
198 lines
8 KiB

import logging
from ecdsa import BadSignatureError
from binascii import unhexlify
from lbrynet.core.Error import UnknownNameError, UnknownClaimID, UnknownURI, UnknownOutpoint
from lbryschema.address import is_address
from lbryschema.claim import ClaimDict
from lbryschema.decode import smart_decode
from lbryschema.error import DecodeError
from .claim_proofs import verify_proof, InvalidProofError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Format amount to be decimal encoded string
# Format value to be hex encoded string
# TODO: refactor. Came from lbryum, there could be another part of torba doing it
def format_amount_value(obj):
COIN = 100000000
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.iteritems():
if k == 'amount' or k == 'effective_amount':
if not isinstance(obj[k], float):
obj[k] = float(obj[k]) / float(COIN)
elif k == 'supports' and isinstance(v, list):
obj[k] = [{'txid': txid, 'nout': nout, 'amount': float(amount) / float(COIN)}
for (txid, nout, amount) in v]
elif isinstance(v, (list, dict)):
obj[k] = format_amount_value(v)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
obj = [format_amount_value(o) for o in obj]
return obj
def _get_permanent_url(claim_result):
if claim_result.get('has_signature') and claim_result.get('channel_name'):
return "{0}#{1}/{2}".format(
return "{0}#{1}".format(
def _verify_proof(ledger, name, claim_trie_root, result, height, depth, transaction_class):
Verify proof for name claim
def _build_response(name, value, claim_id, txid, n, amount, effective_amount,
claim_sequence, claim_address, supports):
r = {
'name': name,
'value': value.encode('hex'),
'claim_id': claim_id,
'txid': txid,
'nout': n,
'amount': amount,
'effective_amount': effective_amount,
'height': height,
'depth': depth,
'claim_sequence': claim_sequence,
'address': claim_address,
'supports': supports
return r
def _parse_proof_result(name, result):
support_amount = sum([amt for (stxid, snout, amt) in result['supports']])
supports = result['supports']
if 'txhash' in result['proof'] and 'nOut' in result['proof']:
if 'transaction' in result:
tx = transaction_class(raw=unhexlify(result['transaction']))
nOut = result['proof']['nOut']
if result['proof']['txhash'] == tx.hex_id:
if 0 <= nOut < len(tx.outputs):
claim_output = tx.outputs[nOut]
effective_amount = claim_output.amount + support_amount
claim_address = ledger.hash160_to_address(claim_output.script.values['pubkey_hash'])
claim_id = result['claim_id']
claim_sequence = result['claim_sequence']
claim_script = claim_output.script
decoded_name, decoded_value = claim_script.values['claim_name'], claim_script.values['claim']
if decoded_name == name:
return _build_response(name, decoded_value, claim_id,
tx.hex_id, nOut, claim_output.amount,
effective_amount, claim_sequence,
claim_address, supports)
return {'error': 'name in proof did not match requested name'}
outputs = len(tx['outputs'])
return {'error': 'invalid nOut: %d (let(outputs): %d' % (nOut, outputs)}
return {'error': "computed txid did not match given transaction: %s vs %s" %
(tx.hex_id, result['proof']['txhash'])
return {'error': "didn't receive a transaction with the proof"}
return {'error': 'name is not claimed'}
if 'proof' in result:
verify_proof(result['proof'], claim_trie_root, name)
except InvalidProofError:
return {'error': "Proof was invalid"}
return _parse_proof_result(name, result)
return {'error': "proof not in result"}
def validate_claim_signature_and_get_channel_name(claim, certificate_claim,
claim_address, decoded_certificate=None):
if not certificate_claim:
return False, None
certificate = decoded_certificate or smart_decode(certificate_claim['value'])
if not isinstance(certificate, ClaimDict):
raise TypeError("Certificate is not a ClaimDict: %s" % str(type(certificate)))
if _validate_signed_claim(claim, claim_address, certificate):
return True, certificate_claim['name']
return False, None
def _validate_signed_claim(claim, claim_address, certificate):
if not claim.has_signature:
raise Exception("Claim is not signed")
if not is_address(claim_address):
raise Exception("Not given a valid claim address")
if claim.validate_signature(claim_address, certificate.protobuf):
return True
except BadSignatureError:
# print_msg("Signature for %s is invalid" % claim_id)
return False
except Exception as err:
log.error("Signature for %s is invalid, reason: %s - %s", claim_address,
str(type(err)), err)
return False
return False
# TODO: The following came from code handling lbryum results. Now that it's all in one place a refactor should unify it.
def _decode_claim_result(claim):
if 'has_signature' in claim and claim['has_signature']:
if not claim['signature_is_valid']:
log.warning("lbry://%s#%s has an invalid signature",
claim['name'], claim['claim_id'])
decoded = smart_decode(claim['value'])
claim_dict = decoded.claim_dict
claim['value'] = claim_dict
claim['hex'] = decoded.serialized.encode('hex')
except DecodeError:
claim['hex'] = claim['value']
claim['value'] = None
claim['error'] = "Failed to decode value"
return claim
def _handle_claim_result(results):
if not results:
#TODO: cannot determine what name we searched for here
# we should fix lbryum commands that return None
raise UnknownNameError("")
if 'error' in results:
if results['error'] in ['name is not claimed', 'claim not found']:
if 'claim_id' in results:
raise UnknownClaimID(results['claim_id'])
elif 'name' in results:
raise UnknownNameError(results['name'])
elif 'uri' in results:
raise UnknownURI(results['uri'])
elif 'outpoint' in results:
raise UnknownOutpoint(results['outpoint'])
raise Exception(results['error'])
# case where return value is {'certificate':{'txid', 'value',...},...}
if 'certificate' in results:
results['certificate'] = _decode_claim_result(results['certificate'])
# case where return value is {'claim':{'txid','value',...},...}
if 'claim' in results:
results['claim'] = _decode_claim_result(results['claim'])
# case where return value is {'txid','value',...}
# returned by queries that are not name resolve related
# (getclaimbyoutpoint, getclaimbyid, getclaimsfromtx)
elif 'value' in results:
results = _decode_claim_result(results)
# case where there is no 'certificate', 'value', or 'claim' key
elif 'certificate' not in results:
msg = 'result in unexpected format:{}'.format(results)
assert False, msg
return results