2020-10-21 10:34:18 -04:00

270 lines
9.4 KiB

import os
import asyncio
import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, NamedTuple, Dict
from lbry.db import Database, Result
from lbry.db.constants import TXO_TYPES
from lbry.schema.result import Censor
from lbry.blockchain.transaction import Transaction, Output
from lbry.blockchain.ledger import Ledger
from lbry.wallet import WalletManager
from lbry.event import EventController
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BlockEvent(NamedTuple):
height: int
class Sync:
Maintains local state in sync with some upstream source of truth.
Client stays synced with wallet server
Server stays synced with lbrycrd
def __init__(self, ledger: Ledger, db: Database):
self.ledger = ledger
self.conf = ledger.conf
self.db = db
self._on_block_controller = EventController()
self.on_block =
self._on_progress_controller = db._on_progress_controller
self.on_progress = db.on_progress
self._on_ready_controller = EventController()
self.on_ready =
def on_bulk_started(self):
return self.on_progress.where() # filter for bulk started event
def on_bulk_finished(self):
return self.on_progress.where() # filter for bulk finished event
async def start(self):
raise NotImplementedError
async def stop(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class Service:
Base class for light client and full node LBRY service implementations.
This is the programmatic api (as compared to API)
sync: Sync
def __init__(self, ledger: Ledger):
self.ledger, self.conf = ledger, ledger.conf
self.db = Database(ledger)
self.wallets = WalletManager(ledger, self.db)
#self.on_address = sync.on_address
#self.accounts = sync.accounts
#self.on_header = sync.on_header
#self.on_ready = sync.on_ready
#self.on_transaction = sync.on_transaction
# sync has established connection with a source from which it can synchronize
# for full service this is lbrycrd (or sync service) and for light this is full node
self._on_connected_controller = EventController()
self.on_connected =
async def start(self):
await self.wallets.ensure_path_exists()
await self.wallets.load()
await self.sync.start()
async def stop(self):
await self.sync.stop()
await self.db.close()
async def get_status(self):
def get_version(self):
async def find_ffmpeg(self):
async def get(self, uri, **kwargs):
def create_wallet(self, file_name):
path = os.path.join(self.conf.wallet_dir, file_name)
return self.wallets.add_from_path(path)
async def get_addresses(self, **constraints):
return await self.db.get_addresses(**constraints)
def reserve_outputs(self, txos):
return self.db.reserve_outputs(txos)
def release_outputs(self, txos):
return self.db.release_outputs(txos)
def release_tx(self, tx):
return self.release_outputs([txi.txo_ref.txo for txi in tx.inputs])
def get_utxos(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_utxos(**constraints)
async def get_txos(self, resolve=False, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
txos = await self.db.get_txos(**constraints)
if resolve:
return await self._resolve_for_local_results(constraints.get('accounts', []), txos)
return txos
def get_txo_sum(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_txo_sum(**constraints)
def get_txo_plot(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_txo_plot(**constraints)
def get_transactions(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_transactions(**constraints)
async def get_transaction(self, tx_hash: bytes):
tx = await self.db.get_transaction(tx_hash=tx_hash)
if tx:
return tx
# try:
# raw, merkle = await
# except CodeMessageError as e:
# if 'No such mempool or blockchain transaction.' in e.message:
# return {'success': False, 'code': 404, 'message': 'transaction not found'}
# return {'success': False, 'code': e.code, 'message': e.message}
# height = merkle.get('block_height')
# tx = Transaction(unhexlify(raw), height=height)
# if height and height > 0:
# await self.ledger.maybe_verify_transaction(tx, height, merkle)
# return tx
async def search_transactions(self, txids):
raise NotImplementedError
async def sum_supports(self, claim_hash: bytes, include_channel_content=False, exclude_own_supports=False) \
-> List[Dict]:
raise NotImplementedError
async def announce_addresses(self, address_manager, addresses: List[str]):
await self.ledger.announce_addresses(address_manager, addresses)
async def get_address_manager_for_address(self, address):
details = await self.db.get_address(address=address)
for wallet in self.wallets:
for account in wallet.accounts:
if == details['account']:
return account.address_managers[details['chain']]
return None
async def reset(self):
self.ledger.conf = {
'auto_connect': True,
'default_servers': self.conf.lbryum_servers,
'data_path': self.conf.wallet_dir,
await self.ledger.stop()
await self.ledger.start()
async def get_best_blockhash(self):
if len(self.ledger.headers) <= 0:
return self.ledger.genesis_hash
return (await self.ledger.headers.hash(self.ledger.headers.height)).decode()
async def maybe_broadcast_or_release(self, tx, preview=False, no_wait=False):
if preview:
return await self.release_tx(tx)
await self.broadcast(tx)
if not no_wait:
await self.wait(tx)
except Exception:
await self.release_tx(tx)
async def broadcast(self, tx):
raise NotImplementedError
async def wait(self, tx: Transaction, height=-1, timeout=1):
raise NotImplementedError
async def resolve(self, urls, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
async def search_claims(self, accounts, **kwargs) -> Tuple[List[Output], Optional[int], Censor]:
raise NotImplementedError
async def search_supports(self, accounts, **kwargs) -> Tuple[List[Output], Optional[int]]:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_claim_by_claim_id(self, accounts, claim_id, **kwargs) -> Output:
for claim in (await self.search_claims(accounts, claim_id=claim_id, **kwargs))[0]:
return claim
def constraint_spending_utxos(constraints):
constraints['txo_type__in'] = (0, TXO_TYPES['purchase'])
async def get_purchases(self, wallet, resolve=False, **constraints):
purchases = await wallet.get_purchases(**constraints)
if resolve:
claim_ids = [p.purchased_claim_id for p in purchases]
resolved, _, _ = await self.search_claims([], claim_ids=claim_ids)
except Exception as err:
if isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError): # TODO: remove when updated to 3.8
log.exception("Resolve failed while looking up purchased claim ids:")
resolved = []
lookup = {claim.claim_id: claim for claim in resolved}
for purchase in purchases:
purchase.purchased_claim = lookup.get(purchase.purchased_claim_id)
return purchases
async def _resolve_for_local_results(self, accounts, txos: Result) -> Result:
results = []
response = await self.resolve(
[txo.permanent_url for txo in txos if txo.can_decode_claim], accounts=accounts
for txo in txos:
resolved = response.get(txo.permanent_url) if txo.can_decode_claim else None
if isinstance(resolved, Output):
if isinstance(resolved, dict) and 'error' in resolved:
txo.meta['error'] = resolved['error']
txos.rows = results
return txos
async def resolve_collection(self, collection, offset=0, page_size=1):
claim_ids =[offset:page_size+offset]
resolve_results, _, _ = await self.search_claims([], claim_ids=claim_ids)
except Exception as err:
if isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError): # TODO: remove when updated to 3.8
log.exception("Resolve failed while looking up collection claim ids:")
return []
claims = []
for claim_id in claim_ids:
found = False
for txo in resolve_results:
if txo.claim_id == claim_id:
found = True
if not found:
return claims