hackrush da4a24d79f Added scripts to autogenerate docs and api from docstring
Summary of changes
  Removed single dashed(short args) arguments(possibly breaking changes
for app side)
  Standardised the docstrings
  Added scripts to autogenerate API and CLI documentation using the
2018-03-06 03:50:12 +05:30

104 lines
3.4 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generate docs: python
# See docs: pip install mkdocs; mkdocs serve
# Push docs: mkdocs gh-deploy
import inspect
import sys
import re
import os.path as op
from tabulate import tabulate
from lbrynet.daemon.Daemon import Daemon
INDENT = " "
REQD_CMD_REGEX = r"\(.*?=<(?P<reqd>.*?)>\)"
OPT_CMD_REGEX = r"\[.*?=<(?P<opt>.*?)>\]"
CMD_REGEX = r"--.*?(?P<cmd>.*?)[=,\s,<]"
def _tabulate_options(_options_docstr, method, reqd_matches, opt_matches):
_option_list = []
for line in _options_docstr.splitlines():
if (line.strip().startswith("--")):
# separates command name and description
parts = line.split(":", 1)
# checks whether the command is optional or required
# and remove the cli type formatting and convert to
# api style formatitng
match = re.findall(CMD_REGEX, parts[0])
if match[0] not in reqd_matches:
parts[0] = "'" + match[0] + "' (optional)"
parts[0] = "'" + match[0] + "'"
# separates command type(in brackets) and description
new_parts = parts[1].lstrip().split(" ", 1)
parts = [line]
# len will be 2 when there's cmd name and description
if len(parts) == 2:
_option_list.append([parts[0], ":", new_parts[0], new_parts[1]])
# len will be 1 when there's continuation of multiline description in the next line
# check `blob_announce`'s `stream_hash` command
elif len(parts) == 1:
_option_list.append([None, None, None, parts[0]])
print "Error: Ill formatted doc string for {}".format(method)
print "Error causing line: {}".format(line)
# tabulate to make the options look pretty
_options_docstr_no_indent = tabulate(_option_list, missingval="", tablefmt="plain")
# tabulate to make the options look pretty
_options_docstr = ""
for line in _options_docstr_no_indent.splitlines():
_options_docstr += INDENT + line + '\n'
return _options_docstr
def _doc(obj):
docstr = (inspect.getdoc(obj) or '').strip()
_desc, _docstr_after_desc = docstr.split("Usage:", 1)
_usage_docstr, _docstr_after_options = _docstr_after_desc.split("Options:", 1)
_options_docstr, _returns_docstr = _docstr_after_options.split("Returns:", 1)
print "Error: Ill formatted doc string for {}".format(obj)
return "Error!"
opt_matches = re.findall(OPT_CMD_REGEX, _usage_docstr)
reqd_matches = re.findall(REQD_CMD_REGEX, _usage_docstr)
_options_docstr = _tabulate_options(_options_docstr.strip(), obj, reqd_matches, opt_matches)
docstr = _desc + \
"Args:\n" + \
_options_docstr + \
"\nReturns:" + \
return docstr
def main():
curdir = op.dirname(op.realpath(__file__))
api_doc_path = op.realpath(op.join(curdir, '..', 'docs', ''))
docs = ''
for method_name in sorted(Daemon.callable_methods.keys()):
method = Daemon.callable_methods[method_name]
docs += '## ' + method_name + "\n\n```text\n" + _doc(method) + "\n```\n\n"
docs = "# LBRY JSON-RPC API Documentation\n\n" + docs
with open(api_doc_path, 'w+') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':