2022-02-12 17:26:37 -06:00
< ? php
* ============================
* Prints the post meta box
* @ package LBRYPress
* ============================
defined ( 'ABSPATH' ) || die (); // Exit if accessed directly
$unnatributed = ( object ) array (
'name' => 'none (anonymous)' ,
'claim_id' => 'null'
// Generate a custom nonce
$lbrynonce = wp_create_nonce ( 'lbry_publish_post_nonce' );
$channels = LBRY () -> daemon -> channel_list ();
$channels [] = $unnatributed ;
$post_id = $post -> ID ;
$cur_channel = ( get_post_meta ( $post_id , LBRY_POST_PUB_CHANNEL , true ) ? get_post_meta ( $post_id , LBRY_POST_PUB_CHANNEL , true ) : get_post_meta ( $post_id , '_lbry_channel' , true ) );
$default_channel = get_option ( LBRY_SETTINGS )[ 'default_lbry_channel' ];
// Sort the channels in a natural way
usort ( $channels , array ( 'LBRYPress' , 'channel_name_comp' ) );
< section >
< input type = " hidden " id = " _lbrynonce " name = " _lbrynonce " value = " <?php echo $lbrynonce ?> " >
< div >< label for = " LBRY_POST_PUB_CHANNEL " class = " lbry-meta-bx-label lbry-meta-bx-channel " >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Channel to Publish: ' , 'lbrypress' ); ?> </label></div><?php
$options = '' ;
if ( $channels ) {
foreach ( $channels as $index => $channel ) {
$options .= '<option class="lbry-meta-bx-option lbry-meta-option-channel" value="' . esc_attr ( $channel -> claim_id ) . '"' ;
2022-02-12 18:10:06 -06:00
if ( isset ( $cur_channel ) ? $cur_channel : $cur_channel = $default_channel ) {
2022-02-12 17:26:37 -06:00
$options .= selected ( $cur_channel , $channel -> claim_id , false );
$options .= '>' . esc_html__ ( $channel -> name , 'lbrypress' ) . '</option>' ;
printf (
'<select id="' . esc_attr ( '%1$s' ) . '" name="' . esc_attr ( '%1$s' ) . '">' . esc_html ( '%2$s' ) . '</select>' ,
} ?>
< div >< label for = " LBRY_POST_PUB_LICENSE " class = " lbry-meta-bx-label lbry-meta-bx-license " >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Publish License: ' , 'lbrypress' ); ?> </label></div><?php
$licenses = LBRY () -> licenses ;
$options = '' ;
$default_license = get_option ( LBRY_SETTINGS )[ LBRY_LICENSE ];
$cur_license = get_post_meta ( $post_id , LBRY_POST_PUB_LICENSE , true );
// Create options list, select current license
if ( $licenses ) {
foreach ( $licenses as $value => $name ) {
$options .= '<option class="lbry-meta-bx-option lbry-meta-bx-option-last lbry-meta-option-license" value="' . esc_attr ( $value ) . '"' ;
2022-02-12 18:10:06 -06:00
if ( isset ( $cur_license ) ? $cur_license : $cur_license = $default_license ) {
2022-02-12 17:26:37 -06:00
$options .= selected ( $cur_license , $value , false );
$options .= '>' . esc_html__ ( $name , 'lbrypress' ) . '</option>' ;
printf (
'<select class="" id="' . esc_attr ( '%1$s' ) . '" name="' . esc_attr ( '%1$s' ) . '">' . esc_html ( '%2$s' ) . '</select>' ,
</ section >