-move PeerFinder and PeerManager initialization to the ComponentManager -remove dht component requirement from all but the hash_announcer component. This allows running the file manager component without either of the server components.
178 lines
6.2 KiB
178 lines
6.2 KiB
import logging
from twisted.internet import defer
from lbrynet.p2p.Error import ComponentStartConditionNotMet
from lbrynet.core.PeerManager import PeerManager
from lbrynet.dht.peerfinder import DHTPeerFinder
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RegisteredConditions:
conditions = {}
class RequiredConditionType(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, newattrs):
klass = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, newattrs)
if name != "RequiredCondition":
if klass.name in RegisteredConditions.conditions:
raise SyntaxError("already have a component registered for \"%s\"" % klass.name)
RegisteredConditions.conditions[klass.name] = klass
return klass
class RequiredCondition(metaclass=RequiredConditionType):
name = ""
component = ""
message = ""
def evaluate(component):
raise NotImplementedError()
class ComponentManager:
default_component_classes = {}
def __init__(self, reactor=None, analytics_manager=None, skip_components=None,
peer_manager=None, peer_finder=None, **override_components):
self.skip_components = skip_components or []
self.reactor = reactor
self.component_classes = {}
self.components = set()
self.analytics_manager = analytics_manager
self.peer_manager = peer_manager or PeerManager()
self.peer_finder = peer_finder or DHTPeerFinder(self)
for component_name, component_class in self.default_component_classes.items():
if component_name in override_components:
component_class = override_components.pop(component_name)
if component_name not in self.skip_components:
self.component_classes[component_name] = component_class
if override_components:
raise SyntaxError("unexpected components: %s" % override_components)
for component_class in self.component_classes.values():
def evaluate_condition(self, condition_name):
if condition_name not in RegisteredConditions.conditions:
raise NameError(condition_name)
condition = RegisteredConditions.conditions[condition_name]
component = self.get_component(condition.component)
result = condition.evaluate(component)
except Exception:
log.exception('failed to evaluate condition:')
result = False
return result, "" if result else condition.message
def sort_components(self, reverse=False):
Sort components by requirements
steps = []
staged = set()
components = set(self.components)
# components with no requirements
step = []
for component in set(components):
if not component.depends_on:
if step:
while components:
step = []
to_stage = set()
for component in set(components):
reqs_met = 0
for needed in component.depends_on:
if needed in staged:
reqs_met += 1
if reqs_met == len(component.depends_on):
if step:
elif components:
raise ComponentStartConditionNotMet("Unresolved dependencies for: %s" % components)
if reverse:
return steps
def setup(self, **callbacks):
Start Components in sequence sorted by requirements
:return: (defer.Deferred)
for component_name, cb in callbacks.items():
if component_name not in self.component_classes:
if component_name not in self.skip_components:
raise NameError("unknown component: %s" % component_name)
if not callable(cb):
raise ValueError("%s is not callable" % cb)
def _setup(component):
if component.component_name in callbacks:
d = component._setup()
d.addCallback(callbacks[component.component_name], component)
return d
return component._setup()
stages = self.sort_components()
for stage in stages:
yield defer.DeferredList([_setup(component) for component in stage if not component.running])
def stop(self):
Stop Components in reversed startup order
:return: (defer.Deferred)
stages = self.sort_components(reverse=True)
for stage in stages:
yield defer.DeferredList([component._stop() for component in stage if component.running])
def all_components_running(self, *component_names):
Check if components are running
:return: (bool) True if all specified components are running
components = {component.component_name: component for component in self.components}
for component in component_names:
if component not in components:
raise NameError("%s is not a known Component" % component)
if not components[component].running:
return False
return True
def get_components_status(self):
List status of all the components, whether they are running or not
:return: (dict) {(str) component_name: (bool) True is running else False}
return {
component.component_name: component.running
for component in self.components
def get_component(self, component_name):
for component in self.components:
if component.component_name == component_name:
return component.component
raise NameError(component_name)