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This issue tracker is only for technical issues related to Bitcoin Core.

General bitcoin questions and/or support requests are best directed to the Bitcoin StackExchange.

For reporting security issues, please read instructions at

If the node is "stuck" during sync or giving "block checksum mismatch" errors, please ensure your hardware is stable by running memtest and observe CPU temperature with a load-test tool such as linpack before creating an issue!

Describe the issue

What behavior did you expect?

How reliably can you reproduce the issue, what are the steps to do so?

What version of Bitcoin Core are you using, where did you get it (website, self-compiled, etc)?

What type of machine are you observing the error on (OS/CPU and disk type)?

Any extra information that might be useful in the debugging process.

This is normally the contents of a debug.log or config.log file. Raw text or a link to a pastebin type site are preferred.