More specific exceptions are raised when problems are encountered looking up metadata and validating stream descriptor files, and on the GUI those more specific exceptions are used to prevent errors from being presented to the user. If the user has selected the option to re-upload data for some stream, blobs downloaded for that purpose will not be deleted when they are finished being output. Instead, by default, for the GUI they will be deleted when the stream is removed from the GUI. That can be changed so they are not deleted at all, using the lbry.conf file.
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214 lines
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from collections import defaultdict
import json
import logging
from twisted.internet import threads
from lbrynet.core.client.StandaloneBlobDownloader import StandaloneBlobDownloader
from lbrynet.core.Error import UnknownStreamTypeError, InvalidStreamDescriptorError
class StreamDescriptorReader(object):
"""Classes which derive from this class read a stream descriptor file return
a dictionary containing the fields in the file"""
def __init__(self):
def _get_raw_data(self):
"""This method must be overridden by subclasses. It should return a deferred
which fires with the raw data in the stream descriptor"""
def get_info(self):
"""Return the fields contained in the file"""
d = self._get_raw_data()
return d
class PlainStreamDescriptorReader(StreamDescriptorReader):
"""Read a stream descriptor file which is not a blob but a regular file"""
def __init__(self, stream_descriptor_filename):
self.stream_descriptor_filename = stream_descriptor_filename
def _get_raw_data(self):
def get_data():
with open(self.stream_descriptor_filename) as file_handle:
raw_data =
return raw_data
return threads.deferToThread(get_data)
class BlobStreamDescriptorReader(StreamDescriptorReader):
"""Read a stream descriptor file which is a blob"""
def __init__(self, blob):
self.blob = blob
def _get_raw_data(self):
def get_data():
f = self.blob.open_for_reading()
if f is not None:
raw_data =
return raw_data
raise ValueError("Could not open the blob for reading")
return threads.deferToThread(get_data)
class StreamDescriptorWriter(object):
"""Classes which derive from this class write fields from a dictionary
of fields to a stream descriptor"""
def __init__(self):
def create_descriptor(self, sd_info):
return self._write_stream_descriptor(json.dumps(sd_info))
def _write_stream_descriptor(self, raw_data):
"""This method must be overridden by subclasses to write raw data to the stream descriptor"""
class PlainStreamDescriptorWriter(StreamDescriptorWriter):
def __init__(self, sd_file_name):
self.sd_file_name = sd_file_name
def _write_stream_descriptor(self, raw_data):
def write_file():
logging.debug("Writing the sd file to disk")
with open(self.sd_file_name, 'w') as sd_file:
return self.sd_file_name
return threads.deferToThread(write_file)
class BlobStreamDescriptorWriter(StreamDescriptorWriter):
def __init__(self, blob_manager):
self.blob_manager = blob_manager
def _write_stream_descriptor(self, raw_data):
logging.debug("Creating the new blob for the stream descriptor")
blob_creator = self.blob_manager.get_blob_creator()
logging.debug("Wrote the data to the new blob")
return blob_creator.close()
class StreamDescriptorIdentifier(object):
"""Tries to determine the type of stream described by the stream descriptor using the
'stream_type' field. Keeps a list of StreamDescriptorValidators and StreamDownloaderFactorys
and returns the appropriate ones based on the type of the stream descriptor given
def __init__(self):
self._sd_info_validators = {} # {stream_type: IStreamDescriptorValidator}
self._stream_options = {} # {stream_type: IStreamOptions}
self._stream_downloader_factories = defaultdict(list) # {stream_type: [IStreamDownloaderFactory]}
def add_stream_type(self, stream_type, sd_info_validator, stream_options):
This is how the StreamDescriptorIdentifier learns about new types of stream descriptors.
There can only be one StreamDescriptorValidator for each type of stream.
@param stream_type: A string representing the type of stream descriptor. This must be unique to
this stream descriptor.
@param sd_info_validator: A class implementing the IStreamDescriptorValidator interface. This class's
constructor will be passed the raw metadata in the stream descriptor file and its 'validate' method
will then be called. If the validation step fails, an exception will be thrown, preventing the stream
descriptor from being further processed.
@param stream_options: A class implementing the IStreamOptions interface. This class's constructor will be
passed the sd_info_validator object containing the raw metadata from the stream descriptor file.
@return: None
self._sd_info_validators[stream_type] = sd_info_validator
self._stream_options[stream_type] = stream_options
def add_stream_downloader_factory(self, stream_type, factory):
Register a stream downloader factory with the StreamDescriptorIdentifier.
This is how the StreamDescriptorIdentifier determines what factories may be used to process different stream
descriptor files. There must be at least one factory for each type of stream added via
@param stream_type: A string representing the type of stream descriptor which the factory knows how to process.
@param factory: An object implementing the IStreamDownloaderFactory interface.
@return: None
def get_info_and_factories_for_sd_file(self, sd_path):
sd_reader = PlainStreamDescriptorReader(sd_path)
d = sd_reader.get_info()
return d
def get_info_and_factories_for_sd_blob(self, sd_blob):
sd_reader = BlobStreamDescriptorReader(sd_blob)
d = sd_reader.get_info()
return d
def _get_factories(self, stream_type):
if not stream_type in self._stream_downloader_factories:
raise UnknownStreamTypeError(stream_type)
return self._stream_downloader_factories[stream_type]
def _get_validator(self, stream_type):
if not stream_type in self._stream_downloader_factories:
raise UnknownStreamTypeError(stream_type)
return self._sd_info_validators[stream_type]
def _get_options(self, stream_type):
if not stream_type in self._stream_downloader_factories:
raise UnknownStreamTypeError(stream_type)
return self._stream_options[stream_type]
def _return_info_and_factories(self, sd_info):
if not 'stream_type' in sd_info:
raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError('No stream_type parameter in stream descriptor.')
stream_type = sd_info['stream_type']
validator = self._get_validator(stream_type)(sd_info)
factories = [f for f in self._get_factories(stream_type) if f.can_download(validator)]
d = validator.validate()
def get_options():
options = self._get_options(stream_type)
return validator, options, factories
d.addCallback(lambda _: get_options())
return d
def download_sd_blob(session, blob_hash, payment_rate_manager):
Downloads a single blob from the network
@param session:
@param blob_hash:
@param payment_rate_manager:
@return: An object of type HashBlob
downloader = StandaloneBlobDownloader(blob_hash, session.blob_manager, session.peer_finder,
session.rate_limiter, payment_rate_manager, session.wallet)
return |