160 lines
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160 lines
5.5 KiB
# pylint: skip-file
import os
import json
import aiohttp
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import requests
from requests.cookies import RequestsCookieJar
import logging
from lbrynet import conf
from lbrynet.daemon.auth.util import load_api_keys, APIKey, API_KEY_NAME, get_auth_message
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
USER_AGENT = "AuthServiceProxy/0.1"
SCHEME = "http"
def copy_cookies(cookies):
result = RequestsCookieJar()
return result
class JSONRPCException(Exception):
def __init__(self, rpc_error):
self.error = rpc_error
class UnAuthAPIClient:
def __init__(self, host, port):
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.scheme = SCHEME
def __getattr__(self, method):
async def f(*args, **kwargs):
return await self.call(method, [args, kwargs])
return f
def from_url(cls, url):
url_fragment = urlparse(url)
host = url_fragment.hostname
port = url_fragment.port
return cls(host, port)
async def call(self, method, params=None):
message = {'method': method, 'params': params}
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get('{}://{}:{}'.format(self.scheme, self.host, self.port), json=message) as resp:
return await resp.json()
class AuthAPIClient:
def __init__(self, key, timeout, connection, count, cookies, url, login_url):
self.__api_key = key
self.__service_url = login_url
self.__id_count = count
self.__url = url
self.__conn = connection
self.__cookies = copy_cookies(cookies)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'):
raise AttributeError(name)
def f(*args, **kwargs):
return self.call(name, [args, kwargs])
return f
async def call(self, method, params=None):
params = params or {}
self.__id_count += 1
pre_auth_post_data = {
'version': '2',
'method': method,
'params': params,
'id': self.__id_count
to_auth = get_auth_message(pre_auth_post_data)
pre_auth_post_data.update({'hmac': self.__api_key.get_hmac(to_auth).decode()})
post_data = json.dumps(pre_auth_post_data)
cookies = copy_cookies(self.__cookies)
req = requests.Request(
method='POST', url=self.__service_url, data=post_data, cookies=cookies,
'Host': self.__url.hostname,
'User-Agent': USER_AGENT,
'Content-type': 'application/json'
http_response = self.__conn.send(req.prepare())
if http_response is None:
raise JSONRPCException({'code': -342, 'message': 'missing HTTP response from server'})
next_secret = http_response.headers.get(LBRY_SECRET, False)
if next_secret:
self.__api_key.secret = next_secret
self.__cookies = copy_cookies(http_response.cookies)
return http_response.json()
def config(cls, key_name=None, key=None, pw_path=None, timeout=HTTP_TIMEOUT, connection=None, count=0,
cookies=None, auth=None, url=None, login_url=None):
api_key_name = key_name or API_KEY_NAME
pw_path = os.path.join(conf.settings['data_dir'], ".api_keys") if not pw_path else pw_path
if not key:
keys = load_api_keys(pw_path)
api_key = keys.get(api_key_name, False)
api_key = APIKey(name=api_key_name, secret=key)
if login_url is None:
service_url = "http://{}:{}@{}:{}".format(
api_key_name, api_key.secret, conf.settings['api_host'], conf.settings['api_port']
service_url = login_url
id_count = count
if auth is None and connection is None and cookies is None and url is None:
# This is a new client instance, start an authenticated session
url = urlparse(service_url)
conn = requests.Session()
req = requests.Request(
method='POST', url=service_url, headers={
'Host': url.hostname,
'User-Agent': USER_AGENT,
'Content-type': 'application/json'
r = req.prepare()
http_response = conn.send(r)
cookies = RequestsCookieJar()
uid = cookies.get(TWISTED_SESSION)
api_key = APIKey.new(seed=uid.encode())
# This is a client that already has a session, use it
conn = connection
if not cookies.get(LBRY_SECRET):
raise Exception("Missing cookie")
secret = cookies.get(LBRY_SECRET)
api_key = APIKey(secret, api_key_name)
return cls(api_key, timeout, conn, id_count, cookies, url, service_url)
class LBRYAPIClient:
def get_client(conf_path=None):
conf.conf_file = conf_path
if not conf.settings:
return AuthAPIClient.config() if conf.settings['use_auth_http'] else \