I noticed that default wallet server addresses were old and didn't worked. Updated values and added list of default servers into "Description", since listing them in "Default value" made page too wide on preview.
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title: SDK Settings
description: The daemon provided by the LBRY SDK has many settings. This resource lists them all and what they mean. Ready, set, settings!
This document outlines how to configure SDK daemon settings and what options are available. They can be found on the lbry GitHub repository in [conf.py](https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-sdk/blob/master/lbry/conf.py).
## Daemon settings configuration
The easiest way to configure the settings is by editing the `daemon_settings.yml` file (may need to be created) that resides in the default [lbrynet directory](https://lbry.com/faq/lbry-directories). These settings can also be configured via the [settings_set](https://lbry.tech/api/sdk#settings_set) API call. The [settings_get](https://lbry.tech/api/sdk#settings_get) API call can be used to retrieve current values. Some values will require an SDK restart after being set via the API call.
Sample daemon_settings.yml file:
tcp_port: 3335
lbryum_servers: ['spv11.lbry.com:50001','spv19.lbry.com:50001']
download_directory: 'c:\lbry\Downloads'
use_upnp: false
To run the SDK with a specific configuration file, launch it by passing the config path: ```lbrynet start --config=c:\path\to\conf\daemon_settings.yml```. To run in debug mode, start with ```lbrynet start --verbose=lbrynet```.
## Configuration options
Configuration options are organized by their respective areas: Files, Wallet, Network, Security and Other.
### Files
| Setting | Format | Default value | Sample Values | Description |
| data_dir | string | [varies by OS](https://lbry.com/faq/lbry-directories) | 'c:\lbry\lbrynet\' | Where to store the lbrynet folder, which includes blob files, logs and config data |
| delete_blobs_on_remove | boolean | true | false | Delete blobs on a file_delete call? |
| download_dir | string | local downloads folder | 'c:\lbry\lbrynet\' | Location of downloaded output files |
### Wallet
| Setting | Format | Default value | Sample Values | Description |
| blockchain_name | string | 'lbrycrd_main' | 'lbrycrd_regtest' | Blockchain network to connect to |
| lbryum_servers | list | ['spv11.lbry.com:50001','spv19.lbry.com:50001'] | ["mylbryum.lbry.com:50001] | SPV wallet server address(Default servers are spv11-spv19) |
| wallet_dir | string | [varies by OS](https://lbry.com/faq/lbry-directories) | 'c:\lbry\lbryum\' | Wallet data location |
| max_key_fee | json | {'currency': 'USD', 'amount': 50.0} | {'currency': 'LBC', 'amount': 5.0} | Max payment allowed for content |
| wallet | string | 'lbryum' | 'lbrycrd' | Choice of wallet software, SPV (lbryum) vs full node (lbrycrd). Currently only lbryum supported |
| use_keyring | boolean | false | true | Store wallet password in keyring (not currently available) |
### Network
| Setting | Format | Default value | Sample Values | Description |
| api | string | localhost:5279 | 0:0:0:0:5280 | IP address and port the SDK API will listen on |
| streaming_server | string | localhost:5280 | 0:0:0:0:5280 | IP address and port the media/streaming server will listen on |
| cache_time | integer | 150 | 90 | How long to keep resolve data in cache |
| data_rate | float | 0.0001 | 0.05 | What LBC rate, per MB, to offer DHT data at (currently disabled in the protocol) |
| udp_port | integer | 4444 | 4445 | UDP port used to announce blobs |
| download_timeout | integer | 30 | 60 | Time, in seconds, to allow get call to resolve and get initial blobs |
| blob_download_timeout | integer | 30 | 60 | Time, in seconds, to allow download to get next blob |
| announce_head_blobs_only | boolean | true | false | Only announce first data blob |
| concurrent_blob_announcers | integer | 10 | 0 | Threads used in order to announce blobs. 0 means disabled |
| known_dht_nodes | list | ['lbrynet1.lbry.com:4444'] | ['myDHT.lbry.com:4444'] | Bootstrap nodes for network connectivity |
| max_connections_per_download | integer | 5 | 10 | Threads used to download blobs |
| seek_head_blob_first | boolean | true | false | Search for first data blob after downloading sd blob |
| tcp_port | integer | 3333 | 3334 | Port the SDK will listen on |
| concurrent_reflector_uploads| integer | 5 | 10 | Connections to use while uploading data to reflector |
| reflect_streams | boolean | true | false | Send published data to reflector servers |
| reflector_servers | list | ['reflector.lbry.com'] | ['myreflector.lbry.com'] | Server data will be reflected to |
| fixed-peer-delay | integer | 2 | 5 | Time, in mintues, to allow download from P2P before trying fixed peer |
| peer_connect_timeout | integer | 30 | 15 | Time, in seconds, to allow download to find peers |
| node_rpc_timeout | integer | 5 | 10 | Time, in seconds, to allow connection over DHT |
| network_interface | string | 0:0:0:0 | | Interface to use for the DHT and blob exchange |
| use_upnp | boolean | true | false | Attempt external port mapping via UPnP |
| streaming_get | boolean | false | true | Allow calling localhost:5280/get/claimname requests |
| save_files | boolean | true | false | Save files with each download |
| save_blobs | boolean | true | false | Save blobs with each download |
### Other
| Setting | Format | Default value | Sample Values | Description |
| components_to_skip | list | [] | ['reflector','hash_announcer'] | Disable components, [see entire list here](https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-sdk/wiki/Component-Dependencies-Table) |
| share_usage_data | boolean | true | false | Share analytics data |