436 lines
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436 lines
21 KiB
import os
import asyncio
import typing
import binascii
import logging
import random
from decimal import Decimal
from aiohttp.web import Request
from lbrynet.error import ResolveError, InvalidStreamDescriptorError, KeyFeeAboveMaxAllowed, InsufficientFundsError
from lbrynet.error import ResolveTimeout, DownloadDataTimeout
from lbrynet.utils import cache_concurrent
from lbrynet.stream.descriptor import StreamDescriptor
from lbrynet.stream.managed_stream import ManagedStream
from lbrynet.schema.claim import Claim
from lbrynet.schema.uri import parse_lbry_uri
from lbrynet.extras.daemon.storage import lbc_to_dewies
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from lbrynet.conf import Config
from lbrynet.blob.blob_manager import BlobManager
from lbrynet.dht.node import Node
from lbrynet.extras.daemon.analytics import AnalyticsManager
from lbrynet.extras.daemon.storage import SQLiteStorage, StoredStreamClaim
from lbrynet.wallet import LbryWalletManager
from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction
from lbrynet.extras.daemon.exchange_rate_manager import ExchangeRateManager
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
filter_fields = [
'full_status', # TODO: remove
comparison_operators = {
'eq': lambda a, b: a == b,
'ne': lambda a, b: a != b,
'g': lambda a, b: a > b,
'l': lambda a, b: a < b,
'ge': lambda a, b: a >= b,
'le': lambda a, b: a <= b,
def path_or_none(p) -> typing.Optional[str]:
if not p:
return binascii.unhexlify(p).decode()
class StreamManager:
def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop, config: 'Config', blob_manager: 'BlobManager',
wallet: 'LbryWalletManager', storage: 'SQLiteStorage', node: typing.Optional['Node'],
analytics_manager: typing.Optional['AnalyticsManager'] = None):
self.loop = loop
self.config = config
self.blob_manager = blob_manager
self.wallet = wallet
self.storage = storage
self.node = node
self.analytics_manager = analytics_manager
self.streams: typing.Dict[str, ManagedStream] = {}
self.resume_saving_task: typing.Optional[asyncio.Task] = None
self.re_reflect_task: typing.Optional[asyncio.Task] = None
self.update_stream_finished_futs: typing.List[asyncio.Future] = []
self.running_reflector_uploads: typing.List[asyncio.Task] = []
self.started = asyncio.Event(loop=self.loop)
async def _update_content_claim(self, stream: ManagedStream):
claim_info = await self.storage.get_content_claim(stream.stream_hash)
self.streams.setdefault(stream.sd_hash, stream).set_claim(claim_info, claim_info['value'])
async def recover_streams(self, file_infos: typing.List[typing.Dict]):
to_restore = []
async def recover_stream(sd_hash: str, stream_hash: str, stream_name: str,
suggested_file_name: str, key: str,
content_fee: typing.Optional['Transaction']) -> typing.Optional[StreamDescriptor]:
sd_blob = self.blob_manager.get_blob(sd_hash)
blobs = await self.storage.get_blobs_for_stream(stream_hash)
descriptor = await StreamDescriptor.recover(
self.blob_manager.blob_dir, sd_blob, stream_hash, stream_name, suggested_file_name, key, blobs
if not descriptor:
to_restore.append((descriptor, sd_blob, content_fee))
await asyncio.gather(*[
file_info['sd_hash'], file_info['stream_hash'], binascii.unhexlify(file_info['stream_name']).decode(),
binascii.unhexlify(file_info['suggested_file_name']).decode(), file_info['key'],
) for file_info in file_infos
if to_restore:
await self.storage.recover_streams(to_restore, self.config.download_dir)
# if self.blob_manager._save_blobs:
# log.info("Recovered %i/%i attempted streams", len(to_restore), len(file_infos))
async def add_stream(self, rowid: int, sd_hash: str, file_name: typing.Optional[str],
download_directory: typing.Optional[str], status: str,
claim: typing.Optional['StoredStreamClaim'], content_fee: typing.Optional['Transaction']):
descriptor = await self.blob_manager.get_stream_descriptor(sd_hash)
except InvalidStreamDescriptorError as err:
log.warning("Failed to start stream for sd %s - %s", sd_hash, str(err))
stream = ManagedStream(
self.loop, self.config, self.blob_manager, descriptor.sd_hash, download_directory, file_name, status,
claim, content_fee=content_fee, rowid=rowid, descriptor=descriptor,
self.streams[sd_hash] = stream
self.storage.content_claim_callbacks[stream.stream_hash] = lambda: self._update_content_claim(stream)
async def load_and_resume_streams_from_database(self):
to_recover = []
to_start = []
await self.storage.update_manually_removed_files_since_last_run()
for file_info in await self.storage.get_all_lbry_files():
# if the sd blob is not verified, try to reconstruct it from the database
# this could either be because the blob files were deleted manually or save_blobs was not true when
# the stream was downloaded
if not self.blob_manager.is_blob_verified(file_info['sd_hash']):
if to_recover:
await self.recover_streams(to_recover)
log.info("Initializing %i files", len(to_start))
to_resume_saving = []
add_stream_tasks = []
for file_info in to_start:
file_name = path_or_none(file_info['file_name'])
download_directory = path_or_none(file_info['download_directory'])
if file_name and download_directory and not file_info['saved_file'] and file_info['status'] == 'running':
to_resume_saving.append((file_name, download_directory, file_info['sd_hash']))
file_info['rowid'], file_info['sd_hash'], file_name,
download_directory, file_info['status'],
file_info['claim'], file_info['content_fee']
if add_stream_tasks:
await asyncio.gather(*add_stream_tasks, loop=self.loop)
log.info("Started stream manager with %i files", len(self.streams))
if not self.node:
log.warning("no DHT node given, resuming downloads trusting that we can contact reflector")
if to_resume_saving:
self.resume_saving_task = self.loop.create_task(self.resume(to_resume_saving))
async def resume(self, to_resume_saving):
log.info("Resuming saving %i files", len(to_resume_saving))
await asyncio.gather(
*(self.streams[sd_hash].save_file(file_name, download_directory, node=self.node)
for (file_name, download_directory, sd_hash) in to_resume_saving),
async def reflect_streams(self):
while True:
if self.config.reflect_streams and self.config.reflector_servers:
sd_hashes = await self.storage.get_streams_to_re_reflect()
sd_hashes = [sd for sd in sd_hashes if sd in self.streams]
batch = []
while sd_hashes:
stream = self.streams[sd_hashes.pop()]
if self.blob_manager.is_blob_verified(stream.sd_hash) and stream.blobs_completed:
if not stream.fully_reflected.is_set():
host, port = random.choice(self.config.reflector_servers)
batch.append(stream.upload_to_reflector(host, port))
if len(batch) >= self.config.concurrent_reflector_uploads:
await asyncio.gather(*batch, loop=self.loop)
batch = []
if batch:
await asyncio.gather(*batch, loop=self.loop)
await asyncio.sleep(300, loop=self.loop)
async def start(self):
await self.load_and_resume_streams_from_database()
self.re_reflect_task = self.loop.create_task(self.reflect_streams())
def stop(self):
if self.resume_saving_task and not self.resume_saving_task.done():
if self.re_reflect_task and not self.re_reflect_task.done():
while self.streams:
_, stream = self.streams.popitem()
while self.update_stream_finished_futs:
while self.running_reflector_uploads:
log.info("finished stopping the stream manager")
async def create_stream(self, file_path: str, key: typing.Optional[bytes] = None,
iv_generator: typing.Optional[typing.Generator[bytes, None, None]] = None) -> ManagedStream:
stream = await ManagedStream.create(self.loop, self.config, self.blob_manager, file_path, key, iv_generator)
self.streams[stream.sd_hash] = stream
self.storage.content_claim_callbacks[stream.stream_hash] = lambda: self._update_content_claim(stream)
if self.config.reflect_streams and self.config.reflector_servers:
host, port = random.choice(self.config.reflector_servers)
task = self.loop.create_task(stream.upload_to_reflector(host, port))
lambda _: None
if task not in self.running_reflector_uploads else self.running_reflector_uploads.remove(task)
return stream
async def delete_stream(self, stream: ManagedStream, delete_file: typing.Optional[bool] = False):
if stream.sd_hash in self.streams:
del self.streams[stream.sd_hash]
blob_hashes = [stream.sd_hash] + [b.blob_hash for b in stream.descriptor.blobs[:-1]]
await self.blob_manager.delete_blobs(blob_hashes, delete_from_db=False)
await self.storage.delete_stream(stream.descriptor)
if delete_file and stream.output_file_exists:
def get_stream_by_stream_hash(self, stream_hash: str) -> typing.Optional[ManagedStream]:
streams = tuple(filter(lambda stream: stream.stream_hash == stream_hash, self.streams.values()))
if streams:
return streams[0]
def get_filtered_streams(self, sort_by: typing.Optional[str] = None, reverse: typing.Optional[bool] = False,
comparison: typing.Optional[str] = None,
**search_by) -> typing.List[ManagedStream]:
Get a list of filtered and sorted ManagedStream objects
:param sort_by: field to sort by
:param reverse: reverse sorting
:param comparison: comparison operator used for filtering
:param search_by: fields and values to filter by
if sort_by and sort_by not in filter_fields:
raise ValueError(f"'{sort_by}' is not a valid field to sort by")
if comparison and comparison not in comparison_operators:
raise ValueError(f"'{comparison}' is not a valid comparison")
if 'full_status' in search_by:
del search_by['full_status']
for search in search_by.keys():
if search not in filter_fields:
raise ValueError(f"'{search}' is not a valid search operation")
if search_by:
comparison = comparison or 'eq'
streams = []
for stream in self.streams.values():
for search, val in search_by.items():
if comparison_operators[comparison](getattr(stream, search), val):
streams = list(self.streams.values())
if sort_by:
streams.sort(key=lambda s: getattr(s, sort_by))
if reverse:
return streams
async def _check_update_or_replace(self, outpoint: str, claim_id: str, claim: Claim) -> typing.Tuple[
typing.Optional[ManagedStream], typing.Optional[ManagedStream]]:
existing = self.get_filtered_streams(outpoint=outpoint)
if existing:
return existing[0], None
existing = self.get_filtered_streams(sd_hash=claim.stream.source.sd_hash)
if existing and existing[0].claim_id != claim_id:
raise ResolveError(f"stream for {existing[0].claim_id} collides with existing download {claim_id}")
if existing:
log.info("claim contains a metadata only update to a stream we have")
await self.storage.save_content_claim(
existing[0].stream_hash, outpoint
await self._update_content_claim(existing[0])
return existing[0], None
existing_for_claim_id = self.get_filtered_streams(claim_id=claim_id)
if existing_for_claim_id:
log.info("claim contains an update to a stream we have, downloading it")
return None, existing_for_claim_id[0]
return None, None
async def download_stream_from_uri(self, uri, exchange_rate_manager: 'ExchangeRateManager',
timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None,
file_name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
download_directory: typing.Optional[str] = None,
save_file: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
resolve_timeout: float = 3.0) -> ManagedStream:
timeout = timeout or self.config.download_timeout
start_time = self.loop.time()
resolved_time = None
stream = None
error = None
outpoint = None
if save_file is None:
save_file = self.config.save_files
if file_name and not save_file:
save_file = True
if save_file:
download_directory = download_directory or self.config.download_dir
download_directory = None
# resolve the claim
parsed_uri = parse_lbry_uri(uri)
if parsed_uri.is_channel:
raise ResolveError("cannot download a channel claim, specify a /path")
resolved_result = await asyncio.wait_for(self.wallet.ledger.resolve(0, 1, uri), resolve_timeout)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise ResolveTimeout(uri)
await self.storage.save_claims_for_resolve([
value for value in resolved_result.values() if 'error' not in value
resolved = resolved_result.get(uri, {})
resolved = resolved if 'value' in resolved else resolved.get('claim')
if not resolved:
raise ResolveError(f"Failed to resolve stream at '{uri}'")
if 'error' in resolved:
raise ResolveError(f"error resolving stream: {resolved['error']}")
claim = Claim.from_bytes(binascii.unhexlify(resolved['protobuf']))
outpoint = f"{resolved['txid']}:{resolved['nout']}"
resolved_time = self.loop.time() - start_time
# resume or update an existing stream, if the stream changed download it and delete the old one after
updated_stream, to_replace = await self._check_update_or_replace(outpoint, resolved['claim_id'], claim)
if updated_stream:
log.info("already have stream for %s", uri)
if save_file and updated_stream.output_file_exists:
save_file = False
await updated_stream.start(node=self.node, timeout=timeout, save_now=save_file)
if not updated_stream.output_file_exists and (save_file or file_name or download_directory):
await updated_stream.save_file(
file_name=file_name, download_directory=download_directory, node=self.node
return updated_stream
content_fee = None
fee_amount, fee_address = None, None
# check that the fee is payable
if not to_replace and claim.stream.has_fee:
fee_amount = round(exchange_rate_manager.convert_currency(
claim.stream.fee.currency, "LBC", claim.stream.fee.amount
), 5)
max_fee_amount = round(exchange_rate_manager.convert_currency(
self.config.max_key_fee['currency'], "LBC", Decimal(self.config.max_key_fee['amount'])
), 5)
if fee_amount > max_fee_amount:
msg = f"fee of {fee_amount} exceeds max configured to allow of {max_fee_amount}"
raise KeyFeeAboveMaxAllowed(msg)
balance = await self.wallet.default_account.get_balance()
if lbc_to_dewies(str(fee_amount)) > balance:
msg = f"fee of {fee_amount} exceeds max available balance"
raise InsufficientFundsError(msg)
fee_address = claim.stream.fee.address
stream = ManagedStream(
self.loop, self.config, self.blob_manager, claim.stream.source.sd_hash, download_directory,
file_name, ManagedStream.STATUS_RUNNING, content_fee=content_fee,
log.info("starting download for %s", uri)
before_download = self.loop.time()
await stream.start(self.node, timeout)
stream.set_claim(resolved, claim)
if to_replace: # delete old stream now that the replacement has started downloading
await self.delete_stream(to_replace)
elif fee_address:
stream.content_fee = await self.wallet.send_amount_to_address(
lbc_to_dewies(str(fee_amount)), fee_address.encode('latin1')
log.info("paid fee of %s for %s", fee_amount, uri)
await self.storage.save_content_fee(stream.stream_hash, stream.content_fee)
self.streams[stream.sd_hash] = stream
self.storage.content_claim_callbacks[stream.stream_hash] = lambda: self._update_content_claim(stream)
await self.storage.save_content_claim(stream.stream_hash, outpoint)
if save_file:
await asyncio.wait_for(stream.save_file(node=self.node), timeout - (self.loop.time() - before_download),
return stream
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
error = DownloadDataTimeout(stream.sd_hash)
raise error
except Exception as err: # forgive data timeout, dont delete stream
error = err
if self.analytics_manager and (error or (stream and (stream.downloader.time_to_descriptor or
resolved_time, self.loop.time() - start_time, None if not stream else stream.download_id,
uri, outpoint,
None if not stream else len(stream.downloader.blob_downloader.active_connections),
None if not stream else len(stream.downloader.blob_downloader.scores),
False if not stream else stream.downloader.added_fixed_peers,
self.config.fixed_peer_delay if not stream else stream.downloader.fixed_peers_delay,
None if not stream else stream.sd_hash,
None if not stream else stream.downloader.time_to_descriptor,
None if not (stream and stream.descriptor) else stream.descriptor.blobs[0].blob_hash,
None if not (stream and stream.descriptor) else stream.descriptor.blobs[0].length,
None if not stream else stream.downloader.time_to_first_bytes,
None if not error else error.__class__.__name__
async def stream_partial_content(self, request: Request, sd_hash: str):
return await self.streams[sd_hash].stream_file(request, self.node)