added unit test for Greek and made it work pylint: revert bad move revert claim_sequence changes fixed broken test
410 lines
19 KiB
410 lines
19 KiB
import math
import unicodedata as uda
from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
from torba.rpc.jsonrpc import RPCError
from torba.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str
from torba.server.session import ElectrumX
from torba.server import util
from lbrynet.schema.uri import parse_lbry_uri, CLAIM_ID_MAX_LENGTH
from lbrynet.schema.error import URIParseError
from lbrynet.extras.wallet.server.block_processor import LBRYBlockProcessor
from lbrynet.extras.wallet.server.db import LBRYDB
class LBRYElectrumX(ElectrumX):
PROTOCOL_MIN = (0, 0) # temporary, for supporting 0.10 protocol
max_errors = math.inf # don't disconnect people for errors! let them happen...
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# fixme: this is a rebase hack, we need to go through ChainState instead later
self.daemon = self.session_mgr.daemon
self.bp: LBRYBlockProcessor = self.session_mgr.bp
self.db: LBRYDB = self.bp.db
# fixme: lbryum specific subscribe
self.subscribe_height = False
def set_request_handlers(self, ptuple):
handlers = {
'blockchain.transaction.get_height': self.transaction_get_height,
'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimbyid': self.claimtrie_getclaimbyid,
'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsforname': self.claimtrie_getclaimsforname,
'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsbyids': self.claimtrie_getclaimsbyids,
'blockchain.claimtrie.getvalue': self.claimtrie_getvalue,
'blockchain.claimtrie.getnthclaimforname': self.claimtrie_getnthclaimforname,
'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimsintx': self.claimtrie_getclaimsintx,
'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimssignedby': self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedby,
'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimssignedbynthtoname': self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedbynthtoname,
'blockchain.claimtrie.getvalueforuri': self.claimtrie_getvalueforuri,
'blockchain.claimtrie.getvaluesforuris': self.claimtrie_getvalueforuris,
'blockchain.claimtrie.getclaimssignedbyid': self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyid,
'blockchain.block.get_server_height': self.get_server_height,
'blockchain.block.get_block': self.get_block,
# fixme: methods we use but shouldnt be using anymore. To be removed when torba goes out
'blockchain.numblocks.subscribe': self.numblocks_subscribe,
'blockchain.utxo.get_address': self.utxo_get_address,
'blockchain.transaction.get': self.transaction_get,
async def utxo_get_address(self, tx_hash, index):
# fixme: lbryum
# Used only for electrum client command-line requests. We no
# longer index by address, so need to request the raw
# transaction. So it works for any TXO not just UTXOs.
index = int(index)
if index < 0:
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
raise RPCError(1, "index has to be >= 0 and integer")
raw_tx = await self.daemon_request('getrawtransaction', tx_hash)
if not raw_tx:
return None
raw_tx = util.hex_to_bytes(raw_tx)
tx = self.coin.DESERIALIZER(raw_tx).read_tx()
if index >= len(tx.outputs):
return None
return self.coin.address_from_script(tx.outputs[index].pk_script)
async def transaction_broadcast_1_0(self, raw_tx):
# fixme: lbryum
# An ugly API: current Electrum clients only pass the raw
# transaction in hex and expect error messages to be returned in
# the result field. And the server shouldn't be doing the client's
# user interface job here.
return await self.transaction_broadcast(raw_tx)
except RPCError as e:
return e.message
async def numblocks_subscribe(self):
# fixme workaround for lbryum
'''Subscribe to get height of new blocks.'''
self.subscribe_height = True
return self.bp.height
async def notify(self, height, touched):
# fixme workaround for lbryum
await super().notify(height, touched)
if self.subscribe_height and height != self.notified_height:
self.send_notification('blockchain.numblocks.subscribe', (height,))
async def transaction_get(self, tx_hash, verbose=False):
# fixme: workaround for lbryum sending the height instead of True/False.
# fixme: lbryum_server ignored that and always used False, but this is out of spec
if verbose not in (True, False):
verbose = False
return await self.daemon_request('getrawtransaction', tx_hash, verbose)
async def get_block(self, block_hash):
return await self.daemon.deserialised_block(block_hash)
async def get_server_height(self):
return self.bp.height
async def transaction_get_height(self, tx_hash):
transaction_info = await self.daemon.getrawtransaction(tx_hash, True)
if transaction_info and 'hex' in transaction_info and 'confirmations' in transaction_info:
# an unconfirmed transaction from lbrycrdd will not have a 'confirmations' field
height = self.db.db_height
height = height - transaction_info['confirmations']
return height
elif transaction_info and 'hex' in transaction_info:
return -1
return None
async def claimtrie_getclaimssignedby(self, name):
winning_claim = await self.daemon.getvalueforname(name)
if winning_claim:
return await self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyid(winning_claim['claimId'])
async def claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyid(self, certificate_id):
claim_ids = self.get_claim_ids_signed_by(certificate_id)
return await self.batched_formatted_claims_from_daemon(claim_ids)
def claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyidminimal(self, certificate_id):
claim_ids = self.get_claim_ids_signed_by(certificate_id)
ret = []
for claim_id in claim_ids:
raw_claim_id = unhexlify(claim_id)[::-1]
info = self.db.get_claim_info(raw_claim_id)
if info:
'claim_id': claim_id,
'height': info.height,
return ret
def get_claim_ids_signed_by(self, certificate_id):
raw_certificate_id = unhexlify(certificate_id)[::-1]
raw_claim_ids = self.db.get_signed_claim_ids_by_cert_id(raw_certificate_id)
return list(map(hash_to_hex_str, raw_claim_ids))
async def claimtrie_getclaimssignedbynthtoname(self, name, n):
claim = self.claimtrie_getnthclaimforname(name, n)
if claim and 'claim_id' in claim:
return await self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyid(hash_to_hex_str(claim['claim_id']))
async def claimtrie_getclaimsintx(self, txid):
# TODO: this needs further discussion.
# Code on lbryum-server is wrong and we need to gather what we clearly expect from this command
claim_ids = [claim['claimId'] for claim in (await self.daemon.getclaimsfortx(txid)) if 'claimId' in claim]
return await self.batched_formatted_claims_from_daemon(claim_ids)
async def claimtrie_getvalue(self, name, block_hash=None):
proof = await self.daemon.getnameproof(name, block_hash)
result = {'proof': proof, 'supports': []}
if proof_has_winning_claim(proof):
tx_hash, nout = proof['txhash'], int(proof['nOut'])
transaction_info = await self.daemon.getrawtransaction(tx_hash, True)
result['transaction'] = transaction_info['hex'] # should have never included this (or the call to get it)
raw_claim_id = self.db.get_claim_id_from_outpoint(unhexlify(tx_hash)[::-1], nout)
claim_id = hexlify(raw_claim_id[::-1]).decode()
claim = await self.claimtrie_getclaimbyid(claim_id)
return result
async def claimtrie_getnthclaimforname(self, name, n):
n = int(n)
result = await self.claimtrie_getclaimsforname(name)
if 'claims' in result and len(result['claims']) > n >= 0:
# TODO: revist this after lbrycrd_#209 to see if we can sort by claim_sequence at this point
result['claims'].sort(key=lambda c: (int(c['height']), int(c['nout'])))
result['claims'][n]['claim_sequence'] = n
return result['claims'][n]
async def claimtrie_getpartialmatch(self, name, part):
result = await self.claimtrie_getclaimsforname(name)
if 'claims' in result:
return next(filter(lambda x: x['claim_id'].starts_with(part), result['claims']), None)
async def claimtrie_getclaimsforname(self, name):
claims = await self.daemon.getclaimsforname(name)
if claims:
claims['claims'] = [self.format_claim_from_daemon(claim, name) for claim in claims['claims']]
claims['supports_without_claims'] = claims['supports without claims']
del claims['supports without claims']
claims['last_takeover_height'] = claims['nLastTakeoverHeight']
del claims['nLastTakeoverHeight']
return claims
return {}
async def batched_formatted_claims_from_daemon(self, claim_ids):
claims = await self.daemon.getclaimsbyids(claim_ids)
result = []
for claim in claims:
if claim and claim.get('value'):
return result
def format_claim_from_daemon(self, claim, name=None):
"""Changes the returned claim data to the format expected by lbrynet and adds missing fields."""
if not claim:
return {}
# this ISO-8859 nonsense stems from a nasty form of encoding extended characters in lbrycrd
# it will be fixed after the lbrycrd upstream merge to v17 is done
# it originated as a fear of terminals not supporting unicode. alas, they all do
if 'name' in claim:
name = claim['name'].encode('ISO-8859-1').decode()
claim_id = claim['claimId']
raw_claim_id = unhexlify(claim_id)[::-1]
info = self.db.get_claim_info(raw_claim_id)
if not info:
# raise RPCError("Lbrycrd has {} but not lbryumx, please submit a bug report.".format(claim_id))
return {}
address = info.address.decode()
supports = self.format_supports_from_daemon(claim.get('supports', []))
amount = get_from_possible_keys(claim, 'amount', 'nAmount')
height = get_from_possible_keys(claim, 'height', 'nHeight')
effective_amount = get_from_possible_keys(claim, 'effective amount', 'nEffectiveAmount')
valid_at_height = get_from_possible_keys(claim, 'valid at height', 'nValidAtHeight')
result = {
"name": name,
"claim_id": claim['claimId'],
"txid": claim['txid'],
"nout": claim['n'],
"amount": amount,
"depth": self.db.db_height - height,
"height": height,
"value": hexlify(claim['value'].encode('ISO-8859-1')).decode(),
"address": address, # from index
"supports": supports,
"effective_amount": effective_amount,
"valid_at_height": valid_at_height
if 'claim_sequence' in claim:
# TODO: ensure that lbrycrd #209 fills in this value
result['claim_sequence'] = claim['claim_sequence']
result['claim_sequence'] = -1
if 'normalized_name' in claim:
result['normalized_name'] = claim['normalized_name'].encode('ISO-8859-1').decode()
return result
def format_supports_from_daemon(self, supports):
return [[support['txid'], support['n'], get_from_possible_keys(support, 'amount', 'nAmount')] for
support in supports]
async def claimtrie_getclaimbyid(self, claim_id):
claim = await self.daemon.getclaimbyid(claim_id)
return self.format_claim_from_daemon(claim)
async def claimtrie_getclaimsbyids(self, *claim_ids):
claims = await self.batched_formatted_claims_from_daemon(claim_ids)
return dict(zip(claim_ids, claims))
def assert_tx_hash(self, value):
'''Raise an RPCError if the value is not a valid transaction
if len(util.hex_to_bytes(value)) == 32:
except Exception:
raise RPCError(1, f'{value} should be a transaction hash')
def assert_claim_id(self, value):
'''Raise an RPCError if the value is not a valid claim id
if len(util.hex_to_bytes(value)) == 20:
except Exception:
raise RPCError(1, f'{value} should be a claim id hash')
def normalize_name(self, name):
# this is designed to match lbrycrd; change it here if it changes there
return uda.normalize('NFD', name).casefold()
def claim_matches_name(self, claim, name):
if not name:
return False
if 'normalized_name' in claim:
return self.normalize_name(name) == claim['normalized_name']
return name == claim['name']
async def claimtrie_getvalueforuri(self, block_hash, uri, known_certificates=None):
# TODO: this thing is huge, refactor
CLAIM_ID = "claim_id"
WINNING = "winning"
SEQUENCE = "sequence"
uri = uri
block_hash = block_hash
parsed_uri = parse_lbry_uri(uri)
except URIParseError as err:
return {'error': err.message}
result = {}
if parsed_uri.contains_channel:
certificate = None
# TODO: this is also done on the else, refactor
if parsed_uri.claim_id:
if len(parsed_uri.claim_id) < CLAIM_ID_MAX_LENGTH:
certificate_info = self.claimtrie_getpartialmatch(, parsed_uri.claim_id)
certificate_info = await self.claimtrie_getclaimbyid(parsed_uri.claim_id)
if certificate_info and self.claim_matches_name(certificate_info,
certificate = {'resolution_type': CLAIM_ID, 'result': certificate_info}
elif parsed_uri.claim_sequence:
certificate_info = await self.claimtrie_getnthclaimforname(, parsed_uri.claim_sequence)
if certificate_info:
certificate = {'resolution_type': SEQUENCE, 'result': certificate_info}
certificate_info = await self.claimtrie_getvalue(, block_hash)
if certificate_info:
certificate = {'resolution_type': WINNING, 'result': certificate_info}
if certificate and 'claim_id' not in certificate['result']:
return result
if certificate:
result['certificate'] = certificate
channel_id = certificate['result']['claim_id']
claims_in_channel = self.claimtrie_getclaimssignedbyidminimal(channel_id)
if not parsed_uri.path:
result['unverified_claims_in_channel'] = {claim['claim_id']: (claim['name'], claim['height'])
for claim in claims_in_channel}
# making an assumption that there aren't case conflicts on an existing channel
norm_path = self.normalize_name(parsed_uri.path)
result['unverified_claims_for_name'] = {claim['claim_id']: (claim['name'], claim['height'])
for claim in claims_in_channel
if self.normalize_name(claim['name']) == norm_path}
claim = None
if parsed_uri.claim_id:
if len(parsed_uri.claim_id) < CLAIM_ID_MAX_LENGTH:
claim_info = self.claimtrie_getpartialmatch(, parsed_uri.claim_id)
claim_info = await self.claimtrie_getclaimbyid(parsed_uri.claim_id)
if claim_info and self.claim_matches_name(claim_info,
claim = {'resolution_type': CLAIM_ID, 'result': claim_info}
elif parsed_uri.claim_sequence:
claim_info = await self.claimtrie_getnthclaimforname(, parsed_uri.claim_sequence)
if claim_info:
claim = {'resolution_type': SEQUENCE, 'result': claim_info}
claim_info = await self.claimtrie_getvalue(, block_hash)
if claim_info:
claim = {'resolution_type': WINNING, 'result': claim_info}
if (claim and
# is not an unclaimed winning name
(claim['resolution_type'] != WINNING or proof_has_winning_claim(claim['result']['proof']))):
raw_claim_id = unhexlify(claim['result']['claim_id'])[::-1]
raw_certificate_id = self.db.get_claim_info(raw_claim_id).cert_id
if raw_certificate_id:
certificate_id = hash_to_hex_str(raw_certificate_id)
certificate = await self.claimtrie_getclaimbyid(certificate_id)
if certificate:
certificate = {'resolution_type': CLAIM_ID,
'result': certificate}
result['certificate'] = certificate
result['claim'] = claim
return result
async def claimtrie_getvalueforuris(self, block_hash, *uris):
if len(uris) > MAX_BATCH_URIS:
raise Exception("Exceeds max batch uris of {}".format(MAX_BATCH_URIS))
return {uri: await self.claimtrie_getvalueforuri(block_hash, uri) for uri in uris}
# TODO: get it all concurrently when lbrycrd pending changes goes into a stable release
#async def getvalue(uri):
# value = await self.claimtrie_getvalueforuri(block_hash, uri)
# return uri, value,
#return dict([await asyncio.gather(*tuple(getvalue(uri) for uri in uris))][0])
def proof_has_winning_claim(proof):
return {'txhash', 'nOut'}.issubset(proof.keys())
def get_from_possible_keys(dictionary, *keys):
for key in keys:
if key in dictionary:
return dictionary[key]