2022-02-12 12:04:52 -06:00
* ============================
* Uses the post-admin action so we can use the $_POST global variable to build our cURL request and the settings are not saved to the datbase
* @package LBRYPress
* ============================
defined('ABSPATH') || die(); // Exit if accessed directly
if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
// Generate a custom nonce
$lbrynonce = wp_create_nonce( 'add_channel_nonce' );
// Build the page
<h3><?php _e( 'Available Channels To Publish', 'lbrypress' ); ?></h3>
2022-02-23 09:22:44 -06:00
<?php //LBRY()->admin->available_channels_callback(); ?>
2022-02-24 08:40:23 -06:00
if ( $_POST['lbry_new_channel'] ) {
2022-02-12 12:04:52 -06:00
$channel = $_POST['lbry_new_channel'];
$channel = str_replace( '@', '', $channel );
$channel = str_replace( ' ', '-', $channel );
$clean_input['lbry_new_channel'] = sanitize_user( $channel );
2022-02-24 08:40:23 -06:00
if ( $_POST['lbry_channel_bid_amount'] ) {
2022-02-12 12:04:52 -06:00
$channel_bid = $_POST['lbry_channel_bid_amount'];
$clean_input['lbry_channel_bid_amount'] = number_format( floatval( $channel_bid ), 3, '.', '' );
2022-02-23 09:22:44 -06:00
$channel_list = LBRY()->daemon->channel_list();
if ( $channel_list ) { ?>
<table class="lbry-channel-table">
<th data-sort="channel">Channel</th>
<th data-sort="lbryurl">LBRY URL</th>
<th data-sort="claim">Claim ID</th>
<th data-sort="date">~ Date Created</th>
<th data-sort="posts">Posts</th>
<th data-sort="support" colspan="2">Supports</th>
<?php foreach ( $channel_list as $channel ):
$claim_id = $channel->claim_id;
$results = LBRY()->daemon->claim_search( $claim_id );
$lbry_url = $results->items[0]->canonical_url;
if ( $lbry_url ) {
$open_url = str_replace( 'lbry://', 'https://open.lbry.com/', $lbry_url );
$timestamp = $results->items[0]->meta->creation_timestamp;
$created_date = date( 'm-d-y', $timestamp );
$support_amount = $results->items[0]->meta->support_amount;
$claims_published = $results->items[0]->meta->claims_in_channel;
if ( ( $support_amount < 0.001 ) ) {
( $support_amount = '0' );
} elseif ( ( $support_amount < 0.01 ) && ( $support_amount >= 0.001 ) ) {
( $support_amount = '<0.01' );
} elseif ( ( $support_amount <= 0.099 ) && ( $support_amount >= 0.01) ) {
( $support_amount = number_format( floatval( $support_amount ), 2, '.', '' ) );
} elseif ( ( $support_amount <= 0.999 ) && ( $support_amount >= 0.1 ) ) {
( $support_amount = number_format( floatval( $support_amount ), 1, '.', '' ) );
} else {
( $support_amount = number_format( intval( $support_amount ) ) );
$init_bid = $results->items[0]->amount; ?>
2022-02-24 08:40:23 -06:00
<td><a href=""><?php esc_html_e( $channel->name, 'lbrypress' ); ?></a></td>
<td><a href="<?php echo esc_url( $open_url, 'lbrypress' ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( esc_url( $lbry_url ), 'lbrypress' ); ?></a></td>
2022-02-23 09:22:44 -06:00
<td><?php esc_html_e( $claim_id, 'lbrypress' ); ?></td>
<td><?php esc_html_e( $created_date, 'lbrypress' ); ?></td>
<td><?php esc_html_e( $claims_published, 'lbrypress' ); ?></td>
<td><span title="Initial Bid Amount: <?php esc_html_e( $init_bid, 'lbrypress' ); ?>"><img src="<?php echo esc_url( plugin_dir_url( LBRY_PLUGIN_FILE ) . 'admin/images/lbc.png' ) ?>" class="icon icon-lbc bid-icon-lbc channel-bid-icon-lbc"><?php esc_html_e( $support_amount, 'lbrypress' ); ?></span></td>
<td><a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'lbrypress', 'tab' => 'supports', 'claim_id' => urlencode( esc_html__( $claim_id, 'lbrypress' ) ), 'supporting_channel' => urlencode( esc_html__($channel->name, 'lbrypress' ) ), 'current_support' => urlencode( floatval($support_amount) ), 'init_bid' => urlencode( floatval($init_bid) ), 'lbry_url' => urlencode( esc_url($lbry_url) ) ), 'admin.php' ) ) ); ?>">Add</a></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<tr><th colspan="7">LBRYPress</th></tr>
<?php } else { ?>
<p>Looks like you haven't added any channels yet, feel free to do so below:</p>
<?php }
2022-02-12 12:04:52 -06:00
<form action="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin-post.php' ) ); ?>" method="post" id="lbry_add_channel_form">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="lbry_add_channel">
<input type="hidden" name="_lbrynonce" value="<?php echo $lbrynonce ?>">
<h3><?php echo _e( 'Create a New Channel', 'lbrypress' ); ?></h3>
<table class="form-table" role="presentation">
<th scope="row">New Channel Name</th>
<?php printf(
'<input type="text" id="' . esc_attr('%1$s') . '" name="' . esc_attr('%1$s') . '" value="@' . esc_attr('%2$s') . '" placeholder="your-new-channel" required>',
); ?>
<p>No Spaces in Channel Names</p>
<th scope="row">Amount of LBC to Bid</th>
<?php printf(
'<input type="number" step="0.001" min="0.001" id="' . esc_attr('%1$s') . '" name="' . esc_attr('%1$s') . '" value="' . esc_attr('%2$.3f') . '" required>',
); ?>
<p>Current minimum bid <img src="<?php echo esc_url( plugin_dir_url( LBRY_PLUGIN_FILE ) . 'admin/images/lbc.png' ) ?>" class="icon icon-lbc bid-icon-lbc"> 0.001</p>
<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" class="button button-primary" value="Create New Channel"></p>
} else {
2022-02-23 09:22:44 -06:00
<p> <?php __( "You are not authorized to perform this operation.", 'lbrypress' ) ?> </p>
2022-02-12 12:04:52 -06:00