176 lines
5.7 KiB
176 lines
5.7 KiB
import asyncio
import collections
import logging
import aiohttp
import typing
import binascii
from lbrynet import utils
from lbrynet.conf import Config
from lbrynet.extras import system_info
ANALYTICS_ENDPOINT = 'https://api.segment.io/v1'
# Things We Track
SERVER_STARTUP = 'Server Startup'
SERVER_STARTUP_SUCCESS = 'Server Startup Success'
SERVER_STARTUP_ERROR = 'Server Startup Error'
DOWNLOAD_STARTED = 'Download Started'
DOWNLOAD_ERRORED = 'Download Errored'
DOWNLOAD_FINISHED = 'Download Finished'
HEARTBEAT = 'Heartbeat'
CLAIM_ACTION = 'Claim Action' # publish/create/update/abandon
NEW_CHANNEL = 'New Channel'
CREDITS_SENT = 'Credits Sent'
BLOB_BYTES_UPLOADED = 'Blob Bytes Uploaded'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _event_properties(installation_id: str, session_id: str,
event_properties: typing.Optional[typing.Dict]) -> typing.Dict:
properties = {
'lbry_id': installation_id,
'session_id': session_id,
properties.update(event_properties or {})
return properties
def _download_properties(download_id: str, name: str, sd_hash: str) -> typing.Dict:
p = {
'download_id': download_id,
'name': name,
'stream_info': sd_hash
return p
def _make_context(platform):
# see https://segment.com/docs/spec/common/#context
# they say they'll ignore fields outside the spec, but evidently they don't
context = {
'app': {
'version': platform['lbrynet_version'],
'build': platform['build'],
# TODO: expand os info to give linux/osx specific info
'os': {
'name': platform['os_system'],
'version': platform['os_release']
if 'desktop' in platform and 'distro' in platform:
context['os']['desktop'] = platform['desktop']
context['os']['distro'] = platform['distro']
return context
class AnalyticsManager:
def __init__(self, conf: Config, installation_id: str, session_id: str):
self.cookies = {}
self._write_key = utils.deobfuscate(ANALYTICS_TOKEN)
self._enabled = conf.share_usage_data
self._tracked_data = collections.defaultdict(list)
self.context = _make_context(system_info.get_platform())
self.installation_id = installation_id
self.session_id = session_id
self.task: asyncio.Task = None
def is_started(self):
return self.task is not None
def start(self):
if self._enabled and self.task is None:
self.task = asyncio.create_task(self.run())
async def run(self):
while True:
await self._send_heartbeat()
await asyncio.sleep(1800)
def stop(self):
if self.task is not None and not self.task.done():
async def _post(self, data: typing.Dict):
request_kwargs = {
'method': 'POST',
'url': self.url + '/track',
'headers': {'Connection': 'Close'},
'auth': aiohttp.BasicAuth(self._write_key, ''),
'json': data,
'cookies': self.cookies
async with utils.aiohttp_request(**request_kwargs) as response:
except Exception as e:
log.exception('Encountered an exception while POSTing to %s: ', self.url + '/track', exc_info=e)
async def track(self, event: typing.Dict):
"""Send a single tracking event"""
if self._enabled:
log.debug('Sending track event: %s', event)
await self._post(event)
async def send_upnp_setup_success_fail(self, success, status):
await self.track(
self._event(UPNP_SETUP, {
'success': success,
'status': status,
async def send_server_startup(self):
await self.track(self._event(SERVER_STARTUP))
async def send_server_startup_success(self):
await self.track(self._event(SERVER_STARTUP_SUCCESS))
async def send_server_startup_error(self, message):
await self.track(self._event(SERVER_STARTUP_ERROR, {'message': message}))
async def send_download_started(self, download_id, name, sd_hash):
await self.track(
self._event(DOWNLOAD_STARTED, _download_properties(download_id, name, sd_hash))
async def send_download_finished(self, download_id, name, sd_hash):
await self.track(self._event(DOWNLOAD_FINISHED, _download_properties(download_id, name, sd_hash)))
async def send_download_errored(self, error: Exception, name: str):
await self.track(self._event(DOWNLOAD_ERRORED, {
'download_id': binascii.hexlify(utils.generate_id()).decode(),
'name': name,
'stream_info': None,
'error': type(error).__name__,
'reason': str(error),
'report': None
async def send_claim_action(self, action):
await self.track(self._event(CLAIM_ACTION, {'action': action}))
async def send_new_channel(self):
await self.track(self._event(NEW_CHANNEL))
async def send_credits_sent(self):
await self.track(self._event(CREDITS_SENT))
async def _send_heartbeat(self):
await self.track(self._event(HEARTBEAT))
def _event(self, event, properties: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None):
return {
'userId': 'lbry',
'event': event,
'properties': _event_properties(self.installation_id, self.session_id, properties),
'context': self.context,
'timestamp': utils.isonow()