146 lines
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146 lines
5.4 KiB
import signal
import logging
import asyncio
from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
import typing
import lbry
from lbry.wallet.server.mempool import MemPool, MemPoolAPI
from lbry.wallet.server.prometheus import PrometheusServer
class Notifications:
# hashX notifications come from two sources: new blocks and
# mempool refreshes.
# A user with a pending transaction is notified after the block it
# gets in is processed. Block processing can take an extended
# time, and the prefetcher might poll the daemon after the mempool
# code in any case. In such cases the transaction will not be in
# the mempool after the mempool refresh. We want to avoid
# notifying clients twice - for the mempool refresh and when the
# block is done. This object handles that logic by deferring
# notifications appropriately.
def __init__(self):
self._touched_mp = {}
self._touched_bp = {}
self._highest_block = -1
async def _maybe_notify(self):
tmp, tbp = self._touched_mp, self._touched_bp
common = set(tmp).intersection(tbp)
if common:
height = max(common)
elif tmp and max(tmp) == self._highest_block:
height = self._highest_block
# Either we are processing a block and waiting for it to
# come in, or we have not yet had a mempool update for the
# new block height
touched = tmp.pop(height)
for old in [h for h in tmp if h <= height]:
del tmp[old]
for old in [h for h in tbp if h <= height]:
await self.notify(height, touched)
async def notify(self, height, touched):
async def start(self, height, notify_func):
self._highest_block = height
self.notify = notify_func
await self.notify(height, set())
async def on_mempool(self, touched, height):
self._touched_mp[height] = touched
await self._maybe_notify()
async def on_block(self, touched, height):
self._touched_bp[height] = touched
self._highest_block = height
await self._maybe_notify()
class Server:
def __init__(self, env):
self.env = env
self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__).getChild(self.__class__.__name__)
self.shutdown_event = asyncio.Event()
self.cancellable_tasks = []
self.notifications = notifications = Notifications()
self.daemon = daemon = env.coin.DAEMON(env.coin, env.daemon_url)
self.db = db = env.coin.DB(env)
self.bp = bp = env.coin.BLOCK_PROCESSOR(env, db, daemon, notifications)
self.prometheus_server: typing.Optional[PrometheusServer] = None
# Set notifications up to implement the MemPoolAPI
notifications.height = daemon.height
notifications.cached_height = daemon.cached_height
notifications.mempool_hashes = daemon.mempool_hashes
notifications.raw_transactions = daemon.getrawtransactions
notifications.lookup_utxos = db.lookup_utxos
self.mempool = mempool = MemPool(env.coin, notifications)
self.session_mgr = env.coin.SESSION_MANAGER(
env, db, bp, daemon, mempool, self.shutdown_event
async def start(self):
env = self.env
min_str, max_str = env.coin.SESSIONCLS.protocol_min_max_strings()
self.log.info(f'software version: {lbry.__version__}')
self.log.info(f'supported protocol versions: {min_str}-{max_str}')
self.log.info(f'event loop policy: {env.loop_policy}')
self.log.info(f'reorg limit is {env.reorg_limit:,d} blocks')
await self.daemon.height()
def _start_cancellable(run, *args):
_flag = asyncio.Event()
self.cancellable_tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(run(*args, _flag)))
return _flag.wait()
await _start_cancellable(self.bp.fetch_and_process_blocks)
await self.db.populate_header_merkle_cache()
await _start_cancellable(self.mempool.keep_synchronized)
await _start_cancellable(self.session_mgr.serve, self.notifications)
await _start_cancellable(self.start_prometheus)
async def stop(self):
for task in reversed(self.cancellable_tasks):
await asyncio.wait(self.cancellable_tasks)
if self.prometheus_server:
await self.prometheus_server.stop()
self.prometheus_server = None
await self.daemon.close()
def run(self):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(1)
def __exit():
raise SystemExit()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, __exit)
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, __exit)
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
async def start_prometheus(self, event):
if not self.prometheus_server and self.env.prometheus_port:
self.prometheus_server = PrometheusServer()
await self.prometheus_server.start(self.env.prometheus_port)