281 lines
8.5 KiB
281 lines
8.5 KiB
import os
import re
import json
import inspect
import tempfile
import asyncio
from docopt import docopt
from textwrap import indent
from lbrynet.extras.cli import set_kwargs, get_argument_parser
from lbrynet.extras.daemon.Daemon import (
Daemon, jsonrpc_dumps_pretty, encode_pagination_doc
from lbrynet.extras.daemon.json_response_encoder import (
encode_tx_doc, encode_txo_doc, encode_account_doc, encode_file_doc
from lbrynet.testcase import CommandTestCase
'Account': encode_account_doc(),
'File': encode_file_doc(),
'Transaction': encode_tx_doc(),
'Output': encode_txo_doc(),
'Address': 'an address in base58'
class ExampleRecorder:
def __init__(self, test):
self.test = test
self.examples = {}
async def __call__(self, title, *command):
parser = get_argument_parser()
args, command_args = parser.parse_known_args(command)
api_method_name = args.api_method_name
parsed = docopt(args.doc, command_args)
kwargs = set_kwargs(parsed)
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if v and isinstance(v, str) and (v[0], v[-1]) == ('"', '"'):
kwargs[k] = v[1:-1]
params = json.dumps({"method": api_method_name, "params": kwargs})
method = getattr(self.test.daemon, f'jsonrpc_{api_method_name}')
result = method(**kwargs)
if asyncio.iscoroutine(result):
result = await result
output = jsonrpc_dumps_pretty(result, ledger=self.test.daemon.ledger)
self.examples.setdefault(api_method_name, []).append({
'title': title,
'curl': f"curl -d'{params}' http://localhost:5279/",
'lbrynet': 'lbrynet ' + ' '.join(command),
'python': f'requests.post("http://localhost:5279", json={params}).json()',
'output': output.strip()
return json.loads(output)['result']
class Examples(CommandTestCase):
async def asyncSetUp(self):
await super().asyncSetUp()
self.recorder = ExampleRecorder(self)
async def play(self):
r = self.recorder
await r(
'List your accounts.',
'account', 'list'
account = await r(
'Create an account.',
'account', 'create', '"generated account"'
await r(
'Remove an account.',
'account', 'remove', account['id']
await r(
'Add an account from seed.',
'account', 'add', '"new account"', f"--seed=\"{account['seed']}\""
await r(
'Modify maximum number of times a change address can be reused.',
'account', 'set', account['id'], '--change_max_uses=10'
channel = await r(
'Create a channel claim.',
'channel', 'create', '@channel', '1.0'
await self.on_transaction_dict(channel)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_dict(channel)
channel = await r(
'Update a channel claim.',
'channel', 'update', channel['outputs'][0]['claim_id'], '--title="New Channel"'
await self.on_transaction_dict(channel)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_dict(channel)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as file:
file.write(b'hello world')
stream = await r(
'Create a stream claim.',
'stream', 'create', 'astream', '1.0', file.name
await self.on_transaction_dict(stream)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_dict(stream)
stream = await r(
'Update a stream claim to add channel.',
'stream', 'update', stream['outputs'][0]['claim_id'],
await self.on_transaction_dict(stream)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_dict(stream)
await r(
'List all your claims.',
'claim', 'list'
await r(
'Paginate your claims.',
'claim', 'list', '--page=1', '--page_size=20'
await r(
'List all your stream claims.',
'stream', 'list'
await r(
'Paginate your stream claims.',
'stream', 'list', '--page=1', '--page_size=20'
await r(
'List all your channel claims.',
'channel', 'list'
await r(
'Paginate your channel claims.',
'channel', 'list', '--page=1', '--page_size=20'
abandon_stream = await r(
'Abandon a stream claim.',
'stream', 'abandon', stream['outputs'][0]['claim_id']
await self.on_transaction_dict(abandon_stream)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_dict(abandon_stream)
abandon_channel = await r(
'Abandon a channel claim.',
'channel', 'abandon', channel['outputs'][0]['claim_id']
await self.on_transaction_dict(abandon_channel)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_dict(abandon_channel)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as file:
file.write(b'hello world')
stream = await r(
'Publish a file.',
'publish', 'a-new-stream', '--bid=1.0', f'--file_path={file.name}'
await self.on_transaction_dict(stream)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_dict(stream)
def get_examples():
player = Examples('play')
result = player.run()
if result.errors:
for error in result.errors:
raise Exception('See above for errors while running the examples.')
return player.recorder.examples
SECTIONS = re.compile("(.*?)Usage:(.*?)Options:(.*?)Returns:(.*)", re.DOTALL)
REQUIRED_OPTIONS = re.compile("\(<(.*?)>.*?\)")
ARGUMENT_NAME = re.compile("--([^=]+)")
ARGUMENT_TYPE = re.compile("\s*\((.*?)\)(.*)")
def get_return_def(returns):
result = returns.strip()
if (result[0], result[-1]) == ('{', '}'):
obj_type = result[1:-1]
if '[' in obj_type:
sub_type = obj_type[obj_type.index('[')+1:-1]
obj_type = obj_type[:obj_type.index('[')]
if obj_type == 'Paginated':
obj_def = encode_pagination_doc(RETURN_DOCS[sub_type])
elif obj_type == 'List':
obj_def = [RETURN_DOCS[sub_type]]
raise NameError(f'Unknown return type: {obj_type}')
obj_def = RETURN_DOCS[obj_type]
return indent(json.dumps(obj_def, indent=4), ' '*12)
return result
def get_api(name, examples):
obj = Daemon.callable_methods[name]
docstr = inspect.getdoc(obj).strip()
description, usage, options, returns = SECTIONS.search(docstr).groups()
raise ValueError(f"Doc string format error for {obj.__name__}.")
required = re.findall(REQUIRED_OPTIONS, usage)
arguments = []
for line in options.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if line.startswith('--'):
arg, desc = line.split(':', 1)
arg_name = ARGUMENT_NAME.search(arg).group(1)
arg_type, arg_desc = ARGUMENT_TYPE.search(desc).groups()
'name': arg_name.strip(),
'type': arg_type.strip(),
'description': [arg_desc.strip()],
'is_required': arg_name in required
elif line == 'None':
for arg in arguments:
arg['description'] = ' '.join(arg['description'])
return {
'name': name,
'description': description.strip(),
'arguments': arguments,
'returns': get_return_def(returns),
'examples': examples
def write_api(f):
examples = get_examples()
apis = []
for method_name in sorted(Daemon.callable_methods.keys()):
examples.get(method_name, [])
json.dump(apis, f, indent=4)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parent = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
html_file = os.path.join(parent, 'docs', 'api.json')
with open(html_file, 'w+') as f: