2020-01-03 03:08:15 -05:00
.. pylint fix in lbry/error/ 2020-01-03 03:08:15 -05:00


Exceptions in LBRY are defined and generated from the Markdown table at the end of this README.


When possible, use built-in Python exceptions or aiohttp general client / HTTP exceptions, unless:

  1. You want to provide a better error message (extend the closest built-in/aiohttp exception in this case).
  2. You need to represent a new situation.

When defining your own exceptions, consider:

  1. Extending a built-in Python or aiohttp exception.
  2. Using contextual variables in the error message.

Table Column Definitions

Column Meaning
Code Codes are used only to define the hierarchy of exceptions and do not end up in the generated output, it is okay to re-number things as necessary at anytime to achieve the desired hierarchy.
Name Becomes the class name of the exception with "Error" appended to the end. Changing names of existing exceptions makes the API backwards incompatible. When extending other exceptions you must specify the full class name, manually adding "Error" as necessary (if extending another SDK exception).
Message User friendly error message explaining the exceptional event. Supports Python formatted strings: any variables used in the string will be generated as arguments in the __init__ method. Use -- to provide a doc string after the error message to be added to the class definition.

Exceptions Table

Code Name Message
1xx UserInput User input errors.
10x Command Errors preparing to execute commands.
101 CommandDoesNotExist Command '{command}' does not exist.
102 CommandDeprecated Command '{command}' is deprecated.
103 CommandInvalidArgument Invalid argument '{argument}' to command '{command}'.
104 CommandTemporarilyUnavailable Command '{command}' is temporarily unavailable. -- Such as waiting for required components to start.
105 CommandPermanentlyUnavailable Command '{command}' is permanently unavailable. -- such as when required component was intentionally configured not to start.
11x InputValue(ValueError) Invalid argument value provided to command.
111 GenericInputValue The value '{value}' for argument '{argument}' is not valid.
112 InputValueIsNone None or null is not valid value for argument '{argument}'.
2xx Configuration Configuration errors.
201 ConfigWrite Cannot write configuration file '{path}'. -- When writing the default config fails on startup, such as due to permission issues.
202 ConfigRead Cannot find provided configuration file '{path}'. -- Can't open the config file user provided via command line args.
203 ConfigParse Failed to parse the configuration file '{path}'. -- Includes the syntax error / line number to help user fix it.
204 ConfigMissing Configuration file '{path}' is missing setting that has no default / fallback.
205 ConfigInvalid Configuration file '{path}' has setting with invalid value.
3xx Network Networking
301 NoInternet No internet connection.
302 NoUPnPSupport Router does not support UPnP.
4xx Wallet Wallet Errors
401 TransactionRejected Transaction rejected, unknown reason.
402 TransactionFeeTooLow Fee too low.
403 TransactionInvalidSignature Invalid signature.
404 InsufficientFunds Not enough funds to cover this transaction. -- determined by wallet prior to attempting to broadcast a tx; this is different for example from a TX being created and sent but then rejected by lbrycrd for unspendable utxos.
405 ChannelKeyNotFound Channel signing key not found.
406 ChannelKeyInvalid Channel signing key is out of date. -- For example, channel was updated but you don't have the updated key.
407 DataDownload Failed to download blob. generic
408 Resolve Failed to resolve '{url}'.
409 ResolveTimeout Failed to resolve '{url}' within the timeout.
410 KeyFeeAboveMaxAllowed {message}
411 InvalidPassword Password is invalid.
5xx Blob Blobs
500 BlobNotFound Blob not found.
501 BlobPermissionDenied Permission denied to read blob.
502 BlobTooBig Blob is too big.
503 BlobEmpty Blob is empty.
510 BlobFailedDecryption Failed to decrypt blob.
511 CorruptBlob Blobs is corrupted.
520 BlobFailedEncryption Failed to encrypt blob.
531 DownloadCancelled Download was canceled.
532 DownloadSDTimeout Failed to download sd blob {download} within timeout.
533 DownloadDataTimeout Failed to download data blobs for sd hash {download} within timeout.
534 InvalidStreamDescriptor {message}
535 InvalidData {message}
536 InvalidBlobHash {message}
6xx Component Components
601 ComponentStartConditionNotMet Unresolved dependencies for: {components}
602 ComponentsNotStarted {message}
7xx CurrencyExchange Currency Exchange
701 InvalidExchangeRateResponse Failed to get exchange rate from {source}: {reason}
702 CurrencyConversion {message}
703 InvalidCurrency Invalid currency: {currency} is not a supported currency.