKey.name if single_key else HierarchicalDeterministic.name
await self.storage.save(wallet)
return self.add(wallet)
def add(self, wallet: Wallet) -> Wallet:
self.wallets[wallet.id] = wallet
def wallet_change_handler(event):
return wallet
def remove(self, wallet_id: str) -> Wallet:
return self.wallets.pop(wallet_id)
async def _report_state(self):
for wallet in self.wallets.values():
for account in wallet.accounts:
balance = dict_values_to_lbc(await account.get_balance(include_claims=True))
_, channel_count = await account.get_channels(limit=1)
claim_count = await account.get_claim_count()
if isinstance(account.receiving, SingleKey):
log.info("Loaded single key account %s with %s LBC. "
"%d channels, %d certificates and %d claims",
account.id, balance, channel_count, len(account.channel_keys), claim_count)
total_receiving = len(await account.receiving.get_addresses())
total_change = len(await account.change.get_addresses())
log.info("Loaded account %s with %s LBC, %d receiving addresses (gap: %d), "
"%d change addresses (gap: %d), %d channels, %d certificates and %d claims. ",
account.id, balance, total_receiving, account.receiving.gap, total_change,
account.change.gap, channel_count, len(account.channel_keys), claim_count)
except Exception as err:
if isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError): # TODO: remove when updated to 3.8
'Failed to display wallet state, please file issue '
'for this bug along with the traceback you see below:'
class WalletStorage:
async def prepare(self):
raise NotImplementedError
async def exists(self, wallet_id: str) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get(self, wallet_id: str) -> Wallet:
raise NotImplementedError
async def save(self, wallet: Wallet):
raise NotImplementedError
class FileWallet(WalletStorage):
def __init__(self, db, wallet_dir):
self.db = db
self.wallet_dir = wallet_dir
def get_wallet_path(self, wallet_id: str):
return os.path.join(self.wallet_dir, wallet_id)
async def prepare(self):
await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(
None, self.sync_ensure_wallets_directory_exists
def sync_ensure_wallets_directory_exists(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.wallet_dir):
async def exists(self, wallet_id: str) -> bool:
return os.path.exists(self.get_wallet_path(wallet_id))
async def get(self, wallet_id: str) -> Wallet:
wallet_dict = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(
None, self.sync_read, wallet_id
if wallet_dict is not None:
return await Wallet.from_dict(wallet_id, wallet_dict, self.db)
def sync_read(self, wallet_id):
with open(self.get_wallet_path(wallet_id), 'r') as f:
json_data = f.read()
return json.loads(json_data)
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
async def save(self, wallet: Wallet):
return await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(
None, self.sync_write, wallet
def sync_write(self, wallet: Wallet):
temp_path = os.path.join(self.wallet_dir, f".tmp.{os.path.basename(wallet.id)}")
with open(temp_path, "w") as f:
wallet_path = self.get_wallet_path(wallet.id)
if os.path.exists(wallet_path):
mode = os.stat(wallet_path).st_mode
mode = stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE
os.rename(temp_path, wallet_path)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
os.rename(temp_path, wallet_path)
os.chmod(wallet_path, mode)
class DatabaseWallet(WalletStorage):
def __init__(self, db: 'Database'):
self.db = db
async def prepare(self):
async def exists(self, wallet_id: str) -> bool:
return await self.db.has_wallet(wallet_id)
async def get(self, wallet_id: str) -> Wallet:
data = await self.db.get_wallet(wallet_id)
if data:
wallet_dict = json.loads(data['data'])
if wallet_dict is not None:
return await Wallet.from_dict(wallet_id, wallet_dict, self.db)
async def save(self, wallet: Wallet):
await self.db.add_wallet(
wallet.id, wallet.to_serialized()