397 lines
15 KiB
397 lines
15 KiB
import random
import typing
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Type, Optional, Any
from torba.client.mnemonic import Mnemonic
from torba.client.bip32 import PrivateKey, PubKey, from_extended_key_string
from torba.client.hash import aes_encrypt, aes_decrypt
from torba.client.constants import COIN
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from torba.client import baseledger, wallet as basewallet
class AddressManager:
name: str
__slots__ = 'account', 'public_key', 'chain_number'
def __init__(self, account, public_key, chain_number):
self.account = account
self.public_key = public_key
self.chain_number = chain_number
def from_dict(cls, account: 'BaseAccount', d: dict) \
-> Tuple['AddressManager', 'AddressManager']:
raise NotImplementedError
def to_dict(cls, receiving: 'AddressManager', change: 'AddressManager') -> Dict:
d: Dict[str, Any] = {'name': cls.name}
receiving_dict = receiving.to_dict_instance()
if receiving_dict:
d['receiving'] = receiving_dict
change_dict = change.to_dict_instance()
if change_dict:
d['change'] = change_dict
return d
def to_dict_instance(self) -> Optional[dict]:
raise NotImplementedError
def _query_addresses(self, **constraints):
return self.account.ledger.db.get_addresses(
def get_private_key(self, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_max_gap(self):
raise NotImplementedError
async def ensure_address_gap(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_address_records(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_addresses(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints):
records = await self.get_address_records(only_usable=only_usable, **constraints)
return [r['address'] for r in records]
async def get_or_create_usable_address(self):
addresses = await self.get_addresses(only_usable=True, limit=10)
if addresses:
return random.choice(addresses)
addresses = await self.ensure_address_gap()
return addresses[0]
class HierarchicalDeterministic(AddressManager):
""" Implements simple version of Bitcoin Hierarchical Deterministic key management. """
name = "deterministic-chain"
__slots__ = 'gap', 'maximum_uses_per_address'
def __init__(self, account: 'BaseAccount', chain: int, gap: int, maximum_uses_per_address: int) -> None:
super().__init__(account, account.public_key.child(chain), chain)
self.gap = gap
self.maximum_uses_per_address = maximum_uses_per_address
def from_dict(cls, account: 'BaseAccount', d: dict) -> Tuple[AddressManager, AddressManager]:
return (
cls(account, 0, **d.get('receiving', {'gap': 20, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 2})),
cls(account, 1, **d.get('change', {'gap': 6, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 2}))
def to_dict_instance(self):
return {'gap': self.gap, 'maximum_uses_per_address': self.maximum_uses_per_address}
def get_private_key(self, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
return self.account.private_key.child(self.chain_number).child(index)
async def generate_keys(self, start: int, end: int):
keys_batch, final_keys = [], []
for index in range(start, end+1):
keys_batch.append((index, self.public_key.child(index)))
if index % 180 == 0 or index == end:
await self.account.ledger.db.add_keys(
self.account, self.chain_number, keys_batch
return [key[1].address for key in final_keys]
async def get_max_gap(self):
addresses = await self._query_addresses(order_by="position ASC")
max_gap = 0
current_gap = 0
for address in addresses:
if address['used_times'] == 0:
current_gap += 1
max_gap = max(max_gap, current_gap)
current_gap = 0
return max_gap
async def ensure_address_gap(self):
addresses = await self._query_addresses(limit=self.gap, order_by="position DESC")
existing_gap = 0
for address in addresses:
if address['used_times'] == 0:
existing_gap += 1
if existing_gap == self.gap:
return []
start = addresses[0]['position']+1 if addresses else 0
end = start + (self.gap - existing_gap)
new_keys = await self.generate_keys(start, end-1)
return new_keys
def get_address_records(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints):
if only_usable:
constraints['used_times__lte'] = self.maximum_uses_per_address
return self._query_addresses(order_by="used_times ASC, position ASC", **constraints)
class SingleKey(AddressManager):
""" Single Key address manager always returns the same address for all operations. """
name = "single-address"
__slots__ = ()
def from_dict(cls, account: 'BaseAccount', d: dict)\
-> Tuple[AddressManager, AddressManager]:
same_address_manager = cls(account, account.public_key, 0)
return same_address_manager, same_address_manager
def to_dict_instance(self):
return None
def get_private_key(self, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
return self.account.private_key
async def get_max_gap(self):
return 0
async def ensure_address_gap(self):
exists = await self.get_address_records()
if not exists:
await self.account.ledger.db.add_keys(
self.account, self.chain_number, [(0, self.public_key)]
return [self.public_key.address]
return []
def get_address_records(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints):
return self._query_addresses(**constraints)
class BaseAccount:
mnemonic_class = Mnemonic
private_key_class = PrivateKey
public_key_class = PubKey
address_generators: Dict[str, Type[AddressManager]] = {
SingleKey.name: SingleKey,
HierarchicalDeterministic.name: HierarchicalDeterministic,
def __init__(self, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', wallet: 'basewallet.Wallet', name: str,
seed: str, private_key_string: str, encrypted: bool,
private_key: Optional[PrivateKey], public_key: PubKey,
address_generator: dict) -> None:
self.ledger = ledger
self.wallet = wallet
self.id = public_key.address
self.name = name
self.seed = seed
self.private_key_string = private_key_string
self.password: Optional[str] = None
self.encryption_init_vector = None
self.encrypted = encrypted
self.serialize_encrypted = encrypted
self.private_key = private_key
self.public_key = public_key
generator_name = address_generator.get('name', HierarchicalDeterministic.name)
self.address_generator = self.address_generators[generator_name]
self.receiving, self.change = self.address_generator.from_dict(self, address_generator)
self.address_managers = {self.receiving, self.change}
def generate(cls, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', wallet: 'basewallet.Wallet',
name: str = None, address_generator: dict = None):
return cls.from_dict(ledger, wallet, {
'name': name,
'seed': cls.mnemonic_class().make_seed(),
'address_generator': address_generator or {}
def get_private_key_from_seed(cls, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', seed: str, password: str):
return cls.private_key_class.from_seed(
ledger, cls.mnemonic_class.mnemonic_to_seed(seed, password)
def from_dict(cls, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', wallet: 'basewallet.Wallet', d: dict):
seed = d.get('seed', '')
private_key_string = d.get('private_key', '')
private_key = None
public_key = None
encrypted = d.get('encrypted', False)
if not encrypted:
if seed:
private_key = cls.get_private_key_from_seed(ledger, seed, '')
public_key = private_key.public_key
elif private_key:
private_key = from_extended_key_string(ledger, private_key_string)
public_key = private_key.public_key
if public_key is None:
public_key = from_extended_key_string(ledger, d['public_key'])
name = d.get('name')
if not name:
name = 'Account #{}'.format(public_key.address)
return cls(
address_generator=d.get('address_generator', {})
def to_dict(self):
private_key_string, seed = self.private_key_string, self.seed
if not self.encrypted and self.private_key:
private_key_string = self.private_key.extended_key_string()
if not self.encrypted and self.serialize_encrypted:
private_key_string = aes_encrypt(self.password, private_key_string, self.encryption_init_vector)
seed = aes_encrypt(self.password, self.seed, self.encryption_init_vector)
return {
'ledger': self.ledger.get_id(),
'name': self.name,
'seed': seed,
'encrypted': self.encrypted,
'private_key': private_key_string,
'public_key': self.public_key.extended_key_string(),
'address_generator': self.address_generator.to_dict(self.receiving, self.change)
async def get_details(self, show_seed=False, **kwargs):
satoshis = await self.get_balance(**kwargs)
details = {
'id': self.id,
'name': self.name,
'coins': round(satoshis/COIN, 2),
'satoshis': satoshis,
'encrypted': self.encrypted,
'public_key': self.public_key.extended_key_string(),
'address_generator': self.address_generator.to_dict(self.receiving, self.change)
if show_seed:
details['seed'] = self.seed
return details
def decrypt(self, password: str) -> None:
assert self.encrypted, "Key is not encrypted."
self.seed = aes_decrypt(password, self.seed)
self.private_key = from_extended_key_string(
self.ledger, aes_decrypt(password, self.private_key_string)
self.password = password
self.encrypted = False
def encrypt(self, password: str) -> None:
assert not self.encrypted, "Key is already encrypted."
assert isinstance(self.private_key, PrivateKey)
self.seed = aes_encrypt(password, self.seed, self.encryption_init_vector)
self.private_key_string = aes_encrypt(
password, self.private_key.extended_key_string(), self.encryption_init_vector
self.private_key = None
self.password = None
self.encrypted = True
async def ensure_address_gap(self):
addresses = []
for address_manager in self.address_managers:
new_addresses = await address_manager.ensure_address_gap()
return addresses
async def get_addresses(self, **constraints):
rows = await self.ledger.db.select_addresses('address', account=self, **constraints)
return [r[0] for r in rows]
def get_address_records(self, **constraints):
return self.ledger.db.get_addresses(account=self, **constraints)
def get_address_count(self, **constraints):
return self.ledger.db.get_address_count(account=self, **constraints)
def get_private_key(self, chain: int, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
assert not self.encrypted, "Cannot get private key on encrypted wallet account."
address_manager = {0: self.receiving, 1: self.change}[chain]
return address_manager.get_private_key(index)
def get_balance(self, confirmations: int = 0, **constraints):
if confirmations > 0:
height = self.ledger.headers.height - (confirmations-1)
constraints.update({'height__lte': height, 'height__gt': 0})
return self.ledger.db.get_balance(account=self, **constraints)
async def get_max_gap(self):
change_gap = await self.change.get_max_gap()
receiving_gap = await self.receiving.get_max_gap()
return {
'max_change_gap': change_gap,
'max_receiving_gap': receiving_gap,
def get_utxos(self, **constraints):
return self.ledger.db.get_utxos(account=self, **constraints)
def get_utxo_count(self, **constraints):
return self.ledger.db.get_utxo_count(account=self, **constraints)
def get_transactions(self, **constraints):
return self.ledger.db.get_transactions(account=self, **constraints)
def get_transaction_count(self, **constraints):
return self.ledger.db.get_transaction_count(account=self, **constraints)
async def fund(self, to_account, amount=None, everything=False,
outputs=1, broadcast=False, **constraints):
assert self.ledger == to_account.ledger, 'Can only transfer between accounts of the same ledger.'
tx_class = self.ledger.transaction_class
if everything:
utxos = await self.get_utxos(**constraints)
await self.ledger.reserve_outputs(utxos)
tx = await tx_class.create(
inputs=[tx_class.input_class.spend(txo) for txo in utxos],
elif amount > 0:
to_address = await to_account.change.get_or_create_usable_address()
to_hash160 = to_account.ledger.address_to_hash160(to_address)
tx = await tx_class.create(
tx_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(amount//outputs, to_hash160)
for _ in range(outputs)
raise ValueError('An amount is required.')
if broadcast:
await self.ledger.broadcast(tx)
await self.ledger.release_outputs(
[txi.txo_ref.txo for txi in tx.inputs]
return tx