The LBRYPress plugin communicates with the LBRY network via a locally installed SDK. This allows you to create a channel and then mirror any published posts to it. If there are images or GIFs in your post, they will be uploaded to (our blockchain-based image sharing service) automatically during the publishing process. If you update a post, it will also be updated on LBRY.
1) Download the latest LBRY SDK from our [releases page for your OS]( `wget`
LBRY will require LBRY Credits (LBC) for the channel creation and publishing process. You can send LBC to this instance from your LBRY app / using the Wallet page > Send Credits. If you need LBC, sign up for a [ account]( or [email us]( After you send credits, they will be split into smaller amounts to facilatate the publishing process. You can also use an existing LBRY Desktop wallet/ channel by copying the default_wallet file into `~/.local/shared/lbry/lbryum/wallets`.
1) We will take the amount you deposited and split it up by a factor of 10. So if you deposited 10 LBC, you'd split it into 100: The decimal point is important, it will throw back an error without the structure of "10.0"
1) Go to the LBRYnet Directory `cd /opt/lbry/`
1) Run the command: `./lbrynet account fund --amount=10.0 --outputs=100`
Experimental: republishing of images in blog to LBRY: If images or GIFs are used in your posts, they should be reposted to as thumbnails similar to the upload process in the LBRY apps. This feature may not work correctly at this time.
**Please note: channel creation is no longer available and that step can be skiped.**
If you don't already have a channel, this process will create a channel in your local wallet where your blog posts will be published to. Any available channels will be listed at the top of the **Your Publishable Channels** section.
1) Enter the channel you wish to create and publish under in **New Channel Name**.
1) Enter a bid of 0.01 (this can be increased later).
1) Click **Add New Channel**.

## Publishing blog posts
When creating a new post (or editing an existing one), you can choose to publish it on LBRY as well. If you do this for an existing post, it will not retain the original date (known issue).
1) Give it a few minutes to publish and be confirmed on the network (there's currently no feedback for this). Check your content at: