300 lines
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300 lines
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import json
import tempfile
import logging
import asyncio
from types import SimpleNamespace
from twisted.internet import defer
from orchstr8.testcase import IntegrationTestCase, d2f
import lbryschema
lbryschema.BLOCKCHAIN_NAME = 'lbrycrd_regtest'
from lbrynet import conf as lbry_conf
from lbrynet.dht.node import Node
from lbrynet.daemon.Daemon import Daemon
from lbrynet.wallet.manager import LbryWalletManager
from lbrynet.daemon.Components import WalletComponent, DHTComponent, HashAnnouncerComponent, ExchangeRateManagerComponent
from lbrynet.daemon.Components import UPnPComponent
from lbrynet.daemon.Components import REFLECTOR_COMPONENT
from lbrynet.daemon.Components import PEER_PROTOCOL_SERVER_COMPONENT
from lbrynet.daemon.ComponentManager import ComponentManager
from lbrynet.daemon.auth.server import jsonrpc_dumps_pretty
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FakeUPnP(UPnPComponent):
def __init__(self, component_manager):
self.component_manager = component_manager
self._running = False
self.use_upnp = False
self.upnp_redirects = {}
def start(self):
def stop(self):
class FakeDHT(DHTComponent):
def start(self):
self.dht_node = Node()
class FakeExchangeRateComponent(ExchangeRateManagerComponent):
def start(self):
self.exchange_rate_manager = SimpleNamespace()
def stop(self):
class FakeHashAnnouncerComponent(HashAnnouncerComponent):
def start(self):
self.hash_announcer = SimpleNamespace()
def stop(self):
class FakeAnalytics:
def is_started(self):
return True
def send_new_channel(self):
def shutdown(self):
def send_claim_action(self, action):
class CommandTestCase(IntegrationTestCase):
WALLET_MANAGER = LbryWalletManager
async def setUp(self):
await super().setUp()
if self.VERBOSE:
lbry_conf.settings = None
lbry_conf.settings['data_dir'] = self.stack.wallet.data_path
lbry_conf.settings['lbryum_wallet_dir'] = self.stack.wallet.data_path
lbry_conf.settings['download_directory'] = self.stack.wallet.data_path
lbry_conf.settings['use_upnp'] = False
lbry_conf.settings['reflect_uploads'] = False
lbry_conf.settings['blockchain_name'] = 'lbrycrd_regtest'
lbry_conf.settings['lbryum_servers'] = [('localhost', 50001)]
lbry_conf.settings['known_dht_nodes'] = []
lbry_conf.settings.node_id = None
await d2f(self.account.ensure_address_gap())
address = (await d2f(self.account.receiving.get_addresses(1, only_usable=True)))[0]
sendtxid = await self.blockchain.send_to_address(address, 10)
await self.confirm_tx(sendtxid)
await self.generate(5)
def wallet_maker(component_manager):
self.wallet_component = WalletComponent(component_manager)
self.wallet_component.wallet_manager = self.manager
self.wallet_component._running = True
return self.wallet_component
skip = [
analytics_manager = FakeAnalytics()
self.daemon = Daemon(analytics_manager, ComponentManager(
skip_components=skip, wallet=wallet_maker,
dht=FakeDHT, hash_announcer=FakeHashAnnouncerComponent,
#for component in skip:
# self.daemon.component_attributes.pop(component, None)
await d2f(self.daemon.setup())
self.daemon.wallet_manager = self.wallet_component.wallet_manager
self.manager.old_db = self.daemon.storage
async def tearDown(self):
await super().tearDown()
self.wallet_component._running = False
await d2f(self.daemon._shutdown())
async def confirm_tx(self, txid):
""" Wait for tx to be in mempool, then generate a block, wait for tx to be in a block. """
await self.on_transaction_id(txid)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_id(txid)
def d_confirm_tx(self, txid):
return defer.Deferred.fromFuture(asyncio.ensure_future(self.confirm_tx(txid)))
async def generate(self, blocks):
""" Ask lbrycrd to generate some blocks and wait until ledger has them. """
await self.blockchain.generate(blocks)
await self.ledger.on_header.where(self.blockchain.is_expected_block)
def d_generate(self, blocks):
return defer.Deferred.fromFuture(asyncio.ensure_future(self.generate(blocks)))
def out(self, d):
""" Converts Daemon API call results (dictionary)
to JSON and then back to a dictionary. """
d.addCallback(lambda o: json.loads(jsonrpc_dumps_pretty(o, ledger=self.ledger))['result'])
return d
class EpicAdventuresOfChris45(CommandTestCase):
def test_no_this_is_not_a_test_its_an_adventure(self):
# Chris45 is an avid user of LBRY and this is his story. It's fact and fiction
# and everything in between; it's also the setting of some record setting
# integration tests.
# Chris45 starts everyday by checking his balance.
result = yield self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance()
self.assertEqual(result, 10)
# "10 LBC, yippy! I can do a lot with that.", he thinks to himself,
# enthusiastically. But he is hungry so he goes into the kitchen
# to make himself a spamdwich.
# While making the spamdwich he wonders... has anyone on LBRY
# registered the @spam channel yet? "I should do that!" he
# exclaims and goes back to his computer to do just that!
channel = yield self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_channel_new('@spam', 1))
yield self.d_confirm_tx(channel['tx']['txid'])
# Do we have it locally?
channels = yield self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_channel_list())
self.assertEqual(len(channels), 1)
self.assertEqual(channels[0]['name'], '@spam')
# As the new channel claim travels through the intertubes and makes its
# way into the mempool and then a block and then into the claimtrie,
# Chris doesn't sit idly by: he checks his balance!
result = yield self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance()
self.assertEqual(result, 0)
# "Oh! No! It's all gone? Did I make a mistake in entering the amount?"
# exclaims Chris, then he remembers there is a 6 block confirmation window
# to make sure the TX is really going to stay in the blockchain. And he only
# had one UTXO that morning.
# To get the unconfirmed balance he has to pass the '--include-unconfirmed'
# flag to lbrynet:
result = yield self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance(include_unconfirmed=True)
self.assertEqual(result, 8.99)
# "Well, that's a relief." he thinks to himself as he exhales a sigh of relief.
# He waits for a block
yield self.d_generate(1)
# and checks the confirmed balance again.
result = yield self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance()
self.assertEqual(result, 0)
# Still zero.
# But it's only at 2 confirmations, so he waits another 3
yield self.d_generate(3)
# and checks again.
result = yield self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance()
self.assertEqual(result, 0)
# Still zero.
# Just one more confirmation
yield self.d_generate(1)
# and it should be 6 total, enough to get the correct balance!
result = yield self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance()
self.assertEqual(result, 8.99)
# Like a Swiss watch (right niko?) the blockchain never disappoints! We're
# at 6 confirmations and the total is correct.
# And is the channel resolvable and empty?
response = yield self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_resolve(uri='lbry://@spam'))
self.assertIn('lbry://@spam', response)
self.assertIn('certificate', response['lbry://@spam'])
# "What goes well with spam?" ponders Chris...
# "A hovercraft with eels!" he exclaims.
# "That's what goes great with spam!" he further confirms.
# And so, many hours later, Chris is finished writing his epic story
# about eels driving a hovercraft across the wetlands while eating spam
# and decides it's time to publish it to the @spam channel.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as file:
file.write(b'blah blah blah...')
file.write(b'[insert long story about eels driving hovercraft]')
file.write(b'yada yada yada!')
file.write(b'the end')
claim1 = yield self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_publish(
'hovercraft', 1, file_path=file.name, channel_name='@spam', channel_id=channel['claim_id']
yield self.d_confirm_tx(claim1['tx']['txid'])
# He quickly checks the unconfirmed balance to make sure everything looks
# correct.
result = yield self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance(include_unconfirmed=True)
self.assertEqual(round(result, 2), 7.97)
# Also checks that his new story can be found on the blockchain before
# giving the link to all his friends.
response = yield self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_resolve(uri='lbry://@spam/hovercraft'))
self.assertIn('lbry://@spam/hovercraft', response)
self.assertIn('claim', response['lbry://@spam/hovercraft'])
# He goes to tell everyone about it and in the meantime 5 blocks are confirmed.
yield self.d_generate(5)
# When he comes back he verifies the confirmed balance.
result = yield self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance()
self.assertEqual(round(result, 2), 7.97)
# As people start reading his story they discover some typos and notify
# Chris who explains in despair "Oh! Noooooos!" but then remembers
# "No big deal! I can update my claim." And so he updates his claim.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as file:
file.write(b'blah blah blah...')
file.write(b'[typo fixing sounds being made]')
file.write(b'yada yada yada!')
claim2 = yield self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_publish(
'hovercraft', 1, file_path=file.name, channel_name='@spam', channel_id=channel['claim_id']
self.assertEqual(claim2['claim_id'], claim1['claim_id'])
yield self.d_confirm_tx(claim2['tx']['txid'])
# After some soul searching Chris decides that his story needs more
# heart and a better ending. He takes down the story and begins the rewrite.
abandon = yield self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_claim_abandon(claim1['claim_id']))
yield self.d_confirm_tx(abandon['tx']['txid'])
# And now check that the claim doesn't resolve anymore.
response = yield self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_resolve(uri='lbry://@spam/hovercraft'))
self.assertNotIn('claim', response['lbry://@spam/hovercraft'])