2020-09-21 15:27:47 -04:00

834 lines
28 KiB

import struct
import hashlib
import logging
import asyncio
from datetime import date
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from typing import List, Iterable, Optional, Union
import ecdsa
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_der_public_key
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils import Prehashed
from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
from lbry.crypto.hash import hash160, sha256
from lbry.crypto.base58 import Base58
from lbry.schema.url import normalize_name
from lbry.schema.claim import Claim
from lbry.schema.base import Signable
from lbry.schema.purchase import Purchase
from import Support
from .script import InputScript, OutputScript
from .bcd_data_stream import BCDataStream
from .hash import TXRef, TXRefImmutable
from .util import ReadOnlyList
log = logging.getLogger()
class TXRefMutable(TXRef):
__slots__ = ('tx',)
def __init__(self, tx: 'Transaction') -> None:
self.tx = tx
def id(self):
if self._id is None:
self._id = hexlify(self.hash[::-1]).decode()
return self._id
def hash(self):
if self._hash is None:
self._hash = sha256(sha256(self.tx.raw_sans_segwit))
return self._hash
def height(self):
return self.tx.height
def timestamp(self):
return self.tx.timestamp
def reset(self):
self._id = None
self._hash = None
class TXORef:
__slots__ = 'tx_ref', 'position'
def __init__(self, tx_ref: TXRef, position: int) -> None:
self.tx_ref = tx_ref
self.position = position
def id(self):
return f'{}:{self.position}'
def hash(self):
return self.tx_ref.hash + BCDataStream.uint32.pack(self.position)
def is_null(self):
return self.tx_ref.is_null
def txo(self) -> Optional['Output']:
return None
class TXORefResolvable(TXORef):
__slots__ = ('_txo',)
def __init__(self, txo: 'Output') -> None:
assert txo.tx_ref is not None
assert txo.position is not None
super().__init__(txo.tx_ref, txo.position)
self._txo = txo
def txo(self):
return self._txo
class InputOutput:
__slots__ = 'tx_ref', 'position'
def __init__(self, tx_ref: Union[TXRef, TXRefImmutable] = None, position: int = None) -> None:
self.tx_ref = tx_ref
self.position = position
def size(self) -> int:
""" Size of this input / output in bytes. """
stream = BCDataStream()
return len(stream.get_bytes())
def get_fee(self, ledger):
return self.size * ledger.fee_per_byte
def serialize_to(self, stream, alternate_script=None):
raise NotImplementedError
class Input(InputOutput):
NULL_SIGNATURE = b'\x00'*72
NULL_PUBLIC_KEY = b'\x00'*33
NULL_HASH32 = b'\x00'*32
__slots__ = 'txo_ref', 'sequence', 'coinbase', 'script'
def __init__(self, txo_ref: TXORef, script: InputScript, sequence: int = 0xFFFFFFFF,
tx_ref: TXRef = None, position: int = None) -> None:
super().__init__(tx_ref, position)
self.txo_ref = txo_ref
self.sequence = sequence
self.coinbase = script if txo_ref.is_null else None
self.script = script if not txo_ref.is_null else None
def is_coinbase(self):
return self.coinbase is not None
def spend(cls, txo: 'Output') -> 'Input':
""" Create an input to spend the output."""
assert txo.script.is_pay_pubkey_hash, 'Attempting to spend unsupported output.'
script = InputScript.redeem_pubkey_hash(cls.NULL_SIGNATURE, cls.NULL_PUBLIC_KEY)
return cls(txo.ref, script)
def create_coinbase(cls) -> 'Input':
tx_ref = TXRefImmutable.from_hash(cls.NULL_HASH32, 0, 0)
txo_ref = TXORef(tx_ref, 0)
return cls(txo_ref, b'beef')
def amount(self) -> int:
""" Amount this input adds to the transaction. """
if self.txo_ref.txo is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot resolve output to get amount.')
return self.txo_ref.txo.amount
def is_my_input(self) -> Optional[bool]:
""" True if the output this input spends is yours. """
if self.txo_ref.txo is None:
return False
return self.txo_ref.txo.is_my_output
def deserialize_from(cls, stream):
tx_ref = TXRefImmutable.from_hash(, -1, -1)
position = stream.read_uint32()
script = stream.read_string()
sequence = stream.read_uint32()
return cls(
TXORef(tx_ref, position),
InputScript(script) if not tx_ref.is_null else script,
def serialize_to(self, stream, alternate_script=None):
if alternate_script is not None:
if self.is_coinbase:
class Output(InputOutput):
__slots__ = (
'amount', 'script', 'is_internal_transfer', 'spent_height', 'is_my_output', 'is_my_input',
'channel', 'private_key', 'meta', 'sent_supports', 'sent_tips', 'received_tips',
'purchase', 'purchased_claim', 'purchase_receipt',
'reposted_claim', 'claims', '_signable'
def __init__(self, amount: int, script: OutputScript,
tx_ref: TXRef = None, position: int = None,
is_internal_transfer: Optional[bool] = None, spent_height: Optional[bool] = None,
is_my_output: Optional[bool] = None, is_my_input: Optional[bool] = None,
sent_supports: Optional[int] = None, sent_tips: Optional[int] = None,
received_tips: Optional[int] = None,
channel: Optional['Output'] = None, private_key: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
super().__init__(tx_ref, position)
self.amount = amount
self.script = script
self.is_internal_transfer = is_internal_transfer
self.spent_height = spent_height
self.is_my_output = is_my_output
self.is_my_input = is_my_input
self.sent_supports = sent_supports
self.sent_tips = sent_tips
self.received_tips = received_tips = channel
self.private_key = private_key
self.purchase: 'Output' = None # txo containing purchase metadata
self.purchased_claim: 'Output' = None # resolved claim pointed to by purchase
self.purchase_receipt: 'Output' = None # txo representing purchase receipt for this claim
self.reposted_claim: 'Output' = None # txo representing claim being reposted List['Output'] = None # resolved claims for collection
self._signable: Optional[Signable] = None
self.meta = {}
def update_annotations(self, annotated: 'Output'):
if annotated is None:
self.is_internal_transfer = None
self.spent_height = None
self.is_my_output = None
self.is_my_input = None
self.sent_supports = None
self.sent_tips = None
self.received_tips = None
self.is_internal_transfer = annotated.is_internal_transfer
self.spent_height = annotated.spent_height
self.is_my_output = annotated.is_my_output
self.is_my_input = annotated.is_my_input
self.sent_supports = annotated.sent_supports
self.sent_tips = annotated.sent_tips
self.received_tips = annotated.received_tips = if annotated else None
self.private_key = annotated.private_key if annotated else None
def ref(self):
return TXORefResolvable(self)
def id(self):
def hash(self):
return self.ref.hash
def is_spent(self):
if self.spent_height is not None:
return self.spent_height > 0
def pubkey_hash(self):
pubkey_hash = self.script.values.get('pubkey_hash')
if pubkey_hash:
return pubkey_hash
return hash160(self.script.values['pubkey'])
def has_address(self):
return (
'pubkey_hash' in self.script.values or
'pubkey' in self.script.values
def get_address(self, ledger):
return ledger.hash160_to_address(self.pubkey_hash)
def pay_pubkey_hash(cls, amount, pubkey_hash):
return cls(amount, OutputScript.pay_pubkey_hash(pubkey_hash))
def deserialize_from(cls, stream, transaction_offset: int = 0):
amount = stream.read_uint64()
length = stream.read_compact_size()
offset = stream.tell()-transaction_offset
script = OutputScript(, offset=offset)
return cls(amount=amount, script=script)
def serialize_to(self, stream, alternate_script=None):
def get_fee(self, ledger):
name_fee = 0
if self.script.is_claim_name:
name_fee = len(self.script.values['claim_name']) * ledger.fee_per_name_char
return max(name_fee, super().get_fee(ledger))
def is_claim(self) -> bool:
return self.script.is_claim_name or self.script.is_update_claim
def is_support(self) -> bool:
return self.script.is_support_claim
def is_support_data(self) -> bool:
return self.script.is_support_claim_data
def claim_hash(self) -> bytes:
if self.script.is_claim_name:
return hash160(self.tx_ref.hash + struct.pack('>I', self.position))
elif self.script.is_update_claim or self.script.is_support_claim:
return self.script.values['claim_id']
raise ValueError('No claim_id associated.')
def claim_id(self) -> str:
return hexlify(self.claim_hash[::-1]).decode()
def claim_name(self) -> str:
if self.script.is_claim_involved:
return self.script.values['claim_name'].decode()
raise ValueError('No claim_name associated.')
def normalized_name(self) -> str:
return normalize_name(self.claim_name)
def claim(self) -> Claim:
if self.is_claim:
if not isinstance(self.script.values['claim'], Claim):
self.script.values['claim'] = Claim.from_bytes(self.script.values['claim'])
return self.script.values['claim']
raise ValueError('Only claim name and claim update have the claim payload.')
def can_decode_claim(self):
return self.claim
except Exception:
return False
def support(self) -> Support:
if self.is_support_data:
if not isinstance(self.script.values['support'], Support):
self.script.values['support'] = Support.from_bytes(self.script.values['support'])
return self.script.values['support']
raise ValueError('Only supports with data can be represented as Supports.')
def can_decode_support(self):
except Exception:
return False
def signable(self) -> Signable:
if self._signable is None:
if self.is_claim:
self._signable = self.claim
elif self.is_support_data:
self._signable =
return self._signable
def can_decode_signable(self) -> Signable:
return self.signable
except Exception:
return False
def permanent_url(self) -> str:
if self.script.is_claim_involved:
return f"lbry://{self.claim_name}#{self.claim_id}"
raise ValueError('No claim associated.')
def has_private_key(self):
return self.private_key is not None
def get_signature_digest(self, ledger):
if self.signable.unsigned_payload:
pieces = [
pieces = [
return sha256(b''.join(pieces))
def get_encoded_signature(self):
signature = hexlify(self.signable.signature)
r = int(signature[:int(len(signature)/2)], 16)
s = int(signature[int(len(signature)/2):], 16)
return ecdsa.util.sigencode_der(r, s, len(signature)*4)
def is_signature_valid(encoded_signature, signature_digest, public_key_bytes):
public_key = load_der_public_key(public_key_bytes, default_backend())
public_key.verify( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
encoded_signature, signature_digest,
return True
except (ValueError, InvalidSignature):
return False
def is_signed_by(self, channel: 'Output', ledger=None):
return self.is_signature_valid(
def sign(self, channel: 'Output', first_input_id=None): = channel
self.signable.signing_channel_hash = channel.claim_hash
digest = sha256(b''.join([
first_input_id or self.tx_ref.tx.inputs[0].txo_ref.hash,
self.signable.signature = channel.private_key.sign_digest_deterministic(digest, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256)
def clear_signature(self): = None
def _sync_generate_channel_private_key():
private_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.generate(curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256)
public_key_bytes = private_key.get_verifying_key().to_der()
return private_key, public_key_bytes
async def generate_channel_private_key(self):
private_key, public_key_bytes = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(
None, Output._sync_generate_channel_private_key
self.private_key = private_key = public_key_bytes
return self.private_key
def is_channel_private_key(self, private_key):
return == private_key.get_verifying_key().to_der()
def pay_claim_name_pubkey_hash(
cls, amount: int, claim_name: str, claim: Claim, pubkey_hash: bytes) -> 'Output':
script = OutputScript.pay_claim_name_pubkey_hash(
claim_name.encode(), claim, pubkey_hash)
return cls(amount, script)
def pay_update_claim_pubkey_hash(
cls, amount: int, claim_name: str, claim_id: str, claim: Claim, pubkey_hash: bytes) -> 'Output':
script = OutputScript.pay_update_claim_pubkey_hash(
claim_name.encode(), unhexlify(claim_id)[::-1], claim, pubkey_hash
return cls(amount, script)
def pay_support_pubkey_hash(cls, amount: int, claim_name: str, claim_id: str, pubkey_hash: bytes) -> 'Output':
script = OutputScript.pay_support_pubkey_hash(
claim_name.encode(), unhexlify(claim_id)[::-1], pubkey_hash
return cls(amount, script)
def pay_support_data_pubkey_hash(
cls, amount: int, claim_name: str, claim_id: str, support: Support, pubkey_hash: bytes) -> 'Output':
script = OutputScript.pay_support_data_pubkey_hash(
claim_name.encode(), unhexlify(claim_id)[::-1], support, pubkey_hash
return cls(amount, script)
def add_purchase_data(cls, purchase: Purchase) -> 'Output':
script = OutputScript.return_data(purchase)
return cls(0, script)
def is_purchase_data(self) -> bool:
return self.script.is_return_data and (
isinstance(self.script.values['data'], Purchase) or
def purchase_data(self) -> Purchase:
if self.is_purchase_data:
if not isinstance(self.script.values['data'], Purchase):
self.script.values['data'] = Purchase.from_bytes(self.script.values['data'])
return self.script.values['data']
raise ValueError('Output does not have purchase data.')
def can_decode_purchase_data(self):
return self.purchase_data
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
return False
def purchased_claim_id(self):
if self.purchase is not None:
return self.purchase.purchase_data.claim_id
if self.purchased_claim is not None:
return self.purchased_claim.claim_id
def purchased_claim_hash(self):
if self.purchase is not None:
return self.purchase.purchase_data.claim_hash
if self.purchased_claim is not None:
return self.purchased_claim.claim_hash
def has_price(self):
if self.can_decode_claim:
claim = self.claim
if claim.is_stream:
stream =
return stream.has_fee and stream.fee.amount and stream.fee.amount > 0
return False
def price(self):
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, raw=None, version: int = 1, locktime: int = 0, is_verified: bool = False,
height: int = -2, position: int = -1, timestamp: int = 0) -> None:
self._raw = raw
self._raw_sans_segwit = None
self.is_segwit_flag = 0
self.witnesses: List[bytes] = []
self.ref = TXRefMutable(self)
self.version = version
self.locktime = locktime
self._inputs: List[Input] = []
self._outputs: List[Output] = []
self.is_verified = is_verified
# Height Progression
# -2: not broadcast
# -1: in mempool but has unconfirmed inputs
# 0: in mempool and all inputs confirmed
# +num: confirmed in a specific block (height)
self.height = height
self.position = position
self.timestamp = timestamp
self._day: int = 0
if raw is not None:
def __repr__(self):
return f"TX({[:10]}...{[-10:]})"
def is_broadcast(self):
return self.height > -2
def is_mempool(self):
return self.height in (-1, 0)
def is_confirmed(self):
return self.height > 0
def id(self):
def hash(self):
return self.ref.hash
def day(self):
if self._day is None and self.timestamp > 0:
self._day = date.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp).toordinal()
return self._day
def raw(self):
if self._raw is None:
self._raw = self._serialize()
return self._raw
def raw_sans_segwit(self):
if self.is_segwit_flag:
if self._raw_sans_segwit is None:
self._raw_sans_segwit = self._serialize(sans_segwit=True)
return self._raw_sans_segwit
return self.raw
def _reset(self):
self._raw = None
self._raw_sans_segwit = None
def inputs(self) -> ReadOnlyList[Input]:
return ReadOnlyList(self._inputs)
def outputs(self) -> ReadOnlyList[Output]:
return ReadOnlyList(self._outputs)
def _add(self, existing_ios: List, new_ios: Iterable[InputOutput], reset=False) -> 'Transaction':
for txio in new_ios:
txio.tx_ref = self.ref
txio.position = len(existing_ios)
if reset:
return self
def add_inputs(self, inputs: Iterable[Input]) -> 'Transaction':
return self._add(self._inputs, inputs, True)
def add_outputs(self, outputs: Iterable[Output]) -> 'Transaction':
return self._add(self._outputs, outputs, True)
def size(self) -> int:
""" Size in bytes of the entire transaction. """
return len(self.raw)
def base_size(self) -> int:
""" Size of transaction without inputs or outputs in bytes. """
return (
- sum(txi.size for txi in self._inputs)
- sum(txo.size for txo in self._outputs)
def input_sum(self):
return sum(i.amount for i in self.inputs if i.txo_ref.txo is not None)
def output_sum(self):
return sum(o.amount for o in self.outputs)
def net_account_balance(self) -> int:
balance = 0
for txi in self.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is None:
if txi.is_my_input is True:
balance -= txi.amount
elif txi.is_my_input is None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot access net_account_balance if inputs do not "
"have is_my_input set properly."
for txo in self.outputs:
if txo.is_my_output is True:
balance += txo.amount
elif txo.is_my_output is None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot access net_account_balance if outputs do not "
"have is_my_output set properly."
return balance
def fee(self) -> int:
return self.input_sum - self.output_sum
def get_base_fee(self, ledger) -> int:
""" Fee for base tx excluding inputs and outputs. """
return self.base_size * ledger.fee_per_byte
def get_effective_input_sum(self, ledger) -> int:
""" Sum of input values *minus* the cost involved to spend them. """
return sum(txi.amount - txi.get_fee(ledger) for txi in self._inputs)
def get_total_output_sum(self, ledger) -> int:
""" Sum of output values *plus* the cost involved to spend them. """
return sum(txo.amount + txo.get_fee(ledger) for txo in self._outputs)
def _serialize(self, with_inputs: bool = True, sans_segwit: bool = False) -> bytes:
stream = BCDataStream()
if with_inputs:
for txin in self._inputs:
for txout in self._outputs:
return stream.get_bytes()
def _serialize_for_signature(self, signing_input: int) -> bytes:
stream = BCDataStream()
for i, txin in enumerate(self._inputs):
if signing_input == i:
assert txin.txo_ref.txo is not None
txin.serialize_to(stream, txin.txo_ref.txo.script.source)
txin.serialize_to(stream, b'')
for txout in self._outputs:
stream.write_uint32(self.signature_hash_type(1)) # signature hash type: SIGHASH_ALL
return stream.get_bytes()
def deserialize(self, stream=None):
if self._raw is not None or stream is not None:
stream = stream or BCDataStream(self._raw)
start = stream.tell()
self.version = stream.read_uint32()
input_count = stream.read_compact_size()
if input_count == 0:
self.is_segwit_flag = stream.read_uint8()
input_count = stream.read_compact_size()
self._add(self._inputs, [
Input.deserialize_from(stream) for _ in range(input_count)
output_count = stream.read_compact_size()
self._add(self._outputs, [
Output.deserialize_from(stream, start) for _ in range(output_count)
if self.is_segwit_flag:
# drain witness portion of transaction
# too many witnesses for no crime
self.witnesses = []
for _ in range(input_count):
for _ in range(stream.read_compact_size()):
self.locktime = stream.read_uint32()
return self
def signature_hash_type(hash_type):
return hash_type
def my_inputs(self):
for txi in self.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None and txi.txo_ref.txo.is_my_output:
yield txi
def _filter_my_outputs(self, f):
for txo in self.outputs:
if txo.is_my_output and f(txo.script):
yield txo
def _filter_other_outputs(self, f):
for txo in self.outputs:
if not txo.is_my_output and f(txo.script):
yield txo
def _filter_any_outputs(self, f):
for txo in self.outputs:
if f(txo):
yield txo
def my_claim_outputs(self):
return self._filter_my_outputs(lambda s: s.is_claim_name)
def my_update_outputs(self):
return self._filter_my_outputs(lambda s: s.is_update_claim)
def my_support_outputs(self):
return self._filter_my_outputs(lambda s: s.is_support_claim)
def any_purchase_outputs(self):
return self._filter_any_outputs(lambda o: o.purchase is not None)
def other_support_outputs(self):
return self._filter_other_outputs(lambda s: s.is_support_claim)
def my_abandon_outputs(self):
for txi in self.inputs:
abandon = txi.txo_ref.txo
if abandon is not None and abandon.is_my_output and abandon.script.is_claim_involved:
is_update = False
if abandon.script.is_claim_name or abandon.script.is_update_claim:
for update in self.my_update_outputs:
if abandon.claim_id == update.claim_id:
is_update = True
if not is_update:
yield abandon