399 lines
15 KiB
399 lines
15 KiB
import os
import asyncio
import tempfile
import multiprocessing as mp
from binascii import hexlify
from typing import List, Optional, Iterable, Iterator, TypeVar, Generic, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Tuple
from concurrent.futures import Executor, ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor
from functools import partial
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
from lbry.event import EventController
from lbry.crypto.bip32 import PubKey
from lbry.blockchain.transaction import Transaction, Output
from .constants import TXO_TYPES, CLAIM_TYPE_CODES
from .query_context import initialize, uninitialize, ProgressPublisher
from . import queries as q
from . import sync
from lbry.blockchain.ledger import Ledger
def clean_wallet_account_ids(constraints):
wallet = constraints.pop('wallet', None)
account = constraints.pop('account', None)
accounts = constraints.pop('accounts', [])
if account and not accounts:
accounts = [account]
if wallet:
constraints['wallet_account_ids'] = [account.id for account in wallet.accounts]
if not accounts:
accounts = wallet.accounts
if accounts:
constraints['account_ids'] = [account.id for account in accounts]
async def add_channel_keys_to_txo_results(accounts: List, txos: Iterable[Output]):
sub_channels = set()
for txo in txos:
if txo.is_claim and txo.claim.is_channel:
for account in accounts:
private_key = await account.get_channel_private_key(
if private_key:
txo.private_key = private_key
if txo.channel is not None:
if sub_channels:
await add_channel_keys_to_txo_results(accounts, sub_channels)
ResultType = TypeVar('ResultType')
class Result(Generic[ResultType]):
__slots__ = 'rows', 'total', 'censor'
def __init__(self, rows: List[ResultType], total, censor=None):
self.rows = rows
self.total = total
self.censor = censor
def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> ResultType:
return self.rows[item]
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ResultType]:
return iter(self.rows)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.rows)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.rows)
class Database:
def __init__(self, ledger: 'Ledger'):
self.url = ledger.conf.db_url_or_default
self.ledger = ledger
self.workers = self._normalize_worker_processes(ledger.conf.workers)
self.executor: Optional[Executor] = None
self.message_queue = mp.Queue()
self.stop_event = mp.Event()
self._on_progress_controller = EventController()
self.on_progress = self._on_progress_controller.stream
self.progress_publisher = ProgressPublisher(
self.message_queue, self._on_progress_controller
def _normalize_worker_processes(workers):
if workers == 0:
return os.cpu_count()
elif workers > 0:
return workers
return 1
def temp_from_url_regtest(cls, db_url, lbrycrd_config=None):
from lbry import Config, RegTestLedger # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if lbrycrd_config:
conf = lbrycrd_config
conf.data_dir = directory
conf.download_dir = directory
conf.wallet_dir = directory
conf = Config.with_same_dir(directory)
conf.set(blockchain="regtest", db_url=db_url)
ledger = RegTestLedger(conf)
return cls(ledger)
def temp_sqlite_regtest(cls, lbrycrd_config=None):
from lbry import Config, RegTestLedger # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if lbrycrd_config:
conf = lbrycrd_config
conf.data_dir = directory
conf.download_dir = directory
conf.wallet_dir = directory
conf = Config.with_same_dir(directory).set(blockchain="regtest")
ledger = RegTestLedger(conf)
return cls(ledger)
def temp_sqlite(cls):
from lbry import Config, Ledger # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
conf = Config.with_same_dir(tempfile.mkdtemp())
return cls(Ledger(conf))
def from_url(cls, db_url):
from lbry import Config, Ledger # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
return cls(Ledger(Config.with_null_dir().set(db_url=db_url)))
def in_memory(cls):
return cls.from_url('sqlite:///:memory:')
def sync_create(self, name):
engine = create_engine(self.url)
db = engine.connect()
db.execute(text(f"CREATE DATABASE {name}"))
async def create(self, name):
return await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, self.sync_create, name)
def sync_drop(self, name):
engine = create_engine(self.url)
db = engine.connect()
db.execute(text(f"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {name}"))
async def drop(self, name):
return await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, self.sync_drop, name)
async def open(self):
assert self.executor is None, "Database already open."
kwargs = {
"initializer": initialize,
"initargs": (
self.message_queue, self.stop_event
if self.workers > 1:
self.executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.workers, **kwargs)
self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1, **kwargs)
return await self.run(q.check_version_and_create_tables)
async def close(self):
if self.executor is not None:
if isinstance(self.executor, ThreadPoolExecutor):
await self.run(uninitialize)
self.executor = None
# fixes "OSError: handle is closed"
# seems to only happen when running in PyCharm
# https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/6084#issuecomment-564585446
# TODO: delete this in Python 3.8/3.9?
from concurrent.futures.process import _threads_wakeups # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
async def run(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
return await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(
self.executor, partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
async def fetch_result(self, func, *args, **kwargs) -> Result:
rows, total = await self.run(func, *args, **kwargs)
return Result(rows, total)
async def execute(self, sql):
return await self.run(q.execute, sql)
async def execute_sql_object(self, sql):
return await self.run(q.execute_sql_object, sql)
async def execute_fetchall(self, sql):
return await self.run(q.execute_fetchall, sql)
async def has_filters(self):
return await self.run(q.has_filters)
async def has_claims(self):
return await self.run(q.has_claims)
async def has_supports(self):
return await self.run(q.has_supports)
async def has_wallet(self, wallet_id):
return await self.run(q.has_wallet, wallet_id)
async def get_wallet(self, wallet_id: str):
return await self.run(q.get_wallet, wallet_id)
async def add_wallet(self, wallet_id: str, data: str):
return await self.run(q.add_wallet, wallet_id, data)
async def get_best_block_height(self) -> int:
return await self.run(q.get_best_block_height)
async def process_all_things_after_sync(self):
return await self.run(sync.process_all_things_after_sync)
async def get_block_headers(self, start_height: int, end_height: int = None):
return await self.run(q.get_block_headers, start_height, end_height)
async def get_filters(self, start_height: int, end_height: int = None, granularity: int = 0):
filters = []
for row in await self.run(q.get_filters, start_height, end_height, granularity):
record = {
"height": row["height"],
"filter": hexlify(row["address_filter"]).decode(),
if granularity == 0:
record["txid"] = hexlify(row["tx_hash"][::-1]).decode()
return filters
async def get_missing_required_filters(self, height) -> Dict[int, Tuple[int, int]]:
return await self.run(q.get_missing_required_filters, height)
async def get_missing_sub_filters_for_addresses(self, granularity, address_manager):
return await self.run(q.get_missing_sub_filters_for_addresses, granularity, address_manager)
async def get_missing_tx_for_addresses(self, address_manager):
return await self.run(q.get_missing_tx_for_addresses, address_manager)
async def insert_block(self, block):
return await self.run(q.insert_block, block)
async def insert_block_filter(self, height: int, factor: int, address_filter: bytes):
return await self.run(q.insert_block_filter, height, factor, address_filter)
async def insert_tx_filter(self, tx_hash: bytes, height: int, address_filter: bytes):
return await self.run(q.insert_tx_filter, tx_hash, height, address_filter)
async def insert_transaction(self, block_hash, tx):
return await self.run(q.insert_transaction, block_hash, tx)
async def update_address_used_times(self, addresses):
return await self.run(q.update_address_used_times, addresses)
async def reserve_outputs(self, txos, is_reserved=True):
txo_hashes = [txo.hash for txo in txos]
if txo_hashes:
return await self.run(
q.reserve_outputs, txo_hashes, is_reserved
async def release_outputs(self, txos):
return await self.reserve_outputs(txos, is_reserved=False)
async def release_tx(self, tx):
return await self.release_outputs([txi.txo_ref.txo for txi in tx.inputs])
async def release_all_outputs(self, account):
return await self.run(q.release_all_outputs, account.id)
async def get_balance(self, **constraints):
return await self.run(q.get_balance, **constraints)
async def get_report(self, accounts):
return await self.run(q.get_report, accounts=accounts)
async def get_addresses(self, **constraints) -> Result[dict]:
addresses = await self.fetch_result(q.get_addresses, **constraints)
if addresses and 'pubkey' in addresses[0]:
for address in addresses:
address['pubkey'] = PubKey(
self.ledger, bytes(address.pop('pubkey')), bytes(address.pop('chain_code')),
address.pop('n'), address.pop('depth')
return addresses
async def get_all_addresses(self):
return await self.run(q.get_all_addresses)
async def get_address(self, **constraints):
for address in await self.get_addresses(limit=1, **constraints):
return address
async def add_keys(self, account, chain, pubkeys):
return await self.run(q.add_keys, [{
'account': account.id,
'address': k.address,
'chain': chain,
'pubkey': k.pubkey_bytes,
'chain_code': k.chain_code,
'n': k.n,
'depth': k.depth
} for k in pubkeys])
async def generate_addresses_using_filters(self, best_height, allowed_gap, address_manager):
return await self.run(
q.generate_addresses_using_filters, best_height, allowed_gap, address_manager
async def get_transactions(self, **constraints) -> Result[Transaction]:
return await self.fetch_result(q.get_transactions, **constraints)
async def get_transaction(self, **constraints) -> Optional[Transaction]:
txs = await self.get_transactions(limit=1, **constraints)
if txs:
return txs[0]
async def get_purchases(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
return await self.fetch_result(q.get_purchases, **constraints)
async def search_claims(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
#assert set(constraints).issubset(SEARCH_PARAMS), \
# f"Search query contains invalid arguments: {set(constraints).difference(SEARCH_PARAMS)}"
claims, total, censor = await self.run(q.search_claims, **constraints)
return Result(claims, total, censor)
async def protobuf_search_claims(self, **constraints) -> str:
return await self.run(q.protobuf_search_claims, **constraints)
async def search_supports(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
return await self.fetch_result(q.search_supports, **constraints)
async def sum_supports(self, claim_hash, include_channel_content=False, exclude_own_supports=False) \
-> Tuple[List[Dict], int]:
return await self.run(q.sum_supports, claim_hash, include_channel_content, exclude_own_supports)
async def resolve(self, urls, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Output]:
return await self.run(q.resolve, urls, **kwargs)
async def protobuf_resolve(self, urls, **kwargs) -> str:
return await self.run(q.protobuf_resolve, urls, **kwargs)
async def get_txo_sum(self, **constraints) -> int:
return await self.run(q.get_txo_sum, **constraints)
async def get_txo_plot(self, **constraints) -> List[dict]:
return await self.run(q.get_txo_plot, **constraints)
async def get_txos(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
txos = await self.fetch_result(q.get_txos, **constraints)
if 'wallet' in constraints:
await add_channel_keys_to_txo_results(constraints['wallet'].accounts, txos)
return txos
async def get_utxos(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
return await self.get_txos(spent_height=0, **constraints)
async def get_supports(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
return await self.get_utxos(txo_type=TXO_TYPES['support'], **constraints)
async def get_claims(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
if 'txo_type' not in constraints:
constraints['txo_type__in'] = CLAIM_TYPE_CODES
txos = await self.fetch_result(q.get_txos, **constraints)
if 'wallet' in constraints:
await add_channel_keys_to_txo_results(constraints['wallet'].accounts, txos)
return txos
async def get_streams(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
return await self.get_claims(txo_type=TXO_TYPES['stream'], **constraints)
async def get_channels(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
return await self.get_claims(txo_type=TXO_TYPES['channel'], **constraints)
async def get_collections(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
return await self.get_claims(txo_type=TXO_TYPES['collection'], **constraints)