332 lines
12 KiB
332 lines
12 KiB
from itertools import cycle
from binascii import hexlify
from unittest import TestCase, mock
from lbry import Config, Database, Ledger, Account, Wallet, Transaction, Output, Input
from lbry.testcase import AsyncioTestCase, get_output, COIN, CENT
from lbry.wallet.preferences import TimestampedPreferences
class WalletTestCase(AsyncioTestCase):
async def asyncSetUp(self):
self.ledger = Ledger(Config.with_null_dir().set(db_url='sqlite:///:memory:'))
self.db = Database(self.ledger)
await self.db.open()
class WalletAccountTest(WalletTestCase):
async def test_private_key_for_hierarchical_account(self):
wallet = Wallet("wallet1", self.db)
account = await wallet.accounts.add_from_dict({
"carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toas"
"t envelope bottom stomach absent"
await account.receiving.ensure_address_gap()
private_key = await wallet.get_private_key_for_address(
await wallet.get_private_key_for_address('BcQjRlhDOIrQez1WHfz3whnB33Bp34sUgX')
async def test_private_key_for_single_address_account(self):
wallet = Wallet("wallet1", self.db)
account = await wallet.accounts.add_from_dict({
"carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toas"
"t envelope bottom stomach absent",
'address_generator': {'name': 'single-address'}
address = await account.receiving.ensure_address_gap()
private_key = await wallet.get_private_key_for_address(address[0])
await wallet.get_private_key_for_address('BcQjRlhDOIrQez1WHfz3whnB33Bp34sUgX')
async def test_save_max_gap(self):
wallet = Wallet("wallet1", self.db)
account = await wallet.accounts.generate(
'name': 'deterministic-chain',
'receiving': {'gap': 3, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 2},
'change': {'gap': 4, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 2}
self.assertEqual(account.receiving.gap, 3)
self.assertEqual(account.change.gap, 4)
await wallet.save_max_gap()
self.assertEqual(account.receiving.gap, 20)
self.assertEqual(account.change.gap, 6)
# doesn't fail for single-address account
await wallet.accounts.generate(address_generator={'name': 'single-address'})
await wallet.save_max_gap()
class TestWalletCreation(WalletTestCase):
async def test_create_wallet_and_accounts(self):
wallet = Wallet("wallet1", self.db)
self.assertEqual(wallet.id, "wallet1")
self.assertEqual(wallet.name, "")
self.assertEqual(list(wallet.accounts), [])
account1 = await wallet.accounts.generate()
await wallet.accounts.generate()
await wallet.accounts.generate()
self.assertEqual(wallet.accounts.default, account1)
self.assertEqual(len(wallet.accounts), 3)
async def test_load_and_save_wallet(self):
wallet_dict = {
'version': 1,
'name': 'Main Wallet',
'ledger': 'lbc_mainnet',
'preferences': {},
'accounts': [
'certificates': {},
'name': 'An Account',
'modified_on': 123.456,
"carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toast envelope bottom stomac"
"h absent",
'encrypted': False,
'lang': 'en',
'address_generator': {
'name': 'deterministic-chain',
'receiving': {'gap': 17, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 3},
'change': {'gap': 10, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 3}
wallet = await Wallet.from_dict('wallet1', wallet_dict, self.db)
self.assertEqual(wallet.name, 'Main Wallet')
self.assertEqual(len(wallet.accounts), 1)
account = wallet.accounts.default
self.assertIsInstance(account, Account)
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertDictEqual(wallet_dict, wallet.to_dict())
encrypted = wallet.pack('password')
decrypted = Wallet.unpack('password', encrypted)
self.assertEqual(decrypted['accounts'][0]['name'], 'An Account')
async def test_merge(self):
wallet1 = Wallet('wallet1', self.db)
wallet1.preferences['one'] = 1
wallet1.preferences['conflict'] = 1
await wallet1.accounts.generate()
wallet2 = Wallet('wallet2', self.db)
wallet2.preferences['two'] = 2
wallet2.preferences['conflict'] = 2 # will be more recent
await wallet2.accounts.generate()
self.assertEqual(len(wallet1.accounts), 1)
self.assertEqual(wallet1.preferences, {'one': 1, 'conflict': 1})
added = await wallet1.merge('password', wallet2.pack('password'))
self.assertEqual(added[0].id, wallet2.accounts.default.id)
self.assertEqual(len(wallet1.accounts), 2)
self.assertEqual(list(wallet1.accounts)[1].id, wallet2.accounts.default.id)
self.assertEqual(wallet1.preferences, {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'conflict': 2})
class TestTimestampedPreferences(TestCase):
def test_init(self):
p = TimestampedPreferences()
p['one'] = 1
p2 = TimestampedPreferences(p.data)
self.assertEqual(p2['one'], 1)
def test_hash(self):
p = TimestampedPreferences()
hexlify(p.hash), b'44136fa355b3678a1146ad16f7e8649e94fb4fc21fe77e8310c060f61caaff8a'
with mock.patch('time.time', mock.Mock(return_value=12345)):
p['one'] = 1
hexlify(p.hash), b'c9e82bf4cb099dd0125f78fa381b21a8131af601917eb531e1f5f980f8f3da66'
def test_merge(self):
p1 = TimestampedPreferences()
p2 = TimestampedPreferences()
with mock.patch('time.time', mock.Mock(return_value=10)):
p1['one'] = 1
p1['conflict'] = 1
with mock.patch('time.time', mock.Mock(return_value=20)):
p2['two'] = 2
p2['conflict'] = 2
# conflict in p2 overrides conflict in p1
self.assertEqual(p1, {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'conflict': 2})
# have a newer conflict in p1 so it is not overridden this time
with mock.patch('time.time', mock.Mock(return_value=21)):
p1['conflict'] = 1
self.assertEqual(p1, {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'conflict': 1})
class TestTransactionSigning(WalletTestCase):
async def test_sign(self):
wallet = Wallet('wallet1', self.db)
account = await wallet.accounts.add_from_dict({
"carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toas"
"t envelope bottom stomach absent"
await account.ensure_address_gap()
address1, address2 = await account.receiving.get_addresses(limit=2)
pubkey_hash1 = self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address1)
pubkey_hash2 = self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address2)
tx = Transaction() \
.add_inputs([Input.spend(get_output(int(2*COIN), pubkey_hash1))]) \
.add_outputs([Output.pay_pubkey_hash(int(1.9*COIN), pubkey_hash2)])
await wallet.sign(tx)
class TransactionIOBalancing(WalletTestCase):
async def asyncSetUp(self):
await super().asyncSetUp()
self.wallet = Wallet('wallet1', self.db)
self.account = await self.wallet.accounts.add_from_dict({
"carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toas"
"t envelope bottom stomach absent"
addresses = await self.account.ensure_address_gap()
self.pubkey_hash = [self.ledger.address_to_hash160(a) for a in addresses]
self.hash_cycler = cycle(self.pubkey_hash)
def txo(self, amount, address=None):
return get_output(int(amount*COIN), address or next(self.hash_cycler))
def txi(self, txo):
return Input.spend(txo)
def tx(self, inputs, outputs):
return self.wallet.create_transaction(inputs, outputs, [self.account], self.account)
async def create_utxos(self, amounts):
utxos = [self.txo(amount) for amount in amounts]
self.funding_tx = Transaction(is_verified=True) \
.add_inputs([self.txi(self.txo(sum(amounts)+0.1))]) \
await self.db.insert_transaction(b'beef', self.funding_tx)
return utxos
def inputs(tx):
return [round(i.amount/COIN, 2) for i in tx.inputs]
def outputs(tx):
return [round(o.amount/COIN, 2) for o in tx.outputs]
async def test_basic_use_cases(self):
self.ledger.fee_per_byte = int(.01*CENT)
# available UTXOs for filling missing inputs
utxos = await self.create_utxos([
1, 1, 3, 5, 10
# pay 3 coins (3.02 w/ fees)
tx = await self.tx(
[], # inputs
[self.txo(3)] # outputs
# best UTXO match is 5 (as UTXO 3 will be short 0.02 to cover fees)
self.assertListEqual(self.inputs(tx), [5])
# a change of 1.98 is added to reach balance
self.assertListEqual(self.outputs(tx), [3, 1.98])
await self.db.release_outputs(utxos)
# pay 2.98 coins (3.00 w/ fees)
tx = await self.tx(
[], # inputs
[self.txo(2.98)] # outputs
# best UTXO match is 3 and no change is needed
self.assertListEqual(self.inputs(tx), [3])
self.assertListEqual(self.outputs(tx), [2.98])
await self.db.release_outputs(utxos)
# supplied input and output, but input is not enough to cover output
tx = await self.tx(
[self.txi(self.txo(10))], # inputs
[self.txo(11)] # outputs
# additional input is chosen (UTXO 3)
self.assertListEqual([10, 3], self.inputs(tx))
# change is now needed to consume extra input
self.assertListEqual([11, 1.96], self.outputs(tx))
await self.db.release_outputs(utxos)
# liquidating a UTXO
tx = await self.tx(
[self.txi(self.txo(10))], # inputs
[] # outputs
self.assertListEqual([10], self.inputs(tx))
# missing change added to consume the amount
self.assertListEqual([9.98], self.outputs(tx))
await self.db.release_outputs(utxos)
# liquidating at a loss, requires adding extra inputs
tx = await self.tx(
[self.txi(self.txo(0.01))], # inputs
[] # outputs
# UTXO 1 is added to cover some of the fee
self.assertListEqual([0.01, 1], self.inputs(tx))
# change is now needed to consume extra input
self.assertListEqual([0.97], self.outputs(tx))