Adding Multi User & Role Tipping and Help/Warning Optimisation #13
4 changed files with 311 additions and 65 deletions
@ -2,18 +2,15 @@
const bitcoin = require('bitcoin');
let config = require('config');
let spamchannel = config.get('sandboxchannel');
let regex = require('regex');
let lbrycrdConfig = config.get('lbrycrd');
let sandboxChannel = config.get('sandboxchannel');
const lbry = new bitcoin.Client(lbrycrdConfig);
exports.commands = ['tip'];
exports.commands = ['tip', 'multitip', 'roletip', 'tipcommands'];
exports.tip = {
usage: '<subcommand>',
description: `balance: get your balance
deposit: get address for your deposits
withdraw ADDRESS AMOUNT: withdraw AMOUNT credits to ADDRESS
[private] <user> <amount>: mention a user with @ and then the amount to tip them, or put private before the user to tip them privately.
Key: [] : Optionally include contained keyword, <> : Replace with appropriate value.`,
description: 'Tip a given user with an amount of LBC or perform wallet specific operations.',
process: async function(bot, msg, suffix) {
let tipper ='!', ''),
words = msg.content
@ -22,30 +19,151 @@ exports.tip = {
.filter(function(n) {
return n !== '';
subcommand = words.length >= 2 ? words[1] : 'help';
subcommand = words.length >= 2 ? words[1] : 'help',
helpmsgparts = [
['[help]', 'Get this message.'],
['balance', 'Get your balance.'],
['deposit', 'Get address for your deposits.'],
['withdraw ADDRESS AMOUNT', 'Withdraw AMOUNT credits to ADDRESS'],
['[private] <user> <amount>', 'Mention a user with @ and then the amount to tip them, or put private before the user to tip them privately.']
helpmsg = {
embed: {
description: formatDescriptions(helpmsgparts) + '\nKey: [] : Optionally include contained keyword, <> : Replace with appropriate value.',
color: 1109218,
author: { name: '!tip' }
channelwarning = 'Please use <' + spamchannel + '> or DMs to talk to bots.';
switch (subcommand) {
case 'help':
privateOrSandboxOnly(msg, channelwarning, doHelp, [helpmsg]);
case 'balance':
doBalance(msg, tipper);
case 'deposit':
doDeposit(msg, tipper);
privateOrSandboxOnly(msg, channelwarning, doDeposit, [tipper]);
case 'withdraw':
doWithdraw(msg, tipper, words);
privateOrSandboxOnly(msg, channelwarning, doWithdraw, [tipper, words, helpmsg]);
doTip(msg, tipper, words);
doTip(msg, tipper, words, helpmsg);
exports.multitip = {
usage: '<subcommand>',
description: 'Tip multiple users simultaneously for the same amount of LBC each.',
process: async function(bot, msg, suffix) {
let tipper ='!', ''),
words = msg.content
.split(' ')
.filter(function(n) {
return n !== '';
subcommand = words.length >= 2 ? words[1] : 'help',
helpmsgparts = [
['[help]', 'Get this message.'],
['<user>+ <amount>', 'Mention one or more users in a row, seperated by spaces, then an amount that each mentioned user will receive.'],
['private <user>+ <amount>', 'Put private before the user list to have each user tipped privately, without revealing other users tipped.']
helpmsg = {
embed: {
description: formatDescriptions(helpmsgparts) + '\nKey: [] : Optionally include contained keyword, <> : Replace with appropriate value, + : Value can be repeated for multiple entries.',
color: 1109218,
author: { name: '!multitip' }
channelwarning = 'Please use <' + spamchannel + '> or DMs to talk to bots.';
switch (subcommand) {
case 'help':
privateOrSandboxOnly(msg, channelwarning, doHelp, [helpmsg]);
doMultiTip(msg, tipper, words, helpmsg);
exports.roletip = {
usage: '<subcommand>',
description: 'Tip every user in a given role the same amount of LBC.',
process: async function(bot, msg, suffix) {
let tipper ='!', ''),
words = msg.content
.split(' ')
.filter(function(n) {
return n !== '';
subcommand = words.length >= 2 ? words[1] : 'help',
helpmsgparts = [
['[help]', 'Get this message'],
['<role> <amount>', 'Mention a single role, then an amount that each user in that role will receive.'],
['private <role> <amount>', 'Put private before the role to have each user tipped privately, without revealing other users tipped.']
helpmsg = {
embed: {
description: formatDescriptions(helpmsgparts) + '\nKey: [] : Optionally include contained keyword, <> : Replace with appropriate value.',
color: 1109218,
author: { name: '!roletip' }
channelwarning = `Please use <${spamchannel}> or DMs to talk to bots.`;
switch (subcommand) {
case 'help':
privateOrSandboxOnly(msg, channelwarning, doHelp, [helpmsg]);
doRoleTip(msg, tipper, words, helpmsg);
exports.tipcommands = {
usage: '',
description: 'Lists all available tipbot commands with brief descriptions for each one.',
process: async function(bot, msg, suffix) {
let helpmsgparts = [
['!tip', 'Tip a given user with an amount of LBC or perform wallet specific operations.'],
['!multitip', 'Tip multiple users simultaneously for the same amount of LBC each.'],
['!roletip', 'Tip every user in a given role the same amount of LBC.'],
['!tipcommands', 'Lists all available tipbot commands with brief descriptions for each one.']
helpmsg = {
embed: {
description: `These are all the commands that TipBot currently supports. Use \`!<command> help\` for usage instructions.
color: 1109218,
author: { name: 'Tipbot Commands' }
function privateOrSandboxOnly(message, wrongchannelmsg, fn, args) {
if (!inPrivateOrBotSandbox(message)) {
fn.apply(null, [message, ...args]);
function doHelp(message, helpmsg) {
function doBalance(message, tipper) {
lbry.getBalance(tipper, 1, function(err, balance) {
if (err) {
message.reply('Error getting balance');
message.reply('Error getting balance.').then(message => message.delete(5000));
} else {
message.reply(`You have *${balance}* LBC`);
@ -53,58 +171,53 @@ function doBalance(message, tipper) {
function doDeposit(message, tipper) {
if (!inPrivateOrBotSandbox(message)) {
return message.reply(`Please use <#${sandboxChannel}> or DMs to talk to bots.`);
getAddress(tipper, function(err, address) {
if (err) {
message.reply('Error getting deposit address');
message.reply('Error getting your deposit address.').then(message => message.delete(5000));
} else {
message.reply(`Your address is ${address}`);
function doWithdraw(message, tipper, words) {
if (!inPrivateOrBotSandbox(message)) {
return message.reply(`Please use <#${sandboxChannel}> or DMs to talk to bots.`);
function doWithdraw(message, tipper, words, helpmsg) {
if (words.length < 4) {
return doHelp(message);
return doHelp(message, helpmsg);
let address = words[2],
amount = getValidatedAmount(words[3]);
if (amount === null) {
message.reply("I don't know how to withdraw that many credits");
message.reply("I don't know how to withdraw that many credits...").then(message => message.delete(5000));
lbry.sendFrom(tipper, address, amount, function(err, txId) {
if (err) {
return message.reply(err.message);
return message.reply(err.message).then(message => message.delete(5000));
message.reply(`You withdrew ${amount} to ${address} (${txLink(txId)})`);
message.reply(`You withdrew ${amount} LBC to ${address}.
function doTip(message, tipper, words) {
function doTip(message, tipper, words, helpmsg) {
if (words.length < 3 || !words) {
return doHelp(message);
return doHelp(message, helpmsg);
let prv = 0;
let prv = false;
let amountOffset = 2;
if (words.length >= 4 && words[1] === 'private') {
prv = 1;
prv = true;
amountOffset = 3;
let amount = getValidatedAmount(words[amountOffset]);
if (amount === null) {
return message.reply("I don't know how to tip that many credits");
return message.reply("I don't know how to tip that many credits...").then(message => message.delete(5000));
if (message.mentions.users.first().id) {
@ -113,35 +226,108 @@ function doTip(message, tipper, words) {
message.reply('Sorry, I could not find a user in your tip...');
function doHelp(message) {
if (!inPrivateOrBotSandbox(message)) {
message.reply(`Sent you help via DM! Please use <#${sandboxChannel}> or DMs to talk to bots.`);
function doMultiTip(message, tipper, words, helpmsg) {
if (!words) {
doHelp(message, helpmsg);
if (words.length < 4) {
doTip(message, tipper, words, helpmsg);
let prv = false;
if (words.length >= 5 && words[1] === 'private') {
prv = true;
let [userIDs, amount] = findUserIDsAndAmount(message, words, prv);
if (amount == null) {
message.reply("I don't know how to tip that many credits...").then(message => message.delete(5000));
if (!userIDs) {
message.reply('Sorry, I could not find a user in your tip...').then(message => message.delete(5000));
for (let i = 0; i < userIDs.length; i++) {
sendLBC(message, tipper, userIDs[i].toString(), amount, prv);
balance: get your balance
deposit: get address for your deposits
withdraw ADDRESS AMOUNT: withdraw AMOUNT credits to ADDRESS
[private] <user> <amount>: mention a user with @ and then the amount to tip them, or put private before the user to tip them privately.
Key: [] : Optionally include contained keyword, <> : Replace with appropriate value.`);
function sendLbc(message, tipper, recipient, amount, privacyFlag) {
getAddress(recipient, function(err, address) {
if (err) {
function doRoleTip(message, tipper, words, helpmsg) {
if (!words || words.length < 3) {
doHelp(message, helpmsg);
let prv = false;
let amountOffset = 2;
if (words.length >= 4 && words[1] === 'private') {
prv = true;
amountOffset = 3;
let amount = getValidatedAmount(words[amountOffset]);
if (amount == null) {
message.reply("I don't know how to tip that many credits...").then(message => message.delete(5000));
if (message.mentions.roles.first().id) {
if (message.mentions.roles.first().members.first().id) {
let userIDs = message.mentions.roles.first() =>'!', ''));
for (let i = 0; i < userIDs; i++) {
sendLBC(message, tipper, userIDs[i], amount, prv);
} else {
lbry.sendFrom(tipper, address, amount, 1, null, null, function(err, txId) {
message.reply('Sorry, I could not find any users to tip in that role...').then(message => message.delete(5000));
} else {
message.reply('Sorry, I could not find any roles in your tip...').then(message => message.delete(5000));
function findUserIDsAndAmount(message, words, prv) {
let idList = [];
let amount = null;
let count = 0;
let startOffset = 1;
if (prv) startOffset = 2;
let regex = new RegExp(/<@!?[0-9]+>/);
for (let i = startOffset; i < words.length; i++) {
if (regex.test(words[i])) {
} else {
amount = getValidatedAmount(words[Number(count) + 1]);
return [idList, amount];
function sendLBC(message, tipper, recipient, amount, privacyFlag) {
getAddress(recipient.toString(), function(err, address) {
if (err) {
message.reply(err.message).then(message => message.delete(5000));
} else {
lbry.sendFrom(tipper, address, Number(amount), 1, null, null, function(err, txId) {
if (err) {
message.reply(err.message).then(message => message.delete(5000));
} else {
let imessage = `Wubba lubba dub dub! <@${tipper}> tipped <@${recipient}> ${amount} LBC (${txLink(txId)}). DM me \`!tip\` for tipbot instructions.`;
let tx = txLink(txId);
let msgtail = `
DM me with \`${message.content.split(' ', 1)[0]}\` for command specific instructions or with \`!tipcommands\` for all available commands`;
if (privacyFlag) {
let authmsg = `You have just privately tipped <@${recipient}> ${amount} LBC.
if ( !== message.mentions.users.first().id) {
let usr = message.guild.members.find('id', recipient).user;
let recipientmsg = `You have just been privately tipped ${amount} LBC by <@${tipper}>.
} else {
let generalmsg = `Wubba lubba dub dub! <@${tipper}> tipped <@${recipient}> ${amount} LBC.
@ -168,7 +354,7 @@ function getAddress(userId, cb) {
function inPrivateOrBotSandbox(msg) {
return === 'dm' || === sandboxChannel;
return === 'dm' || === spamchannel;
function getValidatedAmount(amount) {
@ -182,3 +368,13 @@ function getValidatedAmount(amount) {
function txLink(txId) {
return '<' + txId + '>';
function formatDescriptions(msgparts) {
return msgparts
elem => `\t**${elem[0]}**
@ -1,20 +1,13 @@
// Bot configuration
"bot": {
"prefix": "!",
"debug": false
"token": "discordbottoken",
"prefix": "!",
"debug": false
"lbrycrd": {
"port": 9245,
"user": "lbry",
"pass": "lbry"
"port": 9245,
"user": "lbry",
"pass": "lbry"
"mongodb": {
"perms": ["LBRY MODS","LBRY TEAM"], // Roles that have access to all commands.
"logchannel": "371620338263523328" // Channel to log the bots moderation..
"sandboxchannel": "#369896313082478594"
@ -95,6 +95,11 @@
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-x57Zf380y48robyXkLzDZkdLS3k="
"augment": {
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"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-7F2elFYUDvqxEQ/ds1LL5U5/sxw="
"aws-sign2": {
"version": "0.7.0",
"resolved": "",
@ -1991,6 +1996,11 @@
"is-buffer": "1.1.6"
"lex": {
"version": "1.7.4",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-M91muYCjjXemxCTXFz5vQNYCwMU="
"lex-parser": {
"version": "0.1.4",
"resolved": "",
@ -2402,6 +2412,38 @@
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-/aA0kLeRb5N9K0d4fw7ooEbI+xDe+DKD499EQqygGqeS8N3xto15p09uY2xj7ixP81sNPXvRLnAQIqdVStgb1A=="
"regex": {
"version": "0.1.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-BYCZXRhGxTdqdiudNYuDBo0geu8=",
"requires": {
"augment": "3.2.1",
"jison": "0.4.4",
"lex": "1.7.4",
"statemachines": "0.1.0"
"dependencies": {
"esprima": {
"version": "1.0.4",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-n1V+CPw7TSbs6d00+Pv0drYlha0="
"jison": {
"version": "0.4.4",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-hrA7Ze/sAHqR9JPs6r5W+QqmtDk=",
"requires": {
"JSONSelect": "0.4.0",
"ebnf-parser": "0.1.10",
"escodegen": "0.0.21",
"esprima": "1.0.4",
"jison-lex": "0.2.1",
"lex-parser": "0.1.4",
"nomnom": "1.5.2"
"regex-cache": {
"version": "0.4.4",
"resolved": "",
@ -2522,6 +2564,11 @@
"hoek": "4.2.0"
"sorted-array": {
"version": "1.1.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-YamDJeQSu5CZm0usGN/tXzVkEC0="
"source-map": {
"version": "0.5.7",
"resolved": "",
@ -2558,6 +2605,15 @@
"statemachines": {
"version": "0.1.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-tUX9PYpVKA8wK4aW8ZwKEcTjOt4=",
"requires": {
"augment": "3.2.1",
"sorted-array": "1.1.0"
"static-eval": {
"version": "0.2.3",
"resolved": "",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"mongoose": "^4.13.11",
"node-config": "^0.0.2",
"numeral": "^2.0.6",
"regex": "^0.1.1",
"request": "^2.83.0"
"scripts": {
Add table
Reference in a new issue