DO NOT MERGE: Updated rebase 0.17 for early review only #257

lbrynaut wants to merge 14 commits from updated-rebase-0.17 into bitcoin-0.17
89 changed files with 11331 additions and 2147 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ src/qt/bitcoin-qt.includes
@ -116,3 +115,6 @@ test/cache/*

View file

@ -1,164 +1,70 @@
dist: trusty
os: linux
language: minimal
- os: linux
sudo: required
dist: xenial
language: c
env: TARGET=linux
- os: linux
sudo: required
dist: xenial
language: c
env: TARGET=windows
- os: osx
language: c
osx_image: xcode8.3
env: TARGET=osx
apt: true
ccache: true
- build
- depends/built
- depends/sdk-sources
- $HOME/.ccache
- lint
- test
- RUN_TESTS=false
- RUN_BENCH=false # Set to true for any one job that has debug enabled, to quickly check bench is not crashing or hitting assertions
- DOCKER_NAME_TAG=ubuntu:18.04
- CCACHE_TEMPDIR=/tmp/.ccache-temp
- CCACHE_DIR=$HOME/.ccache
- WINEDEBUG=fixme-all
- DOCKER_PACKAGES="build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config bsdmainutils curl git ca-certificates ccache"
depth: false
- export PATH=$(echo $PATH | tr ':' "\n" | sed '/\/opt\/python/d' | tr "\n" ":" | sed "s|::|:|g")
- BEGIN_FOLD () { echo ""; CURRENT_FOLD_NAME=$1; echo "travis_fold:start:${CURRENT_FOLD_NAME}"; }
- END_FOLD () { RET=$?; echo "travis_fold:end:${CURRENT_FOLD_NAME}"; return $RET; }
- travis_retry docker pull $DOCKER_NAME_TAG
- if [[ $HOST = *-mingw32 ]]; then DOCKER_ADMIN="--cap-add SYS_ADMIN"; fi
- DOCKER_ID=$(docker run $DOCKER_ADMIN -idt --mount type=bind,src=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR,dst=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR --mount type=bind,src=$CCACHE_DIR,dst=$CCACHE_DIR -w $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR --env-file /tmp/env $DOCKER_NAME_TAG)
- DOCKER_EXEC () { docker exec $DOCKER_ID bash -c "cd $PWD && $*"; }
- if [ -n "$DPKG_ADD_ARCH" ]; then DOCKER_EXEC dpkg --add-architecture "$DPKG_ADD_ARCH" ; fi
- travis_retry DOCKER_EXEC apt-get update
- travis_retry DOCKER_EXEC apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-upgrade -qq $PACKAGES $DOCKER_PACKAGES
- DOCKER_EXEC echo \> \$HOME/.bitcoin # Make sure default datadir does not exist and is never read by creating a dummy file
- mkdir -p depends/SDKs depends/sdk-sources
- if [ -n "$OSX_SDK" -a ! -f depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz ]; then curl --location --fail $SDK_URL/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz -o depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz; fi
- if [ -n "$OSX_SDK" -a -f depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz ]; then tar -C depends/SDKs -xf depends/sdk-sources/MacOSX${OSX_SDK}.sdk.tar.gz; fi
- if [[ $HOST = *-mingw32 ]]; then DOCKER_EXEC update-alternatives --set $HOST-g++ \$\(which $HOST-g++-posix\); fi
- if [ -z "$NO_DEPENDS" ]; then DOCKER_EXEC CONFIG_SHELL= make $MAKEJOBS -C depends HOST=$HOST $DEP_OPTS; fi
- date +%s > "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/start_time"
- ls -lh build
- du -h -d 2 build
- if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then brew install ccache; fi
- if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec:$PATH"; fi
install: true
- export TRAVIS_COMMIT_LOG=`git log --format=fuller -1`
- BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL="--disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/depends/$HOST --bindir=$OUTDIR/bin --libdir=$OUTDIR/lib"
- if [ -z "$NO_DEPENDS" ]; then DOCKER_EXEC ccache --max-size=$CCACHE_SIZE; fi
- mkdir build && cd build
- BEGIN_FOLD configure; DOCKER_EXEC ../configure --cache-file=config.cache $BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL $BITCOIN_CONFIG || ( cat config.log && false); END_FOLD
- cd bitcoin-$HOST
- BEGIN_FOLD configure; DOCKER_EXEC ./configure --cache-file=../config.cache $BITCOIN_CONFIG_ALL $BITCOIN_CONFIG || ( cat config.log && false); END_FOLD
- BEGIN_FOLD build; DOCKER_EXEC make $MAKEJOBS $GOAL || ( echo "Build failure. Verbose build follows." && DOCKER_EXEC make $GOAL V=1 ; false ); END_FOLD
- if [ "$RUN_TESTS" = "true" ]; then BEGIN_FOLD unit-tests; DOCKER_EXEC LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/depends/$HOST/lib make $MAKEJOBS check VERBOSE=1; END_FOLD; fi
- if [ "$RUN_BENCH" = "true" ]; then BEGIN_FOLD bench; DOCKER_EXEC LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/depends/$HOST/lib $OUTDIR/bin/bench_bitcoin -scaling=0.001 ; END_FOLD; fi
- if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "cron" ]; then extended="--extended --exclude feature_pruning,feature_dbcrash"; fi
- if [ "$RUN_TESTS" = "true" ]; then BEGIN_FOLD functional-tests; DOCKER_EXEC test/functional/ --combinedlogslen=4000 --coverage --quiet --failfast ${extended}; END_FOLD; fi
- stage: test
env: >-
BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports"
# Win32
- stage: test
env: >-
PACKAGES="python3 nsis g++-mingw-w64-i686 wine-binfmt wine32"
# Win64
- stage: test
env: >-
PACKAGES="python3 nsis g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 wine-binfmt wine64"
# 32-bit + dash
- stage: test
env: >-
PACKAGES="g++-multilib python3-zmq"
BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports LDFLAGS=-static-libstdc++"
# x86_64 Linux (uses qt5 dev package instead of depends Qt to speed up build and avoid timeout)
- stage: test
env: >-
PACKAGES="python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools protobuf-compiler libdbus-1-dev libharfbuzz-dev libprotobuf-dev"
BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-gui=qt5 --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --enable-debug CXXFLAGS=\"-g0 -O2\""
# x86_64 Linux (Qt5 & system libs)
- stage: test
env: >-
PACKAGES="python3-zmq qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libssl1.0-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libdb5.3++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev"
BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-zmq --with-incompatible-bdb --enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports --with-gui=qt5 CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER"
# x86_64 Linux, No wallet
- stage: test
env: >-
BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-glibc-back-compat --enable-reduce-exports"
# Cross-Mac
- stage: test
env: >-
PACKAGES="cmake imagemagick libcap-dev librsvg2-bin libz-dev libbz2-dev libtiff-tools python-dev python3-setuptools-git"
GOAL="all deploy"
BITCOIN_CONFIG="--enable-gui --enable-reduce-exports --enable-werror"
- stage: lint
cache: false
language: python
python: '3.6'
- travis_retry pip install flake8==3.5.0
- git fetch --unshallow
- if [ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "pull_request" ]; then test/lint/ $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE; fi
- test/lint/ src/crypto/ctaes
- test/lint/ src/secp256k1
- test/lint/ src/univalue
- test/lint/ src/leveldb
- test/lint/
- test/lint/ .
- test/lint/
- if [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" = "bitcoin/bitcoin" -a "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = "cron" ]; then
while read LINE; do travis_retry gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys $LINE; done < contrib/verify-commits/trusted-keys &&
travis_wait 50 contrib/verify-commits/;
- mkdir -p "dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}"
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "osx" ]]; then ./ -t -o -c; fi
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "linux" ]]; then ./ -t -o -c -f; fi
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "windows" ]]; then ./packaging/; fi
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "osx" ]]; then zip -j "dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/lbrycrd-${TARGET}.zip" src/lbrycrdd src/lbrycrd-cli src/lbrycrd-tx; fi
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "linux" ]]; then zip -j "dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/lbrycrd-${TARGET}.zip" src/lbrycrdd src/lbrycrd-cli src/lbrycrd-tx; fi
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "windows" ]]; then zip -j "dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/lbrycrd-${TARGET}.zip" src/lbrycrdd.exe src/lbrycrd-cli.exe src/lbrycrd-tx.exe; fi
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "osx" ]]; then shasum -a 256 dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/lbrycrd-${TARGET}.zip > dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/lbrycrd-${TARGET}-sha256.txt; fi
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "linux" ]]; then sha256sum -b dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/lbrycrd-${TARGET}.zip > dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/lbrycrd-${TARGET}-sha256.txt; fi
- if [[ "${TARGET}" == "windows" ]]; then sha256sum -b dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/lbrycrd-${TARGET}.zip > dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/lbrycrd-${TARGET}-sha256.txt; fi
- cat dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/lbrycrd-${TARGET}-sha256.txt
- ls -lh build
- du -h -d 2 build
- provider: releases
draft: true
file: "dist/${TRAVIS_BRANCH}/lbrycrd-${TARGET}.zip"
name: "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}"
skip_cleanup: true
target_commitish: $TRAVIS_COMMIT
tag_name: $TRAVIS_TAG
tags: true
secure: "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"
- provider: s3
secure: Qfgs8vGnEUvgiZNP2S9zY8qHEzaDOceF/XTv32jRBOISWfTqOTE56DZbOp8WKHPAqn0dx04jKA1NfV9f06sXU1NVbiJ2VYISo6XAk0n3RBJL3/mhNxvut/zM2DHkFPljWTkWEColS0ZyA3m4eUyJvAw/i+mOBT/zDD/oIlS5Uo5l/x3LmF9fYBuei0ucwSQeNOr2wCMIl+pXrIU7B3lEzXh1asayW6A9y7DOqMLnrSQ7TLlSssbnhuhDVpFx0xxX/U2NPraotbGKdo3wwMbms/lluBe60I/LsDNp9/SZXMDXh2YLGUImr97octwpdzIMjF+kU7QAZJzM7grz8PU9+MQh2V5sn6Xsww2x4PdkmHGz/2FMzhrCrlPf5JCaPBH49G+w4/29HYmMrlimOOVx4qXCpQ/XtWWne/d6MF0qqT6JhdPuD9ohmTpxcHRkCe2fxUw6Yn3dj+/+YoCywAcwcBm5jLpAotmWoCmmcnm9rvB7bIuPPZAjJUZViCnyvwY4Tj3Fb+sOuK4b/O5D2+cuS+WgQRkN/RspYlXrXTIh8Efv/yhW5L9WdzG1OExJDw2hX5VTccRRgIKZxZp80U2eYqn2M07+1nU+ShX4kgiSon46k5cfacLgzLKWEyCxWSSTbsYcwRxvDEjtYy4wxAYx8+J3dgQPs/opDXoQTJMjud0=
upload-dir: lbrycrd
acl: public_read
local_dir: dist
skip_cleanup: true
repo: lbryio/lbrycrd
all_branches: true

CMakeLists.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
project(lbrycrd_clion) # Do not use for full compile. This is for CLion syntax checking only.
if(EXISTS "build/boost")
set(BOOST_ROOT "build/boost" CACHE PATH "Boost library path")
set(Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS on CACHE BOOL "Do not search system for Boost")
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem program_options thread chrono locale)
file(GLOB sources
src/*.h src/*.cpp
src/wallet/*.h src/wallet/*.cpp
src/support/*.h src/support/*.cpp src/support/allocators/*.h
src/script/*.h src/script/*.cpp
src/rpc/*.h src/rpc/*.cpp
src/primitives/*.h src/primitives/*.cpp
src/policy/*.h src/policy/*.cpp
src/crypto/*.h src/crypto/*.cpp
src/consensus/*.h src/consensus/*.cpp
src/compat/*.h src/compat/*.cpp
list(FILTER sources EXCLUDE REGEX "src/bitcoin*.cpp$")
src/wallet src/script
add_executable(lbrycrd-cli src/bitcoin-cli.cpp ${sources})
add_executable(lbrycrd-tx src/bitcoin-tx.cpp ${sources})
add_executable(lbrycrdd src/bitcoind.cpp ${sources})
file(GLOB tests src/test/*.cpp)
foreach(test ${tests})
get_filename_component(filename ${test} NAME_WE)
add_executable(${filename} ${test} ${sources})
target_include_directories(${filename} PRIVATE src/test)

View file

@ -640,6 +640,7 @@ if test x$ac_cv_sys_large_files != x &&
CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -D_LARGE_FILES=$ac_cv_sys_large_files"
AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-static-libstdc++]], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -static-libstdc++"])
AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG([[-Wl,--large-address-aware]], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--large-address-aware"])
@ -961,7 +962,7 @@ fi
if test x$use_boost = xyes; then
dnl If boost (prior to 1.57) was built without c++11, it emulated scoped enums
@ -1431,7 +1432,7 @@ if test x$need_bundled_univalue = xyes; then
ac_configure_args="${ac_configure_args} --disable-shared --with-pic --with-bignum=no --enable-module-recovery --disable-jni"
ac_configure_args="${ac_configure_args} --enable-static --disable-shared --with-pic --with-bignum=no --enable-module-recovery --disable-jni"

packaging/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#! /bin/bash
set -euo pipefail
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
g++-mingw-w64-i686 mingw-w64-i686-dev g++-mingw-w64-x86-64 \
mingw-w64-x86-64-dev build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config \
libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils curl ca-certificates
cd depends
make HOST=i686-w64-mingw32 NO_QT=1
cd ..
patch -p1 < packaging/remove_consensus.patch
./configure --prefix=`pwd`/depends/i686-w64-mingw32 --without-gui

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index a9f0a94..d71bfeb 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ if ENABLE_ZMQ
EXTRA_LIBRARIES += libbitcoin_zmq.a
+# else
+# endif

410 Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
set -euo pipefail
function HELP {
echo "Build lbrycrd"
echo "-----"
echo "When run without any arguments, this script expects the current directory"
echo "to be the lbrycrd repo and it builds what is in that directory"
echo "This is a long build process so it can be split into two parts"
echo "Specify the -d flag to build only the dependencies"
echo "and the -l flag to build only lbrycrd. This will fail"
echo "if the dependencies weren't built earlier"
echo "Optional arguments:"
echo "-c: don't clone a fresh copy of the repo"
echo "-f: check formatting of committed code relative to master"
echo "-r: remove intermediate files."
echo "-l: build only lbrycrd"
echo "-d: build only the dependencies"
echo "-o: timeout build after 40 minutes"
echo "-t: turn trace on"
echo "-h: show help"
exit 1
# this flag gets set to False if
# the script exits due to a timeout
while getopts :crfldoth:w:d: FLAG; do
case $FLAG in
set -o xtrace
\?) #unrecognized option - show help
echo "Option -$OPTARG not allowed."
echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument."
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if (( EUID != 0 )); then
if [ "${CLONE}" = false ]; then
if [ "$(basename "$PWD")" != "lbrycrd" ]; then
echo "Not currently in the lbrycrd directory. Cowardly refusing to go forward"
exit 1
if [ -z "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME+x}" ]; then
if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then
if [ -z "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR+x}" ]; then
# if we are on travis (the primary use case for setting a timeout)
# this file is created when the build starts
if [ ! -f "${START_TIME_FILE}" ]; then
date +%s > "${START_TIME_FILE}"
function exit_at_40() {
if [ -f "${START_TIME_FILE}" ]; then
NOW=$(date +%s)
TIMEOUT_SECS=2400 # 40 * 60
if (( TIME > NEXT_TIME )); then
echo "Build has taken $((TIME / 60)) minutes: $1"
NEXT_TIME=$((TIME + 60))
if [ "$TIMEOUT" = true ] && (( TIME > TIMEOUT_SECS )); then
echo 'Exiting at 40 minutes to allow the cache to populate'
exit 1
# two arguments
# - pid (probably from $!)
# - echo message
function wait_and_echo() {
(set -o | grep xtrace | grep -q on)
# disable xtrace or else this will get verbose, which is what
# I'm trying to avoid by going through all of this nonsense anyway
set +o xtrace
# loop until the process is no longer running
# check every $SLEEP seconds, echoing a message every minute
while (ps -p "${PID}" > /dev/null); do
exit_at_40 "$2"
sleep "${SLEEP}"
# restore the xtrace setting
if [ "${TRACE_STATUS}" -eq 0 ]; then
set -o xtrace
wait "$PID"
return $?
# run a command ($1) in the background
# logging its stdout and stderr to $2
# and wait until it completed
function background() {
$1 >> "$2" 2>&1 &
wait_and_echo $BACKGROUND_PID "$3"
function cleanup() {
# cat the log file if it exists
if [ -f "$2" ] && [ "${OUTPUT_LOG}" = true ]; then
echo "Output of log file $2"
tail -n 1000 "$2"
# delete the build directory
rm -rf "$1"
echo "Build failed. Removing $1"
exit $rv
function cat_and_exit() {
# cat the log file if it exists
if [ -f "$1" ] && [ "${OUTPUT_LOG}" = true ]; then
echo "Output of log file $1"
# This used to be the last 3MB but outputing that
# caused problems on travis.
# Hopefully the last 1000 lines is enough
# to debug whatever went wrong
tail -n 1000 "$1"
exit $rv
function brew_if_not_installed() {
if ! brew ls | grep $1 --quiet; then
brew install $1
function install_brew_packages() {
brew update > /dev/null
brew unlink python
brew_if_not_installed autoconf
brew_if_not_installed automake
# something weird happened where glibtoolize was failing to find
# sed, and reinstalling fixes it.
brew reinstall -s libtool
brew_if_not_installed pkg-config
brew_if_not_installed protobuf
brew_if_not_installed gmp
if [ "${CHECK_CODE_FORMAT}" = true ]; then
brew_if_not_installed clang-format
function install_apt_packages() {
if [ -z "${TRAVIS+x}" ]; then
# if not on travis, its nice to see progress
# get the required OS packages
$SUDO apt-get ${QUIET} update
$SUDO apt-get ${QUIET} install -y --no-install-recommends \
build-essential python-dev libbz2-dev libtool \
autotools-dev autoconf git pkg-config wget \
ca-certificates automake bsdmainutils
if [ "${CHECK_CODE_FORMAT}" = true ]; then
$SUDO apt-get ${QUIET} install -y --no-install-recommends \
function build_dependencies() {
if [ "${OS_NAME}" = "osx" ]; then
if [ "$CLEAN" = true ]; then
rm -rf "${OUTPUT_DIR}"
if [ ! -d "${LBRYCRD_DEPENDENCIES}" ]; then
# TODO: if the repo exists, make sure its clean: revert to head.
mkdir -p "${LOG_DIR}"
build_dependency "${BDB_PREFIX}" "${LOG_DIR}/bdb_build.log" build_bdb
build_dependency "${OPENSSL_PREFIX}" "${LOG_DIR}/openssl_build.log" build_openssl
set +u
set -u
build_dependency "${BOOST_PREFIX}" "${LOG_DIR}/boost_build.log" build_boost
build_dependency "${LIBEVENT_PREFIX}" "${LOG_DIR}/libevent_build.log" build_libevent
function build_bdb() {
if [ "${OS_NAME}" = "osx" ]; then
patch db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc/atomic.h < atomic.patch
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix
echo "Building bdb. tail -f $BDB_LOG to see the details and monitor progress"
../dist/configure --prefix="${BDB_PREFIX}" --enable-cxx --disable-shared --with-pic > "${BDB_LOG}"
background make "${BDB_LOG}" "Waiting for bdb to finish building"
make install >> "${BDB_LOG}" 2>&1
function build_openssl() {
mkdir -p "${OPENSSL_PREFIX}/ssl"
cd openssl-1.0.1p
echo "Building openssl. tail -f $OPENSSL_LOG to see the details and monitor progress"
if [ "${OS_NAME}" = "osx" ]; then
./Configure --prefix="${OPENSSL_PREFIX}" --openssldir="${OPENSSL_PREFIX}/ssl" \
-fPIC darwin64-x86_64-cc \
no-shared no-dso no-engines > "${OPENSSL_LOG}"
[[ $(uname -m) = 'i686' ]] && OS_ARCH="linux-generic32" || OS_ARCH="linux-x86_64"
./Configure --prefix="${OPENSSL_PREFIX}" --openssldir="${OPENSSL_PREFIX}/ssl" \
${OS_ARCH} -fPIC -static no-shared no-dso > "${OPENSSL_LOG}"
background make "${OPENSSL_LOG}" "Waiting for openssl to finish building"
make install >> "${OPENSSL_LOG}" 2>&1
function build_boost() {
cd boost_1_59_0
echo "Building Boost. tail -f ${BOOST_LOG} to see the details and monitor progress"
./ --prefix="${BOOST_PREFIX}" > "${BOOST_LOG}" 2>&1
background "./b2 link=static cxxflags=-fPIC install" \
"${BOOST_LOG}" \
"Waiting for boost to finish building"
function build_libevent() {
if [ ! -d libevent ]; then
git clone --branch release-2.0.22-stable
cd libevent
echo "Building libevent. tail -f ${LIBEVENT_LOG} to see the details and monitor progress"
./ > "${LIBEVENT_LOG}" 2>&1
./configure --prefix="${LIBEVENT_PREFIX}" --enable-static --disable-shared --with-pic \
background make "${LIBEVENT_LOG}" "Waiting for libevent to finish building"
make install >> "${LIBEVENT_LOG}"
function build_dependency() {
pushd .
if [ ! -d "${PREFIX}" ]; then
trap 'cleanup "${PREFIX}" "${LOG}"' INT TERM EXIT
mkdir -p "${PREFIX}"
"${BUILD}" "${LOG}"
function build_lbrycrd() {
if [ "$CLONE" == true ]; then
git clone
cd lbrycrd
cd "${SOURCE_DIR}"
./ > "${LBRYCRD_LOG}" 2>&1
LDFLAGS="-L${OPENSSL_PREFIX}/lib/ -L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib/ -L${LIBEVENT_PREFIX}/lib/ -static-libstdc++"
if [ "${OS_NAME}" = "osx" ]; then
OPTIONS="--enable-cxx --enable-static --disable-shared --with-pic"
./configure --without-gui ${OPTIONS} \
--with-boost="${BOOST_PREFIX}" \
background make "${LBRYCRD_LOG}" "Waiting for lbrycrd to finish building"
strip src/lbrycrdd
strip src/lbrycrd-cli
strip src/lbrycrd-tx
strip src/test/test_lbrycrd
function clang_format_diff(){
# run a code formatting check on any commits not in master
# requires clang-format
git diff -U0 origin/master -- '*.h' '*.cpp' | ./contrib/devtools/ -p1
# these variables are needed in both functions
if [ "${BUILD_DEPENDENCIES}" = true ]; then
if [ "${CHECK_CODE_FORMAT}" = true ]; then
LINES_W_FORMAT_REQUIRED=$(clang_format_diff | wc -l)
if [ ${LINES_W_FORMAT_REQUIRED} -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to pass clang format diff: See below for the diff"
exit 1
set +u
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:${OPENSSL_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig/:${LIBEVENT_PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig/"
set -u
if [ "${BUILD_LBRYCRD}" = true ]; then
echo "Building lbrycrd. tail -f ${LBRYCRD_LOG} to see the details and monitor progress"
trap 'cat_and_exit "${LBRYCRD_LOG}"' INT TERM EXIT

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ else
BITCOIN_INCLUDES += -I$(srcdir)/secp256k1/include
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ BITCOIN_CORE_H = \
chainparamsseeds.h \
checkpoints.h \
checkqueue.h \
claimtrie.h \
clientversion.h \
coins.h \
compat.h \
@ -127,12 +128,14 @@ BITCOIN_CORE_H = \
key.h \
key_io.h \
keystore.h \
lbry.h \
dbwrapper.h \
limitedmap.h \
logging.h \
memusage.h \
merkleblock.h \
miner.h \
nameclaim.h \
net.h \
net_processing.h \
netaddress.h \
@ -178,10 +181,12 @@ BITCOIN_CORE_H = \
txdb.h \
txmempool.h \
ui_interface.h \
uint256.h \
undo.h \
util.h \
utilmemory.h \
utilmoneystr.h \
utilstrencodings.h \
utiltime.h \
validation.h \
validationinterface.h \
@ -221,6 +226,7 @@ libbitcoin_server_a_SOURCES = \
blockencodings.cpp \
chain.cpp \
checkpoints.cpp \
claimtrie.cpp \
consensus/tx_verify.cpp \
httprpc.cpp \
httpserver.cpp \
@ -228,8 +234,10 @@ libbitcoin_server_a_SOURCES = \
index/txindex.cpp \
init.cpp \
dbwrapper.cpp \
lbry.cpp \
merkleblock.cpp \
miner.cpp \
nameclaim.cpp \
net.cpp \
net_processing.cpp \
noui.cpp \
@ -240,6 +248,7 @@ libbitcoin_server_a_SOURCES = \
pow.cpp \
rest.cpp \
rpc/blockchain.cpp \
rpc/claimtrie.cpp \
rpc/mining.cpp \
rpc/misc.cpp \
rpc/net.cpp \
@ -253,6 +262,8 @@ libbitcoin_server_a_SOURCES = \
txdb.cpp \
txmempool.cpp \
ui_interface.cpp \
uint256.cpp \
utilstrencodings.cpp \
validation.cpp \
validationinterface.cpp \
versionbits.cpp \
@ -383,6 +394,7 @@ libbitcoin_common_a_SOURCES = \
key.cpp \
key_io.cpp \
keystore.cpp \
nameclaim.cpp \
netaddress.cpp \
netbase.cpp \
policy/feerate.cpp \
@ -416,6 +428,7 @@ libbitcoin_util_a_SOURCES = \
support/cleanse.cpp \
sync.cpp \
threadinterrupt.cpp \
uint256.cpp \
util.cpp \
utilmoneystr.cpp \
utilstrencodings.cpp \
@ -441,7 +454,7 @@ nodist_libbitcoin_util_a_SOURCES = $(srcdir)/obj/build.h
bitcoind_SOURCES = bitcoind.cpp
bitcoind_SOURCES += bitcoind-res.rc
@ -461,7 +474,7 @@ bitcoind_LDADD = \
# bitcoin-cli binary #
bitcoin_cli_SOURCES = bitcoin-cli.cpp

View file

@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or
bin_PROGRAMS += test/test_bitcoin
noinst_PROGRAMS += test/test_bitcoin_fuzzy
bin_PROGRAMS += test/test_lbrycrd
noinst_PROGRAMS += test/test_lbrycrd_fuzzy
test/data/base58_encode_decode.json \
test/data/base58_keys_valid.json \
test/data/key_io_valid.json \
test/data/key_io_invalid.json \
test/data/script_tests.json \
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ BITCOIN_TESTS =\
test/blockchain_tests.cpp \
test/blockencodings_tests.cpp \
test/bloom_tests.cpp \
test/Checkpoints_tests.cpp \
test/bswap_tests.cpp \
test/checkqueue_tests.cpp \
test/coins_tests.cpp \
@ -61,6 +63,9 @@ BITCOIN_TESTS =\
test/miner_tests.cpp \
test/multisig_tests.cpp \
test/net_tests.cpp \
test/claimtriecache_tests.cpp \
test/claimtriebranching_tests.cpp \
test/nameclaim_tests.cpp \
test/netbase_tests.cpp \
test/pmt_tests.cpp \
test/policyestimator_tests.cpp \
@ -105,32 +110,32 @@ BITCOIN_TEST_SUITE += \
test_test_bitcoin_LDADD =
test_test_lbrycrd_LDADD =
test_test_bitcoin_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_WALLET)
test_test_lbrycrd_LDADD += $(LIBBITCOIN_WALLET)
test_test_bitcoin_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(PIE_FLAGS)
test_test_lbrycrd_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(PIE_FLAGS)
test_test_bitcoin_LDFLAGS = $(RELDFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LIBTOOL_APP_LDFLAGS) -static
test_test_lbrycrd_LDFLAGS = $(RELDFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LIBTOOL_APP_LDFLAGS) -static
test_test_bitcoin_LDADD += $(ZMQ_LIBS)
test_test_lbrycrd_LDADD += $(ZMQ_LIBS)
# test_bitcoin_fuzzy binary #
test_test_bitcoin_fuzzy_SOURCES = test/test_bitcoin_fuzzy.cpp
test_test_bitcoin_fuzzy_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(BITCOIN_INCLUDES)
test_test_bitcoin_fuzzy_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(PIE_FLAGS)
test_test_lbrycrd_fuzzy_SOURCES = test/test_bitcoin_fuzzy.cpp
test_test_lbrycrd_fuzzy_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(BITCOIN_INCLUDES)
test_test_lbrycrd_fuzzy_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(PIE_FLAGS)
test_test_bitcoin_fuzzy_LDADD = \
test_test_lbrycrd_fuzzy_LDADD = \
@ -142,10 +147,10 @@ test_test_bitcoin_fuzzy_LDADD = \
test_test_bitcoin_fuzzy_LDADD += $(BOOST_LIBS) $(CRYPTO_LIBS)
test_test_lbrycrd_fuzzy_LDADD += $(BOOST_LIBS) $(CRYPTO_LIBS)
nodist_test_test_bitcoin_SOURCES = $(GENERATED_TEST_FILES)
nodist_test_test_lbrycrd_SOURCES = $(GENERATED_TEST_FILES)
@ -153,13 +158,13 @@ CLEAN_BITCOIN_TEST = test/*.gcda test/*.gcno $(GENERATED_TEST_FILES)
bitcoin_test: $(TEST_BINARY)
lbrycrd_test: $(TEST_BINARY)
bitcoin_test_check: $(TEST_BINARY) FORCE
lbrycrd_test_check: $(TEST_BINARY) FORCE
$(MAKE) check-TESTS TESTS=$^
bitcoin_test_clean : FORCE
rm -f $(CLEAN_BITCOIN_TEST) $(test_test_bitcoin_OBJECTS) $(TEST_BINARY)
lbrycrd_test_clean : FORCE
rm -f $(CLEAN_BITCOIN_TEST) $(test_test_lbrycrd_OBJECTS) $(TEST_BINARY)
check-local: $(BITCOIN_TESTS:.cpp=.cpp.test)
@echo "Running test/util/"
@ -184,3 +189,12 @@ endif
echo "};};"; \
} > "$" && mv -f "$" "$@"
@echo "Generated $@"
%.raw.h: %.raw
@$(MKDIR_P) $(@D)
@echo "namespace alert_tests{" > $@
@echo "static unsigned const char $(*F)[] = {" >> $@
@$(HEXDUMP) -v -e '8/1 "0x%02x, "' -e '"\n"' $< | $(SED) -e 's/0x ,//g' >> $@
@echo "};};" >> $@
@echo "Generated $@"

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ static const CAmount CENT = 1000000;
* critical; in unusual circumstances like a(nother) overflow bug that allowed
* for the creation of coins out of thin air modification could lead to a fork.
* */
static const CAmount MAX_MONEY = 21000000 * COIN;
static const CAmount MAX_MONEY = 21000000000 * COIN;
inline bool MoneyRange(const CAmount& nValue) { return (nValue >= 0 && nValue <= MAX_MONEY); }

View file

@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ static CTxIn MineBlock(const CScript& coinbase_scriptPubKey)
auto block = PrepareBlock(coinbase_scriptPubKey);
while (!CheckProofOfWork(block->GetHash(), block->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) {
bool processed{ProcessNewBlock(Params(), block, true, nullptr)};

View file

@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ public:
//! block header
int32_t nVersion;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
uint256 hashClaimTrie;
uint32_t nTime;
uint32_t nBits;
uint32_t nNonce;
@ -237,6 +238,7 @@ public:
nVersion = 0;
hashMerkleRoot = uint256();
hashClaimTrie = uint256();
nTime = 0;
nBits = 0;
nNonce = 0;
@ -253,6 +255,7 @@ public:
nVersion = block.nVersion;
hashMerkleRoot = block.hashMerkleRoot;
hashClaimTrie = block.hashClaimTrie;
nTime = block.nTime;
nBits = block.nBits;
nNonce = block.nNonce;
@ -283,6 +286,7 @@ public:
if (pprev)
block.hashPrevBlock = pprev->GetBlockHash();
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.hashClaimTrie = hashClaimTrie;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nNonce = nNonce;
@ -294,6 +298,11 @@ public:
return *phashBlock;
uint256 GetBlockPoWHash() const
return GetBlockHeader().GetPoWHash();
int64_t GetBlockTime() const
return (int64_t)nTime;
@ -322,9 +331,10 @@ public:
std::string ToString() const
return strprintf("CBlockIndex(pprev=%p, nHeight=%d, merkle=%s, hashBlock=%s)",
return strprintf("CBlockIndex(pprev=%p, nHeight=%d, merkle=%s, claimtrie=%s, hashBlock=%s)",
pprev, nHeight,
@ -402,6 +412,7 @@ public:
@ -413,19 +424,20 @@ public:
block.nVersion = nVersion;
block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrev;
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.hashClaimTrie = hashClaimTrie;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nNonce = nNonce;
return block.GetHash();
std::string ToString() const
std::string str = "CDiskBlockIndex(";
str += CBlockIndex::ToString();
str += strprintf("\n hashBlock=%s, hashPrev=%s)",
str += strprintf("\n hashBlock=%s, hashClaimTrie=%s, hashPrev=%s)",
return str;

View file

@ -14,6 +14,38 @@
#include <chainparamsseeds.h>
//#define FIND_GENESIS
#define GENESIS_MERKLE_ROOT "b8211c82c3d15bcd78bba57005b86fed515149a53a425eb592c07af99fe559cc"
#define MAINNET_GENESIS_HASH "9c89283ba0f3227f6c03b70216b9f665f0118d5e0fa729cedf4fb34d6a34f463"
#define TESTNET_GENESIS_HASH "9c89283ba0f3227f6c03b70216b9f665f0118d5e0fa729cedf4fb34d6a34f463"
#define REGTEST_GENESIS_HASH "6e3fcf1299d4ec5d79c3a4c91d624a4acf9e2e173d95a1a0504f677669687556"
bool CheckProofOfWork2(uint256 hash, unsigned int nBits, const Consensus::Params& params)
bool fNegative;
bool fOverflow;
arith_uint256 bnTarget;
bnTarget.SetCompact(nBits, &fNegative, &fOverflow);
// Check range
if (fNegative || bnTarget == 0 || fOverflow || bnTarget > UintToArith256(params.powLimit))
return error("CheckProofOfWork(): nBits below minimum work");
// Check proof of work matches claimed amount
if (UintToArith256(hash) > bnTarget)
return error("CheckProofOfWork(): hash doesn't match nBits");
return true;
static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(const char* pszTimestamp, const CScript& genesisOutputScript, uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const CAmount& genesisReward)
CMutableTransaction txNew;
@ -22,6 +54,9 @@ static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(const char* pszTimestamp, const CScript& genesi
txNew.vout.resize(1);[0].scriptSig = CScript() << 486604799 << CScriptNum(4) << std::vector<unsigned char>((const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp, (const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp + strlen(pszTimestamp));
txNew.vout[0].nValue = genesisReward;
//txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f") << OP_CHECKSIG;
//txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << ParseHex("0425caecb9fbf6cf50979644e85c11e3ec9007fd477fab9683648c6539e59b59c3a4d9b9c0b552c37eee6476f3e0d8425ac0346fe69ad61628b8c340d42fbfa3fd") << OP_CHECKSIG;
//txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ParseHex("e5ff2d9e3a254622ae493573169c0fa94c82fe4f") << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG;
txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = genesisOutputScript;
CBlock genesis;
@ -32,6 +67,21 @@ static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(const char* pszTimestamp, const CScript& genesi
genesis.hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(genesis);
genesis.hashClaimTrie = uint256S("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001");
while (true)
genesis.nNonce += 1;
if (CheckProofOfWork2(genesis.GetPoWHash(), nBits, consensus))
std::cout << "nonce: " << genesis.nNonce << std::endl;
std::cout << "hex: " << genesis.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cout << "pow hash: " << genesis.GetPoWHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
return genesis;
@ -48,8 +98,8 @@ static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(const char* pszTimestamp, const CScript& genesi
static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const CAmount& genesisReward)
const char* pszTimestamp = "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks";
const CScript genesisOutputScript = CScript() << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f") << OP_CHECKSIG;
const char* pszTimestamp = "insert timestamp string";//"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks";
const CScript genesisOutputScript = CScript() << OP_DUP << OP_HASH160 << ParseHex("345991dbf57bfb014b87006acdfafbfc5fe8292f") << OP_EQUALVERIFY << OP_CHECKSIG;
return CreateGenesisBlock(pszTimestamp, genesisOutputScript, nTime, nNonce, nBits, nVersion, genesisReward);
@ -73,16 +123,24 @@ void CChainParams::UpdateVersionBitsParameters(Consensus::DeploymentPos d, int64
class CMainParams : public CChainParams {
CMainParams() {
strNetworkID = "main";
consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210000;
strNetworkID = "lbrycrd";
consensus.nSubsidyLevelInterval = 1<<5;
consensus.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 750;
consensus.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 950;
consensus.nMajorityWindow = 1000;
consensus.BIP16Exception = uint256S("0x00000000000002dc756eebf4f49723ed8d30cc28a5f108eb94b1ba88ac4f9c22");
consensus.BIP34Height = 227931;
consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0x000000000000024b89b42a942fe0d9fea3bb44ab7bd1b19115dd6a759c0808b8");
consensus.BIP65Height = 388381; // 000000000000000004c2b624ed5d7756c508d90fd0da2c7c679febfa6c4735f0
consensus.BIP66Height = 363725; // 00000000000000000379eaa19dce8c9b722d46ae6a57c2f1a988119488b50931
consensus.powLimit = uint256S("00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60;
consensus.BIP34Height = 1;
consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0xdecb9e2cca03a419fd9cca0cb2b1d5ad11b088f22f8f38556d93ac4358b86c24");
// FIXME: adjust heights
consensus.BIP65Height = 600000;
consensus.BIP66Height = 600000;
consensus.powLimit = uint256S("0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 150; //retarget every block
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 150;
consensus.nOriginalClaimExpirationTime = 262974;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationTime = 2102400;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight = 400155;
consensus.nNormalizedNameForkHeight = 1000000; // FIXME: pick a real fork height
consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = false;
consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1916; // 95% of 2016
@ -98,44 +156,43 @@ public:
// Deployment of SegWit (BIP141, BIP143, and BIP147)
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].bit = 1;
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nStartTime = 1479168000; // November 15th, 2016.
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nTimeout = 1510704000; // November 15th, 2017.
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nStartTime = 1547942400; // Jan 20, 2019
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nTimeout = 1548288000; // Jan 24, 2019
// The best chain should have at least this much work.
consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000028822fef1c230963535a90d");
consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000607ca7e806c4c1e9"); //400000
// By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are valid.
consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0x0000000000000000002e63058c023a9a1de233554f28c7b21380b6c9003f36a8"); //534292
//consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0xf0e56e70782af63ccb49c76e852540688755869ba59ec68cac9c04a6b4d9f5ca"); //400000
consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0xa6bbb48f5343eb9b0287c22f3ea8b29f36cf10794a37f8a925a894d6f4519913"); //4000
* The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
* The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
* a large 32-bit integer with any alignment.
pchMessageStart[0] = 0xf9;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xbe;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xb4;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xd9;
nDefaultPort = 8333;
pchMessageStart[0] = 0xfa;
BrannonKing commented 2019-02-20 21:53:40 +01:00 (Migrated from

don't change it now, but we should have come up with something creative for this

don't change it now, but we should have come up with something creative for this
lbrynaut commented 2019-02-21 00:44:38 +01:00 (Migrated from

This was before either of our times ... and it can't be changed now without a re-org down to genesis, destroying the entire ecosystem in the process :-P

This was before either of our times ... and it can't be changed now without a re-org down to genesis, destroying the entire ecosystem in the process :-P
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xe4;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xaa;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xf1;
nDefaultPort = 9246;
nPruneAfterHeight = 100000;
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1231006505, 2083236893, 0x1d00ffff, 1, 50 * COIN);
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1446058291, MAINNET_GENESIS_NONCE, 0x1f00ffff, 1, 400000000 * COIN);
consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f"));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b"));
std::cout << "hex: " << consensus.hashGenesisBlock.GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cout << "merkle root: " << genesis.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex() << std::endl;
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S(MAINNET_GENESIS_HASH));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S(GENESIS_MERKLE_ROOT));
// Note that of those which support the service bits prefix, most only support a subset of
// possible options.
// This is fine at runtime as we'll fall back to using them as a oneshot if they don't support the
// service bits we want, but we should get them updated to support all service bits wanted by any
// release ASAP to avoid it where possible.
vSeeds.emplace_back(""); // Pieter Wuille, only supports x1, x5, x9, and xd
vSeeds.emplace_back(""); // Matt Corallo, only supports x9
vSeeds.emplace_back(""); // Luke Dashjr
vSeeds.emplace_back(""); // Christian Decker, supports x1 - xf
vSeeds.emplace_back(""); // Jonas Schnelli, only supports x1, x5, x9, and xd
vSeeds.emplace_back(""); // Peter Todd, only supports x1, x5, x9, and xd
vSeeds.emplace_back(""); // Sjors Provoost
vSeeds.emplace_back(""); //
vSeeds.emplace_back(""); //
vSeeds.emplace_back(""); //
base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,0);
base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,5);
@ -143,37 +200,31 @@ public:
base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = {0x04, 0x88, 0xB2, 0x1E};
base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = {0x04, 0x88, 0xAD, 0xE4};
vFixedSeeds = std::vector<SeedSpec6>(pnSeed6_main, pnSeed6_main + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_main));
bech32_hrp = "bc";
vFixedSeeds = std::vector<SeedSpec6>(pnSeed6_main, pnSeed6_main + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_main));
fMiningRequiresPeers = true;
fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false;
fRequireStandard = true;
fMineBlocksOnDemand = false;
// FIXME: update checkpoints?
checkpointData = {
{ 11111, uint256S("0x0000000069e244f73d78e8fd29ba2fd2ed618bd6fa2ee92559f542fdb26e7c1d")},
{ 33333, uint256S("0x000000002dd5588a74784eaa7ab0507a18ad16a236e7b1ce69f00d7ddfb5d0a6")},
{ 74000, uint256S("0x0000000000573993a3c9e41ce34471c079dcf5f52a0e824a81e7f953b8661a20")},
{105000, uint256S("0x00000000000291ce28027faea320c8d2b054b2e0fe44a773f3eefb151d6bdc97")},
{134444, uint256S("0x00000000000005b12ffd4cd315cd34ffd4a594f430ac814c91184a0d42d2b0fe")},
{168000, uint256S("0x000000000000099e61ea72015e79632f216fe6cb33d7899acb35b75c8303b763")},
{193000, uint256S("0x000000000000059f452a5f7340de6682a977387c17010ff6e6c3bd83ca8b1317")},
{210000, uint256S("0x000000000000048b95347e83192f69cf0366076336c639f9b7228e9ba171342e")},
{216116, uint256S("0x00000000000001b4f4b433e81ee46494af945cf96014816a4e2370f11b23df4e")},
{225430, uint256S("0x00000000000001c108384350f74090433e7fcf79a606b8e797f065b130575932")},
{250000, uint256S("0x000000000000003887df1f29024b06fc2200b55f8af8f35453d7be294df2d214")},
{279000, uint256S("0x0000000000000001ae8c72a0b0c301f67e3afca10e819efa9041e458e9bd7e40")},
{295000, uint256S("0x00000000000000004d9b4ef50f0f9d686fd69db2e03af35a100370c64632a983")},
{ 4000, uint256S("0xa6bbb48f5343eb9b0287c22f3ea8b29f36cf10794a37f8a925a894d6f4519913") },
chainTxData = ChainTxData{
// Data from rpc: getchaintxstats 4096 0000000000000000002e63058c023a9a1de233554f28c7b21380b6c9003f36a8
/* nTime */ 1532884444,
/* nTxCount */ 331282217,
/* dTxRate */ 2.4
1467272478, 4146, 600.0
/* // Data from rpc: getchaintxstats 4096 0000000000000000002e63058c023a9a1de233554f28c7b21380b6c9003f36a8 */
/* /\* nTime *\/ 1532884444, */
/* /\* nTxCount *\/ 331282217, */
/* /\* dTxRate *\/ 2.4 */
/* disable fallback fee on mainnet */
@ -187,18 +238,26 @@ public:
class CTestNetParams : public CChainParams {
CTestNetParams() {
strNetworkID = "test";
consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210000;
strNetworkID = "lbrycrdtest";
consensus.nSubsidyLevelInterval = 1 << 5;
consensus.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 51;
consensus.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 75;
consensus.nMajorityWindow = 100;
consensus.BIP16Exception = uint256S("0x00000000dd30457c001f4095d208cc1296b0eed002427aa599874af7a432b105");
consensus.BIP34Height = 21111;
consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0x0000000023b3a96d3484e5abb3755c413e7d41500f8e2a5c3f0dd01299cd8ef8");
consensus.BIP65Height = 581885; // 00000000007f6655f22f98e72ed80d8b06dc761d5da09df0fa1dc4be4f861eb6
consensus.BIP66Height = 330776; // 000000002104c8c45e99a8853285a3b592602a3ccde2b832481da85e9e4ba182
consensus.powLimit = uint256S("00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60;
// FIXME: adjust heights
consensus.BIP65Height = 1000000;
consensus.BIP66Height = 1000000;
consensus.powLimit = uint256S("0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 150;
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 150;
consensus.nOriginalClaimExpirationTime = 262974;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationTime = 2102400;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight = 278160;
consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true;
consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
consensus.nNormalizedNameForkHeight = 1000000; // FIXME: pick a real fork height
consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1512; // 75% for testchains
consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 2016; // nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28;
@ -216,30 +275,32 @@ public:
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nTimeout = 1493596800; // May 1st 2017
// The best chain should have at least this much work.
consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007dbe94253893cbd463");
consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a0c3931735170");
// By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are valid.
consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0x0000000000000037a8cd3e06cd5edbfe9dd1dbcc5dacab279376ef7cfc2b4c75"); //1354312
pchMessageStart[0] = 0x0b;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0x11;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0x09;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0x07;
nDefaultPort = 18333;
pchMessageStart[0] = 0xfa;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xe4;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xaa;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xe1;
nDefaultPort = 19246;
nPruneAfterHeight = 1000;
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1296688602, 414098458, 0x1d00ffff, 1, 50 * COIN);
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1446058291, TESTNET_GENESIS_NONCE, 0x1f00ffff, 1, 400000000 * COIN);
consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943"));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b"));
std::cout << "testnet genesis hash: " << genesis.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cout << "testnet merkle hash: " << genesis.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex() << std::endl;
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S(TESTNET_GENESIS_HASH));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S(GENESIS_MERKLE_ROOT));
// nodes with support for servicebits filtering should be at the top
vSeeds.emplace_back(""); // Just a static list of stable node(s), only supports x9
base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,111);
base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,196);
@ -251,17 +312,19 @@ public:
vFixedSeeds = std::vector<SeedSpec6>(pnSeed6_test, pnSeed6_test + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_test));
fMiningRequiresPeers = true;
fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false;
fRequireStandard = false;
fMineBlocksOnDemand = false;
fTestnetToBeDeprecatedFieldRPC = true;
checkpointData = {
{546, uint256S("000000002a936ca763904c3c35fce2f3556c559c0214345d31b1bcebf76acb70")},
chainTxData = ChainTxData{
// Data from rpc: getchaintxstats 4096 0000000000000037a8cd3e06cd5edbfe9dd1dbcc5dacab279376ef7cfc2b4c75
/* nTime */ 1531929919,
@ -280,18 +343,23 @@ public:
class CRegTestParams : public CChainParams {
CRegTestParams() {
strNetworkID = "regtest";
consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 150;
strNetworkID = "lbrycrdreg";
consensus.nSubsidyLevelInterval = 1 << 5;
consensus.BIP16Exception = uint256();
consensus.BIP34Height = 100000000; // BIP34 has not activated on regtest (far in the future so block v1 are not rejected in tests)
consensus.BIP34Height = 1000; // BIP34 is needed for validation_block_tests
consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256();
// FIXME: update heights and add activation tests
consensus.BIP65Height = 1351; // BIP65 activated on regtest (Used in rpc activation tests)
consensus.BIP66Height = 1251; // BIP66 activated on regtest (Used in rpc activation tests)
consensus.powLimit = uint256S("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60;
consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true;
consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = true;
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 1;//14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 1;
consensus.nOriginalClaimExpirationTime = 500;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationTime = 600;
consensus.nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight = 800;
consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = false;
consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
consensus.nNormalizedNameForkHeight = 2000; // FIXME: pick a real fork height
consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 108; // 75% for testchains
consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 144; // Faster than normal for regtest (144 instead of 2016)
consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28;
@ -311,27 +379,34 @@ public:
consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0x00");
pchMessageStart[0] = 0xfa;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xbf;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xb5;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xda;
nDefaultPort = 18444;
pchMessageStart[1] = 0xe4;
pchMessageStart[2] = 0xaa;
pchMessageStart[3] = 0xd1;
nDefaultPort = 29246;
nPruneAfterHeight = 1000;
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1296688602, 2, 0x207fffff, 1, 50 * COIN);
genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1446058291, REGTEST_GENESIS_NONCE, 0x207fffff, 1, 400000000 * COIN);
consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206"));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b"));
std::cout << "regtest genensis hash: " << genesis.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cout << "regtest hashmerkleroot: " << genesis.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex() << std::endl;
assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S(REGTEST_GENESIS_HASH));
assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S(GENESIS_MERKLE_ROOT));
vFixedSeeds.clear(); //!< Regtest mode doesn't have any fixed seeds.
vSeeds.clear(); //!< Regtest mode doesn't have any DNS seeds.
fMiningRequiresPeers = false;
fDefaultConsistencyChecks = true;
fRequireStandard = false;
fMineBlocksOnDemand = true;
fTestnetToBeDeprecatedFieldRPC = false;
checkpointData = {
{0, uint256S("0f9188f13cb7b2c71f2a335e3a4fc328bf5beb436012afca590b1a11466e2206")},

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <arith_uint256.h>
#include <chainparamsbase.h>
#include <consensus/params.h>
#include <primitives/block.h>
@ -94,9 +95,11 @@ protected:
std::string strNetworkID;
CBlock genesis;
std::vector<SeedSpec6> vFixedSeeds;
bool fMiningRequiresPeers;
bool fDefaultConsistencyChecks;
bool fRequireStandard;
bool fMineBlocksOnDemand;
bool fTestnetToBeDeprecatedFieldRPC;
CCheckpointData checkpointData;
ChainTxData chainTxData;
bool m_fallback_fee_enabled;

View file

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
#include <assert.h>
const std::string CBaseChainParams::MAIN = "main";
const std::string CBaseChainParams::TESTNET = "test";
const std::string CBaseChainParams::MAIN = "lbrycrd";
const std::string CBaseChainParams::TESTNET = "lbrycrdtest";
const std::string CBaseChainParams::REGTEST = "regtest";
void SetupChainParamsBaseOptions()
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ const CBaseChainParams& BaseParams()
std::unique_ptr<CBaseChainParams> CreateBaseChainParams(const std::string& chain)
if (chain == CBaseChainParams::MAIN)
return MakeUnique<CBaseChainParams>("", 8332);
return MakeUnique<CBaseChainParams>("", 9246);
else if (chain == CBaseChainParams::TESTNET)
return MakeUnique<CBaseChainParams>("testnet3", 18332);
return MakeUnique<CBaseChainParams>("testnet3", 19246);
else if (chain == CBaseChainParams::REGTEST)
return MakeUnique<CBaseChainParams>("regtest", 18443);
return MakeUnique<CBaseChainParams>("regtest", 29246);
throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("%s: Unknown chain %s.", __func__, chain));

View file

@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ std::unique_ptr<CBaseChainParams> CreateBaseChainParams(const std::string& chain
void SetupChainParamsBaseOptions();
* Append the help messages for the chainparams options to the
* parameter string.
void AppendParamsHelpMessages(std::string& strUsage, bool debugHelp=true);
* Return the currently selected parameters. This won't change after app
* startup, except for unit tests.
@ -53,4 +59,16 @@ const CBaseChainParams& BaseParams();
/** Sets the params returned by Params() to those for the given network. */
void SelectBaseParams(const std::string& chain);
* Looks for -regtest, -testnet and returns the appropriate BIP70 chain name.
* @return CBaseChainParams::MAX_NETWORK_TYPES if an invalid combination is given. CBaseChainParams::MAIN by default.
std::string ChainNameFromCommandLine();
* Return true if SelectBaseParamsFromCommandLine() has been called to select
* a network.
bool AreBaseParamsConfigured();

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

src/claimtrie.cpp Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

src/claimtrie.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
#include <amount.h>
#include <serialize.h>
#include <uint256.h>
#include <util.h>
#include <dbwrapper.h>
#include <chainparams.h>
#include <primitives/transaction.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
// leveldb keys
#define HASH_BLOCK 'h'
#define CURRENT_HEIGHT 't'
#define TRIE_NODE 'n'
#define CLAIM_BY_ID 'i'
#define CLAIM_QUEUE_ROW 'r'
#define EXP_QUEUE_ROW 'e'
#define SUPPORT 's'
uint256 getValueHash(COutPoint outPoint, int nHeightOfLastTakeover);
class CClaimValue
COutPoint outPoint;
uint160 claimId;
CAmount nAmount;
CAmount nEffectiveAmount;
int nHeight;
int nValidAtHeight;
CClaimValue() {};
CClaimValue(COutPoint outPoint, uint160 claimId, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight,
int nValidAtHeight)
: outPoint(outPoint), claimId(claimId)
, nAmount(nAmount), nEffectiveAmount(nAmount)
, nHeight(nHeight), nValidAtHeight(nValidAtHeight)
CClaimValue(CClaimValue&&) = default;
CClaimValue(const CClaimValue&) = default;
CClaimValue& operator=(CClaimValue&&) = default;
CClaimValue& operator=(const CClaimValue&) = default;
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
bool operator<(const CClaimValue& other) const
if (nEffectiveAmount < other.nEffectiveAmount)
return true;
else if (nEffectiveAmount == other.nEffectiveAmount)
if (nHeight > other.nHeight)
return true;
else if (nHeight == other.nHeight)
if (outPoint != other.outPoint && !(outPoint < other.outPoint))
return true;
return false;
bool operator==(const CClaimValue& other) const
return outPoint == other.outPoint && claimId == other.claimId && nAmount == other.nAmount && nHeight == other.nHeight && nValidAtHeight == other.nValidAtHeight;
bool operator!=(const CClaimValue& other) const
return !(*this == other);
class CSupportValue
COutPoint outPoint;
uint160 supportedClaimId;
CAmount nAmount;
int nHeight;
int nValidAtHeight;
CSupportValue() {};
CSupportValue(COutPoint outPoint, uint160 supportedClaimId,
CAmount nAmount, int nHeight, int nValidAtHeight)
: outPoint(outPoint), supportedClaimId(supportedClaimId)
, nAmount(nAmount), nHeight(nHeight)
, nValidAtHeight(nValidAtHeight)
CSupportValue(CSupportValue&&) = default;
CSupportValue(const CSupportValue&) = default;
CSupportValue& operator=(CSupportValue&&) = default;
CSupportValue& operator=(const CSupportValue&) = default;
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
bool operator==(const CSupportValue& other) const
return outPoint == other.outPoint && supportedClaimId == other.supportedClaimId && nAmount == other.nAmount && nHeight == other.nHeight && nValidAtHeight == other.nValidAtHeight;
bool operator!=(const CSupportValue& other) const
return !(*this == other);
class CClaimTrieNode;
class CClaimTrie;
typedef std::vector<CSupportValue> supportMapEntryType;
typedef std::map<unsigned char, CClaimTrieNode*> nodeMapType;
typedef std::pair<std::string, CClaimTrieNode> namedNodeType;
class CClaimTrieNode
CClaimTrieNode() : nHeightOfLastTakeover(0) {}
CClaimTrieNode(uint256 hash) : hash(hash), nHeightOfLastTakeover(0) {}
CClaimTrieNode(const CClaimTrieNode&) = default;
CClaimTrieNode(CClaimTrieNode&& other)
hash = other.hash;
claims = std::move(;
children = std::move(other.children);
nHeightOfLastTakeover = other.nHeightOfLastTakeover;
CClaimTrieNode& operator=(const CClaimTrieNode&) = default;
CClaimTrieNode& operator=(CClaimTrieNode&& other)
if (this != &other) {
hash = other.hash;
claims = std::move(;
children = std::move(other.children);
nHeightOfLastTakeover = other.nHeightOfLastTakeover;
return *this;
uint256 hash;
nodeMapType children;
int nHeightOfLastTakeover;
std::vector<CClaimValue> claims;
bool insertClaim(CClaimValue claim);
bool removeClaim(const COutPoint& outPoint, CClaimValue& claim);
bool getBestClaim(CClaimValue& claim) const;
bool empty() const {return children.empty() && claims.empty();}
bool haveClaim(const COutPoint& outPoint) const;
void reorderClaims(supportMapEntryType& supports);
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
bool operator==(const CClaimTrieNode& other) const
return hash == other.hash && claims ==;
bool operator!=(const CClaimTrieNode& other) const
return !(*this == other);
struct nodenamecompare
bool operator() (const std::string& i, const std::string& j) const
if (i.size() == j.size())
return i < j;
return i.size() < j.size();
struct outPointHeightType
COutPoint outPoint;
int nHeight;
outPointHeightType() {}
outPointHeightType(COutPoint outPoint, int nHeight)
: outPoint(outPoint), nHeight(nHeight) {}
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action)
struct nameOutPointHeightType
std::string name;
COutPoint outPoint;
int nHeight;
nameOutPointHeightType() {}
nameOutPointHeightType(std::string name, COutPoint outPoint, int nHeight)
: name(std::move(name)), outPoint(outPoint), nHeight(nHeight) {}
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action)
struct nameOutPointType
std::string name;
COutPoint outPoint;
nameOutPointType() {}
nameOutPointType(std::string name, COutPoint outPoint)
: name(std::move(name)), outPoint(outPoint) {}
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action)
class CClaimIndexElement
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
std::string name;
CClaimValue claim;
typedef std::pair<std::string, CClaimValue> claimQueueEntryType;
typedef std::pair<std::string, CSupportValue> supportQueueEntryType;
typedef std::map<std::string, supportMapEntryType> supportMapType;
typedef std::vector<outPointHeightType> queueNameRowType;
typedef std::map<std::string, queueNameRowType> queueNameType;
typedef std::vector<nameOutPointHeightType> insertUndoType;
typedef std::vector<nameOutPointType> expirationQueueRowType;
typedef std::map<int, expirationQueueRowType> expirationQueueType;
typedef std::vector<claimQueueEntryType> claimQueueRowType;
typedef std::map<int, claimQueueRowType> claimQueueType;
typedef std::vector<supportQueueEntryType> supportQueueRowType;
typedef std::map<int, supportQueueRowType> supportQueueType;
typedef std::map<std::string, CClaimTrieNode*, nodenamecompare> nodeCacheType;
typedef std::map<std::string, uint256> hashMapType;
typedef std::set<CClaimValue> claimIndexClaimListType;
typedef std::vector<CClaimIndexElement> claimIndexElementListType;
struct claimsForNameType
std::vector<CClaimValue> claims;
std::vector<CSupportValue> supports;
int nLastTakeoverHeight;
claimsForNameType(std::vector<CClaimValue> claims, std::vector<CSupportValue> supports, int nLastTakeoverHeight)
: claims(std::move(claims)), supports(std::move(supports)), nLastTakeoverHeight(nLastTakeoverHeight) {}
claimsForNameType(const claimsForNameType&) = default;
claimsForNameType(claimsForNameType&& other)
claims = std::move(;
supports = std::move(other.supports);
nLastTakeoverHeight = other.nLastTakeoverHeight;
claimsForNameType& operator=(const claimsForNameType&) = default;
claimsForNameType& operator=(claimsForNameType&& other)
if (this != &other) {
claims = std::move(;
supports = std::move(other.supports);
nLastTakeoverHeight = other.nLastTakeoverHeight;
return *this;
class CClaimTrieCache;
class CClaimTrie
CClaimTrie(bool fMemory = false, bool fWipe = false, int nProportionalDelayFactor = 32)
: db(GetDataDir() / "claimtrie", 100, fMemory, fWipe, false)
, nCurrentHeight(0), nExpirationTime(Params().GetConsensus().nOriginalClaimExpirationTime)
, nProportionalDelayFactor(nProportionalDelayFactor)
, root(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"))
uint256 getMerkleHash();
bool empty() const;
void clear();
bool checkConsistency() const;
bool WriteToDisk();
bool ReadFromDisk(bool check = false);
bool getInfoForName(const std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim) const;
bool getLastTakeoverForName(const std::string& name, int& lastTakeoverHeight) const;
claimsForNameType getClaimsForName(const std::string& name) const;
CAmount getEffectiveAmountForClaim(const std::string& name, const uint160& claimId, std::vector<CSupportValue>* supports = nullptr) const;
CAmount getEffectiveAmountForClaim(const claimsForNameType& claims, const uint160& claimId, std::vector<CSupportValue>* supports = nullptr) const;
bool queueEmpty() const;
bool supportEmpty() const;
bool supportQueueEmpty() const;
bool expirationQueueEmpty() const;
bool supportExpirationQueueEmpty() const;
void setExpirationTime(int t);
void addToClaimIndex(const std::string& name, const CClaimValue& claim);
void removeFromClaimIndex(const CClaimValue& claim);
bool getClaimById(const uint160 claimId, std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim) const;
bool getQueueRow(int nHeight, claimQueueRowType& row) const;
bool getQueueNameRow(const std::string& name, queueNameRowType& row) const;
bool getExpirationQueueRow(int nHeight, expirationQueueRowType& row) const;
bool getSupportNode(std::string name, supportMapEntryType& node) const;
bool getSupportQueueRow(int nHeight, supportQueueRowType& row) const;
bool getSupportQueueNameRow(const std::string& name, queueNameRowType& row) const;
bool getSupportExpirationQueueRow(int nHeight, expirationQueueRowType& row) const;
bool haveClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint) const;
bool haveClaimInQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint,
int& nValidAtHeight) const;
bool haveSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint) const;
bool haveSupportInQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint,
int& nValidAtHeight) const;
unsigned int getTotalNamesInTrie() const;
unsigned int getTotalClaimsInTrie() const;
CAmount getTotalValueOfClaimsInTrie(bool fControllingOnly) const;
friend class CClaimTrieCache;
CDBWrapper db;
int nCurrentHeight;
int nExpirationTime;
int nProportionalDelayFactor;
void clear(CClaimTrieNode* current);
const CClaimTrieNode* getNodeForName(const std::string& name) const;
bool update(nodeCacheType& cache, hashMapType& hashes,
std::map<std::string, int>& takeoverHeights,
const uint256& hashBlock, claimQueueType& queueCache,
queueNameType& queueNameCache,
expirationQueueType& expirationQueueCache, int nNewHeight,
supportMapType& supportCache,
supportQueueType& supportQueueCache,
queueNameType& supportQueueNameCache,
expirationQueueType& supportExpirationQueueCache);
bool updateName(const std::string& name, CClaimTrieNode* updatedNode);
bool updateHash(const std::string& name, uint256& hash);
bool updateTakeoverHeight(const std::string& name, int nTakeoverHeight);
bool recursiveNullify(CClaimTrieNode* node, std::string& name);
bool recursiveCheckConsistency(const CClaimTrieNode* node) const;
bool InsertFromDisk(const std::string& name, CClaimTrieNode* node);
unsigned int getTotalNamesRecursive(const CClaimTrieNode* current) const;
unsigned int getTotalClaimsRecursive(const CClaimTrieNode* current) const;
CAmount getTotalValueOfClaimsRecursive(const CClaimTrieNode* current,
bool fControllingOnly) const;
void markNodeDirty(const std::string& name, CClaimTrieNode* node);
void updateQueueRow(int nHeight, claimQueueRowType& row);
void updateQueueNameRow(const std::string& name,
queueNameRowType& row);
void updateExpirationRow(int nHeight, expirationQueueRowType& row);
void updateSupportMap(const std::string& name, supportMapEntryType& node);
void updateSupportQueue(int nHeight, supportQueueRowType& row);
void updateSupportNameQueue(const std::string& name,
queueNameRowType& row);
void updateSupportExpirationQueue(int nHeight, expirationQueueRowType& row);
void BatchWriteNode(CDBBatch& batch, const std::string& name,
const CClaimTrieNode* pNode) const;
void BatchEraseNode(CDBBatch& batch, const std::string& nome) const;
void BatchWriteClaimIndex(CDBBatch& batch) const;
void BatchWriteQueueRows(CDBBatch& batch);
void BatchWriteQueueNameRows(CDBBatch& batch);
void BatchWriteExpirationQueueRows(CDBBatch& batch);
void BatchWriteSupportNodes(CDBBatch& batch);
void BatchWriteSupportQueueRows(CDBBatch& batch);
void BatchWriteSupportQueueNameRows(CDBBatch& batch);
void BatchWriteSupportExpirationQueueRows(CDBBatch& batch);
template<typename K> bool keyTypeEmpty(char key, K& dummy) const;
CClaimTrieNode root;
uint256 hashBlock;
claimQueueType dirtyQueueRows;
queueNameType dirtyQueueNameRows;
expirationQueueType dirtyExpirationQueueRows;
supportQueueType dirtySupportQueueRows;
queueNameType dirtySupportQueueNameRows;
expirationQueueType dirtySupportExpirationQueueRows;
nodeCacheType dirtyNodes;
supportMapType dirtySupportNodes;
class CClaimTrieProofNode
CClaimTrieProofNode() {};
CClaimTrieProofNode(std::vector<std::pair<unsigned char, uint256> > children,
bool hasValue, uint256 valHash)
: children(std::move(children)), hasValue(hasValue), valHash(valHash)
CClaimTrieProofNode(const CClaimTrieProofNode&) = default;
CClaimTrieProofNode(CClaimTrieProofNode&& other)
hasValue = other.hasValue;
valHash = other.valHash;
children = std::move(other.children);
CClaimTrieProofNode& operator=(const CClaimTrieProofNode&) = default;
CClaimTrieProofNode& operator=(CClaimTrieProofNode&& other)
if (this != &other) {
hasValue = other.hasValue;
valHash = other.valHash;
children = std::move(other.children);
return *this;
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned char, uint256> > children;
bool hasValue;
uint256 valHash;
class CClaimTrieProof
CClaimTrieProof() {};
CClaimTrieProof(std::vector<CClaimTrieProofNode> nodes, bool hasValue, COutPoint outPoint, int nHeightOfLastTakeover) : nodes(std::move(nodes)), hasValue(hasValue), outPoint(outPoint), nHeightOfLastTakeover(nHeightOfLastTakeover) {}
CClaimTrieProof(const CClaimTrieProof&) = default;
CClaimTrieProof(CClaimTrieProof&& other)
hasValue = other.hasValue;
outPoint = other.outPoint;
nodes = std::move(other.nodes);
nHeightOfLastTakeover = other.nHeightOfLastTakeover;
CClaimTrieProof& operator=(const CClaimTrieProof&) = default;
CClaimTrieProof& operator=(CClaimTrieProof&& other)
if (this != &other) {
hasValue = other.hasValue;
outPoint = other.outPoint;
nodes = std::move(other.nodes);
nHeightOfLastTakeover = other.nHeightOfLastTakeover;
return *this;
std::vector<CClaimTrieProofNode> nodes;
bool hasValue;
COutPoint outPoint;
int nHeightOfLastTakeover;
struct CNodeCallback {
struct CRecursionInterruptionException : public std::exception {
const bool success;
explicit CRecursionInterruptionException(bool success) : success(success) {}
virtual ~CNodeCallback()
* Callback to be called on every trie node
* @param[in] name full name of the node
* @param[in] node pointer to node itself
* To breakout early throw an exception.
* Throwing CRecursionInterruptionException will allow you to set the return value of iterateTrie.
virtual void visit(const std::string& name, const CClaimTrieNode* node) = 0;
class CClaimTrieCache
CClaimTrieCache(CClaimTrie* base, bool fRequireTakeoverHeights = true)
: base(base),
nCurrentHeight = base->nCurrentHeight;
uint256 getMerkleHash() const;
bool empty() const;
bool flush();
bool dirty() const { return !dirtyHashes.empty(); }
CClaimTrieNode* getRoot() const
const auto iter = cache.find("");
return iter == cache.end() ? &(base->root) : iter->second;
bool addClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint,
uint160 claimId, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight) const;
bool undoAddClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint) const;
bool spendClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int& nValidAtHeight) const;
bool undoSpendClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint,
uint160 claimId, CAmount nAmount, int nHeight,
int nValidAtHeight) const;
bool addSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint,
CAmount nAmount, uint160 supportedClaimId,
int nHeight) const;
bool undoAddSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint) const;
bool spendSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int& nValidAtHeight) const;
bool undoSpendSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint,
uint160 supportedClaimId, CAmount nAmount,
int nHeight, int nValidAtHeight) const;
uint256 getBestBlock();
void setBestBlock(const uint256& hashBlock);
bool incrementBlock(insertUndoType& insertUndo,
claimQueueRowType& expireUndo,
insertUndoType& insertSupportUndo,
supportQueueRowType& expireSupportUndo,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> >& takeoverHeightUndo) const;
bool decrementBlock(insertUndoType& insertUndo,
claimQueueRowType& expireUndo,
insertUndoType& insertSupportUndo,
supportQueueRowType& expireSupportUndo,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> >& takeoverHeightUndo) const;
~CClaimTrieCache() { clear(); }
bool insertClaimIntoTrie(const std::string& name, CClaimValue claim,
bool fCheckTakeover = false) const;
bool removeClaimFromTrie(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint,
CClaimValue& claim,
bool fCheckTakeover = false) const;
bool getProofForName(const std::string& name, CClaimTrieProof& proof) const;
bool getInfoForName(const std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim) const;
bool finalizeDecrement() const;
void removeAndAddSupportToExpirationQueue(expirationQueueRowType &row, int height, bool increment) const;
void removeAndAddToExpirationQueue(expirationQueueRowType &row, int height, bool increment) const;
bool forkForExpirationChange(bool increment) const;
bool iterateTrie(CNodeCallback& callback) const;
claimsForNameType getClaimsForName(const std::string& name) const;
CAmount getEffectiveAmountForClaim(const std::string& name, const uint160& claimId, std::vector<CSupportValue>* supports = nullptr) const;
CAmount getEffectiveAmountForClaim(const claimsForNameType& claims, const uint160& claimId, std::vector<CSupportValue>* supports = nullptr) const;
CClaimTrie* base;
bool fRequireTakeoverHeights;
mutable nodeCacheType cache;
mutable nodeCacheType block_originals;
mutable std::set<std::string> dirtyHashes;
mutable hashMapType cacheHashes;
mutable claimQueueType claimQueueCache;
mutable queueNameType claimQueueNameCache;
mutable expirationQueueType expirationQueueCache;
mutable supportMapType supportCache;
mutable supportQueueType supportQueueCache;
mutable queueNameType supportQueueNameCache;
mutable expirationQueueType supportExpirationQueueCache;
mutable std::set<std::string> namesToCheckForTakeover;
mutable std::map<std::string, int> cacheTakeoverHeights;
mutable int nCurrentHeight; // Height of the block that is being worked on, which is
// one greater than the height of the chain's tip
mutable claimIndexElementListType claimsToAdd;
mutable claimIndexClaimListType claimsToDelete;
uint256 hashBlock;
uint256 computeHash() const;
bool reorderTrieNode(const std::string& name, bool fCheckTakeover) const;
bool recursiveComputeMerkleHash(CClaimTrieNode* tnCurrent,
std::string sPos) const;
bool recursivePruneName(CClaimTrieNode* tnCurrent, unsigned int nPos,
std::string sName,
bool* pfNullified = NULL) const;
bool clear() const;
bool removeClaim(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int& nValidAtHeight, bool fCheckTakeover) const;
bool addClaimToQueues(const std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim) const;
bool removeClaimFromQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint,
CClaimValue& claim) const;
void addToExpirationQueue(int nExpirationHeight, nameOutPointType& entry) const;
void removeFromExpirationQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint,
int nHeight) const;
claimQueueType::iterator getQueueCacheRow(int nHeight,
bool createIfNotExists) const;
queueNameType::iterator getQueueCacheNameRow(const std::string& name,
bool createIfNotExists) const;
expirationQueueType::iterator getExpirationQueueCacheRow(int nHeight,
bool createIfNotExists) const;
bool removeSupport(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint, int& nValidAtHeight, bool fCheckTakeover) const;
bool removeSupportFromMap(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint,
CSupportValue& support,
bool fCheckTakeover) const;
bool insertSupportIntoMap(const std::string& name,
CSupportValue support,
bool fCheckTakeover) const;
supportQueueType::iterator getSupportQueueCacheRow(int nHeight, bool createIfNotExists) const;
queueNameType::iterator getSupportQueueCacheNameRow(const std::string& name, bool createIfNotExists) const;
expirationQueueType::iterator getSupportExpirationQueueCacheRow(int nHeight, bool createIfNotExists) const;
bool addSupportToQueues(const std::string& name, CSupportValue& support) const;
bool removeSupportFromQueue(const std::string& name, const COutPoint& outPoint,
CSupportValue& support) const;
void addSupportToExpirationQueue(int nExpirationHeight,
nameOutPointType& entry) const;
void removeSupportFromExpirationQueue(const std::string& name,
const COutPoint& outPoint,
int nHeight) const;
bool getSupportsForName(const std::string& name,
supportMapEntryType& node) const;
bool getLastTakeoverForName(const std::string& name, int& lastTakeoverHeight) const;
int getDelayForName(const std::string& name) const;
uint256 getLeafHashForProof(const std::string& currentPosition, unsigned char nodeChar,
const CClaimTrieNode* currentNode) const;
CClaimTrieNode* addNodeToCache(const std::string& position, CClaimTrieNode* original) const;
bool getOriginalInfoForName(const std::string& name, CClaimValue& claim) const;
int getNumBlocksOfContinuousOwnership(const std::string& name) const;
void recursiveIterateTrie(std::string& name, const CClaimTrieNode* current, CNodeCallback& callback) const;
const CClaimTrieNode* getNodeForName(const std::string& name) const;

View file

@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ public:
uint32_t nHeight : 31;
//! construct a Coin from a CTxOut and height/coinbase information.
Coin(CTxOut&& outIn, int nHeightIn, bool fCoinBaseIn) : out(std::move(outIn)), fCoinBase(fCoinBaseIn), nHeight(nHeightIn) {}
Coin(const CTxOut& outIn, int nHeightIn, bool fCoinBaseIn) : out(outIn), fCoinBase(fCoinBaseIn),nHeight(nHeightIn) {}
Coin(CTxOut&& outIn, int nHeightIn, bool fCoinBaseIn) : out(std::move(outIn)), fCoinBase(fCoinBaseIn), nHeight(nHeightIn) {}
Coin(const CTxOut& outIn, int nHeightIn, bool fCoinBaseIn) : out(outIn), fCoinBase(fCoinBaseIn), nHeight(nHeightIn) {}
void Clear() {

View file

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
#include <stdint.h>
/** The maximum allowed size for a serialized block, in bytes (only for buffer size limits) */
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_SERIALIZED_SIZE = 4000000;
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_SERIALIZED_SIZE = 8000000;
/** The maximum allowed weight for a block, see BIP 141 (network rule) */
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT = 4000000;
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT = 8000000;
/** The maximum allowed number of signature check operations in a block (network rule) */
static const int64_t MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_COST = 80000;
/** Coinbase transaction outputs can only be spent after this number of new blocks (network rule) */

View file

@ -48,7 +48,11 @@ struct BIP9Deployment {
struct Params {
uint256 hashGenesisBlock;
int nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
int nSubsidyLevelInterval;
/** Used to check majorities for block version upgrade */
int nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade;
int nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated;
int nMajorityWindow;
/* Block hash that is excepted from BIP16 enforcement */
uint256 BIP16Exception;
/** Block height and hash at which BIP34 becomes active */
@ -70,8 +74,17 @@ struct Params {
uint256 powLimit;
bool fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks;
bool fPowNoRetargeting;
int nNormalizedNameForkHeight;
int64_t nPowTargetSpacing;
int64_t nPowTargetTimespan;
int64_t nOriginalClaimExpirationTime;
int64_t nExtendedClaimExpirationTime;
int64_t nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight;
int64_t GetExpirationTime(int64_t nHeight) const {
return nHeight < nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight ?
nOriginalClaimExpirationTime :
int64_t DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() const { return nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing; }
uint256 nMinimumChainWork;
uint256 defaultAssumeValid;

View file

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
#include <script/interpreter.h>
#include <consensus/validation.h>
#include <nameclaim.h>
// TODO remove the following dependencies
#include <chain.h>
#include <coins.h>
@ -129,8 +131,9 @@ unsigned int GetP2SHSigOpCount(const CTransaction& tx, const CCoinsViewCache& in
const Coin& coin = inputs.AccessCoin([i].prevout);
const CTxOut &prevout = coin.out;
if (prevout.scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash())
nSigOps += prevout.scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount([i].scriptSig);
const CScript& scriptPubKey = StripClaimScriptPrefix(prevout.scriptPubKey);
if (scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash())
nSigOps += scriptPubKey.GetSigOpCount([i].scriptSig);
return nSigOps;
@ -178,6 +181,12 @@ bool CheckTransaction(const CTransaction& tx, CValidationState &state, bool fChe
nValueOut += txout.nValue;
if (!MoneyRange(nValueOut))
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-txouttotal-toolarge");
// check claimtrie transactions
if (ClaimScriptSize(txout.scriptPubKey) > MAX_CLAIM_SCRIPT_SIZE)
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-claimscriptsize-toolarge");
if (ClaimNameSize(txout.scriptPubKey) > MAX_CLAIM_NAME_SIZE)
return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-claimscriptname-toolarge");
// Check for duplicate inputs - note that this check is slow so we skip it in CheckBlock

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ static const unsigned char REJECT_INVALID = 0x10;
static const unsigned char REJECT_OBSOLETE = 0x11;
static const unsigned char REJECT_DUPLICATE = 0x12;
static const unsigned char REJECT_NONSTANDARD = 0x40;
// static const unsigned char REJECT_DUST = 0x41; // part of BIP 61
static const unsigned char REJECT_DUST = 0x41; // part of BIP 61
static const unsigned char REJECT_INSUFFICIENTFEE = 0x42;
static const unsigned char REJECT_CHECKPOINT = 0x43;

View file

@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public:
CDBWrapper(const CDBWrapper&) = delete;
CDBWrapper& operator=(const CDBWrapper&) = delete;
/* CDBWrapper& operator=(const CDBWrapper&) = delete; */
BrannonKing commented 2019-02-20 21:56:13 +01:00 (Migrated from

why remove this line?

why remove this line?
template <typename K, typename V>
bool Read(const K& key, V& value) const

View file

@ -12,6 +12,43 @@ inline uint32_t ROTL32(uint32_t x, int8_t r)
return (x << r) | (x >> (32 - r));
uint256 PoWHash(const std::vector<unsigned char>& input)
CHash256 h256;
CSHA512 h512;
CRIPEMD160 h160;
std::vector<unsigned char> out;
std::vector<unsigned char> out_small;
h256.Write(, input.size());
h512.Write(, h256.OUTPUT_SIZE);
h160.Write(, h512.OUTPUT_SIZE / 2);
h256.Write(, h160.OUTPUT_SIZE);
h160.Write( + h512.OUTPUT_SIZE / 2, h512.OUTPUT_SIZE / 2);
h256.Write(, h160.OUTPUT_SIZE);
uint256 result(out);
return result;
unsigned int MurmurHash3(unsigned int nHashSeed, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vDataToHash)
// The following is MurmurHash3 (x86_32), see

View file

@ -190,6 +190,8 @@ uint256 SerializeHash(const T& obj, int nType=SER_GETHASH, int nVersion=PROTOCOL
return ss.GetHash();
uint256 PoWHash(const std::vector<unsigned char>& input);
unsigned int MurmurHash3(unsigned int nHashSeed, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vDataToHash);
void BIP32Hash(const ChainCode &chainCode, unsigned int nChild, unsigned char header, const unsigned char data[32], unsigned char output[64]);

View file

@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ static bool InitRPCAuthentication()
LogPrintf("No rpcpassword set - using random cookie authentication.\n");
if (!GenerateAuthCookie(&strRPCUserColonPass)) {
_("Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details"), // Same message as AbortNode
_("Error: A fatal internal error occurred generating the cookie, see debug.log for details"), // Same message as AbortNode
"", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR);
return false;

View file

@ -16,31 +16,6 @@ constexpr char DB_TXINDEX_BLOCK = 'T';
std::unique_ptr<TxIndex> g_txindex;
struct CDiskTxPos : public CDiskBlockPos
unsigned int nTxOffset; // after header
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
READWRITEAS(CDiskBlockPos, *this);
CDiskTxPos(const CDiskBlockPos &blockIn, unsigned int nTxOffsetIn) : CDiskBlockPos(blockIn.nFile, blockIn.nPos), nTxOffset(nTxOffsetIn) {
CDiskTxPos() {
void SetNull() {
nTxOffset = 0;
* Access to the txindex database (indexes/txindex/)

View file

@ -9,6 +9,31 @@
#include <index/base.h>
#include <txdb.h>
struct CDiskTxPos : public CDiskBlockPos
unsigned int nTxOffset; // after header
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
READWRITEAS(CDiskBlockPos, *this);
CDiskTxPos(const CDiskBlockPos &blockIn, unsigned int nTxOffsetIn) : CDiskBlockPos(blockIn.nFile, blockIn.nPos), nTxOffset(nTxOffsetIn) {
CDiskTxPos() {
void SetNull() {
nTxOffset = 0;
* TxIndex is used to look up transactions included in the blockchain by hash.
* The index is written to a LevelDB database and records the filesystem

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include <chain.h>
#include <chainparams.h>
#include <checkpoints.h>
#include <claimtrie.h>
#include <compat/sanity.h>
#include <consensus/validation.h>
#include <fs.h>
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
#include <txmempool.h>
#include <torcontrol.h>
#include <ui_interface.h>
#include <uint256.h>
#include <util.h>
#include <utilmoneystr.h>
#include <validationinterface.h>
@ -264,6 +266,8 @@ void Shutdown()
delete pclaimTrie;
pclaimTrie = nullptr;
@ -1455,6 +1459,8 @@ bool AppInitMain()
// fails if it's still open from the previous loop. Close it first:
pblocktree.reset(new CBlockTreeDB(nBlockTreeDBCache, false, fReset));
delete pclaimTrie;
pclaimTrie = new CClaimTrie(false, fReindex);
if (fReset) {
@ -1496,6 +1502,12 @@ bool AppInitMain()
if (!pclaimTrie->ReadFromDisk(true))
strLoadError = _("Error loading the claim trie from disk");
// At this point we're either in reindex or we've loaded a useful
// block tree into mapBlockIndex!
@ -1688,6 +1700,9 @@ bool AppInitMain()
LogPrintf("nBestHeight = %d\n", chain_active_height);
const Consensus::Params& consensusParams = Params().GetConsensus();
if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-listenonion", DEFAULT_LISTEN_ONION))

src/lbry.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#include <lbry.h>
#include <uint256.h>
#include <cstdio>
unsigned int CalculateLbryNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64_t nFirstBlockTime, const Consensus::Params& params)
if (params.fPowNoRetargeting)
return pindexLast->nBits;
const int64_t retargetTimespan = params.nPowTargetTimespan;
const int64_t nActualTimespan = pindexLast->GetBlockTime() - nFirstBlockTime;
int64_t nModulatedTimespan = nActualTimespan;
int64_t nMaxTimespan;
int64_t nMinTimespan;
nModulatedTimespan = retargetTimespan + (nModulatedTimespan - retargetTimespan) / 8;
nMinTimespan = retargetTimespan - (retargetTimespan / 8); //(150 - 18 = 132)
nMaxTimespan = retargetTimespan + (retargetTimespan / 2); //(150 + 75 = 225)
// Limit adjustment step
if (nModulatedTimespan < nMinTimespan)
nModulatedTimespan = nMinTimespan;
else if (nModulatedTimespan > nMaxTimespan)
nModulatedTimespan = nMaxTimespan;
// Retarget
const arith_uint256 bnPowLimit = UintToArith256(params.powLimit);
arith_uint256 bnNew;
bnNew *= nModulatedTimespan;
bnNew /= retargetTimespan;
if (bnNew > bnPowLimit)
bnNew = bnPowLimit;
return bnNew.GetCompact();

src/lbry.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#ifndef LBRY_H
#define LBRY_H
#include <chain.h>
#include <chainparams.h>
unsigned int CalculateLbryNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64_t nLastRetargetTime, const Consensus::Params& params);

View file

@ -117,7 +117,12 @@ std::unique_ptr<CBlockTemplate> BlockAssembler::CreateNewBlock(const CScript& sc
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip();
assert(pindexPrev != nullptr);
nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1;
if (!pclaimTrie)
LogPrintf("CreateNewBlock(): pclaimTrie is invalid");
return NULL;
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
pblock->nVersion = ComputeBlockVersion(pindexPrev, chainparams.GetConsensus());
// -regtest only: allow overriding block.nVersion with
// -blockversion=N to test forking scenarios
@ -144,7 +149,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<CBlockTemplate> BlockAssembler::CreateNewBlock(const CScript& sc
int nPackagesSelected = 0;
int nDescendantsUpdated = 0;
addPackageTxs(nPackagesSelected, nDescendantsUpdated);
addPackageTxs(nPackagesSelected, nDescendantsUpdated, trieCache);
int64_t nTime1 = GetTimeMicros();
@ -172,6 +177,16 @@ std::unique_ptr<CBlockTemplate> BlockAssembler::CreateNewBlock(const CScript& sc
pblock->nNonce = 0;
pblocktemplate->vTxSigOpsCost[0] = WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR * GetLegacySigOpCount(*pblock->vtx[0]);
insertUndoType dummyInsertUndo;
claimQueueRowType dummyExpireUndo;
insertUndoType dummyInsertSupportUndo;
supportQueueRowType dummyExpireSupportUndo;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > dummyTakeoverHeightUndo;
trieCache.incrementBlock(dummyInsertUndo, dummyExpireUndo, dummyInsertSupportUndo, dummyExpireSupportUndo, dummyTakeoverHeightUndo);
pblock->hashClaimTrie = trieCache.getMerkleHash();
CValidationState state;
if (!TestBlockValidity(state, chainparams, *pblock, pindexPrev, false, false)) {
throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("%s: TestBlockValidity failed: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state)));
@ -303,7 +318,7 @@ void BlockAssembler::SortForBlock(const CTxMemPool::setEntries& package, std::ve
// Each time through the loop, we compare the best transaction in
// mapModifiedTxs with the next transaction in the mempool to decide what
// transaction package to work on next.
void BlockAssembler::addPackageTxs(int &nPackagesSelected, int &nDescendantsUpdated)
void BlockAssembler::addPackageTxs(int &nPackagesSelected, int &nDescendantsUpdated, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache)
// mapModifiedTx will store sorted packages after they are modified
// because some of their txs are already in the block
@ -323,6 +338,7 @@ void BlockAssembler::addPackageTxs(int &nPackagesSelected, int &nDescendantsUpda
// mempool has a lot of entries.
const int64_t MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILURES = 1000;
int64_t nConsecutiveFailed = 0;
std::vector<CTransactionRef> txs;
while (mi != mempool.mapTx.get<ancestor_score>().end() || !mapModifiedTx.empty())
@ -413,6 +429,125 @@ void BlockAssembler::addPackageTxs(int &nPackagesSelected, int &nDescendantsUpda
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint160> > spentClaimsType;
spentClaimsType spentClaims;
const CTransaction& tx = iter->GetTx();
for (const CTxIn& txin:
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip.get());
const Coin& coin = view.AccessCoin(txin.prevout);
CScript scriptPubKey;
if (coin.out.IsNull()) {
auto it = std::find_if(txs.begin(), txs.end(), [&txin](const CTransactionRef& tx) {
return tx->GetHash() == txin.prevout.hash;
if (it == txs.end() || txin.prevout.n >= (*it)->vout.size())
scriptPubKey = (*it)->vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey;
} else {
scriptPubKey = coin.out.scriptPubKey;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
int op;
if (DecodeClaimScript(scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
uint160 claimId;
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
claimId = ClaimIdHash(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
claimId = uint160(vvchParams[1]);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
int throwaway;
if (trieCache.spendClaim(name, COutPoint(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n), throwaway))
std::pair<std::string, uint160> entry(name, claimId);
LogPrintf("%s(): The claim was not found in the trie or queue and therefore can't be updated\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
int throwaway;
if (!trieCache.spendSupport(name, COutPoint(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n), throwaway))
LogPrintf("%s(): The support was not found in the trie or queue\n", __func__);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i)
const CTxOut& txout = tx.vout[i];
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
int op;
if (DecodeClaimScript(txout.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
if (!trieCache.addClaim(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i), ClaimIdHash(tx.GetHash(), i), txout.nValue, nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the name\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 claimId(vvchParams[1]);
spentClaimsType::iterator itSpent;
for (itSpent = spentClaims.begin(); itSpent != spentClaims.end(); ++itSpent)
if (itSpent->first == name && itSpent->second == claimId)
if (itSpent != spentClaims.end())
if (!trieCache.addClaim(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i), claimId, txout.nValue, nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong updating a claim\n", __func__);
LogPrintf("%s(): This update refers to a claim that was not found in the trie or queue, and therefore cannot be updated. The claim may have expired or it may have never existed.\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
if (!trieCache.addSupport(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), i), txout.nValue, supportedClaimId, nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the claim support\n", __func__);
// This transaction will make it in; reset the failed counter.
nConsecutiveFailed = 0;

View file

@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ private:
/** Add transactions based on feerate including unconfirmed ancestors
* Increments nPackagesSelected / nDescendantsUpdated with corresponding
* statistics from the package selection (for logging statistics). */
void addPackageTxs(int &nPackagesSelected, int &nDescendantsUpdated) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mempool.cs);
void addPackageTxs(int &nPackagesSelected, int &nDescendantsUpdated, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mempool.cs);
// helper functions for addPackageTxs()
/** Remove confirmed (inBlock) entries from given set */

src/nameclaim.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include "nameclaim.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "claimtrie.h"
std::vector<unsigned char> uint32_t_to_vch(uint32_t n)
std::vector<unsigned char> vchN;
vchN[0] = n >> 24;
vchN[1] = n >> 16;
vchN[2] = n >> 8;
vchN[3] = n;
return vchN;
uint32_t vch_to_uint32_t(std::vector<unsigned char>& vchN)
uint32_t n;
static const size_t uint32Size = sizeof(uint32_t);
if (vchN.size() != uint32Size) {
LogPrintf("%s() : a vector<unsigned char> with size other than 4 has been given", __func__);
return 0;
n = vchN[0] << 24 | vchN[1] << 16 | vchN[2] << 8 | vchN[3];
return n;
CScript ClaimNameScript(std::string name, std::string value)
std::vector<unsigned char> vchName(name.begin(), name.end());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchValue(value.begin(), value.end());
return CScript() << OP_CLAIM_NAME << vchName << vchValue << OP_2DROP << OP_DROP << OP_TRUE;
CScript SupportClaimScript(std::string name, uint160 claimId)
std::vector<unsigned char> vchName(name.begin(), name.end());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchClaimId(claimId.begin(), claimId.end());
return CScript() << OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM << vchName << vchClaimId << OP_2DROP << OP_DROP << OP_TRUE;
CScript UpdateClaimScript(std::string name, uint160 claimId, std::string value)
std::vector<unsigned char> vchName(name.begin(), name.end());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchClaimId(claimId.begin(), claimId.end());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchValue(value.begin(), value.end());
return CScript() << OP_UPDATE_CLAIM << vchName << vchClaimId << vchValue << OP_2DROP << OP_2DROP << OP_TRUE;
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams)
CScript::const_iterator pc = scriptIn.begin();
return DecodeClaimScript(scriptIn, op, vvchParams, pc);
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams, CScript::const_iterator& pc)
opcodetype opcode;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode))
return false;
if (opcode != OP_CLAIM_NAME && opcode != OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM && opcode != OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
return false;
op = opcode;
std::vector<unsigned char> vchParam1;
std::vector<unsigned char> vchParam2;
std::vector<unsigned char> vchParam3;
// Valid formats:
// OP_CLAIM_NAME vchName vchValue OP_2DROP OP_DROP pubkeyscript
// OP_UPDATE_CLAIM vchName vchClaimId vchValue OP_2DROP OP_2DROP pubkeyscript
// OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM vchName vchClaimId OP_2DROP OP_DROP pubkeyscript
// All others are invalid.
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode, vchParam1) || opcode < 0 || opcode > OP_PUSHDATA4)
return false;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode, vchParam2) || opcode < 0 || opcode > OP_PUSHDATA4)
return false;
static const size_t claimIdHashSize = sizeof(uint160);
if (vchParam2.size() != claimIdHashSize) {
return false;
if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode, vchParam3) || opcode < 0 || opcode > OP_PUSHDATA4)
return false;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode) || opcode != OP_2DROP)
return false;
if (!scriptIn.GetOp(pc, opcode))
return false;
if ((op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM) && opcode != OP_DROP)
return false;
else if ((op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM) && opcode != OP_2DROP)
return false;
if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
return true;
uint160 ClaimIdHash(const uint256& txhash, uint32_t nOut)
std::vector<unsigned char> claimToHash(txhash.begin(), txhash.end());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchnOut = uint32_t_to_vch(nOut);
claimToHash.insert(claimToHash.end(), vchnOut.begin(), vchnOut.end());
return Hash160(claimToHash);
CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn)
int op;
return StripClaimScriptPrefix(scriptIn, op);
CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op)
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
CScript::const_iterator pc = scriptIn.begin();
if (!DecodeClaimScript(scriptIn, op, vvchParams, pc))
return scriptIn;
return CScript(pc, scriptIn.end());
size_t ClaimScriptSize(const CScript& scriptIn)
CScript strippedScript = StripClaimScriptPrefix(scriptIn);
return scriptIn.size() - strippedScript.size();
size_t ClaimNameSize(const CScript& scriptIn)
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
CScript::const_iterator pc = scriptIn.begin();
int op;
if (!DecodeClaimScript(scriptIn, op, vvchParams, pc))
return 0;
return vvchParams[0].size();
CAmount CalcMinClaimTrieFee(const CTransaction& tx, const CAmount &minFeePerNameClaimChar)
if (minFeePerNameClaimChar == 0)
return 0;
CAmount min_fee = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, tx.vout)
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (DecodeClaimScript(txout.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
int claim_name_size = vvchParams[0].size();
min_fee += claim_name_size*minFeePerNameClaimChar;
return min_fee;

src/nameclaim.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#include "amount.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include <vector>
// This is the minimum claim fee per character in the name of an OP_CLAIM_NAME command that must
// be attached to transactions for it to be accepted into the memory pool.
// Rationale: current implementation of the claim trie uses more memory for longer name claims
// due to the fact that each chracater is assigned a trie node regardless of whether it contains
// any claims or not. In the future, we can switch to a radix tree implementation where
// empty nodes do not take up any memory and the minimum fee can be priced on a per claim
// basis.
// This is the max claim script size in bytes, not including the script pubkey part of the script.
// Scripts exceeding this size are rejected in CheckTransaction in main.cpp
// This is the max claim name size in bytes, for all claim trie transactions.
// Scripts exceeding this size are rejected in CheckTransaction in main.cpp
CScript ClaimNameScript(std::string name, std::string value);
CScript SupportClaimScript(std::string name, uint160 claimId);
CScript UpdateClaimScript(std::string name, uint160 claimId, std::string value);
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams);
bool DecodeClaimScript(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op, std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& vvchParams, CScript::const_iterator& pc);
CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn);
CScript StripClaimScriptPrefix(const CScript& scriptIn, int& op);
uint160 ClaimIdHash(const uint256& txhash, uint32_t nOut);
std::vector<unsigned char> uint32_t_to_vch(uint32_t n);
uint32_t vch_to_uint32_t(std::vector<unsigned char>& vchN);
// get size of the claim script, minus the script pubkey part
size_t ClaimScriptSize(const CScript& scriptIn);
// get size of the name in a claim script, returns 0 if scriptin is not a claimetrie transaction
size_t ClaimNameSize(const CScript& scriptIn);
// calculate the minimum fee (mempool rule) required for transaction
CAmount CalcMinClaimTrieFee(const CTransaction& tx, const CAmount &minFeePerNameClaimChar);

View file

@ -1636,6 +1636,7 @@ void CConnman::ThreadDNSAddressSeed()
} else {
std::vector<CNetAddr> vIPs;
std::vector<CAddress> vAdd;
// NOTE: After we fork, we can require additional service bits
ServiceFlags requiredServiceBits = GetDesirableServiceFlags(NODE_NONE);
std::string host = strprintf("x%x.%s", requiredServiceBits, seed);
CNetAddr resolveSource;

View file

@ -1549,6 +1549,7 @@ bool static ProcessHeadersMessage(CNode *pfrom, CConnman *connman, const std::ve
// nMinimumChainWork, even if a peer has a chain past our tip,
// as an anti-DoS measure.
if (IsOutboundDisconnectionCandidate(pfrom)) {
LogPrintf("Disconnecting outbound peer %d (%s < %s) -- headers chain has insufficient work\n", pfrom->GetId(), nodestate->pindexBestKnownBlock->nChainWork.GetHex(), nMinimumChainWork.GetHex());
LogPrintf("Disconnecting outbound peer %d -- headers chain has insufficient work\n", pfrom->GetId());
pfrom->fDisconnect = true;
@ -1647,6 +1648,8 @@ bool static ProcessMessage(CNode* pfrom, const std::string& strCommand, CDataStr
vRecv >> nVersion >> nServiceInt >> nTime >> addrMe;
nSendVersion = std::min(nVersion, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
nServices = ServiceFlags(nServiceInt);
LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "peer=%d services (%08x offered, %08x expected);\n", pfrom->GetId(), nServices, GetDesirableServiceFlags(nServices));
if (!pfrom->fInbound)
connman->SetServices(pfrom->addr, nServices);
@ -2014,6 +2017,7 @@ bool static ProcessMessage(CNode* pfrom, const std::string& strCommand, CDataStr
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::GETBLOCKS)
LogPrintf("%s: Got GETBLOCKS message\n", __func__);
CBlockLocator locator;
uint256 hashStop;
vRecv >> locator >> hashStop;
@ -3519,14 +3523,19 @@ bool PeerLogicValidation::SendMessages(CNode* pto)
vInv.reserve(std::max<size_t>(pto->vInventoryBlockToSend.size(), INVENTORY_BROADCAST_MAX));
// Add blocks
size_t count = 0;
for (const uint256& hash : pto->vInventoryBlockToSend) {
vInv.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, hash));
if (vInv.size() == MAX_INV_SZ) {
connman->PushMessage(pto, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::INV, vInv));
pto->vInventoryBlockToSend.begin() + count);
// Check whether periodic sends should happen
bool fSendTrickle = pto->fWhitelisted;

View file

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <util.h>
#include <utilstrencodings.h>
#include "nameclaim.h"
CAmount GetDustThreshold(const CTxOut& txout, const CFeeRate& dustRelayFeeIn)
@ -115,7 +117,8 @@ bool IsStandardTx(const CTransaction& tx, std::string& reason)
unsigned int nDataOut = 0;
txnouttype whichType;
for (const CTxOut& txout : tx.vout) {
if (!::IsStandard(txout.scriptPubKey, whichType)) {
const CScript& scriptPubKey = StripClaimScriptPrefix(txout.scriptPubKey);
if (!::IsStandard(scriptPubKey, whichType)) {
reason = "scriptpubkey";
return false;
@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ bool AreInputsStandard(const CTransaction& tx, const CCoinsViewCache& mapInputs)
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vSolutions;
txnouttype whichType;
// get the scriptPubKey corresponding to this input:
const CScript& prevScript = prev.scriptPubKey;
const CScript& prevScript = StripClaimScriptPrefix(prev.scriptPubKey);
if (!Solver(prevScript, whichType, vSolutions))
return false;

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
// file COPYING or
#include <pow.h>
#include <lbry.h>
#include <arith_uint256.h>
#include <chain.h>
@ -12,38 +13,35 @@
unsigned int GetNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const CBlockHeader *pblock, const Consensus::Params& params)
assert(pindexLast != nullptr);
unsigned int nProofOfWorkLimit = UintToArith256(params.powLimit).GetCompact();
// Genesis block
if (pindexLast == nullptr)
return nProofOfWorkLimit;
// Only change once per difficulty adjustment interval
if ((pindexLast->nHeight+1) % params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() != 0)
if (params.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks && pindexLast->nHeight >= 277299)
if (params.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks)
// Special difficulty rule for testnet:
// If the new block's timestamp is more than 2* 10 minutes
// then allow mining of a min-difficulty block.
if (pblock->GetBlockTime() > pindexLast->GetBlockTime() + params.nPowTargetSpacing*2)
return nProofOfWorkLimit;
// Return the last non-special-min-difficulty-rules-block
const CBlockIndex* pindex = pindexLast;
while (pindex->pprev && pindex->nHeight % params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() != 0 && pindex->nBits == nProofOfWorkLimit)
pindex = pindex->pprev;
return pindex->nBits;
// Special difficulty rule for testnet:
// If the new block's timestamp is twice the target block time
// then allow mining of a min-difficulty block.
// This is to prevent the testnet from gettig stuck when a large amount
// of hashrate drops off the network.
// This rule was not implemented properly until testnet block 277299.
if (pblock->GetBlockTime() > pindexLast->GetBlockTime() + params.nPowTargetSpacing*2){
return nProofOfWorkLimit;
return pindexLast->nBits;
BrannonKing commented 2019-02-20 21:59:05 +01:00 (Migrated from

differs from current master

differs from current master
lbrynaut commented 2019-02-21 00:45:24 +01:00 (Migrated from

The changes from master are not in ...

The changes from master are not in ...
// Go back by what we want to be 14 days worth of blocks
int nHeightFirst = pindexLast->nHeight - (params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval()-1);
// Go back the full period unless it's the first retarget after genesis.
int blockstogoback = params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval()-1;
if ((pindexLast->nHeight+1) != params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval())
blockstogoback = params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval();
int nHeightFirst = pindexLast->nHeight - blockstogoback;
assert(nHeightFirst >= 0);
const CBlockIndex* pindexFirst = pindexLast->GetAncestor(nHeightFirst);
return CalculateNextWorkRequired(pindexLast, pindexFirst->GetBlockTime(), params);
return CalculateLbryNextWorkRequired(pindexLast, pindexFirst->GetBlockTime(), params);
unsigned int CalculateNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64_t nFirstBlockTime, const Consensus::Params& params)

View file

@ -9,20 +9,30 @@
#include <tinyformat.h>
#include <utilstrencodings.h>
#include <crypto/common.h>
#include <streams.h>
uint256 CBlockHeader::GetHash() const
return SerializeHash(*this);
uint256 CBlockHeader::GetPoWHash() const
ds << *this;
std::vector<unsigned char> input(ds.begin(), ds.end());
return PoWHash(input);
std::string CBlock::ToString() const
std::stringstream s;
s << strprintf("CBlock(hash=%s, ver=0x%08x, hashPrevBlock=%s, hashMerkleRoot=%s, nTime=%u, nBits=%08x, nNonce=%u, vtx=%u)\n",
s << strprintf("CBlock(hash=%s, ver=0x%08x, hashPrevBlock=%s, hashMerkleRoot=%s, hashClaimTrie=%s, nTime=%u, nBits=%08x, nNonce=%u, vtx=%u)\n",
nTime, nBits, nNonce,
for (const auto& tx : vtx) {

View file

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ public:
int32_t nVersion;
uint256 hashPrevBlock;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
uint256 hashClaimTrie;
uint32_t nTime;
uint32_t nBits;
uint32_t nNonce;
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ public:
@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ public:
nVersion = 0;
nTime = 0;
nBits = 0;
nNonce = 0;
@ -62,6 +65,8 @@ public:
uint256 GetHash() const;
uint256 GetPoWHash() const;
int64_t GetBlockTime() const
return (int64_t)nTime;
@ -110,6 +115,7 @@ public:
block.nVersion = nVersion;
block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrevBlock;
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.hashClaimTrie = hashClaimTrie;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nNonce = nNonce;

View file

@ -128,12 +128,20 @@ bool CMessageHeader::IsValid(const MessageStartChars& pchMessageStartIn) const
return true;
// NOTE: After we fork, we can require these service bits
BrannonKing commented 2019-02-20 22:00:23 +01:00 (Migrated from

we just need to pick a fork height for this? (or we could tie it in with the upcoming hash computation fork -- PR #209 ).

we just need to pick a fork height for this? (or we could tie it in with the upcoming hash computation fork -- PR #209 ).
/* ServiceFlags GetDesirableServiceFlags(ServiceFlags services) { */
/* if ((services & NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED) && g_initial_block_download_completed) { */
/* return ServiceFlags(NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED | NODE_WITNESS); */
/* } */
/* return ServiceFlags(NODE_NETWORK | NODE_WITNESS); */
/* } */
ServiceFlags GetDesirableServiceFlags(ServiceFlags services) {
if ((services & NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED) && g_initial_block_download_completed) {
if ((services & NODE_NETWORK) && g_initial_block_download_completed) {
return ServiceFlags(NODE_NETWORK | NODE_BLOOM);
return ServiceFlags(NODE_NETWORK | NODE_WITNESS);
return ServiceFlags(NODE_NETWORK | NODE_BLOOM);
void SetServiceFlagsIBDCache(bool state) {

View file

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ static const struct {
const int iconColorSaturationReduction;
const char *titleAddText;
} network_styles[] = {
{"main", QAPP_APP_NAME_DEFAULT, 0, 0, ""},
{"test", QAPP_APP_NAME_TESTNET, 70, 30, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SplashScreen", "[testnet]")},
{"lbrycrd", QAPP_APP_NAME_DEFAULT, 0, 0, ""},
{"lbrycrdtest", QAPP_APP_NAME_TESTNET, 70, 30, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("SplashScreen", "[testnet]")},
{"regtest", QAPP_APP_NAME_REGTEST, 160, 30, "[regtest]"}
static const unsigned network_styles_count = sizeof(network_styles)/sizeof(*network_styles);

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ message Output {
required bytes script = 2; // usually one of the standard Script forms
message PaymentDetails {
optional string network = 1 [default = "main"]; // "main" or "test"
optional string network = 1 [default = "lbrycrd"]; // "lbrycrd" or "lbrycrdtest"
repeated Output outputs = 2; // Where payment should be sent
required uint64 time = 3; // Timestamp; when payment request created
optional uint64 expires = 4; // Timestamp; when this request should be considered invalid

View file

@ -228,11 +228,11 @@ void PaymentServer::ipcParseCommandLine(interfaces::Node& node, int argc, char*
PaymentRequestPlus request;
if (readPaymentRequestFromFile(arg, request))
if (request.getDetails().network() == "main")
if (request.getDetails().network() == "lbrycrd")
else if (request.getDetails().network() == "test")
else if (request.getDetails().network() == "lbrycrdtest")

View file

@ -202,7 +202,9 @@ void PaymentServerTests::paymentServerTests()
for (const std::pair<CScript, CAmount>& sendingTo : sendingTos) {
CTxDestination dest;
if (ExtractDestination(sendingTo.first, dest))
QCOMPARE(PaymentServer::verifyAmount(sendingTo.second), false);
// LBRY has a max money defined as 1000x bitcoin's, so we
// modify the value here to fail this test properly.
QCOMPARE(PaymentServer::verifyAmount(sendingTo.second * 1000), false);
delete server;

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void RPCNestedTests::rpcNestedTests()
std::string filtered;
auto node = interfaces::MakeNode();
RPCConsole::RPCExecuteCommandLine(*node, result, "getblockchaininfo()[chain]", &filtered); //simple result filtering with path
QVERIFY(filtered == "getblockchaininfo()[chain]");
RPCConsole::RPCExecuteCommandLine(*node, result, "getblock(getbestblockhash())"); //simple 2 level nesting
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void RPCNestedTests::rpcNestedTests()
QVERIFY(result == result2);
RPCConsole::RPCExecuteCommandLine(*node, result, "getblock(getbestblockhash())[tx][0]", &filtered);
QVERIFY(result == "4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b");
QVERIFY(result == "b8211c82c3d15bcd78bba57005b86fed515149a53a425eb592c07af99fe559cc");
QVERIFY(filtered == "getblock(getbestblockhash())[tx][0]");
RPCConsole::RPCParseCommandLine(nullptr, result, "importprivkey", false, &filtered);

View file

@ -254,5 +254,7 @@ void WalletTests::walletTests()
QWARN("Skipping WalletTests with 'minimal' platform set due to Qt bugs. To run AppTests, invoke "
"with 'test_bitcoin-qt -platform cocoa' on mac, or else use a linux or windows build.");

View file

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <sync.h>
#include <txdb.h>
#include <txmempool.h>
#include <uint256.h>
#include <util.h>
#include <utilstrencodings.h>
#include <hash.h>
@ -66,12 +67,12 @@ double GetDifficulty(const CBlockIndex* blockindex)
double dDiff =
(double)0x0000ffff / (double)(blockindex->nBits & 0x00ffffff);
while (nShift < 29)
while (nShift < 31)
dDiff *= 256.0;
while (nShift > 29)
while (nShift > 31)
dDiff /= 256.0;
@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ UniValue blockheaderToJSON(const CBlockIndex* blockindex)
result.pushKV("version", blockindex->nVersion);
result.pushKV("versionHex", strprintf("%08x", blockindex->nVersion));
result.pushKV("merkleroot", blockindex->hashMerkleRoot.GetHex());
result.pushKV("nameclaimroot", blockindex->hashClaimTrie.GetHex());
result.pushKV("time", (int64_t)blockindex->nTime);
result.pushKV("mediantime", (int64_t)blockindex->GetMedianTimePast());
result.pushKV("nonce", (uint64_t)blockindex->nNonce);
@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ UniValue blockToJSON(const CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* blockindex, bool tx
result.pushKV("version", block.nVersion);
result.pushKV("versionHex", strprintf("%08x", block.nVersion));
result.pushKV("merkleroot", block.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex());
result.pushKV("nameclaimroot", block.hashClaimTrie.GetHex());
UniValue txs(UniValue::VARR);
for(const auto& tx : block.vtx)
@ -695,6 +698,7 @@ static UniValue getblockheader(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
" \"version\" : n, (numeric) The block version\n"
" \"versionHex\" : \"00000000\", (string) The block version formatted in hexadecimal\n"
" \"merkleroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The merkle root\n"
" \"nameclaimroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The hash of the root of the name claim trie\n"
" \"time\" : ttt, (numeric) The block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
" \"mediantime\" : ttt, (numeric) The median block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
" \"nonce\" : n, (numeric) The nonce\n"
@ -780,6 +784,7 @@ static UniValue getblock(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
" \"version\" : n, (numeric) The block version\n"
" \"versionHex\" : \"00000000\", (string) The block version formatted in hexadecimal\n"
" \"merkleroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The merkle root\n"
" \"nameclaimroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The hash of the root of the name claim trie\n"
" \"tx\" : [ (array of string) The transaction ids\n"
" \"transactionid\" (string) The transaction id\n"
" ,...\n"

src/rpc/claimtrie.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
#include <claimtrie.h>
#include <coins.h>
#include <core_io.h>
#include <nameclaim.h>
#include <rpc/server.h>
#include <shutdown.h>
#include <txdb.h>
#include <txmempool.h>
#include <univalue.h>
#include <validation.h>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <cmath>
uint160 ParseClaimtrieId(const UniValue& v, const std::string& strName)
static constexpr size_t claimIdHexLength = 40;
std::string strHex;
if (v.isStr())
strHex = v.get_str();
if (!IsHex(strHex)) // Note: IsHex("") is false
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strName + " must be a 20-character hexadecimal string (not '" + strHex + "')");
if (strHex.length() != claimIdHexLength)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strprintf("%s must be of length %d (not %d)", strName, claimIdHexLength, strHex.length()));
uint160 result;
return result;
static CBlockIndex* BlockHashIndex(const uint256& blockHash)
if (mapBlockIndex.count(blockHash) == 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found");
CBlockIndex* pblockIndex = mapBlockIndex[blockHash];
if (!chainActive.Contains(pblockIndex))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Block not in main chain");
return pblockIndex;
extern CChainState g_chainstate;
void RollBackTo(const CBlockIndex* targetIndex, CCoinsViewCache& coinsCache, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache)
const CBlockIndex* activeIndex = chainActive.Tip();
if (activeIndex->nHeight > (targetIndex->nHeight + MAX_RPC_BLOCK_DECREMENTS))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Block is too deep");
const size_t currentMemoryUsage = pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage();
for (; activeIndex && activeIndex != targetIndex; activeIndex = activeIndex->pprev) {
CBlock block;
if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, activeIndex, Params().GetConsensus()))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, strprintf("Failed to read %s", activeIndex->ToString()));
if (coinsCache.DynamicMemoryUsage() + currentMemoryUsage > nCoinCacheUsage)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Out of memory, you may want to increase dbcache size");
if (ShutdownRequested())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Shutdown requested");
if (g_chainstate.DisconnectBlock(block, activeIndex, coinsCache, trieCache) != DisconnectResult::DISCONNECT_OK)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, strprintf("Failed to disconnect %s", block.ToString()));
static UniValue getclaimsintrie(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return all claims in the name trie.\n"
"1. \"blockhash\" (string, optional) get claims in the trie\n"
" at the block specified\n"
" by this block hash.\n"
" If none is given,\n"
" the latest active\n"
" block will be used.\n"
"Result: \n"
" {\n"
" \"name\" (string) the name claimed\n"
" \"claims\": [ (array of object) the claims for this name\n"
" {\n"
" \"claimId\" (string) the claimId of the claim\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the txid of the claim\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) the vout value of the claim\n"
" \"amount\" (numeric) txout amount\n"
" \"height\" (numeric) the height of the block in which this transaction is located\n"
" \"value\" (string) the value of this claim\n"
" }\n"
" ]\n"
" }\n"
CCoinsViewCache coinsCache(pcoinsTip.get());
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
if (!request.params.empty()) {
CBlockIndex* blockIndex = BlockHashIndex(ParseHashV(request.params[0], "blockhash (optional parameter 1)"));
RollBackTo(blockIndex, coinsCache, trieCache);
class CClaimsCallback : public CNodeCallback
CClaimsCallback(UniValue& ret, const CCoinsViewCache& coinsCache) : nodes(ret), coinsCache(coinsCache)
void visit(const std::string& name, const CClaimTrieNode* node)
if (ShutdownRequested())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Shutdown requested");
if (node->claims.empty())
UniValue claims(UniValue::VARR);
for (std::vector<CClaimValue>::const_iterator itClaims = node->claims.begin(); itClaims != node->claims.end(); ++itClaims) {
UniValue claim(UniValue::VOBJ);
claim.pushKV("claimId", itClaims->claimId.GetHex());
claim.pushKV("txid", itClaims->outPoint.hash.GetHex());
claim.pushKV("n", (int)itClaims->outPoint.n);
claim.pushKV("amount", ValueFromAmount(itClaims->nAmount));
claim.pushKV("height", itClaims->nHeight);
const Coin& coin = coinsCache.AccessCoin(itClaims->outPoint);
if (coin.IsSpent())
LogPrintf("%s: the specified txout of %s appears to have been spent\n", __func__, itClaims->outPoint.hash.GetHex());
claim.pushKV("error", "Txout spent");
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (!DecodeClaimScript(coin.out.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
LogPrintf("%s: the specified txout of %s does not have an claim command\n", __func__, itClaims->outPoint.hash.GetHex());
std::string sValue(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
claim.pushKV("value", sValue);
UniValue nodeObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
nodeObj.pushKV("name", name);
nodeObj.pushKV("claims", claims);
UniValue& nodes;
const CCoinsViewCache& coinsCache;
UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);
CClaimsCallback claimsCallback(ret, coinsCache);
return ret;
static UniValue getclaimtrie(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1)
throw std::runtime_error(
"DEPRECATED. Return the entire claim trie.\n"
"1. \"blockhash\" (string, optional) get claim in the trie\n"
" at the block specified\n"
" by this block hash.\n"
" If none is given,\n"
" the latest active\n"
" block will be used.\n"
"Result: \n"
" {\n"
" \"name\" (string) the name of the node\n"
" \"hash\" (string) the hash of the node\n"
" \"txid\" (string) (if value exists) the hash of the transaction which has successfully claimed this name\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) (if value exists) vout value\n"
" \"value\" (numeric) (if value exists) txout value\n"
" \"height\" (numeric) (if value exists) the height of the block in which this transaction is located\n"
" }\n"
CCoinsViewCache coinsCache(pcoinsTip.get());
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
if (!request.params.empty()) {
CBlockIndex* blockIndex = BlockHashIndex(ParseHashV(request.params[0], "blockhash (optional parameter 1)"));
RollBackTo(blockIndex, coinsCache, trieCache);
class CClaimCallback : public CNodeCallback
CClaimCallback(UniValue& ret) : nodes(ret)
void visit(const std::string& name, const CClaimTrieNode* node)
if (ShutdownRequested())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Shutdown requested");
UniValue nodeObj(UniValue::VOBJ);
nodeObj.pushKV("name", name);
nodeObj.pushKV("hash", node->hash.GetHex());
CClaimValue claim;
if (node->getBestClaim(claim)) {
nodeObj.pushKV("txid", claim.outPoint.hash.GetHex());
nodeObj.pushKV("n", (int)claim.outPoint.n);
nodeObj.pushKV("value", ::ValueFromAmount(claim.nAmount));
nodeObj.pushKV("height", claim.nHeight);
UniValue& nodes;
UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);
CClaimCallback claimCallback(ret);
return ret;
static bool getValueForClaim(const CCoinsViewCache& coinsCache, const COutPoint& out, std::string& sValue)
const Coin& coin = coinsCache.AccessCoin(out);
if (coin.IsSpent())
LogPrintf("%s: the specified txout of %s appears to have been spent\n", __func__, out.hash.GetHex());
return true;
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (!DecodeClaimScript(coin.out.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
LogPrintf("%s: the specified txout of %s does not have a name claim command\n", __func__, out.hash.GetHex());
return false;
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
sValue = std::string(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
sValue = std::string(vvchParams[2].begin(), vvchParams[2].end());
return true;
static UniValue getvalueforname(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 2)
throw std::runtime_error(
"getvalueforname \"name\"\n"
"Return the value associated with a name, if one exists\n"
"1. \"name\" (string) the name to look up\n"
"2. \"blockhash\" (string, optional) get the value\n"
" associated with the name\n"
" at the block specified\n"
" by this block hash.\n"
" If none is given,\n"
" the latest active\n"
" block will be used.\n"
"Result: \n"
"\"value\" (string) the value of the name, if it exists\n"
"\"claimId\" (string) the claimId for this name claim\n"
"\"txid\" (string) the hash of the transaction which successfully claimed the name\n"
"\"n\" (numeric) vout value\n"
"\"amount\" (numeric) txout amount\n"
"\"effective amount\" (numeric) txout amount plus amount from all supports associated with the claim\n"
"\"height\" (numeric) the height of the block in which this transaction is located\n");
CCoinsViewCache coinsCache(pcoinsTip.get());
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
if (request.params.size() > 1) {
CBlockIndex* blockIndex = BlockHashIndex(ParseHashV(request.params[1], "blockhash (optional parameter 2)"));
RollBackTo(blockIndex, coinsCache, trieCache);
const auto& name = request.params[0].get_str();
UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
CClaimValue claim;
if (!trieCache.getInfoForName(name, claim))
return ret; // they may have asked for a name that doesn't exist (which is not an error)
std::string sValue;
if (!getValueForClaim(coinsCache, claim.outPoint, sValue))
return ret;
const auto nEffectiveAmount = trieCache.getEffectiveAmountForClaim(name, claim.claimId);
ret.pushKV("value", sValue);
ret.pushKV("claimId", claim.claimId.GetHex());
ret.pushKV("txid", claim.outPoint.hash.GetHex());
ret.pushKV("n", (int)claim.outPoint.n);
ret.pushKV("amount", claim.nAmount);
ret.pushKV("effective amount", nEffectiveAmount);
ret.pushKV("height", claim.nHeight);
return ret;
typedef std::pair<CClaimValue, std::vector<CSupportValue> > claimAndSupportsType;
typedef std::map<uint160, claimAndSupportsType> claimSupportMapType;
UniValue supportToJSON(const CSupportValue& support)
UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
ret.push_back(Pair("txid", support.outPoint.hash.GetHex()));
ret.push_back(Pair("n", (int)support.outPoint.n));
ret.push_back(Pair("nHeight", support.nHeight));
ret.push_back(Pair("nValidAtHeight", support.nValidAtHeight));
ret.push_back(Pair("nAmount", support.nAmount));
return ret;
UniValue claimAndSupportsToJSON(const CCoinsViewCache& coinsCache, CAmount nEffectiveAmount, claimSupportMapType::const_iterator itClaimsAndSupports)
const CClaimValue& claim = itClaimsAndSupports->second.first;
const std::vector<CSupportValue>& supports = itClaimsAndSupports->second.second;
UniValue supportObjs(UniValue::VARR);
for (const auto& support: supports)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
result.pushKV("claimId", itClaimsAndSupports->first.GetHex());
result.pushKV("txid", claim.outPoint.hash.GetHex());
result.pushKV("n", (int)claim.outPoint.n);
result.pushKV("nHeight", claim.nHeight);
result.pushKV("nValidAtHeight", claim.nValidAtHeight);
result.pushKV("nAmount", claim.nAmount);
std::string sValue;
if (getValueForClaim(coinsCache, claim.outPoint, sValue))
result.pushKV("value", sValue);
result.pushKV("nEffectiveAmount", nEffectiveAmount);
result.pushKV("supports", supportObjs);
return result;
UniValue getclaimsforname(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 2)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return all claims and supports for a name\n"
"Arguments: \n"
"1. \"name\" (string) the name for which to get claims and supports\n"
"2. \"blockhash\" (string, optional) get claims for name\n"
" at the block specified\n"
" by this block hash.\n"
" If none is given,\n"
" the latest active\n"
" block will be used.\n"
" \"nLastTakeoverHeight\" (numeric) the last height at which ownership of the name changed\n"
" \"claims\": [ (array of object) claims for this name\n"
" {\n"
" \"claimId\" (string) the claimId of this claim\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the txid of this claim\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) the index of the claim in the transaction's list of outputs\n"
" \"nHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the claim was included in the blockchain\n"
" \"nValidAtHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the claim became/becomes valid\n"
" \"nAmount\" (numeric) the amount of the claim\n"
" \"value\" (string) the value of the name, if it exists\n"
" \"nEffectiveAmount\" (numeric) the total effective amount of the claim, taking into effect whether the claim or support has reached its nValidAtHeight\n"
" \"supports\" : [ (array of object) supports for this claim\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the txid of the support\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) the index of the support in the transaction's list of outputs\n"
" \"nHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the support was included in the blockchain\n"
" \"nValidAtHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the support became/becomes valid\n"
" \"nAmount\" (numeric) the amount of the support\n"
" ]\n"
" }\n"
" ],\n"
" \"supports without claims\": [ (array of object) supports that did not match a claim for this name\n"
" {\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the txid of the support\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) the index of the support in the transaction's list of outputs\n"
" \"nHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the support was included in the blockchain\n"
" \"nValidAtHeight\" (numeric) the height at which the support became/becomes valid\n"
" \"nAmount\" (numeric) the amount of the support\n"
" }\n"
" ]\n"
CCoinsViewCache coinsCache(pcoinsTip.get());
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
if (request.params.size() > 1) {
CBlockIndex* blockIndex = BlockHashIndex(ParseHashV(request.params[1], "blockhash (optional parameter 2)"));
RollBackTo(blockIndex, coinsCache, trieCache);
std::string name = request.params[0].get_str();
claimsForNameType claimsForName = trieCache.getClaimsForName(name);
UniValue claimObjs(UniValue::VARR);
claimSupportMapType claimSupportMap;
UniValue unmatchedSupports(UniValue::VARR);
for (std::vector<CClaimValue>::const_iterator itClaims =; itClaims !=; ++itClaims)
claimAndSupportsType claimAndSupports = std::make_pair(*itClaims, std::vector<CSupportValue>());
claimSupportMap.insert(std::pair<uint160, claimAndSupportsType>(itClaims->claimId, claimAndSupports));
for (std::vector<CSupportValue>::const_iterator itSupports = claimsForName.supports.begin(); itSupports != claimsForName.supports.end(); ++itSupports)
claimSupportMapType::iterator itClaimAndSupports = claimSupportMap.find(itSupports->supportedClaimId);
if (itClaimAndSupports == claimSupportMap.end())
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
result.pushKV("nLastTakeoverHeight", claimsForName.nLastTakeoverHeight);
for (claimSupportMapType::const_iterator itClaimsAndSupports = claimSupportMap.begin(); itClaimsAndSupports != claimSupportMap.end(); ++itClaimsAndSupports)
const auto nEffectiveAmount = trieCache.getEffectiveAmountForClaim(claimsForName, itClaimsAndSupports->first);
UniValue claimObj = claimAndSupportsToJSON(coinsCache, nEffectiveAmount, itClaimsAndSupports);
result.pushKV("claims", claimObjs);
result.pushKV("supports without claims", unmatchedSupports);
return result;
UniValue getclaimbyid(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Get a claim by claim id\n"
"Arguments: \n"
"1. \"claimId\" (string) the claimId of this claim\n"
" \"name\" (string) the name of the claim\n"
" \"value\" (string) claim metadata\n"
" \"claimId\" (string) the claimId of this claim\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the hash of the transaction which has successfully claimed this name\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) vout value\n"
" \"amount\" (numeric) txout value\n"
" \"effective amount\" (numeric) txout amount plus amount from all supports associated with the claim\n"
" \"supports\" (array of object) supports for this claim\n"
" [\n"
" \"txid\" (string) the txid of the support\n"
" \"n\" (numeric) the index of the support in the transaction's list of outputs\n"
" \"height\" (numeric) the height at which the support was included in the blockchain\n"
" \"valid at height\" (numeric) the height at which the support is valid\n"
" \"amount\" (numeric) the amount of the support\n"
" ]\n"
" \"height\" (numeric) the height of the block in which this claim transaction is located\n"
" \"valid at height\" (numeric) the height at which the claim is valid\n"
uint160 claimId = ParseClaimtrieId(request.params[0], "Claim-id (parameter 1)");
UniValue claim(UniValue::VOBJ);
std::string name;
CClaimValue claimValue;
pclaimTrie->getClaimById(claimId, name, claimValue);
if (claimValue.claimId == claimId)
std::vector<CSupportValue> supports;
CAmount effectiveAmount = pclaimTrie->getEffectiveAmountForClaim(name, claimValue.claimId, &supports);
std::string sValue;
claim.pushKV("name", name);
CCoinsViewCache coinsCache(pcoinsTip.get());
if (getValueForClaim(coinsCache, claimValue.outPoint, sValue))
claim.pushKV("value", sValue);
claim.pushKV("claimId", claimValue.claimId.GetHex());
claim.pushKV("txid", claimValue.outPoint.hash.GetHex());
claim.pushKV("n", (int) claimValue.outPoint.n);
claim.pushKV("amount", claimValue.nAmount);
claim.pushKV("effective amount", effectiveAmount);
UniValue supportList(UniValue::VARR);
for(const CSupportValue& support: supports) {
UniValue supportEntry(UniValue::VOBJ);
supportEntry.pushKV("txid", support.outPoint.hash.GetHex());
supportEntry.pushKV("n", (int)support.outPoint.n);
supportEntry.pushKV("height", support.nHeight);
supportEntry.pushKV("valid at height", support.nValidAtHeight);
supportEntry.pushKV("amount", support.nAmount);
claim.pushKV("supports", supportList);
claim.pushKV("height", claimValue.nHeight);
claim.pushKV("valid at height", claimValue.nValidAtHeight);
return claim;
UniValue gettotalclaimednames(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return the total number of names that have been\n"
"successfully claimed, and therefore exist in the trie\n"
"\"total names\" (numeric) the total number of\n"
" names in the trie\n"
if (!pclaimTrie)
return -1;
unsigned int num_names = pclaimTrie->getTotalNamesInTrie();
return int(num_names);
UniValue gettotalclaims(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return the total number of active claims in the trie\n"
"\"total claims\" (numeric) the total number\n"
" of active claims\n"
if (!pclaimTrie)
return -1;
unsigned int num_claims = pclaimTrie->getTotalClaimsInTrie();
return int(num_claims);
UniValue gettotalvalueofclaims(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return the total value of the claims in the trie\n"
"1. \"controlling_only\" (boolean) only include the value\n"
" of controlling claims\n"
"\"total value\" (numeric) the total value of the\n"
" claims in the trie\n"
if (!pclaimTrie)
return -1;
bool controlling_only = false;
if (request.params.size() == 1)
controlling_only = request.params[0].get_bool();
CAmount total_amount = pclaimTrie->getTotalValueOfClaimsInTrie(controlling_only);
return ValueFromAmount(total_amount);
UniValue getclaimsfortx(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1)
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return any claims or supports found in a transaction\n"
"1. \"txid\" (string) the txid of the transaction to check for unspent claims\n"
" {\n"
" \"nOut\" (numeric) the index of the claim or support in the transaction's list of outputs\n"
" \"claim type\" (string) 'claim' or 'support'\n"
" \"name\" (string) the name claimed or supported\n"
" \"value\" (string) if a name claim, the value of the claim\n"
" \"supported txid\" (string) if a support, the txid of the supported claim\n"
" \"supported nout\" (numeric) if a support, the index of the supported claim in its transaction\n"
" \"depth\" (numeric) the depth of the transaction in the main chain\n"
" \"in claim trie\" (boolean) if a name claim, whether the claim is active, i.e. has made it into the trie\n"
" \"is controlling\" (boolean) if a name claim, whether the claim is the current controlling claim for the name\n"
" \"in support map\" (boolean) if a support, whether the support is active, i.e. has made it into the support map\n"
" \"in queue\" (boolean) whether the claim is in a queue waiting to be inserted into the trie or support map\n"
" \"blocks to valid\" (numeric) if in a queue, the number of blocks until it's inserted into the trie or support map\n"
" }\n"
uint256 hash = ParseHashV(request.params[0], "txid (parameter 1)");
UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip.get());
const Coin& coin = AccessByTxid(view, hash);
std::vector<CTxOut> txouts{ coin.out };
int nHeight = coin.nHeight;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < txouts.size(); ++i)
if (!txouts[i].IsNull())
const CTxOut& txout = txouts[i];
UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ);
if (DecodeClaimScript(txout.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
o.pushKV("nOut", static_cast<int64_t>(i));
std::string sName(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
o.pushKV("name", sName);
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
std::string sValue(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
uint160 claimId = ClaimIdHash(hash, i);
o.pushKV("claimId", claimId.GetHex());
o.pushKV("value", sValue);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
uint160 claimId(vvchParams[1]);
std::string sValue(vvchParams[2].begin(), vvchParams[2].end());
o.pushKV("claimId", claimId.GetHex());
o.pushKV("value", sValue);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
o.pushKV("supported claimId", supportedClaimId.GetHex());
if (nHeight > 0)
o.pushKV("depth", chainActive.Height() - nHeight);
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
bool inClaimTrie = pclaimTrie->haveClaim(sName, COutPoint(hash, i));
o.pushKV("in claim trie", inClaimTrie);
if (inClaimTrie)
CClaimValue claim;
if (!pclaimTrie->getInfoForName(sName, claim))
LogPrintf("HaveClaim was true but getInfoForName returned false.");
o.pushKV("is controlling", (claim.outPoint.hash == hash && claim.outPoint.n == i));
int nValidAtHeight;
if (pclaimTrie->haveClaimInQueue(sName, COutPoint(hash, i), nValidAtHeight))
o.pushKV("in queue", true);
o.pushKV("blocks to valid", nValidAtHeight - chainActive.Height());
o.pushKV("in queue", false);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
bool inSupportMap = pclaimTrie->haveSupport(sName, COutPoint(hash, i));
o.pushKV("in support map", inSupportMap);
if (!inSupportMap)
int nValidAtHeight;
if (pclaimTrie->haveSupportInQueue(sName, COutPoint(hash, i), nValidAtHeight))
o.pushKV("in queue", true);
o.pushKV("blocks to valid", nValidAtHeight - chainActive.Height());
o.pushKV("in queue", false);
o.pushKV("depth", 0);
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
o.pushKV("in claim trie", false);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
o.pushKV("in support map", false);
o.pushKV("in queue", false);
return ret;
UniValue proofToJSON(const CClaimTrieProof& proof)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
UniValue nodes(UniValue::VARR);
for (std::vector<CClaimTrieProofNode>::const_iterator itNode = proof.nodes.begin(); itNode != proof.nodes.end(); ++itNode)
UniValue node(UniValue::VOBJ);
UniValue children(UniValue::VARR);
for (std::vector<std::pair<unsigned char, uint256> >::const_iterator itChildren = itNode->children.begin(); itChildren != itNode->children.end(); ++itChildren)
UniValue child(UniValue::VOBJ);
child.pushKV("character", itChildren->first);
if (!itChildren->second.IsNull())
child.pushKV("nodeHash", itChildren->second.GetHex());
node.pushKV("children", children);
if (itNode->hasValue && !itNode->valHash.IsNull())
node.pushKV("valueHash", itNode->valHash.GetHex());
result.pushKV("nodes", nodes);
if (proof.hasValue)
result.pushKV("txhash", proof.outPoint.hash.GetHex());
result.pushKV("nOut", (int)proof.outPoint.n);
result.pushKV("last takeover height", (int)proof.nHeightOfLastTakeover);
return result;
UniValue getnameproof(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
if (request.fHelp || (request.params.size() != 1 && request.params.size() != 2))
throw std::runtime_error(
"Return the cryptographic proof that a name maps to a value\n"
"or doesn't.\n"
"1. \"name\" (string) the name to get a proof for\n"
"2. \"blockhash\" (string, optional) the hash of the block\n"
" which is the basis\n"
" of the proof. If\n"
" none is given, \n"
" the latest block\n"
" will be used.\n"
"Result: \n"
" \"nodes\" : [ (array of object) full nodes (i.e.\n"
" those which lead to\n"
" the requested name)\n"
" \"children\" : [ (array of object) the children of\n"
" this node\n"
" \"child\" : { (object) a child node, either leaf or\n"
" reference to a full node\n"
" \"character\" : \"char\" (string) the character which\n"
" leads from the parent\n"
" to this child node\n"
" \"nodeHash\" : \"hash\" (string, if exists) the hash of\n"
" the node if\n"
" this is a \n"
" leaf node\n"
" }\n"
" ]\n"
" \"valueHash\" (string, if exists) the hash of this\n"
" node's value, if\n"
" it has one. If \n"
" this is the\n"
" requested name\n"
" this will not\n"
" exist whether\n"
" the node has a\n"
" value or not\n"
" ]\n"
" \"txhash\" : \"hash\" (string, if exists) the txid of the\n"
" claim which controls\n"
" this name, if there\n"
" is one.\n"
" \"nOut\" : n, (numeric) the nOut of the claim which\n"
" controls this name, if there\n"
" is one.\n"
" \"last takeover height\" (numeric) the most recent height at\n"
" which the value of a name\n"
" changed other than through\n"
" an update to the winning\n"
" bid\n"
" }\n"
CCoinsViewCache coinsCache(pcoinsTip.get());
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
if (request.params.size() == 2) {
CBlockIndex* pblockIndex = BlockHashIndex(ParseHashV(request.params[1], "blockhash (optional parameter 2)"));
RollBackTo(pblockIndex, coinsCache, trieCache);
CClaimTrieProof proof;
std::string name = request.params[0].get_str();
if (!trieCache.getProofForName(name, proof))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to generate proof");
return proofToJSON(proof);
static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ // category name actor (function) argNames
// --------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------
{ "Claimtrie", "getclaimsintrie", &getclaimsintrie, { "blockhash" } },
{ "Claimtrie", "getclaimtrie", &getclaimtrie, { "blockhash" } },
{ "Claimtrie", "getvalueforname", &getvalueforname, { "name","blockhash" } },
{ "Claimtrie", "getclaimsforname", &getclaimsforname, { "name","blockhash" } },
{ "Claimtrie", "gettotalclaimednames", &gettotalclaimednames, { "" } },
{ "Claimtrie", "gettotalclaims", &gettotalclaims, { "" } },
{ "Claimtrie", "gettotalvalueofclaims", &gettotalvalueofclaims, { "controlling_only" } },
{ "Claimtrie", "getclaimsfortx", &getclaimsfortx, { "txid" } },
{ "Claimtrie", "getnameproof", &getnameproof, { "name","blockhash"} },
{ "Claimtrie", "getclaimbyid", &getclaimbyid, {"claimId"} },
void RegisterClaimTrieRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC)
for (unsigned int vcidx = 0; vcidx < ARRAYLEN(commands); vcidx++)
tableRPC.appendCommand(commands[vcidx].name, &commands[vcidx]);

View file

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ UniValue generateBlocks(std::shared_ptr<CReserveScript> coinbaseScript, int nGen
IncrementExtraNonce(pblock, chainActive.Tip(), nExtraNonce);
while (nMaxTries > 0 && pblock->nNonce < nInnerLoopCount && !CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetHash(), pblock->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) {
while (nMaxTries > 0 && pblock->nNonce < nInnerLoopCount && !CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetPoWHash(), pblock->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) {

View file

@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ void RegisterMiscRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
void RegisterMiningRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
/** Register raw transaction RPC commands */
void RegisterRawTransactionRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
/** Register claim trie RPC commands */
void RegisterClaimTrieRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC);
static inline void RegisterAllCoreRPCCommands(CRPCTable &t)
@ -27,6 +29,8 @@ static inline void RegisterAllCoreRPCCommands(CRPCTable &t)

View file

@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ bool EvalScript(std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& stack, const CScript&
// static const CScriptNum bnFalse(0);
// static const CScriptNum bnTrue(1);
static const valtype vchFalse(0);
// static const valtype vchZero(0);
static const valtype vchZero(0);
static const valtype vchTrue(1, 1);
CScript::const_iterator pc = script.begin();
@ -423,6 +423,13 @@ bool EvalScript(std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& stack, const CScript&
CScriptNum n(OP_0);
@ -458,7 +465,7 @@ bool EvalScript(std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> >& stack, const CScript&
case OP_NOP1: case OP_NOP4: case OP_NOP5:
case OP_NOP6: case OP_NOP7: case OP_NOP8: case OP_NOP9: case OP_NOP10:
case OP_NOP9: case OP_NOP10:

View file

@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
#include <vector>
// Maximum number of bytes pushable to the stack
static const unsigned int MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE = 520;
/* static const unsigned int MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE = 520; */
static const unsigned int MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE = 20000; // bytes
// Maximum number of non-push operations per script
static const int MAX_OPS_PER_SCRIPT = 201;
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ static const int MAX_OPS_PER_SCRIPT = 201;
static const int MAX_PUBKEYS_PER_MULTISIG = 20;
// Maximum script length in bytes
static const int MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE = 10000;
static const int MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE = 20005;
// Maximum number of values on script interpreter stack
static const int MAX_STACK_SIZE = 1000;
@ -176,8 +177,11 @@ enum opcodetype
OP_NOP4 = 0xb3,
OP_NOP5 = 0xb4,
OP_NOP6 = 0xb5,
OP_NOP7 = 0xb6,
OP_NOP8 = 0xb7,
OP_NOP9 = 0xb8,
OP_NOP10 = 0xb9,

View file

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
#include <script/standard.h>
#include <uint256.h>
#include "nameclaim.h"
typedef std::vector<unsigned char> valtype;
MutableTransactionSignatureCreator::MutableTransactionSignatureCreator(const CMutableTransaction* txToIn, unsigned int nInIn, const CAmount& amountIn, int nHashTypeIn) : txTo(txToIn), nIn(nInIn), nHashType(nHashTypeIn), amount(amountIn), checker(txTo, nIn, amountIn) {}
@ -100,8 +102,10 @@ static bool SignStep(const SigningProvider& provider, const BaseSignatureCreator
std::vector<unsigned char> sig;
const CScript& strippedScriptPubKey = StripClaimScriptPrefix(scriptPubKey);
std::vector<valtype> vSolutions;
if (!Solver(scriptPubKey, whichTypeRet, vSolutions))
if (!Solver(strippedScriptPubKey, whichTypeRet, vSolutions))
return false;
switch (whichTypeRet)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
// Copyright (c) 2011-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
// Unit tests for block-chain checkpoints
#include "checkpoints.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "test/test_bitcoin.h"
#include "chainparams.h"
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
using namespace std;
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(Checkpoints_tests, BasicTestingSetup)
//const CCheckpointData& checkpoints = Params(CBaseChainParams::MAIN).Checkpoints();
//BOOST_CHECK(Checkpoints::GetTotalBlocksEstimate(checkpoints) >= 134444);
BrannonKing commented 2019-02-20 22:01:58 +01:00 (Migrated from

looks like we don't need this file.

looks like we don't need this file.

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$(MAKE) -C .. bitcoin_test
$(MAKE) -C .. lbrycrd_test
$(MAKE) -C .. bitcoin_test_clean
$(MAKE) -C .. lbrycrd_test_clean
$(MAKE) -C .. bitcoin_test_check
$(MAKE) -C .. lbrycrd_test_check

View file

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(GetFeeTest)
BOOST_CHECK(CFeeRate(CAmount(26), 789) == CFeeRate(32));
BOOST_CHECK(CFeeRate(CAmount(27), 789) == CFeeRate(34));
// Maximum size in bytes, should not crash
CFeeRate(MAX_MONEY, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() >> 1).GetFeePerK();
CFeeRate(MAX_MONEY / 1000, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() >> 1).GetFeePerK();

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ static CBlockIndex* CreateBlockIndexWithNbits(uint32_t nbits)
static void RejectDifficultyMismatch(double difficulty, double expected_difficulty) {
DoubleEquals(difficulty, expected_difficulty, 0.00001),
DoubleEquals(difficulty, expected_difficulty, 0.058593),
"Difficulty was " + std::to_string(difficulty)
+ " but was expected to be " + std::to_string(expected_difficulty));
@ -45,27 +45,27 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(blockchain_tests, BasicTestingSetup)
TestDifficulty(0x1f111111, 0.000001);
TestDifficulty(0x1f00ffff, 1.000000);
TestDifficulty(0x1ef88f6f, 0.000016);
TestDifficulty(0x1ef88f6f, 1.029916);
TestDifficulty(0x1df88f6f, 0.004023);
TestDifficulty(0x1df88f6f, 263.658369);
TestDifficulty(0x1cf88f6f, 1.029916);
TestDifficulty(0x1cf88f6f, 67496.542470);
TestDifficulty(0x12345678, 5913134931067755359633408.0);
TestDifficulty(0x12345678, 387523210842456415248935026688.000000);
// Verify that difficulty is 1.0 for an empty chain.

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ static CBlock BuildBlockTestCase() {
bool mutated;
block.hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(block, &mutated);
while (!CheckProofOfWork(block.GetHash(), block.nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) ++block.nNonce;
while (!CheckProofOfWork(block.GetPoWHash(), block.nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) ++block.nNonce;
return block;
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(EmptyBlockRoundTripTest)
bool mutated;
block.hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(block, &mutated);
while (!CheckProofOfWork(block.GetHash(), block.nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) ++block.nNonce;
while (!CheckProofOfWork(block.GetPoWHash(), block.nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) ++block.nNonce;
// Test simple header round-trip with only coinbase

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
#include "claimtrie.h"
#include "nameclaim.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "validation.h"
#include "test/test_bitcoin.h"
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
using namespace std;
class CClaimTrieCacheTest : public CClaimTrieCache {
CClaimTrieCacheTest(CClaimTrie* base):
CClaimTrieCache(base, false){}
bool recursiveComputeMerkleHash(CClaimTrieNode* tnCurrent,
std::string sPos) const
return CClaimTrieCache::recursiveComputeMerkleHash(tnCurrent, sPos);
bool recursivePruneName(CClaimTrieNode* tnCurrent, unsigned int nPos, std::string sName, bool* pfNullified) const
return CClaimTrieCache::recursivePruneName(tnCurrent,nPos,sName, pfNullified);
bool insertSupportIntoMap(const std::string& name, CSupportValue support, bool fCheckTakeover) const
return CClaimTrieCache::insertSupportIntoMap(name, support, fCheckTakeover);
int cacheSize()
return cache.size();
nodeCacheType::iterator getCache(std::string key)
return cache.find(key);
CMutableTransaction BuildTransaction(const uint256& prevhash)
CMutableTransaction tx;
tx.nVersion = 1;
tx.nLockTime = 0;;
tx.vout.resize(1);[0].prevout.hash = prevhash;[0].prevout.n = 0;[0].scriptSig = CScript();[0].nSequence = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript();
tx.vout[0].nValue = 0;
return tx;
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(claimtriecache_tests, RegTestingSetup)
// check empty trie
uint256 one(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"));
CClaimTrieCacheTest cc(pclaimTrie);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(one, cc.getMerkleHash());
// check trie with only root node
CClaimTrieNode base_node;
cc.recursiveComputeMerkleHash(&base_node, "");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(one, cc.getMerkleHash());
CClaimValue unused;
uint256 hash0(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"));
uint160 hash160;
CMutableTransaction tx1 = BuildTransaction(hash0);
COutPoint tx1OutPoint(tx1.GetHash(), 0);
CMutableTransaction tx2 = BuildTransaction(tx1.GetHash());
COutPoint tx2OutPoint(tx2.GetHash(), 0);
CMutableTransaction tx3 = BuildTransaction(tx2.GetHash());
COutPoint tx3OutPoint(tx3.GetHash(), 0);
CMutableTransaction tx4 = BuildTransaction(tx3.GetHash());
COutPoint tx4OutPoint(tx4.GetHash(), 0);
CMutableTransaction tx5 = BuildTransaction(tx4.GetHash());
COutPoint tx5OutPoint(tx5.GetHash(), 0);
CMutableTransaction tx6 = BuildTransaction(tx5.GetHash());
COutPoint tx6OutPoint(tx6.GetHash(), 0);
uint256 hash1;
uint256 hash2;
uint256 hash3;
uint256 hash4;
CClaimTrieCache ntState(pclaimTrie, false);
ntState.insertClaimIntoTrie(std::string("test"), CClaimValue(tx1OutPoint, hash160, 50, 100, 200));
ntState.insertClaimIntoTrie(std::string("test2"), CClaimValue(tx2OutPoint, hash160, 50, 100, 200));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ntState.getMerkleHash(), hash1);
ntState.insertClaimIntoTrie(std::string("test"), CClaimValue(tx3OutPoint, hash160, 50, 101, 201));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ntState.getMerkleHash(), hash1);
ntState.insertClaimIntoTrie(std::string("tes"), CClaimValue(tx4OutPoint, hash160, 50, 100, 200));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ntState.getMerkleHash(), hash2);
ntState.insertClaimIntoTrie(std::string("testtesttesttest"), CClaimValue(tx5OutPoint, hash160, 50, 100, 200));
ntState.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("testtesttesttest"), tx5OutPoint, unused);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ntState.getMerkleHash(), hash2);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pclaimTrie->getMerkleHash(), hash2);
CClaimTrieCache ntState1(pclaimTrie, false);
ntState1.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("test"), tx1OutPoint, unused);
ntState1.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("test2"), tx2OutPoint, unused);
ntState1.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("test"), tx3OutPoint, unused);
ntState1.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("tes"), tx4OutPoint, unused);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ntState1.getMerkleHash(), hash0);
CClaimTrieCache ntState2(pclaimTrie, false);
ntState2.insertClaimIntoTrie(std::string("abab"), CClaimValue(tx6OutPoint, hash160, 50, 100, 200));
ntState2.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("test"), tx1OutPoint, unused);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ntState2.getMerkleHash(), hash3);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pclaimTrie->getMerkleHash(), hash3);
CClaimTrieCache ntState3(pclaimTrie, false);
ntState3.insertClaimIntoTrie(std::string("test"), CClaimValue(tx1OutPoint, hash160, 50, 100, 200));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ntState3.getMerkleHash(), hash4);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pclaimTrie->getMerkleHash(), hash4);
CClaimTrieCache ntState4(pclaimTrie, false);
ntState4.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("abab"), tx6OutPoint, unused);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ntState4.getMerkleHash(), hash2);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pclaimTrie->getMerkleHash(), hash2);
CClaimTrieCache ntState5(pclaimTrie, false);
ntState5.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("test"), tx3OutPoint, unused);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ntState5.getMerkleHash(), hash2);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pclaimTrie->getMerkleHash(), hash2);
CClaimTrieCache ntState6(pclaimTrie, false);
ntState6.insertClaimIntoTrie(std::string("test"), CClaimValue(tx3OutPoint, hash160, 50, 101, 201));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ntState6.getMerkleHash(), hash2);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pclaimTrie->getMerkleHash(), hash2);
CClaimTrieCache ntState7(pclaimTrie, false);
ntState7.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("test"), tx3OutPoint, unused);
ntState7.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("test"), tx1OutPoint, unused);
ntState7.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("tes"), tx4OutPoint, unused);
ntState7.removeClaimFromTrie(std::string("test2"), tx2OutPoint, unused);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ntState7.getMerkleHash(), hash0);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pclaimTrie->getMerkleHash(), hash0);
// test basic claim insertions and that get methods retreives information properly
CClaimTrieCacheTest ctc(pclaimTrie);
// create and insert claim
CClaimValue unused;
uint256 hash0(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"));
CMutableTransaction tx1 = BuildTransaction(hash0);
uint160 claimId = ClaimIdHash(tx1.GetHash(), 0);
COutPoint claimOutPoint(tx1.GetHash(), 0);
CAmount amount(10);
int height = 0;
int validHeight = 0;
CClaimValue claimVal(claimOutPoint, claimId, amount, height, validHeight);
ctc.insertClaimIntoTrie("test", claimVal);
// try getClaimsForName, getEffectiveAmountForClaim, getInfoForName
claimsForNameType res = ctc.getClaimsForName("test");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL([0], claimVal);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(10, ctc.getEffectiveAmountForClaim("test", claimId));
CClaimValue claim;
BOOST_CHECK(ctc.getInfoForName("test", claim));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(claim, claimVal);
// insert a support
CAmount supportAmount(10);
uint256 hash1(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002"));
CMutableTransaction tx2 = BuildTransaction(hash1);
COutPoint supportOutPoint(tx2.GetHash(), 0);
CSupportValue support(supportOutPoint, claimId, supportAmount, height, validHeight);
ctc.insertSupportIntoMap("test", support, false);
// try getEffectiveAmount
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(20, ctc.getEffectiveAmountForClaim("test", claimId));
CClaimTrieCacheTest cc(pclaimTrie);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, cc.cacheSize());
COutPoint outpoint;
uint160 claimId;
CAmount amount(20);
int height = 0;
int validAtHeight = 0;
CClaimValue test_claim(outpoint, claimId, amount, height, validAtHeight);
CClaimTrieNode base_node;
// base node has a claim, so it should not be pruned
// node 1 has a claim so it should not be pruned
CClaimTrieNode node_1;
const char c = 't';
base_node.children[c] = &node_1;
// set this just to make sure we get the right CClaimTrieNode back
node_1.nHeightOfLastTakeover = 10;
//node 2 does not have a claim so it should be pruned
// thus we should find pruned node 1 in cache
CClaimTrieNode node_2;
const char c_2 = 'e';
node_1.children[c_2] = &node_2;
cc.recursivePruneName(&base_node, 0, std::string("te"), NULL);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, cc.cacheSize());
nodeCacheType::iterator it = cc.getCache(std::string("t"));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(10, it->second->nHeightOfLastTakeover);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, it->second->claims.size());
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, it->second->children.size());
CClaimTrieCacheTest ctc(pclaimTrie);
uint256 hash0(uint256S("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"));
CMutableTransaction tx1 = BuildTransaction(hash0);
const uint256 txhash = tx1.GetHash();
CClaimValue claimVal(COutPoint(txhash, 0), ClaimIdHash(txhash, 0), CAmount(10), 0, 0);
ctc.insertClaimIntoTrie("test", claimVal);
int count = 0;
struct TestCallBack : public CNodeCallback {
TestCallBack(int& count) : count(count)
void visit(const std::string& name, const CClaimTrieNode* node)
if (name == "test") {
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(node->claims.size(), 1);
int& count;
} testCallback(count);
count = 3;
struct TestCallBack2 : public CNodeCallback {
TestCallBack2(int& count) : count(count)
void visit(const std::string& name, const CClaimTrieNode* node)
if (--count <= 0)
throw CRecursionInterruptionException(false);
int& count;
} testCallback2(count);

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
int ApplyTxInUndo(Coin&& undo, CCoinsViewCache& view, const COutPoint& out);
int ApplyTxInUndo(unsigned int index, CTxUndo& txUndo, CCoinsViewCache& view, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache, const COutPoint& out);
void UpdateCoins(const CTransaction& tx, CCoinsViewCache& inputs, CTxUndo &txundo, int nHeight);
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public:
} // namespace
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(coins_tests, BasicTestingSetup)
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(coins_tests, TestingSetup)
static const unsigned int NUM_SIMULATION_ITERATIONS = 40000;
@ -407,7 +407,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(updatecoins_simulation_test)
if (!tx.IsCoinBase()) {
const COutPoint &out =[0].prevout;
Coin coin = undo.vprevout[0];
ApplyTxInUndo(std::move(coin), *(stack.back()), out);
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
ApplyTxInUndo(0, undo, *(stack.back()), trieCache, out);
// return coin
undo.vprevout[0] = coin;
// Store as a candidate for reconnection
@ -706,7 +709,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ccoins_spend)
static void CheckAddCoinBase(CAmount base_value, CAmount cache_value, CAmount modify_value, CAmount expected_value, char cache_flags, char expected_flags, bool coinbase)
SingleEntryCacheTest test(base_value, cache_value, cache_flags);
@ -742,14 +745,14 @@ static void CheckAddCoin(Args&&... args)
/* Check AddCoin behavior, requesting a new coin from a cache view,
* writing a modification to the coin, and then checking the resulting
* entry in the cache after the modification. Verify behavior with the
* with the AddCoin potential_overwrite argument set to false, and to true.
* Cache Write Result Cache Result potential_overwrite
* Value Value Value Flags Flags
// * Check AddCoin behavior, requesting a new coin from a cache view,
// * writing a modification to the coin, and then checking the resulting
// * entry in the cache after the modification. Verify behavior with the
// * with the AddCoin potential_overwrite argument set to false, and to true.
// *
// * Cache Write Result Cache Result potential_overwrite
// * Value Value Value Flags Flags
// *
CheckAddCoin(ABSENT, VALUE3, VALUE3, NO_ENTRY , DIRTY , true );
CheckAddCoin(PRUNED, VALUE3, VALUE3, 0 , DIRTY|FRESH, false);
@ -768,7 +771,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ccoins_add)
CheckAddCoin(VALUE2, VALUE3, VALUE3, DIRTY , DIRTY , true );
} */
void CheckWriteCoins(CAmount parent_value, CAmount child_value, CAmount expected_value, char parent_flags, char child_flags, char expected_flags)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": false
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"isTestnet": true
"addrType": "pubkey",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false
"addrType": "script",
"isPrivkey": false,
"isTestnet": false

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
"isCompressed": false,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
"isCompressed": true,
"isPrivkey": true,
"chain": "test"
"chain": "lbrycrdtest"
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main"
"chain": "lbrycrd"
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main",
"chain": "lbrycrd",
"tryCaseFlip": true
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test",
"chain": "lbrycrdtest",
"tryCaseFlip": true
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main",
"chain": "lbrycrd",
"tryCaseFlip": true
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main",
"chain": "lbrycrd",
"tryCaseFlip": true
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "main",
"chain": "lbrycrd",
"tryCaseFlip": true
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
"isPrivkey": false,
"chain": "test",
"chain": "lbrycrdtest",
"tryCaseFlip": true

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -281,10 +281,6 @@
["0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100", 2, "0x51", 3000]],
"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", "P2SH,WITNESS"],
["Witness with a push of 521 bytes"],
[[["0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100", 0, "0x00 0x20 0x33198a9bfef674ebddb9ffaa52928017b8472791e54c609cb95f278ac6b1e349", 1000]],
"0100000000010100010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff010000000000000000015102fd0902000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002755100000000", "P2SH,WITNESS"],
["Witness with unknown version which push false on the stack should be invalid (even without DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_WITNESS_PROGRAM)"],
[[["0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100", 0, "0x60 0x02 0x0000", 2000]],
"0100000000010100010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff010000000000000000015101010100000000", "P2SH,WITNESS"],

View file

@ -146,7 +146,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(stale_tip_peer_management)
BOOST_CHECK(node->fDisconnect == false);
SetMockTime(GetTime() + 3*consensusParams.nPowTargetSpacing + 1);
// STALE_CHECK_INTERVAL is used in PeerLogicValidation::CheckForStaleTipAndEvictPeers
// as minimal time to check tip stale i.e. 10 minutes
// we use maximum value of STALE_CHECK_INTERVAL and nPowTargetSpacing
// NOTE: STALE_CHECK_INTERVAL is static that why we use raw value 10 * 60, sync may need in future
auto time = std::max(long(10) * 60, 3 * consensusParams.nPowTargetSpacing);
SetMockTime(GetTime() + time + 1);
// Now tip should definitely be stale, and we should look for an extra
// outbound peer

View file

@ -13,49 +13,67 @@
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(main_tests, TestingSetup)
static void TestBlockSubsidyHalvings(const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
static void TestBlockSubsidyReductions(const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
int maxHalvings = 64;
CAmount nInitialSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
int nHeight = 0;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, consensusParams), 400000000*COIN);
CAmount nPreviousSubsidy = nInitialSubsidy * 2; // for height == 0
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nPreviousSubsidy, nInitialSubsidy * 2);
for (int nHalvings = 0; nHalvings < maxHalvings; nHalvings++) {
int nHeight = nHalvings * consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
CAmount nSubsidy = GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, consensusParams);
BOOST_CHECK(nSubsidy <= nInitialSubsidy);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nSubsidy, nPreviousSubsidy / 2);
nPreviousSubsidy = nSubsidy;
// Verify that block reward is 1 until block 5100
nHeight += 25;
for (; nHeight < 5100; nHeight += 80)
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, consensusParams), 1*COIN);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(GetBlockSubsidy(maxHalvings * consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval, consensusParams), 0);
nHeight = 5100;
// Verify it increases by 1 coin every 100 blocks
for (int i = 1; nHeight < 55000; nHeight += 100, i++)
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, consensusParams), i*COIN);
int maxReductions = 500;
CAmount nInitialSubsidy = 500 * COIN;
int nReductions;
for (nReductions = 0; nReductions < maxReductions; nReductions++)
nHeight = (((nReductions * nReductions + nReductions) >> 1) * consensusParams.nSubsidyLevelInterval) + 55001;
CAmount nSubsidy = GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, consensusParams);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nSubsidy, nInitialSubsidy - nReductions * COIN);
nHeight = (((nReductions * nReductions + nReductions) >> 1) * consensusParams.nSubsidyLevelInterval) + 55001;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, consensusParams), 0);
static void TestBlockSubsidyHalvings(int nSubsidyHalvingInterval)
static void TestBlockSubsidyReductions(int nSubsidyLevelInterval)
Consensus::Params consensusParams;
consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
consensusParams.nSubsidyLevelInterval = nSubsidyLevelInterval;
const auto chainParams = CreateChainParams(CBaseChainParams::MAIN);
TestBlockSubsidyHalvings(chainParams->GetConsensus()); // As in main
TestBlockSubsidyHalvings(150); // As in regtest
TestBlockSubsidyHalvings(1000); // Just another interval
TestBlockSubsidyReductions(chainParams->GetConsensus()); // As in main
TestBlockSubsidyReductions(1); // As in regtest
TestBlockSubsidyReductions(5); // Just another interval
const auto chainParams = CreateChainParams(CBaseChainParams::MAIN);
const auto& consensusParams = chainParams->GetConsensus();
CAmount nSum = 0;
for (int nHeight = 0; nHeight < 14000000; nHeight += 1000) {
CAmount nSubsidy = GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, chainParams->GetConsensus());
BOOST_CHECK(nSubsidy <= 50 * COIN);
nSum += GetBlockSubsidy(0, consensusParams);
for (int nHeight = 1; nHeight < 5000001; nHeight += 1000) {
CAmount nSubsidy = GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, consensusParams);
BOOST_CHECK(nSubsidy <= 500 * COIN);
nSum += nSubsidy * 1000;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nSum, CAmount{2099999997690000});
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nSum, 108322100000000000LL);
static bool ReturnFalse() { return false; }

View file

@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(merkleblock_tests, BasicTestingSetup)
CBlock block = getBlock13b8a();
CBlock block = getTestBlock();
std::set<uint256> txids;
// Last txn in block.
uint256 txhash1 = uint256S("0x74d681e0e03bafa802c8aa084379aa98d9fcd632ddc2ed9782b586ec87451f20");
uint256 txhash1 = uint256S("0x9ce94190112f5b6763fb73a813c7bc2b63f1279f4345d2815abe3d7b2b0052cf");
// Second txn in block.
uint256 txhash2 = uint256S("0xf9fc751cb7dc372406a9f8d738d5e6f8f63bab71986a39cf36ee70ee17036d07");
uint256 txhash2 = uint256S("0x284a6aee6143497ebfede92f4877945714c0a041d79e49e7664fc6299e55d61e");
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(merkleblock_construct_from_txids_found)
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(vMatched[1].ToString(), txhash1.ToString());
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(merkleblock_construct_from_txids_found)
CBlock block = getBlock13b8a();
CBlock block = getTestBlock();
std::set<uint256> txids2;

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <validation.h>
#include <miner.h>
#include <policy/policy.h>
#include <pow.h>
#include <pubkey.h>
#include <script/standard.h>
#include <txmempool.h>
@ -47,39 +48,30 @@ static BlockAssembler AssemblerForTest(const CChainParams& params) {
return BlockAssembler(params, options);
struct {
unsigned char extranonce;
unsigned int nonce;
} blockinfo[] = {
{4, 0xa4a3e223}, {2, 0x15c32f9e}, {1, 0x0375b547}, {1, 0x7004a8a5},
{2, 0xce440296}, {2, 0x52cfe198}, {1, 0x77a72cd0}, {2, 0xbb5d6f84},
{2, 0x83f30c2c}, {1, 0x48a73d5b}, {1, 0xef7dcd01}, {2, 0x6809c6c4},
{2, 0x0883ab3c}, {1, 0x087bbbe2}, {2, 0x2104a814}, {2, 0xdffb6daa},
{1, 0xee8a0a08}, {2, 0xba4237c1}, {1, 0xa70349dc}, {1, 0x344722bb},
{3, 0xd6294733}, {2, 0xec9f5c94}, {2, 0xca2fbc28}, {1, 0x6ba4f406},
{2, 0x015d4532}, {1, 0x6e119b7c}, {2, 0x43e8f314}, {2, 0x27962f38},
{2, 0xb571b51b}, {2, 0xb36bee23}, {2, 0xd17924a8}, {2, 0x6bc212d9},
{1, 0x630d4948}, {2, 0x9a4c4ebb}, {2, 0x554be537}, {1, 0xd63ddfc7},
{2, 0xa10acc11}, {1, 0x759a8363}, {2, 0xfb73090d}, {1, 0xe82c6a34},
{1, 0xe33e92d7}, {3, 0x658ef5cb}, {2, 0xba32ff22}, {5, 0x0227a10c},
{1, 0xa9a70155}, {5, 0xd096d809}, {1, 0x37176174}, {1, 0x830b8d0f},
{1, 0xc6e3910e}, {2, 0x823f3ca8}, {1, 0x99850849}, {1, 0x7521fb81},
{1, 0xaacaabab}, {1, 0xd645a2eb}, {5, 0x7aea1781}, {5, 0x9d6e4b78},
{1, 0x4ce90fd8}, {1, 0xabdc832d}, {6, 0x4a34f32a}, {2, 0xf2524c1c},
{2, 0x1bbeb08a}, {1, 0xad47f480}, {1, 0x9f026aeb}, {1, 0x15a95049},
{2, 0xd1cb95b2}, {2, 0xf84bbda5}, {1, 0x0fa62cd1}, {1, 0xe05f9169},
{1, 0x78d194a9}, {5, 0x3e38147b}, {5, 0x737ba0d4}, {1, 0x63378e10},
{1, 0x6d5f91cf}, {2, 0x88612eb8}, {2, 0xe9639484}, {1, 0xb7fabc9d},
{2, 0x19b01592}, {1, 0x5a90dd31}, {2, 0x5bd7e028}, {2, 0x94d00323},
{1, 0xa9b9c01a}, {1, 0x3a40de61}, {1, 0x56e7eec7}, {5, 0x859f7ef6},
{1, 0xfd8e5630}, {1, 0x2b0c9f7f}, {1, 0xba700e26}, {1, 0x7170a408},
{1, 0x70de86a8}, {1, 0x74d64cd5}, {1, 0x49e738a1}, {2, 0x6910b602},
{0, 0x643c565f}, {1, 0x54264b3f}, {2, 0x97ea6396}, {2, 0x55174459},
{2, 0x03e8779a}, {1, 0x98f34d8f}, {1, 0xc07b2b07}, {1, 0xdfe29668},
{1, 0x3141c7c1}, {1, 0xb3b595f4}, {1, 0x735abf08}, {5, 0x623bfbce},
{2, 0xd351e722}, {1, 0xf4ca48c9}, {1, 0x5b19c670}, {1, 0xa164bf0e},
{2, 0xbbbeb305}, {2, 0xfe1c810a},
const unsigned int nonces[] = {
56564, 72380, 128907, 2182, 184471, 63950, 34000, 9478, 59377, 10829,
66034, 37442, 89195, 26592, 26566, 53604, 125840, 89873, 28210, 13648,
65365, 100838, 146064, 9575, 124878, 75942, 24172, 234386, 163091, 4967,
10462, 22895, 143012, 26772, 98584, 50257, 76046, 56716, 63762, 20472,
27042, 11610, 117648, 59446, 95391, 13726, 72678, 54999, 15643, 66372,
159975, 34190, 3253, 3817, 3249, 19231, 287, 14293, 56344, 1314, 24596,
39278, 42371, 204220, 17374, 32391, 4980, 127690, 13713, 66198, 89787,
33360, 8777, 33257, 194167, 25918, 20999, 165920, 55226, 158831, 13566,
37669, 264730, 44469, 57778, 40117, 61777, 196161, 107084, 69370, 49739,
168694, 181818, 58959, 48614, 1646, 52654, 13423, 89689, 67406, 126841,
22148, 59206, 76962, 77648, 2215, 162303, 137215, 37951, 30207, 53220,
34221, 14213, 100990, 24457, 181162, 1451, 14573, 10467, 24983, 262822,
167979, 25163, 68559, 88074, 135052, 30256, 24860, 25890, 191606, 307582,
41542, 15231, 296998, 87388, 275976, 26110, 42669, 12916, 3833, 10375,
9826, 37676, 163341, 168130, 3209, 55275, 140779, 33289, 68881, 18576,
136275, 536, 25789, 16372, 51618, 12954, 3584, 235289, 5003, 135396,
107987, 871, 29290, 29457, 59987, 36795, 27771, 105636, 68229, 7266,
37970, 31076, 9463, 5272, 47100, 5844, 55508, 35003, 7540, 27079,
56325, 59682, 22508, 24828, 42895, 69580, 71361, 83950, 8510, 21211,
26562, 65709, 122140, 23400, 79693, 36035, 50444, 70005, 36025, 135185,
71536, 4941, 11151, 3816, 45028, 45271, 90086, 94324, 18419, 108975,
17221, 108672, 166833, 40212, 168684, 21230, 22513, 73286, 43347, 101454,
418017, 71718, 93728, 214959, 31443, 31111, 41327, 74140, 25836
static CBlockIndex CreateBlockIndex(int nHeight)
@ -112,20 +104,20 @@ static void TestPackageSelection(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript&[0].prevout.hash = txFirst[0]->GetHash();[0].prevout.n = 0;
tx.vout[0].nValue = 5000000000LL - 1000;
tx.vout[0].nValue = 50000000LL - 1000;
// This tx has a low fee: 1000 satoshis
uint256 hashParentTx = tx.GetHash(); // save this txid for later use
mempool.addUnchecked(hashParentTx, entry.Fee(1000).Time(GetTime()).SpendsCoinbase(true).FromTx(tx));
// This tx has a medium fee: 10000 satoshis[0].prevout.hash = txFirst[1]->GetHash();
tx.vout[0].nValue = 5000000000LL - 10000;
tx.vout[0].nValue = 50000000LL - 10000;
uint256 hashMediumFeeTx = tx.GetHash();
mempool.addUnchecked(hashMediumFeeTx, entry.Fee(10000).Time(GetTime()).SpendsCoinbase(true).FromTx(tx));
// This tx has a high fee, but depends on the first transaction[0].prevout.hash = hashParentTx;
tx.vout[0].nValue = 5000000000LL - 1000 - 50000; // 50k satoshi fee
tx.vout[0].nValue = 50000000LL - 1000 - 50000; // 50k satoshi fee
uint256 hashHighFeeTx = tx.GetHash();
mempool.addUnchecked(hashHighFeeTx, entry.Fee(50000).Time(GetTime()).SpendsCoinbase(false).FromTx(tx));
@ -136,7 +128,7 @@ static void TestPackageSelection(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript&
// Test that a package below the block min tx fee doesn't get included[0].prevout.hash = hashHighFeeTx;
tx.vout[0].nValue = 5000000000LL - 1000 - 50000; // 0 fee
tx.vout[0].nValue = 50000000LL - 1000 - 50000; // 0 fee
uint256 hashFreeTx = tx.GetHash();
mempool.addUnchecked(hashFreeTx, entry.Fee(0).FromTx(tx));
size_t freeTxSize = ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
@ -146,7 +138,7 @@ static void TestPackageSelection(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript&
CAmount feeToUse = blockMinFeeRate.GetFee(2*freeTxSize) - 1;[0].prevout.hash = hashFreeTx;
tx.vout[0].nValue = 5000000000LL - 1000 - 50000 - feeToUse;
tx.vout[0].nValue = 50000000LL - 1000 - 50000 - feeToUse;
uint256 hashLowFeeTx = tx.GetHash();
mempool.addUnchecked(hashLowFeeTx, entry.Fee(feeToUse).FromTx(tx));
pblocktemplate = AssemblerForTest(chainparams).CreateNewBlock(scriptPubKey);
@ -172,8 +164,8 @@ static void TestPackageSelection(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript&
// Add a 0-fee transaction that has 2 outputs.[0].prevout.hash = txFirst[2]->GetHash();
tx.vout[0].nValue = 5000000000LL - 100000000;
tx.vout[1].nValue = 100000000; // 1BTC output
tx.vout[0].nValue = 50000000LL - 1000000LL;
tx.vout[1].nValue = 1000000LL; // 1BTC output
uint256 hashFreeTx2 = tx.GetHash();
mempool.addUnchecked(hashFreeTx2, entry.Fee(0).SpendsCoinbase(true).FromTx(tx));
@ -181,7 +173,7 @@ static void TestPackageSelection(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript&[0].prevout.hash = hashFreeTx2;
feeToUse = blockMinFeeRate.GetFee(freeTxSize);
tx.vout[0].nValue = 5000000000LL - 100000000 - feeToUse;
tx.vout[0].nValue = 50000000LL - 1000000LL - feeToUse;
uint256 hashLowFeeTx2 = tx.GetHash();
mempool.addUnchecked(hashLowFeeTx2, entry.Fee(feeToUse).SpendsCoinbase(false).FromTx(tx));
pblocktemplate = AssemblerForTest(chainparams).CreateNewBlock(scriptPubKey);
@ -195,7 +187,7 @@ static void TestPackageSelection(const CChainParams& chainparams, const CScript&
// This tx will be mineable, and should cause hashLowFeeTx2 to be selected
// as well.[0].prevout.n = 1;
tx.vout[0].nValue = 100000000 - 10000; // 10k satoshi fee
tx.vout[0].nValue = 1000000LL - 10000; // 10k satoshi fee
mempool.addUnchecked(tx.GetHash(), entry.Fee(10000).FromTx(tx));
pblocktemplate = AssemblerForTest(chainparams).CreateNewBlock(scriptPubKey);
BOOST_CHECK(pblocktemplate->block.vtx[8]->GetHash() == hashLowFeeTx2);
@ -225,18 +217,17 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
// Therefore, load 100 blocks :)
int baseheight = 0;
std::vector<CTransactionRef> txFirst;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(blockinfo)/sizeof(*blockinfo); ++i)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(nonces)/sizeof(unsigned int); ++i)
BOOST_CHECK(pblocktemplate = AssemblerForTest(chainparams).CreateNewBlock(scriptPubKey));
CBlock *pblock = &pblocktemplate->block; // pointer for convenience
pblock->nVersion = 1;
pblock->nTime = chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast()+1;
pblock->hashPrevBlock = chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash();
pblock->nVersion = 5;
pblock->nTime = chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockTime() + chainparams.GetConsensus().nPowTargetSpacing;
CMutableTransaction txCoinbase(*pblock->vtx[0]);
txCoinbase.nVersion = 1;[0].scriptSig = CScript();[0].scriptSig.push_back(blockinfo[i].extranonce);[0].scriptSig.push_back(chainActive.Height());[0].scriptSig = CScript() << int(chainActive.Height() + 1) << i;
txCoinbase.vout.resize(1); // Ignore the (optional) segwit commitment added by CreateNewBlock (as the hardcoded nonces don't account for this)
txCoinbase.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript();
pblock->vtx[0] = MakeTransactionRef(std::move(txCoinbase));
@ -245,11 +236,24 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
if (txFirst.size() < 4)
pblock->hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(*pblock);
pblock->nNonce = blockinfo[i].nonce;
pblock->nNonce = nonces[i];
//Use below code to find nonces, in case we change hashing or difficulty retargeting algo
for (int j = 0;; j++)
pblock->nNonce = j;
if (CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetPoWHash(), pblock->nBits, chainparams.GetConsensus()))
std::cout << "Nonce is " << pblock->nNonce << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> shared_pblock = std::make_shared<const CBlock>(*pblock);
BOOST_CHECK(ProcessNewBlock(chainparams, shared_pblock, true, nullptr));
pblock->hashPrevBlock = pblock->GetHash();
@ -258,10 +262,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
// Just to make sure we can still make simple blocks
BOOST_CHECK(pblocktemplate = AssemblerForTest(chainparams).CreateNewBlock(scriptPubKey));
const CAmount BLOCKSUBSIDY = 50*COIN;
const CAmount LOWFEE = CENT;
const CAmount HIGHFEE = COIN;
const CAmount HIGHERFEE = 4*COIN;
const CAmount BLOCKSUBSIDY = 50000000LL;
const CAmount LOWFEE = 100000LL;
const CAmount HIGHFEE = 1000000LL;
const CAmount HIGHERFEE = 4*HIGHFEE;
// block sigops > limit: 1000 CHECKMULTISIG + 1;
@ -273,7 +277,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
tx.vout[0].nValue = BLOCKSUBSIDY;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1001; ++i)
tx.vout[0].nValue -= LOWFEE;
tx.vout[0].nValue -= 101;
hash = tx.GetHash();
bool spendsCoinbase = i == 0; // only first tx spends coinbase
// If we don't set the # of sig ops in the CTxMemPoolEntry, template creation fails
@ -288,11 +292,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
tx.vout[0].nValue = BLOCKSUBSIDY;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1001; ++i)
tx.vout[0].nValue -= LOWFEE;
tx.vout[0].nValue -= 101;
hash = tx.GetHash();
bool spendsCoinbase = i == 0; // only first tx spends coinbase
// If we do set the # of sig ops in the CTxMemPoolEntry, template creation passes
mempool.addUnchecked(hash, entry.Fee(LOWFEE).Time(GetTime()).SpendsCoinbase(spendsCoinbase).SigOpsCost(80).FromTx(tx));
mempool.addUnchecked(hash, entry.Fee(LOWFEE / 2).Time(GetTime()).SpendsCoinbase(spendsCoinbase).SigOpsCost(80).FromTx(tx));[0].prevout.hash = hash;
BOOST_CHECK(pblocktemplate = AssemblerForTest(chainparams).CreateNewBlock(scriptPubKey));
@ -309,7 +313,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
tx.vout[0].nValue = BLOCKSUBSIDY;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
tx.vout[0].nValue -= LOWFEE;
tx.vout[0].nValue -= 100;
hash = tx.GetHash();
bool spendsCoinbase = i == 0; // only first tx spends coinbase
mempool.addUnchecked(hash, entry.Fee(LOWFEE).Time(GetTime()).SpendsCoinbase(spendsCoinbase).FromTx(tx));
@ -369,11 +373,16 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
// subsidy changing
int nHeight = chainActive.Height();
// Create an actual 209999-long block chain (without valid blocks).
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
BOOST_CHECK(chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash() == trieCache.getBestBlock());
while (chainActive.Tip()->nHeight < 209999) {
CBlockIndex* prev = chainActive.Tip();
CBlockIndex* next = new CBlockIndex();
next->phashBlock = new uint256(InsecureRand256());
next->pprev = prev;
next->nHeight = prev->nHeight + 1;
@ -386,6 +395,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
CBlockIndex* next = new CBlockIndex();
next->phashBlock = new uint256(InsecureRand256());
next->pprev = prev;
next->nHeight = prev->nHeight + 1;
@ -416,6 +427,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
CBlockIndex* del = chainActive.Tip();
delete del->phashBlock;
delete del;
@ -427,7 +440,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
std::vector<int> prevheights;
// relative height locked
tx.nVersion = 2;
tx.nVersion = CTransaction::CURRENT_VERSION;;
prevheights.resize(1);[0].prevout.hash = txFirst[0]->GetHash(); // only 1 transaction
@ -440,6 +453,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CreateNewBlock_validity)
tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << OP_1;
tx.nLockTime = 0;
hash = tx.GetHash();
mempool.addUnchecked(hash, entry.Fee(HIGHFEE).Time(GetTime()).SpendsCoinbase(true).FromTx(tx));
BOOST_CHECK(CheckFinalTx(tx, flags)); // Locktime passes
BOOST_CHECK(!TestSequenceLocks(tx, flags)); // Sequence locks fail

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#include "nameclaim.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include "test/test_bitcoin.h"
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(nameclaim_tests, BasicTestingSetup)
CMutableTransaction tx;
tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey = ClaimNameScript("A","test");
// check that fee is adjusted based on name length
CMutableTransaction tx2;
tx2.vout[0].scriptPubKey = ClaimNameScript("ABCDE","test");
// check that multiple OP_CLAIM_NAME outputs are counted
CMutableTransaction tx3;
tx3.vout[0].scriptPubKey = ClaimNameScript("A","test");
tx3.vout[1].scriptPubKey = ClaimNameScript("AB","test");
// if tx has no claim minimum fee is 0
CMutableTransaction tx4;

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(get_next_work)
pindexLast.nHeight = 32255;
pindexLast.nTime = 1262152739; // Block #32255
pindexLast.nBits = 0x1d00ffff;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CalculateNextWorkRequired(&pindexLast, nLastRetargetTime, chainParams->GetConsensus()), 0x1d00d86aU);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CalculateNextWorkRequired(&pindexLast, nLastRetargetTime, chainParams->GetConsensus()), 0x1D03FFFCU);
/* Test the constraint on the upper bound for next work */
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(get_next_work_pow_limit)
pindexLast.nHeight = 2015;
pindexLast.nTime = 1233061996; // Block #2015
pindexLast.nBits = 0x1d00ffff;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CalculateNextWorkRequired(&pindexLast, nLastRetargetTime, chainParams->GetConsensus()), 0x1d00ffffU);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CalculateNextWorkRequired(&pindexLast, nLastRetargetTime, chainParams->GetConsensus()), 0x1D03FFFCU);
/* Test the constraint on the lower bound for actual time taken */
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(get_next_work_lower_limit_actual)
pindexLast.nHeight = 68543;
pindexLast.nTime = 1279297671; // Block #68543
pindexLast.nBits = 0x1c05a3f4;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CalculateNextWorkRequired(&pindexLast, nLastRetargetTime, chainParams->GetConsensus()), 0x1c0168fdU);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(CalculateNextWorkRequired(&pindexLast, nLastRetargetTime, chainParams->GetConsensus()), 0x1C168FD0U);
/* Test the constraint on the upper bound for actual time taken */

View file

@ -335,6 +335,24 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(rpc_convert_values_generatetoaddress)
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(result[2].get_int(), 9);
// std::runtime_error: parameter 2 must be hexadecimal string (not 'not_hex')
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("getnameproof test not_hex"), std::runtime_error);
// std::runtime_error: Block not found
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("getnameproof test aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"), std::runtime_error);
// Generate a block to validate the NO_THROW case.
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC("getnameproof test"));
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("getclaimsfortx not_hex"), std::runtime_error);
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC("getclaimsfortx aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"));
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("getclaimbyid not_hex"), std::runtime_error);
// Wrong length. */
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(CallRPC("getclaimbyid a"), std::runtime_error);
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(CallRPC("getclaimbyid aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"));
int64_t total_weight = 200;

View file

@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(script_build)
).PushSig(keys.key2).Add(CScript() << OP_NOP8).PushRedeem());
tests.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2PK with non-push scriptSig but with P2SH validation", 0
).PushSig(keys.key2).Add(CScript() << OP_NOP8));
).PushSig(keys.key2).Add(CScript() << OP_NOP9));
tests.push_back(TestBuilder(CScript() << ToByteVector(keys.pubkey2C) << OP_CHECKSIG,
"P2SH(P2PK) with non-push scriptSig but no SIGPUSHONLY", SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH, true
).PushSig(keys.key2).Add(CScript() << OP_NOP8).PushRedeem().ScriptError(SCRIPT_ERR_SIG_PUSHONLY));
@ -1285,6 +1285,51 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(script_combineSigs)
BOOST_CHECK(combined.scriptSig == partial3c);
// Test the claim scripts
// Outline:
// Spend normal tx to make claim
// Spend claim to update claim
// Spend updated claim to abandon name
CBasicKeyStore keystore;
std::vector<CKey> keys;
std::vector<CPubKey> pubkeys;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
CKey key;
CScriptWitness wit;
std::string sName = "testname";
std::string sValue = "testvalue";
std::vector<unsigned char> vchName(sName.begin(), sName.end());
std::vector<unsigned char> vchValue(sValue.begin(), sValue.end());
CMutableTransaction txOrig = BuildCreditingTransaction(GetScriptForDestination(keys[0].GetPubKey().GetID()));
CMutableTransaction txClaim0 = BuildSpendingTransaction(CScript(), wit, txOrig);
CScript txClaimOut0 = CScript() << OP_CLAIM_NAME << vchName << vchValue << OP_2DROP << OP_DROP;
txClaimOut0 = txClaimOut0 + GetScriptForDestination(keys[1].GetPubKey().GetID());
txClaim0.vout[0].scriptPubKey = txClaimOut0;
SignSignature(keystore, txOrig, txClaim0, 0, SIGHASH_ALL);
CMutableTransaction txClaim1 = BuildSpendingTransaction(CScript(), wit, txClaim0);
CScript txClaimOut1 = CScript() << OP_CLAIM_NAME << vchName << vchValue << OP_2DROP << OP_DROP;
txClaimOut1 = txClaimOut1 + GetScriptForDestination(keys[2].GetPubKey().GetID());
txClaim1.vout[0].scriptPubKey = txClaimOut1;
SignSignature(keystore, txClaim0, txClaim1, 0, SIGHASH_ALL);
CMutableTransaction txFinal = BuildSpendingTransaction(CScript(), wit, txClaim1);
txFinal.vout[0].scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(keys[3].GetPubKey().GetID());
SignSignature(keystore, txClaim1, txFinal, 0, SIGHASH_ALL);
ScriptError err;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -95,6 +95,11 @@ struct TestChain100Setup : public TestingSetup {
CKey coinbaseKey; // private/public key needed to spend coinbase transactions
struct RegTestingSetup: public TestingSetup {
class CTxMemPoolEntry;
struct TestMemPoolEntryHelper
@ -122,9 +127,17 @@ struct TestMemPoolEntryHelper
TestMemPoolEntryHelper &SigOpsCost(unsigned int _sigopsCost) { sigOpCost = _sigopsCost; return *this; }
CBlock getBlock13b8a();
CBlock getTestBlock();
// define an implicit conversion here so that uint256 may be used directly in BOOST_CHECK_*
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const uint256& num);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const uint160& num);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const COutPoint& point);
class CClaimValue;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CClaimValue& claim);
class CClaimTrieNode;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CClaimTrieNode& node);

View file

@ -558,27 +558,27 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(util_GetChainName)
std::string error;
test_args.ParseParameters(0, (char**)argv_testnet, error);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "main");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "lbrycrd");
test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_testnet, error);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "lbrycrdtest");
test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_regtest, error);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "regtest");
test_args.ParseParameters(3, (char**)argv_test_no_reg, error);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "lbrycrdtest");
test_args.ParseParameters(3, (char**)argv_both, error);
BOOST_CHECK_THROW(test_args.GetChainName(), std::runtime_error);
test_args.ParseParameters(0, (char**)argv_testnet, error);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "lbrycrdtest");
test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_testnet, error);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "lbrycrdtest");
test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_regtest, error);
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(util_GetChainName)
test_args.ParseParameters(3, (char**)argv_test_no_reg, error);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "lbrycrdtest");
test_args.ParseParameters(3, (char**)argv_both, error);
@ -598,11 +598,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(util_GetChainName)
test_args.ParseParameters(0, (char**)argv_testnet, error);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "lbrycrdtest");
test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_testnet, error);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "lbrycrdtest");
test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_regtest, error);
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(util_GetChainName)
test_args.ParseParameters(2, (char**)argv_test_no_reg, error);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "test");
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(test_args.GetChainName(), "lbrycrdtest");
test_args.ParseParameters(3, (char**)argv_both, error);

View file

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ std::shared_ptr<CBlock> FinalizeBlock(std::shared_ptr<CBlock> pblock)
pblock->hashMerkleRoot = BlockMerkleRoot(*pblock);
while (!CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetHash(), pblock->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) {
while (!CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetPoWHash(), pblock->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) {

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <chainparams.h>
#include <hash.h>
#include <index/txindex.h>
#include <random.h>
#include <pow.h>
#include <shutdown.h>
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ static const char DB_COIN = 'C';
static const char DB_COINS = 'c';
static const char DB_BLOCK_FILES = 'f';
static const char DB_BLOCK_INDEX = 'b';
static const char DB_TX_INDEX = 't';
static const char DB_BEST_BLOCK = 'B';
static const char DB_HEAD_BLOCKS = 'H';
@ -234,6 +236,17 @@ bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteBatchSync(const std::vector<std::pair<int, const CBlockF
return WriteBatch(batch, true);
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadTxIndex(const uint256 &txid, CDiskTxPos &pos) {
return Read(std::make_pair(DB_TX_INDEX, txid), pos);
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteTxIndex(const std::vector<std::pair<uint256, CDiskTxPos> >&vect) {
CDBBatch batch(*this);
for (std::vector<std::pair<uint256,CDiskTxPos> >::const_iterator it=vect.begin(); it!=vect.end(); it++)
batch.Write(std::make_pair(DB_TX_INDEX, it->first), it->second);
return WriteBatch(batch);
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteFlag(const std::string &name, bool fValue) {
return Write(std::make_pair(DB_FLAG, name), fValue ? '1' : '0');
@ -268,14 +281,19 @@ bool CBlockTreeDB::LoadBlockIndexGuts(const Consensus::Params& consensusParams,
pindexNew->nUndoPos = diskindex.nUndoPos;
pindexNew->nVersion = diskindex.nVersion;
pindexNew->hashMerkleRoot = diskindex.hashMerkleRoot;
pindexNew->hashClaimTrie = diskindex.hashClaimTrie;
pindexNew->nTime = diskindex.nTime;
pindexNew->nBits = diskindex.nBits;
pindexNew->nNonce = diskindex.nNonce;
pindexNew->nStatus = diskindex.nStatus;
pindexNew->nTx = diskindex.nTx;
if (!CheckProofOfWork(pindexNew->GetBlockHash(), pindexNew->nBits, consensusParams))
if (!CheckProofOfWork(pindexNew->GetBlockPoWHash(), pindexNew->nBits, consensusParams))
LogPrintf("%s: CheckProofOfWorkFailed: %s\n", __func__, pindexNew->ToString());
LogPrintf("%s: CheckProofOfWorkFailed: %s (hash %s, nBits=%x, nTime=%d)\n", __func__, pindexNew->GetBlockPoWHash().GetHex(), pindexNew->GetBlockHash().GetHex(), pindexNew->nBits, pindexNew->nTime);
return error("%s: CheckProofOfWork failed: %s", __func__, pindexNew->ToString());
} else {

View file

@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ class CBlockIndex;
class CCoinsViewDBCursor;
class uint256;
struct CDiskTxPos;
//! No need to periodic flush if at least this much space still available.
static constexpr int MAX_BLOCK_COINSDB_USAGE = 10;
//! -dbcache default (MiB)
static const int64_t nDefaultDbCache = 450;
static const int64_t nDefaultDbCache = sizeof(void*) > 4 ? 700 : 450;
//! -dbbatchsize default (bytes)
static const int64_t nDefaultDbBatchSize = 16 << 20;
//! max. -dbcache (MiB)
@ -93,6 +95,8 @@ public:
bool ReadLastBlockFile(int &nFile);
bool WriteReindexing(bool fReindexing);
void ReadReindexing(bool &fReindexing);
bool ReadTxIndex(const uint256 &txid, CDiskTxPos &pos);
bool WriteTxIndex(const std::vector<std::pair<uint256, CDiskTxPos> > &list);
bool WriteFlag(const std::string &name, bool fValue);
bool ReadFlag(const std::string &name, bool &fValue);
bool LoadBlockIndexGuts(const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, std::function<CBlockIndex*(const uint256&)> insertBlockIndex);

View file

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#include <unordered_map>
#include <claimtrie.h>
#include <compressor.h>
#include <consensus/consensus.h>
#include <primitives/transaction.h>
@ -21,16 +23,24 @@
class TxInUndoSerializer
const Coin* txout;
// whether the outpoint was the last unspent
bool fLastUnspent;
// if the outpoint was the last unspent: its version
unsigned int nVersion;
// If the outpoint was a claim or support, the height at which the claim or support should be inserted into the trie
unsigned int nClaimValidHeight;
// if the outpoint was a claim or support
bool fIsClaim;
template<typename Stream>
void Serialize(Stream &s) const {
::Serialize(s, VARINT(txout->nHeight * 2 + (txout->fCoinBase ? 1u : 0u)));
if (txout->nHeight > 0) {
// Required to maintain compatibility with older undo format.
::Serialize(s, (unsigned char)0);
::Serialize(s, VARINT(txout->nHeight * 4 + (txout->fCoinBase ? 2u : 0u) + (fLastUnspent ? 1u : 0u)));
if (fLastUnspent)
::Serialize(s, VARINT(this->nVersion));
::Serialize(s, CTxOutCompressor(REF(txout->out)));
::Serialize(s, VARINT(nClaimValidHeight));
::Serialize(s, fIsClaim);
explicit TxInUndoSerializer(const Coin* coin) : txout(coin) {}
@ -39,22 +49,28 @@ public:
class TxInUndoDeserializer
Coin* txout;
// whether the outpoint was the last unspent
bool fLastUnspent;
// if the outpoint was the last unspent: its version
unsigned int nVersion;
// If the outpoint was a claim or support, the height at which the claim or support should be inserted into the trie
unsigned int nClaimValidHeight;
// if the outpoint was a claim or support
bool fIsClaim;
template<typename Stream>
void Unserialize(Stream &s) {
unsigned int nCode = 0;
::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nCode));
txout->nHeight = nCode / 2;
txout->fCoinBase = nCode & 1;
if (txout->nHeight > 0) {
// Old versions stored the version number for the last spend of
// a transaction's outputs. Non-final spends were indicated with
// height = 0.
unsigned int nVersionDummy;
::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nVersionDummy));
txout->nHeight = nCode / 4; // >> 2?
txout->fCoinBase = (nCode & 2) ? 1: 0;
fLastUnspent = (nCode & 1) > 0;
if (fLastUnspent)
::Unserialize(s, VARINT(this->nVersion));
::Unserialize(s, CTxOutCompressor(REF(txout->out)));
::Unserialize(s, VARINT(nClaimValidHeight));
::Unserialize(s, fIsClaim);
explicit TxInUndoDeserializer(Coin* coin) : txout(coin) {}
@ -66,32 +82,39 @@ static const size_t MAX_INPUTS_PER_BLOCK = MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT / MIN_TRANSACTION_IN
/** Undo information for a CTransaction */
class CTxUndo
struct claimState
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
// If the outpoint was a claim or support, the height at which the
// claim or support should be inserted into the trie; indexed by Coin index
unsigned int nClaimValidHeight;
// if the outpoint was a claim or support; indexed by Coin index
bool fIsClaim;
using claimStateMap = std::map<unsigned int, claimState>;
// undo information for all txins
std::vector<Coin> vprevout;
claimStateMap claimInfo;
template <typename Stream>
void Serialize(Stream& s) const {
// TODO: avoid reimplementing vector serializer
uint64_t count = vprevout.size();
::Serialize(s, COMPACTSIZE(REF(count)));
for (const auto& prevout : vprevout) {
::Serialize(s, TxInUndoSerializer(&prevout));
CTxUndo() {
template <typename Stream>
void Unserialize(Stream& s) {
// TODO: avoid reimplementing vector deserializer
uint64_t count = 0;
::Unserialize(s, COMPACTSIZE(count));
if (count > MAX_INPUTS_PER_BLOCK) {
throw std::ios_base::failure("Too many input undo records");
for (auto& prevout : vprevout) {
::Unserialize(s, TxInUndoDeserializer(&prevout));
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {
@ -100,12 +123,22 @@ class CBlockUndo
std::vector<CTxUndo> vtxundo; // for all but the coinbase
insertUndoType insertUndo; // any claims that went from the queue to the trie
claimQueueRowType expireUndo; // any claims that expired
insertUndoType insertSupportUndo; // any supports that went from the support queue to the support map
supportQueueRowType expireSupportUndo; // any supports that expired
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > takeoverHeightUndo; // for any name that was taken over, the previous time that name was taken over
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) {

View file

@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
// Application startup time (used for uptime calculation)
const int64_t nStartupTime = GetTime();
const char * const BITCOIN_CONF_FILENAME = "bitcoin.conf";
const char * const BITCOIN_PID_FILENAME = "";
const char * const BITCOIN_CONF_FILENAME = "lbrycrd.conf";
const char * const BITCOIN_PID_FILENAME = "";
ArgsManager gArgs;
@ -707,10 +707,10 @@ fs::path GetDefaultDataDir()
// Windows < Vista: C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Bitcoin
// Windows >= Vista: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin
// Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin
// Unix: ~/.bitcoin
// Unix: ~/.lbrycrd
#ifdef WIN32
// Windows
return GetSpecialFolderPath(CSIDL_APPDATA) / "Bitcoin";
return GetSpecialFolderPath(CSIDL_APPDATA) / "lbrycrd";
fs::path pathRet;
char* pszHome = getenv("HOME");
@ -720,10 +720,10 @@ fs::path GetDefaultDataDir()
pathRet = fs::path(pszHome);
#ifdef MAC_OSX
// Mac
return pathRet / "Library/Application Support/Bitcoin";
return pathRet / "Library/Application Support/lbrycrd";
// Unix
return pathRet / ".bitcoin";
return pathRet / ".lbrycrd";

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <cuckoocache.h>
#include <hash.h>
#include <index/txindex.h>
#include <nameclaim.h>
#include <policy/fees.h>
#include <policy/policy.h>
#include <policy/rbf.h>
@ -54,164 +55,9 @@
#define MICRO 0.000001
#define MILLI 0.001
* Global state
namespace {
struct CBlockIndexWorkComparator
bool operator()(const CBlockIndex *pa, const CBlockIndex *pb) const {
// First sort by most total work, ...
if (pa->nChainWork > pb->nChainWork) return false;
if (pa->nChainWork < pb->nChainWork) return true;
// ... then by earliest time received, ...
if (pa->nSequenceId < pb->nSequenceId) return false;
if (pa->nSequenceId > pb->nSequenceId) return true;
// Use pointer address as tie breaker (should only happen with blocks
// loaded from disk, as those all have id 0).
if (pa < pb) return false;
if (pa > pb) return true;
// Identical blocks.
return false;
} // anon namespace
enum DisconnectResult
DISCONNECT_OK, // All good.
DISCONNECT_UNCLEAN, // Rolled back, but UTXO set was inconsistent with block.
DISCONNECT_FAILED // Something else went wrong.
class ConnectTrace;
* CChainState stores and provides an API to update our local knowledge of the
* current best chain and header tree.
* It generally provides access to the current block tree, as well as functions
* to provide new data, which it will appropriately validate and incorporate in
* its state as necessary.
* Eventually, the API here is targeted at being exposed externally as a
* consumable libconsensus library, so any functions added must only call
* other class member functions, pure functions in other parts of the consensus
* library, callbacks via the validation interface, or read/write-to-disk
* functions (eventually this will also be via callbacks).
class CChainState {
* The set of all CBlockIndex entries with BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS (for itself and all ancestors) and
* as good as our current tip or better. Entries may be failed, though, and pruning nodes may be
* missing the data for the block.
std::set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator> setBlockIndexCandidates;
* Every received block is assigned a unique and increasing identifier, so we
* know which one to give priority in case of a fork.
CCriticalSection cs_nBlockSequenceId;
/** Blocks loaded from disk are assigned id 0, so start the counter at 1. */
int32_t nBlockSequenceId = 1;
/** Decreasing counter (used by subsequent preciousblock calls). */
int32_t nBlockReverseSequenceId = -1;
/** chainwork for the last block that preciousblock has been applied to. */
arith_uint256 nLastPreciousChainwork = 0;
/** In order to efficiently track invalidity of headers, we keep the set of
* blocks which we tried to connect and found to be invalid here (ie which
* were set to BLOCK_FAILED_VALID since the last restart). We can then
* walk this set and check if a new header is a descendant of something in
* this set, preventing us from having to walk mapBlockIndex when we try
* to connect a bad block and fail.
* While this is more complicated than marking everything which descends
* from an invalid block as invalid at the time we discover it to be
* invalid, doing so would require walking all of mapBlockIndex to find all
* descendants. Since this case should be very rare, keeping track of all
* BLOCK_FAILED_VALID blocks in a set should be just fine and work just as
* well.
* Because we already walk mapBlockIndex in height-order at startup, we go
* ahead and mark descendants of invalid blocks as FAILED_CHILD at that time,
* instead of putting things in this set.
std::set<CBlockIndex*> m_failed_blocks;
* the ChainState CriticalSection
* A lock that must be held when modifying this ChainState - held in ActivateBestChain()
CCriticalSection m_cs_chainstate;
CChain chainActive;
BlockMap mapBlockIndex;
std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*> mapBlocksUnlinked;
CBlockIndex *pindexBestInvalid = nullptr;
bool LoadBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params& consensus_params, CBlockTreeDB& blocktree) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
bool ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams& chainparams, std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> pblock);
* If a block header hasn't already been seen, call CheckBlockHeader on it, ensure
* that it doesn't descend from an invalid block, and then add it to mapBlockIndex.
bool AcceptBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
bool AcceptBlock(const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex, bool fRequested, const CDiskBlockPos* dbp, bool* fNewBlock) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
// Block (dis)connection on a given view:
DisconnectResult DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& view);
bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex,
CCoinsViewCache& view, const CChainParams& chainparams, bool fJustCheck = false);
// Block disconnection on our pcoinsTip:
bool DisconnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, DisconnectedBlockTransactions *disconnectpool);
// Manual block validity manipulation:
bool PreciousBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& params, CBlockIndex* pindex) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(cs_main);
bool InvalidateBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindex) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
void ResetBlockFailureFlags(CBlockIndex* pindex) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
bool ReplayBlocks(const CChainParams& params, CCoinsView* view);
bool RewindBlockIndex(const CChainParams& params);
bool LoadGenesisBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams);
void PruneBlockIndexCandidates();
void UnloadBlockIndex();
bool ActivateBestChainStep(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindexMostWork, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, bool& fInvalidFound, ConnectTrace& connectTrace);
bool ConnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindexNew, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, ConnectTrace& connectTrace, DisconnectedBlockTransactions &disconnectpool);
CBlockIndex* AddToBlockIndex(const CBlockHeader& block) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
/** Create a new block index entry for a given block hash */
CBlockIndex* InsertBlockIndex(const uint256& hash) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
* Make various assertions about the state of the block index.
* By default this only executes fully when using the Regtest chain; see: fCheckBlockIndex.
void CheckBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params& consensusParams);
void InvalidBlockFound(CBlockIndex *pindex, const CValidationState &state);
CBlockIndex* FindMostWorkChain() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
void ReceivedBlockTransactions(const CBlock& block, CBlockIndex* pindexNew, const CDiskBlockPos& pos, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
bool RollforwardBlock(const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& inputs, const CChainParams& params) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
} g_chainstate;
struct CDiskTxIndex;
CChainState g_chainstate;
CCriticalSection cs_main;
BlockMap& mapBlockIndex = g_chainstate.mapBlockIndex;
@ -239,6 +85,7 @@ arith_uint256 nMinimumChainWork;
CFeeRate minRelayTxFee = CFeeRate(DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE);
CAmount minFeePerNameClaimChar = MIN_FEE_PER_NAMECLAIM_CHAR;
CBlockPolicyEstimator feeEstimator;
CTxMemPool mempool(&feeEstimator);
@ -247,7 +94,7 @@ std::atomic_bool g_is_mempool_loaded{false};
/** Constant stuff for coinbase transactions we create: */
const std::string strMessageMagic = "Bitcoin Signed Message:\n";
const std::string strMessageMagic = "LBRYcrd Signed Message:\n";
// Internal stuff
namespace {
@ -290,12 +137,15 @@ CBlockIndex* FindForkInGlobalIndex(const CChain& chain, const CBlockLocator& loc
return chain.Genesis();
std::unique_ptr<CCoinsViewDB> pcoinsdbview;
std::unique_ptr<CCoinsViewCache> pcoinsTip;
std::unique_ptr<CBlockTreeDB> pblocktree;
// FIXME: make unique_ptr
CClaimTrie *pclaimTrie = nullptr;
enum class FlushStateMode {
@ -579,13 +429,15 @@ static bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker(const CChainParams& chainparams, CTxMemPool
// Rather not work on nonstandard transactions (unless -testnet/-regtest)
std::string reason;
if (fRequireStandard && !IsStandardTx(tx, reason))
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, reason);
return state.DoS(0, false, (reason == "dust" ? REJECT_DUST : REJECT_NONSTANDARD), reason);
// Do not work on transactions that are too small.
// A transaction with 1 segwit input and 1 P2WPHK output has non-witness size of 82 bytes.
// Transactions smaller than this are not relayed to reduce unnecessary malloc overhead.
return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "tx-size-small");
// NOTE: LBRY does not honor this node rule.
/* return state.DoS(0, false, REJECT_NONSTANDARD, "tx-size-small"); */
// Only accept nLockTime-using transactions that can be mined in the next
// block; we don't want our mempool filled up with transactions that can't
@ -641,6 +493,7 @@ static bool AcceptToMemoryPoolWorker(const CChainParams& chainparams, CTxMemPool
CCoinsView dummy;
CCoinsViewCache view(&dummy);
@ -1091,7 +944,7 @@ bool ReadBlockFromDisk(CBlock& block, const CDiskBlockPos& pos, const Consensus:
// Check the header
if (!CheckProofOfWork(block.GetHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams))
if (!CheckProofOfWork(block.GetPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams))
return error("ReadBlockFromDisk: Errors in block header at %s", pos.ToString());
return true;
@ -1159,17 +1012,54 @@ bool ReadRawBlockFromDisk(std::vector<uint8_t>& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex
return ReadRawBlockFromDisk(block, block_pos, message_start);
bool withinLevelBounds(int nReduction, int nLevel)
if (((nReduction * nReduction + nReduction) >> 1) > nLevel)
return false;
nReduction += 1;
if (((nReduction * nReduction + nReduction) >> 1) <= nLevel)
return false;
return true;
CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
int halvings = nHeight / consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
// Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined.
if (halvings >= 64)
if (nHeight == 0)
return 400000000 * COIN;
else if (nHeight <= 5100)
return 1 * COIN;
else if (nHeight <= 55000)
int l = nHeight - 5000;
int nLevel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < l; i+=100)
return nLevel * COIN;
CAmount nStartingSubsidy = 500 * COIN;
int nLevel = (nHeight - 55001) / consensusParams.nSubsidyLevelInterval;
int nReduction = ((-1 + (int)sqrt((8 * nLevel) + 1)) / 2);
while (!(withinLevelBounds(nReduction, nLevel)))
if (((nReduction * nReduction + nReduction) >> 1) > nLevel)
CAmount nSubsidyReduction = nReduction * COIN;
if (nSubsidyReduction >= nStartingSubsidy)
return 0;
CAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
// Subsidy is cut in half every 210,000 blocks which will occur approximately every 4 years.
nSubsidy >>= halvings;
return nSubsidy;
return nStartingSubsidy - nSubsidyReduction;
bool IsInitialBlockDownload()
@ -1321,10 +1211,12 @@ void UpdateCoins(const CTransaction& tx, CCoinsViewCache& inputs, CTxUndo &txund
// mark inputs spent
if (!tx.IsCoinBase()) {
for (const CTxIn &txin : {
bool is_spent = inputs.SpendCoin(txin.prevout, &txundo.vprevout.back());
for(size_t i = 0; i <; i++) {
const CTxIn& txin =[i];
Coin coin{};
bool is_spent = inputs.SpendCoin(txin.prevout, &coin);
// add outputs
@ -1525,8 +1417,9 @@ static bool AbortNode(const std::string& strMessage, const std::string& userMess
LogPrintf("*** %s\n", strMessage);
throw "nasty";
userMessage.empty() ? _("Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details") : userMessage,
userMessage.empty() ? "Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details. System message: " + strMessage : userMessage,
"", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR);
return false;
@ -1544,13 +1437,22 @@ static bool AbortNode(CValidationState& state, const std::string& strMessage, co
* Restore the UTXO in a Coin at a given COutPoint
* @param undo The Coin to be restored.
* @param view The coins view to which to apply the changes.
* @param view The claim trieCache to which to apply the changes.
* @param out The out point that corresponds to the tx input.
* @return A DisconnectResult as an int
int ApplyTxInUndo(Coin&& undo, CCoinsViewCache& view, const COutPoint& out)
int ApplyTxInUndo(unsigned int index, CTxUndo& txUndo, CCoinsViewCache& view, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache, const COutPoint& out)
bool fClean = true;
Coin& undo = txUndo.vprevout[index];
unsigned int nClaimValidHeight = 0;
bool fIsClaim = false;
const auto claimIt = txUndo.claimInfo.find(index);
if (claimIt != txUndo.claimInfo.end()) {
nClaimValidHeight = claimIt->second.nClaimValidHeight;
fIsClaim = claimIt->second.fIsClaim;
bool fClean = true;
if (view.HaveCoin(out)) fClean = false; // overwriting transaction output
if (undo.nHeight == 0) {
@ -1565,6 +1467,59 @@ int ApplyTxInUndo(Coin&& undo, CCoinsViewCache& view, const COutPoint& out)
return DISCONNECT_FAILED; // adding output for transaction without known metadata
/* restore claim if applicable */
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (fIsClaim && DecodeClaimScript(undo.out.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
uint160 claimId{};
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
claimId = ClaimIdHash(out.hash, out.n);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
claimId = uint160(vvchParams[1]);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
int nValidHeight = static_cast<int>(nClaimValidHeight);
if (nValidHeight > 0 && nValidHeight >= undo.nHeight)
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Restoring %s to the claim trie due to a block being disconnected\n", __func__, out.hash.ToString(), out.n, name);
if (!trieCache.undoSpendClaim(name, COutPoint(out.hash, out.n), claimId, undo.out.nValue, undo.nHeight, nValidHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the claim\n", __func__);
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Not restoring %s to the claim trie because it expired before it was spent\n", __func__, out.hash.ToString(), out.n, name.c_str());
LogPrintf("%s: nValidHeight = %d, undo.nHeight = %d, nCurrentHeight = %d\n", __func__, nValidHeight, undo.nHeight, chainActive.Height());
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
int nValidHeight = static_cast<int>(nClaimValidHeight);
if (nValidHeight > 0 && nValidHeight >= undo.nHeight)
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Restoring support for %s in claimid %s due to a block being disconnected\n", __func__, out.hash.ToString(), out.n, name, supportedClaimId.ToString());
if (!trieCache.undoSpendSupport(name, COutPoint(out.hash, out.n), supportedClaimId, undo.out.nValue, undo.nHeight, nValidHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting support for the claim\n", __func__);
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Not restoring support for %s in claimid %s because the support expired before it was spent\n", __func__, out.hash.ToString(), out.n, name, supportedClaimId.ToString());
LogPrintf("%s: nValidHeight = %d, undo.nHeight = %d, nCurrentHeight = %d\n", __func__, nValidHeight, undo.nHeight, chainActive.Height());
// The potential_overwrite parameter to AddCoin is only allowed to be false if we know for
// sure that the coin did not already exist in the cache. As we have queried for that above
// using HaveCoin, we don't need to guess. When fClean is false, a coin already existed and
@ -1576,8 +1531,11 @@ int ApplyTxInUndo(Coin&& undo, CCoinsViewCache& view, const COutPoint& out)
/** Undo the effects of this block (with given index) on the UTXO set represented by coins.
* When FAILED is returned, view is left in an indeterminate state. */
DisconnectResult CChainState::DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& view)
DisconnectResult CChainState::DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& view, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache)
assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == view.GetBestBlock());
assert(pindex->GetBlockHash() == trieCache.getBestBlock());
bool fClean = true;
CBlockUndo blockUndo;
@ -1591,6 +1549,9 @@ DisconnectResult CChainState::DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, const CBlockI
const bool decremented = trieCache.decrementBlock(blockUndo.insertUndo, blockUndo.expireUndo, blockUndo.insertSupportUndo, blockUndo.expireSupportUndo, blockUndo.takeoverHeightUndo);
// undo transactions in reverse order
for (int i = block.vtx.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const CTransaction &tx = *(block.vtx[i]);
@ -1610,6 +1571,58 @@ DisconnectResult CChainState::DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, const CBlockI
// remove any claims
for (size_t j = 0; j < tx.vout.size(); j++)
const CTxOut& txout = tx.vout[j];
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> vvchParams;
if (DecodeClaimScript(txout.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
uint160 claimId;
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
std::string value(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
claimId = ClaimIdHash(hash, j);
LogPrintf("--- %s[%lu]: OP_CLAIM_NAME \"%s\" = \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name, SanitizeString(value),
claimId.GetHex(), hash.ToString(), j);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
claimId = uint160(vvchParams[1]);
LogPrintf("--- %s[%lu]: OP_UPDATE_CLAIM \"%s\" = \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name, SanitizeString(value),
claimId.GetHex(), hash.ToString(), j);
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Trying to remove %s from the claim trie due to its block being disconnected\n",
__func__, hash.ToString(), j, name);
if (!trieCache.undoAddClaim(name, COutPoint(hash, j)))
LogPrintf("%s: Could not find the claim in the trie or the cache\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
LogPrintf("--- %s[%lu]: OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name, supportedClaimId.GetHex(), hash.ToString(), j);
LogPrintf("%s: (txid: %s, nOut: %d) Removing support for claim id %s on %s due to its block being disconnected\n",
__func__, hash.ToString(), j, supportedClaimId.ToString(), name);
if (!trieCache.undoAddSupport(name, COutPoint(hash, j)))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong removing support for name %s in hash %s\n", __func__, name.c_str(), hash.ToString());
// restore inputs
if (i > 0) { // not coinbases
CTxUndo &txundo = blockUndo.vtxundo[i-1];
@ -1619,16 +1632,30 @@ DisconnectResult CChainState::DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, const CBlockI
for (unsigned int j =; j-- > 0;) {
const COutPoint &out =[j].prevout;
int res = ApplyTxInUndo(std::move(txundo.vprevout[j]), view, out);
/* int res = ApplyTxInUndo(std::move(txundo.vprevout[j]), txundo, view, trieCache, out); */
int res = ApplyTxInUndo(j, txundo, view, trieCache, out);
fClean = fClean && res != DISCONNECT_UNCLEAN;
// At this point, all of txundo.vprevout should have been moved out.
// Note: This comment is no longer true, but doesn't
// affect anything either since it's no longer accessed.
// move best block pointer to prevout block
assert(trieCache.getMerkleHash() == pindex->pprev->hashClaimTrie);
if (pindex->nHeight == Params().GetConsensus().nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight)
LogPrintf("Decremented past the extended claim expiration hard fork height\n");
@ -1669,7 +1696,7 @@ static bool WriteUndoDataForBlock(const CBlockUndo& blockundo, CValidationState&
if (pindex->GetUndoPos().IsNull()) {
CDiskBlockPos _pos;
if (!FindUndoPos(state, pindex->nFile, _pos, ::GetSerializeSize(blockundo, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION) + 40))
return error("ConnectBlock(): FindUndoPos failed");
return error("WriteUndoDataForBlock(): FindUndoPos failed");
if (!UndoWriteToDisk(blockundo, _pos, pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash(), chainparams.MessageStart()))
return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write undo data");
@ -1803,7 +1830,7 @@ static int64_t nBlocksTotal = 0;
* Validity checks that depend on the UTXO set are also done; ConnectBlock()
* can fail if those validity checks fail (among other reasons). */
bool CChainState::ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex,
CCoinsViewCache& view, const CChainParams& chainparams, bool fJustCheck)
CCoinsViewCache& view, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache, const CChainParams& chainparams, bool fJustCheck)
@ -1837,12 +1864,18 @@ bool CChainState::ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBl
uint256 hashPrevBlock = pindex->pprev == nullptr ? uint256() : pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash();
assert(hashPrevBlock == view.GetBestBlock());
// also verify that the trie cache's current state corresponds to the previous block
assert(hashPrevBlock == trieCache.getBestBlock());
// Special case for the genesis block, skipping connection of its transactions
// (its coinbase is unspendable)
if (block.GetHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) {
if (!fJustCheck)
return true;
/* return true; */
@ -1947,20 +1980,23 @@ bool CChainState::ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBl
// post BIP34 before approximately height 486,000,000 and presumably will
// be reset before it reaches block 1,983,702 and starts doing unnecessary
// BIP30 checking again.
CBlockIndex *pindexBIP34height = pindex->pprev->GetAncestor(chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Height);
//Only continue to enforce if we're below BIP34 activation height or the block hash at that height doesn't correspond.
fEnforceBIP30 = fEnforceBIP30 && (!pindexBIP34height || !(pindexBIP34height->GetBlockHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Hash));
/* assert(pindex->pprev); */
if (pindex->pprev)
CBlockIndex *pindexBIP34height = pindex->pprev->GetAncestor(chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Height);
//Only continue to enforce if we're below BIP34 activation height or the block hash at that height doesn't correspond.
fEnforceBIP30 = fEnforceBIP30 && (!pindexBIP34height || !(pindexBIP34height->GetBlockHash() == chainparams.GetConsensus().BIP34Hash));
// TODO: Remove BIP30 checking from block height 1,983,702 on, once we have a
// consensus change that ensures coinbases at those heights can not
// duplicate earlier coinbases.
if (fEnforceBIP30 || pindex->nHeight >= BIP34_IMPLIES_BIP30_LIMIT) {
for (const auto& tx : block.vtx) {
for (size_t o = 0; o < tx->vout.size(); o++) {
if (view.HaveCoin(COutPoint(tx->GetHash(), o))) {
return state.DoS(100, error("ConnectBlock(): tried to overwrite transaction"),
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-BIP30");
// TODO: Remove BIP30 checking from block height 1,983,702 on, once we have a
// consensus change that ensures coinbases at those heights can not
// duplicate earlier coinbases.
if (fEnforceBIP30 || pindex->nHeight >= BIP34_IMPLIES_BIP30_LIMIT) {
for (const auto& tx : block.vtx) {
for (size_t o = 0; o < tx->vout.size(); o++) {
if (view.HaveCoin(COutPoint(tx->GetHash(), o))) {
return state.DoS(100, error("ConnectBlock(): tried to overwrite transaction"),
REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-BIP30");
@ -1975,6 +2011,14 @@ bool CChainState::ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBl
// Get the script flags for this block
unsigned int flags = GetBlockScriptFlags(pindex, chainparams.GetConsensus());
// v 13 LBRYcrd hard fork to extend expiration time
if (pindex->nHeight == Params().GetConsensus().nExtendedClaimExpirationForkHeight)
LogPrintf("Incremented past the extended claim expiration hard fork height\n");
int64_t nTime2 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeForks += nTime2 - nTime1;
LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, " - Fork checks: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MILLI * (nTime2 - nTime1), nTimeForks * MICRO, nTimeForks * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
@ -1986,12 +2030,16 @@ bool CChainState::ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBl
CAmount nFees = 0;
int nInputs = 0;
int64_t nSigOpsCost = 0;
CDiskTxPos pos(pindex->GetBlockPos(), GetSizeOfCompactSize(block.vtx.size()));
std::vector<std::pair<uint256, CDiskTxPos> > vPos;
blockundo.vtxundo.reserve(block.vtx.size() - 1);
std::vector<PrecomputedTransactionData> txdata;
txdata.reserve(block.vtx.size()); // Required so that pointers to individual PrecomputedTransactionData don't get invalidated
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < block.vtx.size(); i++)
const CTransaction &tx = *(block.vtx[i]);
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> mClaimUndoHeights;
nInputs +=;
@ -2037,8 +2085,136 @@ bool CChainState::ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBl
bool fCacheResults = fJustCheck; /* Don't cache results if we're actually connecting blocks (still consult the cache, though) */
if (!CheckInputs(tx, state, view, fScriptChecks, flags, fCacheResults, fCacheResults, txdata[i], nScriptCheckThreads ? &vChecks : nullptr))
return error("ConnectBlock(): CheckInputs on %s failed with %s",
tx.GetHash().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
tx.GetHash().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
// To handle claim updates, stick all claims found in the inputs into a map of
// name: (txhash, nOut). When running through the outputs, if any claim's
// name is found in the map, send the name's txhash and nOut to the trie cache,
// and then remove the name: (txhash, nOut) mapping from the map.
// If there are two or more claims in the inputs with the same name, only
// use the first.
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint160> > spentClaimsType;
spentClaimsType spentClaims;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j <; j++)
const CTxIn& txin =[j];
const Coin& coin = view.AccessCoin(txin.prevout);
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (DecodeClaimScript(coin.out.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME || op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
uint160 claimId;
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
std::string value(vvchParams[1].begin(), vvchParams[1].end());
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
claimId = ClaimIdHash(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n);
LogPrintf("+++ %s[%lu]: OP_CLAIM_NAME \"%s\" = \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name, SanitizeString(value),
claimId.GetHex(), txin.prevout.hash.GetHex(), txin.prevout.n);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
claimId = uint160(vvchParams[1]);
LogPrintf("+++ %s[%lu]: OP_UPDATE_CLAIM \"%s\" = \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name, SanitizeString(value),
claimId.GetHex(), txin.prevout.hash.GetHex(), txin.prevout.n);
int nValidAtHeight;
LogPrintf("%s: Removing %s (%s) from the claim trie. Tx: %s, nOut: %d\n",
__func__, name, claimId.GetHex(), txin.prevout.hash.GetHex(), txin.prevout.n);
if (trieCache.spendClaim(name, COutPoint(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n), nValidAtHeight))
mClaimUndoHeights[j] = nValidAtHeight;
std::pair<std::string, uint160> entry(name, claimId);
LogPrintf("%s(): The claim was not found in the trie or queue and therefore can't be updated\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
LogPrintf("+++ %s[%lu]: OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM \"%s\" with claimId %s and tx prevout %s at index %d\n",
__func__, pindex->nHeight, name,
supportedClaimId.GetHex(), txin.prevout.hash.GetHex(), txin.prevout.n);
int nValidAtHeight;
LogPrintf("%s: Removing support for %s in %s. Tx: %s, nOut: %d, removed txid: %s\n",
__func__, supportedClaimId.ToString(), name, txin.prevout.hash.ToString(),
txin.prevout.n, tx.GetHash().ToString());
if (trieCache.spendSupport(name, COutPoint(txin.prevout.hash, txin.prevout.n), nValidAtHeight))
mClaimUndoHeights[j] = nValidAtHeight;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tx.vout.size(); j++)
const CTxOut& txout = tx.vout[j];
int op;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vvchParams;
if (DecodeClaimScript(txout.scriptPubKey, op, vvchParams))
if (op == OP_CLAIM_NAME)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
LogPrintf("%s: Inserting %s into the claim trie. Tx: %s, nOut: %d\n",
__func__, name, tx.GetHash().GetHex(), j);
if (!trieCache.addClaim(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), j), ClaimIdHash(tx.GetHash(), j), txout.nValue, pindex->nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the claim\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_UPDATE_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 3);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 claimId(vvchParams[1]);
LogPrintf("%s: Got a claim update. Name: %s, claimId: %s, new txid: %s, nOut: %d\n",
__func__, name, claimId.GetHex(), tx.GetHash().GetHex(), j);
spentClaimsType::iterator itSpent;
for (itSpent = spentClaims.begin(); itSpent != spentClaims.end(); ++itSpent)
if (itSpent->first == name && itSpent->second == claimId)
if (itSpent != spentClaims.end())
if (!trieCache.addClaim(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), j), claimId, txout.nValue, pindex->nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong updating the claim\n", __func__);
else if (op == OP_SUPPORT_CLAIM)
assert(vvchParams.size() == 2);
std::string name(vvchParams[0].begin(), vvchParams[0].end());
uint160 supportedClaimId(vvchParams[1]);
if (!trieCache.addSupport(name, COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), j), txout.nValue, supportedClaimId, pindex->nHeight))
LogPrintf("%s: Something went wrong inserting the support\n", __func__);
CTxUndo undoDummy;
@ -2046,7 +2222,43 @@ bool CChainState::ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBl
UpdateCoins(tx, view, i == 0 ? undoDummy : blockundo.vtxundo.back(), pindex->nHeight);
if (i > 0 && !mClaimUndoHeights.empty())
/* std::vector<CTxInUndo>& txinUndos = blockUndo.vtxundo.back().vprevout */
/* CTxUndo &txundo = blockUndo.vtxundo[i-1]; */
CTxUndo& txUndo = blockundo.vtxundo.back();
for (std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator itHeight = mClaimUndoHeights.begin(); itHeight != mClaimUndoHeights.end(); ++itHeight)
// Note: by appearing in this map, we know it's a claim so the bool is redundant
txUndo.claimInfo[itHeight->first] = { itHeight->second, true };
// The CTxUndo vector contains the heights at which claims should be put into the trie.
// This is necessary because some claims are inserted immediately into the trie, and
// others are inserted after a delay, depending on the state of the claim trie at the time
// that the claim was originally inserted into the blockchain. That state will not be
// available when and if this block is disconnected.
// It also contains whether or not any given txin represents a claim that should
// be put back into the trie. If we didn't find a claim or support in the trie
// or cache when trying to spend it, we shouldn't try to put a claim or support back
// in. Some OP_UPDATE_CLAIM's, for example, may be invalid, and so may never have been
// inserted into the trie in the first place.
vPos.push_back(std::make_pair(tx.GetHash(), pos));
pos.nTxOffset += ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
const auto incremented = trieCache.incrementBlock(blockundo.insertUndo, blockundo.expireUndo, blockundo.insertSupportUndo, blockundo.expireSupportUndo, blockundo.takeoverHeightUndo);
if (trieCache.getMerkleHash() != block.hashClaimTrie)
return state.DoS(100,
error("ConnectBlock() : the merkle root of the claim trie does not match "
"(actual=%s vs block=%s)", trieCache.getMerkleHash().GetHex(),
block.hashClaimTrie.GetHex()), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-claim-merkle-hash");
int64_t nTime3 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeConnect += nTime3 - nTime2;
LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, " - Connect %u transactions: %.2fms (%.3fms/tx, %.3fms/txin) [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", (unsigned)block.vtx.size(), MILLI * (nTime3 - nTime2), MILLI * (nTime3 - nTime2) / block.vtx.size(), nInputs <= 1 ? 0 : MILLI * (nTime3 - nTime2) / (nInputs-1), nTimeConnect * MICRO, nTimeConnect * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
@ -2065,7 +2277,9 @@ bool CChainState::ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBl
if (fJustCheck)
return true;
if (!WriteUndoDataForBlock(blockundo, state, pindex, chainparams))
if (pindex->pprev != nullptr &&
!WriteUndoDataForBlock(blockundo, state, pindex, chainparams) &&
return false;
if (!pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS)) {
@ -2076,6 +2290,7 @@ bool CChainState::ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBl
// add this block to the view's block chain
int64_t nTime5 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeIndex += nTime5 - nTime4;
LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, " - Index writing: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", MILLI * (nTime5 - nTime4), nTimeIndex * MICRO, nTimeIndex * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
@ -2182,6 +2397,8 @@ bool static FlushStateToDisk(const CChainParams& chainparams, CValidationState &
// overwrite one. Still, use a conservative safety factor of 2.
if (!CheckDiskSpace(48 * 2 * 2 * pcoinsTip->GetCacheSize()))
return state.Error("out of disk space");
if (!pclaimTrie->WriteToDisk())
return state.Error("Failed to write to claim trie database");
// Flush the chainstate (which may refer to block index entries).
if (!pcoinsTip->Flush())
return AbortNode(state, "Failed to write to coin database");
@ -2312,11 +2529,14 @@ bool CChainState::DisconnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& cha
int64_t nStart = GetTimeMicros();
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip.get());
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
assert(view.GetBestBlock() == pindexDelete->GetBlockHash());
if (DisconnectBlock(block, pindexDelete, view) != DISCONNECT_OK)
if (DisconnectBlock(block, pindexDelete, view, trieCache) != DISCONNECT_OK)
return error("DisconnectTip(): DisconnectBlock %s failed", pindexDelete->GetBlockHash().ToString());
bool flushed = view.Flush();
assert(pindexDelete->pprev->hashClaimTrie == trieCache.getMerkleHash());
LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, "- Disconnect block: %.2fms\n", (GetTimeMicros() - nStart) * MILLI);
// Write the chain state to disk, if necessary.
@ -2443,7 +2663,8 @@ bool CChainState::ConnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainp
LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, " - Load block from disk: %.2fms [%.2fs]\n", (nTime2 - nTime1) * MILLI, nTimeReadFromDisk * MICRO);
CCoinsViewCache view(pcoinsTip.get());
bool rv = ConnectBlock(blockConnecting, state, pindexNew, view, chainparams);
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
bool rv = ConnectBlock(blockConnecting, state, pindexNew, view, trieCache, chainparams);
GetMainSignals().BlockChecked(blockConnecting, state);
if (!rv) {
if (state.IsInvalid())
@ -2454,6 +2675,8 @@ bool CChainState::ConnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainp
LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, " - Connect total: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", (nTime3 - nTime2) * MILLI, nTimeConnectTotal * MICRO, nTimeConnectTotal * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
bool flushed = view.Flush();
flushed = trieCache.flush();
int64_t nTime4 = GetTimeMicros(); nTimeFlush += nTime4 - nTime3;
LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, " - Flush: %.2fms [%.2fs (%.2fms/blk)]\n", (nTime4 - nTime3) * MILLI, nTimeFlush * MICRO, nTimeFlush * MILLI / nBlocksTotal);
@ -3079,7 +3302,7 @@ static bool FindUndoPos(CValidationState &state, int nFile, CDiskBlockPos &pos,
static bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW = true)
// Check proof of work matches claimed amount
if (fCheckPOW && !CheckProofOfWork(block.GetHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams))
if (fCheckPOW && !CheckProofOfWork(block.GetPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams))
return state.DoS(50, false, REJECT_INVALID, "high-hash", false, "proof of work failed");
return true;
@ -3559,8 +3782,9 @@ bool ProcessNewBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const std::shared_ptr<cons
CValidationState state; // Only used to report errors, not invalidity - ignore it
if (!g_chainstate.ActivateBestChain(state, chainparams, pblock))
if (!g_chainstate.ActivateBestChain(state, chainparams, pblock)) {
return error("%s: ActivateBestChain failed (%s)", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
return true;
@ -3570,6 +3794,7 @@ bool TestBlockValidity(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams,
assert(pindexPrev && pindexPrev == chainActive.Tip());
CCoinsViewCache viewNew(pcoinsTip.get());
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
uint256 block_hash(block.GetHash());
CBlockIndex indexDummy(block);
indexDummy.pprev = pindexPrev;
@ -3583,7 +3808,7 @@ bool TestBlockValidity(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams,
return error("%s: Consensus::CheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
if (!ContextualCheckBlock(block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindexPrev))
return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlock: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
if (!g_chainstate.ConnectBlock(block, state, &indexDummy, viewNew, chainparams, true))
if (!g_chainstate.ConnectBlock(block, state, &indexDummy, viewNew, trieCache, chainparams, true))
return false;
@ -3982,6 +4207,7 @@ bool CVerifyDB::VerifyDB(const CChainParams& chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview,
nCheckLevel = std::max(0, std::min(4, nCheckLevel));
LogPrintf("Verifying last %i blocks at level %i\n", nCheckDepth, nCheckLevel);
CCoinsViewCache coins(coinsview);
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
CBlockIndex* pindex;
CBlockIndex* pindexFailure = nullptr;
int nGoodTransactions = 0;
@ -4024,7 +4250,7 @@ bool CVerifyDB::VerifyDB(const CChainParams& chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview,
// check level 3: check for inconsistencies during memory-only disconnect of tip blocks
if (nCheckLevel >= 3 && (coins.DynamicMemoryUsage() + pcoinsTip->DynamicMemoryUsage()) <= nCoinCacheUsage) {
assert(coins.GetBestBlock() == pindex->GetBlockHash());
DisconnectResult res = g_chainstate.DisconnectBlock(block, pindex, coins);
DisconnectResult res = g_chainstate.DisconnectBlock(block, pindex, coins, trieCache);
return error("VerifyDB(): *** irrecoverable inconsistency in block data at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
@ -4053,7 +4279,7 @@ bool CVerifyDB::VerifyDB(const CChainParams& chainparams, CCoinsView *coinsview,
CBlock block;
if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pindex, chainparams.GetConsensus()))
return error("VerifyDB(): *** ReadBlockFromDisk failed at %d, hash=%s", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString());
if (!g_chainstate.ConnectBlock(block, state, pindex, coins, chainparams))
if (!g_chainstate.ConnectBlock(block, state, pindex, coins, trieCache, chainparams))
return error("VerifyDB(): *** found unconnectable block at %d, hash=%s (%s)", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state));
@ -4090,6 +4316,7 @@ bool CChainState::ReplayBlocks(const CChainParams& params, CCoinsView* view)
CCoinsViewCache cache(view);
CClaimTrieCache trieCache(pclaimTrie);
std::vector<uint256> hashHeads = view->GetHeadBlocks();
if (hashHeads.empty()) return true; // We're already in a consistent state.
@ -4124,7 +4351,7 @@ bool CChainState::ReplayBlocks(const CChainParams& params, CCoinsView* view)
return error("RollbackBlock(): ReadBlockFromDisk() failed at %d, hash=%s", pindexOld->nHeight, pindexOld->GetBlockHash().ToString());
LogPrintf("Rolling back %s (%i)\n", pindexOld->GetBlockHash().ToString(), pindexOld->nHeight);
DisconnectResult res = DisconnectBlock(block, pindexOld, cache);
DisconnectResult res = DisconnectBlock(block, pindexOld, cache, trieCache);
return error("RollbackBlock(): DisconnectBlock failed at %d, hash=%s", pindexOld->nHeight, pindexOld->GetBlockHash().ToString());
@ -4145,7 +4372,9 @@ bool CChainState::ReplayBlocks(const CChainParams& params, CCoinsView* view)
uiInterface.ShowProgress("", 100, false);
return true;

View file

@ -11,12 +11,16 @@
#include <amount.h>
#include <claimtrie.h>
#include <coins.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include <index/txindex.h>
#include <nameclaim.h>
#include <protocol.h> // For CMessageHeader::MessageStartChars
#include <policy/feerate.h>
#include <script/script_error.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <txmempool.h>
#include <versionbits.h>
#include <algorithm>
@ -166,6 +170,8 @@ extern size_t nCoinCacheUsage;
extern CFeeRate minRelayTxFee;
/** Absolute maximum transaction fee (in satoshis) used by wallet and mempool (rejects high fee in sendrawtransaction) */
extern CAmount maxTxFee;
/** Used to calculate minimum fee for claim trie transactions **/
extern CAmount minFeePerNameClaimChar;
/** If the tip is older than this (in seconds), the node is considered to be in initial block download. */
extern int64_t nMaxTipAge;
extern bool fEnableReplacement;
@ -349,6 +355,170 @@ bool TestLockPointValidity(const LockPoints* lp);
bool CheckSequenceLocks(const CTransaction &tx, int flags, LockPoints* lp = nullptr, bool useExistingLockPoints = false);
* LBRY moved these from validation.cpp, for testcase & RPC usage
* Global state
struct CBlockIndexWorkComparator
bool operator()(const CBlockIndex *pa, const CBlockIndex *pb) const {
// First sort by most total work, ...
if (pa->nChainWork > pb->nChainWork) return false;
if (pa->nChainWork < pb->nChainWork) return true;
// ... then by earliest time received, ...
if (pa->nSequenceId < pb->nSequenceId) return false;
if (pa->nSequenceId > pb->nSequenceId) return true;
// Use pointer address as tie breaker (should only happen with blocks
// loaded from disk, as those all have id 0).
if (pa < pb) return false;
if (pa > pb) return true;
// Identical blocks.
return false;
class ConnectTrace;
enum DisconnectResult
DISCONNECT_OK, // All good.
DISCONNECT_UNCLEAN, // Rolled back, but UTXO set was inconsistent with block.
DISCONNECT_FAILED // Something else went wrong.
* CChainState stores and provides an API to update our local knowledge of the
* current best chain and header tree.
* It generally provides access to the current block tree, as well as functions
* to provide new data, which it will appropriately validate and incorporate in
* its state as necessary.
* Eventually, the API here is targeted at being exposed externally as a
* consumable libconsensus library, so any functions added must only call
* other class member functions, pure functions in other parts of the consensus
* library, callbacks via the validation interface, or read/write-to-disk
* functions (eventually this will also be via callbacks).
class CChainState {
* The set of all CBlockIndex entries with BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS (for itself and all ancestors) and
* as good as our current tip or better. Entries may be failed, though, and pruning nodes may be
* missing the data for the block.
std::set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator> setBlockIndexCandidates;
* Every received block is assigned a unique and increasing identifier, so we
* know which one to give priority in case of a fork.
CCriticalSection cs_nBlockSequenceId;
/** Blocks loaded from disk are assigned id 0, so start the counter at 1. */
int32_t nBlockSequenceId = 1;
/** Decreasing counter (used by subsequent preciousblock calls). */
int32_t nBlockReverseSequenceId = -1;
/** chainwork for the last block that preciousblock has been applied to. */
arith_uint256 nLastPreciousChainwork = 0;
/** In order to efficiently track invalidity of headers, we keep the set of
* blocks which we tried to connect and found to be invalid here (ie which
* were set to BLOCK_FAILED_VALID since the last restart). We can then
* walk this set and check if a new header is a descendant of something in
* this set, preventing us from having to walk mapBlockIndex when we try
* to connect a bad block and fail.
* While this is more complicated than marking everything which descends
* from an invalid block as invalid at the time we discover it to be
* invalid, doing so would require walking all of mapBlockIndex to find all
* descendants. Since this case should be very rare, keeping track of all
* BLOCK_FAILED_VALID blocks in a set should be just fine and work just as
* well.
* Because we already walk mapBlockIndex in height-order at startup, we go
* ahead and mark descendants of invalid blocks as FAILED_CHILD at that time,
* instead of putting things in this set.
std::set<CBlockIndex*> m_failed_blocks;
* the ChainState CriticalSection
* A lock that must be held when modifying this ChainState - held in ActivateBestChain()
CCriticalSection m_cs_chainstate;
CChain chainActive;
BlockMap mapBlockIndex;
std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*> mapBlocksUnlinked;
CBlockIndex *pindexBestInvalid = nullptr;
bool LoadBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params& consensus_params, CBlockTreeDB& blocktree) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
bool ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams& chainparams, std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> pblock);
* If a block header hasn't already been seen, call CheckBlockHeader on it, ensure
* that it doesn't descend from an invalid block, and then add it to mapBlockIndex.
bool AcceptBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
bool AcceptBlock(const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex, bool fRequested, const CDiskBlockPos* dbp, bool* fNewBlock) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
// Block (dis)connection on a given view:
DisconnectResult DisconnectBlock(const CBlock& block, const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& view, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache);
bool ConnectBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex* pindex,
CCoinsViewCache& view, CClaimTrieCache& trieCache, const CChainParams& chainparams, bool fJustCheck = false);
// Block disconnection on our pcoinsTip:
bool DisconnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, DisconnectedBlockTransactions *disconnectpool);
// Manual block validity manipulation:
bool PreciousBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& params, CBlockIndex* pindex) LOCKS_EXCLUDED(cs_main);
bool InvalidateBlock(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindex) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
void ResetBlockFailureFlags(CBlockIndex* pindex) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
bool ReplayBlocks(const CChainParams& params, CCoinsView* view);
bool RewindBlockIndex(const CChainParams& params);
bool LoadGenesisBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams);
void PruneBlockIndexCandidates();
void UnloadBlockIndex();
bool ActivateBestChainStep(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindexMostWork, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, bool& fInvalidFound, ConnectTrace& connectTrace);
bool ConnectTip(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindexNew, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, ConnectTrace& connectTrace, DisconnectedBlockTransactions &disconnectpool);
CBlockIndex* AddToBlockIndex(const CBlockHeader& block) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
/** Create a new block index entry for a given block hash */
CBlockIndex* InsertBlockIndex(const uint256& hash) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
* Make various assertions about the state of the block index.
* By default this only executes fully when using the Regtest chain; see: fCheckBlockIndex.
void CheckBlockIndex(const Consensus::Params& consensusParams);
void InvalidBlockFound(CBlockIndex *pindex, const CValidationState &state);
CBlockIndex* FindMostWorkChain() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
void ReceivedBlockTransactions(const CBlock& block, CBlockIndex* pindexNew, const CDiskBlockPos& pos, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
bool RollforwardBlock(const CBlockIndex* pindex, CCoinsViewCache& inputs, const CChainParams& params) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main);
* LBRY moved these from validation.cpp, for testcase & RPC usage
* Closure representing one script verification
* Note that this stores references to the spending transaction
@ -460,9 +630,13 @@ extern std::unique_ptr<CCoinsViewDB> pcoinsdbview;
/** Global variable that points to the active CCoinsView (protected by cs_main) */
extern std::unique_ptr<CCoinsViewCache> pcoinsTip;
/** Global variable that points to the active CClaimTrie (protected by cs_main) */
extern CClaimTrie *pclaimTrie;
/** Global variable that points to the active block tree (protected by cs_main) */
extern std::unique_ptr<CBlockTreeDB> pblocktree;
* Return the spend height, which is one more than the inputs.GetBestBlock().
* While checking, GetBestBlock() refers to the parent block. (protected by cs_main)

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(rescan, TestChain100Setup)
WalletRescanReserver reserver(&wallet);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nullBlock, wallet.ScanForWalletTransactions(oldTip, nullptr, reserver));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wallet.GetImmatureBalance(), 100 * COIN);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wallet.GetImmatureBalance(), 2 * COIN);
// Prune the older block file.
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(rescan, TestChain100Setup)
WalletRescanReserver reserver(&wallet);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(oldTip, wallet.ScanForWalletTransactions(oldTip, nullptr, reserver));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wallet.GetImmatureBalance(), 50 * COIN);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wallet.GetImmatureBalance(), 1 * COIN);
// Verify importmulti RPC returns failure for a key whose creation time is
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(coin_mark_dirty_immature_credit, TestChain100Setup)
// credit amount is calculated.
wallet.AddKeyPubKey(coinbaseKey, coinbaseKey.GetPubKey());
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wtx.GetImmatureCredit(), 50*COIN);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(wtx.GetImmatureCredit(), 1 * COIN);
static int64_t AddTx(CWallet& wallet, uint32_t lockTime, int64_t mockTime, int64_t blockTime)
@ -327,13 +327,13 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(ListCoins, ListCoinsTestingSetup)
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.begin()->second.size(), 1U);
// Check initial balance from one mature coinbase transaction.
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(50 * COIN, wallet->GetAvailableBalance());
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1 * COIN, wallet->GetAvailableBalance());
// Add a transaction creating a change address, and confirm ListCoins still
// returns the coin associated with the change address underneath the
// coinbaseKey pubkey, even though the change address has a different
// pubkey.
AddTx(CRecipient{GetScriptForRawPubKey({}), 1 * COIN, false /* subtract fee */});
AddTx(CRecipient{GetScriptForRawPubKey({}), 10 * CENT, false /* subtract fee */});
list = wallet->ListCoins();
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.size(), 1U);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(boost::get<CKeyID>(list.begin()->first).ToString(), coinbaseAddress);